HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-24, Page 6rum sac Q,izu'$ PORT AIT IS KM -SEWED ` o SCHOOL t'` (hist lihightisal; the Victoria Day pegeama of grudges 7 and 8, port- lt►ts of Queens Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were presented t" derieh Pieblic School last Fri- 44ay, The presenatelion was made 'by Alm. R. W. Hughes. represent - g Maple Leaf Chapter, I,O.D.E. M. H. Stephens was chairman of tate program, which included a 1.3.YInt atit whiela 15 students par- ereaated. There were patriotic ebAruses, piano solos by Donna A'berhart and Nancy 'Hughes and a piano duet by Patricia s.outilier and % illy Bettger. THIRTY -FOUL ENTRIES I Future Hockey Hotly Debated ALREADY EN FOR. MEET Thirty-four entries have been received already for the twilight (Continued from page 1, THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR !Brass Thieves Strike Again lancet mf Goderich Racing, and Trot- 1'roviueial Police and railway an - ting Association here on June 6. alums. l�:arlier, members of the The classes and orses are a� fol- ' recreation committee had estimated , vesti<gators are pressing their looms: 2.30 class for X00; 2.28 class that it costs about $10 per hour to search for some muscular gents run the arena. Who probably qualify as Canada's Mayor Hue/sins noted,"Of course, "brassiest" thieves in more ways there never was an intermediate than one. hockey team yet which paid for the -They stole the brass bearings cost of keeping the ice in the literally right out from under 22 Tdisssllelen Addis, Mr. and Mrs. arena."freight ears on Lhe C siding ural- Addis and Mrs. Joe Kilned, home along the Maitland '' ever. of Galt, spent the holiday week- Officials adroit the loss may be end with their aunt, Mrs. (Capt.) Councillor Robertson voiced his well in excess of`*ti �' ,(i In addi- J disapproval of bringing instran- gers" from Stratford, Owen Sound tsar to the banns bearings, the and other places to play hockey under Goderich colors, sometimes at what he termed exorbitant f prices. f Mr. Wilkinson's answer was that home brew hockey had been tried in Goderich before and hadn't drawn crowds. He and Mr. Erskine took exeep- weight of the cars off the axles. tion to an item in last week's us- Whatever method wasused, the sue of the Signal -Star. Both denied job probably took several hours. any knowledge of oneplayer get- The bearings were taken from ting $2,400 here for his stint last one side of the cars only, probably season, as reported because the other side was more (The Signal -Star received its in- exposed to view. formation from a source which It is believed that the thieves, has always been considered re- who must have had a, truck, in for $200; 2.24 class -for $250; 2.20 class for $250 aid 2.17 class for $300. -- Vickers. I6 FOUR FASTBALL LEAGUE Opening MONDAY, MAY 28 AT 8.30 P.M. (DST) Goderich Dodgers vs. Flor nee Chicks T AG"ICULTURAL PARK, GODERICH ADMISSION: Adults, 5n,c Students, 25c Children, 10c ll. railway must replace other an0vh g parts which were damaged when railway employees, unaware of the missing .bearings, tried to move the cars late last week. Railroad men say they believe it would be very difficult for any- one to steal the bearings unless they used a heavy jack to take the liable.) Said Mr. Erskine: "The highest paid man on the Goderich Sailors last year was paid $980, not $2,400." Councillor Walkom said he be- lieved the .town could get along without intermediate hockey, but Deputy -Reeve Fisher said he did n't think Council should throw out the arena's only good source of revenue. -- -We have a lot of people in Goderich who are not hockey -mind- i ed," stated Councillor Robertson. "You can tell that by the crowds. I don't think the majority of Citi- ' zens are in- favor of hockey as it is operated at present." But Mayor Huckins suggested it would seem rather ridiculous to have built a $150,000 arena and then throw out the hockey team which was the main reason for building it, ; The Mayor denied Councillor Robertson's allegation that he was tryiixg to `sail" . council dow_n_eto. agreeing to bail out the hockey 'club if it ran into financial diffi- culty at the end of the year. There followed a shouting ses- Ision between Councillor Drennan land Mayor Huckins over a state - 'orient allegedly made by the mayor at a nomination meeting. "The statement I made," insisted the mayor, "was that if the people of Goderich had known the arena would show a deficit every year, it JOIN NOW ENJOY THE FULL RECREATION ANI SOCIAL SEASON AT The Maitland Golf Club RATES Ladies Mein Husband & Wife 20.00. 