HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-04-19, Page 6rnalt raz Yi► NVQTATQONS O ANNOUNCEMENTS • R CEPTOON CARDS O THANK YOU CARDS s<y<a c, INT[MAT1ON A-AiT(A[TS Featuring "T'4- ERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTING---�! (Raised Lettering) LET US ASSIST ¥OU WITH LP '' WEDDING PLANS - .. You may select your Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Acknowledgments with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of form. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES Gos'erich Sig ial-Star Phone 71 West ,Street A&'' CATS YOUR TOTAL FOOD BILL AQP "SUPER-RIGRT" QUALITY MEATS STEAKS HOMELESS ROUND or BONELESS RUMP and BONELESS ROASTS POINT SIRLOIN SIDE BACON ALL GOOD, SMOKED, RINOLESS Ib " ,... C111IA.BICC .�.,,,_..v � -.�'?� w,�-.� --..r•-.r.,r�;-+a"'�r•-vz��iusalrr° ., . _� 1 -Ib pkg 45, PORK SHOULDERS Spoked Shankless, Picnic Style Ib 3 5 C SMELTS LAKE •fiRIE; HEADLESS and DRESSED Ili 2 S.C. WHITE BASS FILLETS Lake Erie, Fresh Caught Ib e' 9c CHEESEFURTERS MAPLE LEAF 1 -lb pkg 4 5C JANE r'ARKER JANE CHERRY PIE each49C SAVE 10c JANE PARKER ORANGE Chiffon Cake each 49, SAVE 10c POPULAR RANDS CIGARETTES Ctn. of 10 Pkgs. of 20 199 ,HEINZ or GERBER'S Choice, Ungraded `i'S To Sly+ e A&P PEAS Oo en $1.85 2 20 -oz tins 31 .•hoice Red Pitted Dozen $1.85 A&P CHERRIES 215-ortin31c Iona" Dozen $1.69 GREEN BEANS 22o-ortnsi9c Choice Cream Style A&P CORN Nestle's QUIK Monarch - FLOUR Green Giant PEAS V&'•S _irrrice ALLSORTS BABY FOODS 45-oztins 37C Ctn. of 24 Fine $2.09 0 Marie Antoinet, of Montreal, designed this cocoa -brown viscose sheath with bolero and "mosiac" work in yellow at the neckline for the Spring, collection +the Association of Canadi-an Couturiers. • t'Dozen $1.59 2 20 -oz tins 2.7 1 -Ib tin 5 5c 3% -Ib pkg 2.7c . 31c 12 -oz pkg 25, FRESH FIIUITS & VEGETABLES Florida Valencia No. 1 Grade, Size 175 ORA GES doz 5 C IT'S ALL. PURE COFFEE A&P INSTANT COFFEE hoz lar 99 C Florida No. 1 Grade, Hand Selected Quality TOMATOES cello pkg 1 9 c Rod Spanish, No. 1 Grade Cuban, Fully Matured PINEAPPLES -..ca5c Florida No. 1 Grade, New Crop White Sebago POTATOES Florida Fancy Grade, ftcw Crop, Tonder Yellow SWEET CORN Louisiana No, 1 Grade, Fresh, Mild, Tonder SHALLOTS 5b39c 6or39 C 2hchsl 5c News of Duiigannon DUNGANNON, April 16.—MrS.1 for the lovely and inspiring after- Et- Huntsville and left on Monday.] Mrs. George „Hodges _ and _ .Mrs, -ivecu as -neie a-tv. anti MTS. Gladys Rivett has taken a position noon. !frs. Lionel Langevin, (nee Sylvia Stingel), °bride of a few weeks, left Saturaay with a host of good }Fishes from friends to join her husband, Cpl. Langevin, of the RCAF, who is stationed at St. Sylvestre,' Quebec. Mr. Thomas Pollock seen in the village again after spending the winter months with his niece, Mrs. Clifford Kilpatrick He Cele- brated his -85th birthday on April 5th and still enjoys a joke with his old friends. Mrs. B. Irvin spent a day last week vltiting friends in Goderich and also her sister, Mrs. Ivan Papernick. Mission Band. -- Mission Band was held in the United Church basement With 37 present. Marion Reid-, Mole gave the call • td worship: .Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan led in prayer. Lynn Finnigan received the offering. Pauline Anderson gave a poem on Easter. Mrs. R. Irvin gave a chapter in the study book. Billy Blake gave a piano instru- mental after which a film was shown of a Christian Festival in India. Congratulations are due to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry on the ar- rival of a bright Little baby boy to their home April 11th.. Guests 1th.- Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mole on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan, of Bel - more, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Merkley and children, of Wroxeter. Master Jimmy 'Montgomery, Chas. JeFersoin read from the Lucicnow, is holidaying with his study book. Mrs. Sam Thompson was in charge of the W.A. meeting. Miss Margaret Jefferson gave a reading entitled, "Seeds of Kind- ness." A mystery auction was held for the W.A. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted 'byy Mrs. Sam babe, of Auburn, visited with Mr. Thompson anti- Mrs. H. Jefferson. and Mrs. Otto Popp on Sunday. There were 12 ladies and 10 child - Mr. and Mrs. Steve. IHelesic and ren present. children, of Goderich, were guests Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Chamney. on Sunday with the litter's pax- and daughter, Dorothy, ‘of Wing ents. ham, were Sunday visitors with his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrd parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. S. J. Kilpatrick visited over the last Mr. ltdto theirs. home nert or moved andweek-end with her son, Ri Blake's. recently purchased from Mr..Robt. and Mrs. 