The Exeter Times, 1890-7-3, Page 5.4 3c r' i ,' 1 -Leamington load n narrow escape
from fire a few nights since, firebugs
attemped toset fire to the hrware
store of W, U, Coulson, Tar, coal oil
and other artons of infammable na•
tura were scattered profsely in aadjoining the main buihhng and set on
fire, but the timely arrival of some of
the citizens presented the flames from
I I getting much of a start.
W :la on in An Ingoraoll Correspondent at Strat-
ford camp writes.esrAnu unfortunate-
, oca
incident leas c
Common Sense, Red Star, Bluer Ribbon
:Flax, Bindtgg twines.
icy0, e Having eeoured apractioalt?,nsmith we
are now prepared to lake work
In eavetrougbingi furnitce,
root:ug or repairs.
Now Q
1%lk Cauls, an Tinware of
every description.
Daisy - Churas,
'Barbed `Wire, Relabels. and Annealed
Wings# Nails, Looks, tlmges,Paints and
'Oils. Orders now taken for Chestnut
blacksmith and stove caa1e for early
in 4D' School. A
private in anger struck an ofiieer and
he has been court marttalled and sen-
tenced to one year in the penitentiary.
He now lies to the guard house with
ball and chain attached to hia foot,"
fr. Thos. Butler, proprietor of the
sawmill at Dereham Centre, happened
with apainful accident last week, lie
was operating a hoop knife in the box
department, when by some means his
hand got caught and he lost the end of
bis thumb and fore finger. The wounds
are Bow progressing very favorably,
Ata Blenheim, magistrates' Court the
other day, Daniel leer; a well-known
painter, was charged by Mrs. Hodgins
with attempting to commit an indeoant
assault on her daughter, Hattie, aged
12 years. The charged was heard with
closed doors, and the magistrate, not
having power to deal finally with anon
a oharge, deoided to send it to the
'next Melees. Bail was taken,
GROCERIES—Stock com-
plete. Produce taken in
W. B. Incur,
Jas. N. Hllwa,4,
'Manager.I'roprieto '..
Operations for drilling natural, gas
.clave been -started at Str:ateord.
T-'iniversity, andis going to take a year
in an art etudio at Oatar;c.
OANA,DI4i3 IiAVO1 II'1�.
The seasoning of green fruits and Summer
drinks is the time when the worst frons. of
Cholera morbus, diarrhoea, and bowel com-
plaints prevail. As a safeguard Dr, Frey,
lore; Extract of Wild Strawberry should be
kept in the house. For 35 years it has
been the meet reliable remedy,
Disease is the beginning of death, its
approach should be met at once by appro.
priate remedies. No better means exists
a use of Burd o Bitters,
thee the u o k
whenever;symptoms of any disease of the
stomach, live), bowels or blood appear. B,
B. B. is the beet life preserver,
Iu popularity increasing. In relb bits
the standard. In merit the first. In fa t,
the best remedy for all Bummer complaints,
diarrhoea, dysoutery, :Cramps, colic, cholera
infantum, eta., is Dr, Fowler's Fztraot of
Wild Strawberry. All medicine dealers
sell it,
If sett will send us your addross,wo wilimail
you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all
about Ar. Dyo'e Celebrated Eleetro.V oltaie
Bolt and Appliances, and their (*armingeffects
neon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they willuieklyrester0 you to vigor and rnan-
boodhealtz. Pamphlet tree. It you exethus
afiieted,'wewsill send you a Belt and Ap Appliances
on trial. Vorrerc Brr.T Co.. Marshall,Mich
Join Manderson, an old resident o€
'Caen Aliau,;colnmitted suicide by hang-
ing himself Friday raormeg. He left
his bed about b in the monolog, telling
Shia wife be would go out and hoe in
the garden while it was cool, He nad
been in poor health for some time and
interned low•spivtted. No reason oan
be given why he put en end to himself
and no suspicion rests on any one.
