HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-17, Page 7UIF DAY, MAY 17t1r, 1'G NRS. A. 0. 0ALa ER GUEST SPEAKER The Gills' and Junior Auxil- iaries of St. George's Anglican 4turch held a Mother and Daugh- ter banquet in the Parish Hall on Monday evening. Mrs. A. C. Calder, Diocesan Pre- sident of the. Woman's Auxiliary, presented 'motor ring certificates to L)enelda :bannister, Pauline Hill and Gwendolyne Stewart; cooping badges to Mary Wilson and Janet Hugill, and Bible study chevrons til Donelda Bannister, Pauline Hill and Gviendglyne Stewart. A toast to the J.A. was proposed by Jen- nifer Prost and a toast, to the G.A. by Sharron Carroll. was the guest speaker and also r•, — 24 OZ. LOAF SLICED OR UNSLICED ADDS ZEST TO YOUR MEAL — ROSE BRAND SWEET i OZ.29c JAR WEIX D PICKLES J. WILLIAM HORSEY BRAND PEFEIHT gEETICES 15 OZ. TINS FREE WITH EACH GIANT PKG.-1 PARING iciorx VALUED AT 29c Ery ICITEMSEEV GIANT [t( wri��(e PKG. Gj �l 4 STICK THE COTTAGE- THIS WEEK -END CLOVERLEAF- Red Sockeye Fancy SALMON OZ. 4110 AYLMER — FANCY APPLESAUCE 1Tin °z' HEINZ — TOMATO KETCHUP 11 Oz. Bottle 940 250 DELICIOUS ANGELUS Margiarnillows I¢ Oz. 000 BRIGHT'S CHOICE —HALVES PEACHES Tln15 0z. AYLMER — GOLDEN CHOICE CREAM CORN Tin z. 1130 BEANS WITH PORK 2 Sma.33$ LIBBY'S — DEEP BROWNED J. WILLIAM HORSEY BRAND RU1T - SWEETENED BLENDED SWEETENED ORANGE SWEETENED 2 tag. 250un- 2.4, Its1 TIN Z. �y 48 OZ. TIliiS. TIN 210 39C 39$ GOOD QUALITY APPLFF(YRD FOOD SAVER DIMS ) Each WAX PAPFA RllF31 SUPPER CLUB — {IP E -U S COLONW.. " PAVER T ...110.M._ -,....L9, kg J. WILLIAM HORSEY BRAND --ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT X 15 OZ. 230 TIN GATTUSO — OWL, JAR- COMBINATION ARCO NA N OLIVE; CITRUS SALAD 18 OZ. 490 JAR SAVINGS AT TIME OF PURCHASE! OE � �T 65p P CHEER DETERGENT ,if�3 IT'S NEW! COLOUR DPINK k.1 CAMAY+ . SW0 Handy for Quick Meals, Snacks, otc. JIFFY - BURNS �E Tin Z 390 I LUNCH BRCS of 27 110 ASSQRTED FLAVOURS SAVE ON RICHMELLO SALAD FROSTADE 5 Pkga. 290 DRESSING Jar Oz. 5@o PREIN@UMS WITHOUT CERTIFICATES Cannon Bath Toweis ASSORTED COLOR,, REG. PRICE 99c EACH Each WITH EVERY $5 XIS CASH PURCHASES : .R.�F • t-11Sr&ill Sweet, ripe Cuban red Pineapples Buy them by the case of 12 at $2.89. Imported No. 1 red Ripe Tomatoes 14 oz. carton Large size, 12's 4 for 99c Texas Topless Carrots 20 oz. poly bag 19c 2 for 23c :•c. NEW FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE RR�tT G?i Complete De:n''s ani Entry Form at Your Dominion Stara 'd:.LuE3 EFFECTS -4E AT GODERICH UNTIL CLO"INC TIME SAT., MAY 19th DOMSTORES LIMITED l I Gr nt To Hospital Dere Special grants totalling $21,564.- 68 have been received from the Ontario Government by Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, it was announced at a ' board meet- ing here Monday. The hospital has received a special maintenance grant of %1,984.68 and another special grant of $11,4100. It is expected that tenders for the addition willbe called for on June 15, the board was advised by George Parsons, chairman of the building committee. Appreciation was voiced of the generous gesture of the Gallow f*mily, which has presented some of the instruments and utensils of the late Dr. W. F. `callow to the hospital. o BRIDGE o SCORES Goderich Duplicate Bridge scores: Mrs. J. V. Thomas and Mrs. 1R/heeler, 44 points; Ur. and Mrs. K. Hunter, 42 points; and Mrs. F. Curry, 40 points; Mrs. F. Saund- ers and Mrs. Nicol, 301/l points. o o 0 John Cabot made his voyage of discovery to what is now Canada only five years after Christopher Columbus had landed in the West Indies. THE G D RIC SIGNAL -STAR BEES FOR LONG LIFE Something a a record may iaav .been established by Names :.:arnby, Ahi'aeId Townstip farmer, who has been in the beekeeping busi- ness for 75 years. Mr. Bariahy, now 80 years old, started in the business when he was 15 and he still has abnnt 25 hives,. on his place. When he celebrated his ;kith birthday recently, his son, air. Alen Barnby, and Mrs. Barnby, of Ham- ilton, were present as were Ash- field neighbors and Lucknow friends Longevity seems to run in the family as Mr. Barnby's father lived to be 105. , Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, MAY '20 TO a.m.. Sunday School. TT a.m. Worship Service. T p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. C.Y.C. Meeting, Friday 8 p,m Girls and boys 9 to T4 years. AU. ARE WELCOME. Pastor, T. 3. McMichael ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH MAY 20, Whitsunday. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1T tart. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster 'North Street United Church 10 a.m. 11 a.m. MZ 1955 Plymouth "Savoy,, "6" 4 -door sedan, aircondition, chrome wheel covers, signal tights, chrome package, 10,000 utiles, 1 owner. SAVE HUNDREDS ON THIS ONE. 1953 Dodge "Regent" "6" .-door station wagon, air- condition, wheel covers, solei glass, 1 owner, Al condition. "V8", 4 -door sedan, powerflite transmission, radio, aircondition, 2 tone, whitewalls, solex glass, seat covers, 11,000 mile, 1 owner. SAVE $800.00 ON THIS ONE. "6" Club Coupe, aircondition, signal lights, radio, sun visor, 34,000 actual sidles, Al +corpdition ii. "6" 4 -door, sedan, aircondition, radio, reconditioned motor Aust. installed. "6" Club Coupe, aircondition, radio, chrome wheel covers, 2- tone, 1 owner, 34,000 miles, like new. 1948 DeSoto "Custom" _ "6" 4 -door sedan. 1946 Ford 5 PASSENGER COUPE. SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1956 Sunday School. RULES FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. BIBLE STUDY. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader. 1953 DeSoto • "Firedome" -LET'S PROVE TO YOU WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON A USED CAR BUY. - "V8" 4 -door sedan, power steer- ing, power brakes, automatic transmission, radio, whitewall nylon tires, solex glass. This' car is immaculate in every ligay. 1952 Monarch "Custom" "V8" 4 -door sedan, aircondition, radio, 1 owner, Al condition. 1951 Austin "A40 � o OPEN EVENINGS TRADE -- TERMS A written warranty, certificate with each, car or truck No reasonable offer refused Immediate delivery on 1956 Dodges TRUCKS 1954 Dodge 12't' ' W. 314 ton, chassis and cab, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed axle, 8.25x20 tires. This tr'onrk is ready to go tc_wodc. 1954 Dodge % ton pickup 1948 Fargo ',/2 ton pickup 1948 Dodge V/ ton panel Vreriiagtertan flurcFr Rev. R, ,G,MacMiiis�r►......M.!:-_W_.,�:.-E�' h�&.F.• C. . 4.R.C.M. Minister" Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "A LOVE MADE KNOWN." (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7 p.m. "DIVES AND LAZARUS." GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL Si REET 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE. Tuesday, May 22, 8 p.m. The annual meeting of Church mem- bers. Friday, May 25, 8 p.m. Missionary Rally. Rev. John Hart of India will show pictures of his work. "Come to Him to That Living Stone . and Be Yourselves Built Into a Spiritual House." -1 Peter 2:4-5. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. Victoria Street United Church Welcomes cordially old friends and new to THE SEVENTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 20. MORNIING 11 a.m. EVENING. 7.30 p.m. Guest Preacher—Rev. George Watt, B.A., B.D., Dungannon. Music Director—Mr. Bert Kempster. Anthem, a.m. "My Heart Was Glad." P.M. "One Prayer, One Song... . Morning Quartette—Messrs, S. Argyle, C. Woods, C. Breckow, B. Kempster. N.B.—Benmiller and Union have pleasure in worshipping' at Victoria. Their usual services withdrawn. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE .Sunday -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Services 8 p.m. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. -Pastor--R. J. Green. At IVAN'S FRUIT MARKET you can depend on I tff e A PlisliwnwiFR5S11 AW' FRUITS 44-% • ETA LES Where you get bananas at only 25c for 3 lbs. Ontario Potatoes, 75 lbs., at $2.25.. WE SPECIALIZE 1N ROSE BUSHES, SHRUBS, CUT FLOWERS, POT FLOWERS ,., EE BILIN .RW ; A w 0 w P ONE 1571 3 STRATFORD DISTRICT YORKSHIRE CLUB 14th ANNUAL Yorkshire Sale 22 BRED SOWS 9 BOARS Selected for type and health of the herds by the Ontario Live Stock Branch. All :oars are eligible for the Provincial Government Bonus. AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS, STRATFORD Thursday, May 24 9. 1956. Sale at 1.30 P.M. D.S.T. Catalogues on request. John Schamber, R. E. White, President. Secretary. Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. -20 TRE TIME IS HERE GET YOUR CHEST X-RAY GODERICH - MacKAY HALL FRIDAY, MAY 18 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. MAY 22=23-24p25 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. a 7 p.m. to 10 po FRIDAY, MAY 25 Special clinic for retail merchants at Britisli Exchange Hotel 10 a.m. to 12 am. • visiornimmessimmimmemimmir SPONSORSHIP - HURON TB ASSOCIATION