The Exeter Times, 1890-7-3, Page 3Established 1877. . S, BANKER,, PAXE TER r ONT, Transacts a gen era]bankingbuainess- Receives the accounts of merchants and hers on favorable terms, Offers every accommodation consistent with afeandoonservativebankingprinoiples, Pivoper cent interest allowed on deposits, wwl;ercft isu npayable yableat any office of the NATES DISCOUNTED, ck MONEi TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES, ..0101111MM llV C4AtT THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1590. a bushel. The McKinley bill fixed f for said purpose. Therefore be it remised. the duty at 3o cents, and the Sen- ate Finance Committee reduced it to 25 cents a bushel. The Buffalo newspapers claim that malsters have invested $7,500,000 xn malt houses to handle Canadian barley, and that a duty of 25 cents a bushel will ruin the business and injure the elevating interest of Buffalo. Perhaps, observes the Rochester Democrat, (protectionist), the Sen, ate will listen to the present com- plainton the barley tariff and adopt a tariff of 15 or 2o cents a bushel, SURPLUS FOOD PRODUCTS. Mr. Secretary Blaine is advising the people of the United States not to reduce the duty on raw sugars unless the Cuban and: West Indian Islands, the Central acid South American states that export sugar to the -United States first consent to remove the tax which they now impose on United States food pro- ducts—flour, pork and the like.. Or, as Blaine puts it : "We have an immense surplus of food pro- ducts ; we want to find a better market for them ; and we ought not to remove the tax on sugar without a corresponding move on the part of the sugar•preducing countries in favor of our breadstuffs and meats." Here is the way the Chicago Tribune puts the same thing: -- A Washington dispatch says: Gov. (wear, Mr. Henderson of Iowa, Dlr. Cannon of Illinois, and other mem- bers t the house said to -day that un- der no circumstances would they consent to abandon the free sugar clause of the 11IeKtnley frill. Messrs Gear, Henderson, Cannon, °anti others" doubtless are ready to ex- plain on the stump to their farming constituents a couple of months hence why they deemed it Hest to take off these duties in such a way as nut to benefit the \t'esrcrn farmer, when they could have been removed in such a way as to open to him tho large markets of the South American continent and re. Hero hila of his surpluses of wheat when converted into flour and of corn when converted into beef, pork. hates or lard. It will take silver tongued orators this fall to convince the western voters that their representatives did a wise thing when they deliberately threw away the key that would have opened the Latin- American markets to them. They will have to convince them that they are smarter men and better statesmen than Blaineaino ,on tariff matters. They ma y find it a tough task. Erastus Wiman,'Globe and Mail persist in telling the Canadian fanners that there is a splendid market for all their surplus product in the United States. There is no such market; and if there were the United States farmers would never think of giving it to the Canadian farmers. They are bent on keeping their own market for themselves and they are not likely to share it with Canadians --they are not such fools. It is is he who makes the trade policy of the United States, and he is too wide awake to give away any advantages he possesses in his own market to his neighbors that is out of his line. that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to repeat the Provincial. Parliament at its next mission:to so amend the act that muni- cipal councils may be enabled to procure material for road purposes ^without loss of time in cases where sudden breaches might cause serious damage to the travelling pub- lio, and consequently loss. and inconvenience to the municipalities. ---Carried; It, Graham's name was, on motion, sub, stituted for that of P. Felly en the Salaries Committee fer the present sittings of the Council. The Legislativee provision per. xnitting persons erecting wire fences under certain conditions, to enclose a large portion of the highway, was found to act so injuriously to public interest its repeal was affect- ed at the last session of the Ontario Lie islature. This fact is not gen- erally known. and parties are still enclosing a portion taf the public road, under the impression that they are conaplying with the law. It is well for them and ethers to know that since the day upon which the royal assent was given to the repealing Act, the bth of April last, all inclosures of lands taken from the road allowance under the provisions of the repeat- ed law are illegal, and restitution; can be demanded and must be made,. musts 0 iNAIISTRr. Moved by Mr. Proudt'oot, seconded