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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-10, Page 10
• POI T 1E1 RT, T1ay 5.—Mr. and ultra, +r'e Hatgitt„ of Sheppard - top., Mes3ra. Alfred and Ed. Ha gilt anti, Mr's. Johan McLellan, of Blyth, were lab London on Tuesday last to attend the funeral of a cousin, the late Mrs. James Miller. Inter- w,elf�8 was in Clinton cemetery. BUSINESS D i ',F,OTORV M CHOROPRACTOC ERT SUCH,, D.C. octor of Chiropratic. OA. ce Hours: Mon., Thurs.--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., •Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed.. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy 0°,:ice__ orner of South St. and Britannic Road. Phone 341. ALBERT SH �r, RE P •. BLOC AC P.O. 9©x 797, OFFICE 38 Hat•¢tiltOG St. PHONE E 975 COUNTANT Goderich, Ont. R.ES4��,ENCE 39 Victoria St., Souter 47-13xtf PH •,NE d; OUT ON A LJ�MB WITH i .ILL SMILEY If ever there is anyone looping for samples of the lowest form of human wit, I can tell him how to go about collecting them. Just get a black eyes 44 } , I had a doozer this week. My wife gave it to mei wasWait about minute. Not that way. open the door of the car to ask her if she'd checked the furnace. Just as 1 reached for it, she opened it smartly to ask me if l'd checked the furnace. When it nailed me in the eye, I thought I was a goner, and she went in the house to see if my loss of limb of eye policy was paid Within a few minutes it was purple eonlball. We civ. � it 44 best we could and I set off to face the wiseacres. First 1 elf .�; ay was pretty bad. The comments were brilliantly witty, ranging from the up. the sire and color of a bartender's - _ beefier. Ambulance Stilos ®n,$) (formerly Cranst Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 71 Montreal St., Goderich e tt A. Jo 'Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE -- A'_,TOMOBIt.E -- CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Onsured Rest_, Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. `Telephone 268. G. B. CLANCY Optometrist -Optician (succe. L. ssor to top optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. 40 .� O IO 1 TA f p .� gWWa r b MRS. 1C I..Z JOHNSON Funeral service for Mrs. Lillie Ileasall, was held at funeral home in simple "boo hitcha?'• and "forgot Johnson, to duck, eh?" through the CO)' I the l onthro .. liensall on Thursday of ltlst ween knew she'd catch up with you some day," and the inevitable ",I sup- at 2 p.m. Interment was in Chin - pose you ran into a door? right ton cemetery. to the ineffably humorous sally Mrs. Johnson, who was in her with which one party introduced 74th year, died on Tuesday, May 1, isle as "the former welterweight in South 'Huron Hospital. Easter, champion of the Smiley heuse- where she had been a patient for hold." two months. The former Lillie :: .: * Moore, of Clinton, she went to I stayed right with them or Hensel' 12 years ago from Brant - a while and came back with some ford. She was a member of Hen - mighty funny ones myself. "My salt United Church. Her husband, wife," I said. "Footwork isn't William Johnson, died several what it used toy be," 1 said. Anita a years ago. Surviving is one see the other guy, daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Gallienne, lot of pretty darn humorous ones of Hamilton. like that. I canh go at fellow. "W. a MRS. JENNIE A. BOWERING joke as well as the next fellow. By the time we'd finished argu- 1 ing about whose fault it was, it was obvious that I was going to live. Last time I'd had a lamp like that, it was -given to me by Feldwebel Ernest Waller of the Wehrmacht for swiping his pipe and tobacco out of his overcoat pocket, when I thought he wasn't looking. * * •k * Only difference in the two cases was that the Feldwebel didn't cry, kiss me, and say he was sorry. He roared, kicked me, and fixed the other • .eye to match. 1 * We didn't have a piece of steak, and if we:had, I doubt if it would have been sacrificed, so the Old Girl dug out some hamburg that was getting past the edible stage, and made me lie down with a big hamburg poultice on it. A native of Ashfield Township, But after a while, in fact if 1 Mrs. Jennie A. Bowering died at 14th rightly, it was after the the home of her cousin,' William a th "boo hitcha,,' I began getting Melvin, in Winnipeg, Man., do May but little soIn. Fun's fun, you sinew, 1. In her 80th year, Mrs. Bower - (mean, after all.r had been ill for a considerable So the next joker that asked me Period of time---- ' what had happened, I told him I The former Jennie A. Reed, she was out fishing and a fellow caught was the widow of Rev. J. W. Bow - his hook in my eyelid and ripped Bring. She had lived in British it off. You shouid have seen that Columbia end Manitoba