'Mrs. Kilpatrick, of Blake Craig. We are sorry to lose them Mr. and 'Mrs. Hugh Menary and from our church and community. children, of the ninth concession, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna and child- ren hild- were visitors in the home of Mr;. and Mrs. Frank Glenn on Sunday l nmehave moved �to the Taylor last. .. ' Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson DTTNGANNON A .F 17. --- A$ were recent visitors with Mr. and -- p Mrs.Richard Chamney at Belgrave. .g...p.rx�,.- inex� �-°i`Fihr+rday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster and the Dungannon United Church girls, of St. Helens, were Sunday There will be an evening of in- visitors with Mr. and "Ml s. Stuart in- spirational fellowship. Two films, Chamney and daughters. "Workers Together with God" and "That They Might See" will be o, -~�"—_ 0 shown. An offering will he taken PERSONAL MENTJ(N during the informal service Dun - Harvey Anderson and Mrs. Charles Fowler, Dungannon, and Mrs. Gra- ham McNee and Mrs. Alvin 'Kerr, Nile, attended the 31st annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary So- ciety at Exeter last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh', of Petersburg, visited Mrs. M Jones and Mel on Sunday. Mrs. Tones spent last week visiting Mrs. Gladys Wallis, Clinton. ,Mr'. and Mrs. T. Park on Sunday were visitors with Mr. aid Mrs. Clayton Ladd, Blyth where a fam- ily gathering celebrated Mr. Ladd's 'birthday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister and Kenneth at the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar London and -on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid, Lilogean and Fraser, Port Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllister and Mary Lou, 6th concession of West Wawa - nosh. DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, April 16. — The April Meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held on Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hardy. Miss Hazel Stamper was in charge of the W.M.S. program. Mrs. H. Jefferson read an article 'entitled "News from a rural church centre." The offering was receiv- ed by Jeanette Johnston. Mrs. , illUBS#,`'.+'A. J6,: i i 11# 11W o Leaders Are Blyth Warman New President of Duron Named At GDP Presbyterial W.M.S of United Church Two G aderleh Distriet Collegiate Innsstatute ntudelints have been named as 'the loe&i re nresea tative$ ` in the tendon Free Dress Leaders' Club. Crgo-1 Vin der a' leer, 18, has been selected "Queens!' and William C. Grace, made twelve, as "Leader," The selections are made by the 'staff Ott the basis of the arround accomplishments of the students. laux;hter of . Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ,�.. 'Van der Meer, de - rich, Carol boa conq feted her up- per school standing in nine papers and is now doing first class _:honor work in the special commercial course. Her ambition is to become a secretary. A member of the Students' Coun- cil, Carol says that every girl should study the components of a good homemaker. "Cooking, sew- ing and the menial Household chores constitute a good percent- age of homemaking, but a general knowledge of simple carpentry, ,plumbing, electricity, nursing, gardenin:g and many other occupa- tions is necessary" she points out. Commenting on her love of art work, Carol says: "Sketching offers many wide opportunities for imag-_ ination and creation, painting not only provides these, but also af- fords opportunity 'for experiment- ing in color. The mind is opened to formations, colors, variations, shapes and constructions formerly taken for granted and barely noticed. By this, studying objects comes more naturally and is done closer and with greater care. Painting also gives me a deep feeling of satisfaction and relax- ation." Carol is proud of her selection as "School queen" 'because "net only have I been granted the priv- ilege of representing my school and presenting some of my ideas; I have also been given the oppor- tunity of meeting and hearing the representatives of other schools as well." Boy Leader Bill Grace was born February 23; 1937, at Grand Falls, New- foundland. He is now completing hisGrade XII studies and has taken part in 'basket'ball, football, swim- ming, volleyball, golf, tennis and badminton. In addition to his activity in sports, Bill is a member of the Teen -town executive, vice- president of the boys' athletic as- sociation and a member of the Goderich Aqua Club. Bill thinks athletic 's develop sound bodies and alert minds which are the nucleus of a pro- gressive and prosperous commun- ity. An interest in. athletics is also a safeguard against juvenile delinquency. These are reasons he feels that communities should take interest in school athletics. Football is Bill's' favorite sport. He•enjoys it because it is a rugged game, requiring complete physical fitness. "Team work ismore neces- sary in football than any other sport," he- says. If refresher courses were provided, ler coaches sports. ,a ,:'�b�??'J' t . JJ . iiia?r t< garner ',ivaui v sYt scirriols B-il'i' feels that athletic coaching could be improved in our schools. Bill is pleased to have been chosen as a member of the Lead- ers' Club. "I appreciate the per- sonal honor paid to me. My visit will give me the