HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-7-3, Page 8-INSURANCE Brevities,. Old bay is selling et five dollars per in Mitchell. Look vesture t f erreto ea orig in auotlier issue. g South Huron ('all Show will be held eeforth ; eptemLer `29th and 30th. Lull at C. Lutz's Central Drug Store your pure Paris (=teen, lewd Riebar l Pir:karnile a`hange of a its this issue, Don't forget to read Will l t)Meld% change of adv( this week. The latest news received horn Mr. R. Verity Wan that he is improving iu hes, :lir. merry informs is that they will able to start some of the new machinery the grist mill by Saturday. The corporation mowing gang have c pleted cutting thirties :anti other .re along the sides of lite ei•laae etrtets. The eo p,e ration fathers etre Navin drain put along tier, east side of (Willi street. • it is greatly needel- T'�t,ti 1;sTi.LLIOP.AO.l''aNT'I`OR ,1 T:,1-1 {ir'�lib.lNASSURANCE ,:13:. „ P .j1 : Y , t a e for the ll_. NL\ Fina,'N5;1,aN l.a,t,. cal etl,rrdo, Eng/anti, ..he lRt,v;tl t t le ilia t �, of aton- tre.r,l anti the ox -re Tu tri 1,CAL4 Lisa: b: .2S`aLa iNCi CO'v 4 tt teeloo tebiraited 1.57,1 'izi;rt4 esiufol t>.aa•S, ;..1i)e. lseauscs every year after .ir�r year. UJ.*'.FJ:R A NICE Collection of Wall Papers. The balance of our spring stock at reasonable prices to l-'teutl- lug bee ees. Oar stool: of 0: :Feet gruels, Express \V ageot.s and Gen- et s eti k hood size is ,rods,.(:snte With OUR STOCK or few }'.3t.. t i :.... Can. a eery y :.+ 3ble llt:Q Sit peels .:t't' We -L. e ere ti a- r z t,>;.exoett ee :r eit *,lt,, t'= ..• ,! ileum b.eelt st ;, r.:t R!*eution. In . es e nr sleek :a (till ',tr a metaz'toning this ndver- wer. (.'e" eve: a epeeist! ton iwd at for 115' H. be in an: eds ga an The Stephen and 1'sborne Agricultural S' iety will holt] their annual fall Fair in ;Exeter ou September 2eth and 30tlt, ILi90. SEE Mfr. John Elliot brought to town. last Saturday an Eegliste Setter. Ile eleinns it '£. STOCK9F : to be stipnenor •to auy of the kind in these pests. :1 ,?;id's till ft:rthernoti Au Attractive Stock Of N. - tE ,ll:ingTweeds lr 1r S Leda and Trous- ugs. new being shown by M. GRIGG-, Exeter �.,r::-r��rtsrxr�atat 1, PT STORE Siaial bargains in all 3.ib"r 11�t,r`rof Dress Goods the Big Bri krupt Store, Our stock is Liar too large and ?trust iia reduced. An immense LtSe 1tssortment of Skirting Embroideries, all E.t '-(??'4' low prices. °;;' hare just opened a manufacturers stockof,. Sample Corsets bonght at GUc. ou the dollar ; also a c case ., Oi Sample I'araso 1s at 5Oc. on the dollar. ° The Big Bankrupt Store for Big Bargains. J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stook Dealer. Exeter Biu entre oleo, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1890 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Wanted. A smart boy to learn the. printing, 15 years of age. Apply at this office. • -.Canada's Creat Fair. • The receipt of a copy of the Prize List for this year's Toronto Industrial Exhibition, which is to be held from the .3th to the 20th of September next, re - errands us that the fair season is again .fast approaching. The Prize List shows the addition of many new classes and a large increase in the amount offered as premiums. Toronto offers many attrac- tion to visitors during the season, but the greatest of all is its annual Exhibi- tion ;which this year promisestobe greater better g r and than ever. A copy of the Prize List can be obtained by any • of our readers, who may desire one, by , dropping a post card to M1t. H. J. HILL, sthe Secretary, at Toronto. 'Western Fair: The Western Fir Directors are evi- • dently determined to make the Westetn Fair, Sept, 18 to 27, the best of Can- adian fairs an-adianfairs from the handsome increase offered in prizes for live stock and Agri- cultural classes and the large amount .set apart for the speed programme. In- formation is received that they are now. arranging for the best attractions that anoney can procureto please their visit - ,ors. - The principal manufacturers are <toutin; to their assistance by placing in the main building machinery to manu- facture their goods in view of the public, which will be alikeleasing and in- structive. n g structive. They expect a Ierge. attend- ance from this section. Mr. Thos. A. Browne, their new Secretary, will be pleased to senor prize list to anyone on eceipt of post card: -)ed :). 