for over big, stupid grin of his change into 50 years.Surviving is one son, a look of awed concern. Dr. Melvin Bowering, of Regina, r , * Sask., and two daughters, May, My next customer was a woman, who is on the staff of Deer Lodge Hospital, Winnipeg, and Ruth, who who tittered "that'll teach you to is he wife of Professor Donald write things about your wifavec in her Mainlgttd, of Yale University, New that column of yours." I g York. There is one grandchild. a gentle, sad look and said "I hope Also surviving is one 'brother, J. the divorce won't make any differ- M.Reed of Grimsby, and a sister, encs tyour friendship with her."aiMrs.Thomas Dickson, ofLeaming- I lboked back after I'd gone half t�dn. a block, and she had two other Interment was in Winnipeg dames cornered, nodding her head cemetery. vigorously. I quickly disposed of three more customers by telling A that I got the eye when the furnace blew up, B that I'd never have the sight of it again, and C that I'd got it in a fight with the Chief over a park- ing ark ing ticket, and would be op in court next Tuesday. �iUltiDAY, MAY 1Otb, 1056 U ' u L A. YOUNG Russell Alexander Young, secre- tary -treasurer and director of Anglo-American Exploration Ltd., Calgary, died suddenly iia ,high Diver, Alberta, on Friday, April 20 at the age ot 54. I -Ie was a brother of Mrs. Tait Clark, Col- -borne -Tn�.ship. Born in Prince Albert, Sask., he was the eldest son of the late Dr. Colin Gordon 'Young and Mrs. young. Mr. Young attended both the University of Saskatchewan and Queen's University. He held a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He served overseas, with the R.C.A.S.C. from 1939 to 1945 and took part in iD-Dar .fans in Fran.,ce,, _ the 3rd -Canadian -Infantry ' Division. Alter being discharged he joined - the Huntington Aviation Group of London, Eng., as secretary -treas- urer of the Phoo.graphih Survey Corporation Ltd., in Toronto. Mr. Young moved .o Calgary in 1951 Right off the' ice, it felt prettye good, at that, and I dropped During the night, it worked loose _ 4 from the hada e and when I woke in the dark, I thought the eye had 1 fallen out, but it was only ham- ! burg all over the pillow. Next morning it looked li i 7�AM :JAZKS ' - :-e 1rghl-svp: A�.CTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH 1° O. on 46+1 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business in- surance. Mutual Life O CChurch St.a Phone 346 * r ke,, a * By this time I was enjoying Butm black eye more than any, I got my wires crossed, and the game" broke- up. I had justtoldan- old lady who is strung in the tem- perance movement that my ve- year-old daughter had clubbed me on the eye with a full whiskey bottle. :i• * * Just as I finished, I heard a lout]. snort behind me. There, looking black as. thunder, was another lady who had heard the true story just half an hour before --that the lump under the eye was caused- by a bullet, lo. t in my head ever since the tivar, working its way out. AR -WIELD GOOD TASTING, BETTER THAT'S MILK FROM ANDREW DAIRY A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant fllce: House 343.1 343W 39 `est St. Goderich C. I'. CHAPIIIL N General Insurance FSA, Automobile, Casuialty. Real Estate 80 Colborne St., �c� der i, Phone 18�wv :�SIII'IELD. May 7.—The PYPS hold a program- In t_zu church. , presided over 'ley .R ClacReTlzic. i �.,JL4-1-p.J.k 1744_.2arkder_reP4,1 1W),P.-...1 _:a turn a•i•rt3_Farquhar MacDonald g,ave.� .... the prayer. The musical part of the program consisted of a trio from Ripley, Marion MacTavish, I ,� Mae Sutherland end Mary Boyde; a quartette, Ann and Florence Mac- Kay, Marion and Louise MacLen- ' nan; a solo by Elmer MacKenzie. The collection was taken u p by Kcn and John MacKenzie, Jim l ' West and Cory Van iter Lay. Marianne West Dave the offertory prayer. Sand MacDonald gave •a reading. Mr. Elmer Umbach was.' the guest speaker and gave an interesting and informative talk on , the -"Different K.ntis of Crosses." 1 • EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENgi%1D AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements call be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion guaranteed. 1 F. T. Armstron y OPTOMlf1 TRl;i'1' 6.13sne 1106 for appointment SQUARE t44DiT,DERIICI-1 CEMETERY MEM •RIALS To Pry&& & Son EXETER Local Representative— ALEX SMIT GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phones 158 ,rL'+e4i , .:�J► e;d HT S< "� 1 CoMp Insurance Car--Accident—Liability Geo. Turton R.R. 5, Goderich Phone collect 179 Carlow � oANCE gnome Features Fast, Friendly Farm Service REPAIRS—Home, auto, troctor, SPRING PLANTING— Sprays. born, machinery, etc. f'rt,l,zer, seed. n ��34p G crHgur* fore build- hoVffSTOC P—c Poultry, Bottle, • z,?.d litres to mats, kart to fatten. Cash promptly. nkab10 security not required. Write for loon entirely by mail! [LEA O>r phone first for 1 -visit loan ... or comp in today. Ibao Oso Co SIS00 or novo on Signature, Furniture or Aut© .