HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-23, Page 3\esimitom REPRESENTATIVE MEMBERS of the famed Fort Henry Guard of the Ontario Department of High- ways, serving as guides at the Kingston fortress -museum, are shown above with "David", drill -wise mascot, who will lead the guardsmen in their colorful demonstration of old British Army drill at the, Royal Tournament in London, England, this June. JAYCETTES PLAN THEIR ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Plans for a St. Patrick's dance to be held at Memorial Arena in March, were laid by the Goderich Jaycettes at their monthly meeting held in the British, Exchange Hotel on Wednesday evening last. Chairman of the various com- mittees planning the dance are: Mrs. Peter MacEwan, social; Mrs. Frank Young, program; Mrs. Mur- ray Sheardown, decorations; •Mrs. Ralph Clarke, ticket sales. TWO interesting and informative films on the cause of cancer and its possible prevention were en- joyed by the Jaycettes. The films are issued by the Canadian Cancer Society and were under the local supervision of Mrs. Howard Car- roll and MISS 'Hilda Finnigan. The Cancer Society representatives were introduced by (Mrs. Wilfred Reinhart and were thanked by Mrs. Gerald O'Brien, Jaycette pre- sident. o • MUSIC EXAMS George H. Ziegler, E.D., L.T. C.M. distinguished teacher, con- ducti)r, and recitalist, conducted examinations for the Western On- tario Conservatory of music in Goderich during Wednesday morn- ing 4nl in BrussLs. during the same aftepwoon. es•sesiessoo•••••••iesseomoses•••••••oeta••••••••• AT TELEPHONE • 1 THE 1150 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT • Now-Thurs., Fri. and Sat. • 411 Fred MacfAurray, Dorothy Malone ansl Walter Brennan • • • Telling the story of a peace,loving shopkeeper whOadowns a bank robber with one lucky shot and then has to cope with a vengeful gang. "AT GUNPOINT" . In Cinemascope and -Technicolor • • ..214,11112MiX.f.LIER-41,15,P*13.422j,PLAP-4.2; New Officers For The Harboraires In order to lighten the burden of duties on their leader, George Buchanan, the Goderich Harbor- aires Male Chorus held an organiz- ational meeting at .Sky Harbor Sunday evening: The new executive is as follows: president, GeorgeParsons; first vice-president, Robert Irwin; sec- ond vice-president and publicity agent, Eric Smith; secretary, Har- old Bettger;• treasurer, Bruce Clif- ford. Since the group felt that it would be impossible for them to function without the aid of Mr. Buchanan arid Mr. Stiles, these two men Were appointed choir leader and pianist, respectively but are not on the executive. Mr. Buchan- an has been in charge of all aspects of the organization up until now, and with the increased en- thusiasm shown toward the Har- -boraires, it was felt Mr. Buchanan should be allowed to devote more of his time .to training and leading, the choir. The next engagement for the choir Will be in Clinton, March 9, when they. will appear with the Dominion Life Choir, of Kitchener, la a concert. They willalsotake part in. the Huron, County Music Festival to be helct in Goderich, the latter part of April. The • • Mon., Tues. and Wed, Adult Enertainrinent. , • • or-Matur-44-Sylvia-Sidneyr-Virgineah _and-L-Carrol-Naish-lio In an Arizona copper -mining town the lives of a dozen people are excitingly affected by an Amish farmer and a young father during a 24 hour period. "VIOLENT SATURDAY" • • • Cinemascope and Technicolor. z •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••6••••••••••••••• pear on the CKNX- television show, Focus, in the near future. —0 ONE THING TO ANOTHER • Another example of a chair,re- action occurs when a Woman starts out to move an ashtray and ends' by rearranging the furniture. o Baby Sitter (reading) -And after Goldilocks ate the porridge She went upstairs and saw three beds. runior-Jeepers! That ,porridge must have been spiked. The GAII.C. Strike Is Over ---and WE'RE HUNGRY Hungry For Business, We Mean WATCH FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT SOON OF THE ARRIVAL AT GODERICH OF THE 1956 CHEVROLETS. • • Improved performance and a freshness in styling that eFtends throughout three'Series of pas- senger