HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-04-05, Page 3Palice Statistics On Gar Accidents One hiundred and investigated t ,i� acciden'ts were investiggated during February by Ontario Pro- vincial Police in District No. 6, which comprises the counties of Huron, , ruce, Grey, Wellington, Waterloo and Perth. There were five tra c deaths in the entire area during the month, according to figures releas• ed by Sgt. C. N, Anderson, of Goderioh. In the whole province, _there were 1,958 accidents and 51 traffic deaths which were investigatetd' by OPP officers during the rnonih. Six hundred and fifty-five charges were laid under the IRighway Traf- fic' Act by the OPP in District No. 6. Of these, 363 motorists were charged with speeding, 40 with careless driving, four with drunk driving and 16 with impaired driv- ing. A total of 2,428 vehicles were checked by police in the district and this coanpates with 70,559 cars. checked across the entire province. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Henry and children, and Miss Helen Cooper, all of Toronto,. were Easter visitor`s with . Mns. A. J. Cooper and Miss Evelyn Cooper. Mr. and Mas. L. H. Elson and children, of Oakville, were Easter guests with Miss L. rMaeVicatr. A. MALL WARM Dei a d Glenn, son of Mr. a'�d Mrs. Firark Glenn, of Dune annoza, J741Q _ a fitetiened,In Germany, its .at' present eons ed to a hospital there. He wqs pleasantly eurprieed meet Nursing Sister Margaret 1MiteheU, a member of the nursing staff and formerly Carlow. She is the daughter of Mrs. Ernest Mitchell. 0 —� ---- — MRS. BETTY WESTBROOIE • SORORITY. PRESIDENT .,c ' Ontario Beta Theta !Chapter of Beta Sigtn'a Phi Sorority met at the home of Mrs. t1Vfarg Miller. After the opening ritual new officers for 'the next year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Betty West- brook; vice-president, Mrs: Joyce Rozell; recording secretary, Miss Kay MacKinnon; corresponding secretary, Miss Dorothy McCabe; treasurer, Mrs. Bea Bowman; social convener, Mrs. Eleanor' Erskine. The topic for the evening, `Tainting and Sculpturing" was handled by Mrs. Martha Rathbi rn. After giving an outline of water colors, Mrs. Rathbun' introduced a guest for the evening, Mrs. Lisa Pysaniuk. Lisa gave Ti short talk on sculpture, and presented sev- eral items which she had made. After the closing ritual, lunch was served by the ,hostess. LADIES! IS YOUR COIFFURE UP-TO- DATE? If not, why no? Get an appoint- ment for the latest in coiffures at the Town 'n Country Beauty Shoppe PONE 1292W12. tON11••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••••• AT TEL "SHE PARK 1150 TOP SCREEN PARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Now—Thurs., Fri. and Sat.—Vistavision High'Fidelity Color— Dean MARTIN and LEWIS Jerry. with—Diana Lynn, Nina Foch and Raymond Burr Five hundred beautiful girls surround Jerry in their greatest and funniest laugh -musical, in which they somehow con- trive to mix things up at an exclusive girls' school. "You're Never Too Young" — See the spectacular water-skiing sequence — Tyrone Power, Maureen O'Hara, Donald Crisp and Robert Francis Present their splendid Blue Ribbon winning picture: the story of a pugnacious young Irishman at West Point. Owing to the length of this special attraction showings start at 7.15 p.m. each evening. "The Long Gray Line" 'SCOPE and COLOR Coming—"COCKLESHELL HEROES'=—Jose Color. '• • • • o • • • Ferrar—Scope and • • P'! •••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dr• Ross Tolls Of Living inChina The W e. int ,Atttxi-,1 ry and C.L.ILT. of North &meet.United Chula listened to an interesting address at their Easter Thankoifer- ing meeting by Dr. J. C. 'Noss, o£ Goderich, on "China as we saw it 25 years ago." Dr. Boss, a popular physician at Blyth and Miss. Aima Taylor, alsoof ::.Lyth, were married at dawn 25 years ago and left on the early morning train on their honeymoon enroute far China as missionaries. 1'pifrtunately they were only able to stay about two years owing to the contracting of a malignant dis-, ease by Mrs. Ross, which forced them to return. Dr. Doss later took up practice at Baden which became so large that his health necessitated retire- ment. After living at Blyth for a time, they are now making their home in Goderich. Dr. Ross gave a vivid description of their three months' trip to China. The great evils-of.China, he said, are the war lords who grind the people down to abject poverty. Millions never know what it is to have enough to eat. Taxes in some instances have had to be paid 21 - years ahead. That is why China has grasped at Communism. It is their only way of survival. One commendable custom among the Chinese is that all elderly people must be honored and taken care of. There is no insanity in China owing probably to their easy going ways. The opening worship service was ••••••••••e••••••••••••• WHEN APRJ L COME S it brings forth spring prints and bonnets. Be prepared. litaye your dresses, suits and coats cleaned now. Our fine - quality work is priced right. VP.