HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-16, Page 5TOBSDAY, FFe.B. 16134 1950 SHEPPARIDTON SIIIIETATIDTW, Feb. 14.7-eack evrnham and Carmen Hayden spent Saturday 'in Gueipla Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeAvoy, Of St. Catharines, visited over the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1?;ert Bogie. Mr. Lorne Dougherty is under the doctor'e care With •tenant/a. Ar. Harbour Adams, Poet Al- bert, and Mr. F. Rising visited Sunday in Listowel with the lat. ter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Folclon I2rb, Melvin and Douglas. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH FEB. 19 -FIRST SUNDAY. IN LENT 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNIQNr.- 10 man. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery). 7 ip.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. FEB. 23 -THURSDAY IN LENT Holy Communion in the Chapel at 10 a.m. Lenten Service and Address at 8 p.m. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A.. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, FEB. 19, 1956 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "HALF CURED SOULS." Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. "JESUS, THE MESSIAH." REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNIDER, Organist and Choirleader.. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNIAG WORSHIP. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. Presbytery Y.P.S. Service. Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr, W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.0 Minister Director of Praise GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. Junior CongreOatiotv fo younger children. 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRA' FRIDAY, FEB. 17-3 p.m. -WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER MEETING. Tues., Feb. 21, 8 p.m. -:-The Quarterly Meeting of the Congregation.• Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. - Organist. • PENTECOSTAL BETHEI TABERNACLE Waterloo St. andf Elgin- Ave. SUNDAY -10 a.m. Sunday, School. . 11ni.,.../tornin9. Wookip.. , ,. ...: .. ... 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. "Life Saving Blood." Blood Transfusions in light of Scriptures. A Hearty Welcome Awaits You. Pastor R. J. Green • TIM GODERIOII SIGNAL5,STAR NEWS OF DVNGANNON DUNGANNON; Fob. 14. - M. and Mrs. Nen, Epconald, of Tees - water, were Sunday' eSts with W. and Mrs. John Ryan. Mrs. Ewart Taylor, of Ltteknow, visited With her sister, (Mrs. &Oth- ers, on Friday. Trip to Ireland,Rev. and Mrs. Wylie McClean sailed on 'Friday for Ireland to visit his widowed; mother, Mrs. Wallace McClean, of elfaet. She has not bee in goed health for some time but the latest report states that she is eoniewhat improved. Rev. and Mrs. 'Wawa left on Monday by motor for New York from (where they sailed on the “Ivernia," of the Cunard Line, to Cork in Southern Ireland and thence acroes Old Erin to Belfast in the north. This is Rev. MeClettn's the visit back home since he Served as an Air Force padre in World War n. During hiseabsence the service in Erskine Presbyterian• Church will be conducted by student ministers. Rev. McClean plans to be back in the pulpit on Sunday, March 25. 45th Wedding Anniversary. - Residents of this village for 45 years, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan were honored at a surprise dinner party at the home of one of their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers, on Wednesday, February 8, their forty-fifth wedding an- niversary. Mrs. Ryan recalled some of the incidents of 45 years ago, eeuch as there being lots of snow and pitch holes to journey over to their new home. Site re- minds us that thiSse were -the good old days when everybody was happy and had fun galore. Mr. Ryan as a young man learned his trade as a blacksmith with George Brad- ford, now of the Town of Goderich. Mr, Ryan in his genial way served the public down through fhe years and is still active in his shop Where many tall tales were told over a good game of checkers. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ryan have been faithful members of the United Church and are always active in the 'various organizations of the community. Mrs. Ryan, an ardent 11111.1111M Free Methodist. Church SUNDAY, FEB. 19 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic ServiCe. Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Pastor, T. J. McMichael Help The Lions Club Help Crippled Children _ THE 1956 TIMlyIY, CHRIS MARTIN, OF MARKHAM BUY EASTER SEALS and you'll help 9,500 'handicapped children all over Ontario. in Goderich and district the Easter Seals will be mailed to you in March. Donations received at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Goderich. Send yours NOW. EASTER SEALS CAMPAIGN SPONSORED LOCALLY BY THE GODERICII LIONS CLUB • , lover of flotvers, /las a picturesque gayden from the first !breath of spring, till the end of autumn. Their home has always beep. OW, of kindly hospitality. They have one daughter, iiilargaret, Mrs. Ger. don Kidd, and two ,grandehildren, all of Toronto. The community joins in wishing this honorable couple many more years of happi- ness together. Demonstration. -Mrs. Herb Fin- nigan was hostess in her home to a product demonstration on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. John Finnigan received a percolator brush as a prize in the clothespin contest and Mrs. Herb Stothers received a no - lint duster as a draw prize. Mrs. Finnigan served a dainty lunch. Euchre Game. -The ladies of St. Paul's Guild sponsored a euchre game in the Parish Hall on Friday last with 14 tables in play. The winners were: first prizes, Mrs. John Chisholm and Charlie Rivett; second prizes, Mrs. jack Errington and Will 'McClure. Lunch was served ,by- the ladies. Mr. Donnie Mole is attending night school in Goderich, -prior to starting his 'position. - Mr. John Allp.n, of Niagara Falls, was student minister for both Lucknow and Erskine Presbyterian Churches on Sunday. Mrs. Harvey Mole is assisting with the painting of Dawson's renovated self-service store. Master Roddy MacDonald, of Ripley, is spending some time with his aunt, Mrs. Harvey Mole. ' Dungannon Sewing polls. -Dun- gannon Sewing Dolls met at the home ,of Mrs. Belle Mole. The roll call was answered by each girl showing the completed work on her blouse. Minutes of last meeting were read. Plans were discussed for Achievement ---Day which is to be held in Wingham on February 18. They will present a skit entitled "A planned shop- ping trip." The girls are asked to assist in the transportation costs. Mrs. W. Henry, of Lucknow, who is 91, is a very sick patient in Wingham General Hospital. Mrs. James Wilson, R.N., is in attend- ance. Annual Meeting. - The annual meeting of Dungannon Public Lib- rary met in the library rooms on Friday last. The chairman, Rev. George Watt, conducted a short business period. It was_deeideri to join the Doubleday and Family Reading Club and also to subscribe to more monthly magazines. Mrs. T. M. Durnin's resignation was accepted. A vote of appreciaction was extended -to Mrs. Durnirf for her assistance on the board fot the past years. The librarian reported on the circulation ' and the secre- tary gave the annual financial statement. The amount spent on Victoria Street United Church -- "FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOU" 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT CLASS. -11- a.m. WORSHIP FOR ALL. (Nursery AOart). "PRAYER -HERE'S POWER FOR YOU." 1.30 p.m. WORSHIP FOR BENMILLER 'CHURCH. 3 p.m. WOR$H1P IN UNION CHURCH. MINISTER -REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR -MR. BERT KEMPSTER. STOMACH SUFFERERS PRAISE NEW NORWEGIAN REMEDY VANCOUVER, B.C. (Special) - Offering positive relief froni gas- tric distress, the new Norwegian Remedy RECLUE has been wel- comed by stomach sufferers across Canada and the United States. First brought to North America from Norway by Mr. 0. Birkeland, President of the Reclu Drug Company, after it was prescribed by an Oslo physician, RECLUE counters hyperacidity and acid indigestion with its strong antacid action. In addition, RE- LUE brings prolonged relief by providing a medicated, protective coating,pver irritated stomach and iiitesttnal membrane. - Long a favorite in Europe, RE - CLUE'S effectiveness has won it new friends throughout North America. Letters on file from thousands of men and women prove its success in bringing ix)ok...3 ant perlo4vai.5 :din -g the pa5t, yeariv4 sjoAtt, The report showed a balance ert l(PaThd, $23.00. no election. of ofiar.ers 1050 remit/tett a! V'resident, Rev. tGeorge Watt; librarian,. Miss, J. AlcOonnell; seoretirj„ Mrs- K. Dawson; board, of managers, Mrs. 0, Blake, Mrs. R. Stothers, Mrs, A. Reed, Ars. IPhillips, L. Wilson, Mrs. 0. 