HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-16, Page 9`.1tiEliij:I 'SD'AY, MB, 16th, 195 THE O Ri H SIGNAL -STAR to the .new Western Tire AND Auto $upIy St�i'e on West St. All building materials used in this new store were supplied by Goderieh Manufacturing Company limited Everything In Builders' Supplies Phony 61 Anglesea St. ALIJ1,INGKEF 1ENNIGTON'S 1PESTIE TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY STORE OIiice and business equipment in this new, modern store was supplied by EOCH OFFICE SUPPLIES BRAND OPENI; Western Tire and Auto Supply Ltd. Ken Bennington, Owner and Manager: West Street, Goderich. "CANADA'S MOST, PROGRESSIVE AUTOMOTIVE CHAIN" OPENS at 9 A.M. on FRIDAY, FEB. 17 STOCKING A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO PARTS POWER CARPENTER'S and Accessories W TOOLS .pW TOOLS HARDWARE SMALL ELECTRICAL ITEMS, ETC. � APPLIANCES FREE CHkNCE bN PRIZES WITH EVERY PURCHASE— REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT PURCHASED. 1ST PRIZE Boor, Girl's �1e 2nd PRIZE.,�� ° Electric Kettle PIM 410 1111111111 DRAW TO BE MADE SATURDAY, MARCH 3 COME IN AND VISIT US—NO OBLIGATION TO BUY wefur.•L,.....r..,.,..••••uvw,w-..,. - w.u.-nw...n GOOD LUCK to the New ... 'R7ESTER1V-TIRE -AND- AUTO SUPPLY ST THANKS TO KEN - PENNINGTON FOR THE OPPORTUNITY OF REMODELLING THE STORE I10 PRESENT IMPRESSIVE LAY -OUT, THIS,WAS DONE BY --- CONTRACTOR. BRUCE . E. RYAN Please phone or contact 175 Brock St., .for free estimates on general work. NMI Me :ongratulation to Ken Pennington's WESTERN TIRE AND AUTO SUPPPLY STORE, WEST St. Now... you can color -scheme a room to carpets, drapery fabrics—even pictures! k It , eago ide \\eeeeessjos AV .4i with Pittsburgh's exciting, n,e,yyr Maestro Cl2ors ..J Hundreds of today's most -wanted hues in three great Pittsburgh Paints—including rubberized and alkyd -type wall finishes. Here's the answer to every home decorator's dream! Hundreds of tints and shades of modern, fashion -wise colors. Available in Pittsburgh's rubberized and alkyd - type Flat wall paints-... and in low -lustre SATINHIDE Enamel. Use our handy color selector to help you color scheme from rugs, drapery or upholstery fabrics, even the pictures on your wall. We'll custom -mix colors you want in a matter of minutes. FROM LARDER'S PAIiVT STORE EAST STREET GODERICH. PHONE 392 PITTSBURGH PAINTS WERE USED IN THE DECORATION OF THE SEW WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY STORE. CONGRATULATIONS TO KEN PENNINGTON ON THE OPENING OF HIS NEW STORE LOCAL ENTERPRISES IS THE ESSENCE OF A PROSPEROUS COMMUNITY. 0 ERS, SHOW OASES AND SHELVING IN THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW STORE WERE CONSTRUCTED AND IN - TA ED AND THE FLOORS SANDED AND REFINISHED BY OUR QUALIFIED. PERSONNEL. FOR THE BEST IN QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SER VICE: CALL B. R. ROBINSON, Specialized Floor Service and Supplies 38 East St. Phone 914 :...• CONGRATULATIONS to .. . * WES ERN TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY LTD. * • • ON THE FINE NEW STORE ON WEST STREET, GODERICH 7 LL ELECTRIC WIRING and DERN FIXTURES installed by�d and NEWS OF AUBURN AUBURN, Feb. 14.—United W. M.S.--The February_ meeting of the Women's M.Issionary 'Society of Knox United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Straugh- �Ata on Tuesday of last week with 24 ladies present:- Mrs. Harold Webster—opened the meeting by reading an inspiring religions poem. A hymn was sung with Miss Sadie Carter as pianist. Mrs. Ernest Durnin read the Scripture lesson from St. Luke's gospel, fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. George Millian. The 'Heralds all respond- ed ery fittingly: Mrs. Fred Toll on ian Stewardship; Mrs: Percy Vincent onKorea; 'Mrs. Guy Cun- ningham on �tetn�perance. Mrs. Fred Toll state that the mission- ary for prayer this year is Miss Christine Baxter and that the al• - location N as usual. Mrs. Ernest book "Home Mission Digest" assist- Durnin introduced the new study ed by Mrs. Harold Web ter, Mts. Ken .McDougal and tMr'ee. J ►hn Durnin, using the question and answer method, nciado it iutereet- ing and informative. The preai- dent, , Ma. ar'l Wilgli enaall,thentock over, with -0 her appreciation to an Who 'ea eapably Rook part previously. Mrs. Roy Easom read the minutes of the January meet- ing which were adopted as read. Mrs. Harold, Webster gave the treasurer's report. We are to have a Baby Band in the church this year, and Mrs. Ted East was app pointed leader. The roll was calI ed—by the secretary, Mrs. Roy Easom.; During the business- per- iod, much discussion and planning took place, after which the offering was taken and the benediction pronounced by Mrs. Bari Wight - man. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. William J. Craig's group.—Mrs. Roy Easom, recording secretary. The Ida White Mission Band met last Saturday afternoon in the Sabbath School room 'ef 'Knox Pres- byterian Church with 26 present. The rp�resi�derLt, Betty Youngblut, opened the meeting and Marie Leatherland the secretary, read Minutes inutes' of the 1 reviouseet- in :_g Which Were adopted. Gordon noble hard charge of the devotio al part. Mgr's. Wilfred Sander on told in her own words the &torr of the Good Samaritan. Molle Haines and Gerdom Govier pr°eeented the flags while alI mem- Mac ON Britannia Road bers repeated the "P1 dge." ',Marg- aret Baines played t piano solo. A Valentine card was signed by everyone and sent to the leader, Mrs. Donald Haines, wishing her a speedy reoorepy. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and games were enjoyed by all. Dies In Alberta. — l''1r. David Hamilton received word I st week that his nephew, Gabri Roy Sprung, had passed away re ently alr her -<Consort, Alberta. Hist was the late Mr. Irick Sprung and his latae nigher was, before her marriage, Elizabeth Hamilton. They resided for many years on the Base Line of Hullett on the farm owned now by Mfr. Jack Wagner. About 37 years ago Mr. Sprung went west but returned a year ago last summer to attend the Auburn 'Centennial celebra- tions. He° is. survived by his wife. Auburn Annettes.— The eighth meeting of the Auburn Annettes was held last Friday night. In the absence of the (president, the first vice-president, Ruth Andrews, presided. The meeting was open- ed with the 441 Pledge and the minutes of the pr vioua meeting were read by the secretary, Shirley Daer. The roll eall was ar><sviered by each member stating her color scheme for her waedrrt'be chart. Plans were made for Achievement Day. Mrs. Audrey Meehan and Mrs. Thelma McDougal are in charge of the club exhibit. Violet Gow is to make the poster, and Isabel Daer give the three minute comment. I)iscussion followed on the skit or demonstration to ,ho given that day. The pictures of the club members, which had ap- peared on TV, were distributed. Lunch was serverteleY ' • drews tnid Violet Gow. The next meeting `wi11 be held on February 21st.. Light B ' er's Mission Band. — Betty Dorn, the new president, presided for she February meeting of the Light arer's Mission Band and Bernice eel ougal is the new secretary. The `' 'offering was re- ceived by Jack ' `'.fight and Barrie Turner and the. d- l icatory prayer sung by all. Darin';, the roll call several more paid t". it member- ehip fees. March ri; l call will be answered by a vers ``containing the word "peace" and '+ a of the members will read an a'v.t:icle on peace. The superintend t told "MagicI�[os• the story of i n t pital" from the study book "Side- walk Kids." Following the dis- tribution of "WOW Friends," the meeting was elosed with the M:iz- pall benediction. Knox W.M.S.—.The Women's Mis-' sionary Society of Knox Presby- terian Church met last Thursday afternoon st'il'e horde of Mrs. Jolui Graham with a good attendance. Mrs. Wellington Good, president, was in charge and opened the meeting with the call to worship whish is in the Book "a Praise, read responsively. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Ed. Davies. A reading was given by Mrs. John Graham and the roll call was answered by a verse from the book of Exodus. The minutes of the January meeting were read by the assistant, Mrs. Alvin Leather - land. Plans were completed for the program for the World Day of Prayer on February 17 to be held in the Presbyterian Church at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Ed. Davies invited the ladies to her home next Wednes- day to quilt for the bale. Arrange- ments for the Easter Thankoffer- Ing speaker was takers rare of A reading was given by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. The study book chapter was taken by Mrs. Herb Govier of the book "They reach for Life." The offering and prayer was given by M•s.Davies. Lunch. was served by the hostess. Private Allan Craig, of Camp Borden, went the week -end with his parents, iMr. and Mrs. William 3. Craig. tMr. Kenneth Whicher, Of Tor unto, epent the weelt-end with in friends villa- e. the �, Private Howard Tait, orf Camp Borden, r ern the wee -end with p LD ELECTRIC Miss Margaret Nevins and Mrs Charles Nevins. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.' Ivan Bean on the birth of a baby daughter, and to Mr. aid Mrs. Lloyd Craig On the birth- of their son. Misses Cora Bogie and Ruth McNevin, of Goderich, who are at- t('nding Stratford Teacher's Col- lege this year, were practise teach- ing last week at U.S.S. No. 5, Hullett, where Mr. Duncan Mac- Kay is teacher. __ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Plunkett and 'Marie visited aver the week -end with Mr. and Mrse Robert Dayman and family at St. Catharines: • Miss Edna Daer, of Bayfield, and Miss bila Daer, of Londesboro, spent:the week -end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reef: Mrs. Donald Canrjbell and daughters, of Sarnia, visited last week with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Stanley Johnston. The 'Wofl& Day of Prayer will be held this year in Knoxx Presby- terian Church at 2.30 p.m.M s. Les. Rathburn, of Clinton, will be the guest. speaker. It is hoped all ladies sof the community t'till at- tend this meeting. 6 Miss Ruth Daer, of Brussels, spent the week -end with her par- ents, htr. and Mrs. Roy Deer; and family. Several from this cone -inanity at - Phone 235 tended the funeral services for the late Mr. Robert Youngblut held in Clinton last Friday. Mrs. Annie Waiper is under the doctor's care these days, being sever'aly hurt from a fall., Mr. and ,Mrs: _Gordon It Taylor visited with their daughter, Mrs: Ron Rathwell, and Mr. Rathwell, at Dresden, last Sunday. Friends of Mrs. Albert Camp- bell willpleased s know that be} sed ton she is able to walk some now. :Mss Stella Ruieeclge, .of Gode- rich, is visiting With her sister, Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. Dr. Weir quietly celebrated his 78th birthday on Tuesday. His many friends wish to congratulate him on this occasion and wish him many mare years of happiness and" health. The St.' Mark's A.Y.P.A. spon- sored the play, "Too Many Rela- tives," put an by the Young People of 13elgrave Anglican Church last Thursday evening in the Forrest- er's Hall. Rev. Bren de Vries was chairman and Miss Claire Taylor, of Myth, sang between the acts. There was a good attendance for this gond play wilieb was well noted. ,Parniees' 'Urian,•—Tine farmer's tneetint splrtaaared by the Ontario, Far'mer's Minn was held last, in Che Or'ang'e Thal. T'liere was a large ,atteadanee to hear the guest. rpearzer, Mr. .1. Schub, chairman of the International Farm :Union. In Clinton hospital, on Thursday, February 9, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craig, (nee Jean Glousher), R.R. No. 3, Auburn, the _gift of a son, Gordon. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allan have returned from North Bay where they visited with Mr. Harvey McCeee. h d------ —_ o - 0 KINOSBRIDGE KIiNGSBRIIDG E, Feb. 13. --Con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berry (formerly Ann Doherty), newlyweds, who were married at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, February 11, by Rev. H. Van Vynekt, P.P., in St. Joseplee Church here. r Mrs. Ed. Sinnott, Miss' Patricia Sinnott and friend .Mr. O'Brien Shannon Sinnott Jimmy and Denny Sinnott., of Detroit, epetit the weekend at the home of Mr. Mzclaael Q l�oidlp Mr. and .Mrs. W. Moran, of Lon. <linli fii heti with relath s lucre alis uuwtay. ' Slr�a 1Ykarancn:, ti ambeitns, of Ifs ixiltoia, rpcnt theweek-end at the hone of filar-pA.rants, Mr. and Alm. IL Lianabortus. Sire e 1943 Canadian bn,1kler Iraye oi,ected 5750109 dwellings. 9