HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-03-01, Page 7• MARCH 1St, 1950 There are a million, More Cent adiaias swithhjoba today than ten ears orgo. 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY I CHIROPRACTIC IFTERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. "-"I" 'Doctor of Chirepratic. Vitamin Therapy O co—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. Bottie Ciubs Are MastedRy Ail itte creralii hake,, 19-yearsOld air man 'at the Clinton R044' Station, will be charge4 with eareles drks- ing as a result of the traffic death of a Clinton 'woman. Croovu Attorney ff. « Olean,SIVE; WO in G$4rge Of an Jignest irate the death of >M'rs. FlOrella. David- son, 58, When a coroner's, .jary found the yotng airman ,partly s sonsi'b1e for the wwman's death February 42. Provincz' Constable Robert, 'Sims, of She Gederich de. t achme it, is in eharge of the in- vestigations. ,Continenting on a Jur recom- MendattOn that "the sake of an. toxieating liquor at the RCAF Sta- tion, .Clinton:, be more strictly con - THE OLD HOME TOWN ALBERT PUBLIC AC OFFICE 38 HamPiton St. PHONE 975 Godorich. 1:14* RESIDENCE 39 Victoria 5t., . South PHONE 444 T▪ OWN 'n COUNTRY -BEAUTY SHOPPE BAYFIELD ROAD By appointment only. Phone 1292W12 Goderich 7tf Stiles Ambulance* (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Insured Rest Asset -ed. " Bank of Coinm. Bldg. Telephone 268. o Lieat. Joan. Vaughan, of the,Sal- vation Army Corps here, was pre- sented with a leather handbag and cup and saucer by her friends in the Comps, following the service's at the Citadel, last week. Lieut. Vaughan has left to aceept a posi- tion in Wallaceburg. BAC KAC H E May beWarning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or dud tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 41 OLAD 0014 4914saia, alA$ NOT roned E I O SIGisTAL. TAR 6reka Alf Y By, STANLEY KIP STUFF-- gtv. rt0Tuns smocc0m. tat. WORLD MOM MUM 400,10000000, awswawwWWWWWWWWWWWW/Wass Tfte Dungannon United Church ipass*aige wae the setting at noon Saturday for itho exchanging of snorrIage vows between Raymond Kenneth Haggai, Sheppardton and Isols Margaret Matthews, of Nile. The ;bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews, of Nilee and the ,ote om is the son of Sheppardton. 'ev. George Watt eificiated. The ibride was dressed in a powdee blue .suit, with white ac- er• ieali Beauty rosebuds. The ,brisiesmaid, Mrs. Henry Drennan, of Kintail, sister of she bride, wore a grey suit, with white acaessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. The grocrmsman was William Truitt; of Gariden City, Michigan. The bride's mother was dressed in navy blue to receive the guests at a teception at the home of the The bride chose as her travelling ette dress, a blue toe coat,' with white trim, a white hat and cor- sage of pink rosebuds. Following theif wedding' trip' to the United States, the cottple will reside at the groom's farm. at Sheppardton. 0 TOUR SHEAFFER PLANT Executive members of the Strat- ford Foremen's Club, at a meeting at the Stratford Y.M.C.A., Tuesday evening ef last week, formulated plans for a tour of the Sheaffer Pen Company plant in Goderich. The tour will be made sometime this raontle DON'T WORRY ABOUT G. B. CLANCY (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. TV SERVICE THIS IS Ottrf,tx SOUND SERVICE. Phone 598 127 Widder St, 22tf HAROLD JA OMIT. ri..HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 MEMORIALS T. Pryde & Son tsi FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business in - Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 -- Church St. Local Reprosentative— s ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone 158 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: 343J 39 West St. House 343W Goderich C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobilet Casualty Real Estate' 80 Colborne St., Goderiob , TELEVISION - REPAIRS TO Al+ MAKES. Complete work bench of all TV Testing Equipment., TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE— 'ANY MAKE. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 460.1, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 !or appointment Goderich 38tf Phone 235 Co -Op. Insurance Geo. Turton R,R. 5, Goderich Phone collect 179 Carlow Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road (Corner South Street) Phone 1011 sefeeksitesoeffrie 44-13 Nisi U NI 4C 1 I'M *eashin. ow pay -later plan! Now you can get the cash you need promptly and PAY * Mil in monthly amounts thatowe hand -tailored to yOur incOlmel * • And get these in the bargain: Cash In 1 Visit -Phone' first, then • come in. 8111 consolidation Saralee sit no extra cost! ExCluslv• * • Nationwide Cash Credit Card. Phomeowrite, o come In today and * see why nearly milliett people chose hist yearl * * 59 ONTARIO. STREET0 STRATFORD. ' Room 4, Above' Meitropolitott *We Plionet Strafford OPEN EVENINGS BY APtOlItlArNt,-PHONE YON. tVENI1,10 'NOM totos =do to (What of so tortrotintliol Ittrtnt • Med mini Seems et tamale, with Fuel or Weather ORDER A TON NOW OF ar Don't be fooled! There's plenty of winter ahead Replenish your bin NOW with 'blue coal'. Finish up the winter with the finest heating, the greatest comfort, the utmost economy that money can buy! Remember, with 'blue coal', you KNOW what you're getting ! No gamble. No risk. The BLUE color identifies it—guarantees the quality! For Low Cost Automatic Heating Cut down basement trips . .-. save fuel, money, time, trouble ... with' the 'blue coal' TempMaster. "Electric Eye" ther- mostat regulates dampers from living room .. . gives you siniple inexpensive, automatic heating day a night. Phone for %hie COar now Edward Coal Co. "The Heat Folks" PHONE 98 GODERICH OUT ON A LIMB' %hare is something abottt winter that' iorings. out the, best in the smallitown °male. It is a time of "•year he feels nottung but pay fpr his, city Countexpart. And the ifact that the latter feeling the s,ame.for him bothers him not hi the least. exubeiranee does not appear among sinalltown womesu. They go all sort of drab, bundle theniselves in the -Most imprObable end tutbe- red noses te . leg each other about all the sieluiess they've had in their 'family this winter. But the men tin a snug town, wheiV: 'winter has settled in for sure, come 'Out of their good, hon- est, dull Canadian shells and as- sume a eolor and vitality that is almost Elizabethan; * N for' ti.:45m the dull greys and ibl and browns of the city fel- low's feathers. No sir. Around here, at any rate, they blossom into exotic apparel that would de- light the eyes of a chieftain on the Conga. From head to toe they have east off motu-ning and turned into swashbucklers. 'fake their hats, for example. I doubt'. if there's anothet country .in the ,world where a fellow could look out his office window and see such' a violent variety of cranium coinfotters as I do, on a- winter's There goes old Dave McLintock, a blaek and scarlet Balmoral at' a jaunty angle, his 80 -year-old ears defying the mercury. There goes Captain Bligh, the sailor, borne for the winter, a vtast fur hat that was .brought home from the Crimean War by his grandfather marking his progress as he heads for the pub at opening time. 'Across the street stands the rich- est man in town, exchanging mort- gage notes with the secondsriehest. cap With grey fur ear -lugs, turned up. , The other wears a tweed eap that makes him look like a refugee from the Dublin underworld. And so it goes. You don't see four fedoras in a fortnight. And their plumage is juet as etching from the waist .down. 1 one of these dull iblaok overcoats ike the city boys. It's. wool jackets in brilliant plaids and checks, leather jackets with .bright scarves, hunt- ing coats with /14 CollOrs. But the change is not merely superficial. The small-town ,male also undergoes a startling inner transition in the wistter. FOr the meechants- business is lousy any- way, so there's no use worrying about it. He spends a lot of time in the coffee shop. Maybe he slips up to the court -room the day the judge conies around, to see how many drunks the Chief has picked up in the last few weeks. But ,inost of the day he stands around the oil heater, aeguing about the last hockey game with all the loiterers who have come in te get out of the cold. Occasion- ally a "hopeless salesman wanders in and friend merchant promptly draw. The odd customer drops in to exchange a Christmas present. - It a pleasant, if profitless, way to spend a day. But you ought to hear him when he gets home after locking the store. "What a day!" he groans as he sits down to the hot dinner this wife has spent an hour preparing. "Worked like a beaver !", shove l 1 i ng in the potatoes. So she tells him to lie down while she does the diShes. After. he has recovered his strength, she timidly suggests a movie or that they drop over and "Gotta go to a meeting. Besides, you must be tired out. Why dOn't you just go to bed early and get GOOD GOING TUES. & ViED. March 6th " RETURN MINT — 7 DAYS Between GODERICH and STRATFORD - TORONTO - - 7th Return fare YOU SAVE - - $1.80 $1.10 5.05 3.15 Baregain Fares also apply between TORONTO and Return Fare YOU SAVE OTTAWA - 10.00 6.30 A186 between points listed and INTERMEDIATE e Stations with proportionate savings. * Children under 5 travel free -5 and under 1 , Regular 130 lb. baggage allowance Watch for Bargatn Coach Fares effective APRIL 17.18 T-6-7. