HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-03-08, Page 3Give Generously Cross Ready! ) F®r health services. For disaster service. For veterans' services. For outpost hospitals. Space contributed in the service of the community by John Labatt Limited. ese p ta - • 109th Year -No. 10 , • , •.• • "ik)';••9•x->:. fr LET'S FLY TO THE MOON, DADDY, says four year old Bobby to Squadron Leader W. H. Bliss as they warm up a new flight simulater, that, the RCAF will use to train Sabre jet pilots. Without leaving the ground, pilots in this complex electronic trainer can closely approximate flying in a Sabre arid actual flying time and costs can be decreased by its use. NEW RADAR EQUIPMENT FOR SEVERAL BOATS HERE All new radar equipment is be- ing installed in the Patterson fleet of boats which wintered at Gode- rich hirbor. This equipment re- places old war assets equipment which was previously in these boats. New stokers are also being put in the Fort 'Wildoc and the Bricoldoc. -v FOR GOOD HEALTH AND GOOD EATING INSIST ON McMANUS DAIRY COTTAGE CHEESE FROM OUR DAIRY—PHONE 35 ' OR YOUR FAVORITE MARKET "IT DOES TASTE BETTER" 711 8tf 1111011•••••••••••••••••••4110000011•••••••••••••••••; • • • AT THE PAR K TELEPHONE 1150 TOP SCREEN—FARE IN- AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Now—Thurs., Fri. and_Sat,=-__ Yvonne De Carlo, Sterling Hayden and Zachary A colorful outdoor adventure in 'which a fiery half-breed girl teams up with a young deputy -inarshall to solve a frontier mystery. "SHOTGUN" In Technicolor. Mon., Tues. and Wed.— "LAND OF THE PHAROAHS" -- In Color—Cinemascope — Filmed in Egypt and Italy. Howard Hawk's sensational spectacle drama of an ancient pharoah in the age when • the pyramids were conceived. Joan ColHns, ack Hawkins, Alexis Minotis and Dewey Martin. Coming—Martin & Lewis In "ARTISTS and MODELS" -7 -In Vistavision. 06•4160041111•00 4,004100111001411090444160604111061110MON140446 1 SAILORS SEEKING MORE PAY, .OTHER BENEFITS With negotiations now going on between members of Sea- larers International Union and the Canadian Lakecarriers As- sociation for a new 1956 eon - tract, there is a possibility that a strike maw come in the spring which would affect members of the crews of boats coming into Goderich. Numerous benefits are being sought by the SIU negotiating commit tee, which include pay- ment on an hcpurly rate basis rather than the present month- ly rate basis. If the new pay rate were obtained it would amount to just about double what is being received by crews now, according to a Goderich member of the SIU. 43 —0 THREE CAR CRASH WHEN ONE CAR HITS SOFT SPOT Two local drivers and a Grand Bend man were involved in a three -car crash on Highway 21, nine miles south of here, Sunday evening. Police say a car driven by William Smith, of Grand Bend, struck a soft shoulder and was in collision with late model cars driven by Bruce—Armstrong and Harry Crane, both of Goderieh. No one was injured in the crash, -butsbothethesCrane-vehicle and the Smith vehicle were extensively .daanaged. Damage to the 'Arm- strong car was slight. Corporal Harry, Sayeau, of the Goderich De- tachment, Ontario Provincial Police, investigated. • 0 NEWLY .NAIVIED COUNTY ENGINEER HAS RESIGNED H. G. Lawson, of London, who was appointed Huron County en- gineer to replace Peter Patterson, who resigned some time ago, has now tendered his resignation. Mr. Lawson was hired at a meeting of the Huron County road committee at Exeter on Wednesday of last week. He declined to say why he resigned three days after his appointment and before he was to take office April 1. Mr. Pattea- son plans to enter business in the TorOnto area about the middle of April, it is stated. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 80, 1956 District Fanners Plan To Attend Meet At Toronto On "Commodity Marketing" A conference Of Ontario com- modity groups on March 13 and 14 at the Eaton Auditorium, College and Yonge streets,Toronto, to re, view the entire question, of com- modity marketing is annenneed by V. S. Milburn, secretary-mairager of 'the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture. The meeting starts at 10.30 a.m. our March 13 and at 10 a.m. on Mareh 14, Mr. Milburn made the announcement immedi- ately following a meeting in Tor- onto of the Ontario FederatiOn of Agriculture directors, and direct- ors from Ontario's 22 commodity groups. The secretary -manager said that preparations will be made to ac- commodate approximately 1,000 delegates andenembere of Ontario farm organizations who will he attending the marketing confer- ence. "Inkeeping with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture's policy of `self-help'," Mr. Milburn said that "the conference was being coiled to help clarify what were the respective areas of responsi- bility of Ontario fariners, the pro- vincial government, and the fed- eral .government in the field of marketing." Ontario farmers have to estab- ''A lish clearly what their responsibil: ities are to amake the Ontario farm peoducts marketing programs a success. Once having establish- edethese responsibilities, then it will be up to' 'the conference to look to the future to see how these responsibilities can be carried out," Mr. Milburn said. "Admit; tedly there has 'been a serious deterioration in farm prices, and governments have a responsibility to formulate certain policies to help us stem this faxm price trend, but farmers themselves have to shoulder some of the responsibil- ity for clearing up this situation." Mr. Milburn said that discussion at the conference would likely touch on marketing legislation, a detailed review of specific nrob- lems facing individual commodity groups, and a number of resolu- tions looking forward to a co- ordinated plan of action by the commodity groups for the months ahead. Mr. Doug McNeil, president of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, held a meeting, at Clinton on Tuesday afternoon at which he informed the presidents of some 16 district townships of the forthcoming meeting at Tor- onto. '• His 94th Birthday Will Be Saturday •- Joseph D. Wilson, Cambria road, Goderich, will celebrate his 94th birthday, Saturday. Although he is confined to his home, Mr. Wil- son is still in fairly good health. Bern near Dundee, 'Scotland, Mr. Wilson came to this district when he was 10 years old. He recalls sowing grain by hand and reaping it with a cradle, on his AshtieId Township farm. He later operated the first mechanical binder in Huron County. • He sailed for many years on the old sehooner-type ships of the Great Lakes. Later, he was a sawyer and engineer in lumber Mills in Haliburton and .Manitoulin Island. On his return to Goderich, he became the engineer at the Goderieh Organ Company, where he worked. for 40 years. During the four years of World War I, Mr. Wilson served on the Goderich Town Council and he re- calls that it was under a different mayor each -year. -o PERSONAL -MENTION Mies Eva Somerville, of Meaford, is visiting Mrs. Geo. MacVicar while Mr. IMacVicar is confined to the -hospital. Mr. Alex MacVicar, of Montreal, spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mac - Vicar. Mrs. M. Ruggle, of Kitchener, was a recent visitor with 'her sister, Mrs. Geo. MacVicar. The Rev. F. A. Jewell visited at the home of Mrs. I. J. Jewell, Britannia road, on Wednesday, re- turning to Grimsby the following day. Mrs .R. E. Wilson left on Monday for Chatham where her sister, Mrs. H. Curtis, (lied there on Monday, following an illness. Mrs. Stanley Strachan, of De- troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston over the week -end. GODERICH GIRL RUNNER UP IN SPELLING BEE Nancy Hughes, 13 -year-old, grade 8 pupil at Goderich Public School, was the runner-up in the spelling bee finals for inspectorate No. 2 of Huron County, held in Clinton, Wednesday of last week. Nancy is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Hughes. Bonnie Hamilton, a 12 -year-old grade 7 Clinton Public School girl, won first place in the finals and was therefore, eligible to compete in the zoneefinalsrheld March 6, at Stratford Teachers' College. There, Bonnie Hamilton spelled her way into the Provincial finals to- be held at Toronto as did also Douglas MacPherson, of Kitchener. The Provincial finals is to be held during Easter week. Wednesday's contest was held in Clinton Public School, and was under the direction of Glen Gard- iner, of Goderich, inspector of No. 2 inspectorate, Huron County. There were nine contestants in all. In addition to the two men- tioned above there were: Phyllis Bryans, Seaforth; Shirley Dolmage, S.S. 10, McKillop; Jean Hillen, S.S. -67 McKillop; Egbert Bakker, S.S. 8, Hullett; Jim Alexander, S.S. Mullett; Carol Ilindmarsh, SS. 1, Goderich; Robert Chamney, -Gode- rich. Among the words which downed the competitors in the contest at 'Clinton were: laundry, holiness, incense, abolition, admissible, ac- commodat ion, accumulate and mucilage. 