143` uelPldyO A 1 ettall m etch I x.ter tis Dashwood will be payed en the geoeritls of the former ou Saturday eveuiuee (lame to commence O.Fit ill, m.. :1 inneeem, witit a ittrl?u'atjun of 3,l?Q0, is advertising for a jarintup:al for the publie seis.o., at the nrrutitiairut salary et 0350 per Wnitatn). Mrs Thomas Harton%, of this place, piei:ed a straw,=••rrY in her garden tvl.iell. treasured four and a half (mhos fn circum. ferenve, The 'ricket match on Thursday last be. tweet+ Exeter and i crest antis on the g.»rt .1-, c.t the letter. 1. resulted in favor of foe .t i;• tete, e h kete and arae run. Mr. and eir••. A. Bishophft on Monday morning 'est, via (+rant- runk, to sail by the Mail Steamer, Vancouver, to day 4,Titru'ataye \1'e wish then( lee, royal*e, Mange and Scr:ttencs of every. lin,-, (;,n l.itrnain or aniinels, Corel in 30 mint( ca t• • kron t t .lit' is,. r amtitry a ' L etas,. 'Phis event fails,. 8041 by C. Lutz, Drurriets The potcatoe crop this season, gives a r remising appear (nee. The fruit especially the apple, does not come up to the (•xpeetatien entertained of them in the spring, Tu. S' Teeter Oemereelrtnd. Trunk ly a( t-ettevan, Lake, River and Rail i Tit nt is i,siacd tan (x91 parts in ('nnatla,. L.'uittel'totes,uteI ttropeat Lowest Rates. Prepaid Certificates. CArr. (b'o. Knit, Exeter, Ont. :1 be n,lsowe geld watch and a silver fruit (Dish were a rr PS(ntt i to Rev. D. .A., Moir ar..l his wife, of 11 oodham, last ll ed* rnesday. evening Rol, W. W. Leee11 the new tninieter for the Methodist church, will otlu•iate next Sunday evg. The Seaforth merchants, who use electric lights m their store, have signed a petition asking the eouneil`to remove the lamp from their rrsji(•etive places of bubiness, hr furnieh satisfactory light. The merchants have refused payment for tbeliGhta for the past four months on the ground that the Sight was unsatisfactory. The St elerys ]edge of "Lady Tule Blues'. will take part in celebrating the e Oth aunivcreary of the Battle of the Boyne at Clinton. 12th. July. This Is to bo a mammoth celebration and will eclipse any former one in this county. Allahould visit Clinton on tins occasion. Fare from Exeter C0ets. English Spavinaviu Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps andlilemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Son.. and Swollen Throat, Couggqs, etc. Save k50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful ]3lemieh Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist, Our village contains a large number of dieiples of Isaac Walton On Thursday afternoon last some of thou- might have been seen, fully equipped, ~vending their way east along the banks of the mighty Aux-Sauble in quest of favored spots where the finny tribes of that stream usually con- gregate. We learn immense success at- tended the expedition. At the last session of the County council application was made by Sheriff Gibbons to place a telephone in his office. This request was denied him by the council. In this we think they hsve acted in the in- terest of the ratepayers of this county. If the sheriff wants a telephone in his office why can't he pay for it out of his own pocket. The Sabbath school of the Caven Pres- byterian church held their annual picnic on Dominion Day in Peter Moir's grove, Usborne, and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. The program was well carried: out except the fat man's race, which did not take place owing to the heavy weights of the congregation not being present. The Equal Rights and third party, in S. Perth, held a meetingat Fullerton Corners on Thursday last and a decision was unani- mous to place a candidate in the field at the next Dominion election: The riding is to be thoroughly canvassed and a big fight made. Mr. James Trove's fate from ap- pearance is virtually settled if the Third Party and Equal Rights party stick to their agreement. From the surrounding country comes the cheering intelligence of a bountiful harvest of the hay crop, which is ready to cut. It is said that it will exceed that of last year. The fall wheat, if no unforseen damage happens it before the time of reaping, will make up the deficiency of last year. Bar- ley and oats promise a large return, also peas in localities where the land is high, but where