HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-03-15, Page 5• THWISDA.Y, !M' 3i 15th, 1056 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH_ March 18—Fifth Sunday in Lent. 830 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. �' 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a,m. HOLY COMMUNION' AND. SERMON. QJkvnior CenFgregetion and Nursery), 7, p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. Thursday, March 22—Holy Communion 10 a.m. in -the Chapel. Short service and sermon 8 p.m. REV. KENNETH E. YAYLOR, M.Ad, D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1956 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "THE DESERTER.Q° Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. THROUGH MARCH A SERIES OF SOUND FILMS. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleadar. Knox Presbyterian Church' 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W: H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise GObERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. Junior Congregation for younger children. 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE. Monday 7.30 p.m. Choir and •B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 8 p.m, Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Thursday and Friday -7 p.m.—Explorers. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D.,, Mrs. E. Donaldson, Minister. - Organist. Victoria S_treei United Church "WORSHIP IS MAN AT HIS BEST" 10 a.m. Youth in Graded Bible School. 11 aim. "CHRIST TRIUMPHS—WE CHEER." 1.30 p.m. Worship at Benmiller. 3, p.m. Union Church after Sunday School., MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR—MR. BERT KEMPSTER. Ofe waan C14 .n+, M r a ins r nd4 , A +4can' c d; ; r ke ,au.a•critO ram PORTER'S HILL W.A. of Grace Church acid their March Meeting at h home of Mrs. Allen Betties. The president, Mrs. Cr. M, iruving, opgened the meet- ing with a hymn atter which Mrs. R. Terrance led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Arlie Lockhart: The roll call was an- v-wered by an Irish joke by 17 Wiles. Business was discussed after which M,rs_ Bob and BW 11td flwain Provided) the program wthich consisted of humorous read- ings. Meeting closed With the Mizpah benediction and the hostess served a lovely lunch. The Community Club held a social evening in the schoolhouse last Saturday evening. The first parb orthe evening was spent in playing eroldnele, euchre and "500." Prizes wenti as follows: erokinole, high, Bruce Betties and Mary McDougall; low, Peggy Ann Betties and Terry Bauer. Euchre, high, Keith Cox and Clara Harri- son; low, Mrs, Keith Cox and Jim Harrison. "500", high, Mrs. Bert Harris and Bill Stirling; low, Gor- don Manning and Larene Cox. The ladies served lunch. CREWE CREWE, Mar. 13. ---Mr. and Mrs. K. Oke, of Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Curran on Wednesday evening. Mr. Raymond Finnigan attended the Hog Producers' meeting in Toronto and spent the week -end with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phillips and Glen were in London en Friday on business. Friends with Mr. and Mrs. J. Curran on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnston, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson and Andy, of Lu•cknow; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran. This community extends sym- pathy to Mrs. Will 'Petrie and all the relatives in the death of her brother, Mr. Wallace Black. Free Methodist Church SUN., MARCH 18 10 a.m. Sunday Schott!. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. - :friday, 8 p.m--C7Y-X Meet ing. Girls and Boys 9-13. Pastor, T. J. McMichael THE GODiRIC SIGNAL -MR. Goderich Township Accepts ts no tation Of $4 300 Towards New Whig Following Considerable -di es- sion, Goderich • `lbwpsbip Connell, at its last regulate meeting, decided tda wept the allocation of $4,300.00 suggested hy .Alexandra Marine, and -rGeneral Hospital as the tow, -- ship's share towards erecting the new wing to the hospital. The particular manner in which Ola money is to be raised was left over until the next meeting when a report will be brought in: W. R. Lobb was present to re- quest a grant to the Clinton Spring Show.. . The usual grant of $50 was promised. The township passed a resolu- tion to again co-operate With the ;county in the program for the eradication of Leafy Spurge, Bar- berry and Buckthorn. Several appeals for road work were. heard__ Aird, in oaoh was decided to investigate the spots in question and, if found to be practical, to include this work in the year's program. A delegation from the Bayfield Community Centre asked for a grant and $150 was voted for this purpose. Bert Harris was hired as oper- ator df the road maintainer at $1.10 per hour and an allowance of 10c per mile for the use of his i oar, when used for obtaining re- pairs, etc. 