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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-23, Page 7
TIAIDISPAY, We% 2.34 3,0* veW Vie 1954 Oeeeven, Nhk.14,a 36 0143 .0edr t Churcb,ill, Set are-. .. tori &Or ` the northern " Manitoba seep. GOIH loTERBERV B. SUCH, DX. Doctor of Chiropratie. Mee hours; , Moxl.v ThUrs.-9 'axe. to 5 pen. Tares., Fri. --9 a.r. to 8 pen. p.m. to 8 p.tn. Wed 1t€ Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.tn, Vol ami. Therapy Mice -=Corner of South St. aid Britannia Road. Phone 341. ALBERT MIME PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 797, Goderich, Ont. OFFICE RESIDENCE 38 Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St., PHONE 975 South 47-13xtf PHONE 444 r r r TOWN 'in COUNTRY BEAUTY I HOPPE BAYFIELD ROAD By appointment only. Phone ' I299W12 Goderich 7tf lM+k19NNMMiR411NI4*N0/t Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere -- Anytime PHONE 399 • 77 Montreal St., Goderich A. J. `Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. G. B. OLAITOY Optometrist --Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, • Goderich. BUTTON, BUTTON BRING US LUCK is the superstitious wish of Leading Airwoman 011ie Bruce of Trenton, N.S., and Corporal Jim King, Winnipeg, high on a rooftop at the RCAF Fighter Wing in Baden-Soellingen; Germany, where a chimney-swee p is working. German tradition maintains that when. the buttons of a chimney-sw ep---oe-sehnrntein-ferger are touehea he- -beings- mtimgmawriginammimilimr 1 DONN'[T.- j WORRY ABOUT SERVICE THIS IS OUR BUSINESS RADIO, TV & SOUND SERVICE. B. R. Munday Phone 598 127 Widder St. 22tf CALL US WHEN pEfN12 ANC? HAVE A i BATHROOM THATt A PRIZE! HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON -LAND -PERTH DEME TERM MEMORIALS T. Pryde & Son EXET R Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK R LIFE IIND twR1 Life, annuities, business in- surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. Local Representative— ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone 158 Let's talk over with you new bathroom plans you have in mind. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant House 343W Goderich Office: 343J 39 West St. C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fare, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 80 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Oerrespondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements Iran be made for Sales Date by caning- Phone 406J, Ol n ton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETiIBT Phone 1i00 tor appointment SQUARE , GitI ERICH TELEVIS1ON REPAIRS 1'O ALL MAKES. Completerwvarkbench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV_AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE—. ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric Goderich Phqne 235 38tf Co -Op. Insurance Car—Accident—Liability Geo, Turton R.R. 5, Goderich - Phone collect 179 Carlow Roy N. Bentley Public Accounfaitit 4 Britannia Road (Corner South Street) Phone 1011 Goderich, Ont. -- 44-13 LO endedm y worn. 10' ."ri,..ts .Nil Consolidation Service .homed me how to clean up bills and reduce monthlypayments that were too high. And then in a single visit admonal lent nae the cash to ge; • forks tartl" Yo i, too, con get 4, cash loan in just 1 visit to the oftieee�i If you phone- firm Orolttnerie abnvetietit, write or come in. loon 350 is WOO ttramere iK #lgnature,'fwttitws or pits a -" 59 ONTARIO STREET, S TRATFORD iiiii14,4411414 a t�Na *Oro • NNW.* Stnitford 2155 tom 6yEN lttgq AYivoottemet4r. PHt H1 1 * !;MMHOURS. '"tax br ; H+ w it xttl t+att* WO 1 howl Now twit; of f nils strcnijth to fife, onLy rlo&ation fives it Lrm. the J-totse Are fihD 1lr)tl a f.,. jean PauCtbictittr �f ,Seagram tomo. oto practice moderation' today A`w OUT ON .A LIMB WITH BILL SMILEY I should have known better, right from the beginning. I've .been, over the same rocky rd before. But even 1, who naturally shy away from all forms of decor- ation and renovation, had to admit that our bathroom was in pretty tough shape.: v w 00 4, You had to be a pretty f working plumber to make toilet hush. You gook the lid the W.C., grabbed a plunger lifted it. The water ran. But y had to have engineer"papers get it stopped. Many a night I' lain there in bed and pretend I was lying beside a gurgl. Major Stores gushing, chuckling trout stream. air the off ` and 'on to ve The j Archy ',D, 'Feb. 0eaVi `a. Emil Nergard, 'd Wv. t;ems giNirtZEk tud ' Bu1.4.teG, of �Dy.e.t:'roit, lAtha Mrs ' 3ruc , 'rc1KAl1T4i r and Mt. bt. Y1.