HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-03-01, Page 9THURSDAY, MAR1st, 195
Clutton Jrs. Win
in County Drama
The ClintonJunior Farmers and
Junior Institute have w m the
Huron County Drama, Feaival
claa mpiunship and vcwllll avow oom-
, lip Provincial finals to be
eld amort, at the OE.A.C., Gue
This Is the second consecutive yr
the group have won the County
honors. . The festival took place
in the Clinton District Collegiate
Institnte Thursday evening of dost
week. •
The winners were awarded 73
marks by the adjent7icator, Vin Pitt-
mer, of Wingbam, for +they 'e:
centAtion of the one -act scomedY,'
"Bobbie Pulls Up Her k5." .7 lne
play was directed by Mrs. F'aatcis
Powe/1, of CliutO n,
Mer. Dittmer awarded the Ool-
wanash Junior Farmers and Junior
Institute, of Dungannon, 68 marks
for their presentation o "Come
Gut of Tit," directed by TCeu Mca
Allister, of Drmganraton. They
were the only other •group entered
in the festival. Both. the Clinton
and Dungannon soups had been
earlier wieners in competitions in
North and South Huron.
Members of the Clinton east
with Economy
LES Funeral Ho
.Phafte 390, Goderich
iirielt defi�d: tellR'
Stella a , Oath,
erine C$Qiiv lla Lets ;Ones, Stew!t
woodifoot, ego: n'ey, bitati
John . Menkkra a the 00131/Ft4 511
east were: Helen Little, !gree
Hackett, George Riley, Joyce
Little, Lois Hackett, ]rank Alton,
Sheila Feaegan, Robert Lyons.
Chairman of the festival was
Arnold Allton, .IL 7, Lucknow,
Junior Farmers' Aseaciation presi-
dent for Huron County. Providing
auusiea1 numbers between plays
were: Elaine Nixon and Russell
Fear, members of the North Huron
Junior Fexxmers-Junior Institute;
Rose Mary Dobson, and Barry Jef-
frey; members of the South Huron
Junior Far nersalundor Institute;
Jim Scott of the 13olwanash Junior
Partners; Dorris Johnston, Seaforth
Junior Institute; the Clinton Junior
Farmers' quartette.
The 'Bedford' Hotel is campaign
headquarters 'this week .for the
Canadian Community Concerts
Limited, who provide musical con-
certs for 85Canadian towns and
cities each fall and winter.
Ray -Dudley, Canadian Concert
pianist, was the first artist to ap-
pear in the Goderich series this
season. On Monday of :this week,
the 26 -voice Depaur Infantry
Chorus gave a concert here and
were well received. A ,reception
was ,given for the male singers in
the Legion Hall following the con-
cert. The final concert for this
season will be presented April 16,
when soprano Ethyl Barryanore
Colt, daughter of the famed act-
ress, Ethyl Bariymore, will appear
It is hoped that four concerts
instead of three can be presented
here next season. Membership
ticket sales close at 6 p.m., Satur-
ews o
, Feb. g7. -the Febru.: of Dree pTell spent the week -end
ary amee'timg of the Auburn Wo-
men's Institute was held Tuesday
of last week in the L.O.L. fall
with the ,eesident, Mrs. Welling!
ton Good, ixi charge. Prayer was
led by Mrs: Albert Campbell. The'
roll call was answered by naming
a rural sound that appealed to a
person. -Mrs. Wes. Bradnock sang
a solo, `Grandfathers Clock." Mrs.
Maurice , r can gave the motto,
"Happiness is rightly understood,
consists alone of doing 'good." The
minutes of the prevbu& meeting
were read by the secretary, Mrs.,
Bert Craig and adopted as read.,
Mrs. Tait Clark, district president,
is expected tb be present for the,
March meeting for the election of
officers. Mrs. Keith Machan, con -
yeller 'of Agriculture and Palladian
Industries, introduced the guest
speaker, the assistant agriculture
representative for Huron Oounty,,
Arthur Bolton. He 'spoke Of- 441
Club work in the county and show-
ed films which were very educa-
tional. Mrs. Ed. Davies !thanked.
the speaker for his informative
address. A successful auction was
held with Mrs. Ed. Davies in
charge. Hostesses were: Mrs.
Lloyd Craig, Mrs. Gordon Cham-
ney, Mrs. Gordon McDougall, Mrs.