the land is low, owing to heavy rains, the crop will not be large. James street church was attended by a large congregation Sunday evening to hear the farewell sermon of Rev. Mr. Clement, many from other congregations being present. During their sojourn here' Mr. Clement and his estimable family have made many warm and sincere friends. The people of Petrolia will find in Mr. Clement a genial and upright christian gentleman, a zealous worker in the good cause, and an earnest preacher. A large number of friends of all denominations gathered at the station Wednesday morning to hid the re gentleman and family •e Iland v g m y fa> wit , to express their best wishes fer the future prosperity and happiness of the family. Should Providence' so order it that Mr. Clement is stationed in Yereter again, he will receive a warm and hearty welcome. We heartily join in the hope that, Mr. Clement's-weakened health may be fully restored, and that he may lona' be wired to continue his useful work. Ur. Lot; of Baltimore, wws in town on Tuesday last. The firm which he repre- sents have contracted for the bells for the t :ll o Trivitt em r,alu r c1 t ch andwillplaced ( be pacd in tower this fell. They areRein 'Mc ;;hare's foundry, 'Baltimore. Total weight 9COO pounds, tenor bell. 1800 lbs, swai'est bell 300 Bs. Six of the bells are to be rung in the Euglish manner, and the whole.uine to form a chine for playing tunes with the great bell in the key of F. Personals. Mr. Thos. McCallum left on Monday last to attend the summer carniv a at Toronto,-- ]f. Tr, and Mrs. Richard Hoskins, of Staff:(, spent Tuesday in town, ---Mr. Wm. Hooper, Alina, Mich,, s(w-in raw of M'r. Wan. Case, of this place, paid 'his friends here a flying visit last week.—Mrs, D. Lutz is at present visiting friends iu Ilemil- tou.--Miss Hattie Graham, of Ridge - town is visiting friends in town,. School Garden tarty Concert. According to previous announcement a garden part} and concert will be held en the lawn at the Exeter Public School urounds on Friday evening, Jnly 4th. The grounds will be decorated, the lawn put in excellent condition, and three or four sets • of croquet and other amuse- ments provided for the evening, while niusie will be furnished by the Exeter laralss bautd, Towards the elegise of they evelnne; au excellent concert will be given on the lawn by the pupils to which VII be added singing by Messrs. R. Il. Collins, W. E. f=unds,'.V. Stoneman and others, together with instrumental mush: by f iiliey 's Orchestra and the harmonica Band. A platform will be (:rested oil the lawn rind the benches of the school hell brought down for seating accommo- dation. At the close of the euncort there will be a display (•f fire -.corks conducted by Mr. N., D. Hurdon, Ice cream and lemonade will are served on the grounds as extras. As this will be the popular party of the Benson and given in connec- tion with theschilul, the admission fee has been r lilacCd at ten cvntsao that young falls, parents and children Can attend, and we are setistied that a treat worth at least thirty-five cents, at the usual rate of charge, is is store for all who attend. Over one hundred tickets we're sold in a few hour's 011 Saturday and ;t larger crow d 3s expected on Friday evening than was ever witnessed at alt Exeter garden party. Public School Board Minutes electing held- in the town hall June 23rd at S pan. All piesent. Minutes of pro vents meeting confirmed. Dimension of 'madam andtent' lat 1u� pines e wtto ut motion. Adjournment to school ol hallo t melt the following day(24th). t to be invited for abou;u ensnare of'C1]t} or ill inch maple flooring not over 4 inches in width, and the hehor neccse.ary to take up and relay flooring in the six departments occupied. Mover, W, Hokin, seconder, T. Fitton. Tenders to be invited for re- painting; outside of school, two eroates Mover, W. Treble, seconder, T. Fitton.