HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-7-10, Page 1► 311-1101-N & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE. THEY MY," VOL. XVII. NO, 40. a.� EXETE R, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1890 LEGAL, DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - cam of Supreme oli- cito*ofSupreme Ceurt,NetaryPublic feyancez Cammiasioner.&c, Money to roan • pliioein Fans en's Bio ek. Exeter, M H. C014L:INS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,, EXETER, ONT. Omceiaseweu'sBlo*:l, Bairsold office.) Eti4t6T 4 E'aL,1L4QT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablic, Go veyauoers 450, (F.50. tWs Money to Loan at Lo. west prates of interest, OFFICE.. - MAIN - STREET, EXETER* 13, V. XlinTe7'• ,r,=MOT, VENT.A I,, T L. BILLINO8, 11 xam-po sx. IC) FF.10E; oyer Q'.h•ElL'b Ball Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. i-1 SINSMA,N,DENTIST.i,i,D. • Santwell's ]Sleek, lsaln•st,Exeter, EStraote Tooth without pain. by: ;event Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the beat possible. Goo* 10 Zunrca oulastTltursthyin each month. MEDICAL JW. IWOWNINu i1i. D., M. C . 1',8,3radnacovictor-ra11nivoraIty.Orilce andireaidsnCe,l%O]Y''nioxif,,aboratorir. Exeter LB. RYND UAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, oppeelto Ur, . Carling's attire, Exeter. DR. J. A.. ROtLIN , M.. O. 2.8 0. O tueo, Alain Ss, exoter,On t.Rosideu 00120''ter emeetly °coupled by :P. hLoPhi1111ts, Esq, ,ra F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M., :von tees4 • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto • Fel. Tris, Med. seboal, Toronto ; Grad. Am lnst.,Crauielegy; Member N. k*. Acad. Anthropology; 'Member Col. P, S,, Ont.— office. Dashwood.0at. i aUOTt0NEER8. y* ENk Y EILBER, Licensed Auo- ttonoorfor gay,Stephon, and riLoGilii- rra Towuahi,1s, $atesoouduetcdatmoderate ratan, .3 tflon—AtI'ast-alflao,Oroditon.,Ont, TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the Rif Townships of Stephen, gay and Usborno ,and the Village of Exeter. All solos promptly attended, and satisiaettonguaranteed. Salus earangedat this office. VETERINARY. SHELLINGLAW & CURRIE Veterinary Surgeons can bo consulted at Clarks notal, Crediton, or at Stela. A full stook of Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a spocialty. WR. CARR, VETERINARY • Surgeon, Honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College. Toronto, wishes to inform the public that be is now prepared to do all -work in Veterinary line, Calls answered at all hours, Office. Kirkton, 3 mo Ont. HC. DOAN, VETERINARY • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College, Toronto, honorary member of the Medical Sootety. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Office, opposite E. Bossor berry's hotel, Hensel!. N.B.—Vet- erinary dentistry and surgery a speoialty. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, raduatesof the Ontario Veterinary College Oprxon : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64- percent, 825.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companiesrepreseated. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister,Exeter, INSURANCE THE LONDON MUTUAL .1. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA• cad Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm Property and private residences, either on buildings or contents,the most favorable protection in ease of loss or damage by fire orlightnina, at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able company oanaffordto write. 42,375 poll: cies in force 1st Jan 4890. Assets 5378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government depost. Deben- tures and. Premium Notes, JAMES GRANT, President D. C. -Mo i)owetn, Manager. DAvtn Jegais, Agent for Exeter andvioinity. Jost! W13(ITE . sous tkablisiaerri s ad P3o]pt-setae* The Molsons Bank (C11 ARTEItED BY PA RLI A7#1ENT,1855) Paid up Capital $`4,000,CO RestBund ... ,,, .. 1,000,00 ReadOfoe, Montreal. T , WOLFERSTAN G oars S.M.. EaN AGRA 20 brats eboffices inrboDominton, Agenic in the Dominion,1J.S.A.and. Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, front 10 a,m,to3 p.m SATT`Rn xs,10 zt,tn•to !non, 4Porgent.peraMiele allowed for in cagey ou DepositReeeipts R.FL. ARCHER V.Canttger. 