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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-24, Page 2
;p+ • •r. , • PAGE TWO THE GODiRICH.SIONAbsSTAR 1ir irtcI $'tgua1'tar HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY 2stablished 1848. In as 109th year of publication. Published by Siguai-Star Publishing Limited wase i tion Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United States, $4-00. Strictly in advance. Advet'tising Rates on request Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mal, Post Office Departtnent. Ottawa, - Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A 237 Foy Bldg , 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over3,000-t-Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron County—Over Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. - - - GEO. t~ ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. THURSDAY • MAY 24-th, 1956 ao " ; Down Memory's r Lane• r= ,O 3,000 Newspapers THE SPIRAL CLIMBS AGAIN - The sailors' Strike has been settled and the freightt rs are running again. Everybody is pleased,}.but, as with the settlement of the railway strike, there is a fly in th.- 4,:utuie art In both eases there will be increased ':e►st. t', be paid by iia inebody. The railways will have: either to increase their carrying .•har;.►e, w- eal!.upon the Government for -relief by way of subsidy meaning higher taxes Shipper. by water also will find themselves, paying higher charges Those w -ho by these strike settle- ments ree'.e:ve l,r•tt•'r wages ' 'an claim in tri • are only getting (even] with the wage standards .:1 other occupations: but where is this eonat„nt increase in ('o.1, to end --the Bost ;,f living'. the cost of doing h}I.in'-,4, .the 4r. ►.t of sere all kind!;' By reason of a long period of b•„'nl.ner prosperity the inflationary trend has so far not brought disaster, Il,'tr 1'(n:,, :he spiral may keep t.ointr up and up is un,.eretain . but there, are' sit_ns that inlieat.' the need fuer caution and Governments are taking measures to cheek themounting, inflation_ In the meantime the dollar shrtuka in value It requires no great .stretch of memory to ree'ali «h --Ii •oto of nearly. everything 1/erre a mere fraetiuu of N1 hat they are today. These eo,t- are :.ke a pool of water ---add a thimbleful of water and sou notice_ no change. hat the addition of only one drop raises the :eve! of the p'eor1. So it is with anything in 'h•- 111_„i! of :.y] ls_ A here or :lee,- .n _t,••rea .-.i , .,.th—hir►hrr freights, higher pelee's of hread and butter, higher; \\:1'_••�. +i.'.r feet' one.. of an•ything—may seem t') 1••• '1'1'' .rl,:'_-Iisti.•arl' :Il tnr general run of -''-"s; 1'1it :k.' the drop of water, it tends to til -sr- the' price of everything else. There on --lass f people who realize! -Alec '} :.. I1 '..iI1'. Farrn.•r, ' ti !hi.. wlrt .' itre S:•'tt.tl{g Letter ;erio•c-, for the'.r ;►re..1uets than they were- I_rtt:nL* years atgo, but these higher' ars- no: keeping up to the, general level., Result—the growing depopulation' of farms. e and th.- ;u- pie of the towns. and cities will be paying more- ani more for their fond. By !hen. what? will have },.'iter roads, or lower taxes, aeeord- :ng to whether the majority of its members 1 vat+e.;r.t-or Tory in national elections. but if ‘I. ;till have trace; of this fii1y we are rather ;isharned of It and do ntit ear✓ to confess �L A A year afro the municipal vote in England was .aid to favor the Conservatives. This year the trend is in a contrary direction and is said to show dissatisfaction with the Eden administration and the possibility of suceeas for the Labor party'• at the next general elec- tion. ,. It may be so. but it does not indicate a concentration on the important local affairs of the municipalities.. • A STRANGE SURVIVAL IN U.K. Municipal' election, being "held at this time in England and Wales show a consider- able gain for Labor, ani this, we,are-inf(,rtuod. means- a shift in national--• political feF'lin;r away from the Eden conservative (►'ov.-rri- inent. It is strange that England retain., what in Canada is considered the foolish ('ustoiu of mixing National and municipal politi(is.- Surely English municipalities must have issues of suffi- cient importance to engage the attention of citizens without the bringing in of matters which can be settled only at national elections. In Canada we may not altogether have tpt away from the idea that a municipality EDITORIAL NOTES The' Court House crick has :'!]elle to life, afld`hild . t$e - town - arpund it wi<ipasyake and • We have mentioned «'ingharn's taxi rate of 72 mills as" a sample of high InunieipaL taxation,. but Clinton goes two points higher with a rate of 74 mills. • • • • The Salt£ord gage has his own notion, about the natural gas question. He says he doesn't- 4.ee' whey they don't run a pipe into the Parliament buildings at Ottawa and eo!