0 0 SPRING, TRA LA! There must have been- a con- vention of caterpillars and snow drops here over the week -end since various persons have report- ed to the Signal -Star seeing so many of each. Among those re- porting seeing snow drops were Mrs. F. Overholt and Rev. K. E. Taylor. 0 Op, 0 Your neiglbor who sOlicits your help for the Canadian Red Cross is a volunteer worker. SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Von PLEAS 'v CHECK YOUR LISTING . NAME SPELLED PK? ADDRESS OK? PHONE NUMBER CORRECT? ADDITIONAL LISTINGS REQUIRED? * to introduce the sensational new E RE. 'Good limn:03.0ot *'"•rn•no3.4.° ZIP -CLIP SWIVEL -TOP Opens instantly—cleans all ' over from 1 position • 44( SUPER CROWD G. G. C... G. •... Gr. ...... * EXTRA LISTINGS, at little cost, make It easier for people to find you: IN BUSINESS! Use extra listings to show other firm names for ypur business ----to Associate your name and residence telephoirej number with your firm name —or to show after -hour numbers for you and your . key employees. AT HOME! °Other members Qf the family and relatives, roomers or boarders would benefit from having their names listed in the telephone directory. $9995 Roto -Matic Cleaner $1000 Roto•Dolly with 95 4 rubber wheel $24StorageChost s TV Bench • Pt • ``'.,i• • THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Memo bo sum to -chock your direekry right ray. For ehi•nges and -additions in the white page section—or the YELLOW PAGES—con our Business ffico without delay. -44 Now 4-Wh0el "*- ROTO-OOLLY All that's modern In ONE cleaner and you save 535" THIS WEEK! O 0 pt. sot ()Wooly° Attach-O-Mitit toota ci Super Power—% H.R. motor o Amazing 3-0 Rua Nozzle with floating brush. Shag rug toot—optional. o No Dust 030 to Empty Moto Filtot o So light And quiet— u.eighs 2 to 4 Mo. 1014 o Reduced suction for cleaning drapes 9 C ample* with deluge root, You save $3500 See glue derneerietreelon a'0 02U store at oneosi> FOR lb DAV HOME TALI PHONr SMALL OttPOSIT $ 75 por wooh 12033t0 DAC'. CUARANY.1/ 2 4 0 BLACKSTONE Phone 240 FURNITURE "On The Broadway of Goderich" 'GIVE NEWS DIREOTLYi Only when news stories are phoned in directly; given to the SignaleStar news staff directly or 'brought to the °Mee can there be any assur- anee that these stories will appear in the Signal -Star. This explanation is made .because of .complaints of a few that stories they wanted to appear in the Signal -Star did tot appear. These complain- ing persons hand news stories to correspondents id town of daily newspapers with instruc- tions to these correspondents that they also send the story to the Signal -Star. These stories are seldom passed on to the Signal -Star, as the writ- ers of them believe they have been, with the result that they do not appear in this paper. Those who want to be sure their stories appear in •this paper are advised to make a point of having them go direct- ly to the Signal -Star. 50th Anniversary Newspaper Assoc. Members of the Western Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the association at a batquet meeting at the Wol- per House, Kitchener, on Saturday, March 24, This was decided by the ex- ecutive of the association meeting at Goderich Saturday afternoon. Present ' at the meeting were: George Tatham, Listowel; Arthur Carr, Palmerston; .Bud Landsbor- ough, Grand Valley; Don South- cott, Exeter;, Willard Gardiner, Harriston; George Ellis, Goderich. • To commemorate the first meet- ing of the association at Palmer- ston in 1906, the Canadian Nation- al Railways will place on the ban- quet