1dE WATERLOO IkIUTIJAL L FLEE IESURANCE00. Establlshedin 1868. ONT WATERLOO . HEAD OFFICE , This ooml.anv has been over Eighteen Oars in operation iu Westemn On- ario,andsontinues to insure against oss or amage by dire Buildings,Merchandise,Atan factories,and all otherdesoriptionsoflinsur- ble property . Intending insurers. havethe ptionofinsuring onthe Premium Note or Oaah ur ng System tten ears this Com an During the pas y p y hes twod;7,096 Polieies.coverinpproperty o the 'nmountof140,872,088;andliodd int ose- es a Ione ;700,7.52,Q0' AssetS, 18116,100.00,sonsisting of Cash . n dank , Government Degosit ,an dthe unwire, ssederemiumeloteeonne.ndendin force, J W WALDEN M D. Preside L t. Q. M.Texnon„ Secretary. J.B. Huoaris,Inepeotor. ORAS: SNELL Agouti or Tlseterand vicinity Goldsmith ,+. Hall! r+..' - s:als s'XQT-e WATOHF.S, CLOCKS,.• • JPWk.LRY,— SIL't'JNRWARE,--- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE, ltfa '1'ersona.iattentlon given to ropairiug of lratohes.elooks andiowolry: C. BEICHI-t NBACCH, Oppoeito Post Office, PARKHILL FEED Provincial band Surveyor and Civil En - Mice, Upstairs, ca uwell's Block. Exeter. Qat SAAJE M E N 'w'AssTM311Ta: Good Salary and Expenses. or Commission paid to the right men. f want men Vi to 40, curs of Otle to sell a full line of 014 class Nursery Stock. A fl stock guaranteed. Apply at once,stating nee end references, C. I.1tOti•f1i11Y, ltoehostor. N. Y £gexats Waxl.ted. If you want to make I110N 1Y, take !told and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is the time, write us at °nee for tecta, sVr.A ^ 3372•OT=3Blls Nurserymen. ltoehester. N. Y, CENTRAL Barber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Bair cutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladiesano 0Mann' S Hair. ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. too. You will be surprised what you, can get from us. for $1 13 yds. good washing Print. 20 " ,c Shifting, 20 " Grey Cotton. 20 " White 10 " all -wool Dress Gods,. 4 Undershirts. 4 pr. Drawers. 13 lbs. Currants. 11 Gans Tomatoes, 30 bars good Laundry Soap. Tweeds Tweeds We have a large stook of Tweeds thaiibelonged to the Pickard Stock Which *ere his direct importation and bought cheaper than any local dealer can buydiem for, We'pillt-pose clearing them out ata price. If you Want a good cheap suit °orae and see them. BRUMPTON BROS. R AP277> 7 eX T ]71 v i.SSON • NOTICE TO CONRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under signed, and endorsed "Tenders for the St. Lawrence Canals," will bo received at this office, until the arrival of the eastern and western mails on Wednesday, the 23rd day of July next, for the construction of a lift look. weir, etc„ at Morrlsburg, and the deepening and enlargement of tho Rapids Plat Canal. Tho work will be divided into throe sections, each about a mile in length. A map of the locality, together with plans and speoifications of the respective w"rke, can be seen on and after Wednesday. the Oth day of July next, at this office, and at tbo Resident Engineer's office. Morrisburg• where printed forms of tender can be obtained. In the case of firms there must bo attached to the tender, the actual signatures of the bill DIEGO, the nature of the occupation and resi- dence of each member of the same. and, fur- ther, an accepted cheque on a chartered bank in Canada for the sum of S6,000 must accom- pany the tender for Section No. 1, and an accepted cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, for the sum of 52,000 for each of the other endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party ten- dering declines entering into contract for the works at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheques thus sunt in will bo returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. This Department does not, However. bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, A. P. BRADLEY. Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, t 3t Ottawa, 13th Juno,1890. f sections Tho respective accepted cheques must be c.j:+9 .e�1 cr RUED TENDERS addressed to the under r7 signed, and endorsed"Tender for Wiarton Works," will be received at this office until Tuesday, the'8th•day of July next, inclusively, for the construction of an extension to the Breakwater at Wiarton. Bruce County, Ontario swear. ing to a plan and specification to be seen on application. to Mr. David Dinsmore, Post- master. Wiarton, and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Tenders will, not bo cousideredunless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signature of the tenderers. An accepted bank cheque. payable to the order of the Minister of Publie Works. equal to five per cent of amount of tender,' mist no - company each tender. This cheque will be forfeitedif the party decline the contract, or fail to complete the work contracted for, and. will he roturnen in case of non-acceptance of tender. 'file Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. By order, A, GOBIEL, Secretary. Department of Public Works, tt Ottawa, 23rd June, 1800, : S Bldduipb. Bears—D1r, John Dixon, London hoar!, disposed of his farm and crop to Mr. Wm. �VJII(atas, Cloudeboyo, an \Vedoosday last for the modest sum of 86,000.— Died—At her father's residence, July Gth, Annie Thompson, only daughter of Joseph Thompsi n, Soule° Line, Ilidd.alph, need 17 YOarH. She won the gold medal at the compelativo examination for the county of Middlesex last year, and although elm had been Wiling for some time, yet ,her friends had the lope she would he restored to them. --Dir. Thames Toohey is home again from lila visit to Port Huron. Mr.lfa• Laughlin has also returned, frog, his trip to Brantford. kilimvzlle. Dashwood. l3umrs.-,-T7,e farwers are busy baying at present,, --Tho side walks have been con. srderrbly improved,—Quito a number of oar citizens were at'tkie Bend on the let,— Rev, J. P. Haucb, of Berlin, paid our village a abort visit on Wednesday icer,*-Qo Sat- urday and Sunday there were quarterllr meeting services here. Rev, GS P. Hoist, of Zurich, ole ciated.—.Lost Friday the scbocle closed for the holidays. The teach- ers have gene to their homes.—Ree. W, Yaeger,was in Zurich ort Weduesday wren:rag. Bnlnra. Tho•auuiveraary and etrawborry festival held in connection with the S. S. on Domiuion Day, was the most successful ever bold, although the weather iu the forenoon and until after ono o'clock p, m, was anything but promising, (mite a shower fell hi the forenoon and it was thought by many a foolish thing to erect a platform, however the sky cleared and erorvels began to assemble. Tho platform meeting was organized and a programme of recitations singing eta„ was satisfactorily carried out by the scholars and addresses were delivered by Bove. J. Busse! and Smith. Rev. J. Wilson, was expected but arrived too late. The tables were soon set and the scholars did ample justice to the good things provid- ed. When they were all satisfied the tables were open to all comers and the waiters were kept busy for a long time. The base ball club desiring some fun them. selves and believing the people assembled at the anniversary would be pleased to witness some games, on their own responsibility invited different clubs to participate in friendly games. Accordingly the Elimville and Freewill B. B• 0. played a game of ball the score standing 5 to 8, 5 innings, in favor of the Elimville boys. About half past seven p. m. a game of football was begun between the Eden and Chiselburst ebbs, and the contest «as keen and excit- ing tbroughout,some spectators who have witnessed many games pronounced it the most skillfully played they ever saw. Cer-, tain it is that better matched teams could not well be found, and although Eden succeeded in making a goal it was by an act of over confidence on the part of Chisel. burst goalkeeper. All were well pleased with the days intertainment and especially with the friendly manner in which the games were conducted. The receipts of the anniversary from all sources amounted to $150, which is considered a pretty good sum considering that upwards of 200 would take free tea.—A valuable colie dog belong- ing to Mr. Henry Johns had its fore foot nearly out off in the inower and they were forced to hill it,—Mr Samuel Andrew returned on Monday from Stratford Central Business College where he succeeded in cbtaining a Diploma passing creditably with a total percentage of 834. In penman- ship only one took a higher mark.—Mr. Humphries, of Stratford is painting for B Robinson of Vlincheisea.