HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-7-10, Page 644.444444444,44444.4444 Common Sense, Red Star, Blue Ribbon .Fiases Binding twine. ORDERS MEN NOW llavang secured apractical trnsm itfa we are now prepared to take work tit 'eavetroughing, furnace, rooting or repairs. Now oulitan' til Cans, and Tinwara of eery description. Daisy Clwrns, Barbed %Vire, Ribbon •end Annealed SViree, Nails, T..octts,kitnges,Pointe mid Cita, Ordereetow taken for'Cheatnut ttlaaksrnith and stove coals, or early de:ivory. GROCERIES --Stork com- plete. Produce tailed in exchange. . !CnCut` Jas. IL BQWalt, Tanager. Proprietor. DISTRICT DOINGS. 'Leaecu rgten people *id vote on bylaw duly :.'ti to nee if they will adopt or rejeet'the local sssesanaent talars. Reports from South Essex chow that fise fruit crop will be fight. Peaches showed spiesnd'ad aigna in the early season, but latterly have'begun dropp- ing oil. Mr. W. C. Ferguson. E. A,, of l'x- bridgea, luta been appointed Modern and English Master of the St. blary'e High :school at $900 per annum. Thos 'Pepper, 9th eon, of Trey, has two Iowa that average 52 lbs. of milk per drty. Last week Mrs. Peppier made ry ponnde of tatter from the milk: of nese cows., This is a good record and :fit not be easily beaten.. A Mr. Clark, of Minmesota, arrived tet Ailsa Craig, on Tuesday, end engag- ing a livery rig drove out to Charlton Bros? farm, Lobo, and purchased from them a three,year-old registered Clydesdale filly for $1,013,), +t The dominion Day celebration at Strathroy wee very suocecsful. Miss McNulty, of Ekfrid, won the gold watch competition, having s3,646 votes to her credit, or nearly double the number polled by her nearest corn. yetitor. "To encourage a higher -etandard of education in the schools the -Council of Lennox and Addington will -give $5 to every teacher for each sriocesaful can- didate at the primary and High School exemination. bit. John r.igie, of'Tuckeratnitb, had a valuable young brood mare kicked by another 'horse that broke one of her hind legs. She had a splendid colt by her side. They sent for a. farrier, who found it was broken at the knee, and said he could do nothing for her, and she had to be shot. John Turner, an employe in the compressed air heading of the St. Clair iron tunnel, died at Port Huron on Saturday 'from the effects of the air pressure. He was working on the Canadian side, where a pressure of twenty-eight pounds to the square inch hss been maintained. 'He was about 22 years of age On Thursday night Wm. Vanhorne, who lives on the Sparta road, was pro• seeding home from the village•in com- pany with Mr. Orlando Prefier, wben they met with an accident, resulting in the breaking of Mr. Vanhorne's arm, close at the shoulder. The injured man was conveyed home and adoctor summoned. On Tuesday of last week, death en- tered another home in McGillivray and took from it Miss Pickering, daughter ,ot Mr. Geo. Pickering. The deceased attended tbe picnic held on the 25th ult. near Limerick, and received a sunstroke, which terminated fatally as stated above. Mr. James Mitehell of the 6th eon. of Howick, while returning home from visiting the doctor last Thursday, was overtaken by illness and fell out of his buggy opposite Mr. John Brethour's house, Fortunately he received no serious injuries, and under Mr. Beethour's kind attentions soon recovered consciousness. The lightning the other day did some slight damage in the country in the vicinity of Guelph. A long the town - line between Gaelph township end Waterloo about twenty telegraph poles were damaged, four of them being completely demolished. Near Shantz station the poles were also damaged in the same way. The editor of the Parkhill Review in asking his readers to pay up suhserip- tions eloquently remarks: 'When the free breezes of heaven waft over your fields of promising grain, along which the dimples of its gladsome laughter chase one another in quick succession. as stem after stem bows its bounty laden hears in giving assent to the promise of a good harvest, remem- ber those whose constant and unre- mitting duty it is to record the incid- ents of life in the surroundings." London Cheese Market. Saturday, July 5,1 890. There has been a heavy meleevluring the last Reek, owing to thefavorable condition of the pasture and the cool weather of the last few days. Buyers were talking about Bao to sic tor the board, but they were not keen ; factory men seemed eager, and a number of lots were sold. The hopeful feature of the cheese grade during the week was the fact that large orders had been sent from Montreal for considerable at the high priced cheese, and no doubt. a good deal of it went, The following factories were repro, rented,;— Boxes,. Sydenham Vel.ley, ,.,=.127 Botany ,..