HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-23, Page 5\A� w -e 1 'S1 AV, FEB. 234 f'950 O13ITU i t THE IOiiSIO'.1S. 494N- ixplav Fit neral- leo for Julio' GaM- irzner leeekie, 61, prominent Tokento 1 wyex and foemer resident of IA�tl6�, who died suddenly at the home of xeorg.4 generic 1'K00n street, east, Menelay Morning, was tele groan the Stiles £uneral home ate pane e W'ednesd'ay: Rev. MaeMillan, of Kam Presbyterian Qhurch, officiated. Burial was made in the Brussels cemetery. Mr. -Leckie bad come to C'roderieh to attend a wve1:4ing on Saturday. Born an Toronto, he was a son. t the mate Mr. and ?arse, jolin Leda, ► ri 5,sei , 4'14 Moved to brussels gat an early age. tllo •attefdod the Uoivereity art Toronto and graduated from Qsgoede Eal1. During both world ware, he eerved as legal advisor wit e.the First Division of the CanatUaii Infantry. He 'held the rank .of regimental sergeant ntajer. lVfr. Leckie woe a member oaf St. Andrew's 'Presbyterlan Church, Toronto, sand the Canadian Legion. Surviving is one son, John, ,It. Leckie, of Toronto, now serving with the Royal Canadian Navy at Halifax. ST, GEORGE'S CHURCH FEB. 26 -.-SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT. 8.30 a.m, HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and NurserY). 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. FEB. 23 --THURSDAY IN LENT. Holy Communion in the Chapel at 10 a.m. Lenten Service- and Address at 6 p.m. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, FEB. 26, 1956 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "THE PROMISE OF THE Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. "THE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL." REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Boy Scouts, Cubs and Girl Guides will attend this service. Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise GQDERICH BAPTIST CHURCH - SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. -FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. Continuing the series "Studies in St. Mark's 'Gospel." Junior Congregation for younger children. 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE. intiage 7:30, parn. Choir and B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 13' p.m:te Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Thursday and Friday -7 - p.m.—Explorers. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. PENTECOSTAL BETHEL TABERNACLE. Waterloo St. and Elgin Ave._ FEBRUARY 26-10 a.m. Sunday School. _ 11 a.m. Speaker—MR. HAROLD BOLAND, Student at Peterboro Bible College. 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Tuesday' and Friday Services at 8 p.m. COMING MARCH 2-5—EVANGELIST LEN THIRSK. A Hearty Welcome Awaits You. Pastor—R. J. Green. Victoria Street United Church "WORSHIP IS MAN AT HIS BEST." 10 a.m. YOUTH AND ADULT CLASSES. 11 a.m. "A CHRISTIAN, AND POPULAR." The Young- People's. Union will conduct worship and supply Young Women's Quartette. 1.30 p.in. BENMILLER. 3 p.m. UNION. Theme: "Tke Church, Once a Fellowship." -. MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR—MR. BERT KEMPSTER. 0 DBRIOX DISMOT, OT C! O, IMIAT$, rtionru+M nil (By Linda Breckenridge) Preparation for the Variety were played Wednesday of last Show has been the 'main activity around •the a hool for the past week. Sheets have been put up ion the ,bulletin, board requesting students to ,yip up to help with make-up, ushering or props. At night, some of the students, under the direction of Mrs. Ogg, are painting the scenery. The ticket sales have been quite .good. Friday night tickets are practically sold out but there are a;, number of Thursday might tickets left. The show promises to be another big success. The examination time table was put up last week. The exams, which start on 'March 15, have been spread over a period of two weeks. 