HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-17, Page 8eikQE KNOX.'AitilitUR CIRCLE AIMEE 1..0-D.E. ' EL INVITED TO MEILFt TAL O SEAWAY The May meeting of the Arthur Twenty-five members of Ahmeeli Circle of Kn,ux Presbyterian I Chapter, 10111E, attended the May 'Murch was well attended on Mon -1 meeting :held at the home of Mrs. day evening in the parlor- Presid- ' J. MacEwan • THU GODERICH SIGN STAR THURSDAY, MAY 117114 t956 mg was Dorothy heed, whose group , Mrs. Gordon Henderson, regent was in charge of the program. ; f the Chapter, presided and the The meeting Opened with the flag was carried by Mr:. W. Doak ahowing of a film sponsored by the in the, a).11:110:1.;of Mra. Clairmont, Cancer Society and members con-' standard bearer. The minute; of tributed gifts to the Welfare the previous meeting were read Branch of that Society for thea' by Mrs. G. Emerson and ttie treas- gift cupboard. urer's report by Mrs. C. Gibbons. The Scripture lesson was read I The regent announced the pre by Evelyn Scruton and Una Mac- senting of Ahineek Chapter Music , Donald. offered prayer_Ft:Ar al sehulaez tt, ft to Miss Dor-+ - The minutes were read by Mary othy Cook. Ten dollars was voted Henderson and Dorothy Mt4('onnell for the Hospital Birthday Party. I gave the financial report. For Empire Study and World Much enjoyed were two vocal Affairs. Mrs (koree Paterson chose duets rendered by Josephine Mac- a timely Article, the St. Lawrence Kay and Betty Wilkin, of Auburn, Seaway. Mrs- Du“tow moved a accompanied in the piano by Ila v -We of thanks to the hostess and Worsell. d iicious refreshments were serv- Avice Bisset, the president, con- ed by Mrs. B. Goldthorpe, Mrs. Reg ducted the business part of the Bridle and Mrs. C. Iweedie meeting. Members were urged to --o accept the invitation of Miss Eva ASHFIELD $vmerville to visit her home in 'Meaford and meet with the Mi`s- sionary Society there in June. Mary Henderson then discussed a portion of the study book. At the close of the meeting tea was served by Margery Young and her committee. 0— 0_ -----o DUN'GANNON DUNGANNON, May 15. — Miss AStIFIELD, May 14. — Mrs E. Reilly, of California. is spending some weeks with her mother. Mrs. Neil Macdonald. Mr. Dan Macdonald visited with relatives in Chatham and Windsor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson I spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Whitehead, in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, of Kitch- 1 Lily McLean was taken to Wing- ener, visited with the latter's bro they, Keith Johnson on Sunday. ham hospital last week for observ- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ation and care. Ross MacKenzie on the birth of a United Church Rally Service.---' son, John Bradley. The Dungannon United Church The CGIT and leaders, Mrs. congregation and Sunday school , Stuart MacLennan and Mrs. Finlay on Sunday morning observed Rally Macdonald, presented a program at Day service. Elizabeth Pentland a meeting Friday evening with the led the service and Lillian Popp ladies of the W.M.S. as guests. 