HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-24, Page 8PAVX iGJC '1'
Mrs. J. MacEwan
Heads Ja y asses
Mrs. Jean MaeEwaai was elected
president of the Goderich Jayeettes
at their annual meeting held Wed-
nesday eve inns of last week at the
British Exchange Hotel.
Others elected were: vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Jean Chisholm; secre-
tary, Mrs. Audrey Orittnandy; treas-
urer, Mrs. Marcor ie Yoimg.
A very iniormetive report was
given by igra. Barbara Clarke, Jay-
cette dele alto` the Jaycee con-
vention;ld in Hamilton.
At the "elhse of the meeting a
peny anef,Uon was' held which was
muds enjoyed by everyone.
As of January 1, 1956, Canada
had 1,400 public, private and fed-
eral 'hospitals of all kinds.
of Dungannon
DDU'NG,ANNON, firay 21. --Mr. and
Mrs. Reg ►:a11 were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. John iltyan on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stothers,
Kathy Jean and Jimmy, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc-
Leod, at Kincardine.
Visitors over the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin and
]betty were Mr. and Mrs. James
Smith and children, of Molesworth.
Miss Ann Porte, of London, was
a guest with Mrs. Irvine Henry on
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed, Jun,
Eleanor and Jewel spent Sunday
with the lady's mother, Mrs.
James Montgomery, of Lucknow.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McAllister for the
week -end were: Mr.. and Mrs.
Jane Parker
Raisin Pie
Jane Parker Large
Angel Ring
Jane Parker Cinnamon
Breakfast Rolls
Bernard ••rahns, Dundas; Mr. and
Mrs. Perey Delmer and Jean, and
Mas. James McKenzie, of Kitch-
Mr. and Mrs. George Whitam
and children, of Toronto, spent the
week -end with Mar. and Mrs. Robert
Stothers and .family.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John
Bradley at Anaberley on SSnday.
Films on Ireland. --On Monday
night of last week a congregation-
al supper was served by the ladies
of Dungannon Presbyterian
Church. At the conclusion of the
meal, Rev. W. McClean gave an
interesting illustrated travelogue
of their recent trip to Ireland.
Mrs. McClean gave a brief sketch
of Belfast and Dublin.
W.M.S.—T11e May meeting of the
W.M.S. of thePresbyterian Church
was at the home of Mrs. James
Wilson with 17 members and ene
visitor present. Mrs. H. Stothers
presided and Mrs. Arthur Stewart
took the devotional. Prayer was
by Mrs. Wallace Wilson. Mrs.
James Wilson read the previous
report. An invitation from Kin-
cardine Auxiliary to the 75th an-
niversary in June was accepted.
Mrs. McClean ga'e a talk on the
study book. Mrs. Allan Reed gave
the treasurer's report.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and son,
Jack, Mrs. Mason McAllister and
Miss Mabel Reid attended the fun-
eral of their cousin, Miss Mabel
McNaughton, at Guelph, on Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd, Ryan
and Sheila, of Toronto, were week-
end visitors with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan.
Mr. John Ryan is confined to
his bed under the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon, of
You'll Saye
SAVE 10c
each 39c
SAVE tot
each 49c
SAVE 2c'
each 27c
Jane 4'drkcv' SAVE 5c
Raisin Bread 216 -oz loaves 33,
Jane Parker
White Bread 24 -oz loaf 15c
Pato to.fre,agl rrOC ;-
Popular Brands
Cigarettes ch of 200s 2.99
Plain or Pimento
Chateau Cheese 'h -Ib 31c
A&P — it'u All Pure Coffee 4 -oz. jar 99c
Instant Coffee 2 -oz tar 53,
V S Licorice
12 -oz pkg S c
McCormick Slices
Lemon & Orange 2 -Ib pkg 49c
Heinz ar Gerber's
Baby Foods 4 5 -oz tins 374
P. L. Fancy Red
Sockeye Salmon 'i9s tin 47c
Cropp's Choice
Fruit Cocktail
A&P Milk
Yukon Club (Contents
Ginger Ale
Yukon Club (Contents
Soda -
215 -oz tins 39c
216 -oz tins 25c
2 30 -oz Ws 25c
Shoulder Pork ib 29
BuUPork, l^ 37
�uif Park Chops _
Mince Beef l_
ologna (b'
the 413 25°
WhateehterCh,Were vi tors ,with . Mrs. Wilfred Dentia nd•
Mrs- Irvine Henry osa Sunday Miss lfelly McLean, patient at
Mr. and Airs. Palmer Kilpatrick Wingham General Hospital, is
and fax ite, of Toronto, visited the some better after admittance two
hatter's ,mother, Mrs. J. Long, of
Bennsiller, and also Mrs. S. J. Kil-
patrick over the holiday.