Adana Fuhr,builder, Tavistock, met
with a vety serious accident last week
while engaged at work upon one of the
new nausea which he has in process of
erection. A, piece of scantling upon
which he wait depending for support
gave way, seed he was precipitated a
considerable distance to the ground.
He now now lies in a erltioal oondiliou,.
there being fears that he has received
severe internal ari:3uries.
The directors of the West•'Zorra
cheese laatory ireport the best sale of
cheese made in the township.
Mr. I-, W. Holman. Tato assistant
operator at the G. T. R., at Camlaohie,
bas beet promoted to Blyth.
Mr. Thomas North, of Thedford, sent
five sons to the Stratford camp this
year, and expects to send seven next
year. All aro ai,ttaoh,od to the 27th
The Goderlelt town•oo;lnoil Imo nuth.
ar ae';l the Mayor to communicate with
the Covernnaent about having a, fount -
am erected and stone Raga put down
at the new post office in that town.
RekWhest ... -99Io00 93
6pr ng 'T¢1)4L t,..
00 90 to 00 03
Barley .,, - 40 to 00 40
oats .. 35 to 36
Clover Steil 13 cu u4
Timothy "
k'oas 55to 56
Corn -, .,, 0 40 to :,1
Eggs iSto i3.
Buttoi ., 12 to 7 ,t3
b'lanxperbbl • 00. to 5 1,6
010 0 4h
Appies,per Dag...
. 1 CQ t o 1 e0
U iedp per
rleapr b . .., 0 4 to 7 50
0 to 07
Tarsoperrl 0O to 017
Ducksy per
lb ▪ 9 06 to 7 07
Ducks pe r lb 0002
25 to 002
l;ogs,dressedperlCO , , ,« 4 5Q to 6 00
Setif 4 07 toy 25
Ridesrou3h, ...
2 00 to 2 50
"" dressed t S 50 to 3
$heep.kin eacb . , 0 60 to20
0a12skins 0 0
Woo) perlb n 1860 toto 0 2350
HOnyperton fomsperbu107en
� • 0 60 to 0 CS
tVoodperoord 250 to Sop
7 00 to
Dntil the blood is cleansed of impurities.
itis useless to attempt the cure of auy ills
ease. Rheumatism, whiclt is traceable to
an aeidin tate bleed, has been cured, in
numerous cases, by the use of Ayer's Sar•
eapariila,'esterual treatment being of Bo
•fouenet bring a oouple of little quarrels
into year family gond they'll breed Iike spare
rows, any you just bring a bottle of Burelaok
Blood Dieters into your noose and ale how
quickly health ane strength follows its use.
Ncthimg excela it for strengthening, regul.
agog -and purityiug power.
No matter what may be the ilia yen bear
front indigestion, a dose of Ayer's ()ethartfo
Pine will ease } on without !question, dost
try there once and be assayed ; they have
minx worse dyspeptics cured. You'll find
thele nice and. amply worth the price.
ST:31411Ye $
real Wheat 0 95 0 96
Bering Wheat ... ..... 0 43 095
Barmy ,, 0 3> 0 33
Oats a 26 a 27
Clover Seed, 10 3 5P
Peas thy,„,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,m., „ ,,,,, 0 4S 40
Butter 12 0
Pottatoea per bag -••, 75 099ee
Apples per bush....-”. „ -„•
Woolner lb 20 020
B eYeerton. ...... „ 5 59 6 50
Bran per tont ,14 00 14 00
Shorts ” ". ..20 9050 00
Oattaeelperblil.,,. „ ,.,,,.,..•„. a Go 700
4r. I,,, D. Biome prominent official of the
above depertuzent, Ottawa, wheal -1 ata
very glare to give you today the testimony
that Nasal Balm has completely cured me
oatarrF4,^.tom stealth I suffered for, nearly
three years.
