HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-7-3, Page 1, VOL. XVII. NO: LEGAL, ASO TJ O_T & MIDDLESEX X G AZET TE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE " ' � THEY 11IAI. 38• EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1800 T -2,uI SON, Barrister, Soli- .' af�iirpromo Cour t,Not aryPuwlic QOnI,yene'er ('JnlnliaBiOnd::r.4r`e. Money to T,Qa,tt. • Qtticoiu Fa,nscn,'s Block, Exeter, COLI L,1U S, Barrister,. Solicitor, Qonveyaillcer, ; tc., 11STT.•.>;, s ONT. ek. Ttall'aold °glee,) E.T.tI,IOT do ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ?dile Conveyancers t ":1louey to Lean at Lowest Bates 0 Interest. utas ,. OFiIQE, AIN, STREET, EXETER a. v.ltrt,UlT. 7, P-t.I,tor. arENTAL. LI NGS, OFR/Viet ot'axQ' Nitraua Qxido ices for Painless Encyst;an. TT •KI NSMAN,OFNTIST.L.D,u Sunman's BJbc1c, 1ittin•st, Exeter Extracts Teeth wltlao1ltpain, by givi nit Vegetable, Vapor, told Filings ,anti' all other dental work tine meat possible. (:Gees o ?,t^xtcra on lsatTlnnredasin salt mental; GREAT EMERGENCY AT TJIE—• UI11 II11tII E%ETER. T 'I'tJiI[, Haring bought over 10 tons cif sugar just prior to the re- cent sharp advance a and part of the Wholesale Bankrupt t Stock o Skirting Embroideries, Lawns and silk Gloves be- longing to the Estate of -White Petter, Wellington Gloves, Toronto, also a large portion of a wholesale stock 0f Ready --Made Clothing. We are compelled to raise a large ^'*bunt of money quick. In order to do this we are going sacrifice our whole stock, We will give MEDICAL; • T W. BROWNING AI, D., M. ( tJl� • P.S,•3rltduatat iatorinCPntveratt •,0111 5 as anti lreaitlence,Derx:hionl,aborator v,Exeter DR. fi5NDMAN, Porous? for the County of llama,. Office, opposite Carling's store,1;aoter• DR.,J. A. ROLLIN , M. O.2:>. O. ORlco,Main S.,.Exotor,Out.Roeiden aohousec o(Rattly oceupfod by 1',11feI1uI Esq. I'. (J}UT'CEN, M. 3)., C. M., • G ^•Ito Trinity University. Tor- onto t Fol.:t'in sled. sated!, Toronto ; Grad, Ana Inst..Craniology ; :timber N. Y. Acari. Anthropology; :Member Col. 1'. til, Ont•-- edleo, Dashwood. Ont. AUCTIONEERS. _TL+ NRX' LILBL+ r, Licensed Auo ;r - ▪ ttoue.4tor L ay,3tephon, and Mc(litli• tray Townships, ,tlaleseonduetedatmollerate rates. Qigao--AtPost•o1Uoo,Oreaiton,01a• EIl IL t•o o O 'Q GILL, Auo 1 neer for the T , ti Townships of 1 wn I Ins Stephen, Ray and 'Cleburne andtho Village of Exeter, All sales promptly s.ttendod, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office VETERINARY. SHELLINGLAW & CURRIE Veterinary Surgeons can bo consulted at Clark's ffotel, Croditon, or tat Staffs. A full stook of Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a specialty. R. CARR, VETERINARY • Surgeon. honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College, Toronto, wishes to inform the public that ,he is now prepared to do ail work hi Veterinary lino, Calls answered at all hours. Office, Kirkton, 3 Ino Ont. TT C. DOAN, VETERINARY • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College. Toronto, honorary member of the Medical Society. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines kept constantly on hand. Office, opposite E. Bossouberry's hotel, Hensen. N.B.—Vet- erinary dentistry and surgery a apooialty. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, raduetas of the Ontario Veterinary College OTTIQE One door South of Town Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. ATONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6f percent, 525,000 Private Funds • Bost Loaning Co1r.*�e,niesrepresented. rk L.H DICKSON, Barcieter,Ea°ter, ..,..-,....