Robert Chamney, Miss Donna Hag-
gitt and Mrs. Dan Pitblado.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farrow, of
Mitchell, visited with her brother,
Thomas Johnston and Mrs. John -i
ston last Thursday.
Mr. Percy Youeg'blut, wii1, has
been a patient in Clinton Hospital,
returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, Judy
and Mark visited on Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Keller, •at Blyth.
Mr. -and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell,
with her parents, Mr. and . Mrs.
Go2id'on , R. Taylor. Mr. and Mra.
Rathwell leave on Friday for Flor-
ida to visit his parents in Florida.
on their holiday..
Mrs. William J. Craig had the
misfortune to fall last Friday and
suffered a fractured wrist,
l,fr, and Mrs. Duncan MaeKay,
Barbara and Johnny, spe.s.t the
week-evrd with her ()nother, John
R., Mrs. Weir, Joan and Bobby,
of London.
Miss Margaret King is a patient
in Alexandra Marine end. General
`Hospital, Godson. Mr. Donald
King, of Strathroy, and Mr. and
Mrs. Russel King visited with her
last Sunday.
Mrs. William Straughan visited
last week in Wingh.am with her
daughter, Mr's... Thomas Jardin, Mr..
Jardin and family.
Mr. George Haggitt received a
painful knee injury last Friday
night at the Blyth arena in the
hockey game between Auburn and
Skating Parties. — The Young
People's Society of Knox United
Church held their skating (party
in the Blyth arena Tuesday even-
ing of last week.' After a couple
of hours skating they returned to
the Sunday School room and were
served lunch. The ,A.Y.P.A. of St.
Mark's Anglican Church also en-
joyed their skating party last
Thursday night in the Blyth arena.
They all enjoyed a social time after
the skating at the rectory with
Rev. and Mrs. Bren de Vries.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler
were Lucknow visitors last Satur-
Mrs. James Raithby is a patient
in Clinton Hospital where she has
undergone surgery. Mr. and Mrs.
The hot one's even hotter!
Beautiful models— all with bold new Matoramic Styling.
More models -- including two new 4 -door hardtops and two new
9 -passenger Station Wagons. And all models.ofoffer a' choice 9
flashing power teams with horsepowers ranging up to 205.
There's flashing new ex-
citement awaiting you,
for these '56 Chevrolets
give new meaning to the
word "action".
Look them over! Look
at that bigger more massive grille. Let your
eye slide along that longer, more rakish
hood. Follow that lotit7er, speedline chrome
treatment back to these lSassy, high -set tail-
lights (the one on the left swings down to
uncover the gas cap).
old new MVIotoramic Styling, as you see!
Fine nety Contemporary Interiors, to be
sure! Gay new color's, indeed 1 But beytlnd
that, even more of the championship road -
action that made the '55 Chevrolet a
winner. You know the new Pike's Peak
record -holder has to have gornethirig very,
This is the greatest of them all,
very special in the way of power, ease -and
sureness of control, and nailed -to -the -road
Any kind of model anyone could want. All
of 'em have all the extra advantages of
Body by Fisher—the people who pioneered
and perfected the 4 -door hardtop. Your
choice of new "Blue -Flame" 6 with 140 hp
and new higher compression -- the 170 hp
"Turbo -Fire V8" (162 with Synchro-Mesh)
-- or, optional at extra cost, the "Super
Turbo -Fire"' with 205 hp and 9.25 to 1
compression ratio 1 Automatic mad comfort
features? If Chevrolet doesn't offer them,
it's oi'dy because they haven't been in-
vented yet. So try the hottest drive of the
year soon. You haven't tried anything new
until you've been behind the wheel of a
'56 Chevrolet.
• Not only does Chevrolet offer
a choice of V8 or 6 cylinder
engines, but they are the most
powerful and most efficient
engines in the low priced field.
No other car combines such
high compression ratios with
valve -in -head .operation, and
includes so many Other modern
!engineering discoveries. If a
power feature is good, if it's
practical, you can be cure that
Chevrolet engines have it 1
saa Pat
Lloyd Raithby and B. and Mrs.
Glen Raithby were visitors over
the week end with Mr. James
Raithby and ,aico vi9ited Mrs.
Mr. Robert Craig has accepted a
position in London.
Mrs. Earl Wightmam and Harvey
Wightman are visiting friends in
Mr. Robert Meflveen and friend,
of Niagara Falls, visited with his
uncle, Charles E. Asquith, Mrs.
Asquith and Mr. • and Ws. Ed.
Miss Isabel Deer has a position
atthe Neilan home at Lendesboro.
Mr. and Mrs.o Wi•Iliam Fast and.
son, of Leaden, visited recently
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles East, and 'Mr. and Mns.
Ted East and family.
Mr,_nand Mrs. Keith Machan and
Randy attended the Davidson -
Meehan last Saturday at
Monerief. wedding
Mrs. Homer Hoge, of Saskatoon,
Sask., visited last week -end with
her aunt; Mrs. Charles Straughan.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrew and
Miss Ethel Washington, of Gode-
rich,,,visited on Saturday with Mrs.
C. Straughan.
Miss Lillian Stewart and Mr.
Ross e11reeman, of London, spent
the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. William Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mohring
and family, of Goderich, and Miss
Carol Beadle, of London, visited
en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Beadle.
We are glad to report that Mr.
Wellington Good is improving in
health after a couple of weeks of
serious illness.
Guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Bradnock were Mrs.
Homer Hoge, of Saskatoon; IMrs.
Harold Nicholson, Karen and Gary,
of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Bennett, John, Jill and Jimmy, of
Port Albert; Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Hoge,' of RCAF Station, Clinton,
and Mrs. Charles Straughan.
Wedding Anniversary.—:Mr. and
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips entertained
at a fainily dinner at their home
on Sunday evening in honor of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel
Phillips, who on iMonday celebrated
their 61st wedding anniversary. On
Sunday Mrs. Phillips celebrated
her .84th birthday. Many friends
called on Monday to extend con-
gratulations to this couple and
wish them many more years of
health 'and happiness.
Many local hockey fans attended
the game__..in the lilt en jest
Monday night- when Auburn won
the . third game ' againstBlyth in
the playoffs and thus eliminated
Blyth. The Auburn team now
meet the 13th team.
Moar—Hoge.--White and yellow
chrysantheemums .and lighted tap-
ers in the Protestant Chapel, RC-
AF, Clinton Radar Station, was a
pretty setting for the marriage of
lee eEekas aeldest--.daughter
of'Mr. and Mrs. R. 4,. Moar, Suther=
land, Sask., and LAC Alan Els-
worth Hoge, yoringest son • of Mr.
and Mfrs. Homer W. Hoge, of Sask-
askatoon, Sask. The ceremony was
perfc hied by Padre B. Garrett, of
the Clinton RCAF Station, on Feb-
ruary 24, 1956, at 'T p.m. The
beautifulbride entered the chapel
on the arm of her uncle, Squadron
Leader R. A. Maar, of Camp Bor-
den, to the strains of Lohengein's
wedding march played by Mrs.
Marshall. Her white wedding
own had a strapless bodice of
mported hand -clipped chantilly
ace and gossamer nylon tulip
kirls over satin.. The outer skirt
was embroidered with a ' sequin
rim design. Har matching lace
acket had long lily point sleeves.
The veil was 'gathered to a white
owerbandeau and she wore a
tring of pearls and matching Bar-
ings and curried a bouquet of
ed roses. The bridesmaid, Miss
arol Wa-hbrook, of RCAF Station,
Linton, wore a brocaded beige
ocktail-length ghwn, pink head-
ress, pink glove, and carried a
ouquet of pink carnations. The
ittle flowergirl, Miss Marilyn
eyes, of Varna, wore a blue nylon
et dress with matching bonnet
nd carried a basket of baby white
urns. The groomsman was LAC
auriee Landry, of RCAF, Clinton.
immediately after the ceremony,
oly Communion was administered
o the bride and groom by Padre
arrett. During the signing of
he register, Mr. Marshall, of
CAF, Clinton, the guest soloist,
ang "O Promise Me." A rccep- ,
on followed in the annetr,of the
hapel where the guests Were re-
eived by :he bride's mo:her.wear-.�
ng a grey tailored suit, white
louse and navy accessories with a I
orae of red roses. The groom's
other assisted in a gown of navy
repe ,trimmed with navy lace,
ellow aecessorieand corsage of
ellow roses. The pride's table
as adorned with a pillared tiered
edding cake which had come
om Saskatoon. The groomsman
ead telegrams of eon rratulations
om Saskatoon and Flin Flon.
or travelling on the honeymoon
ip to Niagara Falls and Toronto,
e bride whr"-ir rOd O 4, 'e suit
ith white accessories and corsage.
uests were present from Sask-
oon, Sask.; Sutherland, Sask.;
amp Borden, Belgrave, Seaforth,
ort Albert. and Auburn. The
room's- mother was a farmer Au -
urn girl who was Miss Laura
urdoek and resided for years at
e home of the late Mr. hlsworth
-att. Mrs, Charles Straughan
d Mr. and Mrs .We..s. 13radnock
re guests at this wedding.