+4174WtlivrLC t to :their hO f:CJ. 111ra...tgoncr ef, wh .&:a been staying"the last three years With her ' >u, Gci3rg;c,. sad airs. •1lionwaref lZas 'returned- ,+o her borne at - Penticton, +. Brititb Ca umbia. • Mr•.:,B:u1 Varrish Made a.busine trigto Londcna r c fitly. Mr: and .MMLrs. Tare. Bogie, :of Lon, �don'i ited with. friends. in i int oil recently. Mrs, Neil l4I D& n lel, who has _spent the hast six weeks with ad 1 them, has returned to her home here. • The •C,G.I.T. held their meeting at lho' home of Margaret Ann Mae - Donald on Monday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van der Ley 'have been engaged as caretaker of the Ashfield Presbyterian Church. The - World .Day of Prayer was held • at the home of Mrs. Ileer•y MacKenzie on Friday. . ' 4 Goderich Ontario Then there was the sink. It leaned away from the wall at a jaunty angle, hanging onto ' the laths by sheer will power. The plaster ,behind it had all fallen off. Abid the floor was rather a pro- blem. Some .pltunber of former days .had cut away • joists with a fine disregard .for the law of grav- ity, and in some spots the only thing that kept you from falling through into the room below, was the linoleum. 4 4' There was also a stovepipe hole in. the ,floor that presented some- thing of a hazard. I kept intend- ing to cover it with something but didn't get around to it. Not until the night one .of the kids went into the bathroom in the dark, stepped into the hole and dropped right into the living -room, fortun- ately landing on top of the china cabinet, whielt broke his fall, did I ifinally, agreethat • something should 15b done about the bath- _roam- * 4' 4 4 I agreed to a new toilet, new sink, and some work on the floor, with maybe a bit of cheap lino- leum. The old bath -tub was good enough for somebody's great- grandfather, so t was good enough for me. The whole business was going to egst around $200. It hurt, but there' -, wasn't much more I could nay. I'd exhausted my sup- ply of brief lectures on enonemy, the hardships of our pioneer grandparents, who didn't even have a bathtoom, ,,and ,the foolish idea of women .that just because a thing looks as bhoughe it had Dome out sof the ark is no reason to replace it, as long as it works. * 4 T 4 Well, the !construction foreman at our place, who doubles as Wife, got talking it over with various - Every one .of them had a different Idea on, the color scheme to be used. But they all agreed on a -few simple, basic points. Namely, that the old bath -tub should go because its Victorian style would not "go with" the new sink and toilet; that you should do the job properly, because you spend so much time in the bathroom, and it will "last you the rest of your life." 4: 4' 4: s: Translated into English, this last remark, means you spare no ex- pense. It means that instead of some good, ordinary linoleum, you get inlaid tile, yet, on the floor, with plywood under that, to make it lie flat. It means that instead of an honest white sink and toilet,, you wind up with a deep pink three-piece outfit. And that looks so good you have to have some- thing to really set it off, so in- stead of a gallon of paint, its ex- pensive wall tile all around the joint, _4 ,: And of course, none of the new pieces fit in where thr old ones were, so you get hooked for a whole mess of new pipes and stuff. Then, everything looks so nice that that old cupboard sticks out like a sore thumb, so you rip it out and build a new one. • 4, A' 4• 4, It's painful to dwell upon, even after several weeks, but I went through sheer hell. Even the old. light fixtures and towel racks were ripped out. I fought every inch of the way but was pushed slowly I toward bankruptcy by that inevit- ableI feminine logic that goes: "Well, you certainly wouldn't want that cheap -looking old towel rack or that crumby light fixture to spoil the whole effect, would you?" I never got past the "No, but . stage before she'd switch the at- tack to "what's the use of me .working so hard to make a nice home for you, if you're going