��,�' INSURANCE THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. ead Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of' successful business, still continues to offer the owvners of farm property'. and private residencies, either: on, buildings or contents ,the most favorable • protection in ease of •loss. c ' damage by Ore orlightning, at rates upon such', liberal terms, thetno other respect, oblo company can afford to wtlte.:;: 42,375 polo dies in: force let Jan ,1890. ;Assets -$378,428.00 in cash in bank.l,.Governlnent dopes t. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAarns GRANT, President ; D: C.'MCOax:uo• Motnager • DAVI» AMISS, Agent for Exeter and vicinity. u-1WATERLOO MUTUAL If IRE. INSU.RA,NO EGO Establishedi,n 1863. • AHEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Thla eomxany'has been over. Eighteen oars inluecessfu%operation in Western On• fhir o,anddontinues to insure againstloss or mage by fire 1 dilddngs,liferchand.ise,Man• actories,and, all othordesoriptionsofllnsur- o pioperty. C Mending'insurers have the Lionel insuring.onthe Premium Note or ash System . During the °pastten; years this Oompany asissued ;7,090< Policies'.coverini property the arnauntol;t40,872,038 ;aildflaid intoss- e lonet706.M2,40 • tssetS ',rS176,100.00,c;outdating 'of Ca .h d auk, Government flep•osit ;and the n nails. erlPreminmNotesoiihandandinfore°. J Witinnw7i D.Presidex.t. 0, M.Taxx,ox etar`y.',7.ff. Hnattas,T;rspeotor. CHAS: 1, Agentfor:0keteia'nuviol nit, r SUOII DARGI as Exeter never before heard of. Test the veracity of our statements by comparing the prices we quote with what you have been .paying for similar goods. Remember we ]lever copy, we never follow, we always go below the lowest. No use in r� regular dealers trying toco 03 7.4 04a V4aTV(Our VIIP= They can't do it for we are the leaders. Now listen to what we are doing in CLAVIIMEING • p er 045 M m 'We have just opened up a beautiful lot of a ;r E "1J Suits bought o� It l tor 50c>•, On the $. 1T1 men's ns Stubs we have a good Suit for 83.75 and for $4.99 we give you a good pure wool Tweed Suit worth $9.00. This is a great snap. Wo have a tremendous lot of them and that's why the price is so low. Then for $7,00 we give you a pure Wool Suit, regular price $11.00, and for $9.50 we give you the best Suit in the shop and better no man can get in Ready-mades. Boys suits from $1.75 up. We have a very heavy stock of Boys Clothing and prices will be cut close during this great sale. Men's odd Vests for 75c AN ITIMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES 0 a 0 rr 4-1 m all ab clearing prices. A case of oddlinen going at 1Oo. per pair. Now for A 1 goods at the closest prices ever quoted in Exeter. Ladies Oil Goat Lace Boots for $1 17 Finest Polish Calf Lace Boots for 1 27 CE dr Kid Buttoned Boots for Calf Oxford Ties for - Tan Oxfords for - Misses' Fine Fancy Oxfords for Boys Tan Oxfords for 1 15 90c. 85c. 50c 87c Men's Tan Oxfords for $1 27 and hundreds of other lines equally cheap. Don't buy a Boot or Shoe till you see what we are doing or you will regret it, 0 RZES are away down with us. We guarantee to give you noth- ing but the best Best Salmon packed, only 12e Best Mixed Pickles, only 19c, Best Matches only 9e. 3 Pounds Raking Soda for 5c. Essences for 6 cts.;per bottle. Everything in Groceries y a3 e atrices that can't pbe neat. We have' the finest assortment of Skirtin • Embroideries you ever saw. Part of a Wholesale Bankrupt Stock at a little less than 60 ce t s on the it. We don't stop with a few odd pieces but case upon case of all choice fine n goods We can save you 50 per cent on your white dresses. BE. "'t T HSM N while the assortment isg ood- Remember we need ,none and y in order to get itciniek we are holi , E ERGENCY SALE. No doubt this will be the greatest sale we ng this GREAT we have ever held since we came' to Exeter. Come and see for yourself earl in the avoid the tremendous rush inr day if possible o the afternoons.' Highest prices paid for: all farm produce, kinds of •SrTETWIA.1=2)11 DEALER fl BANKRUPT S1'OCK. 1 fou will be surprised what you, can get from us for $1 13 yds. good washing Print. 