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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-04-26, Page 7
uts15AY, APRIL 26th, 1 PRIZE WINNERS ,, Five tables or "600" and one of euchre were enjoyed.. at Legion Hall last Thursday. High 'prizes for "500" west to 0. Pollock and II.Jll� n consolations A, a to H. Me - Milian and M. Vickers. High fur euchre to (Bill Kaye and S. Allan, consolation to S. Allam and E. At- kinson. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH t APRIL, 29 -Fourth Sunday After Easter. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. Junior Congre901on Ind 1ursirr'y. 7 p.n. BVENSONG•ANO SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR,, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1956 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. RULES FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING. Nursery and JuniorCongregation. 7 p.m. BIBLE STUDY. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader. 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP, (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Music by Junior Choir. ncix Vrmiluteriatt LIpxrct Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH MONTREAL S1 REET- 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. A FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation for younger children.) 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE. Monday 7.30 p.m. Choir Practice and Young People's. Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study .and Prayer Hour Thursday and Friday 7 p.m. Explorers° NO EUCHRE, BUT: Now Optional Even Ungodly Can Have Reward Eternal. Romans 5:6 Ret S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. Victoria Street United Church "FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOU." 10 a.m. D.S.T Bible School—Beginners to Adults. t✓:a. t -.a it vvn's. aa►r.tt A" t-�.... Family Worship and Nursery. \ 1.30 p.m. D.S.T.—Benmiller Church after Sunday School. 3.00. p.m. D.S.T.—Union Church after Sunday School. MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR—MR. BERT KEMPSTER. 1 THE SALVATION ARMY WHERE YOU ARE A STRANGER ONLY ONCE. SUNDAY SERVICES -11 a.m.-2.30 p.m. -7 ppm. SERVICES WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THE HOME LEAGUE. Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study.„ Wednesday 8 p.m. Home League (Ladies' Group) Thursday 4 p.m. Meeting for Young People (Film) Officers—Lieut. S. Jewer, Lieut. A. kloepfer BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Sunday -10 a.m._ Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Services 8 p.m. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Pastor—R. J. Green. Notice To Residents In Polling Division No. 4 17-8 CHANGE IN GARBAGE COLLECTION DAY Commencing immediately, the regular collection in the area within the limits of Huron Road, Britannia Road, Maitland Road and Mill Road, will be made on Wednesday. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk. ADDITIONAL 19, Notlre t+� Guile THE 00DEIC�GNTAI , North Street D NAL CLASSWIED A»S t :URA P#Oi liTW AI PANS HAIVING CLAIMS against the estate of CHAR- LOTTE ANN RIND, late of the Township of Ashi eld, in the C un• ty of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 28th dad* of Mardi, 1956, are required. top ide the sanie with (fell particulars with the - undersigned by the 28th day of day "of April, 1956, as 'afeer that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Hurons, this Sth day of April, 1956. R. C. HAYS, , goderich, Ontario, 15-17- Snlicitor for the Estate. ALL PERSONS CLAMS against the estate of Sarah Taylor, late of the Township Cif Hullett, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 30th day of March, 1956, are re- quired to file the same with full particularsitll the undersigned by the Sth day of May, 1956, as alter that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 12th day of April, 1956. 16-18- R. C. HAYS, •Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 20.,P4hlic Notice WOULD THE PERSON WHO picked up keys by mistake please return same to GODERICIH SHOE REPAIR, East street. 