HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-03, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY Sed,. 9oR Many Attend Bargain Days Bargain days of Godericb merch- ants last Thursday, Friday and Saturday drewmany shoppers, not only from town. but also from a widespread area around Goderich. The .m,aJarity of the niereliants, particularly those handling cloth- ing were quite busy. Same of them were busier than they were dur- ing bargain days the same time a yeah; ago while others . were not, quite uprmm,1aet year's volumuf. Thursday antarning saw a coa>.- - , siderably larger crowd of she rs it fell off sat what. Pewor was off for about one and a half hours on ii'riday afternoon due s trouble on a InaUl line hydro pole at Sea - forth. On Saturday there was heavy rain which prevented farroors from working on + land. As a result, .nanny came to toven to shop. Dr. Helen Salkeld after a year in research everk in England hits been spending a few day with her patents, Mr. and Ma's. T. J. Salkeld, West Wawanosb before resuming her work at Ottawa In connection with the science ser- vice branch of the Department of Agriculture. sppee Have you ;, 'ere wed your "sub - around town that nog. Friday seriptiou to' 'the Sinal -Star? ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH MAY 6—Fifth Sunday after Easter. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. .10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. HOLY, COMMUNION AND SERMON. Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. THURS., MAY 10—ASCENSION DAY 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. '' REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1956 10 a.m. Sunday School. ANNIVERSARY- SERVICES 11 a.m. "ANCIENT LANDMARKS." Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. "THOU MAYEST ADD THERETO. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader. Teacher Dies Schools Close �!;!f►. .CSX lire.Ghgterian. (' Iiitrt} Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Preacher: °The Rev. Donald MacDonald. (Nursery and Junior Congregation) The Evening Service is withdrawn in recognition of the North Street United Church Anniversary. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL Si REET R' r 10 a.m. SONDAY SCHOOL. ° 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE; (Junior Congregation for younger children.) 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE. Tuesday Bpm... Bible Study and Prayer Hour Thursday slid Friday 7 p.m. Explorers' Friday, May 4,' at 4 p.m.—Mission Band. "Come to Him to That Living Stone .. and Be Yourselves' Built Into a Spiritual House." --1 Peter 2:4-5. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. Victoria Street United Church 10 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL- AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. "WHO WILL BE GREAT 'tO•MORROW?" A Youth Service with choroi and others assisting from Y.P.U. M. Lolselle, W. Johnston, Misses D. Banter and A. Pinder. Benmiller 12.30 Bible School -1.30 p.m. Worship. Union 2 p.m. Sunday School -3.00 p.m. Worship. MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR—MR. BERT KEMPSTER. Schools in Goderich and di:sta et closed Monday afternoon an tribute to Mrs. ,E. 'Wendorf, Weil -known music teacher whose funeral was held from Ontario Street United Church, Ciintro , at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Wended, who was 60, died in Clinton hospital on Friday. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Eagle. Mrs. Wendvrf , bad 'been. su er- visor of music of Goderich Public School for the past year, and had been active in the Huron County Music Festival since its inception. She was also Music supervisor for Blenth, .the Row Public Sehool iu Clitlton, eve schools• 1n- kkett Township.,and one school in Godes rich Township. She was organist of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton - The former Gertrude Bruege- man of Chesley, she lived there until. her marriage in 1920, when she and her husband moved to Clinton. Surviving besides her husband, are one daughter, Mrs. Gregory Darville, Winnipeg; one sister, Mrs.as Lowery and one brother, man, both - of Chesley. SHEPPARDTON SHDPPiARILYTOiN, May 2. — Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Murray, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with the former's sister, Mrs. Fred McCabe and Mr. McCabe. Visitors for the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Calhoun were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Calhoun, of Midland, and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wright, of Owen Sound. Mr. Jim (Pinder, of the Provincial Institute of Trade's Schools, Tor- onto, spent the week -end with his wife and daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins. Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, MAY 6 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 am►. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. C.Y.C. Meeting, Friday 8" p.m. Girls and boys 9 to 14 years. ALL ARE WELCOME. Pastor, T. J. McMichael BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Services 8 p.m. - - A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Pastor—R. J. Green. ••••••••NN SUNSE Drive - in Theatre 11/4 Mies East of Goderioh, on No. 8 Highway Thurs., Fri. "Battle Stations" John Lund, William Bendix CARTOON May 3-4 COMEDY Sat., Mon. 1 "The Vanishing American Scott Bra▪ dy, Audrey Totter CARTOON COMEDY 99 May 5.7 Tues., Wed. 'Cain Mutiny" Humphrey Bogart, Van Johnston CARTOON May 8-9 COMEDY Box Office opens 7 p.m. Two Shows each night. Children under 12 ah oars free. 84 !••• B 4IrI*R**E+l1*****••a aJA sl 0 PRODUCE LOWER COST FEED Grow more grain corn in 1956. Grow better ensilage in 1956. Plant Pfister for quality and yield. ORDER FROM YOUR PFISTER DEALER Ernest Johnston PHONE 482W, GODERICH or Milford Durst r -. PHONE 1112, CARLOW. 18-20 THE GOpElqCH 8IGNAL-STAI OBITUARY MRS. ELIZABETH WALTER Funeral Guile() eo for Mrs. Eliza- beth Walter, who died at licr home in Colborne Townships, was held k'. the Lodge funeral home on Saturday at 2 p.m., with Rev. K. E. Taylor, of St, George's Church, ofllcitaing. Interment was in Col- borne cemetery. Mrs. Walter, who was 92, was one of Colborne Township's oldest residents. Though born in Stan- ley Township, she bad lived in Colborne for 70 years. She was the daughter of the late Zephaniah Osmonn and Sarah Young. Her husband, W711iard . Walter, died in 1944. Surviving are three sons, Harry and Osmond, Colborne; Lloyd, Ogenie, Sask.;: two daughters Lu- cinda, �A Mrs.'rtbur Sp�regge, of Col- borne, and Elizabeth, Mrs. Fred Davison, of Detroit. There are 11 grandchildren , and four great- grandchildren. Pallbearers for the funeral were James Young, Peter Young, Sam- uel Young, Charles Young, Charles Walter and Peter Fisher. MRS. MARY VICTORIA FOR<BES A Blyth native, Mrs. Mary Vic- toria Forbes, 92, died Sunday in Clinton Hospital, where she had been a patient for the past three weeks. She was formerly Mary Victoria Sanderson, a daughter of the late William and Caroline Brigham Sanderson, pioneers of the 13th concession of Hullett Township. She lived in the Walton and Blyth area all her life, and for the past several years lived with her only daughter, Mrs. John Young, and Mr. Young, formerly of Hullett Township, but now of Blyth. Her husband, Samuel Forbes, died ie 1936. Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. John (Caroline )Young; two grand- children, Roy and Helen Young; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Skelton, Morris Township, and Mrs. Earl (Clara) Empey, Goderich. Also surviving are onestep-daughter, Mrs. Thomas (Gert ude) William- son, Walton, and ane step -son, Adrian Forbes, Egmondville. A -sister; Mrs. William Taylor,died a month ago. A funeral service was held in the Tasker Memorial Chapel, Tuesday afternoon at 2.30, with Rev. A. W. Watson, minister of Blyth United Church, officiating. Interment was. in Union cemetery, Blyth. DiTIONAL CLASSIFIED ADS 19. Notice to Creditors AIL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against tine estate of Sarah Taylor, late of the Township of HuIlett, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 30th day of %arch, 1950, aro re- quired to idle the same with full artieulars with the undersigned the 5th day of May, -1950, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at4oderich, in the County of Hiii]roe, . this 12th day of April, 1956 R. ;.. HAYS, erieh, Ontaa io,. 16-18- ' licitor for the Estate. Mlle. DONALD MacGILLIVRAY Word comes from Mr. Archie MacGillivray, of Vancrnrver, B.C., of the death of Mrs. Donald Mac- Gillivray, widow of Rev. Donald MacGillivray, who after spending his youth in Goderich became a noted' njssioneryr oi' .`the:. 