20 . Shirting, 20 sr Grey Cotton. 20 ” 'White " 10 " all -wool Dress. Goods, 4 Undershirts. 4 pr. Drawers. 13 lbs.. Currants,. 11C 9 a n Tomatoes. `l: tleca. 30 bars good Laundry Solidi, Tweeds Tweeds We have a large stock of Tweeds that belonged to the Pickar4 Stock which were bis direct importation and bought cheaper than any local dealer can buy them for. We purpose Blearing them out at .a price. If you want a good cheap suit coma and see them. BRUMPTON BROS. CENTRAL Barber Shop, ii'ANSON''S BLACK, A. Hastings, Prop Shaping and Haircutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to Gutting Ladlestina 01.7ildren's Hob: Etonian Robert Morrison in returning thanks to his numerous customers and the nubile in general for the liberal patronage he has received an the Past, begs to announce that hlssteck of general s odd for gthe springarnd summer seasons trade willf o found u. nd a nt Leto o p ,well assorted rte aud nt H,rices to meet the p;ovafiing hard times. eaving added largely to his stock of wall and ceiling papers be oordiailyinv iter an inspection of the same fueling confident that tor variety, quality andv+rice it will compare veryfavorably with any in the market. Give him a call for anything you want. No trouble to show goods. the hplace-doubleltstores-lMarshall'snlilock opposite Murdock's , Co , Mansion !louse. Burars.—Sir. James Sutherland, post master of this place, attended the meeting of the Presbyterian General .Assembly at Ottawa,—Rev, J, S. Henderson and wife are this week visiting friends at Melbourne. —ales, W. Elder end family, and Mrs Wm. Moir spent last Sunday in Goderich.— A Union Sabbath. School picnio between the English, Methodist and Presbyterian sabbath schools was held in Gelchrista grove. All the sohools met at the Presby. terian church and marched to the grounds singing hymns as they went. Arrived, at the grounds the time was taken up with swinging and different games, whilst the ladies got things in readiness for supplying the inner man, which was done to perfection. All appeared to enjoy the picnic to its fullest.—We have considerable new side- walk laid down—the result of statute labor and private subscriptions,—Rev. Mr, Irwin has taken charge of the Hensel! North circuit (now Hipper) and Rev. Mr. Fear takes Mr. Irwins place at the Nile.—Mr. Casson, who will be Be,. J. S. Cook's colleague arrived on Monday.. He comes very highly recommended.—On account of the ohange in the Hensel! circuit a ohange will be made in the hour of services Preaching services will be held at 10,30 a. m` and 7 p. m. and Sunday school at 2.30 p. m' Kinston • Bowers.—Mr. D. W. Dulmage is away to Thamesford at present.—Mr. J. McCurdy is attending the summer carnival at Toronto this week. --The strawberry festival in con. neotion with the sabbath school of the Methodist church wee held on Tbesday last. On account of the unfavorable weather the proceedings took place in the church. Tne proceeds amounted to upwards of a $100 and the affair was a splendid success throughout, The committee are deserving of praise for the efficient manner in which the arrangements were carried out.. Mr. R. McGowan, has returned from 'Thamesford, and 18 acting as salesmen for D. W. Dul- mage.--Mr. R. Stephenson returned home from the. St Clair tunnel this week,—Mr, Connelly and wife of Dakota, are visiting friends in this vicinity,—A new street crossing is to be laid between the hotel and Messrs ,Doupe & Co's store.