17x COLBORNE TOWNSHIP FINAL NOTICE FOR PURCHASING DOG LICENSE The owner, possessor or har- borer of a dog shall cause the same to be registered at the office of the Clerk before May 3rd, 1956, and avoid penalties. F.I iTZABETH SALLOWS, 17- Clerk. WOULD THE PERSON SEEN removing power mower from BR6ICKEN IDGE'S new hardware store, leave same at rear entrance without delay and save himself impending trouble. -17 CHRIST ‘CHURCH CEMETERY, PORT ALBERT The recently organized cemetery committee of (-Christ' Church, Port Albert, call to the attention of those concerned that a fund is being established for upkeep and a clean-up meeting planned for Wednesday, June 6th. All wish- ing to use the cemetery or to make contributions contact WILLIAM H. TIG RT, Port Albert. REV: H. L. JENNINGS, 17 -Chairman. HOG PRODUCERS " MEETING of Lucknow area will he held in the Recreation Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, April 27, at 8.30 p.m. sharp, The, speaker will be Jake 'roomer,"53eiierel .iii sawn - VS L33e Ontario Hog Producers' Associa- tion. -17 21. Business Notice FINANCING AND LOANS AT lower cost on new and late model used cars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street. Goderich. -47t1 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) Easy Payment Plan for Premiums with payments as 'low as $10.00. monthly. -11t1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE. stock or parts for all Sparton TV sets. For instant service and all tube and most parts for other makes of TV. B. R. MUNDAY, TV Radio, Sound, phone 598 or call at 127 Widder street. -1tf Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, APRIL 29 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. C.Y.C. Meeting, Friday 8 p.m. Girls and boys 9 to 14 years. ALL ARE WELCOME. Pastor, T. J. McMichael A SPECIAL RCAF OFFICER ` will be in Goderich Town Hall . Thursday 3 May NOON TO 7 P.M. WHILE HE'S HERE SEE HIM ABOUT THE TRADES TRAINING AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES OPEN TO YOU IN CANADA'S AIR rORCE ARDENT Y— DIi 2NG AND remodel/1m, bud -sin cupboards, plumbing' agent for Elms'pumpsand water softeners; bathrooms installed; Jawesway waterbowls; eavestroughin(g; steel roofing. FRANK MooMIOHAh`dL, Goderich, phone Callow 1108. -14tf FOR THE TOP PRICE AND THE best grade, leave your eggs at GEORGE WRAITH'S, Montreal street. Picked up by Golden Glow Produce, Ripley. -6tef FLOOR .SAIii IN Ger, OL'D AND, new floors sanded and llnished. cO11EE COOK, P.honie2$J, Clinton. Guaranteed radio service. WILT REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 QKILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE. Aerials installed as low as $49. Aerials moved — rentals. Work folly guaranteed for one year. (HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street, Goderich, phone 1344M. -34tf M1 FURNITURE FAIR — RE - MOD o u G - RE -FINISHING —RE -UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BLOK, PHONE 1200 OR (di92. 10-14x MOVING --GENERAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. 48t1 GARDEN'S PLOWED, CULTI- VATED and disced. Phone 1546 W 1. EARL WILLIArVS. -15-17 ATTENTION FARMERS ! We have in stock for your Spring fencing needs, a good supply of Canadian heavy barbwire . at $9.25 per spool; also brace wire and black wire at reasonable prices; also electric fence ,batteries for $3.75 each; large and small porcelain insulators and the new plastic snap -on type insulator. Call at McDONALD'S GENERAL STORE, Kintaff, phone 12 r 7, Dun- gannon. -17-18 SA TARY- SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed` Estimates -given with with out obligation. LOUIS BLAKE. R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone 42 ring '6, Brussels. 11-lBx immetine Anniversary .�y.. (co,;tigued frons page 1) were ukier the direction °(01 the organist of the church, Ab Roy Adams. The choir was assisted by members of other choirs of the town. Soloists included Miss K. Brown and A. T. Harland, The evening service was cloned with the conclusion of the cere- mony of dedication. 'The brief ceremonial was conducted by Dr. Carman, before whom stood the members of the trustee board. In the name . of the' beard, ' Trustee George Acheson, the oldest mets- ber, handed over the new church to be used fol? the worship of God, and the general superintendent re- ceived it and congratulated the trustees on the consummation of their great work. Cost $19,000 Cash outlay on the building was $19,000. A large amount of ma- terial was saved from the old church, and, adding the value of the organ and the church site, the trustees of the day estimated that they had a $25,000 property in their care. Cash and subscriptions to hand up until the opening. provided for all but $5,372 of the cost. This amount was reduced by about $800 on the day of dedication. On the following day, Monday, almost $1,000 more was contributed to defray the cost of the building. It was noted that the Ladies' Aid Society and the Sunday School had played important parts in pro- viding funds to complete this pro- ject. "WARM-HEARTED" "I admire the tremendous spirit of the people of Goderich for ac- cepting the boys from