- lett the gas that its being generated there That'., an i•iea. . If half the e'.I it►lain:, aL'aln,t ('anaeia', immigration officers are well fotunde'el therje thr,U:•i be quite a_ nuln}►e•r of chances in the per.ona•'l of the Department. ewconleer5 to Canada .lre likely to form their impressions (if this eo(lt,tr\• from the.r tiro' eexri.•riereo-- 1and:t:„ here. • . • • ,*11 • • Toronto's Boars] of 4 • Ittro: t;lr•'ate•rl, to w.tri}I.,1d .t 1 titutil�'1p1t1 ser‘ -ice.; from l -'e . raj Government properties -1n the e•Jtti lil,lo•i.. '},;. Government yields to its demands in the mat- ter _oT municipal' taxa tion.I.`That _» a "game= .Lan5.v .the. Gesek est:. would hay' the winriing card. • • • • All Old Country doctor declares that fre- quent iniruersion in hot water has no hygieaic value. ''Bathing in hot water,'' he says, "is a pleasant relaxation, but its appeal is -purely srnsu•,us. Junior's argument that he doesn't need Saturday night hot tub because he was at the 4tivimming hole at the river all afternoon may be a clincher unless his seniors eau muster up some contrary medieal opinion. • • • '• 11on., T. 1,. Kennedy, former Minister of -1',rir•ulturo for Ontario, says that. the unfavor- ah;.- weather has cost the farmers of this Pray',]{'•--w10.(X)1.00O. These are big figures. (}o not carry the Cense of the loss to th�e,l.and� r,f individual farmers •tvhu are losing the great part of their year's normal income. 'r , t by and seee:f,ntinl»d raid ani ''oi.l ruin 1 h••;r y••.tr's prospects must he a teat of fort::.01e• 1'hi, ,(•1Lson will be remembered in ;.tri }I"r►,• . a-, one of disappoitnl•'nt - ani frit -oration rare in the history of t►ntario ;r rgie•u'ture. TAYLOR'S CORNER TAYLOR'S CORNER. May 22 — Mr. and Mrs. Len Collyer and Sandra visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Herman Carefoot at Tiverton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ginn and son, John, motored to Oshawa on Friday to attend the Corrie -Hum- phrey wedding held on Saturday. Mr. Ross Corrie is a brother of Mrs. Ginn. Whip there, Mr. and Mrs. Ginn also visited many friends and • relatives. Mrs. Len Collyer won third prize at the opening of the Anderson Book Store in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagner and Glen, of Golden. Lake, Ont., visited during the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Rodges and family. Bob McMillan spent the week- end in Goderich with Bill Mathie- on. Mr. and Mrs. Chester MeNall and family, of Waterford. and Miss Phyllis Glen, of Goderich, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Sam McNall. Gerald «'alters, Ronnie Howard, John ]lodges and Don McCabe at- tended the Huron County 4-H Judging Competition held at Sea - forth on Saturday. Mr. Bruce Holmes, of Toronto," spent the week -end wrth Mr. and .Mrs. Ken Holmes and Lois. Mr.. and Mrs. Harry McKie and grandson, Craig McKie, of Tor- onto, visited during the. week -end with Mrs. Wm. Straughan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sturdy, and relatives in the community. Misses Helen and Jean Whitely, of Toronto, -Mrs. C., Whitely, of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Whitely; and Brian, of Co}borne Township, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whitely. . Murray McFadgen, of Hamilton, visited, with Jim Oke during the week -end. Kenneth and Elaine Wilson spent ,110 the week -end Keith their sister, Mrs. j.Ron Penningt.nn, in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Oke and son, Steven, of Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Oke dur- ing the week -end. '- a a Jack Hicks has completed his first year at the University of Toronto and has taken a position for the summer with the C.N.R., at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard IRodges and family spent o' few days with Mrs. Rodges' people at Selkirk. Dr. and Mrs. Truenner, of Arthur; Dr. and Mrs. 'Paul Truen- ner and family, of Waterloo, and Wing Cmdr. Ross and Mrs. Truen- ner and family, of Centralia. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder. -' Mr. and • Mrs. Jim Sinclair and family, of London, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Collyer and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. George Ginn left last Thursday for an extended trip to Lethbridge, Alberta, visiting in GODERICH THURS., MAY 31 on.,�' tti� pay -- ff,te' ,,,,,i; seri r°' e10.. — A special �CAf O send to ce, �ppo.