The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-31, Page 1Premier Frost addresses the gathering before cutting the ribbon in the background to officially open the new Court House. Seen -
in front row, left to right: Reeve Harry Gowdy (Howick), Reeve W. McKenzie (Exeter), Reeve D. Beuerman (McKillop), members
of building committee. Behind, from left to right: Ontario Attorney General Kelso Roberts; Chief Justice J. C. McRuer of the
Supreme Court of Ontario. Location is main entrance to the new Court House.
109th Year—No. 22
Special Services And Supper
Mark baptist Anniversaries
The 50th anniversary of the lay-
ing of the cornerstone of Goderich
Baptist Church, and the 54th an-
,niversary:.of, the. founding _-of. _the
congregation; were abserved here
Rev. Benson Jones, of Burtch I
and Scotland Baptist Churches,
spoke at both services Sunday and
also following the anniversary sup;
per on Monday evening. Rev. John
Ostrom, of Clinton Baptist Church,
assisted in the Sunday evening
service, which was attended by
many members of the Clinton and
Auburn congregations. All ser-
vices were under the direction of
Rev. S. H. Findlay, pf Goderich
Baptist Church.
At the Sunday services, special
anthems were provided by the
Choir directed by Mrs. E. Donald-
son. There was a solo by James
McCarthy and a duet by Miss
Dianne Frith and William Chase
at the morning service. On Sun-
day evening, there was a duet by
Rev. and Mrs. Ostrom, and she
also favored with a solo. The
accompaniment was provided by
Mrs. Robert Phillips, organist of
Auburn Baptist Church.
The anniversary turkey supper
on Monday was sponsored by Flor-
ence Pletsch Mission Circle under
the convenership of Mrs. George
Griffiths and Mrs. William Barlow.
Rev. Jones, speaking after the
supper, told the assembly: "Whe-
ther we are very close to God's
Kingdom or a long distance away,
unless we take that final steep to
profess our faith, we are not in."
The title of his talk was "The
Worm, The Lukewarm And The
He pointed out, "There's nothing
wrong with money, if you use it in
the right way, but when money
becomes a god, or when, with the
young people, popularity becomes
a god, or fame or power,- then it
is dragging us back from doing
the wishes of Jesus."
Mrs. Jones, wife of the guest
preacher, favored with a solo, "The
Love of God." t'
U t,- 0
Buy Diwri's
At Carlow
Two-year-old James Bruce Mc-
Phee drowned when he fell into
a deep well on the farm of his
grandfather, Gordon McPhee, R.R.
5, Goderich, around noon on Wed-
nesday. The victim is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. James McPhee, of
R.R. 5, Goderich.
Despite efforts to revive him by
two rescuers—George Westlake, of
Wingham, and Frank Mellwain, of
Carlow—and Dr. J. W. Wallace, the
boy did not respond. After arti-
ficial respiration had been applied
for an hour and a half, the doctor
pronounced 'him dead.
The mother, Mrs. James McPhee,
told Cpl. H. M. Sayeau, of Ontario
Provincial Police. that she had
been watching the boy play on
the verandah when he disappeared.
She and Mrs. Gordon McPhee,
the grandmother, started to search
minutes later and Mrs. McPhee, sr.,
noticed a board missing off the
well, which' is normally covered.
The missing boy was found float-
ing face down in the water. There
was a drop of 15 feet from the
top of the well to the water level,
said Cpl. Sayeau.
Mr. Westlake, who was passing
in his car, was hailed and gave
help as did Mr. Meillwain who fol-
loe,veed. They managed to bring the
young lad out of the well.
Besides his parents, James Bruce
McPhee is survived by a one -year-
old sister. Funeral arrangements
are in charge of the Arthur funeral
home, Auburn.
Sunday Is Shut-in's Day;
Tag Day Will Be Saturday
Sunday, June 3rd, is Shut-in's
Day, the day set apart especially
for remembrance of those who,
through illness or,other disability,
are deprived of the ordinary op-
portunities of life.
In many parts of Canada, the
United States, England and Scot-
land there will be special church
services, radio and TV programs,
and shut-ins will be remembered
with visits, letters and other forms
of attention. Here in Canada at
least. 150 shut-ins will be taken to
the special morning service at Carl-
ton Street United Church, Toronto,
where they will be entertained to
lunch and each presented with a
rose by the Dale Estate, Brampton.
In Montreal the Dalse Welfare
Club, a Jewish organization, have
slated 445 patients in five hosbitals
for visitation, as well as private
individuals in their own homes.
1n other centres, such as Fort.