Mrs. Herb Stothere spent last
tveelt to Goderich with .her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Sheldo ' ;• axter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClure and
children, of Elmira, were holiday-
ing with friends over the weekend.
Miss Jean Errington, of Toronto,
was home for the holiday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Er-
Mrs. S. J.Kilpatrick was hostess
to a birthday dinner in honor of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. . Eugene
Hansen, of East Tawas, Michigan,
on Sunday.
Students hoarse over the holiday
were: Delmer Maize and Lois Web-
ster, of Stratford Teachers' Col-
lege; Douglas Reid, of the Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Mrs. Stanley Abel and children,
of St. Thomas, and her mother,
Mrs. Albert Campbell, of Auburn,
Mrs. Robert Ritchie, of ducknow,
and Mr. Lane Gardner, of Zion,
were holiday visitors with Mrs.
Richard Gardner and Mrs. R. Fitz-
Dungannon Modern Cooks. '--
The second meeting of the Dun-
gannon Modern Cooks was held at
the home of Mrs. Richard Kilpat-
rick. There were 17 members
present. The roll call was a good
food habit.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and
children and Mrs. Simon McKay
visited Mr. and Mrs. Van •Horna
and Mr. and Mrs. James Blair at
London on Sunday.
Super Right, Smoked Rindless
Lake Erie, Fresh Caught
Perch Fillets
Wheatley Brand Haddock
Fish Sticks
1 -Ib pkg 53d
1b 43c
10 -oz pkg 31,
Fancy Ungraded As to Size — Doz. $1.95
Keiffer Dessert Standard -- Doz. $1.95
Whole Kernel — Doz. $1.95
Choice Halves -- Doz. $1.95
Salado — SAVE 4c
St. Lawrence —•
SAVE 4c,
Now Crop Yellow Bantam, Fancy Grade, ,Large Full Cobs
for 35c
New Crop, No. 1 Grade Warped
CAROTS 2 cello bags 25,
Cuban Red SpnniJh, Very Finest For Canning, Size 12 4 for 990
PINAPPLES ..c^ 2 5<
New, Calrern:n Long White
':.,/i cysnte ,Money Gr: de, Sucetlent Eating
re'iaee Effffeetpvo Until
OtAtitrdayy• Mciy 2i9ih,
10 G3.
3 -Ib cello bag 39,
3 20 -oz tins 49,
3 20 -oz tins 49,
3. -oz tins 49
3 15 -oz tins 49
box of 60s'7 " t
2-1b tin 63`
16 -oz 'lar 25C
each 5c
weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. John Y. reedy and
Michael, of 5trathroy, were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Heber Eedy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson (nee
Edna 'Rivett), Toro';to, were Sun-
day visitors at the latter's home
and the former's hose, Carlow.
DUNGANNON, May 22.— Mrs.
James Thorne, wife of Goderich
Rural Telephone lineman, 'return-
ed last week after spending the
winter months with her son in
Vancouver, B.C. She • received
word that her mother was critical-
ly ill in England and Mrs. Thorne
left early Saturday morning for
a visit.
Mr. Harvey Andrews, 4th con-
cession, West Wawanosh Township
farmer, is in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, under observation for a
baffling form of rheumatism that
has been very painful.
Carleton and -.Franklin--Sal ol•,
Toronto, were home for the week-
Visitors with Mrs. Mathew
Shackleton on the week -end were
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gray and
children, Helen and Garry, Tor-
onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Benson
Shackleton and family, Crewe.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shackleton
and Fancy, Detroit, Mrs. John Mc-
Whinney, Nile, Mrs. 'Robt. Reid,
Port Elgin, Amos Cornelius, Gode-
rich, Howard Sproule and his Bon-
in -law, Elwin Sillib, attended the
wedding of his brother, Wilfred
Sproule, Oshawa, on -Saturday.
The CGIT met for their meeting
on Monday night. Films were
ebewn Ori The Last Supper and
Gethsemane, -
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown,
i tai he ani seven,_. of _.Dundass
were week -end v,sitors with Mr, .
,n,,- alta' ••
1 Wayne.
-Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Blake for the week -end were -Mr.
and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, Cheryl
and Bryan, Toronto.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Anderson on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Findlay, St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aithill and
Paul, of Walton, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott.
\lr. and Mrs. Fred Findlay, St.
Themes, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Anderson called on Mrs. S. J. Kil-
patrick on Sunday.
The United Church W.A. met at
the, home of Mrs. Geo. Hedges on
Friday night. Mrs. Harvey Alton.
peesident, led the meeting. Mfrs.
Rolsterrrs,n read the Scripture les-
son. Mrs. John Finnigan gave the
lesson. thought. Mrs. Fred Young
led in prayer. The minutes were
read and financial report given.