On Sunday morning last the news o, O. Itrarawaa CO.
spread like wildfire that William John-
stone, one or Delaware's promising
young men, had been drowned while
bathing is the river in the immediate
vicinity of the village. In afow minutes
the banks were thronged. and J. W.
Knowles and other expert swimmers
were endeavoring to losato the body,
whir'h they euccoeded in accomplishing
within an hour after Johnatone had
entered the water. Drs. McLaren and
Mitchell were both on the spot and
used every oii'ort to rescusitate, hut
lite was oxtinot,. Johnstone's corne
pauiana state that he never rose to the
surface. Ile palled eBoys,” once, and
sank in about in about fifteen feet of
most r
war ono of thein
He could not
localities in the district.
switn. Ile loavea two brothers and a
sister, and was 30 years of age.
Louis Hoelscher, Teets took,stiotalned
a broken aria on. Wednesday of last
ronek, through it horse which he was
driving running away.
Mr. Alby Robinson, of Parkhill, has
',accepted a position as traveller for
Nesbitt, Bros., Woodstock, and is now
• a lull -fledged irdrummer."
Mr. Donald Munroe, of Nairn, has
gone to Montana•to inherit his deceas-
ed brother's property. He roust live
there three years before be Can be-
, comp the lawful •owner.
The corner stone of the new Baptist
° Church at Denfield was laid on Wed.
nesday of last week. Rev. Mr. Carey
conducted the services. The Ailsa
Craig brass band was in attendance.
Mr. and ltrs. Thos. Dawson, of the
township of Veestmtnister, celebrated
their golden wedding a few days ago.
There were about • sixty present, in-
cluding children, :grandchildren and
one great -grand -Child.
Watford Guide.;—"Mrs. '*Wallace
Graham, fornaerlyof Parkhill,.is now'a
'Beauty Doctor' siwSan Francisco, and
has invented a cosmetic called the
:Eugelne Enamel' .that is guaranteed
to make the hardiest woman appear
-like the belle of •the season."
Rev. David. Savage, of 't'ilsonburg,
•the well-known evangelist, has got a
!large tent, capable of accommodating
:500 persons, for hisoervices during the
summer mont & .Mr. George !Reid is
-in charge, and Mr.. -Savage gives .assist -
sauce in the work:
Miss Shannon, formerly a teacher in
the Public School at•Croderich, recently
,took a $25 prize in tl3enver for crayon
protrait work, And the certificate of
honor for the beat study from life. She
has resigned her position in Denver
The Producers' Refinery, at Petrolia,
has been sold to an American syndi-
cate -at $25,000 for the plant an $26,000
for•the crude oil on hand, making a
totalaef $50,000. The new firm are ere -
placing the old stills with others .of a
- darger.oapaeity.
A great etatesman of the last generation
declared that "the wars of nation were et an
and, and that the futun conflicts of the
earth that would fill the pogo of Watery
Where to beetleways of principle 1"the truth
of this prophecy is being gradually develop
ed; the war of principal wages with unseen
vigour. Among the foremost competitors
fn this -vast arena, stands Taros. HOLLOWAY;
with his famous but simple remedies, a Pill
and.aarOintment, ha:nay truly be acid to
have suooessfally combated with Prejudice
and,diseaaee the latter is of course the ever
impending foe in all Claims, but the former,
more,espeoialiyiin our favoured land, tb•
inevitable opponent of all innovation and
invention.; from Holloway's first "easy in
the lists,".the medical profession have teen
in array against him.; how tacitly, however,
have they been induced to sneauinb, and
own that the unity of purpose evinced by
tbzs great man, and the sufficiency ,of the
two remedies, have satisfactorily proved the
fallndyof the hypothesis that divers malad-
ies and varied features of disease require as
many : diet not end different remedies.
Again -Professional Prejudice has been
avowedly overthrown from the glaring,con-
fesaionconcnrred•in•hy all teat these reme-
dial agents have tioaomplished what the
corik1ned learning and talent of the faculty
could neverattain-UniversalDissemination.