+.c,+.cons.e.r..a..,..+.used'.tr.+em......Iy.+ GODERIT DRY CLEANERS WEST ST. Qbita,vc, !2 2 C.R.LOWERY, PROP. �r w 00•011410•••••••••••••••••t • 1111.1,ty/ 109th Year—No. 14 GODERJCIIONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL Sth, 1956 One hundred enthusiastic kiddies, accompanied by 60 mothers, attended the close of the season for the "Learn to Skate" group. In the above picture is, satisfying their husky young appetites. The mothers, left to right, are: M B. Sanders and Mrs. A. Nordahl. • a party held in Goderich Memorial Arena recently to mark , the youngsters seem absorbed in the business at hand, that rs. John Whitten, Mrs. Joe Dutnin, Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Mrs. S.S. Photo by R.H. in charge of the Evening Auxiliary. Two beautiful solos were contribut- ed by Mrs. John Westbrook, ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. J. Snider. The offering was dedi- cated by Mrs. Fred Currie. An ex- pression of thanks was voiced on behalf of the society :to Dr. Ross and those Making part by Miss Grace Strang. After the close of the address the affiliation service of the C.G.I.T. with the W.M.S. was conducted. The meeting was closed by Rev. Mr. Dickinson after which a social half hour with refresh- ments was enjoyed. 0 o 0 Mrs. A. J. Harmer has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jim .Blake, and family at Benrniler. FAILED TO PAY DUTY Failure to pay duty on a U.S.- Praises Interest - !FORMER DISTRICT MAN RETIRES AS PUBLISHER, Shown in Boys bought pistol proved costly for An Illinois resident and Signal - Star subscriber pays tribute to the organizers- of Young Canada- Week in the following letter: 1 5ott`tIi mak Vark�Ave Oalb.Park, Ill. Editor, Signal -Star. Sir, — While on vacation last October in Boston, I had dinner at the famous Durkin Park res•taur- an•t. "Ozi the back of the menu was the enclosed poem. There was no name on it as to who the author was. I thought it was very good. In reading in your paper of the i erest in boys by the citizens o Goderich, especially the com- mittee of Young Canada Week, I thought you "might be interested in this poem. Congratulations to all those citizens in promoting Young Can- ada Week. Sincerely, Srt Edwin Andrew Bennett, of Gode- rich when he • a ppeared before Magistrate D. E. • Holms- here last week. Bennett, who pleaded uil- ty under the Customs Act, was assessed the minimum- penalty of $50 and costs, or two weeks in jail. RCMP Constable E. M. Swift, of Sarnia, testified that he called on Bennett in Goderich on Februar7 21 and seized a .22 calibre semu- automatic pistol which Bennett had bought in a U.S. port. Duty had not been paid on the weapon. • Phone WE STAND BETWEEN sus d,�un, e........s "`ln'..:�faw' +_v',,:..t AND LOSS' MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY 230 43A West St. Goderich 7tfi .,ci. ettva a ate. -•r JUST A Got to, understand the lad-- . He's not eager to „h bad; If the right he always knew, He would be as old as you. Were he now exceeding wise, He'd be just about your size; When he does things .that annoy. Don't forget—he's just a boy. Could he know and understand, He would need no guiding hand; But he's young and hasn't learned IIow life's corners must be turn- ed. Doesn't know from day to day There is more ,o life than play. More to face than selfish joy. Don't , forget—he's just a boy. Being just a boy he'll do Much you will not want him to; He'll be careless of his ways, Have his disobedient days. Wilful, wild and headstrong, too. He'll need guidance kind and true; Things of value ne'll destroy. But reflect—he's just a boy. A LEAH' ROOF ABOVE YouF NEAD ? WE IL PUT A C COD ONE THERE IM STEAD 180 IF YOUR ROOF , LEAKS SEE Accident costs Sit automobile insurance rates eA„ Automobile insurance rates are set in direct relation to the number crrr&r-evio-e4 accidents of Canadian drivers. Last year, for example, automobile insurance claims amounted to more then one hundred million dollars- a motor car was smashed every two minutes and someone was injured or killed every 12 minutes. When the costs of automobile