� �radce Ito..,,.., A - fait" A1' TOWN HALL - Noon to 7 p.m. 45 Years Ago A J. Barclay, of Goderich, was awarded first prise in the new town hall plan competition. Council decided to erect a bath- ing house, 16' z 24'. containing about 10 dressing rooms, at a cost not - exceeding 5150, It will be built below the summer hotel. The sailboat. Bluehead, was being remodelled by its owner, Bert MacDonald. The government is receiving tenders for the removal of the wreck of the barge Tecumseh from the harbor.' A. E. Matheson purchased the grocery business of J W. Vanatter on Kingston street. A school children's excursion is coming to Goderich from Listowel and intervening stations on the OnR line on Saturday, June 10. 25 Years Ago A petition is being 'circulated to protest Town Council's purchase of the McLean property for ceme- tery purposes. Some feel that land can be expropriated more cheaply, if more land is really necessary. Godericb branch of the WCTC will send delegates to the world WCTU convention in Toronto in June. A Goderich grocery store adver- tised bread for six cents a loaf and butter at 25c per pound. Goderich Women's Institute is . raising a fund for the care of graves in Maitland cemetery and , is asking Goderich Old Boys and Girls for their assistance. The first open-air band concert of the •year was to be given on the Square this Sunday evening. 15 Years Ago Two young Godericb girls ush- i ered in the batting season -this week, though the water tempera- ture is still around 52 degrees- Godericb handled more grain in April than any other- ' Canadian - lake port. except Midland. A total of 2,973214 bushels were deliver- 1. ed to Goderich elevators during the month. At the 17th annual convention of Huron -Presbytery Young Peo-1 pie's Union irl Benmiller United 1 Church. Miss Verna Barbour, of Goderich. was elected vice-presi dent and Sheldon Baxter, of R.R. p, Goderich, was named secretary.] Under the command of Chester McNeil, &DCO cadets paraded for their annual inspection. The com- pany was smaller than in former ! years owing tok the fact that a considerable nufnber of boys left school at Easter to work on farms. The amount of perch being taught off the piers and break- water have dropped off in the last week, but large catches of herring are still being Made. 10 Years Ago Goderich businessmen are pre- paring to greet' tourists due to -andee := rt1y-nn:the -'passenger s "North American" a n. the .. Chicago, Duluth & Georgian Bay Transit Co. The Lucknow pipe band has been engaged 'to provide entertainment. Of 59 vehicles checked during the first week 'of the safety cant- paign, 47 were found to have one or more defects which could en- danger the lives of the car's oc- cupants or others. Members of Town Council criti- cized the police department for failing to enforce laws re riding bicycles on sidewalks, failing to stop at stop streets and speeding. Gordon Wong, local restaurant proprietor, was set upon by a thug and robbed of $96 in bills. - `A Goderich delegation approach- ed Alphonse Fournier, minister of public works. about harbor im- provements, but word has now been received that it is unlikely anything . will be done here this year. u NILE NILE. May 21.—Rev. Mr Moote, of Victoria Street United Church, .Goderich, took the service at Nile. last Sunday, as Rev. George Watt was taking the anniversary services at Victoria Street. It was an- nounced that in two weeks' time (starting June 3) the church ser- vices will be held at 9.45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods at St. Helens on -Sunday, and attended the Fam- ily Day Service at St, Helens Church. with Mrs. Ginn's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Walker visit- ed during the week -end with Mr. and Mr's. Albert Oke. Mr -and Ors. Robert Lowe, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Prouse during the week- end. LAKEV1EW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING' Sat., May 26 CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA The Bible Today They could have been spoken at a recent Kiwanis Cleb luncheon or ,in tate Canadian Senate. The, following words . . . well, here they are: ': if religious books are not wide- ly circulated among the masses in this country, and the People do not become religious, I do not know What is to become of us as a nation. And the thought is one to cause. solemn reflection on the part of every patriot and Christian. If truth be not diffused, error will be: if God and His Word are not known and received. the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; if the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; if the power of the Gospel is not felt through the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end." Daniel 'Webster wrote thus many years ago. This