••- <ltliaurnmeet. June 30th --hoard met in the town hall, Absent, W. Treble, W. Hoskin- Minutes of previous meeting ap- prover-. ;secretary to write the Ei?nea. tional Dept for instructions in regard to flag. Further diseus-ion in heatiug and ventihation,—Adjournment. J. (eblot(. Dominion Day in. Exeter. Canada's National Day was again al- Iowed to pass by without the .Bolding of a celebration in Exeter. Although the early part of the day threatened lain it did not preyent a ]aige number of our young folks, who wore bent on spending the day at the lake, from going, while others went to neighboring villages. The only amusement in town was the cricket, match between Exeter and St. Marys. The wickets were pitched at 11.30, when Exeter went to bat and were soon put out for the small score of 21 runs. St. Marys then went to bat and succeeded in reaching the neat little score of 41, leaving Exeter 20 in the rear. In the second inning our boys were determined to run up the score and the last wicket dropped tor 92 runs, Mr. F. Elliott contributing 29 to the number. St. Marys again went to bat and by,: some neat batting added 26 to their former number, making a total of 67 runs. Victory for Exeter by 46 runs. At half-time all sat down to lunch prepared by Mr. John Hawkshaw of the Commercial House, end wismuch ap- preciated by all. The ,game was wit- nessed by a large crowd. During the evening, newsarrived here that the Exeter base ball club, had cap- tured first money in the base ball tourna- ment at Brussels, which amounted to about $40, and that the 100 yard race and hurdle race was won by 111r. R. Eacrett,-ball throwing was won by Mr. Chas. McDonald and Mr. Will Finland secured 2nd in the 200 yard race. In honor of the base ball club a procession was formed headed by. Chinese lanterns and torches, followed by the band and marched to the station to meet the club on the arrival of the special train. ns soon as they alighted from the traits the band played a suitable selection when the procession was again formed and paraded down Main St. and finally to the Town Hall where the procession broke up. S1ALED TENDERS addressed to the under signed, and endorsed °Tender for Wiarton Works," will bo received at' this office until Tuesday, the 8th day of July next, inclusively, for the construction of an extension to the Breakwater at Wiarton. Brune County, Ontario aceor: ing to a plan and specification to be seen on application to Mr. David Dinsmore, Post- master. Wiarton, and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unless made. on the form supplied and signed with the actual signature of the tenderers. An accepted bank cheque. . payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works,. equal to five per cont of amount of tender, must ac- company each tender. This cheque will be forfeited if the party decline the contract, or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returnee in case of non-acceptance of tender' The 1tepartmer,t does not, bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or ary tender. By order. A,(#QBIEL, Secret Ary. Department of Public 'Works, 2 Ottawa, 23rd J uii ,159u. f The re Now Offering Following Lines at GREAT REDUOT1ONS, E -t Embroideries, Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints Carpets, Curtains, Tweeds, Gloves, Holies- allz erg, eto FT We are Sho ing PA 0 02 Q Fr. VALUE IS. The ofrons Bank (CRA l'J ltEVDI'i'i,ItI;i931ENT,ISi Paidupetapita] ... ,.. Se,teli,ttl RestFuud ,., ..,, 3,000,00 ,Head Office. Montreal. P. WOI,?1 'STAY T110MM ,Tstl., (1 eMltitnr.bidxavi:t. ._ :i his paee Exeter Bi'azlcllu, 0!' Open every lawful day, front to a. m. to.a p. m Beeausp we have somethin to say that is of interest to practical eo . i , TL1tDA`S o 1 1 ,p a.m,to i p. m. uitybebe . is P p $@ e want t reach - n 4Pereent.peranriuru alieweeforluouee en cause ell the l,ne as s am and ppeopleswe se tvna of this i iehotwin. Deposit Receipts people of this Glass the people whose trade we desire to win. R. H. ARCHEI? Manager. TEAS. _.Ifil"PAY ST• LAt,' RE?SCE COALS. The ..Best People are Thinking People. 1 They know what they ,rant. They are not to be won by nut cackle. Fair dealing wins them, Once won they are eustomers not to bo budged by bluster. xte -.L xzex7 7G A x eeseeexsxow. NOTICE TO CQ1Rc1CTORS. SF4LED TENDERS addressed to the under aigeed, and endorsed 'Tenders for the `t. Lair ton o (' c •at s ,,3 a.. trill, ze received c srt C1 a is 1 n th oflico, until rho arrival of the eastern and western mails on Wednesday, thettrd day of July next, for tho construction of a lift leek. weir, ore, at alorrisbure. and the deepening A and enlargement of the Itapido Piet Canal, The work will be divided into three sections, cacti about a mile in lentil. A neap of the Iocality, together with pions nod spcctfientiona of the respootive works, can be sten on gad after lyednesday. the 9th day of July next, at fats oilice, and ut the ResilientEngineer's Witco. Mor:ishur- where printed forma of tender can bo obtained. \1r11'tr A— In the case offirms there must be attached bathe tondor, the actual signatures of the full Hama, rho nature of rho ocoupatiou and resi- igh Q"•icy ofeach utamborofrhorainedfur-titer, an iteeepted the ue on a chartered bank in Canada for the stn of 36,0(!0 utult nccau- papy the tender for Section No. 1, and an acceptedCanada, ra e of p i d bank 3n Quality for the sum of S.'