cars headline advances in 1956 Chevrolets. The nine -passenger sthtiafwagons and two four - door sport sedane will be new -comers among 19 models. Front ends 'will be made more rugged appearing' in a re -design of grille and forwakrel sheet metal. Models have a lower, longer look. New colours, unique two -toning and tasteftil interiors give each of the series complete distinction. Engine choices include V8s and a more powerful six cylinder. Modern lines of the 1956 Chevrolets are evident in the above view of the Bel Air sport sedan. Frontal appearance has been smartly altered by new sheet metal and brightwork. They'll Be In Goderich Soon At Rouse uto•Electric • Kingston St. ' • • -17!,,'!".1,,J-.‘--1, • -• , ti _ a 100th Year -No. fl GODERICH, ONTARIO; THURSpAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 1.956 PAIGIC Sum Of $4,100 is Sought From West Wawanosh For Goderich Hospital Wing The sum of $4,100 is being Huron °Runty Treasurer, indigent atkents, $14340; The Municipal 'World, nine subs. far one year, $27.00; H.Z.P.C., TOMO:" ship 'Hall lighting, $6.(Y/; Mrs'. May Smith, relicf allowance, $22.21; Blyth Fire Area, Township levy, etc., $40.00; Cityof quelph, relief account, $40.00; Secretary U.S.S. No. 9, Kinloss„ corrections in Town- ship grant, q:35.40; Salvation Army, London, grant, $20.00; R. T. patriek Insurance Agency, bond on Township Treasurer, $12.00; Post- master, Lucknow, stamps, $5.00; J. F. Foran, registering vital sta- tistics, 75c. Highway expenditures for. Janu- ary, 1956, were: Imperial Oil Ltd., fuel oil, $6'7.32; Treasurer of On- tario, fuel tax, $37.40; Bell Tele- phone Co., moving pole, $12.37; W. A. Culbert, and, $1.50; Gus Devereaux, hydraulic oil, $11.90; K. K. Dawson, Salt, $37.08; W. R. Mole, sanding reads, •$15.00; Everett Errington, welding, $8.00; Robt. Stothers, tire, tube and re- pairs, $480.76; Miller & Co'salt, $4.60; Norman McDonald, ,plowing snow with truck, $576.0(); G. C. Greer, stamps, $5.00; Lorne Ivers, salary, $142.50; Arnold Andrews, erecting-snow----fencev $44.90a -..Ed. Leddy, erecting snow fence, $6.30; Kenny Leddy, hauling snow fence, $9.00; Russel Phillips, sanding, $10.50; Albert Phillips, sanding, $4.20; Earl Jamieson, sanding, $6.30. Council adjourned to meet on March 13th._ SORORITY DICUSSES ART OF FRIENDSHIP sought from the West Wawanosh Township Council as Its portion of the contribution towards the erection of the new wing of Alex- andra Marine anu General Hospitat at Goderich. Mr. J. 11. Kinkead appeared before the Township Council, on behalf orthe hospital, at the Township Council meeting on Tuesday of last week. Mr; Kin- kead gave a resume of the hos pital's problems, plans. and details regarding the new building. The request is being given consider- ation. The minutes of the January meeting were read and adopted as read on a motion by 'Councillors McPhee and Culbert. On a motion by Councillors Cul- bert and Miller, Councikdecided to order approximately 500 pounds. of Green •OrOSS Warble Fly powder from the Luoknow District Co -Op. at ‘$6.65 per 15 pouhd bag. On a motion by Councillors Miller and Culbert, Mr. Lorne Durnin was appointed as the Town - slap representative on the Perth. Huron unit of the Canadian Can.- cer Society. - On a motion by Councillor Cul- bert and iMaPhee, the Reeve and Clerk were authorized to apply for the subsidy on the 1955 road expenditures. The amount of money expended on roads, cul- verts and bridges in the Township in 1955 was $18,341.08. It was moved by Councillor Mc- Phee and seconded ,by Councillor Culbert, that the Township Asses- sor's salary for 1956 be raised $50.00. Councillor Miller moved in amendment that the Assessor's salary remain. at $300.00 for 1956. The original motion carried. On a Motion by Councillors Durnin and Culbert, it was agreed that West Wawanosh Township pay U.S.S. Nth 9, Kinloss, $35.46 In order to correct errors in the Township grant in 1954 and 1955. On a motion.by Councillors Cul- bert and Millar, the Clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the Warble Fly spraying of cattle and also to advertise for applications for a Warble Fly In- spector. It was pointed out to °Council that Huron ,County