5 ►(! Wit Another set ofbasketball games NOTICE To Subscribers t�f Goderich Township Municipal Telephone System Application has been made to the Ontario Telephone Authority for approval of the following plan for distribution of the assets of the' ,Goderich Municipal Telephone System to its subscribers of record on the date of sale (December .15, 1954,) All debts of the System' have been paid with the exception Of the minor winding -up expense. When this has been pro- vided for, it is estimated that cash surplus available far dis- tribution will amount to approximately $26,000.00. The ,following pran for distribution of this surplus is recommendedy 1. It is considered that one subscriber, who recently paid' in. excess of $1,200.00 for the installation of a circuit to his premises, is entitled to a more than proportionate shale and it is proposed that he receive $532.00. . It is proposed that the balance bo distributed equally among the remaining subscribers of record after deduction in individual cases of any outstanding tciephe(hio charges still due to the System. Should you wish to present any substantial argument in favor of or opposed to this application, you must do so by addressing, a - letter to The Ontario Telephone Authority, 7 "^ Queen's Park Screscent East, Toronto Ontario. To receive attention your letter sheauld be mailed not later than the 6th day of March, A.D. 1956, and the name of this telephone company should be clearly stated therein. If you wish further information in reference to this appli- cation, you may apply to the undersigned either personally, by telephone or by letter. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of February, A.D. 1956. CHARLES E. WISE, Secretary, Goderich Townsb P'Municipal Telephone System. Free Methodist Church SUN., FEB. 26 10 a.m. Sunday School. IT a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Thurs., 7.30 p.m., March 1 C.Y.C. Rally. Pastor, T. J. McMichael week. The Junior boys beat the Winghailn Juniors 66-56,; strength- ening their first place position in the league. The Senior boys were also victorious with. a score of 88-26: This put the: n in Second place behind Clinton. The Senior girls are also in second place be. hind Clinton. Wingham loaf to the Seniors. The Jusiior gels were defeated, putting them in see Ond place. On Wednesday el this week thebays were to travel to Clinton and the Clanton girls were to come here. These will be the deciding games for rGo4erieh: O O THIS' IS I;11, FOLKS I The following are the final stand- ings of the teams in the WOAA aVlajor Group, including ,011 final scheduled games: WLTF AP Exeter 19 13 0 178 137 38 Milverton 18 13 1 174 146 37 Strathroy 17 12 3 177 154 37 Gaderieh :14 13 5 142 155 33 Forest 7 24 1. 123 202 15 23. Used Cars. 1952 FORD TUDOR, CUSTOM radio, air conditioned, en- gine completely overhauled; priced G pLA TE'SGARAGE. r quick seen at Contact J. , C. FREEMAN, phone 880 yr 1373. PLAY SAFE TELEVISION TUBE PROTECTION Avoid the high cost of Picture Tube replacement by having a Picture Tube policy when replacement. is needed. Picture Tube Policy—$9.00 per annum. • Small Tubes Policy—$3.75 extra (up to 24 TV tubes. . Protection of electronic equipment tubes on policy at premium rates. We will call on you_ personally upon request. No charge or obligation. FOR INFORMATION WRITE BOX 65, SIGNAL'STAR.8-11x Classified Ads 19. Notice toltreditors •••••••••••••••••••••••••H•••••••••••••••••••• • CE SPECIALPRII. REUPHOLSTER1NG . • 1 1-anz,e;--i;.