It would be folly to calculate the propor-
tionate.dttierenoe between the uunibsr of
applicants for medical aid (in common -par.
lanee)at a public dispensary, and the,ineai-
aulablo multitude that are the daily recipi-
ents of iHolloway'a twin remedies as
appticable to their need in the various
phases of diseases. We would sirnaily_ask
the res dert(couceiving at possible ,that he
Could azccomplish the feat) to take a :flying
visit to Our numerous dependencies. Hav-
ing first finavvrsed,India and witnessed the
universal popularity of Holloway's Pills e,nd
Oiutmentin .teat vast,and densely populated
region, let him bend has Southern course,
and crossing, the equator, step suddenly
into the peace enshrined poeseesioua of
Australis, if he would ask what is the ,gold
digger's remedy for.internal and external
disease there, he would .meet the response,
aolloway'e Pitts and •Ointment; let him,
take a still more extending stride, ,and, l
touching en bus Eight, New Zealand and i
the 'numerable islands of the Pacific Ocean, it
step finally en the flourishing scil of British,)
North America„ be will still find these
medicines the alike adopted specifics for!
disease with the Savage and the Settler,
What principle of dissemination Can be
worthily compared with this mighty organi-
zation instituted and -consummated by
Thomas Holloway -we say, none! let it
then advance, conquering and to conquer •!
dtsdoe, disease ; and its aim .and object the
alleviation of human suffering. -Johnstone
On 'Monday morning of last week, as
Mr. i7dhn Inglis was at work in •theee
,woollen mili,Winghaaa, by some means,
tesegotothe end of his third linger of3
,the left hand caught an the machinery
and .immediately takes off. It was not
a mery pleasant birthday present, as
the old gentleman was exactly 76 years:
of age that day.
At the •recent vestry meeting of
Christ Church, Wingham, a resolution
was unanimously adopted to ask the
Bishop of this diocese to appoint Rev.
Mr. Hughes, Listowel, to the Winghatn
rectory. The Bishop :has consented
and eonyeyed to, Rev. Mr. Hughes the
resoiution of the Wingham vestry
Me. James Craig, of.%este, had hie.
left arm badly mangled °on, the big saw
in his mill the other afternoon. Some
thing Was wrong with the • machinery,
and the engineer shut oft the steam.
Jost before the saw stopped Mr. Craig
put his :hand down through the frame
to, pull out a bolt. The arm came in
Contact with the teeth of the saw, and
was terribly, mangled Iroisethe wrist to
thio 'elbow.
Sir a,-1 was ferwerly a resident of Port
La T our and have always used MIN &RD'S
LINl:1UlNT in my honsebpld, and kuow it
to be the best remedy for ewereetteiee of
ordi nary character.
N array, Me, JeSt:ru A. now.
to nee Iwperial Creaw. Tartar Baking I'uw.
der. It is perfectiou,auei far superior to all
Wheat. 000 to 95c per bus; Oats, 360 to
330 per bus. Peas, 6014 to file per bus. Bar-
ler, aiming. to 430 per bus. Barley Feed,
33}o to41e per bus Corn, 430 to 47}c.per
Taranto. July 2 --Wheat Series-; o. er98a
teen per bus i red wintee.N0.2.1=e0 to101 per
but, Ntau)toba N0,1 bard,119 to 120 No. 2,1 17
to 1 18 :PEAS 03e to Ota per bus. OATS 411oo
to 4210 per bus. FLOUR. extra 34.16 to 34:
per bbl; straight roller, a�.50 to '4,60';
strongbalters,$4,00 to 34.50. BARLEY, `lo 2,
500 t0 530 ; No 3 extra. OM to 490 ; No 3, 40e
lo. 480.
