HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-17, Page 2s
THURSDAY, MAY 170, 1056
Oly• Gobtritil �tgn�l-�tttr
Astablished 1848. In its 109th year of publication.
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Limited
ouosci tylion Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United
States. $4.OQ. Strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates on request Telephone 71.
Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.
Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A. 237 Foy Bldg.i,...34 Front St., W. Toronto.
Over 3,000—Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron County—Over
Sembir of. Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly
Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. - -
GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher.
TIrUR.. -. .wSDAY, MAY 17th, 1956
The threatened railway strike was averted
just in time to prevent almost a complete tie-
up of transportation facilities. 'Trucks, motor
ears and airplanes could keep traffic from
coming to a complete standstill, but • their
service would be limited. The ,idle vessels in
Gkiderich harbor are one indication of what
the sailors' strike means. The interrupted
flow of wheat from the western prairies to the
lower lake ports and on to the coast for export
is an added blow to the growers who have
been waiting for the opening of navigation to
release the great surplus of grain and relieve
their empty pocketbooks. At other lake ports
tied -up freighters will be evidence of lost
business for the iron, coal and other industries.
Unless it is quickly settled the strike will have
started a long chairs of unemployment and lost
I►roduetion from which the strikers will them-
selves suffer.
It is to be hoped that good sense and a
spirit of moderation among all parties con-
eerned will soon bring a settlement of the
An argument has sprung up as to whether
"God Save the Queen'' can he played on the
bagpipes. We reserve our opinl'oti 011th we
hear from Lochalsh.
• • • •
The failure of Hydro power on Sunday,
owing to an electrical storm wvl0eli crippled
the generating station at Niagara, is a further
vindication of the need of an auxiliary supply
of some kind. A similar aocident on any day
but Sunday would be a serious matter for
manufacturing industry over a wide area.
DIunicipal taxbills are t►iit, and the only
consolation for taxpayers in face of the S -mill
increase is that it might be worse. `Vinithaui,
for instance, has a 72 -mill rate and other
towns are straggling with heavier taxes than
Goderieh's 65 mills. And then, of course, -it
is worth more to live in Goderieli.
• • • .
The House of Representatives at Wiishing-
ton last week voted unanimously, 377 to 0,
for an appropriation of $33 billions for the
1)efenee Department for the coming fiscal year
bel!initirig July 1. If Canada spent a similar
amount. aeeot iilig to population, for defense,
(ittawa's appropriation would he soliiething
like 31., bill, oris. Instead, it is less than two
• • • e
Some eolnpelisation for the tartly spring
is to be found in the -flet that the flowers in
the garden aro lasting mush longer than usual.
Instead of 1110 various blossoms tripping over
one another in' their short lives, there has been
a steady procession—snowdrops, crocuses, hya-
ciiiths, daffodils, tulip:, eaeli coming along
without Baste and". in its proper order and
►trig the gardener and other admirers full
savor of its beauty before it passes on for
another year. And perhaps—,just perhaps—
there niay be a delayed autumn to extend the
flowering st'asoii later than usual.- I4et's enjoy
the parade of the blossoms and hope the season
will be a long one.
NILE, May 14.—Mrs. Ross Mc-
Nee is now home from the hospital
and recuperating steadily.
To date the Nile store has ,not
opened for business,- as ?fir. Mc`
. Connell, the new owner, rs ,redecor-
iiCriii' - ittriurli rivi, ,
Last Friday the annual baseball
game between Carlow and Nile
schools was held, in the afternoon.
The game was very much in favor.
of Carlow, the score being 48-20!
A special Mother's Day service
was held at the church on Sunday,
with a Large crowd in attendance.
Several children were baptized by
the Rev. Mr. Watt.
Mr. Robert Dures visited with
Mr. and ..Mrs. Gordon McGratten
on Wednesday.
Nile Y.P.U.—Nile Y.P.U. met in
the church basement Monday
night, with the president in charge.
Tom McPhee was in charge of the
worship service. A reading was
given by George Ribey. Tom Mc-
Phee read the Scripture. Rev.
Mr. Watt conducted the Bible
study. Games were under the
leadership of -Noel Robinson.
W.A. Meeting.—The May meet-
ing of the W.A. was held in the
basement of the church with Mrs.
Matthews in charge. The Scrip-
ture -was read by Mrs. D McNeil.
