HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-24, Page 5yd'R M, KAY 24td�, 31%8 . PERSONAL MENTION M. N. MARE' is visiting with herr sorts, Coxporal Jo( m Mc- Kinnon and hia wile and fawily at i aggty1 , gaiebec. 11%r. and Mrs. Jas. S. Carl are on an. extended trip t Inrougta the States a Fn w; i ; spend sone time at Lw Lac, Qatari©, where Mr. Cali will fish. Miss Janne Wilson, of Winnipeg, was a ,recent guest with her mo- ther, Mrs. V. R. Wilson. By CNR, you start your holiday in a luxury hotel on wheels. The engineer does your droving, and there are courteous people to serve you. Where do you think you're going 2 BOUND FOR THE EAST? HEADED WEST? No matter where in this wide and wonderful land you're going, by CNR you'll get there in comfort and in style. YOU'LL EAT, SLEEP AND BE MY — In the new CNR Dinette you can have a hamburger and coffee if you're not in a full -course dinner mood. At night, you'll sleep like a kitten between soft`whfte sheets. Anct always by– . train, there's the stimulation of meeting new people. ALL THIS, FOR JUST A FEW CENTS A MILE — Before you decide how you're going to get there, check CNR fares. Subtract the ,worry and fatigue of battling traffic. Add the comforting certainty of train travel — whatever the weather — you're'on your way, and a rented car, if you wish, will await youroarrival at major points. Contact your Canadian National representative for information and reservations. Vii -4, ...' < a „ur�-•'h'o°R4¢wavyrmrodc� x •,u a.xa.".+w...v. .. 0 wi •M } "•;•'{+h1'4n� ..,. n•" o .^`frk {•'' .� }Y.;:}d• .• • •:• .: Next time you travel, go by train. More and more • Canadians who are going places, go CNR on such famous "name" trains as the Super Continental, the Continental, the Ocean Limited, T-6-25 THE CODERiCH SIGNAL -STAR NEWS OF AUB(RN AUBURN, May n.—The May Meeting of the Auburn We non's Institt to wao hold last Taneeday in the Ora rage Hall with the presi- dent, Mrs. Wellington Grthd," i11 argc and Mrs, Robert J. Phillips presiding at the piano. The meet- ing was opened by sing rg 0 Can- ada, followed by the Lord's Prayer led by Mrs. Tom .Haggitt. Baring the singing of the Ode all officers of the society came forward for the installation ceremony conduct- ed by the past president _Mrs.. vy. redneck.. The roll call was an- swered by "A Csrnadian product in my menu' today." An instrumental, "The Bible tells me so" was played by Miss Elva Gross. Mrs., Worthy Young, convener of "Citizenship and Edueatian," had as guest speaker, Miss Margaret R. Jackson who spoke on this subject. In her address she said the two were very closely related and based her remarks under four different head- ings:temperance, social welfare, brotherhood and world peace. Mrs. Duncan MacKay favored with a solo, "Can't you hear me calling Caroline?" The minutes of the April meeting which had been the S.S.S. banquet were read by Mrs. Bert Craig. The members decided to try again for the Millinery Short Course for the coming year. It was voted to send the remaining money for our part of the scholar- ship fund to Mrs. A. Clark, district secretary -treasurer. The delegates to the District Annual to be held on June 6 in Blyth are Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Mrs. Samuel Daer. Hostesses were: Mrs. An- drew Kirkcannell, Miss Elva Gross, Mrs. Leonard Archambault and Mrs. Wellington Good. Horticulture Society to Goderich. —The Auburn Horticulture Society were guests last Wednesday even- ing of the Goderich B"ranch to hear Mr. John Clark, of Toronto. Those attending were: Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mr. Keith Arthur, ' Miss Elma Mutch, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. F. O. Mellveen, Mrs. Wm. Straughan, Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. H. Gavier and Mrs. Arthur Grange. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mellween re- turned . last Tuesday from their winter vacation spent in Florida. Mrs. W. Bradnock attended the Mother and Daughter banquet of the CGIT in Knox Presbyterian Church last Friday evening where she took part in the affiliation ser- vice. Those attending the Westfield W.M.S. meeting last Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Glen Eagle, of Clinton, was the guest speaker were: 'Rev. and Mrs. C.. C. Wash- ington, Mrs. E. Wightman, Mrs. F. Toll, Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs. W. Straughan, Mrs. ert Craig, Miss Viola Thompson, Miss (Rena life` Clinchey, Mrs. W. Plunkett, Mrs. B. Eanom, Mrs. man. Craig, Mrs. G. Minim% Mrs. E. Durnila and Mrs. J. Durnin. Nurse Graduates. —Congratula- tions to kiss Evelyn Raithby, of London, formerly of this district, Who graduated from the St. Joseph's Hospital of Nursing ,last Wednesday evening. The gradua- tion ceremony was held at the Thames Hall, of the University of Westeaa Ontario. Miss Raithby is the daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Glen ithby, of London at whose home a reception was held after the ceremony for her guests. Guests from this district were her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Raith- by and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturdy and Betty, Mrs. George Sturdy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby and Marie, of Goderich; Mrs. Donald Campbell, Miss Marg- aret A. Jarkson and Miss Christina Cunningham. Congratulations to the following pupils on their success at the re- cent Huron County Music Festival. In the piano classes: Elizabeth and Margo Grange, Shirley Turner, Carolyn Craig, Barbara MacKay, M•ar1'orie Hunking and Barbara Snell. 