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS a good sleep. Yall g.0 keeP your When 4ie's off to ledge. 02r Ro- tary. Or Kinsmen. Or a ineetiug of the Ways antit Means Cominatee. Or the Chamber of 'Commerce. Or trio l'arks Board- Or the 'board, of Udueatien, Or a session 'of the iehureh elders. Or the /Mb. OP the` poolroom. Or -the illoeln But it's at those Meetings 'that the reaL winter -time, buccaneering, Adventurous sVrit Of the sinalls town male i3 SeVar Ut its best. Wander into any 'heated, liakted room in town,. whetb.er it be church basement, toWn gom- munity centre or what hive you, and there'll loe meting going on. There he'll be, with the best of them, seconding motions with a nonchalance that would put to shame many a chairman of the Nege of this big -city etiffness them, either. . It would take your ,breath away, the ease with whicb the boys call the President "George," -or the fartiliarity with which they borrow a match from the bank manager. It's at these mid -winter meet- ings that the bold daring plays are made to fill ithe town dump and build eehousing•development on it; toechtett the swamp south of town and get. a big industry to settle there; to "get after" the govern- ment about a grant for the park; to draft up a resolution to Ottawa about the water in the lake going Yes, it would faipy make your head swim to think of what the old town's going to be like in a couple of years. There'll be no holding it, once spring comes, and all the "projects" can be put into effect. Of course, spring does come eventu,ally. And it brings along some friends: trout s,eason; garden, ing; tourists, a pickup in business. -Attendance -dwindles off ,at the meetings until only the chairman of the committee shows up, 'so it's decided te cancel meetings until tee fall. OUT friend is back in his groove, working hard, making money, try- ing to raise 'asparagus or catch- sp,eolded trout. But his winter hat, though it's packed away in mothballs under the blankets, is a defiant symbol that the free -wheel- ing, bold -spirited attack on the swamp, the government, the town dump, and the heavy industry will be resumed again as soon as the snow starts to fly. Prior to 1.9a5 the U.S. led the world in newsprint production, now has only .one-fifth of this country's production. Nursing Home - Pleasant surroundings. Operated by Reg. Nurse. Properly balanced home cooked tmals. Tray service. Mrs. H. Earnshaw PHONE 1593 53 NORTH STREET FAST RELIEF FOR THROAT' QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 2.:What. proportion of blabs in 3.1tiniat PrOPOrtion,ef the Canadian tax dollar is spent on education? IvelPro and swig]. oecurity? 4.Name the 'only -Olin tO ever sail From raciae to AtizIntle via the Northwest Passage. .urrent minima governing* NO nue from *Ins tax vizir million, $375 million, glerte no& tax dollar;, 0pcial security 4114 WM- fare, between 25 and 30 colts. LIM 4. The BC241,14rip St, in 194042. 2. Better than TELEVISION TUBE PROTECTION Picture Tube policy when,raplecement. Striall Tubes Policy -43.75 eXtre Op to 24 IV taboo. P7otection of electronic equipment Mies- on polliy of premium rates. We will call on you personally upon ressuost, No charge or obligethm. FOR INFORMATION WRITE 00X-65/SIGNAL4TAC • 'TRANS CANADA CREDIT LIFE 1N$URED LOANS ...a really -safe way to borrow' You owe it to your family to insist on life insurance protection when you borrow . and every Zrana Canada Credit loan et.,to.„,ittfes 2,1,,,fis extra measure of security at no extra cast, benefit. If your preseist loan is not covered by Life insurance, don't delay ... see Trans Canal? Credit noW. Life insured Loans are quickly and easily arranged on your own credit at your nearby Trans Canada Credit *office. Besides lifo insurance at no extra coat, Trans Canada Credit offers you many ettra-aalue, exira protection features in its largo selection of convenient loan plans. So be sure, when you borrow. Arrange your Trans Can.fida Credit life insured loan now. THE ALL -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY • atm CORPORATION LIMITED 148 THE SQUARE , Telephone, Goderich 797 A great soul prefas moderation S the Tiouse of Seagram Men who think' of tomorrow prim&