to find . fault with every little change?" ;, Little change! By the time the whole deal was completed, I didn't even have a little change, let alone a dollar bill. `L'ithiax carne when I learned, ttrtlt' ?1lr' tiTet seat was to be pink mother-of-pearl. That really tore it. A e 4' A .But man is quite an adaptable creature. Now that I've managed to arrange a second mortgage on "tile house, in order to pay for that pink nightmare, I've been able to regain some of my customary wary equanimity. * 0 4, o Ito oast, doers are times, as I sit in contemplative mood on that pink mether'ofipearl seat, gazing about at the, pink walls, pink cur- tains and pink fixtures when I can even stop doing mental arithmetic concerning the number of years It will take to pay for It all. When .arch rare moments arrive, I actual- .ly cit back, Sooting like Scotte brienta'lotent:ate, and enjoy It t.11, waiting for make , totitmd in the tenth features wast -tone worsteds in your new Royal York suit tailored -to -measure by W. 11. Johnston Company limited STYLE LEADERS FOR 88 YEARS The new smooth British fabrics with the popular Tweed appearanceand the comfort of fine Worsteds. ' 2 pc. $6950 THE MAJOR STORES Goderich Ontario APPROVE HOG IstermitteOts , _. ooupled with the oceac.low41.thaw t*, tttnu& #c� augment Ilia water. supply„ ;day a fir. W. Mit ih weekly: 1Bl y fc,port Virr4.lz little ter' TZo ,fit a.0xrei tent � erang ,of 11arya iasiur . Uit1 „ :,' i .eat 1'1445 >.to wlniterjng' vo1l, •AP oximutely 0 fp er$L -ten4I d U,unty Ilex Produerat meting last 'week.. The !a jority of .f leeso attending ` n1e tin; lave ° t#' .eir'.,'n ro~war of ' the rcgrnm that Pie 010 011) 110e P:,odite oro' Cowaative is,earrYing out -on- ibehealf of the hog .pro:Jim- I ers. ' C Two *. Saturday and thekt of auto putt the c tM iMotiuris Parr, are iu :Huron will' wear before K Ileb-ues iwte Tina Chief of i"t iiee k'. )k1'. i atm& ed Arthur Thomas Clarke, et Clmfo. rich, and Robert J. Coleman, et Clinton; an connection with the 1ltc . lirk:; ori, -'r, a 42•patt id, 14-04001pike' d Lake Atnaba ka fig 19114 we�ara is believed to have est lislied a Canadian record.. Take no more:chain es with unidentified fuels 'blue co THE COLOR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY - Dont take a chance with =fuet or w.ea Chert ;.iepleijsh your bin NOW with 'blue coal'. Come sngw, cold: or bitter temperatures, you'll be all set 'with a fuel you KNOW will give you better heat, .}ye economy, moire satisfaction, more value jor every ceei t-, perge Order now! Get acquainted with to fuel that takes, every risk out of coal buying --'blue coal' is colored BLUE—your identification, your protection, your guarantee of the world's finest anthracite. -FOR LOW COST AUTOMATIC HEATING Cut down basement trips ... save fuel, moneys , time, trouble ... with the 'blue coal' TempMaster. "Electric Eye'' thermostat regulates dampers from liv- ing room ...gives you simple, inexpen- sive, automatic heating day and night. Order 'blue coal now dward Coal Co. « he Heat-Fd-ksL ;, b PHONE 98 a -" ,�_.��. - . GODERICH ` doo3ooee'",�..o.,akww. �- I `". ''''''''''.*40111;.4.44,R '° , '..tea . 441 TELEPHONE FAMILY, Mrs J. E. Masse, seated on the right, wan once a Bell operator herself. Now all six daughters shown here area members of Bell'a Montreal staff. Left to rightSuzanne, Micheline, Lie, Mrs. Mme, Derlige, Rita (Mrs. Lavigueur) and Claudette (Mrs. Gauthier). They followed in their mothers' footsteps Mrs Myrtle Boye of Toronto (far right) with her three daugh- ter© -- all fellow workers at Bell. Left to right: Mrs., ShirleRa- puska, Dille. Gwen Robison, Marlene iioye and Mrs. Boye. It happens over and over again. A daughter seen how much her Mother likes her telephone job and decides she would like to foil +w in her footsteps. So in she comes to work at the Bell. Wheal daughter follows mother and brother follows sister and son follows father you can be pretty sure that people have found Lots of good reasons for joining the telephone company. They know from firsthand experience that the Bell is a good place to work. ... While at reeedote Ont., Mr -a. Ada 1)c11a*Lonna srkl heir daughter Barbara antro up :au,,... other Dell family teas... THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY NY Of CANADA A-GoOd relate to Work