Mrs. James Webster.—After a
ngthy illness, Mrs. Janes Web-
er passed away at Clinton on
bruary 24, tn her nth year
e former Eva Cole, she was
rn in Hullett Township on De-
mber 26, 1877, to ,her late' par-
ts, Samuel Cole and Judith Hill.
e lived all her life in Huliett -
wnship and ettended school a'
S. No. 8. On August 28, 1408,
e was nnamiedd to James Webster,
Londesboro, who predeceeLsed
✓ several years age.. Mrs. Web -
✓ had been a member of the
uburn Baptist Church utere she
'?ended reegu arty when heat
tc i� lttdttl. t Sur ived b
,IILVGSBRIDGZ, Feb. 27.,, 31r.
and 64 .9. Beam Martin visited with
their tlalig ,'tc r in Hamilton during
the past week.
i3!r. Pete Captein left :here .,01
Tue.aley for Sudbury 1"r-: Ore is •QN-
perts to anakeh s haeme .o
while, having rented " ills 'farm ifor
this year. Mrs. Captein and .&).wby
will be joining hiI!1 in S nd,&rnry
Mors. 4d. Sinnott, Mrs. Jack KTh-
nay and Mrs. Ursula Hebert, of
Detroit, spent a few days with
relatives here last week,
Councillor Thoma., Howard .ret-
tended the Good Roads' Convention
in Toronto daring the past week.
Solemn Requiem Mass was cele,.
brated Wednesday in St. Joseph's
Church at 10.30 a.m. for the late
Mrs. P. M. Sullivan with (Rev. Fr.
Michael Dalton, of Woodslee, as
celebrant, Rev. Fr. Van Vynckt, as
deacon, and Rev. Fr. ¢"sham,
Clinton, as sub -deacon. Monsignor
Morrison, of St. Thomas, spoke
bri eiy, requesting that we con-
tinue our prayers for our deur
departed. Several nuns from St.
Joseph's Mothenhou:se, London, at-
tended the funeral as a tribute to
the late Mrs. Sullivan, together
with all members of her family,
namely: Mr. and "(Mrs. J. P. Sul-
livan, and Mr. and aVlrs. Leon Sul-
livan, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Morrison, of Dublin; Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Jaye, of Detroit; and
families; Sr. Dionynius (Eileen), of
two sons: Harry in Hullett Town-
ship with- wham she had resided
and a•.Zsn. another son, Roy, of
Stevensville, Ontario, and 4 one
sister, Miss Fanny Cole, who had
lived all her life with her. The
funeral was held in the Auburn
Baptist Church on Monday, Febru-
ary 27, at 2 p.m. with the indnister,
Rev. John Ostrom, offioiatiri Jy1rs.
Ostrom was the .soloist and saitg
"Stinrise," which had been request-
ed by the family. Interment took
place at ,Hope Chapel cemetery,
Hullett Township. ' P'llbearers
were: Stanley Ball, Guy Cunning-
ham, Arthur Hallam, Henry flunk-
ing, Lorne Hunking and Andrew
0 0 0
German rearming, when fully
under way, will produce some
500,000 troops for about the same
money Canada spends -for 120,000.
Saute; 'Sr. a`tX' raise (Patricia), Los-
£ St. Thoma;, anal Sr, M.
Mar aerite, of Yellow n. e,
who ie, ed 4t6 Toon-don.
via planes to x tteml ber ImAlwefir
funeral. • The 'pallbearers
Alta S, Dalton, Dennis Dalton,
Matt Foley, Mark . Dalton, Jelin
O'C nnor'F and N,. • X311 ' on ',
/I duet, "Mother Dear,.. wa3 rend-
ered by 'Ray"Dalton and Walter
Dalton while the mourners wend,,,,,
cd'• their Way. to St. Joseples come.
tery where aatorment was made.
Weekend 'visitorrThere wed
M s -Malay Sheridan•,. of Toronto,
Mm Maureen Vassella, of Wind.
sor, Jimmy Sinnott of Detroit, and -
Desmond O'Donnell, Of Sarnia. >,
i _-.- -..-_ __._ ---WORK FULLY W LY GUA,RArNTEtED
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