---- 0NN•••••N••N•N•••NN••••••••••••••••••••IN OF OCCASIONAL CHAIRS FROM STOCK MATERIALS. • FREE- 'P%CK-UP AND DELIVERY. ' 8-9 k tSO'ITS HAVING CLAIMS, against the estate of Met I)oaagias Cathcart, late of the Town- ship of Asihfieldr in the Counte, of Huron, Farmer, . who died on or about the 28th day . of January, 1950, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 25th day of February, 1950, as after that date the assets of the estate will be 'distributed, Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of 'Huron, this 2nd day of February, 19.56. R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario. 6-$- Solicitor for the Estate. AIL PIGKSONS HAVING CLAIMS against time - estate of Robert Ross Murray, late of the Township of . Wa.wanosh, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 2nd day of Febru- ary, 1956, are required to file the same with full particulars' with the undersigned by the 3rd day of March, 1956,_ as after that date the. assete . of the estate will be distributed. - Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of February, 1956. , R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, 7.9- Solicitor for the Estate. ALL PERSONS HAWING CLAIMS against the Estate of Joseph Andrew Lee, late of the Town o6 Goderich, in the County of Huron, mariner, retired, who died on or about the 6th day of December, 1955, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of tMarah, 1956, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated this 22nd day of February, 1956. J. KENNETH HUNTER, Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- Solicitor for the Estate. tLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate- of Caroline M. Allin, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died an or about the 24t'h day ,ef December, 1955, are required to- 'file . the same with full particulars with the -11nclersignedar--beciope-446-15thday of March, 1956, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated this 22nd day of February, 1956. J. KENNETH HUN'1 ea, Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- ' Solicitor far the Estate. ;fi9,k,or„part:a fora ' pe-etears 'r eUds. Foy la start ue vL� and all tube and most Harts fere other makes .of TV. B. It. MIU DAY, TV Radio; Sound, plwone 553 or call .at !. 12`7' Widder street. -1`x0 TeOR THE TOP MICE AND 'l1 best grade, leave eeer eggs at GEORGE Al[T l[ S, 'Montreal street. .iieisehl u.p -by widen Glow &'reduce; hpley. -6tf • f • ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAMS •against the Estate of William • George Watson, late of the Town- ship of West Wawariosb,, in the • • County of Huron, Faffmmer, who died • on or about the 12th day of Decem- •ber, 1955, are required to file same • with full particulars with the •undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1956, as after that; date the assets of the Estate will • • be distributed. LOOP SIG, OLD AND �is ed. r sanded and fitn tri new floors �Clinton.CRI)E COOK, phone 2'3J, C" ry- L TRY. Have your poultry elec- trically debeake•d. Phone GEO. WRAITH, shop 1285, house 792J3. 6-8x Air Cadet News At each of the last two, parades of the Maitland Air Cadet Squad- ron, there was an attendance of 60 cadets, 1111 order . give (lie flight NCO's and sup.er�nttmerary ota better understanding of ,il Cruet- ing various groups of eadets, they have been itree:A-erred too different flights. Sgt. Roy Reinhart and Cpl. Grant Townsend are in control of No. 1.J! light; Sgt. Don Stewart and Cpl. Bob Pit+blado have No. 2 Flight; Sgt. Mauriea Loiselle and Cpl. Kent Bigelow are 'hr No. 3 Flight and F. Sgt. Bob Wood and Cpl, Mike Duke are ho ,command of No. 4 Plight. Cpl. Keith Mata ers, who recently wrote a serg- eant's test, took his drill test, TOP CANNIBALISM IN P OUL- BAYFITILD REST*,H0 , — A home within a home for elder- ly Pe le. Room and board. Reg- istered nurse hz- attendance. J. A. KELLY, Bayfield. Phone 37. 8-10x STAND TUNER. WILL BE IN Goderich. March 5, 1956. Phone your order early' so as not to be disappointed. Please contact FRANK SCHUBERT, 'Bandmaster; or leave at Signal -Star office. 