—The apple •orop in this neighborhood will be 'small this season.. For pure Paris Green, go to C. Lutz' Central Drug Store. Bayfield. BxxEits.-Mr, Geo. Staubury is home from Clinton Collegeatofor the holidays. -- Mr. John Cooper, of "(Clinton, is spending a few holidays • ere. -Mr. °buries Stewart of Goderioh township, is the quest of Mr, Jewett. --On: Sunday lust the pulpit of St, Andrews Church was filled in the morning by Rev. Mr Simpson, and in the evening by Bev. Mr, Stewart, -Sunday ' morning last Rev. Mr. ; Hill who has very aeoeptably officiated as 1'as'or of the Meth,dist thweh preached, his farewel sermon to a.large congregation, lair. Hill gees to Grand Pally and takes witty bbl the best wishos. of many friends. Rev. Mr. Mit/clean is sucee dor,--.j'he Sabbath Soboal eliildrene picnic on Wednesday last was a decided sneeese all eejoyed themselves immensely. next Reg. :tit, Ne.vton ill prF h a splen t snnton to the Orangemen.—Mr, H. liemp, late el Virg. laud, has ('earned out a jewellery and watelt repairing business next to fir. T. Seeder. Haus We 'wishtaint meccas,—Mr. end Ilrs. Chas, E Iwards ,li sou cacao leek week, and tide sneak a number are expoete;l from Toronto, 417Avatll0- t tz - . - 11ov, W. I rubel. loft for his thew circuit away down near Latae Fres three yeata pastorate of Eriuivitle cife suit bas beets very pleasant, end if the ruennbt'rellip has not been lar„1y increased. peace and harmony reigu supreme. We miss hie general smile and !tarty hand. shake, but our wish is that he ntav lire long to labor in his high calling, `and wherever he goes dray be wast the reatteet and esteem of diose under hie charge as universally as on this eiresit,--Pev. John lius3el Gust fa wily arrive:, on Tl>rtrs:lay evening, and several of the frieuda repaired t the ears oaage to receive and welcome thus to the rira:tit. Air. Ituseel !,,culled anniversary aeruiene eeereptiley to large eotrere; attests at the rlineviale appninttaei ; on Sunday last, We jom in est._ndin,g to our pastor and family a most belly welcome to this circuit, -•-!tee, Mr. Smith Jr. poster arrived ort Frialayleat and hate taken clung of his work, t1,lci+1410.•-4ie3y. T. U. Dodo Jr., paster, pea to college nett year. We wish hint success, -...There is a bontttiful crop of hay Oda season, and mauy farmers have beguu nutting clover.—.lir, C. Coates, bas been viaiting hisRQAa in. Lo ndon,-..- r 1i. Side .ley Andrew who has bon aaasc+Whnt of a %Kuch'rer for the past two years is'felting his relatives et present. Sick has lived In Philadelphia!, Dakcta and Oregon, going to Oregon. vin. tile 0. P. E.' -Mr. Aldeu Jouee. of London. is visiting friends in this vicinity Ws time is employed iu uuraiug a finger affecte°t1 with. fllon, Crediton. and �ars.--lien. M. C. diorlock and. wife, visiting me/r. elves ler iiere� wife Mf elinda 11, nada and Miss Emma Taylor, 08100 9pt from London, to spend the first of Jnly,:-31r, and elrs,Frod Geiser, sad Mrs. Samuel Sweitzer of Shipkt, apart Sunday with their pareuts in Crediton, --"rhe Morleolu/a and relatives held their annual xieuio at Grand Bend on Wednesday, avoiding the large crowd of a holiday.—Mr. Geo. ,Gwike r was Oma # t . , ortae ' first o£ Ju � -•. 