HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-04-05, Page 9.t� THURSDAY, 4P JL5 , 300 ST. HELENS St. HELMS, April 2. --Easter flies and 'Wight spring flowers .added to the joy anal) beauty of the Gervice held hi the United •Ch rrcia o Sunday morning. There was a .Targe, congregation to hear the Easter message as presented by the minister, Mr. Ralph How - Mt. The choir sang the anthem "He Lives" and Mrs. Howlitt and lYtr. E. W .Rice .sang "Hail the Day that sees Win Rise." Miss Anna Stuart, of Toronto was an Easter visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George snot Mr. James Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Mel ,B'ro'wn and Bob Murdie, of Kitchener, are holi- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdie. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and Donald, of 'Bracebridge, were week- endeguests of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Campbell and Mr. Campbell, and Douglas, of Stra'thray, Were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon 'Miller. Miss W. D. Rutherford and Mr. Don Cameron spent a few days in ,.:mac `errr Toronto attending .sessions of the Ontario Ia3cit`ueational Association,. Mr. and Mrs. Oceedan Miller and Larry, of London, were holiday visitors with relatives. Mr. and Mns. Irvin McCabe of Windsor, and MreeJohnealcQuillin, who has spent the winter months with these, visited during bhe week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred and MT. and Mrs. `Fran MeQuillin. Mr. McQuillLn took ill in church on Sunday and was unable to return to Windsor. lVffns. Charles McDonald is home from Victoria Hospital, London, where she -underwent a thyroid operation last . Tuesday. - 0 0 0 PERSONAL MENTION Miss Sandra Salkeld, of Lewis- burg, West Virginia, and Keith SalkSld, of St. Catharines, are 'spending the hielidays tat their hoarse. MT. and Mrs. Roy McIntosh and children, of London, renewed ac- quaintances in Goderich. Mx, end &ire. Donald Oroft and children; of Kitchener, were week- end visitors with Mrs. Croft's par- ento, Mr. and MTs. C. M. Robertson. 16. Congratulations TO Jack and Harry Little ON THEIR NewBowling Alley Pittsburg Paints were used in the decorating of this new bowling alley. Get your Pittsburg Paints Wallpapers and Painters' Supplies '"tel00^Verss°tUf 42.4.1** Fa' imam pjaY:nr°,r,.,J vNvpr...0,44..1M0, a +iy' 9$n�,! VOL at LARDER'S PAINS STORE EAST STREET PHONE 392 BEST WISHES TO LITTLE BOWLING ALLEY COMPLIMENTS OF Murphy Tobacco Ltd. SUPPLIERS OF TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. GODERICH REPRESENTATIVE—NEIL C. VEITOH a PO PPP nip N ODERICU SIGNAL -STAR AU rn URN, April 2. — St, Mark's Anglican Cherche-eRev. Been de Vries, in his Baster day service, reminded his congretgatton that while ,the world was keeping Easter, the a tasons were so varied. Some people kept Baster because it was the thing to do; others be- cause they liked the elaborate music sung or the gotrgeous floral decorations: Again, .others made on Easter day their annual visit to the House of God. But the real reason for 'keeping Easter is in memory of the Resurrection, giving new hope in a dark world. The 11 member's of the surplice gowned choir' under the direction of the organist, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, sang two anthems, "Christ, the true Easter" and "Christ is Risen.': Knox Unjted Church. The East- er service was held in Knox Unit- ed Church last Sunday morning. A large congregation eras in at- tendance, with a number of former members who had returned for Easter. The choir was under the .4irectign-txf Miss Margaret A. Jack- son, organist. The anusie included the anthem, "We'll Crown Him" and also "The Magdalene," Mrs. Fred Plaetzer and Mi'. Elliott Lapp taking the solo parts in the latter anthem. Rev: - C: --C •-- ash gtor -- was in charge of the service and gave the Easter message, speaking on "A Bridgehead in Heaven" from the text "I go to prepare a place for you -4 come again and will receive you unto Myself that where 1 am there ye: may be also." The church was beautifully decor- ated with Easter lilies and two other .beautiful floral tributes. The beautiful day undoubtedly added to the numbers of the large con- gregation. Knox Presbyterian. — A large congregation was present in Knox Presbyterian Church when the Rev. D. J. Lane conducted the Easter service with the message, based on the Resurrection of Christ. A duet, "The Old Hugged Cross," was sung by Mr. and Mr's. Duncan Maclay. Mr. Arthur Youngblut, organist,, presid i:Lor the service. A bouquet of beautiful flowers adorned the eltae. Young People's Union. The regular meeting of the Auburn Young People's Union was held in the basement of Kiiox United Church on March 28 with Betty Study in charge. Walter Cuai- ntingham read the Scripture lesson and Gladys McClinehey led in prayer. Betty Sturdy gave the topic, "Stewardship and Training." The •president, John Buchanan, pre- sided for the business part of the meeting. Recreation %flowed and was enjoyed by 'all. --Gwen Mc- Dowell, secretary. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association. of Knox United Church was held last Tune - day evening with the Harmony Circle in charge of the program. Mrs. Charles Millian presided for the devotional part with Mrs. C. C. Washington at the piano. The Scripture lesson was read by MTs. Henry Brindley and sprayer was offered by Mrs. Albert Campbell. Two films, "Alaska" and "Five Oaks," were shown and the script narrated by Mrs. "vin Plunkett and Mrs. Charles Straughan. A lovely quartette number was given by Mrs. Fred P1aetzer, -Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mrs. George Milliatn and Muss Sadie Carter, accompanied by Mrs. C. `C. Washington. The offer- ing was received by Mrs. Ted East and Mrs. William Gross. Mrs. John Durnin presided for the business period. Aminute's silence and prayer was observed in memory of the late Mrs. Ralph D. Munro, a Member and pianist of our assoc a'tion who just -recently passed.on. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read by the ' secretary, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall, and adopted as read. Mrs. Everett Taylor, the treasurer, gave the BEST WISHES TO Little Bowling Alley r nmeenneinesevieve N kT.6'Pn'deC?,WM..7ai4:17}Tla:n>.rhS�3{ft'!£Niµ ,!"'r.':' COMPLIMENTS OF Goderich Bottling Works PMO financial rept, Following other items of business the aueeting closed with a Nonan and the bene- diction by Mrs. John Durnin. Ladies of the Harmony Circle serv- ed lunch, and a social time was enjoyed. —Mrs. Ken. McDougall, secretary. Sgt. William Raithby, of Sunny - brook Hespital, Toronto, is on his vacation and is helping at the Thome of his 'uncle, Frank Raithby, in the sugar bush. Mr. Raithby has tapped a!rousnd 1100 trees in ,his maple bush. Miss Joan Doerr, of Niagara Falls, visited with her uncle, Gor- don Chaanmey, Mrs. `Chamney, Larry and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pentland, Of North Bay, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Charles , Stbraughan.. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, of Dresden, spent the holiday with -her parents, Mr. and 'Mfrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Miss Mary Asquith, of Sarnia, visited with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asquith, last week. MTs. C. Seers visited with her daughter, Mrs. Russel Keyes, Mr. Keyes, and family, of Mitchell, last week. - MT. and Mors. Keith Meehan and Randy visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Machan, and family, of Moncrief. Mr. 'aaul Mrs. Larry Glasgow, Allan and Dennis visited with her sister, Mrs. 'Grant Hunter, Mr. Hunter and family at Port Perry over the hof iday. Mr. Frank Walters, of Ingersoll, visited his sister, Mrs. Arthur Grange, and family on the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown, of Windsor, and Mr. James Stalker, of Blyth, visited on the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen. Miss Jean Houston and Miss J. Jamieson, of Toronto, and Miss Mary Houston, of Hamilton, visited last week with Mr. and MTs. John Houston. Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse and Elizabeth,' of Kitchener, visited over the week -end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 1 Lawson. Mr. Thomas Anderson and daughters, Donna Lynn, Lorraine and Dale spent the week -end with his brother, Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Anderson, William and Nancy Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Phillips, of Dungannon, visited on Sunday with his uncle, Ezekiel Phillips, Mrs. Phillips and other relatives. Miss Patricia Craig', of Bluevale, is visiting ;her grandparents, Mr. and iMrs. James Craig. Mrs. Robert Ling and daughter Marilyn, of Guelph, visited with her father, Ralph D. Munro, last week. We are glad to report that Mr. Charles Asquith has returned to his home and is much improved Misses Fina Deer, of Bayfield, and Miss Lila Deer, of Londesboro, spent Sunday with thein parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dryer and Ellen. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson, and Murray. , Mr. Bill Gibson spent the week- end at his home in. Wroxeter. - Mrs. Arthur Grange, Elizabeth, Margo, Jennifer, and Shelley visit- ed on Sunday with friends at London., Mrs. Margaret Russel, of Tor- onto, spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Warner J. Andrews, M . Andrevp and fam4. and 'AU54. jiabner Dawson, of Dungannon, and family, vieitcd abs und'ay wit i r, and' Mrs. Ste tz. Mrs. Jaynes J'obuston and of Bluevale, visited on Sunday with her mother, Mee. Catherine Dobie. Mr. Allan Craig, of Camn Bor- den, spent the holiday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patttereem, of Goderieh, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mi, and, Mrs. George Beadle. Miss, Lila Youngblut, R.N,, of Goderich spent the holiday with her brother, Arthur Youngblut, and Mrs. George Youngblut. Mr. and Mfrs. William J. Craig, MTs. Betty Wilkin and Robert visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Strasser at Sault Ste. Marie over the week- end. Mrs. Cal. Straughan has recently sold her home to Mr. William Moss. Mrs. Nelson McLaasty reeived a telegram last week -end stating that her sister, Mrs. Caroline Henry, of Vancouver, had passed away on March 31st. Mrs. Henry was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawlor and lived for many yearns in this district. More par- ticulars next week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson, Douglas and Karen, of Copper Cliff, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs William Straughan and his. parents, MT. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson. Mrs. Marguerite 'Chopin, of Wingham, spent the holiday week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Mr. ,and Mrs. Lloyd MeLarty and family, of • Goderich, visited with his mother, Mrs. Nelson McLarty, on Sunday. This community was shocked to learn of the death of Mr. Prank Robinson aster a •short ill- ness. Mr. Robinson was the son of -the late Mr. Archie Robinson and his late mother was formerly Essie Fluker. He was born in this district and attended U.S.S. No. 3, Hallett Seh-oot:--- years he was a C.P.R. freight con-_ ductor in Toronto and passed away on hisbirthday at the age of 62. Surviving besides his wife, the former Violet 'Goldsmith, of Tor- onto, are one brother, Archie, of Clinton, and four sisters, Mrs. Fred Schoell, Fraser, Mich., ,Mrs. La- verne. Bokinger and Mrs. Edna Gruenisep, Detroit, and Mns. Luella Phillips, of Mitchell. Funeral ser- vices were held in Toronto on Monday. Visitors over the' holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Haggitt and fam- ily were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Carter, of Underwood, --Mr: -and Mrs. Charles Sole, of 'Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haggitt, of Detroit, and Mrs. Therriatt, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of London, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent, and his brother, Gordon Miller, Mrs. Miller and Gail. r ans Cjerenee Halaer with her 'brother, Arthur Young- b1'ut, and Hans. George Youngblut an Sunday. Mr. Arthur Lawlor, of Win•gham, is visiting with his sisttr, Mrs. Nelson McLarty, this week. A social evening was held last Monday evening in • S.S. No, 16, East Wawa,nosh. Progressive euchre was enjoyee. Prize winners were: High lady, Arnold Gwyn; low lady, .Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt; high man, William Dodds; low man, James Glousher. Dancing was en- joyed with music supplied by Mc- Clinchey's orchestra. Hostesses Bowling Is Now In Full Swing ON THE Six Modern Bowling Alleys AT THE Little B�wli 2 g Alley HURON ROAD, GODERICH Open Bowling Every Week Day - Afternoon and Evening Make up a party and enjoy this healthful recreation DONNYBROOK DONNYB , lel ril ` . April meeting e the W'hdf,S. and W.A. will be held a J o to -me of Mrs. William, "Hardy next Tuesday afternoon. Miss Irene Jefferson, • of Dunn- ville, is .home for the holidaye. Other visitor✓ at the Jefferson• holne included: Mr. and Mrs, George Reeves, Carol '" biai on and Larry ,',eaves, of Toronto; Mr. and Mr$. John Jefferson, of Munroe; Mr. and Mrs. William Cliessel, of Mit. chell; Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffer- son, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs, John Wiekstead, of Morris. ' Mr. and Mrs. Williaen Webster, of St. Helens, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mats. Stuart Channney and girls. Mm. Hugh Jefferson, of Niagara Falls, spent the week -end with his uncle, Mr. Charles Jefferson, Mrs. Jefferson and family. Mr. and, Mrs. Cecil Chummy, of were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Me- Olinohey, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Shultz,. Pii fiGX N Belig rave; spent the weekend d witk Mr. and Mts. Saul.. Tixwipoon Mss Grace 1'hoMp ozr, of Ste, Mr: pert Thomwon, 0n, of ` iin visited at the same borne m Sztt urday, Miss. Joan Daere, of Nina* Falb, and Mr.. and ls2r:. Gordian Cbarnney a ntdori, 'a Aubuu were Sunday viBitora with Mr. and Mia, ,. Chan ey. SU R$ MAW WHILE FITTING r QUT MANTA. ('' PnUineer on the S.SCAlantadoc, Merton Cveod, of Goclerivh, auger. ed a badly eru:ylled finger while engaged in fitttting out the boat in Goderich harbor. One a. the fingers on his right barnd was struck by a 58 -pound sledge. After treatment at Alexandra Merino and General Hospital., he was, al- flowed to ret}imn home. In the most int year of record medical doctors had the lljghest average annual Weenie in Canada, $11,258. Business. proprietors rac- ed ninth, with an) average ,income of $5,125. • Rogers Majestic xLL Automatic Picture Control TV CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Little Bowling. Alley on their enterprise in. providing for Goderich and district such a fine modern bowling alley. These up-to-date alleys were installed by JERRY JAMES of Orillia, Ont. !^7trMF..kfi KEEPS THE BAST IN SIGHT FOR THE BEST IN TELEVISION AND SERVICE, IT'S Hutchinson Radio & TV PHONE' 498R HURON ROAD F. E. Hibbert & Son EXTEND BEST WIS TO THE NEW ES LITTLE I° WLING ALLEY We are pleased to have supplied THE ' AiYIBOO DRAPES for this new Goderieh enterprise. Success ToTheEvery New 111se®e.11,esdeese0®ee©0000 Lumber in this new, modern bowling alley was supplied by Goderich Manufacturing Company L.• imited Anglesey St. builders' Suppiies Phone 61