'resby- -terian Chet ii' In Ch-rna. tete. Mac- Gillivray passed away suddenly at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England. She, like her husband, had a dis- tinguished record of service for many years in China. She was the editor of the first Chinese Chris-' tian magaain for children China, as well as contributing, her services to many missionary enter- prises there. -She was known to 21. Business Notice FINANCING AND LOANS AT lower cost on new and late model used cars and truck. • and new farm machinery!. HAI OLD W. SHORE, 38 .Hamilton street 'Goderich. -47t1 Trade in your pl& stove on this brand new 1956 fully automatic Westinghouse 30" range. It's a steal. Most places are asking as much for last year's standard models. Shop around, check them all, then drop in and see us for the best bargain you ever saw. REINHART'S RADIO SERVICE HAMILTON STREET. ••ON••••NN••O•••••••• •OiON00.O•••MO•••••O••NO••••••••••••.09••••t• •• • 0•• • • • NEED NURSERY STOCK? We have Nursery Evergreens, trees and shrubs; Junipe' Virginias, Red Cedars, Canaerti, Norway Spruce, Colorado Spruce, Pyramidal Occid; also Orientals, Sabina, Mugo Pine, Swedish Jr. Flowering Crab, Flowering Almond, Purple Plum, Dogwood Variegated Leaf, Barberry Green and Red Leaf; also Spireas, Mock Orange, Black Currant, We'ePing. Willow, Red Raspberries and other things. Fisher's Gardens SALTFORD FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as low as $10.00 monthly. WE CARRY A COMPLETE stock or parts for all Spartan TV sets. For instant service and all tube and most parts for other makes of TV. B. R. MUNDAY, TV Radio, Sound, phone 598 or call at 127 WIdder street. -ltf C1ARPENTRY BUILDING AND • remodelling, built-in efiebeards. plumbing: agent for Epps' pumps and water softeners; bathrooms eavestroughing; steel roofing. FRANK McMICIIAEL, Goderich, phone Carlow 1108. 4.4tf TIMMINS TEACHER TO . JOIN STAFF OF GDCI Raymond Ciarrocco, of Timmins, has been hired to replace D. B. Holmes on the teaching staff of Goderich District Collegiate Insti- tute. • The appointment was con- firmed at a meeting of the board here on Tuesday night. Mr. Ciarrocco is currently com- pleting a course at University of Western Ontario, London. This summer he will take a 10 -week course at -Ontario. Cellege,..o.L.Eda- ',diction, Toronto. At GDCI, he will teach social studies and physical education and handle guidance work. Mr. Holmes is leaving to accept a position on the teaching staff in St. Thomas: many in Goderich, having accom- panied`' her husband when they were on their furloughs in Canada. 'She was laid to rest beside her husband in a London (Eng.) ceme- Her daughter Edith (Mrs. Hedley Taylor) survives her in Slough, Eng., and other surviving relatives are her stepmother, Mrs. A, Mac- Gillivray, and the latter's daughter Pearl (lyfrs. T. S. Paton) and son Archie, all of Vancouver. iron TIM TOP PRICE AND TIM beat grade, leave your eggs at GEORGE'S, Montreal street. Picked up by (Olden Glow Produce, Ripley. SOU OR SANDING. O AND new floors sanded and finished. CREE COOI1, phone 281°, Clin o i • Guaranteed ra mo service.' WILF REINHART 'ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -].2 QicruLED TV t UAL SI VICE... Aerials. installed as IOW li0. Aerials- moved -- rentals. Work fully , guaranteed for ‘otne _year.. HURON TOWER INSTALLA}ION, South34street, Goderleh, paste 1 PURNITURE REPAIR CABINET WOIIIc. M. BLOIC, PHONE 1200 Olt 892. 10-14x MOVING—GBNEML CARTAGE. • ED. JEFFREY. -48t1 ATTENTION' FARMERS I • We have in stock for your Spring fencing needs, a good supply of Canadian heavy barbwire at $9.25 per spool; also (brace wire and black wire at reasonable prices; also electric fence'batteries for $3.75 eatle large and small porcelain insulators and the new plastic snap -on , type insulator. Call at MeDONALD'S GENERAL STORE, Kintail, phone 12 r 7, Dun- gannon. -17-18 RANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; re' septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given with-. out obligation. WULS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 ring 6, Brussels. 11-18x ,SPDEWALICS, PORCHES, FOUND- ATIONS. Anything in cement or concrete block call DUNBAR CONTRACTOR at 1538, Goderich. -18 SAWS FILED — TOOLS AND cutlery sharpened. Will work tractor or farni work. Phone 1066W, 2)46 Huron road. 18-19x FOR . ARTEFICIA,L INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATeLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost. lost; papers valuable to owner. Finder contact LAWRENCE DONAIS % G. Plante Service Sta- tion. Reward. 18x (By Linda .Brackornr°Idg•►) Too much emphasis has been placed on 'winning or waking the teams." While the 'teams that represent the school are import-' a(nt, it`, is felt that it is i nueh more, important to .provide activity for the greatest rtlumber. Airy, bey who', Wants to partici .4te in;. - marts r. should be allowed t , tega lless of size weight or A�biiatty. Ther hasPre. gram been designed to provide a variety of activities for the boys, 'especially those ,who stay at •noon. 