.,t00 for each of the other sectioea ,.� The respective accepted amines must bo endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and. (innate, and will bo forfeited if the party ten- dering declines entering into contract for tho works at the rates and the statedit On o tern i A the0 Tor submit.od. Tho chegacs thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, A. P. BRADLEY. Department of Railways andCanals arta". Ottawa,l3thJuno,1800. irresponsible uncle Thinking People invited to make an examination: of our goods in order to.be convinced of the fact that our low prices Are Consistent Valuable Farni ani Map Property —FSR SALE IN THE— VILLAGE OF EXETER. Tenders are invited and will be received up to Tuesday, 15th July, 1890, for the purchase of the following valuable properties, belonging to the estate of James Pickard, Exeter. PARCEL 1.—Part farm lot 20, first concession. Usborne. containing about 20 acres. PARCEL 2.—Farm lot 19, first concession, Usborne, eontaining about 85 aures. PARCEL 3,—Farm lot 18, first coeeession, Usborne• containing about 60 acres. PARCEL 4.—Two brick stores three storey's high, fitted for Dry Goods loaoupied by Brompton Bros.) • and Hardware and Groceries (occupied by J. N, Howard). PARCEL 5.--Village.lots 4 and 5. Main St., and splendid two storey brink dwelling thereon. ALSO Village lots 1,2. 3 and 4, Main St. north, corner Mill road,lot10 Mill road ; 1nt A. Andrew street, north. Lots 78, 79 and 80, Huron St, and lot 69 Amelia street, Exeter North. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further is p r arty Mars on application fa p GEORGE SSAMWELL, June 12.51- Assignee, Exeter. THE. KEY TO iiEALTHI, 7Jn]ocks allthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and; Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities andfoul humors of the secretions at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, . Dizziness, Heartburn, Constiatiion of the Skin,Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jandice Salt Rheum Erysipelas, Scrofula, fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints, yield to the happy influence of lummox BLOOD BITTERS. 1y1.;ILaIEf k CG.rProDtietoig7crona Highest Cash Price Paid for Butter and Eggs c.A.61-1moo, E A. CALL SOLICITED. DARLING BROS. LARBINE OIL J The Farmers Heavy-. Bodied Oil, made only by McCOLL BROS, & CO, TORONTO TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. McCOl1's Famous Cylinder OIL Is the finest in Canada for engine cylinders. Lardine.As for FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS.. Deloraine Saturn, $28 to Moosomi - 28 Glenboro' 28 Off` Saltcoats, 28 C' . Moosejaw,30 Calgary, 35 44 44, tA./SPECIJIL :;OL- ON1'ST EXCUR- SIONS will leave all points in Ontario Sharbot Lake, i(ing- stonand West thereof, on JUNE (7th Roturn,unttl Suiy 27th, 1800 JUNE 24th Return until August 415, 1800 JULY 8th Roturnuntu nti wt s• 1etn,1.e20 For full particulars apply to nearest' Station or Ticket Agent, W. CARLIB r , EXETER. AGENT" season and avoid the rush. Shop rights for sale! e. Correspondence solicited, Cash For BUTITIi and CZ' A. Q. BOBIER, having leased Drew's Block, will be pleased to pay HIGHEST Cash PRICES at all times for buttes and; eggs. I•• Q. F308IER, May lst, '90. Drew's Block, Exeter. roa Earvosiori Havingobtained a patent for my Pea Harvester Guard, I am now pre- pared to put the attachment on mow- ing machines and guarantee the same to do good work under any reasonable circumstances, even if the'pea straw be ten feet long and as' flat: as a pan- cake vo u can n i cut round ,.the field: Price on ordinary mowers7. Brio g on your mowers no g w before the he haying F. L. HAMIL•CON Minarcl's Liniment relieves neuralgia. Cromarty, May 21,'90.-2m.