'Clayton Laithwalte wasre-ap- pointed' as the township's repne seatative on the Gcrderich Planning Board. Tenders for the supplying of warble fly powder were received from the following: Niagara Brand, •C.I.L., King iCalcium Precinets, IM. Lobb. It was decided to apt the tender of King Calciuin Pro - duets. Applications for the position of warbiefly inspector were received from six residents of the township. The 'application of .Peter Harri- son, et 75e per hour and 8c per mile, was accepted. The following 'and grants were ordered paid: Clinton Spring Show, $50; Stanley's Abattoir, relief ac- dcount, 63.00; A. H. Erskine, in- igent taxes, $15.20; Wm. Hatkin, fox bounty, $7.00; A. G. Grigg, Boal. $39.40; A. H_ Erskine, indi: gent, $56.75; Signal -Star, advertis- ing, $6.20; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $2.65; H. G. Hays, clerical duties, $7.00; Ohas. Scotehmer, Bayfield Community Centre, $150; J. W. Beeves, delegate's expenses, $25; K. C. iMerner, delegate's ex- penses, $25;„ G. H. Stirling, dele- gate's expenses, $25; W. J. Forbes, delegate's expenses, $25; Road Superintendent's payroll No. 3, $2,636.37. Council then adjourned till April 2.at 8 p.m. News of Dungannon DUNGANNON, Mar. 13. — Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and son, Wayne, spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, of Brus- sels. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed, Jim, Eleanor and Jewel, motored -to Elora on Sunday and spent the day with IMr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errington had all their family with them on Sunday: Marjorie, nurse -in -train- ing at Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Crawford, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and fam- ily, of Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald, Paisley. The annual congregational sup- per of"°the United Church will be held.. in the church basement on Friday, March 16. Hold Euchre. — On Wednesday las , those who braved the weather ttend the euchre game held in the Orange Hall by the L.O.L. No. 324, enjoyed p good time. The prize winners BETHEL PENTECOSTAL Sunday -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m.MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m.. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Services 8 p.m. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Pastor --R. TABERNACLE Best Wishes to Rod & Pam ALL CARPENTRY WORK IN THE NEW SNACK BAR DONE BY Harold Jeffery & Frank McMichael Congratulations to Rod & Pam on the opening of their new Snack Tar COURTESY OF eil C. l7eilch REPRESENTATIVE OF MURPHY TOBACCO CO, SUPPLIERS OF TOBACCO, SUNDRIES, ETC. Best Wishes to Rod & Pam on the opening of their new Snack Bar DELICfOUS PIES-DO-NUT4, FROM Culbert's Bakery n J. Green. were Ernest Durnin, Gordon Saunders, Allan Reed and Herb Stothers. Lunch was served. Old Friends Meet.—On Tuesday evening a number of friends were entertained tb a game of cards and an old time sing -song in the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Thomas Webster. fMrs. Webster served a buffet luncheon at the close of a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Baxter, Garry and Norene spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb Stothers. Mr. Calvin McIntyre, of Wing - ham, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan recently. Mr. Brian Hallam, of Toronto, was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp and farrlily on Saturday. Named Ashfield' P.A. President, —The annual meeting of the Ash- field Federation of Agriculture was held in the Township Hall on Thursday afternoon. Oliver Mc- r es -Was elec d-`thenew pre dent,. succeeding William Culbert; Arnold Alton, vice-president, and },, w,a,nd_ Blake, secretary -treasurer. G. W. 'Montgomery; agricultural representative, the guest speaker, spoke on how to cut down the cost ,of farm production. ` Gordon Greig, Federation . leldman also spoke. Slides were shown on 4-H Club work in Huron and the film, "The Proud Land." Mission Band_ -- Mission Band ,,utas held in the church basement riLbTrein Mole gave the enil to worship and MrS. Herb Flrintigark Zed in Waxer. 