—Mr. R, Delbridge, had a narrow escape last week being tipped out of the wagon, but he succeeded in grasping the tail board with his hand, thus breaking the ball and receiving only a cut on the head.—A big picnic party with Lake Huron for its destination is being arranged. —The public school has closed.—Large quantities of hay was wet with Monday's rain.—Mr. Thomas Veal has good new potatoes one is on exhibition at the store. Thomas always leads the van in the potato lino. Deborue CQUxtcll,i. The council wet All alto uth of July pnr- suaut to aaljournatant. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved, Shier—Kyda -that the accounts of Drs, Rollins and Lnt7, amounting to $10, for ex• atnlning S, Skinuei's child as to imbeciUty, be paid.—Carried, flaps=Iiyd4=that Thos. Bruee, Samuel and 1i. Gardiner be paid the sum of 83 each #or supplying polling booths for P;oviucial elections, -.Carried, • lfydd—Cameron—that the offer of Stan- lake Bras, to supply reek elm for 2 bridges on 6 and 7 COus, as $20 per M for long tern - her, and $12 per; U. fox abort timber bo so - Opted, and that the mover and seconder be a committee to have the said: bridges put iu proper repair,—Carried, Vaureron-•-Shier--.that Goo. Bell be paid 58,75 for keep of T. Bennett up to3uly 4th, Carried. Halls--Eydd...that the following orders be granted viz Gto, Hogg $28 50, M,auel Rieke 828, Sam'1. Bern, 520, Adam Doape 820, 75, Amos Doupo 510, Geo, Harrah 512,50, Jae. Tufts $1,10, Patrick McCrae 55.58. Jas Ginning $1, Thos. Neil 512.50, M. Sewell. 813, (neo. Dell 58.75, W, J. Cave $i, John Dempsey 84, Wm. Ilalkwell $69, tt m. Bray 516. \Vw Mooily 85.76, Geo. Ferguson 2210, Alex. Dittman 51, John Hewitt $10, James Rivers 52, John Ogden $10, Sam'] Skinner 83. T. Dr= 83, Robt Gardiner $3, Dr. Rollins $ia, Dr. Lutz 55, Sain'1 bleCnraly $4.25, On, motion of T. Cameron, eeconded'by J, Halla, the conneil adjourned to meet agate on Saturday. the 0112 Sept, at 11 a,n. Gr.o. W. floietat;, Clerk. Injured at a Crossing: Mrs. Hollinger, the wife of a quarryman working in the Monoquairios, met with a serious accident at the 0. P. R. station Orangeville,' on Monday morning. Mrs. Hollinger was it the act of crossing on the public road' when the yard engine in shunt ing struck her with its tender, knocking ber down and passing over her right foot. Her hand was also severefi injured: The unfor- tunate woman was picked up and carried to her borne' near the station, where her injuries received medical attention. The accident has attracted public attention to the liability of accidents oeo,nring at this crossing and an effort will be made to in. dUce the railway company to protect the same by means of Fates, irltou.. Beiers--MiesM,. Roadhouse, of Stratford bas been visiting friends during the peat week,—Mc. Wm, Matron wife anti daughter, of Paisley, are the guests of Mr. end hire. David Mahon,--3'tre (r, Poupe, of London, is visiting at ]Tri. A. A. Deupe'it.--Tha Orangemen to this vlsinity, are oaten). plating a .great day in Qliatou 00 Saturday Carr, V. S, of this place, took a trip to relatives in East Wawanosh last week. The Tillage population was 'Morose ed by two during ;he past week,—Mir. R. Roadhouse, wan iu town oa Monday teat, Ur, J, UcCordy, basoretenie l home from Toronto tiatuival, lir, Asher Stineen. fs home tor the holidays, likewise Mr.. R. 3. Eirk,T•-Me. 0, Washburn is cleric rids del et the time of reciting.—Mrs, P, O'Byhu, who has been indisposed the past few weeks is pow convalescent, Clrediton, (Crowded out last neck.) liatntre.—Tho first of July was mile- brated by almost everyone in some befitting manner, largo numbers went to the lake as usual, and a greet number accompanied she band to the Centralia Festival, In the morning a game of base bill was played between two picked nines which was with- out doubt the hoot over played in Credi:ou. Whitewashes and good playing were the features of the game, and the score was kept right down for a rustic game, During the game a very uuforlunato acoident oo. aarred, two of the players S. Either and Wm. Lewis Jr. were beth making for a fly ball and not seeing can't other, came to- gether with the forco of two battering-rams striking their heads. Lewis got off with two broken teeth and a bruised head, but Sam