William, Port Arthur, Hamilton,
Kitchener -Waterloo, and Wallace -
burg there will be special services
where the shut-in folk will be
taken to church and for drives
throri'gh the countryside . after-
ward. On Saturday the Shut-in's Day
Association, which has its head-
quarters in Goderieh, will ask for
the financial support of the towns-
people through the medium of its
annual tag day. As no one is
backing the Association financially
Here is a small portion of the crowd which gathered in front of the new Court House Tuesday afternoon for the official opening
ceremony. With the lawn freshly seeded, snow fences had to be erected to keep the public on the sidewalks only leading to the
Court House. A loud speaker system carried the speakers' voices to. others at a distance !round the Square. The ceremony was
conducted at the main entrance which faces South Street.
Hon: A. Kelso Roberts, Attorney -General of Ontario,'at left, who intimated at an address here
Tuesday he would, at the proper time in th future, submit a plan aimed at correcting
what he considers "an antiquated system of law administration in Ontario." Premier Leslie
Frost, at right, officiated at Court House opening ceremony.
Ontario Attorney General
Praises' County Court_ Room
(none of its dicers or represent-
atives. receive ny financial remun-
etration for his, or her, services)
the continuance of this charitable
work depends entirely upon the
generosity of its friends. It. La' to
be hoped that on Saturday its
friends will he many ,and their
contributions generous.
Voluntary taggers, both girls and
boys, are needed for Saturday ---
Shut-in's Tag Day in (god( -rich.
Will any who wish to assist in this
work please eontact Ernie Barker,
phone 10864W before • Saturday
morning. ,
"Outside of the Supreme Court
of Canada I have never seen an
equal to that of the court room
in the new Huron County Court
House," stated Hion. A. Kelso
Roberts, Q.C., Attorney General of
Ontario, who was guest speaker
at the Tuesday noon luncheon at
Hotel Bedford, preceding the of-
ficial Court House opening cere-
Referring to the building es a
whole, 13e said he was "impressed
and astonished with the magnific-
ence of the structure," Balling it
"a symbol of law and order."
Hon. Mr.. Roberts stated he was
"concerned with the antiquated
system of law administration in
Ontario" and it was his plan to
submit, at the proper time, the
results of a survey that had been
made with a view to improving
provincial administration. He said
he hoped that his submission would
find favor with the powers that
be. One thing that was not likely
to be changed, he said, was that
of the jury system which he con-
sidered as "one of the bulwarks
of freedom."
Reeve Orval E. Taylor, of East
Wawanosh, chairman of the 1956
County Building Committee, s
chairmanof the luncheon gather-
ing, attended by some 100 persons.
Among the guests at the head
table were: Tom Pryde,
Premier Leslie Frost; Warden John
Fischer; Rev. R. G. MacMillan;
Mayor J. E. Huckins; John Hanna,
M.P.P.; Hon. J. C. McRuer, Chief
Justice of Ontario; Judge Frank
Fingland; Elston Oardiff, M.P.;
Warden II. B. Elson, of Middlesex;
Dr. G. E. Hall, president of the
University of Western Ontario; ex -
warden Wm. Dale; Warden D. M.
Lamont, of Bruce; Waren W. C.
Jack, of Perth; Warden G. G.
Branton, of Lambton; Magistrate
I). E. Holmes; Warden C. Worry,
of Grey; W. McKenzie, 1954-55
chairman of building committee;
Reeve Cecil Blake, -of Ashfield,
member of building committee;
Reeve H. Gowdy, of 1lowick, of
building committee; Reeve D.
[letterman, of McKillop, of building
committee; ex -warden Earl Camp
bell; L .Ashforth, chief inspector
of the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce; Major H. W. King and
Capt. J. M. Gayer, of the regiment-
al band of the Regiment of ('an-
adian Guards. w
Grace was said by Rev. R. G.
MacMillan. Mayor J. E. Huckins
extended an official welcome on
,be .lf of the town of Goderich to
Attorney General Roberts was
introduced by Tom Pryde.
Speaking' on behalf of the visit-
ing wardens of surrounding coun-
ties, Warden H. B. -Elson, of Mid-
dlesex, stated, "We adtnire the
County of Huron as a leader. You
have long shown us the way in
leadership and once again you have
done it in erecting a building that
is a land -mark."
"This is a great day for Huron
County," said Elston Cardiff, M P
"Huron has always stood out and
Will continue to do so," he stated,
Warden John V. Fischer of
Huron expressed thanks to all
those who had come to Goderich
for the special occasion;
Ladies Luncheon
Some 100 ladies gathered at
Knox Presbyterian Church for a
luncheon on Tuesday noon Words
of welcome were expressed by
Mrs. John V. Fischer, wife of the
warden of Huron County
Mrs. A. H. Erskine, wife of
Huron County's clerk -treasurer.
introduced the head table guests
Among these were: Mrs. ,L C. Mc
Ruer; Mrs. Frank Fingland; Mrs.