across Can- ada so warm-heartedly," writes Mrs. O. Hart, of Toronto, In writ- ing to the SignalStar for a copy of the paper referring to Young Canada Week in general and the activities of the team, "Ted's Pals' it particular. FOR AR'PI+r'ICIA.L INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton 1 2 -344t -between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- s able=top quality at Iow cost. -17tf 'OPEN FOR BOSINE$S • RELIABLE CAB oeE13,,ATING FROM RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Props. RON GLAZIER --BOB McLEAN HURON ROAD - PHONE 819 "YOU CAN RELY ON RELIABLE" N NN• ..... VoIuntary Safety i ; Checks MAY Att10-11-12• MAY 16 ©1718 ..19 • • • • BETWEEN HOURS 10 A.M. AND 6 P.M. s • At Town Police Office -East Street 17-8 F. M. HALL, Chief of Police. >s•••••••••••st•••••••••ea•••••••• : A Trustee 1 nvesUneML ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURES Issued for $100 and Upwards 3 1/ % 2 per annum for 3 and 4 years ONTARIO LOAN & DEBENTURE CO. PD9 NLIAS S6 AT MARKIIV LANE AND ON MARKlTh'SQQDARE LONDON ONTARIO YEARS IN BUSINESS IN LONDON ORAN4 E IS $ rif MESA= OOLLECTIONY Residents in vowing division No.. 4 are advised that, starting with, next week, their garbage will lie collected on Wednesday, instead of. on Monday. The area resected is bounded ,by Huron road, Britannia. road Maitland road a aid Mill road.. The �hauge`i being made in order to even up the .garbage Collection. routes in the town. 0..400 OBITUARY V ARY M. G. NICIXOLSi Fsuieral service IS to, be hell today dor IVIaleohn. G.. Nicholson, 80, a fernier welLknown. ,Goderich resident who died in, '%slice Hos- pital, Windsor, on. Monday. The service is to be held. at a p -m. in the Lodge funeral hlci*na,, with Rev. K. E. Taylor, of. SL George's Church, officiating,. Interment will be in Maitland come y. IMr. Nicholson, who was the son of the late Dr.. M':. Nicholson., Gode- rich dentist, went to Windsor 30 years ago. Ue. was. building con- tractor (before, his retirement in 1944. Active in church and fra ternal circles,he was a member of the Anglican Church, of Mait- land Masonic Lodge, of Goderich Chapter No. 30, R.A.M., of St. Helena Preceptory, Knights Temp- lar, Stratford, and of Huron IOCF Lodge, No. 62, Goderich. Five years ago he received a 50 year jewel. Mr. Nicholson was also a member of the Octogenarian Club. Surviving is his wife, the former Norma Bennett. Um GA. A. Dunlop sled Miss Ida i iggar have, returned after vend, iii thy, • winter months n St, Itersbi}ri.1°'Ivrida, 1L $. '4Y ek, nI Tom* has been visiting her Gln, NW Isabel Matheson, St Patrick's 'OMFI'fiT iliE At,! ki At FINEST AUTOMATIC HEATING ASK US TO SNOW YOU THE NEW CONROY FURNACE" Made ,n Canada tfltRIJY MAN, A CYURIN CCSMPAN, :MiiFp r rAn1AR'Nt'. r+N/ARv! Qu/Q4 h o't+Gpts C Si 4 WORSELL BROS. HARDWARE AMERICAN MEDICAL MER PREFER THIS FIRM HEALTHFUL TYPE OF MATTRESS :SUPPORT! "Perfect Sleeper" "SUPER -FIRM" MATTRESS ArTwin Slue Matching dox Spring Some Price You Shop ON it FOR SMOOTH FIRM HEALTHFUL REST nol IN ill enasrre�edea N. Geed Housekeeping •11*41 wpm. W°6 Ailllt "PERFECT SLEEPER® SUPER=FIRM" ,MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING Guaranteed ter 10 Years (Guaranteed for 50 pears when used in combination) —According to terms et eoaiantaa Attend to product :unbend. i' PMAtiVrtt fir tri °Trade -Mark (6) 1956 Serio Aeccctateo, Inc. AV A Se.f..SSOC'.S, Nation -Wide Survey of Doctors Proves SERTA "PERFECT SLEEPER"m•is Built With Qualities Judged Important by Leading Posture Specialists These medically -checked qualities are the result of Serta's exclusive "Unimatic"® Construction --avail- able in no other mattress! This advanced scientific discovery prevents your spine from sagging, �elimi� nates disturbing hollows, humps and buttons—assure deep, refreshing rest for men and women of all ages. Medical X -Rays Show You Actual Proof1 RIGHT WAY Extra -firm SERTA. Mattress with "Unimatic"® construc- tion assures level, head -to - toe support approved by doctors. Aids relaxation, gives "Posture Protection." WRONG WAY Ordinary "soft' mattress lets apiito sag and twist; can cau©e muscle strain, threat- ens good posture. By cling- ing to body, causes overheat- ing, restless sleep. ADVERTISED IN THE JOURNAL Off TOE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION COME IN FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION NOW CLOSE -CUT SPECIALS! SERTA MATTRESSES JUSL ..: 00 Limited Quantity —.Discontinued Models ° Baa° :� $ o Serie ch LowPri:o WHILE THEY LAST HURRY! QUANTITIES LIMITED. FIRST COME- FIRST SERVED! --�,.... v�,.-,,.fir-,�,; ; •t : � • LODGE FURNITUR West St. Phone