was kuoolaed almost senseless, and when he arose from the ground, blood was oozing from his nose and mouth, his cheek was cut open, his forehead badly battered up and in addition thereto bad ablack eye. Duriug our experience in base ball we have never seen any players get used up so badly in a game. Both of them had to leave the field and Sam will be confined to the house for a few days and it will likely be a few weeks before he will be able to do much. But. Lewis will likely be none the worse off in a few days. Play was resumed and other players substituted and at the finish, the score stood 10 to 5 in favor of the side captained by M. Ginter.—The flax -men have erected a large addition to their spaci- ous barn and will not need to stack so much flax as in former seasons,besides being much safer under oover of the roof than exposed to sparks from the mitis.—Mr. Hy. Eilber, is erecting a large windmill over his well. — A lari•e number from here went to Zurich on Sunday last to attend the ohildreu's Festival held there.—The trouble between the Bishops of the German Evangelical Association evidently manifested itself in Crediton. Rev. M. 0. Morlock of Chicago, is visiting his parents told numerous friends here and has on previous visits always favored us with a sermon, and we expected the same on this occasion. as he was born and bred among us, and since his entering the ministry has been one of the moat successful youug preachers in the church, hence we take an interest in him and like to hear him when the 'opportunity 'affords It appears however and is a fact that the Esther people heard of his intended visit to his parents, and Bishop Bowman wrote a letter here instructing the church officials not to allow him to oecnpy the pulpit, stating tbat ne was against them. Now we think this a most unjust notion and judging from the sentiments of the people of the congregation, the action on the part of Bishop Bowman will do the Escher Party a great deal of barna in this locality. We do net wish to discuss church matters io our correspondence, but in this ease we think we are justified in saying what we have and had Mr. Morlock been a stranger or oould anyone bring the slightest charge against his character we would not have said a word about it. We understand how- ever that we will have t e pleasure of hear. ing Mr. Moritak in the Fngtish Church before his departure. The U.S. Senate has postponed discussion of the tariff bill. Many families in Gloucester Township are suffering from diphtheria, The two year-old daughter of Robert Smith, of Toronto, was fatally burned. A Dundas County man has got into trouble at Calgary for abusing a !torso. Chicago and other places west are` pro- misee a hot spell,, worse than the last. The Belgian Cabinet is expected to loan the Congo State 81,000,000 on mortgage. lifr, Alex Tac sea. of Ottawa, o ularl' WilIChelsaa.. Quri•it, a* -' We bare this week to record the death of little GertrudeAlexiva, daughter 1 of Fred and A,rin Tune Godbolt, of California, On or about Christmas last Mfe, and Ws. Godbolt pail a visit to their old home, here. !, bringing with them three'of their children. While here Gerrie contracted a severe cold which settled on her lungs, and for a time her life was despaired of, but she rallied however sutllcieutiy to be removed and they all left for home. a'drs. Godbolt and the children remained in +Clay Center, Rauaae, with her people there while Mr, °WW1t went au to their home in Qalifort,ia, The little girl had now nearly recovered #:rots her rtuvora illness, but while weak from its effects she ocalracted the seaales and on the 20th of June last idle died, The news .!tad ,fast reached some of the friendo here dicot the little girl WAS dowg well, witch a aeoond despatch brought the 1pMnfal news that the little mistress was no more. She ryas a bright :little girl of six yearn, ears her death has erected much sympathy in the neighbor- hood tor the bereaved family in their afllia- tion, Publxe School P,oard minutes. Meeting heli in the Town Hall at 8 p, nx. July 7th. All thernemberspresent. AAlin Qtessdof revious meeting reed and Pp Items, passed es k, A, Follie.k, labor account $6. ; R, J iekar4, account for brooms, etc. $1.95. Mover, F', Fitton, Seconder, A. G. Dyer.'