by Mr Beak, that this ooeneil believe it advisable that a House of Industry should be erected in 18. Thethe se voted for .the motion on :Messrs Graham. Bissett, Proudfoot, Mallory, Beck, Whitely, Weber, Henderson, Moilurohie, Gregory, Sanders, llioKenzie, Manning and Rollins -14, Against the motion 1 Beaeorp, Erratt, Either, Girvin, Torrance, Cook, Dulmage, Lockhart, Castle, Cox, Jacques, Siterritt, Bryans, Howe; Griffen, Taylor, McLean, Bat; Thompson, McPherson. Milne, Oliver,. Morrison, Benneweis, Hey - rock, Hess, Strothers, Seott, Anderson, Bydd Say Johnston, —32, Council adjourned anti] 2.50 So good a Reform journal as the Stratford Beacon does not endorse the appointment of the gallant Col, Ross, sad has this to say about the gallant son of mars from Huron, and Ins late appointment to the public crib : "We wish we could regard Mr. Ross as the unselfish, disinterested man be is described. We cannot do so. It was no sac- rifice he made in giving up a county treasurership and the country town management of a bank to become the Treasurer of Ontario. He has enjoyed the emoluments and digni- ties of the infinitely greater position. tor seven years. He is a wealthy pian, and his family has grown up. There was no temptation whatever in his case that we can see to make the claim of public service the means of getting a permanent office at the hands of his chief.. EDITORAL NOTES. A pious thought has been sug- • gested to Mr. Mercier by his friends. He has been told that he ought to go to Rome and thank the Pope tor favors conferred on him. This, coming after his signal victory in the provincial elections. If Mr. Mercer should take the advice given him he might include the thanks of Mr. Mowat as well. Sir John.:Macdonald has got, to step out. Sir Richard Cartwright has become desperate and has en- gaged Mr. Edward Farrar to write Sir John' and the Conservative party out ofpower. The salary is $5,000 a year ; just think of it 1 This same Farrar claims that he wrote Sir John and the Conserva- tive party into pov'er through the N. P,, and this sane individual, made an attempt to write Sir John and his party out of power in 1886 but failed. Mr. Farrar has a snap as to salary but his contract will last a lifetime. The Buffalo newspapers have agreed to accept _ an increase of 5 cents a bushel iii the duty of barley. The duty on barley is now lo. cents irAIIBITER BROS.' SiTtAilt just Received a di* Hennesey'sBrandyin Casks Also other grades Brandy VPHOI4E8AI.+B 2.30 o'clock, p.m, B0tP6 AND BIUDGEE. The report of the road and bridge caro- mittee was read and adopted. Who road and bridge cow uittee reoommen4 that the repairs to bridges s#roketa of in the Commis. sioner's ,report he attended, to; also that a reward of five dollars be paid to any person proving that any one bas wilfully defaced or destroyed bridges or county property. With regard to the motion of Mr, Torrance, ask. Mg for the repeal of by-law Na, 9, 1889, that it bo granteal : also. that the amount of 04,000 required for county purposes be granted, The application of W. 13. Harvey as the County tlouueil's student at the .agrieul. tural College. Guolpti, was granted. 4s. nacattn8a ersslo'. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Asir. Jacques, that tilts council dispense with the Deeember session for the entreat year. -- Carried, eAhA11146 ea111,11=4 The salaries eowtuittee reported revere. mending that the county clerk's salary be raised to $1,000, and that the members of the County Council be paid $a per diens allowance, beginning with this session. The Bret clause of the report was adopted, and the second clause, viz., that referring to in- crease of per diem allowance, was lost on a division by a majority of O. Amar-ear:aan muter. Moved by Mr, Bilber, seconded by Mr. Sherritt, that the county engineer confer with the county engineer of Lambton, and examine the river Aux.Sauble, on the that Nide road in the township of pstepheu, attd report at ibis cannel] the advisability and estimated coat of a bridge placed across the river at that place to he paid ebare and share alike by the counties of Duran and Lambtan.