table at Kitchener a model of •a railway engine of the type which brought the weekly editors to the railway centre to meetings in years ,gone by. The editor of the Palmerston- Observer will be attired in a costume like that worn, by editors at the turn of the cen- tury and will be welcomed at the Kitchener C.N.R. depot by a public relations official of the C.N.R. Extending an official welcome to Kitchener to the visiting news- men will be John Motz, publisher. of the Kitchener -Waterloo Record. Guest speakers will include Dr. Hugh Templin, editor of the Fer- gus News -Record and Olive Otta- way, • executive secretary of the Toronto Graphic Arts AsSaciation. CHURCH FIRE ALA VAG Curling Spiel Won 133T It Montgomery A rink' shippeil by H. VontgOjda- ery won :the benepiel of the Godee rich Curling Club at the arena en Wednesday of last week. The Town of Goderieh Trophy was of- ficially presented to kiln by C,oun- cillor J. Donnelly at' the conclusion of the bonspiel. The rink, which had three wins and a plus of 31 points, was com- posed of: H. Montgomery, Mrs. 1'. R. Price, Alex Alexander, Mrs. R. Montgomery. Winner of _the first draw was the rink skipped by Roy Lightfoot, of Port Elgin, with three wins and. a plus of 30 points. In second spot was Dr. N. C: Jackson's rink Noith two wins and 23 points. Con- solation went to the rink of Frank McCormick, of Wingharn, with one win and 15 points. Winner of the second draw was H. Montgomery's rink with three wins and 31 points. In second spot was B. Langridge's rink with one win and 17 points. Consolation went to Joe Allaire's rink with one win and 1614 points. On the same day at Wingham there was a Legion benspiel. A rink from the Canadian Legion, Goderiele .placee -second in the first draw. It was made up of: Mery Bell, skip, Bucky Doak, J. Skeoch and M. McMillan. amoommooloolomelloommomdor.ormoft„ The Goderich Volunteer. Fire Brigade answered a call to North Street United Church about 7.30 p.m., Saturday when a chimney, fire ,-broke out. Two unidentified men, passing the church noticed the sparks spouting from the chim- ney and informed- Mrs. H. A. Dick- inson who turned in the alarm. The fire was quickly snuffed out and po water was needed in the chimney. Damage was negligible. -0 A five-year old Regina boy re- ceived 211 free blood .and plasma transfusions last year. Through the Canadian Red Cross your blood andItur money is sustaining his life. ' Thousands of Canadian women volunteer their time and talent to sew and knit for the Canadian Red Cross. The materials they use are supplied through yotir contribution in March. TWO ooDnim 01)0,0 GIVEN NURSING APO a!,145 Rath Reinhart, 4aughter M. and ?I.m Wilf Reinhar,t, was one of, 19nursmit es iraiinmg at the Stratford !General Hospital to receive hew car) at the eerersonY in the Mines' residence at Str4t- ' ford, Saturday aftrnoon, Ruth has been -in training fur . six months at Stratford. She xeoeived " her early education in Stratford - and later attended St. .801ot:11 and Goderich Diatriet Col.r legiate Institute. Present at the caming. ceremony were Alm. Rein, , hart and her parents and Mr. Reinhart's father and another, miss Ramona McKay, ,grand- daughter of Mayor J. E. iluekins and Mrs. Huekins, and who form erly lived in Goderich,also was among those who received their caps at the capping ceremony at Stratford. O--0 0 EXAM RESULTS OF MRS. DONALDSON'S PUPILS The following pupils of Mrs. E. Donaldson were successful at the midwinter examinations for piano: Grade VHI first elass !honors, John Aberhart. Grade VI first class honors, Bill Bettger; honors, Linda Foster. Grade V honors, Donna Aber - hart, Donna Dockstader. Theory taught by Eir. Bishop: Grade II pass, Marlene Currey. Grade I first class' honors, Chrys- tal Strauglion, Bill Bettger. OUR VALUES IZE • ARE IMMENSE,* TO SHOP HERE IS (JUST01 C4146014 YOUGENsE; 'LL SAY AND ki1114 GROAT CONPIDENCE, 11 PAys To st-oP . 47- P our Es hote APPLIANCES 2/0144,FRIGIDAIR,E,26.54A, FOX SALES' &SERWCE 'GUDECtfClivp6,00.61E-1,4.19,404,e, 586 WE STAND 'BETWEEN YOU .AND LOSS! MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 230 43A West St. Goderich 7tf Ir ,..."`TSdral• 33,