.. Eleven huadrett dollars to be asked from the council as a Supplementary Estimate. to provide kr furnaces. reflooriegs repainting, ete, Moyer, H. Heeston.4eeoreler,A, G. ;Myer:. —Details of necessary drainage and Bxca- vation to be execu 5vd under theauPer+ifi,iots of A. (i, Dyer, T. Pitten and the chairman, germ., 11. Huston, Seconder. W. Treble. 13, Spicer's tender of $97 to be accepted for repainting outside of school building. never, T, Fitton.—The Seoietar�y to ob- tain necessary permit fromn the b ire balm- 1ncei Ca.- tdiourrintent, t,, call of the chuir, J. Grime, Se.y. School. Scioto:;. No. 6 Iteroare-The following are tbe.namea of the mile who attained 4.6 per cent, or over for the months of May and June t • 5thelasee—J. Turd nli744,E,Brimacombe 71. 4th alasa.�U. Spicer 77, E Turnbull 74, L. Andrew' 72. Soca, 3rd cess—M, Brimacombe 00, A. Earl 61, L. Hails 60, 11 T, Clements 51. Jun. 8rd claw—A,Router 70, 0. Powell 63, E. Powell 01, R, Coward 57, A. Millar 45.1 Upshal140 Second 01asa-S, Clements 91, 3. Turnbull 68, B. Clements 6S, N, Fletcher 59, F. r D ri 11 Mimes 6 B. bi alb d e u7 5 .Dol x 3 0 u , , g , 51, 0. ]'rancie,"•13�Johna 47, 1.licrv- oliffo, 45, Part 2nd class—B. Roweliffe, 87, G God bolt 75, F. Andrew 08. First Class No. 3-0, Hriwkans 85, E. Cooper 76, No, 2—G, Wilcox 89, M. Coward 81, E. Flotohor 81, 0. Rowoliffe 77, E. Berryhill 77, 3, Berryhill G9, W. Hunter 68, L. Robinson 63, J. Coward 61, E. Delbridgo 56, DT. Fletober 54. No. 1—L. Minors 84, Ethel Godbolt 84, L. Steamou 74, +i. Herdman 72, D. Parish 68, E. Godbolt 64, M. Skinner 56. The average attendance for the half year ending June 30th was 58. Geo. W. Hexane, Teacher. Terrible Wind Storm. St, Paul, Minnesota, July 7.—The With - paten, N. D. correspondent of the Pioneer Press telegraphs as follows :—"A straight wind from the north-west struck Fargo at 2.30 a.m. Great damage; was done the city. Electric light towers were blown down, whole blocks were unroofed and dozens of small houses were raised, and almost every plate glass window on Front street and Broadway were broken. Seven children were instantly killed, Two unknown tramps sleeping in a box car were killed. No. 1 passenger train on the Northern Pacific, going west, had just pulled out of the yards and had stopped at the Milwaukee creasing. The train wan made up of three baggage oars, nine coaches and sleepers, a private oar, containing a party of Ohieage and North-western officials, and Supt. AfoCabe's car. All the coaches and the tender were blown from the track, but no lives were lost. The lights had been put out, so that there was no fire or steam. Nearly twenty passengers sustained slight injuries, Tina TOWN OD FARGO. Fargo is the county seat of Cass county. North Dakota, and lies on tl.te Bed river of the north, directly opposite Moorehead, Minn. It has a population of some 8,000, and is a substantially built, flourishing city, the metropolis of a tine farming country. It is one of the principal stations on the Northern Pacific west of Minneapolis. The surrounding country is very flat. DAMAGE no THE 00171M X. Fargo, N. D., July 7.—deports show the storm did much damage to crops and farm buildings in the country for thirty miles about this city. GranBend. Presbytery of Huron. The presbytery Oilmen reset at God• creek on the Sth inst , Itev. 41r. Aehesoa in the chair, Rev. Mr. Fletcher was elect- ed moderator for the ensuing six uroliths. The follo:vir,F business ryas t"aneseted; The Coin iniseamera tote t ener.ilassembly reported 'their attendance at the above court, Some ahau,;es were made iu the arder of ltusine:ae. A. good Ileal of time was S45t,r vera. petition from the canery . a- tione of U,aytield Road anti Berne churches iaakirig for the lesi,;uatiuii of their pastor. A committee woe appointed to meet with the parties and 'bring in a recormnenclatiou to the Presbytery. '1'hia count -Atte After. wards reported asking Mr, McCannell to seriously coosidcr the advisebility, under the oircurastances, of resigning trio thargo, The standing committees for then year were struck with the following:- Convener, Rev. An.iereen, for the State of Religion Home Mission, Revs Fletcher; Temper. Arne, Itev. McMillan ; Sabbath (lhaervance, Rtev, McDonald ; Finance, Res. Martin ; Sabbath Sahoole, Raw. James Scott; Stu- deists, Rev. D. Ramsey. Mr Sutherland, of ,liens til, gave notice that at next meet. ing of Presbytery be would bring in aa, overture on oeture in Prayer. filo next meeting of Presbytery was appointed to be hall ret Hensel' an the second Tuesday of September next. The suit Stephen township vs. Nfc- Gillivray township, respecting the Grand Bend Canal, which suit has been pending for some time, was:passed upon recently,' by judge Rose dismissing the action with costs. Stephen township has appealed against this'decision upon the advice of the best municipal author- ity, A conference of the two Councils was held on Tuesday, and after Stephen Council granting every concession, no settlement could be arrived at. Stephen hes undertaken the preliminaries of the work notwithstanding the adverse atti• tude assumed by McGillivray ; but as the Canal will materiallybenefit Mc- Gillivraylands, an endeavor is being made to make that township help pay for its construction in proportion to. benefit derived. There ' ed is no doubt that the cut will be made, even though known s "the Old Man," died Monday Y not this year, a Y 1'licard's LUlilneIlt .t1lCt'eS selll'fl)•�7l}l,she + 9 ...,.v•�j t;i,.,$�(lt'jr r Frank Rivers, a ahapbyman, was drowned at Ragged Falls, near Bridge- water, while breaking a jam. Allan Campbell, a itJ;iclii(;au Inas, who has been stoppingm the Star Clair House. Sarnia, for over a year, was arrested Monday evening on complaint of the landlord on a charge of intending to leave the country without paying rt bill of 5329 for board and borrowed money. Campbell was at one time a private banker in Michigan, and had come aver here under'a cloud. The following provincial petitions were lodged with the Registrar of the Court of Appeal at Toronto on Saturday :— Petitioe by John Raymond of Stratliroy, against the return of G. W. Ross for West Middlesex; petition by Albert F. Stevenson, of West Toronto J unction, against the return of Dr. T. Gilmour for West York. Bribery and corruption are charged. The Windsor Review publishes a story relative to the doings to two worthies, formerly of that place and now located in the vicinity of Toronto and London, known ns Dan Scribner and Walter J. Haynes. The Review credits them with. highway robbery committed in the Unit- ed States, but which was settled by compromise between the victim and a private detective, the latter being an ex - convict. Provincial Detective McKee figures in the transaction, and is charged with negligence of duty in allowing the matter to be settled instead of having the men arrested, as the offense was ex- traditable. Miss Lizzie Davis, daughter of L. Davis,public schoolteacher at Sydenham. was drowned at Madden's mills, near Verona, Thursday last. Deceased was a school teacher, and before opening her class went to the lake shore to indulge in an hour's fishing, taking with her one of her pupils. She sent the boy back to the farmhouse forsome fishing apparatus, and when he returned he did not see his teacher. After a few minutes' wait- ing he grew anxious and took a ramble through the bush. Failing to find her he returned to the water, and, looking down, saw the young lady at the bottom. Neighbors were notified, and .the body recovered. Deceased had been teaching for some months in that vicinity, and was greatly respected. She was thirty years of age. Jamestown, N, D,, July 5th.—The western end of the most violent wind and rain storms of recent years struck Jamestown river valley on Sunday night. Numerous barns and outbuildings were blown down. At Edmunds an elevator was blown down. John. Fosburg, 'a farmer, living thirteen miles north of Jamestown, his wife and baby were killed bylightning, while another child was struck and will die. Fosburg and his wife gave up their bed to neighbors who were caught in the storm, and made a becl for themselves on the floor. The liehtning came through the open win: din. Hail fell in streaks. In a strip of country in the southern part of the county, ten miles long and two miles wide, crops were annihilated. The hail stones were as large as hens' eggs.,' Windows were broken by hail, and 5:000 o cies Y' f grain are a total. loss. Wires acro rl„wn ;ttltl to] cgr.tilli "mai nes It I',;:n•;