1. lfr 3 .111 Piukbeiuor, is home from Illinois spending Biddulph Council. • (Special meeting.) The council met in the Temperance Hall; Granton, on the 16th ult. All the members present. The following accounts were ordered to be paid : E. Hodgins, rep. gravel road, div. 2, 50cts ; J. Neil, ditching div. 2, $2; W. W. Revington, tile ditch div. 2,'$2; John McLaughlin, damages in drawing milk, $1..20 ; do., rep. culvert div, 4, $2; T. Toohey, rep. culverts dive, 3 and 4, $1 ; R. Walker, gravel contract, W. B., div, 2, $20; J. Lewis, equalizing Union school section, $2; W. Morfitt, in full, gravel contract C. S. R,, div, 5, $46.30; Geo, Foster, gravel contract, div. 5, $35,20; R. McBride, work on 0. S. R., div. 5, $6; do., statute labor levied in tax, $3; H. Saasburn, rep. culvert and ditch, St. Marys G. R.; div. 5, $1 ; R. Bran,on, grant to gravel road beat, N. B., div. 5, $12; W. Begg, statute labor levied in tax, $9 50; Alex. Langford, do,, $3; W. Foreman, ditch St. Marys Lee R. div. 6, $1.95; J. Ste. phenson, opening Haskett's gravel pit, div, 1, $6 ; do., statute labor levied in tax, $12; M. Blake, statute labor levied in tax, $3.50; do., 133 loads of gravel, $6 65; •1. Atkinson, overseeing gravel contract, div. 1, $3.75; John Howard, gravel contract, div. 1, $36.56; James Kelly, gravel bee, N. B. div. 3, $10; D. McDonald, ditching div. 4, $12; J. Kelfy, gravel account, Ii5cts. On motion the assessment roll was taken as finally revised and the court adjourned sine due. The council adjourned to meet at Porter's hotel, Clondeboye,on Monday, July 7th, 1890 at 10 o'clock a,rn. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. ill ARI3IE O, w.tnrx—Ceenrts,--At "Ravensmere," the ,esidence of the bride's parents, Butte City, Cal., on June 23rd, by Rev. Straiton, D. 1)., M. J. White of the TIMES office, to Miss M. Helena Clarke, eldest daughter of N. J. Clarke, Esq. NEWS NOTES. There are one hundred ; opium fiends in jail in New York, and of these only ten are Cbinamen. It. may not be gen erally known, but it is a fact, opium is doing a more deadly work than alcohol on the American continent. There are many "opium $ends"who are•little sus- pected. In Ottawa theproportion of ,deaths from lung diseases is ab' u and toearl as l ig o t one-third � y Igh a rate holds in Mon- treal,i 'In Winnipeg theproportion runs to noiarly. one-half. Toronto shows a proportion of less than one-quarter. The t northern cities, notwithstanding their '`dry atmosphere," are not favor- able to tliose of weal! lungs. ,TORN wars j: & SONS ;P4114ISiler s and P,roprrieto .,y 1 o'clock last Wednesday ni%!*tat the h A mob of 40 persons gathered a of Walt %place, twelve nulea north. Peet of Cameron, Mo., to termed feather his son "Bud," who, it is claimed, ruined young women of the neighborhood. Forty shots were excireoged, Old Mr. Sieni:res was shot in the stomach., but not fatally injured. Will Noland, in the crowd, was also shot, in the uternaeh,atl.d probably fatally wounded. Itnmenae excitement prevails, Winnipeg, June 25.—Judgment WAS given yesterday by Judge Fitt in the famous Separate school case. The judge upheld the lain recently passed by the « I,e tsl at aro b tlis hl q Separate toSchools, 8anl grants an injunction to restrain teachers in Catholic schools, from hold- ing religbets eaer,,i:ees. Albert Btude'r, aged seven years, son ref A Binde'l, cr,,;per, W'35 drowned in the Welland Canal at Inunlberatone, Ont., yesterday, having lost Itis balance while fishing. Louisville, Ky.. June 25, —Near Bran- denburg on Sunday, henry Watts attempted to outrage ionic Bandy, agell 12 years but She c?ac:al,ed, Watts was arrested and gaoled. A niob went to the gaol last night, took Watts seven tables to the scene of the atteatipted mime .and hanged him, Ur. W. D. Si<<hles.teacherof Brewer's Mills School recently 0s7110 in ecnliict With the Rontan Catholic priest. Tho R' -Aman Catholic children retired while prayers were in progress, as the law allows, but refused to return for the :general clismissaai, Mr. Stables made them do as he required. The priest inteer fernd. anal the inspector, for the sake d , f��c � .