HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-04-26, Page 8News of Dungarinon
DUNGANNON, April ?A.—Mrs.' 1 . Jim Reed is the superintend-
ent anel Kenneth McAllister, Bible
class teacher. Mrs. Frances Reid,
Miss Betty Black and Mrs. R. Mc-
Allister are teaching classes.
Junior (Institute.— The Colwan-
ash Junior Institute held their
April meeting in. Dungannon Pub-
lic School on Tuesday evening,
April 17. Mrs. Harvey Mole was
guest speaker. The Junior
Farmers met in the Parish
Hall with Rev.,Wallace Mc-
Clean as their guest speaker. Mr.
McClean spoke and showed slides
on his trip to Ireland. President
Frank Alton ,presided for the joint
meeting. The Scottish delegate
is to be at the Colwanash Club
April 27 to 30, and is to be a
guest at the home of Murray
I ^.►p Trem?in, Mel
': M . Clarence Winger, of Spring -
Vale, were guests on 1`onday last
with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers.
Mrs. Wilfred Massey and child-
ren, of Cleveland, are holidaying
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Jones.
Mr. H. Welsh, of Detroit, was
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Durnin
Phillips this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin and
etty sent Sunday and Monday
in London with the former's bro-
ther -in -1 sY and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Bertram ;t;urran, and other friends.
Mrs. Sdhb, of Goderich, spent a
day visiting with Mrs. J. Olver
and Miss E. McMillan,
'Misses Retina and Nettie Sproule
were visiting this past week with i Gaunt.
VIr and Mrs. ,Gordon Ritchie,
of Lothian, spent Sunday with the
latter's sister, Mrs. Rory MacDon-
Saturday and Sunday visitors at
the home of Mrs. R. Fitzgerald and
Mrs. R. Gardner were Mrs. John
Graham and Mrs. Charles Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler, of Auburn, and Mrs. Kenneth
their sister, Mrs. Rtribert Wilson,
of Goderich. Mrs. Wilson return-
ed home with them and visited
with her other sisters, Mrs. Arthur
Elliott, Mrs. W. McClure and
friends here.
Mrs. Rory MacDonald was guest
a couple of days this week with
Films Shown.—The representa-
tives of the Cancer Society held
a meeting on Wednesday evening
at the home of Mrs. Otto Popp
to plan money raising for the Can-
cer fund instead of a door-to-door
Presbyterian W.M.S.--The W.M.
S. of Dungannon Presbyterian
Church met at the home of Mrs.
Campbell and children, of West-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eedy and
son, of Strathroy, were week -end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reber
DUNGANNON, April 24. — The
C.G.I.T. group met in the United
Church basement Monday night
at 7 p.m. Janette Mole gave the
W. McClean, of Lucknow, on Thurs- call to worship and Carol Pentland
day afternoon with an attendance led in prayer. Joanne Crozier read
of 19 and three visitors. Mrs. the minutes of the last meeting.
Robert McAllister presided over Twelve members answered the roll
the meeting. Prayer was by the call. Mr. K. K. Dawson was pre -
president, Mrs. H. Stothers. Scrip- sent and asked for a donation to-
ture was read by Mrs. R. McAI- ward the new furnace. The sum
lister. Glad Tidings prayer was' of $20 was voted for that purpose.
by Mrs. J. Olver. A duet was sung I Mrs. Herb Finnigan read some
by Mrs. Arthur Stewart and Mrs. letters and it was decided to get
Stothers. Rolf call was given f some C.G.I.T. magazines. It was
by Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. Mas -'I also planned to soon entertain a
on McAllister reported on the bale neighboring C.G.I.T. group.
funds and the society is clothing; United Church Y.P.U. — The
a 12 -year-old boy. Mrs. Will Reid Y.P.U. of the United Church met
reported on welfare work and also Monday night last. Jim Blake,
the thank -you ncards. Plans were missionary and world outreach con -
discussed for the showing of fikins vener, was in charge. Wayne
of Ireland by Rev. McClean in Brown read the Scripture lesson
the near future. Mrs. McClean' and Evelyn Smyth led in prayer.
introduced the guest speaker, Miss ;-There were 15 members present.
McLeod. A trio of Mrs. Frank Mr. K. K. Dawson explained about
Jones, Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs: the new heating system and a
M. McAllister, 'was heard. A vote donation was requested. A' busi- l
of thanks was given to Mrs. Mc -j ness discussion followed. Ronald
Clean by Miss Josephise McA1- 1 Alton will be in charge of the
lister. A dainty lunch was served next meeting, May 7. Rev. G. D.
Mrs, McClean and Mrs. Mc- Watt had Bible study and ques-
Dortald, tions, concluding with prayer.
Mrs. gam Swan, who has been Films Shown.—Dungannon Unit-
the guest of het daughter, Mrs. ed Church, on Thursday evening
Harvey Mole, this past -,.eek, re- of last week, presented two films
turned to her home at Belmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sampson
arid chilatxep, ,ef Goderich, spent
Sunday with Thomas and
Mary Rivett.
Donald Mole left this week -end
to go sailing on S.S. Superior.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutledge, of
Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Dorene
' Rutledge and family, of Goderich,
---called on several of their- friends
Mrs. Frank Pentland and IVirs.
Harvey Mole were in Kitchener
this week.
Mrs. Irvine Henry and Mrs. S. J.
Kilpatrick visited with Mr. and -
Mrs. Ross Henry and family on
.Mr. Kenneth McAllister, teacher
of Whitechurch school, took ill
on Friday and was 'taken to Wing -
ham hospital. Latest word is that
there is a slight improvement. We
wish him a speedy recovery.
on Christian living and the im-
portance of church a-ttendance. Mr.