The topic was by Mrs. McDiarmid.
Mrs. Harry Watson gave a reading
Treasurer's report was by Mrs. G.
McNee. Plans were completed for
the supper, May 25th. Mrs. Mat-
thews is to remain president for
the remainder of the year as Mrs.
Alvin Kerr has moved away: Lunch
was served by Mrs. W. Wiggins
and - Mrs: - H. Pentland-3lr1 W.
Rutledge, secretary. --
ASHFIELD, May 14.—Mrs. Ed.
Riley, of San Francisco, is visiting
with her mother, Mrs. Neil Mac-
Donald, and her brothers, Bill and
Earl MacDonald. On Sunday even-
ing, Mrs. Riley received a tele-
phone call from Mr. Riley (en route
on business) from- Omaha, Neb-
raska. Ile had contacted the other
members of the Riley family at
San Francisco and arranged a two-
way hook-up by telephone. Mrs.
Riley acknowledged Mother's Day
greetings from each member of
her family.
Mr. and Mrs. Shilroth and child-
ren, of Owen Sound, and 'Hiss Lois'
MacLean, of Toronto, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bogie, of
London. visited witty -firs. Neil Mac-
Donald on Wednesday evening.
David and Dick Compton. who
were on the Bricnldoc. are at their
home in Kintail; also Allan Mac-
Donald, Carl Vose11a and Jack
Johnston are hav ng a forced holi-
day from their boats.
There died in Dearborn, Mich-
igan, on Friday evening, Mrs.
Annie Munro, the former Annie
MacKenzie, of Ashfield. The fun-
eral is held from MacKenzie's fun-
eral home, Lucknow, today. She
is survived by a sister, Miss Maud,'
MacKenzie, Detroit, and a Brb her,-
NeiL . At; 12� cince�,inn.__�4rQld.
Mr.—add -Mrs. ISonald Blne,'Nei1
MacKenzie and Jack Collinson at-
tended the funeral service in De-
troit on Sunday.
0 0 0
ST. AUGUSTINE, May 14.—Re-
cent visitors at the home of Am-
brose and Mary,. Ada Brophy were:
Mrs. Miles. Moir, Wingham-_ an .
Mrs. George Dale, Cargill; Ada -
Brophy, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Devereaux
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrison,
Parkhill, on a week -end recently.
Mr. Jim Cummins, Kitchener,
spent the week -end at his home
Maureen Leddy, Wingham, Irene
O'Connor, London, Edward Brophy,
Guelph, were borne for the week-
Dennis (,eddy. of the S.S. Van-
doc, is visiting his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyle, Mr.
and' Mrs. Cyril Boyle and Michael,
visited friends in Seaforth on
DownM emory's
45 Years Ago
The pros and cons of church
union were discussed at the annual
meeting of the Goderich district
of the Methodist Church.
The public school principal re-
ported 587 pupils enrolled, com-
pared to 430 six years ago.
The teacher at S.S. No. 6, Grey
Township, has been re-engaged at
a salary of $525, which is $25 more
than Last year.
A rural correspondent says farm-
ers' have been busy the past three
weeks putting in the seed. A
number have already sown their
root crop.
The erection of ,that part of the
organ factory which was destroyed
by fire last fall is one of the largest
projects in Goderich this year. ,
25 Years Ago
A Goderich motorist learned
that four in a coupe isn't consider-
ed a safe ,way to travel. `'He was
fined $10 in Magistrate Reid's court
On behalf of the congregation of
Knox Church, A: Porter, treasurer,
presented a cheque to Rev. R. C.
MoDermid, who is departing to
accept a call from St. Paul's
Church, Toronto.
On May 22, 1931, the Woman's
Missionary Society of North Street
United Church celebrated its 50th
The Town of Goderich lost a
suit against a fire insurance com-
pany for payment re services of
the local fire brigade. -The -Gode-
rich brigade, it was admitted, had
saved the company almost all of
the $8,000 risk it carried on a
building. The case was tried at
It was a merry party of women
who boarded Thomas Rivett's truck
on Tuesday for a trip to Kintail!,
where the members of the Dun-
gannon branch of the Women's
Institute were guests of Kintail
15 Years Ago
Mrs. E. Douglas Brown, wife. of
the mayor of this town, christened
the new mine -sweeper, "Goderich,"
which was launched at Toronto.