The Political Situatiou
The ,,not materialT changed within the last
e,ir, out Wilson's Wild Cherry ie becoming
fete: knon everFwoe as acure for troughs,
Volds, Whooping tough. Group. Loss of Voice
said ether infections of the threat. Chen and
Lungs, For twenty yease thIsrel iablczncd1glne
las been used in scores of fiunilies with the
the- genuiino nwh teIwrappers onlyststs. fiat
`'Why ;Mew Saar i1fo t0 be made Miserable by
bu sin^ insects, when Wilson's Fly ;'ads will
annihilate theui and give you peace? Try them
S:;ldey all druggist.•.
D2iasrd's Liniment for sale everywhere.
'Veen Baby wan e:ol;, we- gave her Case:met
"When she was s (:irild, abo cried for Castorla,
Whim abo because Miss, she clung to Caatoria,
'Mau alto had C7,iklreu, she gave them Castoria,
W. . URA,
198 King Street West,
Toronto, Out.'
attention to SHIN DISEASES, as Pimples, 'Mors, , t ,
PRIVATE DISEASES -and i)israses of a Private
Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele, Nervous De-
bility. ete„ (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet
and Stricture of long staudiug.
t'? DISEASES OF WOMEN -Painful, Profuse or See.
•:» '` pressed Menstruation. lYIce:atieli, Leaeoratea, and
Office Yours -9 eon to 8 p.m, Displacements of the (Womb.
Sundays,;, pen. to 3 p,m.
H a
e l Fe
elel se fe,l
You may look at this
find smile but the Store that has the Sign of rise Big
Elephant is. the place to get your
,'R,OT- Ca-1II
done if you want a job that will give yon good satisfaction.
and at right Tari ,e. We are showin&
Sorti.ethizig lzraw . This Li,7 ,cit.
and ary person that has a,.y troughing to .to it will he to their own interest to Balt ..
me before placing their order lot aa�'tithe: iu thisline., I lead --let those follow
who can. I always carry a full stock of the
Trans.-Uorlt xtental Innovation
car passengers for Paoi6e eoaat
Pointe via the Cbicas;o. Milwaukee ck St.
Paul and Union Pacitiic Overland Fast Mail
lino no longer have to wait in line at cuuu-
Elea Transfer Station to obtain Sleets -
lug oar berth reaorvations west of the Mice
e niri River.
The new arrangements made by the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee Sgt. Pani Railway obviate
all mei delay and annoyance.
For further particulars enquire of nearest
Coupon Ticket Agent or address A.E.H.
Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil-
waukee, Wis.
Armes TOSIOTnnna.-Areyou (listened at
nlghtand broken of your rest by a smolt oteld.
miteringand oryiug with puln of Cutting
Teeth? t so send at once and get a bottle
of"ltirs.Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chlt-
dron Teething. Ito value is iaealauleblo,
It willreltevo the poor tittle sufferer im
mealetol' Jopendupon it, mothers ; thorn
is eemielako about it. Itouros Dysentery
and Diarrhma, rogulatoe the Stomach and
dowels,ouree Wind eolio, sottous ties Gums,
roduces Intl:amrnution, and gives tone anti
energy to the whole system. Ura.Winalow's
fiootning Syrup" tor childrou teething la
?lament to the taste and is the proscription
et one of tbo oldest anti. boot !ornate
pbysiciaus and nurses in tho United
menet and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price- twenty-five
aunts a bottle" Be intro and ash !or •Mns
WIesnow'a renown -to SYtip9 "and no
• other fad.
Wilson's Fly Pads
Siaugbtor House Flies in millions. They are
sago, cleanlyand•effcotusie
D'%ard's Liniment cures dandruff,
Be quick. You can use a minute het
vete -make the moat of 1t. Especially
, tietne when suffering from dyspepsia, bilione-
neas, constipation, bad blood or any disease
of•the stomach, liver or bowels. You can't
take Burdock Blood Bitters tuo -soon, every
meanent wasted delays the longer for enre.