30.00 `40.00 — GREEN FEES Week Days 1.Saturdays, Sundays and Family — 45.00 Social Only, loo Holidays L50 LIGHT LUNCHES AND REFRESHMENTS SERVED DAILY IN THE CLUB HOUSE. MR. JACK McLEOD, Secretary -Treasurer. PHONE 633 21 Notice to propertyOwners Re 195&Tates Taxi bills were mailed May 12th. If you have not received your notice, please call 200J at once. First installment or 50% of the total is due May 31st. Interest will be added if not paid by this date. Discount on second installment will not be allowed after May 31st. DOG TAGS Oog Licenses were due May lst. Summoneses will be issued June 1st to owners obtained tags by this date. BICYCLE LICENSES Bicycle licenses were due April 30th. Owners are requested to obtain their licensee before Juno 1st. S. 11. BLAKE, Clerk, Town of Goderich. -, 21 who have not never would -have been passed." Misinterpreted ' The mayor was indignant because he felt these remarks had been misinterpreted by Councillor Dren- nan. Councillor Drennan maintained that "30 per cent want .this .yeerea- _. titin, but the others do not." He. - said,he laras..tirl;.d. ni.,lteixg al.aoueli'. trainer'' by taxpayers _Willi o03ect '1 to the way Council is spending • money. At the same time, Councillor Drennan insisted, "Nobody likes hockey any better than I do!" "This is the. first year in which the arena committee has set a budget," said Deputy -Reeve Fisher, "and every member of it is in- terested in keeping within that amount of $11,400." With the support of Council and the Booster Club, stated the dep- uty -reeve, the committee hopes to lower its budget next year. Its main hope of doing this, he in - 1 timated, is finding ways to make more money out of intermediate hockey. There was considerable discus- sion about whether the motion, giving the green light on inter - 'mediate hockey for another season, should include the. rider requir- ing.•the committee to keep within 'its budget. . The mayor felt that if the com- mittee couldn't stay within its bud- get, it woud not be fair to hold the members of the committee liable to pay any deficit themselves. However, Mr. Bannister, chair- man of the committee, was con- fident no shortage would arise and he agreed to inclusion of the clause. tend to dispose of the brass bear- ings to a scrap dealer eventually. A five -man repair crew was sent here from London to put the freight cars in shape for rolling again this week. The case is strikingly similar to another wholesale theft of brasses from 12 CIN freight cars here in January. It is still being investi- gated by police. Value of the parts stolen in January was placed at close to $1.000. n AUBURN Mr. Keith Machan and Mr. Sandy Andrews, who are employed „with a construction firm at Woodstock, spent the week -end at their homes here. Mr. Robert McIlveen, of Guelph, visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen. A telephone in the workshop is a handy tool for Dad (easy for Mother on washday, too). Extend 'te1ephone convenience" to any part of your home! FOR EASY LIVING—FOR PRIVACY! Take the ran out of running your home -- have a telephone within easy reach all over the house! Just $1.25 a month for each additional tele- phone ($LOO in small centres). And where your telephone is party of the decor, theme's a bright chaiCe of red, gra, beige or ivory. You can have your telephones installed in no' time — merely calf your Telephone Bttasieess Office. The charge for installation is Dilly 82 .--- $12 more for color. 11111 1111RIb TILEPilONI COMPANY OF CANADA FOR CLOSING MARKET QUOTATIONS DIAL 680 C HI.O, ST. THOMAS At 6.25 p.m. Daily Daylight Savin? Time �Y Bongard & Co. STOCKBROKERS London Office and Boardroom _... 379 RICHMOND-STRE T 7 =p4-14 &C ' LW". , .ani )ver Ttiii rtayers --- InBali LeaguAT ATHLETLO BANQUET e r eeial speakers at the annual t n girls, re- , sad Girls e � � an At least � g �.�an 5 d s 2 �' banquet off the y ar sefatird 16 teams, are playing o Association of GDCI here n the Goderich •'"eereational Soft- )all L.maim, which is now in Full ,ving. Ted Williams, director of reerea- ion, says that a few coaches and umpires . are still needed and he will be glad to bear gm= anyone who can give a hand. Most of the Tames are being played on Gude- The Lions Club has donat'- F; $75 o buy equipment for the league. In the Squirt League, 'de follow- Lng six Satean, s Clubre competing: G deerBrad- Ley � ,Son, Grill, Grier ilotors, Edward Fuels, Hereo and :ourt House. Dnp of four teams: Rouse Auto Elegy tric, Goderich Manufacturing, Mills Motors and Croft Cleaners. In the Bantam League, the four clubs are Aberharts, Fords, Gode- rich French Dry Cleaners and DRMOO. There are four teams in' the Girls' Softball League this year. They are McManus Dairy, IGA, Goderich Dairy and the Schaeffer club. Athletic G last week were Mrs. Jack