'It is also desigged to get as many boys as possible playing Just for the fun of playing: The following is a list of the activities and the number of boys taking part: Meets and Special Events. -Fall swim meet, 25; golf tournament; 20. Program — Touch football, 501 noonhour .basketball, 100; 4 o'clock volleyball,130; Little League basketbal(under 5 ft.), 20; 4 o'clock badminton,50; ping-pong, 50; .female, (unorganized at the moment). Representative Teams—Football (Coach, Mr. Ogg), 18; Junior bask- etball, (League champions, coach, Mr. Shaw), 13; Senior basketball, (coach, Mr. Holmes), 13; curling, (coach, Mr. Ogg), 38; WOSSA vol- leyball, (coach, Mr. Holmes), 12; WOSSA badminton, 3. ¶'rips—Senior and Junior basket- ball teams to London to see a game, 30; curling team to Galt, 8; volleyball teams to London, 12; badminton teams to London, 3. Planned for Spring -- Softball league (noonhour), tennis tourna- ment and track and field meet. The Boy's' Athletic Association has also had another successful year. Athletic cards were sold to each boy for $1, and. allowed that. boy to see all games. The money front the cards was 'used to M for referees 4nd, other team ex, of Successful. dances and with the . It ation Will continue its work ' At the request of the Publicity Committee of the Huron County TB Survey, Jaiiies Scott, of Sea - forth, has written a skit tie call et- tention to the benefits Which the : Survey will bring to HurOn County citizens. . The skit is about ten minutes in length and is very easy to per- form. Mr. Scott designed the skit for (production by church groups, service clubs, Women's Institutes, etc. It is hoped that many such groups will find that the skit will. add to the entertainment and edu- cation of their meetings. Copies of the skit may be obtained from Ontario. Mrs. L. L. Walter has returned home after spending some months with relatives in the Western provinces. Mrs. R. S. Winters has returned to her home on Lighthouse street after spending the winter. months with her family. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Zinn arrived home last week from Daytona Beach, Florida, where they spent the winter. EGOINghfIV, you can have TWICE THE COMFORT.. TWICE THE ECONOMY.. LINES Good quality REELS 28c and UP' We alsoestikk the be4- Complete stock LANDING NETS-- Mircheil; Aiiibrdik,'effct lines. from $1:55 RODS from $1:$5 BOATS Munro 12 ft. Fiberglas $219.50 'PLUGS and SPOONS from 34c And don't forget, for youmpainting needs we offer 118 colors I Famous MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS S-9 HP with gearshift (RIQ NOTICE Re Dogs At Large Your attention is dra n to , Paragraph 12 (a) of iz, By-law No. 16, 1951, of e Town of Goderich pro- viding that between The First Day of May and The Thirtieth Day of Septeinber dogs within the municipality of Goderich will not be permitted to run at large. PERSONS I,ERMITT1NG DOGS TO RUN AT LARGE . DURING THE ABOVE PERIOD ARE LIABLE TO A FINE NOT IN EXCESS OF $50.00. .M. HALL, -18 Chief of Police. 1 Restyling old or outmoded furs is our busi- ness. We'll give It nevv life by re- ,) styling it into any one of practical and Attractive jackets or stoles Style J3 complete with NEVti INTER -LINING and MONOGRAM, plus FUR CLEAN- ING and GLAZ/NG JUST SEND YOUlFt OLD COAT (with dress nice and height). Over 43 years' experi- ence enables you to order with SEND NO MONEY if out of town. Your remodelled 'fur jaoket or stole Will ba expressed 10 days from date wet receive it. Eit., Toronto Also storage. and repairs. AUTOMATIC A ATING AT ITS BEST Engineered for oil heating, the Gar Wood counter flow principle means amazing savings in.heating costs, far more comfort, health and convenience. Why delay, when you can enjoy oil heating at its best right now. I For further information and demonstration, call Worse!! Bros. Hardware The Goderich and District Branch OF THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY would like to thank the citizens, organisations and volunteer canvassers who helped in any way in oderich and district for their co- operation and generous response in the recent en mpain. TACKLE BOXES. from $2.115 EXCELLENT TERMS AVAtLABLE ON BOATS, BOAT T AOLERS AND OUTBOARD MOTORS Western Tire AND AUTO SUPPLY LTD. 36 WEST ST. KEN PENNINGTON, PROP. We speciaNze in rebuilding tractor motors aod truck and car engines. Our general automotive machine shop is at your service. LARGEST STOCK OP UNDERSIZE AND OVERSIZE PARTS IN WESTERN ONTARIO! PAIR DEALING IS UNSURPASSEli