An.o'ld'physician retired from vraotice,hav'
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent ours for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and
all throat and lung affections, also a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nervous oomplaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative" powers in thousandsof
oases, has felt it his duty' to make is known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, will
send free of charge, to all who desire- It, the
recipe. in German, Frenob or" English, with
full directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper. W. A. Norse, 820 Powers' Block, Rooh-
estor,N. Y.
Children ley for 1Pitcier's Castorie`
Rieke an exoeptioe in favor of Dr. Fow-
ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Its known
virtues as a ouro for diarrhoea, dysentery,
cholera morbus and all bowel complaints
cause all who use it to regard it as the most
reliable and effectual remedy obtainable.
Goot Salary and Expenses. or Commission
paid to the right men. I want ,'men 25 to 50,
years of age to sell a full lino of Srst class
Nursery Stock. All stock guaranteed. Apply
at owe, statingage and references.
C. . BOOTIIBY. Rochester. N. Y
Situated in the Township of HAY, being
Lit 2, Concession 2, containing 100 acres. There
it on the promises a good frame house, two
frame barns, one 36r56, the other being a bank
barn 26x30:; a good driving house : one barn
and stables 24x60; two good wells of water ; a
good young orchard, and about 90 acre, Cleared
and under a good state of Cultivation and well
fenced and about ten acres of good hardwood
The above -farm will be sold on reasonable
'terms, and is situated about one mile and ahalf
from the thriving village of Exeter, convenient
te Churches and schools. For tortes apply to
HENRY COLLINS, on the premises, or
'by letter to Exeter Post Office.
lune 25'90-1m
t1'xn,. Morin on;
Merchant Tailor and Practical Cutter 15 open
to receive orders or measures. A good range of
now on hand and first-class work guaranteed
at lowest rates. Come with your own cloth,
Wherever you buy, itis no object. When cloth
is bought on the premises it will be out free
of charge.
Great bargains InMen's Woollen
hirts and Beady Made
Clothing. Eggs taken
as cash.
A visit solicited.
Wm, Morison,
Tailor and Cutter, Centralia:
in town and all nein goods, If y'oa w;tut a goon 1' ;l"SEl3{ IStR ill I 1 I,t ;;lo t't
by before seeing the fine etosk 1 have on betel -ell the latest stylee.
111111.236 FOLM*11.1VD
11131,1U1111 11'0 Hill! 11 0,,Mit ' 11 11 0 11 r
It will be to your interest to call on us before buying yourBuiiding lIardinrre,
Shelf hardware, oil, and annealed, galvauized buckthorn barb wire ;?,,'
AlrAiCr'""" tI.5
First-class tinware. 10 two and a noel years shelf wore goods to offer.
.1111.4.1011..4441 ..11,11r2k
Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing
a speciality. Agents for the Raymond,
Sewing Machines. A. call solicited.
Prints and
Dress Goods
all marked down to meet the hard times
We Lead in Tease
Pure Spices and Fresh
Cheap Sugars &c.
DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton.
!anI Styles I.
Overooatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pan tines
at any price
Bast Ordered Clathing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best
Getting in Town, you are sure of satisfso-
.114.. J.:SNELL.
Drug Store
A full stook of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter,
ClitUi ■
Spring Stock
Boot A $ht Mikcr
Has opened business in the
premises of R. SPICER, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared to meet
his old. customers and as
many new ores
[Sewed Work S) ec fifty
f — •
Repairing promptly and sat-
isfactorily done.
Dress Goods,
Prints, Ginghams,
Mullins, Skirtings,
E,na 'Weeds,
all marked down in price to meet the
hard times.
Zest Valu e ins, 'yeas.,
inthe country.
Pure Spices, Pure Spis e, Fresh Groceries and
Cheap Sugars Call and see. • The
prices will astonish you.
J'. P. ROSS,
Market Store, EXETER.
Nov. 13,1889.
Reliable Good
At Prices Lower that sb=ctrl-
led Cheap gouges can give
Undertakingin all its
(Successor to C. & 9. Gfdley)