„ . ,,,,,.110 Devizes, 130 W. Nissoure 450 150 Centralia ,, ...... ... White Oat , .,., ,,,,125 Leitch'e , - , , 6613 North Street. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,100 '1't'estmtester ., 150 Elgin.....,......... .,155 Oeary's..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,170 Moyle uromi , „ , 3 511 ermine_ ... . 3.15 Waintit , Blansuard , , - „290 Proof]Lrnw,, .,,,..35.0 Nort3i eegddlesex, . , .150 Mr, F. fi. Neil, of con. 4, Biddulpti, while assisting at the raising of the frame -work -of his brother's 'barn in McGillivray township an Monday slipped off' the perline'plate and fell to the ground and was badly iniured. itch, Mange and Scratches ot every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes ny Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist CANADIAN FAVORITE. The seasoning of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the woest Proms of cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and bowel com- plaints prevail. As a safeguard Dr. Few- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry should be kept in the house, For 35 years it has been the most reliable remedy, Gov, Nicholls yesterday vetoed. the Lonisiana Lottery BM. THE BEGINNING OF DEATH, Disease is the beginning of death, its. approacli Should be mat at once by appro. priate remedies, No better means exists than the use of Burdock Blood Hitters -abenever`symptoms of any disease of the stomach, liver, bowels or blood appear, B. B. B. is the beat life preserver. George Rowson, a young farmer, was killed by lightning near Norwood Monday.. English Spavin Liniment removes al bard, soft or calloused LumpsandBlemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc, Saxe $50 by use of one bottle, Warranted tbe most wonderftrt l3lemieh Cure ever known. Sold by C. Late, Druggist. WHAT SAT THEY r In popularity inareaaiug. In reliabity the standard, In merit the first. In fa t, the be remedy for all Pummel' eoutplainte, dierrboea, dysentery, entraps. eolteeeboleera, iuiaratum, etc., le Dr, Fowler'a retrace of gild StrawberrT. 4.11 medicine dealers sen it, ,tome person stole alrorse belonging to Mr, J. N. Harmer cut of the ahed behind the store at Tilalnesville on Tueaday'night and drove to Chatham, where the animal watt found next morning. A telegraphic deapetch has been received at Sarnia stating abet George Teuton•was killed Friday morning at Milhaud, Wiacansfn, at a fire. Deceas- ed ©arced on a tailoring establishment in that 'place, and teas formerly a teat• dant et Sarnia. Cleeeleud Orange Lodge is expected. in London on the 12th to participate in celebrating the "battle of the Boyne. Granit Master W, ff. Trainer, of Michi. nen, and All. J. S. Larke, of t)shawa, aro also expected to bo present to d• liver a Idressee, together with a number of Local clergy and public met:, While some men were taking gravel C. C. RTewx -' di Co• from a pit on the farm of :1 Tr. Jordon , Sirs,—I was fcrraetlya resident of Port Min.:rd, one mile west of Sparta, they.; La Tour and have always used MINABD'a came across what seemed to he the LINIMENT in my household, and know it skeletons of four human facings, sup - to be the best remedy for emergencies of pose:; to be Indians. The bones are ordinary cltaraiter. very large, andsome of them are badly I Norway, :+e, Josetoi A. Syow. doci:yed, The bones filled a wheel- barrow, TO navons,AEIIl .ITA E D EN, If Foe wilt send esyear addreas.we will+wail you our illustrated pamphlet explainingall out Pr. Dye's Celebrated Electrp,Valtaio Olt and Applianees,anetl7eiraterunnsoffeots mop the nervous debilitated System, sad how they will ellioklyrestore £Fou to -steer and taen- 'tsiednss3th. leseipblet`iree. It you aiethus dile tad,wewtUSend you aileltartA trances en trial. VO TArq i5M r Co„ Atarsbal�t,Ifieh IYIARXBTm>Glt. REPORTS. Exi~ Roi 'beet -. ,., 90to00 93 taring VT:at.-. . 040 to 0090 oats -, , 35 to 33 Glover 83Rd , S 6:00°:e 2 i Timothy'1,015:911r, a5 5a Ooorn ,., . 0 40 41 (eggs „ 'P 13 Bnttox :I,: .l2 0 :S Flourpeibbl -.., 0o 5 i6Appleses,perbnehel„44 A � Apples.pez deg ,,. •,. 