-- l'Mf QdA1�Af�t' ? G Old? 3et PepVim L Fee! Ful➢ cf Vigor; Years Younger MENWOMEN of 40, 50, 60. Don't be MEN,WOMEN all in, exhausted. Try Ostsex Tonic Tablets. Often needed after 40 — by body old, run- down because lackire iron; increases vim, vigor, vitality. Thousands feel full of pep, years younger. Quit being old, Get Ostrex today. "Get -acquainted" size costs little. Or start with big popular "Economy' size and save 75¢, At all druggists. Nursingone Pleasant surroundings. Operated by Reg. Nurse. Properly balanced home conked meals. Tray service. Mrs.` H. Earnshaw PHONE 1593 53 NORTH STREET 4tf' as IoW as e75 (restyling old or outmoded furs is our busi- ness. Well give It new Me by re- styling it aVrvidea PINS _ _ „ HAI iKEE TO SAY frit � FIN Go. 59 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD ROM 4, Mev Metropolithin Store • phone. $t Of ord2 5OU5 OVEN EVft41NG.$i gY AFIOINYME1'1T --PHONE FOR 'QVC M14 16 reUe itt 0'f oil sttnatardirg tSW'i • Pcrstr*1 1inci'co Ccnpenp of Cc cid Into any -.ono of our praotical and attructlt/e jackets _ or °toles y atylo 33 `complete with NEW .viN�l INTER -LINING. a(�n7d tvIONOoitAM pigs CUR CLEAN - WO and GLAZING JUST (1LNI) c)UR OLD COAT (with dress size and height) Over 43 years' experi- ence, enables you to order with confidence. FIEND NO MONET 11 out 01 town Your remodelled fur jacket or stole will be expressed 10 days from date We receive It. J N BEST & rn 2,7.8osagc At., Ttdronto nelat. 512 Ea. 11-0794 Also storage and repairs. when he „loiued Anglo-American i�oration Ltd. .was a me un ;n Cir a a the Al A n h a 10, 'hnple= O�tusltwan Chapter', (Royal Arch Masons No. 9, A.R.A., Calgary Petroteum Club, The Engineers Club, Toronto, and the Quee:!•'s T..I.YISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. Complete work bench of all TV Testing---Equjptutuit. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE— MacDonald Electric Goderieh 38tf Phone 235 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r•••*•••NNN••••• •• FREE MOTH PROOFING • • • During the month. of May, Bruce Cleaners will moth e • proof all dry cleaning at no extra charge. • • FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, • Phone 10411 A. Powell, agent. f • OTHER AGENTS • : • • Rising's Store, Sheppardton; • Petrie's Store, Port Albert; Z -17-20 McKunzie's Store, - Kingsbridge. • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NN••••••••• Alumni. Re was a member of Seareoro United Cnaureh, Calgary, from w "c1 the funeral service way bvidf conducted by V.ev. Dr.. . J. Parsons. Interment was in Queen's Pauli cemetery. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Mggrgeall, of Calgary. ada' a sister, "Aire., Tait Clark, trf Onl- borne Township. There Are 14 acres lof and grass Scar- borough, the Frigidaire p borough, Ont. ,�IIdil,a aaq'bP its oo -' br1 :Got+ � �4•�y�o N.pt�9�. 'a�7Sn �4`Gll.a'�ai %.1.P041111,e ar "x si roll your own with OGDEN'S fine cut 4 A, FINE CUT WITH A t! 011`Il���'l V • ANAOIAN . ALUMINUM • 1955 capacity to be expanded 50% by 1959 44' EXPANSION PROGRAMME LARGEST IN THE INDUSTRY ALCA N l�tminum. cigol ro ucllan by years �" (1956-9 estimates include capacity under construction) yf tiHf PA • ,.... ✓ : r?f r, a .:, ; :; '�} ; .. :`•...-xc i'rra;�Y.: r ". r. ; r ;1 �.�: !� y '✓i!+••! :.<:,` ....• .. YEAR. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 - 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 is Its matchless combination of qualities — light- ness, durability, strength, 'appearance -- has made aluminum second only to steel in world markets. New uses for both civilian and de- fence purposes -- keep increasing the relentless demand. The world demand for aluminum is ° presently in excess of supply and the immediate prospect is that, like other basic materials, alu- minum will be a scarce metal during the months ahead. "espite continuing expansion of pr'o- ' ciclueing facilities, as shown in the chart above, the fact is that the demands go up at a rate faster than new production can he pushed to completion at Isle Maligne in Quebec and Kiti- mat in British Columbia. Steady increase in productive capacity has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in employment and payroll. Today in Canada -,-4#P. are 20,500 Alcan employees. The payroll at the rate of $70,000,000 a year contributes to all phases of Canada's standard of living. LcANALUMINUM► COMPANY' OF CANADA, LTD. " MONTREAL, QOO Smol1ort at Arvida, Oslo Maliggno, Shawinigan Folia sand fleauharnois ist Ouobot; Kitimat in British Columbia.