5iciDiarintei and Yirs. K. irodaes. Mission Band. -Dungannon Mts. sion Band was held in the base- Inent during church with 35 pfe. sent. Eleanor Alton gave the call. to worship. Mrs. Herb Finnigan Jed in prayer. Scott Peafson ,took the offering and Sandra '400ks read the offering verse. Billy Crozier .gave the SeMiture. Mrs. Irvin gave a chapter in the study book. The stars for attendance were given out and the World Friends distributed. he meeting closed with the member's purpose. al.••••••••••••••••••••••• DUNGANNON,eFeb. 14. - Mr. and Mrs. Don Williamson and son, Tommy, and Thomas Culbert, of London, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. CecilCulbert. The World Day of Prayer is being observed this Friday after- noon at 2 p.m. in St. Paul's An- glican Church. Mrs. Allan Reed will give the address. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Park were Sunday visitors with her sister, Mrs. George Lawlor, and Mr. Law- lor, Auburn. aVlise Barbara Wilson, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon - d -on, who recently received her cap, has been spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, returning to London this- Tuesday. Amos Cornelius, of Whitechurch, was a recent Vsitor with his 'mo- ther, Mrs. Cornelius, at the home of Mrs. Matthew Shackletbn. We are glad to 'hear Bill Wig- gins is making gradual ifnprove- ment in health at his home near the Nile. Euchre Club. -The Sixth Con- cession Euchre Club enjoyed the weekly party on Wednesday night of last week at the home of Joseph and Cyril Boyle. The winners were: high, Mrs. Faevey Alton and. John Finnigan; low, Mrs. Gus Red- mond and Thomas Webster. The neighbors were scheduled to. gather for the party this Wednes- day night at the home of John 'l'h ompso n. The G. Lauzon family have mov- ed to Goderich. IMrs. Mary Barr is recuperating from illness at Goderich hospital after a siege of "flu" and bron- chitis. In the -same household her daughter, Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan, a teacher near Carlow,' has been' home with the "flu." JtiSt recov- ering UMW from this she is now. a vic- tim of mumps. Mrs. Hprold Bogie, is supply teacher 'during her con- valeicence. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert visit- ed their daughter, Mrs.Earl. Sher- wood, husband and family, onFri- day. Jack Caesar teacher, held a Suc- cessful euchre at the school on Monday night. Eight tables were engaged in play. High winners eeRseeitlelkikeeeeneft-T-em Culbert. Low whirlers, were Mrs. NelsoR Pearson and Donald Phil- lips. The C.G.I.T.: met at the church basement of the United Church on Monday night with 12 members present. Sandra Finnigan led in the worship service, using the theme "One Flack, One Shepherd." Kathleen Smyth read the Scripture lesson, St. John 10:7-16. Prayers were given by Joanne Crozier, Pauline Anderson and Lynda Blake. Slides were shown on "Our Father's Business." The meeting ended. with most of the girls stay- ing for the crokinole party that fol]owed: The Young P,eople's Union spon- sored -a crokinole party in the United Church on Monday night. Fourteen tables were engaged with players. Those winning high were ,Marion Orser and George Dawson. Low winners 'were Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Billy Crozier. 0 prompt,long-lasting relief from stomach' distress. NEM eeembeeee•••••••••••••••••••••••••••ooeee••• ••••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeet*•••••••• Colborne Reunion Set For August 4 A moetinj of the eneentive of School .Section No. 7, Colborne,' Reunion (Committee, met last Thursday. The Rettni.014 is to take • 1/Ina .ithe school grounds,,, August 4. gLstratioa v411iregin, at ID a.m. and a get-acquainted"perlod isto follow. kiimer will be at 12 p.m.. in. the form of a basket lunch. 