Council at their January session had passed a by •law to establish a bounty on foxes. On motion by Councillors Mc- Phee and Durnin, the following acoounts were ordered paid: Keith Good, one fox bounty, $1.00; Town- ship of Ashfield, relief account; December and January, $61.16; The Ontario Beta Theta Chapter of the B'eta Sigma Phi Sorority met on Wednesday of last °week at the home of Mrs. Helen Arab. President, Mrs. Marie Leitch, pre- sided. Plans were discussed for the an- nual Spring Fantasy dance to be held in the spring, and it was de- cided that this year the Sorority is going to go all-out to make the dance a huge success. The nominations committee for the election of new officers was appointed, • and onnsists of Mrs. Joyce Rozell, Mrs. Marg. Miller, Mrs. Noreean Plummer and miss Kay MacKinnon. The topic for the evening, "The Art .of Friendship" was very well handled by Mrs. Bea Bowman. A discussion followed the talk, after which refreshments were served by the hostess. ;r. , • :';‘, G011E11101 COMMUNITY CONCERTS ASSOCIATION - MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN MONDAY, • FEBRUARY 27, TO MARCH 3, INOLVSIV,E, DE-PAUR INFANTRY CHORUS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 AT 8.30 P.M. at Godericb. Collegiate Auditorium. 4111111111/mINININANININNI IN LEGION HALL ' GODER0ICH Saturday, Feb. 25 JACKPOT of $45.00 for full house in 51 calls. If not tvon on Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it is won. 15 GAMES $1.00 $10 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS—Share the Wealth JACKPOT WILL BE PLAYED FOR 4 TIMES Jackpot — 25c or 5 for $1.00 Regular extra cards 25c OOR PRIZE — $3, $2 Doors open at 7.45 p.m. Phone ist game starts at 8.30 p.m.- 165 - HIT NATURAL GAS • sr. IM1.40NS, Feb. 30 --The enstd teirediitrM t pi5rZeseniso Y ianer. e oil rig on the WUI Webster farm. Drilling for oil, the men struck a natural gas pocket recently. Hope springs eternal that oil will some day be struck in this district. o o o Legion Ladies Are • Active Catering .The Ladies' An.xiliarY to the Can- adian Legion, Branch IA t, met Tuesday evening of last week for, their regular monthly meeting. President Evelyn Carroll presided. One application for membership was accepted; one transfer of mem- bership was approved, and shall be applied for. A $500 donation will be made to Branch 10.9 to as(ist them in the uuse inthe „ en chasmg oftabiesando:11?;airs for of the hall. Catering to the IVIasons' and Un- ion's annual banquets were accept- ed. A dinner to be served to the Newfoundland Pee Wee hockey team, coach and ether member a of their party, upon arrival to par- aticipate -in "Young-Ganacka- Week" was unanimously accepted; also a request for the Auxiliary to serve a luncheon to the entertainers for the Community Concert, February 27, was accepted. Mrs. Margaret Adam was named table convener for all catering during this term. Her assistant is to be Mrs. Jean w ZoneilbElliott. e ien°vnlimnder Luella M. Hall ited, to make her official visit to the local Auxiliary on Tuesday, April 10. Mrs. Olive .MacDonald was nam- ed convener of the newly formed membership committee. Mrs. M. Adam was named convener of draw for the birthday party in June. The 1956 Red Cross campaign will be done by the Auxiliary. A short period of entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed with Mrs. bei -ha Cadman and Mrs. Beatrice Needham being prize winners. Mrs. Joyce Bell was mystery prize winner. Tea was served. OBITUARY ALBERT E. TUCKER William A. Tucker, or Goderich, received word during the past week -end of the death of his father, Albert Ernest Tucker, in' Victoria HoFpital, London. He was in his 53rd year. Also surviying'are his wife, the former Lavern Crocker; a second son, Arthur, of London; two bro- thers, John, of Varicauyer, and ank, of Cornwall; two sisters, Mrs. W. E. Summers, of London, and Miss Eva Tucker, of London. 