Twenty members answered the roll
call. Mr. K. K. Dawson thanked
the ladies for donation to the new
heating system. It was decided
to get ,new banquet tables for the
church. Mrs. Howard Johnston
gave a report of the Huron Pres-
byterial meeting in Clinton. Fur-
ther plans were made for the June
garden party and committees were
.appointed. Mrs. Harvey Anderson
gave the topic, "The woman who
lived next door." Mrs. Will, Cran-
ston conducted a vegetable contest.
Mrs. Alton, president, thanked the
hostess anti -all those taking part.
The lunch committee were Mrs. W.
Cranston, Mrs. Clifford Crozier,
Mrs. L. Iyers and Mrs. S. Kil-
Miss Clara Sproul, Stratford, was
a week -end visitor with her sisters,
Misses Nettie and Rebina Sproul.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure
had as visitors over the week -end,
their daughters, Mrs. Winnifred
Widcombe, Windsor; Mrs. Alfred
Hefford and Mr. liefford' Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reid, of
London, were week -end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAI-
lister and Kenneth.
United Church Anniversary. —
Rev. S. A. Moote, of Victoria Street
United Church, Goderich, gave the
Sunday morning message • at the
c'.Dungannon United Church service,
while the pastor, Rev. Geo. D. Watt,
was guest speaker at the Goderich
church. Rev. Woote spoke effec-
tively on "Is Your Power Off?"
Erskine W.M.S. --, The Erskine
Presbyterian W.M.S. met Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jas.
Wilson on the 6th concession of
West Wawanosh. Mrs. S. H. Stoth-
ers, president, led the meeting.
Mrs. Arthur Stewart was in charge
of the devotional service and gave
the topic, Mrs. Wallace Wilson
gave the Glad Tidings prayer. The
roll call was answered by 17 mem-
bers and visitors. Mrs. (Rev.) Wal
laee McClean read a chapter in
the study book. The second quilt
made recently was on display. Mr..
McClean closed the meeting with
prayer. The hostesses served
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wbitlam,
Heather and Geoffrey, of Toronto;
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Stothers.
Mr. and .,Mrs. Lave9'ne Pentland,
Pamela and Robert, of Detroit,
spent the wecleend with Mr and
CAIW, May 21..—Mr. Hugh
Doig is a patient at Victoria Hos-
i ital, London -
Mr. Donald tvenlre wee hoer ,e for
a few date bet week, when the
boat he is on was tied up at lid -
Miss June l:<rindley spent time
week -end in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Beg Anderson visit-
ed with Mrs. Anderson's mother on
Mr. Jinn, MdlPhee has rented part
of Mr. Doig s faro. The property
is the old Varese place.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan McGratten
had an unexpected earload of
visitors from Windsor on Sunday.
Many people; in the district at-
tended the Blyth Trade Fair last
week. Despite very bad weather
Young Man
with a Pian
One of these days, Fred's going to take
over the farm. Meanwhile, he's planning,
studying and working hard ... learning
right on the job.
Already he's learned a lot about modern
farm management, and how a chartered
bank can play its part in making farm
living more comfortable, more profitable.
He has found, for example, how useful
the bank can be as a place to build up
savings, to obtain credit, to seek financial
advice and market information. He knows
that the bank manager's door is open
to everyone.
When you see a good-looking, well-run
farm, chances are the farmer uses the
services the chartered banks have built
up for all Canadians.
PM/ artAerrtric s PACt>z1
the "show 'went on," was wen ex-
tended for one day, with a znOot
creditable number of exhibits.
Mr. and Mr's. Frank Gey1or, of
Toronto, visited with Mr. art4 Mg's•
Doug IkleNeil over the week -end.
Miss Stella McBride, of Toronto,
visited in the neighborhood, Sun-
day and Monday.
Doug and Gail Fisher spe:* t the
holiday with their grandparents at
Londesboro, its Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Fisher were away.
Alric McGratten has been on
the sick list.
• Miss• Colleen Million spent the
week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Million.
BOOK OSI orrauso.
Mrs. Charles E. Young,Dddrieh
won first prize, a set of dashes, ate
the draw in connection with the
opening of finder on's oo'k Centre
on Saturday. Second prize vas
won by Mrs. Robert Bogie, R.R. 1,
Port Albert, and third prize by
L. G. Collyer, R.R. 1, Goderi h.
The draw was made by ► etty
axter, 2, Goderich
o-_.--- '
u•id youknow that the Northwest
Territories and the Yukon Terri-
tory are together rnor> than half:
the size of the United States?
ou're a honey of a mother,.
That great Coke taste puts 'ern at their•aparkling best—Youngsters. too, go for that extra
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calls, be sure you're ready with Canada's favorite refrebringsher .. ice-cold Coeahome-Cola.
henea_.Coke Ksrga � +vim
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No. 489