accidents decrease, so do automobile insurance rates. But, when the number and cost of adcidents increase, then insurance rates increase too. Drive carefully! A$.1CAWbfA II INSR NCD FEDERATION) ALL CANADA INSURANCE. FEDERATION On bohalf vl r Coro than 200 rompotind romponiea aritind Pira. Autoraobilo and Causally Inaurnnro. THANK YOU, FOLKS! The Goderich Lions Club wishes to thank all those who have made dona- tions to the Easter Seal Campaign or have assisted in any wary in making the appeal a success. STILL TIME Those who have not yet made their Easter Seal donations but plan to do, so, are asked to send or brim' same to F. A. Waters, treasurer, Eager Seal t:ommittee of Lions Club, Canadian Bank of Commerce, •Godep ich. -14 W ^ j16f Member„ of a well-known Ben - miller district family, Harold G. Long has retired as publisher sof The Lethbridge Herald.. lVfr. Long,. 68, with the Herald for 45 years, will continue as vice- reside'nt of The Lethhrige er • Company Limited. He went west in 1905 and attended Regina • Normal Col- lege. On March 11, 1911, he be- came the Herald's only reporter. Ron !'' The S S l reeeived a leiter dareetied to the Otters Oen of "Mary Gnest,aa 'rites of the - Wohlen'' !Column. it vigacia falerely, "1 o an While there is nothing b a controversial nature hi the letter, the Signal -Star ga - tions call for the ` writer Of such a letter to si his or her name as evidence' of good faith, even though the 'letter requests that the name of the writer be not used but simply the pen nanie. If the writer of the letter, will - inform the Sign tar Who actually wrote it, the Signal :tar will gladlY publish i under the pen name of `yHuslnd." . JUDGMENT RESERVED ON TERMS OF WILL Mr. Justice A. M. LeBel reserv- ed judgment in Weekly Court in London last Friday on how the terms of a Goderich woman's will should be interpreted. •On his interpretation of the will hinges the status of Mr. and Mrs. Con Spain as beneficiaries to the estate of Katherine Ann Sul- livan, . of G erich, who died September 2, 1 ' In her will, M' Sullivan, a re- tired school teae r, provided two bequests of $500 and the right to live in her home to the Spains on the condition the couple cared for her and gave home and board to her sister, Margaret, until they died. Both Sullivan sisters died in hos- pital and another. beneficiary, Mary Jane Pollock, contended that Mr. and Mrs. Spain forfeited their rights to the money and property. She would receive the house should the Stpa.ins-be found- not to have filled the terms of the will. tlrr. Justice LeBel pointed out that providing care for a person can mean placing them in the hands of, someone who is more competent to -look after them. Viimmonomme • DON MANIC) A i. CSF NE112E ��E'EZe �'� �HOPPING�y tr'R fAT�� Atvp., T TO pLEAsE ' ?AYG TV SHOP AP 44Gte- it cs OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS CJiotcAPPLIANCES ?'o�wFRIGIDAIRE �6.54A—• FOR SALES d,SERv9CE .C;ODERICH cncfkcSQUARE •• d'4o«c 586 Just a boy who' needs a friend, Patient. kindly to the end: Needs a father who will show Ilim the things he wan to know. Take him with (you when you walk, ' Listen when he wants to talk, His companionship enjoy. _. Don't forget—he's just a boy - 0 BAYFIELD MAN .FINED FOR IMPAIRED DRIVING Pleading guilty to impaired driv- ing, Walter Michael Green, of flay - field, was fined S50 and cots, or seven days in jail, when he ap- ' • peared in Goderich court last week The charge arose out of an ac cident involving cars driven -hy Green and Donald C. Campbell, of Bayfield, on the Bayfield -Varna road en March 24 aitout 2 a.m.. Damage to the vehicles was estim' ated at more than $1,000 and Green was taken to C1:nton hospit- al with scalp laceratiens. Investigation by Provincial Con- stable IV( J. Vranic, of Gederich. showed that the accused had been drinking and his car was procec•d- ing very slowly or was stopprd with lights ofi when the crash occurred. 0– PEE PEE weES IN TIE Goderich Pee Wees tied 3-3 with Seaforth in -an exhibition game played in Seaforth recently. Tom Yeo netted two goals for Goderich and Marty Baeehler scored the other. The game was clean with only three penalties, all to Seaforth. DON'T WORRY ABOUT TV SERVICE THIS IS OUR BUSINESS RADIO, TV & SOUND SERVICE. E. it Mund..ay Phone 598 127 W idder St, P2t£ • NCERT SPONSORED BY THE GODERICH BLUE WATER FI:A'1'i'lilN(1 L AND THE HARBOURAIRES Goderich �,at� Junior Band Coderich Senior Band ednesday, April 11 AT THE -GQD,ERICI ..LtOLL EG VJ AUDITORIUM' 'AT $ PA, - ADULTS 5O . Child;`~6u accompalall by CIITLIMN 2 1' tits, fret.