1n the vocal classes the •following received certificates: Barbara Snell, Bob Watt, Deanna Dale and Melvin Knox. These were a•I1 pupils of Miss Margaret A. Jackson. St.' Mark's A.Y.P.A.—The regu- lar meeting of St. Mark's A.Y.P.A. was held on Wednesday, May 16, at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt with 17 members present. Short devotions were of- fered by Rev. Bren de Vries. The president, Mr. Lawrence Nesbitt, conducted the business session. The members voted to purchase a new lawn mower for the church and accepted the responsibility for the mowing of the church lawn. Final arrangements were made for their closing party to be held Fri- day evening, May 25, when they play host to Blyth and Belgrave A.Y.P.A. and friends. Games were conducted by the hostess, Mrs. Haggitt, and enjoyed by all. Re- freshments were served which brought an enjoyable evening to a close. A vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Haggitt, on behalf of the members, wase given by Rev. de Vries. 4-H Club Meets., --The first meet- ing of the Auburn Anrteltes Sup- per Club was held last Friday evening at the home of the assist- ant leader, Mrs. Ed. Davies with 13 members present. The leader, Mrs. Alf. Nesbitt, took charge and the election of officers took place: * Pres dent, Itd➢1 ai? a Hens* 1st vice-president, Marie Antheas; 4eCreta y-tI S I�.!.er, FAIna inter! press reporter,1i l Wearier Carrick The nexteeting will be next Wednesday evening at Mrs. Davies and all girls are invited to join. Mrs. Nesbitt discussed the project and outlined it and Mrs. 1➢avies demonstrated the way, of imam - Mg, liquids and solids, cboking pro- cedure and cleanliness in kitchens. Mrs. C. de .Haan, a new Canadian, has joined " with -her daughter to learn more of the Canadian ways of cooking. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and Allan were iLandon visitors last Thursday. Mrs. Alvin X.eatherland returned home last Saturday fzpm Victoria Hospital, London. Receives Degree. — Mrs. Fred Ross has received word that her son, Donald, of Oakville, has suc- cessfully completed exams leading to the degree of Master of Educe: tion (M.Ed.) and will be graduat- ing from the University of Toronto with that degree on May 25. He also holds the Bachelor of Arts degree obtained from the Univers- ity of Western Ontario, London. Mrs. Albert Campbell visited her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Abel, Mr. Abel and family, of St. Thomas, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Joan and Bobby, of London, spent the holiday with his father, Dr. B. C. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Barbara and John. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDougall on the birth of their daughter, a sister for Wayne and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby visit- ed over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William Raithby and family, of Toronto. Miss Joan Doerr, of Niagara Falls, spent the holiday at the home of her uncle, Mr. Gordon Chamney, Mrs. Chamney, Larry and Paul. Miss 'Laura Wagner, . R.N., of Syracuse, N.Y., is holidaying at the home of her brother, Mr. Walter Wagner. Mrs. E. Lawson and Mrs. Oliver Anderson visited last Saturday with the former's sister-in-law, Mrs. John Sclater, of Seaforth. Mrs. Vivien Wagner- ,and daugh- ter, Marjorie, of Toronto, visited on the holiday at the home of Mr. Walter and Miss Minnie Wagner. M.r. and Mrs. Robert Phillips visited on the holiday with Rev. and Mrs. William Maines and Shirley, of Embro. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Phyle, of Guelph, visited with her mother, Mrs. Clark and Mr. Hiram Lind- say over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig, Mrs. Betty Wilkin, Robert, Patsy and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Graig and fnmity at Arva. Mrs. Fred Taylor is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Clatworthy ?AM me and Mr. . t~a11 itr � �• ya iii ;Granton. Mvs, Staley Ali ], Weuay, Fane and Penny Abel, of St. ThOttiQe0 vi,sited over the week -end wU.1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell. Mia. Ronald Rathwell, of Dres- den, is visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and lits. Gordon R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Meflveen visited recently with Misses 011ie McCall and Isobel JGox, of ,.Blyth. Miss Zelia McDonald, of Toronto, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Mr. John Beadle, of Eelgave, visited on Sunday with Mr. a Mrs. George Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. W illiazgi Medd, of Goderich, visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and Mr. Rollinson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter and Susan and Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, of