Erskine, - of Goderich, and "Mickey" Roth, ace centreman of the Stratford Indians hockey club. Team and individual awards were presented for football, basket - ball, volleyball, badminton and other activities. ?hiss Shirley Bedard was pre - seated with the honor athletic, let - ter. Athletic letters were present - ed to the following students: P. A1lin, C. Anderson, M. Anderson, B. Anst4ay, E. ,Emerson, G. Godffrey, P. Lierman, R. Madge, R. Million, . L MacDonald, T. McPhee, J. Simp- son, C. ;r ogie, L. Breckenridge, 5. Brereton, M. Clark, G. Gardner, W. Gardner, W. Grace, T. Hill, A. Peachey, W. Smith-and.C. Van der Meer. ° ° ° Miss Margery Ackerman, of ',n un- das, (formerly of GDCI staff), has been awarded the Imperial Rela- tions Trust . Fellowship given for one year by the University of Lon oE, Enngland, or further study ' e. ••••• ••••••M• ••••• SUNSET ._ -- - ea re r in r�e' 11/4 Miles East of Goderich, on No. 8 Highway THURS., FRI. MAY' 24-25 "LONE HAND" JOEL McCREA, BARBARA HALE COMEDY CARTOON SAT., MON. MAY 26-28 'GUN -THAT WON THE WEST" DENNIS MORGAN, PAULA RAYMOND and on the same program "HAWK OF WILD RIVER" CHAS. STARRETT TUES., WED. MAY 29-30 "NIGHT FREIC HT" FORREST TUCKER, BARBARA BRITTON COMEDY .._ ..,,,.,: • CARTOON BOX OFFICE `OPENS 8 P.M. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY ' Children, under 1-2 in tars free. Q>AFD�Swu�eat' _ MODC ET BASEBALL From present appeara: ces base- allbwill he represented in ,Gode- ch this year only by a Midget cam organized by Harry Worsell. At the WOAA meeting at Wingham u Thursday night a Midget group o ---Tyr--- TRUMAN, MAY Mkt, 1956 vmas formed of five teams, Gode- rich, Exeter, ,ttlyth, Auburn and Dashwood.. For a softball group teams from, Goderich, Clinton, Kincardine, Wingham a Walkerton were named. A ' MUSICAL TREAT! THE TOP-RATED, .PIECE • CanadianGuards Band • TUESDAY, MAY 29 i � t8 • a p.m. in Auditorium of Goderieh�� District Collegiate Institute a p.m in Auditorium of Goderich'. District Collegiate Institute 2 % Hours of Thrilling Music! 21/2 Hours of Thrilling Music! SILVER COLLECTION IN AID OF GODERICH GIRLS' TRUMPET BAND • • • • • • -21 • BARGAIN DAYS AT Westlake's Furniture ZURICH first Anniversary Sale SAT., MAY 26 TO SAT.; JUNE 2 FREE DOOR PRIZE EACH "EVENING to holder of lucky ticket such as spring -filled mattress, chrome occasional chair, floor rug, etc. EVERY ARTICLE IN STORE REDUCED DURING SALE. COME—TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR TERRIFIC BARGAINS. STORE OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 9 a.m. TO 10 _p.m. ALSO WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. x r- 21-2 No Budget In view of the references to keep- ing within budget. it is interesting to note that there •really is no budget for intermediate hockey! Of the 511,400 allocated by the town to recreation this year, not one cent was ear -marked for inter- mediate hockey. At the time the budget was set, it hadn't been de- cided whether there ' would be a team next season. Therefore,' some other phase of the recreation program would pre, sumably have to suffer in event it became necessary to dip into the town grant to help the hockey club through November. and De- cember, the two months which have Lbeen the most unprpfitable in the past. This, in turn, highlights the fact that the decisions made Tuesday cover 1956 only. What happens to the hockey team after the New Year, when it plays most of its games, is another question. It was a question that wasn't raised at this weelc's special meeting. 0--.� WINGHAM WINS BRIDGE MATCH FROM GO DERI OH Goderich Duplicate Bridge Club entertained players from Wingham amu 'Thursday at the Bedford Hotel, ts13th Wingham winning the match. There were 14 tables in play. ,Playing east and west: 1st, Mrs. Naismith, Mr. W. 13. French, 1751/2; 2nd, .Mrs. F. Saunders, Mrs. Nicol, 174; 3rd, Mr. D. Compton, Mr. G. Williams,. 1651/21 4th, Mns. It. S. Hetheringten, Mr. . S. Hethering- ton, 167%. Playing north and taiuth: 1st, its . P, F. Carey, Mr. 1"'. .t rmnelly, le(); 2nd, Mrs. Crawford, Mr. Crp.w- ford, kiss'/a; Surd, Mr. end Mrs. K. Hunter, 15.4; 4th, ?Alm MaclPhercon, 1Ur. II. L. Sherbondy, 102. at the Agricultural Park, Goderich, on THURSDAY, JUNE 7 AFTENOON penia ANM•N •••NN•ft Fun and Thrills for All the Family! See Will Hill's PERFORMING ELEPHANTS. �► THE SILVER MASK and His Movie Horse "SMOKEY" �► Watch MISS DALE on the high swinging trapeze SCORES OF OTHER EXCITING ACTS! Clowns p Acrobats - Jugglers Trained Dogs - Monkeys - Ponies One of the dainty aerialiiits with a clown in Royal Bros. Circus - YOU WILL NOT ONLY SIE A WONDERFUL CIRCUS PERFORMANCE, BUT YOU WILL HELP YOUR KINSMEN CLUB T FURTHER WELFARE WORK.