8-10x pRaVATt'y rrfON AVAILABLE in mathematics. Any grade up to 13. Also Technical and Engin- eering Maths. Qualified and ex- perienced teacher. Phone 1311. -8 J)REVENT CHIMNEY FIRES. Use Fire Chief Chemical Chim- ney Cleaner. No muss, nye fuss, no odor, no need to take down pipes, Eliminates soot and scale from pipes and chimneys. Far sale at CORNISH FILLF.CTR'IC, West street, Goderich. - 8 & 10-11x T fe Squadroa welcome nitvleetsou anetr'iictoc from Station, Cluiron, Set Member. began s dales loot vest presenii. another RCAF Sgt. ltitodes 14 teaehiag nM reteoreiok;y. A ,highly eduest ' al 1i:iii, ort thi deretoeme * icing was 6hown. to the . aneteorolegY The whole squadrons ilay bias Limed with regulation gloves hack teles, white l . -.it. w ob belts lanyards were , given to the drill team, which [has. beey practicing hard every TaesdaY nigt k `'r �Saturday, arete�, IS cadesent • Clinton ton , against the Stratford Aro Cedct Squadron. Froin these 1S, ,five finalists were chosen. Unfe rtu* ately the Goderjeh five, "pl. Kest Bigelow, ` LAs John Sully AllaneNee and iC 2's Pave Rob - bison ,and. Oary Miller lost to r Stratford iuin ette by a seore of 092 to 880. This defeat marks ibe 4th loss of a Goderih tetra a* femur years. However, the drill team will . be working extra b. to retain the drill trophy. FOR GOOD HEALTH AND GOOD EATING INSIST ON II cly COTTAGE CHEESE. FROM OUR DAIRY—PHONE'35 OR YOUR FAVORITE MARKET "IT DOES TASTE BETTER” 8tf %'" ` -•,a, is Middlesex Seed Fair and Food Show WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS --LONDON FEBRUARY 28-29, MARCH t and 2 75 COMMERCIAL AND 20 EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS. Tues. -7.45 p.m.—Open Square Dance and Step Dance Contests. Wed. 2.00 p.m.—Prof. J. A. Porter, Michigan State University; Panel—"Economy in Production in 1956."; 7.50 p.m.—Medway Variety Show, Y.M.C.A. Judo Demon- stration, Middlesex Junior Farmer Choir, European Slides by R. G. Bennett. Thurs.-9.00 a.m.—Seed Judging Contest. 2.00 p.m.—Addresses by Chas. McNaughton, Bruce Me-hler+bacher, Dr. H. L. Patterton. 7.45 p•tn• and Variety M ety Show—P°ubliicSchool ld, Fairmont and Mt. dges oral Square Dance Contest. Fri. -1.30 p.m.—Food Show discussion. 2.15 p.m.—Auction Sale -10 -Bus. lots of grain, 4 -bus. lots of beans, 5 -Bag lots of potatoes. Door and draw prizes—ample parking—a top spring show. 1956. J. KENNETH HUNTER, Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- Solicitor for the Estate. 21. Business Notice FINANCING AND LOANS AT lower cost on new and late model used cars and trucks and new farm machinery. HAROLD W. SHORE, 38 Hamilton street, Goderich. -47t1 (CARPENTRY BUILDING AND remodelling, built-in cupboards, plumbing; agent for Epps' pumps; bathrooms installed; Jamesway - waterbowls; eavestroughing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc:VLICH.AEL, Goderich, phone Carlow 1108. 5x-tf ••••••••••••••••9•••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••• -. li • • • 1 • ,•TER,•• ••�• • (February 27) _ • IN OUR NEW LOCATION •• 0 • 0 • ON KINGSTON STREET NEXT TO . -ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC • But up to SATURDAY NIGHT we'll still be at the did stand • • • at rear of Worsell's Hardware. • • CELLO TOMATOES • POTATOES 10 lbs. 30c POTATOES (New Brunswick 75 lbs. 1.95 POTATOES ,!,Ontario) 75 lbs. 1.69 • LOOSE � r . �,,,,.. , 3211 lbs. , 25c • HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 29c • MUSHROOIVIS ... lb. 59c il 'CELERY HEARTS . -, • GRAPES • Sunkist ORANGES 288'c Large size GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49c , i Cello CARROTS 2 pkgs. 25c, r 40 • GOLDEN BANANAS ....lb. 17c • COOKING ONIONS 10-1b. bag 3909 Fabs; I limes, Avocado 'Pears, Leaf Lottue, Head Lettuce, • • Chinese Lettuce, Tangerines, Cucumbers, Fresh Corn, unch Carrots. pkg. 29c each 25c , 2 lbs. 29c doz. 35c ► 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • w Phone 1571. - Fee 1elWWery on orders ' of , over °$2.00. •e••••••••• ee•eee*ea•*•••••••••••••••• •••4i QAWS FILED - - TOOLS AND CUTLERY SHARPENED. C. H. HOMAR, 27 Bruce street E. Please call morning or evenings. 