Woodstock, spent the holiday With relatives here. The librarian requests that all Huron County Library books be returned by Saturday, May 26, to be ready for the book exchange. Visitors with Miss Margaret R. Jackson during the past week were Miss Marian Woods, of Sarnia, and Miss Joan Leslie, of Stratford, students at the United Church Training School. The following children received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism re- cently at Knox United Church: Wanda Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer; Arva Joanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball; Gordon Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig; Elaine Maryne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bean; Sherry Lynn, ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner; Doreen Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClinchey; Paul Steven, son of Mr. end -Mrs. Gordon Chamney; Kenneth David, William James and Linda Jean, children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sproul. Light Bearers' Mission Band.— The primary Mission Band joined with the juniors for the May meet- ing held during the church service with a total attendance of 55. After the call to worship, Matt. 14:22-36 was read alternately _ with Betty Durziin as leader. June Mills offer- ed prayer. Glen Webster added the standar-d. of recognition star to the..M.B. certificate, after which Barrie Turner and Bryan Spiegel- berg received the offering. Miss Marion Woods, of the United Church Training School, showed the filmstrip of the story, "Jimmy Finds City Friends." This story was much appreciated as shown by the answers given by primary and juniors alike when questioned about different phases of the story. Mr. and Mrs.Ierbert Mogridge and Mr. and Mi s. William Marsh, of Goderich, visited last week -end with Mr: and Mrs. Gormley Thomp- son and family at Brampton. • Airs. Lloyd MoLarty who has with 'bear faith ret ed a tai'sweakand. Mi'. lAehie of Clinton, ;and Mr. and Mrs, WeIi, Bradnock viaitt i over the bolndey wIlth frlernJs n _l etroit. Jo ph Lryon Pas, s.- '>4'izis etlrWny> laity: way cactclen "Rb ten lend Yaa thMr, J p ,Lyon,areof the 13tiiweek of at j u tjt sehack: cased away in Victoria 1IV4pita1, rrdan, -after a h41 ill es . The late Mi'. Lyon had licca e eyed for: some the JAWS T'.. Craig &Sor. sawiniill and. will be sadly missed. in this community. 1.unity. Sii ere sympathy is extended to his family at this time. ' Andrew A. Wilson.—Mr:. Wes. Bradnock received word last week of the death of' her uncle, Mr: Andrew A,. Wilson, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, ivho had lived here for nga_ny years. The following iso the account as taken from the Lang- don paper:" Funeral services were held here Wednesday afternoon' for Andrew A. Wilson, a long -lime Milton and Langdon resident and former county treasurer who died unexpectedly early Saturday even- ing at Minneapolis where he had made his home with 'his daughter, Mrs. Ruth Jorgenson, since August. Rev. W. L. T. Patteson, Presby- terian minister at Milton was in charge of the services which were held at the Langdon auditoT}um. F. O. Ottem, past master of IVIelton Lodge No. 48 A.X. and A.M., as- sisted with the service. Burial was made beside the grave -of Mrs. Wilson, who passed away in 1932. Charles Cabo, worshipful master of the Milton Lodge and also the chaplain, Rev. Patteson, assisted at the committal service. Andy Wilson was born September 29, 1881 at Auburn, Ontario, the son of the late John Wilson and Ellen Jackson and received his early education at S.S. No. 9 and U.S.S. No. 5, Hullett, and in West Wawa nosh. In 1900 he went to Milton to visit relatives and accepted em- ploynyept in a store there. Later, . he became a salesman for a groc- ery concern and in 1908 he mar- ried Anna Diebel and moved to Red Deer, Alberta. A year later he moved back to Milton where he lived until 1931. In 1932 he was elected' county treasurer and con- tinued- to- hold this office and dem puty continuously .until he retired last August. Surviving are fide children who were all present at the funeral. Throughout his long residence in the Langdon camnmun- ity, he was a very active and inter- ested citizen. ' He had been ,past master of the Masonic Lodge far years and plans had already started for his golden jubilee of member - Ship in that lodge for next year. He was also a member of the Langdon Scottish Rite Bodies and Kem Temple of the Shrine for many years. He was also an ardent golfer having won many trophies and cups. ...�.�. ,.,.oma.. walpeareetelfreseepolipeasewillareemAltresemellitOowenpiweeip GARAGE CELEBRATING.,.. WE -THANK YOU for your patronage. Your confidence in us has enabled us to extend our service facilities, and sales area to enviable proportions. AVE INVCTE YOU #o see and drive the new 1956 Meteor and Mercury cars and trucks. 4fi HURRY! RURRY! HURRY! WIN A FREE Dumon 2r" TELEVISION DRAW TO BE MAPE ON THURSDAY, MAY 31 at 6 p.m. Every purchaser of a new or used car or truck gets a FR1E TICKET. -40( Good Tridein allowances and terms. Make ABERHART'S GARAGE;' Goderich' your headquarters for your next new or Safe -buy used car or truck.