--Carried. A cable states that cases of Cholera have broken out in Brittany and also in Lyons and Marseilles. There is a great trepidation at Paris, where the water snpply is so short, that some of the suburbs and a few of the city wards arenow drawing their supplies directly from the Seine, and this condition of things has always been favorable to the spread of typhoid. At the same time it leaves the debilitated system a prey to the invasion of pestilence. France, however, has a good cholera record, and Paris, with her world -famed drainage, has probably little to fear. Statistics show that France is not susceptible to the disease as compared with other countries of Europe. The numbers attacked in previous epi- demics have been as follows : - Russia i in 20 ; Austria, i in 30 ; Poland r in 32 ; Holland r in 144. ; France r in Soo ; and Germany r in 700. These figures are based on later epidemics. Lake 'Huron, Labrad.ori kite Just received a censi n - Our Grocery GROCERY rent Importation of andDases. Derby Whiskey French &,,,Domestic Wines. ,ASID RETAIL `ish &' Trout in Bble.1-Z Bb1s ment a„ This Season's Teas Department is Complete 1~L Z 'cry $raz3.Ch. Eyes es f e d l The Thoroughbred Runnine Stall -lou, PRF �"E DINBURG' -�T + Tr T-t�[ti. A a fort noon ; thence t Carl's hotel. beafortb, for ae al t1G1au night. Tuesday.Commerelal hole". 'in en. Pr t.G , for noon; thence toSwartz's hotel. Da; Geld, Graduate Optic Seb.api F.7% fornii;ht. l.I ednesdav, south en Brou On :r w - .for 00 en to recd Gxadu >♦inoto lilakc r n n . tit ca leash . aideetested ; defeetivesiglit restersdb the east ertill'aheht l.t e• Uiumo'fu tufo°n; tereca of One lasses. Largo essorto1ent o1;' the ria London ]toad to gxetcr. ro idit l lsbaw's fineetglasee5Onband. Aealleoliolted• hotol,forlfght. kriday.vialwendonitesdra $. ,CC 0 3 & .`' , Ibis own stable for noun cad remain until the wearies 3tenday Warning. JAMAS 13t;ess. Prop• Will stead for mares this season as fellows : A.fonday. April 28th, leave his owe sasble.liens• U. an not ro . yon a o o . uee e , vac, . .S -S P 1,010014 W -.,k,! 27E1:) 1 a s r "+ Idea to take tailors ture For . nr o ; Bieck OA REM ary or COmiwasien. I can make a successful S .l ,. ars E 111.A N at anyone who will work end follow myin- structiOn8. Will furnish handsniae putttfree 1 and pa • your salary or. commissian every h, week. pee_ for terms at once. ) , 0. AUAM,Nurss ante fast. G 3t Mcb1 ] INTEROP LOi�i�IAZ HAILW A OF OANADA- Tbadirect route between the West and a1. Points on the Lower St. E.awrence el Baia des Chaienr, Prosinco of Quebec; also forNawItrnnswick,Nova Seotia.Prinoe Edward ear 013 veten?alands, an 4 Sewfonidlan 0 and St. Pierre, ExPreeS toting leave lifontreereist4Ralifatt daily seltineaye exeeptedl and torr through witheutehanse between these poiaatr'iir 34 t house. The tllran h express traiias__ rs oft' ilia in- tercolonial Railway ere brilrtntly.ltglited by electricity meal ittedby *team from tite locornotive.thus greatly baereauing rho cout- d ra of t � ileia New earl legant bnft'etsleeping an nay .fort ansai OV E oeraruu=through express trellis, ( artudiarn- 1xopea1l Malt and A4.v.insoNBROS-,Benders sadCvetrae={ Passenger Route, ore/rave removed toSwellow'saldstand. coy I'.8songersfor Greet Britainnrthe ceati- ner MahatmaGidley;Arms and are prepared tient,bvlea'rhij leetteel onieridaymorates to eon loots, Sash and Illinds and Moulding will loin outward. mail ateanrer at Halifax cheaper than any other firm in torn, i:ufld-, an Saturday, laza centraoted for, hens. Spcoif,eetionsera The attention of ahi�Pers is directed to the rn Estimetesfugilled if required, All work superiorfaailities(tiered by this reuteror donor with neatness and despatch and sattsfac-1 tho transr•or a our ge o mere an h REE acks o Caxds, E Quo Peek, May I. C. i..1lotne • One Peek VSeerttOne reek, Flirtathon; Otte Paek,Elold to the light; One Pack, trur$of'. just holds two Ono sample b''k full se Nevsities, ally Fl.ls] .if you sendwe,ailrer. for Voltage. .A . W. ITSN•ST 'St:'. Yarmouth :.z S. iou $iseu. $(14110110utnberelweaaon band, lise%nteAde4 farthe Reetern P ovinresand TIM eotr:QTX'h8 S111SES. Moved by Mr, Beacom, seconded by Mr. VoMurehie, that it appearing from the schedule attached to the affidavit of the Regietrar, that no return has been made to the county of the proportion to which the county as enticed, by the fees actually earned by the Registrar, but not received by him at the end of the year, the clerk bo inetructed to ask payment far the saltie, This motion to apply to any such balances for the past years.—Carried. Upon a supplementary report of the 'Finance Committee being read it was moved and carried that clause No. 54 of the report of Special Committee with Mr. McDougall's plans, etc,, be handed io the Jail and Court House Committee. Tho Jail and Court House Committee were requested to report on drainage at jail. The council adjourned until seven o'clock p.m Upon the oounoil rosuming, it was on motion, decided to suspend the rule to per- mit of the school committee's report to be amended. When after discussion and several motions pui, the township of Bast Wawanosh was taken from the East in- epectorate and placed in the West. SU DLEaIENTIBT REPORT. The following supplementary report of the Jail and Court House Committee was read, In regard to the report of the epeoial engineer employed to report on matters in connection with the Court