1 read the Scripture. Marilyn Ander- Mrs. Thomas, of Bluevale, gave an son gave the children's story address. "GtxI's ROOM,- Mr. Frank Pent- 0 -o land, Sunday school superintend- ant, assisted by Mrs. Ornar Brooks, presented hymn books, bibles and 1 KINTAIL, May 14. — The May other books as awards of merit for meeting of the Kintail W.I. was attendance to Wilmer Errington, held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Tom Fowler, Joanne Crozier, McDougall with 21 members and Wayne Brooks, David Dawson, several visitors present. Thanks Lynn Finnigan, Eleanor Alton,. for cards sent were received from Karen Dawson. Sandra Brooks, Mrs. E. Sandy, Mr. John McKay, Paul Eedy, -Robert Sherwood. Betty Irvin, Wendy Watt, Marie Brooks and Frances Alton, The district Faye Pearson, Dianne Errin tun, annual is to be held in Blyth on Mary Lou Henry and Donnie Watt. June 6th. The delegates to go are: teachers are Mrs. Iiowatt.rd Mrs. Fred McGregor. Mrs. Ray TheJohnston, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan, Dalton. Mrs. LorneAd•emonstration and Mrs. Clifford Crozier, r. Ken Mrs. Bert Alton. A demonstration Petrie, Mrs. Robert Irvin, Mrs. ' on the proper use of cosmetics Kitchener Finnigan, firs. Herb was very ably giycn by firs. Harvey Finnigan, Mrs. Otto Popp and Mrs. Mol She gave :Mrs. Bob Scott K. Dawson. Rey. G. D. `Watt a facial. cia;. Mrs" Fred McGregor preached on the subject, `•Built thanked Mrs. `Tule Lunch was Upon a Rock." Beautiful floral served by the hostess. Mrs. Pete bQtrquets were at the front of the Farrinh and her issi.s.altts. church placed by the families of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ander- OBITUARY son. Mr. and Mrs. David Sproul and Mr. and Mrs- William Sillib. :Mr. and Mrs. Ben Comfort and A native of Blyth, Louis E. liag- .ron..Enn.is, of St. Catharines, .vi,it- gltt, passel away in izvspita ,..at tetafi It e e:id` a-'tlt Mr.' -and' Porliand. Mich, ;.:n, on Tuesday. Blake.oui-Lat. t.be.1r ,Larin .ata 1 ,7. e p n aw.a -_ie • .":_°-:-.7;11.s Iiilme tri Ashfield: i year. FuneraI service, were held Mrs. Abner Morris on Friday ab-' from the tielie £unerat home, served her 79th birthday. Con-, Portla,pd, on Thursday, May 3. with graturations! Week -end visitor; burial being made at Portland. were Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Mug-, The late Mr. Haggitt was a son ford, London; Mr. and Mrs. Russel of Edward Haggitt and Ann Eleae- Drennan, Miss Re;angeorge, Safnia: beth Little, and was horn at Blyth. Mr- and Mrs. Harold Mugford and Ile leL`, here a young man for three sons, Detroit; Mr- and Mrs- Hieb_ .Tan and wa- a 'blacksmith Len ('hri:stilaw, Nire: Mr: and Mrs by trade Douglas Freeman. Clanton, and Mr., His wife pred"cea,ed hire four - and -Mrs. Ken :Morris. Benmiller years ago. and there were nu tlr. Amos Cornelius, Goderich. ' children. visited his mother, Mrs. Theresa • Surviving are one anter. Mrs- W. Cornelius, at the home of Mrs. M. Doubleday. of Detroit, Mich Matthew-Shackle'r,n nn Sunday. ' ting Tour brother,. Alfred and Ed - Mr. and Mrs- ('iaytnn Ladd and warn. Ka th. Jack of Morris Town- Mi5s Mary Cook, ,of Blyth, visited -hip and George. . of Port Albert. recently with Mr and Mrs. Thomas'Mr .lack Haae,t1 attended the Park. • I :uneral on Thur -day. a r KINTAIL LOUIS E. HAGGITT LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend 1111100001.00009000000110 NING SATe, MAY 19 CLIFF. SCANLON DANCE TO CLIFF. SCANLON AND HIS -ORCHESTRA 11 MUSICIANS Sox 'rt and, t111(0 111 '•,!" lam y O& -'•P' Sit f+ tea eta Sigma Phi prtng ..._.Fant +.s Jall FRIDAY, MAY 25 AT GO E V ICH PAVILION GEORGE ORGE TINGI Y'S 0 i.,0131ESTR.A. COR.TJAGE FAVORS �_- • . 