John Hanna; Mrs. Elston (Cardiff;
Mrs. Tom Pry�le; Mrs. W. Mc,
Kenzie; Mrs. O. E. Taylor; Mrs
L. G. Bridgman; Mrs.'�I). I . Holmes;
Mrs. Roy Cousins.
A vote of thanks eves shoved to
the ladies of Knox Church for the
luncheon by Mrs. Wm. McKenzie.
wife of the chairman of -the county
building committee of 195.4 5a5.
o a n n
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson
and Jean are visiting in Fort Wil-
liam with Mr. Wilkinson's par-
ents, who are celebrating their
Diamond Wedding Anniversary on
May 2. -They will visit. Mrs. Wil-
kinson's brother, Mr. G. E. Mayne
in -Winnipeg.
Mics Jeneane Voting, nurse -in -
training -at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, is spending her holidays
with liner parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Scott. Young, (la mhria road.
Mrs. Wm. Ritchie and Mrs. Wm.
Leeson„ have returned from a trip
to Detroit and Went Vii groin.
Subscription In Canada $3.00
in U.S $4.00
Single Copies 7e
Premier Frost Opens Court House In
Historical And impressio • Ceremony
In a colorful, historic ceremony 1I ;•.c -h, ' sri,d the premier, "in this
witnessed by hundreds of Huron I Holiday And historic area, which is termed the
Sdu i-e.r-.hut. is nut– It
Open mouse 1 ure.�o Seehis beautiful buil-dingy :° -
County citizens; ' Hon. LesIt M. t .
Frost, Premier of Ontario, cut the
.f ribbcin" o at1rciafiy 'sir ii.r �''ilfrr•
atial, new $700,000 IIuron County
Court House on the Square in
Goderich Tuesday afterno�,n.
Today is D -Day for local tax-
payers. May 31st marks the
deadline for payment of the iri
first stallrrment of taxes.
Aftei�-June est interest is add-
ed to the first installment at
the rate of one-half per cent
per month. Wednesday after-
�.noon saw taxes coping in at a
normal rate, according to
Town Clerk S. II. Blake. Tax
Collector William Sturdy is
convalescing from an ,illness
and Mrs. Sturdy is temporar-
ily filling the post.
•0 0 0
Goderich Girl Guides won the
silver cup for the highest score
when 250 Guides -met for the an-
nual Perth-Iluroir Division Field
Day at Exeter. Area Commission-
er, 'Nies. Bruce Connell, of Galt,
presented the cup to Miss Uda
McDonald, captain of Goderich
Company.Company.The award was won in compete
tion with companies from Mitchell,
Listowel, Tavistock, (Clinton, Hen-
sel], St. Marys, Milverton, Bay-
field, Brussels, Zurich, Exeter,
Centralia RCAF Station and Clin-
ton RCAF Station.
Competitions included tests on
company drill, delivering mess-
ages, sending Morse code, sema-
phore signals and tracking.
The ribbon -cutting ceremony, in '
which Premier Frei was assisted l
by Hon. J. C. McRuer, ('h:el Justice 1
of Ontario, took place almost exact 1
ly 100 years after the opening of
the old Court douse. which was
dc,'troycd by fire on February 26,
A new century of service was'
hailed with the sounding of the
chimes of the new Court House
clock, which was officially started
by Mayor J. E. Huckins of Gode-
Ram, which sprinkled just be-
fore the program began in front of
the ('ourt House at 2.30 p.m.,
fortunately held off until the cere-
monies were completed.
A touch of majesty and a splash
of color were added by the pre-
sence of the 60.piece Canadian
Guards Bapd, smartly uniformed
in busbies, gold trimmed red tunics
and blue trousers. Rated as Can-
ada's finest military bandsmen,
they played a stirring musical
salute to the new Curt House.
An important role was also played
by the 59 members of Goderich
Girls' Trumpet Band, attired in
smart uniforms and gold -trimmed
capes of royal purple.
Musical Salute
Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band
struck up a musical salute as the
premier and other dignitaries ar-
rived at the new. Court .House in a
body. Premier Frost's first duty
was to inspect a- guard of honor,
composed of members of Huron
County Canadian Legion branches.