1 CO to 1 UO o. o t s r' b ., , 4.oQ D e A i s r d e x p ., 4048 too GT tZeeeeePlb, 0 08 to 14 Turkey per lb , , P 00 to O 07 TrucIP/4°4101)r ;, 0 25 to 0 30 ohipx , Roga.drzeid. pexlC4 .,, -„, 4 5O t'e 05 04 Beef .,. ,., 9 00 toy $5 >dideaxou h, ,,, ..A.:::::::2050: ” dressed . , 39 S1 eepskins aacb 2 Qalfskiva .. Wool periia 3 18 to 0 20 7per to7 en QQu oaapesbneb� tl 0 to 0 f5 Woodpercord 2 lin to 3 oe HOW TO CATCH A LION. A-tleree lion, the terror cit the Sabers Desert. Was receuty captured by the follow. inn simple mottled : The sands of the desert were passedgtkrough a sieve. The Tian of eeurse remained ained iii the eieve. His utaieety lied in iris vest pocket a eau et Impeded Creams Tartar Baking Powder, which he was taking home to hiaqueen. LITTLE Q :.Altl'.b;LS 130BED BIG Ton just bring A couple of little quarrels •into your fatnil' sad they'll breed like spar. rows, any you bring a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters into 3 any house and see how quickly health and strength follows its use. ieothiug eeceie , fot strFnethening, re;ul- attine and purifying power.. One morning lady when Mr. [Tamil - 6, ,1 hiswork l e ,n' \istvrnt'tfl �n . tta i i t c 1, found that the mill had been broken into during the night through a back window and a quantity ot oat chop and part or a grist belonging to another mar., together with three of the bags, had been stolen. The thief left by the window throughwhich'ke entered. He managed to get off with $10 or $12 worth. Rev. G. M. Franklin (well known in London), late pastor of the Congrega- tionel Church to this town, recently znade application to the Bishop of Hunan to be admitted into the Angli- can Church ministry. His application has'been accepted, and we understand' he'hsi been appointed to take charge' of the Eastwood mission. The rever- end gentlemen preached the sermon' tri Christ Church here on Sunday evg.` fie goes to London Obis week for or-. dination to the diaconate.—[Listowel; Standard. • At a barn raising of Mr. Wm., Roberts, lot 26 concession 7, West.., Missouri, recently,an aecident occurred which injured two of the workers, Messrs; Chas. Sterrit and Alex, Wood.. The purline plate was up before sides, had been chosen and the usual race began. The main plate was spliced, and while the above gentlemen were hoisting the shorter piece to position on pike poles it /dipped from its fast- enins;sand went crashing to the ground, It struck Cdr. Sherrit on the back of the neck, and seemed to have paralyzed or benumbed one side of his body ; the other end caught Mr. Wood's foot and smashed it almost to a (jelly. It will be some time before these gentlemen thoroughly recover, although they are progressing as well ascante expected. During Tuesday's storm, July let, John Somerville's barn, Hungerford, was burned by lightning. Nelson Green's house, .Rawdon, was damaged to the ex- tent of $i00, and several persons were prostrated in Charles McLeen's house, Hungerford. All are recovering. Such a Fourth of July as the people of New York and Brooklyn passed through last Friday is not remembered by the oldest inhabitants. What with four murders and innumerable accidents and shootings the Fourth was lurid enough for anyone. Hardly i station house in either city but has a large lot of pistols and weapons seized from reck- leas patriots. i During the absence of Mr, N. Moore. . house and wife, of Shetland, from hone Thursday afternoon last house was burned, anal endeavoring their to save the lives of two little children, Maggie Benson, aged 14 years, was severely burned about the arms and legs, She pluckily extinguished the flames of her clothing by wrapping herself in a feather bed, The house and contents were en- tirely consumed. Buffalo. July, 4th. -For the third time the sentence of death was passed on William Kemmler, the murderer, whose case has become famous through the long fight in the courts against the electrical execution law. Kemmler was brought from Auburn this morning and lodged in jail till 2.30 this afternoon, when he was brought into the court of Oyer and Terminer, and Judge Childs ordered that his previous sentence be ' carried into effect at Auburn Prison during the week of August 1. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorid InImAteett Fall Wheat 090 092 Sprina;>14heat , 0 90 0 92 Bar.ey...... ,,, ... , . , . 0 35 0 3$ oats _ 033. Sri Clover Seed ...... 'l SO 3 50 Timothy 50 4 000 Peas ,..,,, .,,, 054 Eggs ..., ., g A 1G Butter- ,,,. ,. , lS 6 Po stoea per bag , 7` 055 Apple* per , .. .,. ,.. 20050 Woolper lb 5 50 020 Eaypertan i4 OP 164 ee SBLo.Rani tau .20 09e22 OO oatteesdnerleal,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,- . 