5-8x I )AI'ER HANGING—OLD PAPER removed, minor repairs if nec- essary. Reasonable rates. Prompt service. JAS. FARRISH, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone Carlo' 2013. 7-9x I AWN CHAIRS MADE T O order. MAITLAND CHAM- BER;S, 168 Picton street, phone 1469M. -7 QEWING MACHINES REPAIRED, ail makes, 'reasonable prices, machines electrified, put into port- able cases, or modern cabinets. New machines at moderate prices. C. WOODS, 44 East street. Phone 1534J. -7tf 1)ARLEY C•ON'I RACTS N 0 W -. AVAILABLE. Improved price from Last year. ELLIOTT'S SEED ITOUSF, Phone 154,1 ' Luchnow. -5-15 ;KILLED TV AERIAL SERVICE Aerials installed as low as $49 Aerials moved — rentals. Work fully guaranteed for one year HURON TOWER INSTALLATION, South street, Goderich, phone 1344M. 4tf Guaranteed radio service. WILF REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12. Ff.1RNITURE REPAIR --- .MODELLING -- RE -FINISHING --RE-UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. PHONE 892W. M BLOK, 174 Huron road. 6-9x 1tIOVING..— ENETAL CARTAGE. ED. JEFFREY. -48tf WATERLOO CAME BREED ING ASSOCIATION, "Where Better Bulls are used." Artificial Ingemitlation service for all breeds of ehttle. For service or inform, otiofl plhOne Clinton 242 collect. between `1.30' and 10.00 a.m. on teeek days anti 7.30 and 9;30 ask/ on Sundays. _7;6t1 VACUUM LEANER More Powerful Easier. To Use 75 WITH —DELUXE TOOLS More Work -Barring Convenience —More Time -Saving Features Only Canadian Tire gives you ALL THE. BEST .9• worth FEATURES of the best cleaners --and--at a -bargain J e O e� price. The country's leading engineers and design ers have incorporated themost wanted features, plus exclusive new advaniages in the beautiful • 1956 'Master Vac. Priced many dollars below com- petitive makes, and we believe the Master -Vac is superior in design and performance to any other cleaner ever built. WE'LL PROVE IT TO YOUR SATISFACTION ... OR YOUR MONEY BACKS No Down Payment Terms arranged to suit your budget. JGET ALL -THE BEST FEATURES OF THE BEST CLEANERS * CASTER-COASTER—The Master -Vac fol- lows you from room to room. Ball bearing rubber wheels glide easily and lceep canister upright. *SWIVEL-TOP—Clean from floor to ceiling without moving the Master -Vac. * POWER -PLUS --Oversize i® h.p. motor pro- duces up to twice the suction, gets more embedded dirt, whisks away stubborn lint and hair. * TIP -TOE ' CONTROL — Eliminates stooping and bending. * YOUR HANDS NEVER TOUCH THE DIRT —"King-size" disposable filter paper bag collects dirt; you throw away bag, dirt 'and all. There's no struggling to remove the paper bag from the Master Vac. . . . The throw -away bag is automatically removed from the cleaner when you lift the lid, * NO DUST LEADS—The Master -Vac "triple - play" filler system traps all the dust, e'Vsi&'- the tiniest particles can't escape. • Hay- fever sufferers will appreciate this anergy - proof feature. TIME-SAVER TOOL CLIPS—The attach- ments you want to use Clip conveniently to the side of the Master -Vac o . . right al hand when needed. * WORK -SAVER TOOLS AND ATTACH- MENTS—Include (1) Combination Rug and . Floor Tool with built-in comb and floating . action brush; (2) Crevice Tool; (3) Dusting Brush; (4) Upholstery Nozzle; (5) Wall and Upholstery Brush; (6) Swivel—makes every tool more versatile; (7) Extension Wands —loclz in a Second—separate instantly. VACUUM CLEANER==With"T�te Rack" Compare with models up to $85 Provides high suction and air volume for deep, deep cleaning. Convenient portable storage Case included, to carry all the tools and accessories in ono hand. Extremely quiet, high-powered. air-cooled motor. C.T.C. Fall - Cleaning value! .95 PHONE 6+ dodexic a,• P.,