Ken McAllister was projectionist.
Rev. H. A. Dickinson, minister of
orth Street United Church, Gode-
ich, gave a short talk on Evangel -
m. .Rev. G. D. Watt, pastor,
closedwith the benediction.
Mrs. Frances Henry,.. Mrs. 8. J.
Kilpatrick and Mrs. Cecil Blake,
,,Last Thursday, attended the fun -
Mrs. Will Gardner, of the Zion
Mrs. Ross Henry arrived home
from Goderich hospital on Monday
with her infant son, Donald Ross.
Mrs. S. J. Kitpatrick and Mrs.
Frances Henry visited on Sunday
at the home of the latter's son,
Mr. Charles Fowler and son,
Tom, attended a banquet at Lon-
don last week.
Mrs. Wilfred Massey and child -
Sunday Schoo6r—The Presbyter- ren, Lynda and Kenny, of Clevs,
ian Sunday, School opened last land, Ohio, are visiting her par -
Sunday with a large attendance. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones.
11O1 LMES d retie
HOLMESV1LLE, . Apr i1 23.—The
of Hoimesville United
Church met in the Sunday School
rooms on Monday, April 16. The
meeting was in charge of Mrs. C.
Tebbutt's group. Mrs. M. Jones
read the scripture lesson and Mrs.
11. Wilson led in prayer. Mrs. H.
Wilson and Mrs. E. Grigg sang a
duet. Mrs. W., Yeo gave a reading,
"The Canadian Missionary." Mrs.
L. Jervis, the president, conducted
the'business.. Mrs. W. R. Lobb
read 'an article, "The Safe Harbour
at Sundown." Reports from the
Hurcn County Presbyterial, held
recently in Exeter, were given by
Mrs. E. Grigg and Mrs. L. Jervis.
The W.A. meeting followed, with
the president, Mrs. Jack. Yeo, in
the chair. The Scripture lesson others on his right ` hand .with
and comments were given, by thel a buzz saw.
president. Mrs. E. Grigg gave the Mr. Rollie Caird, of Milwaukee,
Mr. Jim Cummins (jr.), of Kit-
chener, spent the week -end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Mr. Joseph Hickie has been con-
fined to his ,bed for the last several
weeks. We wish him a speedy
recovery soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
Philip and Karen, Goderich,
Sunday at their farm home
AS1WI1 LD, April 23. —
Lavina Bunce, of Chicago, is
Ing friends here.
Mrs. Ronald Oke and children,
of Oshawa, are spending two weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes.
Mr. Wrn. Ross had the misfor-
tune to lose one finger and injure
visit -
treasurer's report. Plans were
made for an evening of entertain -
intent to be put on by the Junior
Farmers and Institute. Hostesses
for the .day were: Mrs. E. J. Tre-
is spending some time at his farm
The members of the Y.Y.S. visit-
ed with the Y.P.S. in St. Andrew's
Church, Wingham, on Monday
wart.ha, Mrs. W. R. Lobb, Mrs. L. night.
Bond and Mrs. C. Wilson. I The (' (;.I.T. held a Mother and
Milts Helen Corran, daughter of Daughter dinner in the church
Mr. and Mrs. James Corran, is a basemen. Friday evening, with the
patient in Clinton Public Hospital.' leader;, Mrs. Stuart MacLennan
Mrs. Frank McCullough was; and Mrs. Finlay Macdonald, in
brought to the Clinton Public Hos- charge
pital from St. Joseph's Hospital,! Mrs. Robert Scott was in charge
London, by Beattie Ambulance' of thI' Variety Concert prevented
Service.' 2.4IrgnAeCulloughMr will re- ; in Kintall Hall fast Wednesday in
_ - aitr in hospital at Clinton until
f 't; SI'`� t trailof t teoffiind n f has gone to
May 12, *hen she will return to
London for further treatment.
Miss Belva Howatt, of Toronto,
is the guest for a few weeks of htr
cousin, Frank McCullough and
0 0 0
Ienden to nurse in Westminster
1 One of the mast colorful (lances
of the year was held at the (rDCI
ST. AUGUSTINE, April 23.—Mr. j Friday last under the aulaVices of
and IMS. George Nevett and baby,' flue Water Chapter, Order of the
of London, spent the weekend Eastern Star. Guests were wel-
With Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Royle: corned by Mrs. E. Scam:In, Worthy
MI'. and ,;Mil's. Louis" Th., an and
family pant Sunday w,th the
Theodora Redmond family.
MT'. r;u.y ftinaban has returned
to London after si nriinf; two
weeks Mr. and Mrs, Will Kina-
Mrs. Gus Devereauu s eiat a few
days with Mewls in Galt and Nit,
chener last tech. ,
1,tr. ik Gt. Mario (sr,), of Kit
chimer, vi itin,ri +Mr, and ntra,
Mika a ,t. Marie.
11a . tied61�7, Cenneth, 11,t'aur-
'?ittt u�•a ftu .. d . £ O e, i& o! ergo committee co. ittee sc vEcl lucZch.
Matron, rn'1 .T''�'z Scanlan, Woi-thy
'the tae way; bcautifully decor-
1I(d with potted fern. Those not
lian��:ng enjoyed cards. W:nner:' of
the aeverai prizes were: spot done
inl;, Miss Helen Pridham, Mrs
Lucy Johnston, Mrs. flurroughs and
flit s S�. Bradley.
Prizes for cards were won by
Mr. and Mrs. C. MacDonald; Mr.
and Mia. II. Young, Miss Buchan-
an, Mrs. MacEwan. Mrs. Crane,.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin, and Mr. Elmer
l Ataiica and Kathleen visited Graham. Mrs. Miura Robin and.
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