quotation was the theme of a Colporteurs Conference held in Toronto last week. Col- porteurs are the people who, sup- ported by the Upper Canada Bible Society, go door to door through- out Ontario offering Biles at a price anyone can afford, or free trout. . where extreme need exists. '- nom Two of these men have been with the society for 25 years, The veteran of this five man and one woman team, John Harvey is an ordained minister who travels the territory north of Lake Superior. Miss Helen Mackeno, formerly with the Armed Services in World War 11, and olio worxs out of Timmins, is the only woman colporteur in Canada. At this conference, Rev. Stanley Crookall, Peterborough district col- porteur, told the story of his six- year-old son'c...nneeting with the Prime Minister in Hamilton. The premier asked' about the little . lad's father's business. "My • father is a minister," was the reply,. Then as an afterthought, the boy added, "But he is not a `prime" one, sir." Conunenting on thisincident, Mr. Crookall said, "The work in which we are engaged, however, is prim- ary and basic, even as Daniel Webster declared." Suggested reading for the week: Sunday, Acts, 2:1-21;f Monday, Acts 2:22-47; Tuesday, Acts 3:1-26; Wed- nesday, Acts 4:1-12; Thursday, Acts 4:1337; Friday, Acts 5:1-16; Sat- urday, Acts 5:1742. 0 In Canada the poisoning of lakes and re -stocking has become a prov- en tool for restoring game fishing in lakes where coarse fish have taken over from such species as r Increase farm Profits! WHY WAII9 . go ahead with F 1 L - Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan with your -- ' �AN1• nearest B.a loaf Montreal.manager. •:••=0,:•••• SINCE OPENING NIGHT EVERY- BODY'S TALKING ABOUT THIS TERRIFIC NEW O?CHESTRA. HEAR THEM! • BANK OF ,MONTREAL • e444.l44 744C &ni Local Branch: BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Manager. - . werkiwe Moth Comedians le every walk of life since 1517 '44 • r Canada's agricultural Imple- ments industry shipped 019,000,- 000 worth of products in 1954, a drop of 30 per cent from 1953. T1s IRSDAY, MAX 24th, joss The taking of the pelts of wild fur -bearing animals in Canada in the 1954-55 season was worth $17,423,973. GREGORY CLARK "Pow mew know Ontario beater titan"Grog" Clerk. sot.11.auto• and ovtdoon oNborey. "The greatest thing about Ontario is its immense diversity. Its southern extremity is on the same parallel of latitude as northern California. Yet at Cape Henrietta Maria, Ontario touches the Arctic zone. In the south, an opulent agricultural and industrial domain in full stride with the best on the continent. Ard in the north, forests, rivers, nameless lakes into which the pioneers have not yet penetrated. Where else now can you go for such contrast? Name two!" GHEOOHT CLAIM Frtoec peaches to polar bears . in a few short hours you can Bee both in Ontario! In an even shorter time you can leave the heart of a bristling metropolis and reach the quiet and peace of the virgin wilderness." Excellent accommodation is ready for -you. And Ontario's ever expanding highway e program means safer, more pleasant travel. Ontario's highways, plus excellent bus, rail, water and air services make 'every part of the Province readily accessible. Please use the coupon for colourful literature which will help you to "Know orrrAsro Better!" ONTARIO TRAVEL, Roonl 399, 67 College St., Toronto, Ontario. Mt. et the Department 1 Travel i e.bticlty rill raltaala r•.r 1.461rlai .50.1 o.tatn. *1n'AM L CATHCART. ]liminal Please send me free literature and rood map of Ontario Name Address - - Post Office Ontario rl.pan,.."1 of Trovol and P.biitiry, How. *rya. L Ca+Acort, Alioidur o►u �I love our W10& noeste, 4 -door Hardtops D • Us —.5 Spaciairs 4-D•or Hardtops! O Me awl ]steely Pastirx tortillas © levity hatiac hathfiader Deluxe © toatiet's "16"—slim sad sleek C1 "110"—Tontioc's magic new somber O taatiec Star Chief—incomparable Whether you're off for tennis in a lively Laurentian or looking for trout in a '56 Pathfinder Dqluxe .. whether it's a visit to the old folks * in your "860", going for a day on the links in a sleek "870", or cruising for a picnic in the finest of them all--Pontiac's breathtaking Star Chief ... you're Anything else is second best... so ...buy a A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE sure to find more fun on the open road. Enjoy the thrill of a con- vertible plus sedan comfort arty protection in Pontiac's 4 -door hardtops ... with from 148 up to 227 horsepower obeying your every command'. Prove it for yourself today ! See your Pontiac dealer! P19S6C wain in tail SEL STEER tiled STOP SAFELY MAY is Safety Month • SAMIS MAYORS Kingston and Victoria Sta. Phone 344, Goderich •