After the Canadian Guards Band
played "0 Canada" in the flag -be
decked setting, the chairman's re-
marks were made to the crowd by
Orval E. Taylor, reeve of Fast
Wawanosh Township and 1956
chairman of the County Building
Committee. -
"It is rather a coincide`rtce," he
said, ''that the old Huron County
Court House was started in 1854.
finished in 1856 and the .new build-
ing was started in 1954 and finish
ed in 1956, completing a full hund-
red year cycle." e
He said that Hurop County
Council was "building for the fu
ture" and that all councillors had
Canadian Guards Band
In Thrilling Concert
Four hundred people heard a
thrilling musical performance by
the 60 -piece Regimental Band of
The Canadian Gfiarde in tile audi-
torium of Goderich District Col-
legiate Institute on Tuesday even-
ing. A silver Collection of $70 was
turned over to the Goderich Girls'
Trumpet Band to aid in buying
The band, which was under the
direction of Capt. .1 M. Gayfer,
opened the program with a stirring
salute to the Town of Goderich
Later in the programs Mayor J. E.
Huckins, of Goderich, who is band-
master of the (i-irlso Trumpet Band,
was invited to act as ,guest con-
ductor for the "Washington Post"
march by Sousa.
Among the many favorites play-
ed by the colorful band were Loch
Lomond, Blue Tango, selcet ions
from II.M.S.- Pinafore, Guardsmen
of Canada and a few hymns.
Major II. W. King is the regi
mental ofiirer in charge of the
band's current tour, which is aimed
at creating prestige for the Can-
adian Army and indirectly stimu-
lating recruiting.
The bandsmen came to Goderich,
at no coat to the town, with the
compliments of the Department of
National Defence. Mayor Huckins
informed The Signal -Star that
1 sere was absolutely no truth in a
revalent rumor that the town had
hired the hand to open the new
("ourt. House. The band played at
the opening of the building Tues-
day afternoon.
To mark the historic occas-
ion of the opening of Huron
County's new Court House on
Tuesday, Premier Leslie Frost
proclaimed Monday, June 4, a
holiday for the students of
both Goderich Public School
and Goderich District Col-
legiate Institute.
The Premier pointed out the
need of impressing upon the
students—the citizens of to-
morrow—the great traditions
associated with Huron County.
The Court House will be
open on Monday evening from
7 to 9 o'clock to enable the
general public to tour through
the new building.- Everyone
is welcome — from near or
from far.
been unanimous in their support
of the project.
The invocation and dedication
was conducted by Rev. R. G. Mac-
Millan, of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Goderich. On behalf of
the citizens of Huron Coijnty, he
dedicated the building "as a sym-
bol of the unity of its people."
Thomas Pryde, MPP, predicted
that the • new building will be a
model for court houses to be built
in other parts of the Province in
the future. He introduced Premier
Premier Frost
"It is a pleasure to
e in Gode-
• r
Yc,added "it is a
t titular'_tiie5s ife- To De
gret,i'i'ar' Isy�
this guard of honor, formed of
representatives of a dozen Legion
branches in this part of the pro-
"I should like lo pay a little
tribute' i't this tinte to the people
ut Huron and Bruce," Premier
Frost stated.. He went on to ex-
plam that he had always been
artrac:d by the many Scottish
names and connections in this part
of Ontario.
"Many of you hie today are
descendants of those people who
built the fiat Huron County Court
Not only had the people of
Huron and Bruce branched out to
found other communities in West
ern Ontario, but they had mother-
ed other provinces, said the prem-
ier. Ile referred particularly to
the pioneering role which district
residents had played -in Western
"This great community, going .
back to the 1820's, has always been
dedicated to stability, progress,
education and all the things which
are basic to_ this Province of On-
No part of Canada, he maintain-
ed, is better known or more highly
regarded than Huron County and
the neighboaing area.
Dedication Important
Premier Prost himself felt the.
the most, important part of the
Court House opening program was
(Continued on page 6) -
When a break came in the weather during' the latter .hart of last week
following an abnormally backward spring, farmers lost no' time i1
rushing seeding operations. Last Friday on the farm of Alert Wataol,
R.R. 1, Port Albert, seeding was quickly rushed to complctOa$
Seated at the wheel of the tractor is Carman Kerr, R.R. 1, Goners!,.
Standing nn the seeder is Aleu Watson and Har'I"y 1<t;i rrur11d tit
collie dog went along for the ride, too. Alen 'MataBB Liao 'WT.*
farming for more than 40 years. He worlied with his f:2ii%err, the
late James Watson, who wds Milled hi 1022 ^akTsl :l tcstfl lie Miam
driving ran away during The haying season. Sineo that time, Mr
has operated the farnt'on his own. S.. Th oto by U. it