House and the Registry office. As we have already dealt with the Registry office in our former re- port we do not see any reason to change that report. With regard to that portion of said Engineer's report in connection with the Court House, we recommended that the matter be laid over to the neat regular meeting of council. With regard to Dr, Rollinsmotion in oonneotion with the drainage of the jail grounds, we recom- mended that the matter be left over to the next meeting of council, and that the county engineer in the meantime make an estimate of the coat of said work and report to said meeting. It was moved in amendment to the re- port, and carried, that the special altera- tions set forth in Mr. McDougall's report in the Registry Office, be carried out under the superintendence of an engineerwith the approbation or the Government Inspector, and the report as amended was adopted. After;finally passing a number of by-laws, it was moved and carried that the grants given to look -up keepers be reduced to $5 per annum after the 31st December neat. Council then adjourned, COUNTY COUNCIL. (Continued from last week.) ERIIALIZATION. The report of the Equalization Committee was read and adopted. The report shows that no change was made in the equalized values of towns and villages, The follow- ing tables show the changes in the total equalized values of townships, as compared with the sohedule adopted in 1888 Total equaliz'd Total equal'd Municipality. value 1898 value 1890. Ashfield •$ 2,134,849 $ 1,995,386 Colborne .. 1,425,981 1,3&6,C79 Goderich Township. 2388,336 2,058,609 Grey. 2,088,674 1,949,760 Hay . 1, ]116,987 1,883,855' Howiok 2,471,415 2.313,990 Hullett.......... 2,302,263 2,202,981 McKillop 2.110,495 2,033,329 Morris ... .. •• 1,892,107 1,772,108 Stanley. 1,951,100 1,834,350 Stephen.. • • 2.061.603 1,943.886 Tuoke:smith • ••••• 2.047,250 1,932,415 Turnberr9•••• • 1,186,925 1,108,607 Usborne 2,135,000 2,014,100 Bast Wawcnosh 1.387,889 1,295.471 West Wawanosh,. 1564,687 1,408,375 530,945,720 $29,163,201 BIaosS PIT, .A. motion to raise the satiny of Mr. Peter Adamson, clerk, from 0000 80 01,000 was refected to the Salaries Committee, as also was a motion to consider the advisability of inereasing'the per diem allowance to mem- bers of Council. Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Eratt, that whereas a diversity of opinion nista as to the powers of municipal eouecils for the making and keeping of roads in re- pair ; and as misapprehension has arisen as to the mode of procedure to be observed by munioipaltoounciis in procuring material ca -o To - Goldsmith 1. Hall! Newfcundland; Mee tor shipments of grain LDav'idso .�i;attan,tp.rodueeiutei,dedforteeRaropeanmir- m W',ii. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSA1'c aeV tberou e-eatobeitreigbt ass. psiwaoger ratcson ap lie><tt,?n to :\.WEa rUHUW* O v, WeeternFrelghtdii'assenger Agent e5Rotieln ioupeitloek,' ork at.Torento .] I'OTTINGEB, .Dbiaf Eluperintandsat. !Iwai' oaloe.Aioncton.:f,il.,,Nuv. 34, '59. NOTICE, CELEBRATED TROTTING STALLION, • rest anticxew �` ^-corer=.co.•' STOCK /'� GROCERIES /� (� / �1 Will s. on nit li5srtlt a t niers Sanulc of •Ex ter• tiffs U T©V OF !7 OV !l / U WATCHES,- CLOCKS,- JEWELRY, ATCHES,—CLOCKS,JEWELRY, ._ SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. tiarPersonalattentiongiven to repairing of watches,olooks andjowelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL Agents Wasted. If you want to make MONEY, take hold and sell our choice Nursery Stock. Now is the time, write us at once for terms. M.41$.. -m- BROTFiMRB Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y, W. G. DISSETT.', DR. Fr OW LESS •EXT; OE ft .WILD • TR WBERRY a r'0011304 AND CON ECTIO`DAY ... Toast arrived et the family aro fry. :oleo One Door South l=ore Extracts mei spices. A. beautiful piece of glass-- of Post Office ware given away with 0110 lb. 1:Ittyell's Baking Powder. CURES Dashwood l'rollerl'teur for sale. H,�^�j _ ER Gall and exaunine our ggads lce•fe- o run �„JyF. ,I`S, ,chaeinbalcaecvhern, holerra Morhu G. A. 1I 'N D 11 AN . RAMPS IARRIR A YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF' THE BOWELS IT 1S SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Great Bargains RED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- C1,21�YE�R, T.,TC., Office, Upstairs, Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ont. AT THE Cheap CASH Store, Crediton. The undersigned will sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc., at a great reduction, for Cash, or Butter and Eggs. As he expects there will be a change in the business on September 1st, all accounts must be settled before that date. Also a first-class farm for sale, contain- ing 90 acres, with a first. clime brick -yard