6 44 7 ort Dakota reports indicate a greater crop for this a year tn hess 'ever bet ore been gathered there. The Political Situation llas notemateriailr changed 'within the last year, hitt \\Ikon's Wild Cherry is becomingbetter known every week as a euro for Cotgha, voids. Whuoninc vouilt.Croup. Loss of Voice and other atfeetions of the throat, Cher• and Lungs, For twenty years this reliable medicine has been useain -scores of families with the hiSold by Get tegonunneuivlltwers only, Hamilton Liberals bave decided to enter a protest against the return of T. H. Stin. son to tho Legislature. Why allow -your lifo to be made miserable by buzzing insects, when Wilson's fly Pads will annihilate them and give you peace? Try them Sold by all druggista. China wants to borrow American silver for the purpose of building strategio railways in Manchuria. Ex -State Treasurer Maher, of Maryland, has been sentenced to five years' imprison- ment for enlbezzling State funds. Cold, cough, coffin le'whtat philosophers term "a logical sequence." One is very liable to follow the other.; 1mt by curing the cold with a dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the cough wilt be stopped and the coffin .not needed •—just at present. Whore I3ativ was nick. we gave her Castors. -;;;.,ea sue r•41' can Child, rho cried for C'astorrm Whoa she becatce Miss. she clung to Gaston.• 7.Then she had Children. sae gave thew Castoria, LONDON. WhoeS, 95a to 98o per bus. (ate. mato %C per bus. Peas, 6010 to 610 ser bus, Bars ley,tXalting,4$ to4Scper bus. Barley Feed. b3eoeto 41* per bus Gore, Oct to 471e per 'Wilson's P1y Pads Slaughter House Flies in millions. They aro safe, cleanly and effectual - 'Seven Provincial election petitions hats so far been filled—four against Conservative and three against Liberal members. The inestimable value of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla as a bleed -purifier should. be known to every wife and mother. It corrects irregul- arities, gives, tone and strength to the vital organs, and cleanses the eyetem of all im- purities. The best family medicine. WASTE NOT PRECIOUS 'TIME, Be quiek. 'Yon can use a minute but once —make the most of R. Especially time when suffering• from dyspepsia, bilious- ness, oonstipation, bad blood or any disease of the stomach, liver or bowels. You can't take Burdock Blood Bitters too soon, every moment wasted delays the longer for cure, A Brain carrying 600 Knights 01 Pythias excursiduiets to Milwaukee was derailed at ]4fanteno, I3L, Monday, One man was killed, DISTRUSTFUL PEOPLE Malre an eroeptio . in favor of Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Its known virtues as a euro for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus and 'all bowel complaints cause all who use it to regard it as the most reliable and effectual remedy obtainable, TORONTO. Toronto. July 9 --Wheat Spring-- No, 2, 95c to 86e per hes'tred winter.No, 2, 990 tol 00 ner bus, lifanitoba - t o,t hard. 115 to 116 ,No. 2.1 13 to 1 14 ; PEAS 630 to e5c per hos- OTS 410 to 42c per bus. FLOUR. extra. $4-13 to 84,5 per 401; straight roller. et 50 to 4.00; ionsbakers, ,4,u0to $4,50.A5A1tt1 E . No 2, .tA to o; Noo 3 extra, ole to - ; o $, 9 . .). \,T.. 11. G1IA.1_IAM, 198 King `street West, Toronto, Ont.. TREATS CHRONIC DISEASBS—and gives. Special attention to SKiN DISEASES, as Pimples, tllcers,eto,. PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseases of a Private Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Yarieoeele, 1Cervous De- bility, etc., (the result of youthful Jolty and excess,) Gleet. and Stricture of long standing. DISEASES OF WOMEN --Painful, Profuse or Sup pressed Menstruation, Ulceration, Leucorrhtea, and Office Bourse a,m to 8 sem, Displacewenta of the 111 om,b, Sundays,i p.m, town‘ a H a A 4 v A g 73CaO 0idNA Montreal; Markets, Montreal, July 8.—Trade was very dull at ;hector market to -day, the oftarimga and ilia attendance of buyers Moth being very emelt, end the milkman who did attend Show€d no iso'+nation to do heftiness at tl'.e p ices holders were caking, The offeiiuge oansist.ed of 60 cows, 30 calves and 111 smell puts, The *owe offered were generally oil and inferior animals, not more time hall a dozen choice untlaere Moat en eller. LTp to a late hour no sales were reported, but ellen remained about the same, 320 to 25 -liming the ranee. Calces were in good demaud. butchers buying up all the offerings at from $1.50 to 50, as to size and quality. Anvten ToatomaEns,—Areyou ctistnroedat nightend broken of your rest by a seek child suffering