•. e agreed reed with but Mr. :evades lila priest, art - tient and was eSaa,t consulted e d T1t childthe ren afterwards refused to do as the teacher insisted. An investigation will follow. 1 communion cloth. embroidoredwith +'1. it ;.." given to the Anglican church at 'Sorry, Ireland. caused a portion of the cc,natefiation to protest against it as an introduction of Ritualism. A petition 'eras sent to the 13ashop, but he not re- plying, the cloth Wats stolen and a letter left in its place saying that it would be returned on condition that tbo letters should be taken out. t 12 omroo Tho funeral of the late Lieutenant - Governor McLennan, of Nova Scotia, took place on Saturday, tiro rent'tins bin;.; wavey ed to creat Village, Lon- donderry, for interment. In t r 11c township of Pelham near St. Catharines, about 100earsa oldo that commenced nster ople bearing in the year 1793. It is on Mr. Beckett's farnl rand measures 10 feet 5 inches around the trunk. In 1SSSit produced 21 barrels of apples. Out west, the other day, a man and wife kissed each other on the scaffold and then were hanged side by side. This is an "enlightened age," in a coun- try supposed to be full of churches and schools. The boiler explosion which occured st week in Colchester, by which four en lost their lives was caused by the ccumulation of pressure more than ould have been allowed or that the oiler was able to stand, the fault being at a certain definite amount of pres- re should have been stated, and the fety-valve, steam guage and other fay appliances ought to have been egulated to give the desired relief when e maximumamount of pressure allowed as reached. The boiler gave way at e lower part of the fire box, which as rather weak and not able, to stand fely the pressure of 65 lbs. which was ing used. John Galt, the expert gineer, of Toronto, made an examiu- on and gave valuable testimony at the quest, and his testimony guided the ry in arriving at their verdict, which s that the explosion was the result of efectiye boiler, with no blame attach to anyone. A. L. roe and his wife lived on a m thirteen miles southwest of Yates ire, Kansas. For several years Coe his brothers-in-law, Nathaniel and rain Anglin, who had farms adjoining had kept up a family feud, the in. of which is unknown. Yesterday rning Coe went into the field where haniel was working and shot him i he then opened tiro on Adrianshattered his left arm, leaving hint. dead. He returned home and , shot wife dead. Coe then sent a bullet ugh his otyn head, dying instantly. coroner is investigating the case, hey are having lots of fun at Wind - with Mr, Pacaud. Paeans! bet" his watoh against $20 that he would at White. He came within 636 of lid the watch, which was won by a Parker, has been given to the North x Conservatives. They propose to ose of it by raffle, tickets 25 cents, proceeds to go to the Windsor$onte e friendless. If° the winner: desires esent the watch to Mr. O. Mot7at resent owners 'will pay for engrata, t and for the illumination of a suit address. la m sh b th su sa sa r th w th w SR be en ati in ju wa ad ed far Cen and Ad his, orifi nl4 Nat and for. his thro The sor gold defe it, a Ikir. Esse disp the of th to pr the p ing i able Some counterfeit $2 bills on the Do minion, Bank are afloat, One of the `. easiest points of difference to detect is, that in the genuine the' figeres are rhat- ea in blue' b dr of ink—that is, tile, number -° the bill° -rand on''tlhe eolulterfeit blackc i.t done in black and a poor ktlak at that. The vignette of Lord 1)uierin in' the centre is, somewhat' blurred;. atad `there are other.' differences which, it';r would to ke a',bank'''clairk to ' letaa Look oft for tho.ni,