opportunity of meeting other student leaders," he adds. The past year Was reviewed and. plans for the future were made at', the annual nneeting dtfH1s 'o>rI. Pres- 'byterCial'of the ' W,M.S. of the Utiit- et1 Church. of Canada held at James St; Church, Exeter, on Tuesday of last week. Over 300'delegates and members were present represdnt- irzg 67 afternoon, evening '?tnd Young Woman's Auxiliaries in Huron County. Morning worship services were conducted by Mrs. W. Love, Grand Bend, and Mrs. J. A. McGill, Clin- to>li, the vice-presidents of the south and centre sections respec- tively, esptively, while the afternoon wor- ship period was conducted, by Mrs. F. Toll Auburn, and Mrs. N. Dennis, Toll, 2, Bluevale, vice-presi- dents of the west and north sec-' tions of •the Presbyterial. An appeal was made to auxil- iaries to try to develop the talent within their own groups. While it is advisable to have guest speak- ers at meetings occasionally, it is not wise to have them too fre- quently. The ladies were also asked to make provision for mis- sionary training .for the young women of the congregation. The president, Mrs. E. Des- Jardins, who presided throughout the day, announced that two stud- ents from the United Church Train- ing School will conduct a rally for leaders of junior groups in the county on May 17 and 16, the time and place to be' annnouAeed lutea', The guest anis; ionary who spoke during the afternoon Was s Grace G. Patterson, a unissaonay► reeently returned from. ,'dia. Rev. C. A. Krug, of Beigrave, the second speaker of the afternoon, eonune "ded the ladies for their entlillei&SM and desire but also threw out a great challenge for the future. He sexpresswd faith in the womenpewer er and urged the p topray concretely and specifically. Resolutions prepared by the ladies of North Street Church, Goderich, were read by 'Mrs. E. Toll, Winthrop, and a skit entitled "Why a School for Leaders," pro- moting that project was presented by Mrs. H. Pollock, Mrs. H. Doig and Mrs. Whitfield, all` of Ford- wich. The list of officers for the eom- ing year is as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wing - ham; past president, Mrs. E. Des- Jardins, Grand Bend; president, Mrs. W. McVittie, Blyth; 1st vice- president, Mrs. Harold Doig, Ford- wich; sectional vice-presidents, Centre—Mrs. J. A. McGill, Clinton; West — Mrs. Tait Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich; South—Mrs. W. Love, Grand Bend; North — Mrs. M. Dennis, R.R. 2, Bluevale. Q O .o Have you renewed your sub- scription to the Signal -Star? INGO LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturday, April 21 JACXPOT OF $45,00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 51 CALLS. 1st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. Jackpot and Share the Wealth of $118.00 won by Joyce Baechler, Goderich. PA�y S%nce /889 ASS°PAIVa COMHEADOFF/CE•WA7ER1DD.ONTARIO RBB ROSS SAYS: The Dominion Coronet is more than a life insurance policy, better than an ordinary savings plan, because, if you die before 65, your family will 31"11'�I'lie Deposits You Have Made . Plus The Face Value Of The Policy Plus Dividends Left With The Policy Phone me today about this unusual savings plan. E. M. ROSS 'hone 37 Representative Goderioh, Ont. R EMBER-"HUnter 2" er 2" 5 aunt, Mrs. Allan Reed. Miss Barbara Wilson, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, was .home over the week -end with Murray and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and prlcea Effective, Until SrittH'day, April 21e M AttANiIC £ ,PACISIC ITA COMoarrt gannon is one of 13 charges 1p. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mathers Huron Presbytery privileged to see and Judith were in Toronto on these films. a the week -end to attend the • Vie•d- A number of the Tingannon ding of Mrs. Mathers' brother, members of the Woman's Assoei- Robert Baigent. ation and Women's -Missionary So- Mr. John Thorpe, former Gode- ciety attended the Easter Thank- rich resident manager of Imperial offering .meeting at Hackett's Oil, and Mrs. Thorpe, Kathryn and Church on Friday afternoon, April Penny, of Toronto, visited in Gode- 10. Ms. Douglas Bryden, taf Rip- rich over the week -end. ley, was guest speaker. Mrs. Hag. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henderson vey Alton, on behalf of Dungannon, and daughter have returned from thanked .the ladies of Hackett's holidaying in Florida. when you call your friends in CLINTON... last Sunday, April 15th, dial service was introduced io CLINTON and all numbers changed to start with: "Blunter 2" All the new Clinton numbers will appear in the forthcoming STRATFORD-GOD]R1CH telephone book this May. Be sure to bring your Blue Book of Telephone Numbers ftp to date for people you call in Clinton;. Your calls will get through fast" when you give your Long Distance operator "HUnter 2" and then the four figures. W. W. HAYSOM, Manager. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA NEED A NEW Niue Book? Phone or ask at our office for a copy. It'a free, in regular or pocket, size.