and crying witli pain of Cutting Teeth? It so send a t once and gat a bottle of" Idrs.Wins low's Soothing Syrup" for Cbil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willralieye the pour little sufferer ire mecliatell ,/enendupon'11, mothers ; there is r..mistake about it. It cures. Dysentery and Diarrbcea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, mace wind Colic. softens tee Gums. recluees Iatiiaminetion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system •7Sixs,Win slow's' Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasanttp the taste and is the preecriptioai of one of the oldest' and best. Coronae physicians and nurses' in the United States; and ie for sale by ell druggists throughout the world,- Paige twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask forearm. weesr,ow's eeoeu no 8'atTw "%nd no nther ind. ery for P'itcher's Castaria British Cattle Maikots, SAY You may look at this. and smile but the Store that has the Sign of the Big Elephant is the place to get your dole if you want a job that will giPe yon good satisfaction ,,n or and at right ri..e, We are showing �' F Edinburgh June 21 --About 300 sheep and lambs were abowu yesterday, the qual- ity being a fair, seasonable average Half - bred sheep sold at -13s to Ste ; cross-breds. 430 to des ; Cheviots. .0•i to 50s ; black. faces, 35-t to 46s ; half.bred ewes, 42e to SO$. Cheviots ewes, 35s to 40a ; incubi, '2tis t•a 3 s ; tups, 40s to COs. Estreme top price of mutton, 8,d ; current, 8d to std n :i i '�ldl' per be i tt tug, ilei., interior, down to 7d l,e 1 There was 11 edneilletable increase in the number of fat cattle shown, the entity being a full average, For all descriptions there was a fair demand. The best classes of bullocks Sola at £17 to 421; smaller kiutls, £10 lOs to 415 10s ; heifers. £13 les to 418. Tor price of beef, 8s ; mid. dliug, 7s' ea; inferior, down to 7s per im- perial stone, BEAT DRIES Muslins, Ginghams, Prints and Dress Goods all marked down to meet the hard times "We Lead. inTeasp Pure Spices and Fresh Groceries. Cheap Sugars &c. f rahn&lo Stylos THE BEST YET ! TEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Overcoatings at any price ; Suit, lugs at any price; Pantings at any price Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen l leave your orders early,for with the beet staff of Tailors ;;the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yon are sure of satisfies- ., tion �r.5.7 J.'F>.. �.d . "`"'' IT T• Bomethi. , 'Ow ixa� Tla:ts Cir o , t i own interest to call 01 and any person that has ani .roughing to do it will 1 o to their o n UM before placing their order for anything in this line, 1 lead—let those foliate IOW ean. 1 alsvaes earry a full etoek of the BEST TIATIATARE In tow11 and all view ;;odds, If y o•1 want a good Pl:lSElt%i INtx 'L•B don't p by before seeing the flue stock 1w bave an hand -all the taut styles, WILLI "O L ANT, ULU ,STT u eH 11 11.1171 11,11.11 11 HU 11:11.11 Il 11 11 11 1 it will bo to your interest to call on us before buying yonrBuilding Hardware. Shelt hardware, oil, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire, Reessermixtultallia A�VYA..L„S TOC First-class tinware. No two and a half yearn Mitawore goods to offer, A.RTISTS� ���UT� IA D 1 u5 Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing a speciality. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Maohines.callcass�o-l�icited.p c BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store W.�.TROTT —THE POPULAR— A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. OUR Spring Stock ---IS—� C OMPLETE Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Skirtings, Cottenad es and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hiird times. WE OFFER THE ae.c"at Va1,e Te.am in the country. Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries and Cheap Sugars Call and see. The prices will astonish you. J. P. ROSS/ Market Store, FXETER Nov. 13,1889. good & Shoo Let Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICEIi,, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones ;Sewed Wo rkaSDeciaify 1 . Repairing promptly and sat - isfactorily done; A CALL SOLICITED W: H. TROTT DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST—GJ SS FUR NITU -E AT LOWER RATES' THAN 3HAiV GOOD& —ARE USUALLY SOLD—e --THEN GALL eur —ONLY FIRST-OLASS— Reliable Good At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Underta.kin,g in all its VI? Branches. S. GIDLEY (Successn, t'o:0 & Ft. ITidley) ODD FELLOWS' BL00K