43 Wendy watt ?eland Swift nus on ttbe piano.. The miriuteSs e Lute+= .r a were read by PauUnn Anderson. Billy Blake gave the Scripture eine e, Mrs. Iry pie, &ented a chapter of the :study book. World Mends were -given ouut and stasis for attendance. . Variety Concert, . Residents of Dungannon were 'entertained to a variety program presented in. the Parish Hall by Group three of the Woman's Association, of Lucknow United Church on Friday evening. It wad sponsored by the Lad -tea' Guild of St. Paul's Church. Rev. Jennings presided as ehairman. Mrs. Dur•nin Phillips played instru- mental music whilethe audience was assembling. A humorous pantomime, "Wife Wanted," and a skit, "Just Imagine," were present- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hender- son, Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. Alex Andrew, Mrs. Burton Roach, Mrs. Cliff Crawford, Mrs. H. Webster, H. D: Thompson, Mrs. K. C. fMu die, Mrs. Orland Richards, Mrs. Roy Black and Mrs. Ken Cameron. A. mixed quartette, composed of Mrs. Hall, Mrs. W. Joynt, Eldon Hen- derson and 'Raymond Ackert, sang. Miss Mary and Brussel Allan played a piano duet. John Hall gave a reading and Eleanor Reed played violin selections. Misses Sandra Brooks and Marion Mole danced - Scottish dances. Refreshments were served to the guests by the Ladies' Guild. Concert by St. Helens Y.P.U. -- A variety program presented in the Community Hall by the St. Helens Y.P.U. on Friday night was a huge success. There also was a one -act comedy, "Come Out of It" staged by the Colwanash Junior So light, so tiny .. , it can be worn in a woman's hair, or clipped to a necktie • Remarkable Clarity and Dependability Opdratas for Only About 104 a Week • New, Highly Efficient` Dime -Size Earpbane 10-Dpy Money Back Guarantee, One -Year Warranty, Five -Year Service Plan EMERSON DRUG STORE �r�vnv��su uesnoU;7ur,.rs3i rauso cjoksw°'r .? w a i Tkazi,501,v ur immummimarmimiimmo OPENING ROD & _PAM'S SNACK BAR a-- MONDAY, MARCH 19 HI FOLKS: Come in and see us in our new surroundings. Our sincere thanksuto all those who made these renovations possible. We have appreciated your patronage -in the past and hope to continue serving you in the future. FREE TICKETS an Easter Egg.. FREE DO -NUTS until 5erne P 11111011211. SAL U TE to ROD & PA M Al! ice cream- and butter in this new, modernized snack bar supplied by BISSET BROS. Congratulations to Rod & Pam FRO1t John Jeffery & Son WHO SUPPLIEALL BUILDING MATERIALS FOR THE REN t YATION OF THE SNACK BAR. Good Luck to Rod & Pam on the opening of their new Snack Bar COURTESY OF JIM BISSET p COCA-COLA 0 Faranew cmd 3kal Wed delilrreied hill W.0.554,A. peeeh, "car d3 as 1 -,twere- served at the close. �-0 0LMEp31' ILL HOL irdsvi IM, &peal. 12. , The Willyahnine Mission. Band, of Rolresvilie Unite:4 Church, met the' school for their Nereid meeting, ° with Cathie Potter Ili. change of the program. Bob Grigg read the Scripture 1e son and Cathie Potter read as story. Donn, lnique Galiweiier led, in :Drayer. 'Vile president, Leen'ax, Wilson, took .etherZe of the business `period. Jim McCullough read a Temper- ance story and Donald Yeo read a Peace item. Bill Hoggarth read a poem. A "cup and spoon" con- test was held. The s'dy hook chapters were review,„' 'b ,Mrs. Frank McOulioltgh and ' s Ann Sthaddoek. troll lw di triet lie r'd' 4 radio broad- cast. reeast. ia4- r, e 1C, endoraing tlaa fort; -lour mail may, Mrs. F r Tenn. We would like •-to add here, Bur yawn sword of thanks for the w. nderfulk job Mrs. Glome 40^ and to -wit Jeer`husband! a ,sl return to hea1ti i. We extend our sympathy ito the friends rand rola Ives ,of. the late Mr. Robert Bert) Fowler,. 'who diel in +Crpde><ith last Week. Mrs. Gordon ,Andes' 0n and Mars Ross MeNee,, who have both had e. - long serge: of sickness through the winter, are now peling better. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. John lister, whit:. occurred on Saturdays in, the (We - rich 'hospital. In X{oltnter dogs Mr. roarer fanned in this distract, and. will be remembered- . by many h,is enthusiastic support ,of the Nile Loyal Orange Ledge. HELP THE LIONS CLUB HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN Special- training and -therapies -cost-money-and----your•. Easter Seal dollars provide this. The Goderich Lions Club is associated with the Ontario Society for Crippled Children in raising money by Easter Seals. BOY EASTER SEALS Send in your money now to F. A. Waters, treasurer, Easter Seal Committee, Canadian Bank of Commerce, ‘Goderich. 1 V 0 rite Salute to the New Rod & Pam Snack Bar FROM McManus Dairy WHO SUPPLY ALL MILK AND CREAM. Best wishes to Rod & Pam n the opening of their y ew Snack Baro COURTESY OF Wm. Reid Upholstery Congratulations to Rod *- Pam's new Snack Bar FROM • Allison's Meat Market r, St114LTER,S OF Motet MEATS.