thereon. TEI{.)Y1S 1E.41SY'. For further particulars apply to JOHN MITCHELL, June 19-3m. CRsniTo> GENTLEMEN'S Gold Watebes. e�or�,e�,ax's WASHiNO COMPOUND Loorens and cuickir removes all stain:" of greeae and dirt tvithent injuring thelinnds or tho finest mntarials. It kee%as down disease by thoroughly disinfecting Ifni purifiin every thing• .S=aves soap, clothes, lime arid labor.,1 For all domestic our roses rt is ilio best article I ever placed before-tl�o pnbifo; Tor the folie t and the bath itis Aust splendid, making the skin soft and health t, Only 50. for 3 pkts, A1l. grocers eau supply it, GOTAM'S BIRD SEED, Cotste's Choice Imported and Ite-cleaned Bird Seed is thefinest quality grown, thoroughly re -cleaned and mixed according to the various seasons in proportions advised by Ornitholo- gists and Bird Fanciers. Every one Hound Package contains a piece of cuttlefish bone and full dirootions "how to keep a Bird in health and song. Cotam's has been awarded lot prize and diplomas and is very highly recommended. If you really want healthy Birds with choice song and beautiful plumage be sure and use Cotam's Bird Seed. A11 grocers and druggists can supply it. B.A.RT COTTON, London, Ont. , Wholesale Agent We have just completed the purchase of a large Whole- sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these goods at prices never again to be equalled. With those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call . on us. Here since '55. N. B. -Masonic aprons best quality, $2. 50 each.. A. MORPHY & 00., Cora Richmond and Dundee Sts., London, on Out, ;l�l,,s'tli4 'al V f' or a 'tclier'e CyastQCiU ;Gd dour chance in life ----1U DTAS—=-- A NlIW AND COlf,'J..E --STOCK CV -- Boots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attengedto. GEO. MANSON, ARE YOU A FARMER ? Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure land in the most fertile region in the world, close to the great markets of St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Duluth, where thorn is a ready mar- ket for all the products of the farm, In one year 0ou can save enough in railway freights alone to pay for a farm in a thickly settled district where exist all tho advantages of schools, (Muni) os, and general civilization, You can procure for sixty oents an acre, as a first instalment—balance on long time at low interest --a farm in the most flourishing State on the continent, described by the celebrated English ofiior, Col. Bado, as"FERTILE BEYOND DEsoRIPTIoa." Remember that 400miles from a shipping port moans 15 cents a bushel for freight and elevator charges, allof which you can save by settling on the lands hero offered. ARE YOU A MECHANIC ? Spring Goods In order to make space for Spring Goods Wo will close the Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRICE FOR CASE ONLY INCLUDING ; Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and .Astrachen Caps,' A nice stock of Fur Trimmings, heavy wool -lined hid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes $2 -We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash J MATHESON Gents' You are certain of employment at bigh wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled laborers of every kind who want to better their fortunes should go to the progressive State of Minnesota. REntEAIBEn that loss than twenty dollarswill carry you to the groat cities and rising towns of Minnesota which are growing faster than any others in the world; St. Pani and Minneapolis are practically one groat city with a combined population of half a million. THE GREAT LAND GRANT of the St. Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- way—much of it withheld from settlement for years—is now thrown wide open and papilla' ion is flowing in amain. but there is room tor all. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS At Rates; which are Practically ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP GOOD FOR RETTJRN WIT11IN 30 DAYS From date of sale, will leave ir11 Canadian points for Dominion LaIratory HE,�Q4ARTERS Pure Drugs; Patent. Medi- cines Dye-stil', Perfumery and Toilet ` Articles. School Books and Stationary Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco, Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand MINNE SO TA April 22nd and May 20th, 1890 Special inducements to Homeseekers accom- panying May excursion. Further Particulars on application to J. BOORWALTER, Land Commissioner Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Minnesota, or to the Travelling Land Agent of the Company, Masonic Temple, LONDON, Ontario, Canada. Minard'e Liniment Lumtberman's friend, Prescriptions carefuMailly pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the "place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, WAn St.. rowB:i: