HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-24, Page 17I \ THURSDAY, MAY 2sith, 1950 THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR MANY DIFFERENT OFFICIALS CARRY waedonuell, who later Weenie Justice of the Court of Appeal. Judge, reingland practised In Ter- cet° until 1930 wh.eri he molt to ON WORK OF THE COUNTY OF HURON of the late William ryden. Clinton to take over the practice continued the practice until his Carrying on the work a •thiY• Yanisetes departments which serve the citizens of Huron County are more -people than the average per- son realiies. Before the new ur House was built some of these departments were, due to lac/ of , space, housed in other -quarters -tphraanctithcallyof athe C° tirU of tthRemousl°will 70, found under the same roof in the new Court House. Following is a brief resume of the people who serve you in the various' departments of uron County: As secretary of the Building Committee since its formation, A. H. Erskine, clerk -treasurer of Huron County, has played an im- portant part in all operations lead- ing up to the opening of the new Court House here. He was ap- pointedtreasurer of the county in 1934 and was Made clerk -treasurer in 1951. Born in Atwood, he attended At- wood Public 'School and Listowel High School. At the age of 17, he joined the 64th Battery at Guelph. and_theneesernesi overseas. in France and Belgium with the 7th Canadian Siege Battery in World War I. His first venture into the ad- ministrative side of government was at Blyth where he became clerk and treasurer of the village in 1929. John G. Berry joined the Huron County staff eight years ago and was appointed deputy clerk -treas- urer in 1951. His duties include being in charge of the accounting for the engineer's office. A native of Toronto, M. Berry served in the Royal Canadian Air ,Iaorce for four years and was with G. H. Wood & Co., as assistant credit manager previous to moving to Gotlerich. Another Member of •the staff in the office of the e aunty clerk -treas- urer is Mrs. Bruce Erskine, of Goderich. Magistrate Holmes Xagistrate D. E. Holmes repre- sents the third generation of his family to hold an office in the Huron County Court House. His grandfather, the late Dr. W. J. R. Holmesrewas county treasurer for many yegrs up until his death in 1917. The magistrate's father, the late- D. Holmes, was Crown At- torney of Huron County from 1927 until 1931, when he was appointed judge of Simcoe County and moved to Barrie. Magistrate Holmes succeeded his biller as Crown Attorney and held -This post for 18 years. In 1948, he accepted an appointment as Magistrate of Huron County, and Sara -Then holies- been ap- pointed Judge of Juvenile Court and Family Court as well. He has now completed 25 years in the role of Crown 'prosecutor and on the bench in Huron County. Born in Goderich, he went to Wingham with his family when he was very young. His father prac- tised law there until his appoint- ment as Crown Attorney here. During World War I, the present magistrate joined the "161's," the Huron Battalion, hut later trans- ferred to the Royal Flying Corps. He was wounded while flying over France and hospitalized 'back to England. After graduating from Osgoode Hall in Toronto in 1920, he was invited to join Senator William Proudfoot and J. L. Killoran in the practice of law in Goderich. The firm became known as Proutfoot, Killoran and Holmes. The senator died in 1922 and Mr. Killoran left the firm a year or so later to ac- cept an appointment as a judge. In his duties, he is. assisted by Mrs. Mable Gray, who is magis- trate's court clerk and justice of the peace. Judge Fingland Judge Frank Fingland received his appointment to the Huron County bench in December, 1954. Born in Hallett Township, he at- tended Goderich and Clinton Col- legiates. During World War I, he joined the 161st Huron Battalion aside later served in Prance with the 18th Battalion. Upon his re- turn to Canada, he entered Uni- versity of Toronto and obtained his B.A. degree in 1922. In 1926, he graduated from Osgoode Hall with his LLB. degree, after com- pleting articles with Norman S. appointment as judge. Another key person in county court affairs is Miss Evelyn A. Cooper, of Goderich, Who is court reporter. A Seaforth native, H. Glenn Hays, QC, was appointed CroWn Attorney and Clerkof the Peace for Huron County ireAugust, 1943. Before his appointment, he was a member of the law fine of Mc- Connell & Hays, of Seaforth. He had gone there to practise follow- ing his graduation from Qsgoode Hall in 1938, During World War II, he served with the Royal Canadian Navy and in 1945 svas appointed Dependents Allowance Board Representative for the Navy in Western Canada. He was appointed Xing's Counsel in December, 1950. His wife, the former Roberta Johnston, is the daughter of the late Robert Johnston, former sheriff and registrar of the Supreme and Surrogate Courts in Huron 'County. Sheriff Nelson Hill, who took office on February 1, 1941, is also local registrar of Supreme Court ef Ontatrio, registrar of Surrogate Court and clerk of Huron County Court. Born in Mullett Township, he operated a hardware store in Auburn for 12 years. In mo, he moved to Goderich to enter the general insurance business, which he carried on until his appoint- ment as sheriff. Other employees in the sheriff's office here are Mrs. Nell Coates, deputy sheriff, and Mrs. Jean Clements, deputy registrar. ,,,,,, ro 040 - i " .• ,,..... ,.. .:... - ..,......,... ... ...,.......:. ........ .:i....,.,04.,..,.....,o.. ' ....... wv:,-W-':-. 1 1 A Above Is shownthe-pwgresst made --ron-ihe new Court Rouse up until DeCeinbek, 1951 -At- this Mile the foundation" had been poured. Toronto in 1940. She was made ts,eneeezwies, ,were, ,erecting, 0,1314s,...4. .the first tQrey. orAlig new building. Five carloads , of cement had been used up,'.' -toe, December, 1955 with sal more Coining. - ' :- - - ' ' - ' .saapentendvenwthpoof. Rtherr.Chwilxiterdris, . .. . • retired in 1946. Court Crier One of the Most poRtalar Court House . personalities is George James, court crier, Who marked. his EUi birthday on April 10. He has held the position of court crier since 1921 and also was caretaker up until 1940. 'The new County Engineer, James Britnell, took office on the first of this month. ,t orn and educated In Toronto, he comes to Goderich from London, where he was em- ployed by Imperial Oil Ltd. He succeeded Peter 'Patterson, who repnesented the third generation of Hhiusrefanmeollyuntoty. on ccupy that office i There ape 400 miles of county roads in Huron and they are maii. tained by a work force of 100 men. The five foremen are: Josepi Riley, south half; William A. Wright, north half; W. J. Hallahan, con- struction; John Snell, bridge, and Bert Craig, garage. Alex A. Alexander has a well rounded experience in county af- fairs, „having served on Huron County 'Council for nine years be- fore his appointment to the posi- tion of county assessor -4n 1948. In 1945, at the age of 37, he was the youngest warden in the coun- ty's history. In his office in the new Huron County Court.House, he is assisted by Miss Dorothy McCabe. The M.0.11, London -born Dr. R. M. Aldis was appointed by Huron County Coun- cil in 1949 to be medical officer of health and director of Huron County Health Unit, which had just been organized. He received his elementary, secondary and medical education in London be- fore going to Milverton, where he was associated in general practice for two and a -half years. Then he entered the School of Hygiene. University of Toronto, and did post -graduate work in public health for one year before accept- ing the Huron County post. He resided in Clinton for five years while the Huron County Health Unit was located there, but he moved his home to Goderich when the office was transferred two -years ago. Miss Norph Cunningham Is supervisor of nursing, while Mi -est Jean Marshall and Miss Dorothy Sewell are public healtli nurses attached to the unit. Members of the office staff are Miss Wilda Wil - see, ,Miss Beryl Pollard and Mrs. Betty Hesselwood. Dr. T. R. Melady is 'public health veterinarian, William Empey is chief sanitary inspector and Robert Hale is sanitary inspector. Mrs. Mary Chaffee, who has been a social worker since 1919, is direc- tor of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County. After using a residence `on Lighthouse street as headquarters for the past five years, the society now has offices in the new Court House. Huron County's first social work - Mrs. ClWfee came here from Miss Clare McGowan is aagigtant director and Mrs. Ewan Rio and Miss Gertrude Wilkes are ti) oth social workers. Other e slployCcS are Mrs. Mildred Simpson, *tee Secretary, and Miss Marie Lyddiatt. M. Ford is registrar in charge of uron County Registry 0 tice North greet in Goderich. A native of Goderich Township, he Verne to reside in the town in 1900 and carried on a general insurance business pfrevious to accepting the appointment as registrar in Sep- tember, 1955. Other employees in the office are -Miss elllizabeth-Tobie, -deputy registrar; Miss Marjorie Macfie and Miss Lottie Jackson. Caretaker Jim Sheardown direct. ed the staff which did the big job of cleaning and polishing the new Court House in preparation for the RAGS WM opening, Genial Jim, who wag -4 screant-malor the CanaTian Army in World War 11, 13-9 focen on to lituron County .shit ciao IV3 vegular a$Sttant ia <lrek Polls Walter Focodt is superin- at Briton. Harvey C. Jolpston teVent of the Comity Home stag is purchasing agent and farm man- ager of the home, which emp/ms 24 workers altogether. R. W. 4ell was appointed Gover- nor el Huron County Jail, on Vic- toria street north, in 1950 after the death of J. It. Feynolds. Mr. Bell, a -veteran of—W.th -Virorld Wars, had been turnkey since 1944. Chief turnkey now is John D. Robertson and guards are W. G. Vreeth, 'M. N. Mae, Quaid and•Bert Allen. Mrs. J. ‘1. Reynolds, widow of the late governor, is now an her 29ticp. Wet' 45 kilfrOn .of the itrotitu- Irari)n County's first probatWa ,oilicer is Wiliiant R. Vrayens an ordaralcd Anglican elergi-atan, wh eOlfiaqS Lore from Millbrook ut the PPt%rough distriieto Mr. Craven took over his duties May 1 And ha,s an 'office lwateci next to that of Magit'atc D. E. Itoltnes In the new Court Mace. Public School 1aspeefot3'3, IL Kinkead and a Glen -Gardiner have jnint. (aces in the. new ('o.ur Fionse. Mr, Eirkkeact, who has Jur- wilsiet„apprdion orrivtocier_ in Z38. Mt ar iner, 'who is inspector for Anon No. 2 area, was named to hi.s. pro= sent post eight yearn ago. Mrs. Allee Jean Eeknaler, of Goderich, is librarian for Huron County. OUR ROOTS GO DEEP in the colorful history of Huron County. it is, therefore, with justifiable pride that we salute Huron County and its impressive new Court House, pointing the way to a new era in the county's long history. The Town of Go erich 17, It Was Our Pleasure To Be Associated With Huron County Council In The Construction • Of The New Court House. Other Ellis -Don Projects Now Under Construction General Hospital, Owen Sound Federal Building, St. Marys St. Joseph Parish Hall, Chatham 1' Vamaco Aluminum Products, Strathroy LONDON THE (1118 1 re: Northern Life Bldg., London Central Ordinance Depot, London Wolseley Barracks, London School of Business Administration, U. W. O., London General Contractors CANADA