4rtfektettl-ert-Kvr-fglvetitrarr 'funeral home where service was held Monday, at 2 p.m. -Burial was made in Mount Pleasant ceme- tery, London. MRS. MARGARET SULLIVAN - Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Henri Van Vynekt at St: Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, at 10.3a a.m., Wednesday, for Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, 89, who died in St. Mary's Hospital, London, Mon- day following a brief illness. The body rested at the Lodge funeral home until Wednesday morning. Burial was made in Kingsbridge cemetery. Born in East Wawanosh, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Callaghan, of White- church-. She lived for a time at Kingsbridge and five years ago settled in Lonemn. She was a member of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Kingsbridge. Her husband died in 1941. Surviving are three sons: Joseph, of Detroit; Leon, of Toronto; John, of King City, Ontario; six daugh- ters, Mrs. James Morrison, (Marie), of Dublin; Mrs. Thomas 4py, (Marguerite)a of Detroit; Sister Mary Dionysia, (Eileen), of St. Joseph's Convent, Sarnia; Sister Denise, (Patricia), of St. Joseph's Convent, London; Sister Mary Dolorosa, (Madeline), of St. Joseph's Con- vent, St. Thomas; Sister Mary Marguerite, (Robina), of Yellow- knife, North West Territories; and 30 grandchildren. 0 ---- HE HAST TRIED "The only consolation I can find in looking back over my life," says the fellow at the next desk, "is that I've failed at more things than most men ever try." Sheaffer Pen's fimi.r 21,14c010., ImPlot rfotife* Sales Up By 40% ..90 Sales *4 %Wager w4ting 2424m- ments in Ca*-atia, inel'ea.sied approx- imately 40 per cent during 1050, Leon 1. Black, president f the W.: .2)- Sheafter Pen CempanY ef Canada Limited, announced' today. While the Canadian . company's: expert sales declined, partially oil - :Setting domestic sales, the cora- pany is pushing ahead with in- creased distribution throughout Canada to counteract this, the pen company president said. - "Looking ahead, we feel that our -domestic sales will continue to increase during 1956, although we anticipate it will be at a smaller rate than during 1955," iBlack stated. In a somewhat less optimistic 'tone, he pointed out that unless drastic changes take pine in a number of foreign Markets the, compalfy can not expect any mark. ted upswing in its export sales. He explained that the decrease • in export sales stemmed largely tons fore,11c01. countrles ear. tin Sanalian Products and the kid fotgain'ing 4an4lies C:&1 in ccaalu foreign marke* o P - WINS LUCKY DRAW lIume Chinon, winner Ofithe lucky draw', LedSpeei4lzed Floor Serslee and. Supply, Last ret. Ni/ben,tbe draw Aims made onr,PelgttarY M. Clutton Won and wap entitled to any floor in this home t be sanded, finigt`d and waxed free of charge by the aforenentioned iriu which is ren by B. R. Robinson. 14 til0 first n4ne months 4i 1956 income taxes paid by Canadian corporations totalled $1,212 'Mil- lion, compared to $890 million in the same period of 1954. o ---o •••••••••••••••011.004110 • • 1 • ,I F,ISHER 'AUTO- SUPPLY • i • • AND SPORT GOODS • 6 KINGSTON STREET it PHONE 1235 • I n QUALITY OUR PLEDGE Ej PRICE D SERVICE • op ... : SHOOK ABSORBERS, including bushings • • $4.95 • • V BELT from 17" to 100". Priced from At • . - 74c UP • AERIALS (car) , • • . . $2,15 ' , • IVIAGNETIZED ASH TRAYS 90c 1 • • . , , : CAR CUSHIONS - • ' • 98c : SEAT COVERS, Sara • • • . $19,95 ' $2295 I * e, ...9••••••••••••••• •••••••.••••••••••••••••••••, Outperforms All Ordinary Sets 1 1 Trade nc%v and become satisfied with your television. ' Perhaps we can improve your installation also. 4 PHONE 498R HURON ROAD • WE STAND BETWEEN YOU AND LOSS! MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 230 43A West St. Goderich 7tf 7fflbarlitstimmeAmmemmomomming,._ ANNUAL FREE MAKING DRAPERY SALE SCHAEFER'S will show the drapery in your own home, measure, make and inmali FREE for the duration of this sale. Choose from our large selection of drapery,--s4bstracts, Plains, Florals, aced Scenic designs ih the latest decorator shades. All drapes will be hand sewn, lined or unlined, full width, moat be p.so a yard or over end at least two yards long. Drapes will be made in the order in ,which they aro taken. SALE EN'S on SATURDAY, MARCH 3. Buy now and take advantage of this 'tamelyoffer. 04400000401100•0•0•00,0049•410011060006110 Geo1, W. Schaefer & Sons OF YOUR STORE • mom 66, GODRIC1