0 per couple. PitOOLi2D0 FOR, LOCAL IZOOPITAL Semi -formal. OPEN SILL 9 R.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Popular Brands CIGARETTES ctnof10pkgsor20A,99 Cloverleaf Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON Duchess Plain White -- 8 -inch Vats tin 49( PICNIC PLATES pkg 27 Yukon Club (Contents Only) GINGER ALE Christie'. RITZ 2 30 -oz btls 25 c 8 -oz pkg 21c 12 -oz tin 3 7c 16 -oz jar 29c 211-0z btls 3 9c 2 6 -oz jars 21c Swift's Delicious Canned Mer, PREM Sultana PEANUT BUTTER Ann Page ..KETCHUP Libby's . MUSTARD Mild & Mellow — Custom Gro 8 'O'CLOCK COFFEE Rose Brand GHERKINS Ann Page SALAD DRESSING A&P Fancy and lb 89c 12 -oz jar 3 3c- 16 -oz jar 3 3C ORANGE JUICE 2 20 -oz tins 29 Aylmer Sliced PEACHES Dole Fancy Crushed -PINEAPPLE »fa_'tljjw+tr drtaia.l. •..1,= r FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 10 -oz tins 31c 2O-oi Tin 29c 20 -oz tin 3 2c • Pnn Pago Jane Parker CHILI SAUCE 5c CHERRY PIE ORANGE DRINK4zn29C SPANISH BAR SiREUSSEI SQUARE GRAPE DRINK 33Jan. Park" Sug" or Ci"amm - PARTY PUNCH "SUPER—RIGHT" 48 -oz tin 48 -oz tin 31c DONUTS SAVE 100 each 4 9 c 8AVE 4e bath 3 5, SAVE 6o each _29c SAVE 4e pkgof1223C Jane Parker Old -Fashioned SAVE 8e SUGAR COOKIES pkgs55c QOALITY MEATS Smoked, Cooked, Ready to Serve HAMS— Portion �b 5 3 c Portion lb 5 9 Smoked!, Cooked, Boneless HAMS Either TUSEndCO Y AGE - Burns Hot Dog Style WlENEOS Extra Lean MINCED R 1,7 1 -Ib cello bag 29c lb 29( Ib S �c i�4,11 Cass 1 TURKEYS OVEN-READY SWEET SALMON FLESH "10 - FRF*.. CANTALOUPES NO, f GRADE TOMATOES LETTUCE CUCUMBERS SWEET CORN CAULIFL'WER' each 25c 44, - stir• Florida No, 1 a AO Grade, Hand Selected Quality iceberg, California New Crop Na. 1 Grade cello tube 1 9e each 19C each 1 9c Native Hot House No. 1 Grade, Sweet Green Slicers Florida Fancy Tender Yellow California Snow White Heads 6 639c each 35c PICK THE LABEL WITH THE SAILOR BOY CL OVEN CROC IRISH STEW BOILED DINNE':: TO SOUP Clark's Assorted SAN*, VVPCVI SPREADS c Thinly Sliced Centre Cuts or Steaks COOKED HAM Super Right, Smoked Rindless SIDE BACON .b 7qc PEAMEALED, WHOLE or HALFlb 37c crier 4-resrr iraugnt^� 'livrfrte 1 -Ib pkg 89c W itilb pkg BASS FILLETS Ib 3 9c...._. LIBBY'S FROZEN WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2i,..pkgs 39c REALEMON FROZEN LEMONADE 26ozh5 2.5, SPECIAL 1 MORTON'S POT PIES CHICKEN — BEEF _TURKEY 1Y fo"r" CANNED GOODS SALE APPLESAUCE TOMATOES MATOES Aylmer Choice Aylme BARTLETT PEARS CORN IT'S ALL PURE COFFEE A&P INSTANT, COFFEE 4 -oz jar 9 EANS Clark's 0 -oz jar 2 CLARK'S CLARK'S CANADIAN CLARK'S VEGETABLE or CREAMED CELERY Clarke GOVERNOR 23.02 tires23 SAUCE 15 -oz tin2 15 -oz tin t 3 tins 29C 8-oa btl C CREAM ' STYLE J -i 2 28 -oz tins 45c 2 2O -oz tins55 c 2 5 -oz tins 23c OGILVIE CHERRY ALMO:.D CAKE MI 16 -oz pEzg 5C 11-Y NEW! ITS PINK. Introducing cAm NEW PINK 3 Containing Cold Cream o, 2 Reg Calces cBath Size 2 c73 SAVE 5c - Bring= �Us Your Pink Camay Coupon- SPECIAL oupon SPECIAL PACK CHEER Giant SAVE "1c Special Price 65c BLUE MAGIC WASH DAY SUDS' DREFTSPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER 7c Letrm SAVE Sc Special Price 34C Giant Pkg Stainless Steel Paring Knife FREE in each Package OXYDOL IVORY FLAKES SPIC & SPAN TIDE lg.. 39c giant 77c Largo Pkg 41c Giant 73,c Giant 73, Prices Effective (IntiI Saturday, May 101111, 1000. tits; 03V1n7 tal.,5 , C , YAc I;;c Tr.: compANY lull.