A number of Goderich citizens at-
tended the ceremony.
A. E. Jennings, former RCMP
and county constable, was appoint-
ed to the Goderich police force
following the resignation of the
night constable who was hired
only nine days before.
In the Huron War Services Fund
campaign, county residents con-
tributed $28,529 in cash and pro-
duce. This was 142 per cent of
the objective:
Constable Frank Fox, of Wel-
land, has been appointed senior
Provincial Police officer in Huron
County, with headquarters in
'Mae -rid -1. He succeeds nstabie,
Sidney Cook, who has left the
Huron County is being "hied for
$19,500 as -a result of a double
An extra service! Ypuocan
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GODERICII BRANCH: p. A. Waters, Manager.
Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. (DST)
First show tit dusk.
Thurs., Fri. May 17, 18
Glen Ford, Ursula Theiss
Saturday May 19
"The I Don't
Care Girl"
Mitzi Gaynor, David Wayne
Sun., Midnight May 20-21
and Monday
"She Wore A
ow Ribbon"
John Wayne, Joanne Dru
Victor McLaughlin
rues., Wed. May 22, 23
"Something To
Live For",
Ray Miilond, Teresa Wright
Thurs., Fri.. May '24,_25
"Double Dynamite"
Jane Russell, Frank Sinatra
Groucho Marx
Also, Ritz Bros. in.
"Straight Place
and Show"
fatality near Gorrie. It is claimed
fiat the county failed to Maintain
a bridge' in proper shape.
10 Years Ago
Goderich Public Utilities Com -
Mission has received credit for
$6,105, the amount by which it
was overcharged last year by On-
tario Hydro, from which the local
commission buys its power.
Tenders are being called for a
new bridge at Bayfield, and the
Bayfield-Goderich section of the
Blue Water Highwayis to be pre-
pared for the laying of a good
permanent pavement.
.Miss Marabelle MacKenzie, of
Lindsay, was engaged as supervis-
ing nurse for Huron County at a
meeting of the county health and
hospital committee.
Capt. John Vickers, of Goderich,
saw his new ship, .Imperial Hallif4x,
being christened at Halifax.
After five years on a 35 -mil
tax rate, council has upped the
1946 levy to 42 mills for public,
school supporters and 41% mills
for separate school supporters.
Letter to Ale Editor
Editor, Signal -Star.
Sir,—Eleven years have passed
since my first business trip to
Goderich. I have witched the pro-
gress made by your City Fathers.,
with 'great interest; in fact I be-
camt quite familiar with every
pothble in the road surrounding
your battered but historic County
building, and have sat quite often
on the benches located in the
Square, almost being able to read
Two shows ,nightly, rain or clear.
Children under 12 to cars free.
Pursuant to resolution passed by Goderich Town
Council, I hereby proclaim the week of May 21-26 as
Paint Up - Clean Up Week
and 1 urge the co-operation of all citizens in beautify-
ing their premises with the aim of maintaining this
municipality's reputation as "The Prettiest Town in
Mayor of Goderich.
my newspaper under the 30 watt
light standards.
Then came the fire, a blessing in
disguise, and a truly beautiful
County building, a road to be
proud of and lights that are the
Now, who is responsible for the
antJquated eyesore called, in. the
18561's, a bandstand. Could it not
be moved to a more -suitable loca-
tioe so that your ,visitors would
have a lasting- impression- of a
beautiful park area.- centred by
one of the most outstanding build-
ings of its kind in a town of this
and.even larger size?
689 Roekway Drive, Kitchener.
o—n o
Mrs. Wm. Currey and children
of Windsor, spent the Week -end
with the lady's mother, MIA. H, L.
rive - in .Theatre
11/4 Miles East of Goderich, on No. 8 Higiway
Thursday—Friday May 17-18
"I'd Climb -the Highest Mountain"
Susan Hayward, William Lundigan
"The Road to Denver
John Payne, Mona Freeman
May 19-21
MAY 20th—Box Office opens at�12.01
"Combat Squad
Joan Ireland, Lon McCallister
"Rough Tough West"
Roy Rogers, Dale Evans
Tuesday, Wednesday
"The Desert Fox
James Mason, Cedric Hardwicke
May 22-23
Children under 12 in cars free.
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I1 .
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