1.. p.m.,at the ring,ine of the school bely classes will assomblep and the roll, called when former teacher.,s will officiate and past events will be highlighted.. , The 4i:Orts conainitteer withPeter Fisher an convener,. will have Chargo of the.pmgram. congnene-- ing at a p.m. The entertainment committee, with Wilfred Durst as cOnvener, will have eharge df the efi,rening, program: beginning at 0 All eaannaittees were asked to submit their financial estimates with the finance committee, so that a complete report on financial estimates could be given at the next executive meeting to be held in July, Orville Blake is -eonven.er of the finance committee. A re- freshment booth will be on the grounds. 0 - Mc NEI L -W ATSON A beautiful candlelight cere- mony took place ateiFirst St. An- drew's United Church, London, Saturday,. when Elinor Anetta Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Watson, cef Auburn, 'became the bride of Dr. M. Ross McNeil. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McNeil, London. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. J. McQueen, in an all - white setting, against a background of snapdragons and e'mums. Har- vey Robb presided at the yrgan and William Manning was soloist. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a street -length dress of white brocaded delustred satin, fashion- ed with high jeweled neckline forming a "V" at the back. The skirt was flared from a dropped waistline. A jeweled tiara held her shoulder -length veil and she carried an arrangement of calla lilies. Mrs: W. J. Huff was matron of hon -or for her sister and Miss Jean McPhee was bridesmaid The -at, tendants wore street -length dresses of cornflower blue velveteen with matching thea.ddresses and carried bouquets of large white 'mums. Keith McNeil was best man for his brother and ushers were Wil - NMI Lam .1. pr. Nimiuu. Marshall, Winds,or. _Receivin414 1ruow liostaurallt: the brides tardier wore aOavy dress with matchiug. ac.,:eessories, roseliat and corsage of roses. The igt,00)31'S mother chose the . with vy• accessories und: purse vorsage"of aaxdpnla$ - ,After a weddisg trip to. New York Cit'. the couple wiU Lye in - Londel. For travelling clause • a .yellow wool dress with Matching- -hat, blaOk accessories 23. Used ears paw no. 19w, VA,NOU.A.81.) XL Zit 41eW tires, reboil* AA ;Ave, Maim 01••• SOWS- MOTKI.,, Bsorteei,d. Mew 1:030. .0****00/00 and black lamb jaeket, Or. McNeil is a graduate a lea University of ilic'stern Onto** SeboolQdioinc. a Au*ift TAILNINIr "Pat 7A-11174 7rwlr:;;k vwsx0.1,arr....vaimPlt 1111/111.40 .411.40104411151alir 1UILA11iMs."*"1114/1 1.. .411011,"4* 1, 110'40 " 1 1.1.alLsaks.J1komai010111110W #.1"...111111111"111.1MNIIIIMMUIMIss.""""""illailialti. 4. 41 i -i 11 i 2 1 II 1 U ,yoovEf., 2:- 1 1 N a • ii 8 , dte4kli DIClii") airimmill-1111"""."140,._ - ily VP ° ° t,', mOrasaaawamay It's true! There's real savings • here for you during "Hoover Week." These brand new-Hooveri- all fully guaranteed - have been reduced as much as $30: Come in, see them now! sAtz $-25coo ,Hoover 616 features famous Power Cleaning - it beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans. Regularly priced at $136.00, Now reduced 2o $0111.00. PRICED AS LOW AS ORDINARY TELEVISION TRADE NOW -'TERMS TO „ SUIT. - _____ Hutchihson Radio & TV "Complete installation & service" Huron Road Phone 498R Hoover 418 gives you top value in a tuuk-type cleaner, yetig selling Ibis week at a new low price of $69.95 complete. You save $30! $262-z5. Hoover 118 - a little giant of a cleaner. It beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans. During "Hoover Week," priced 'way down to $79.50 with cleaning tools. slow APPLIANCES yowt,FRIGIDAIRE FOR, SALES SERVICE GODERICH on.tist,SQUARE •• '1'44pH-4586 4 .... RECLUE is available, with'out pre- NILE, Feb. 14. - Despite a • scription, at all leading drug stormy afternoon, Church service • was held as u.sual. A vote was taken by the congregation as to • . whether the summer services be 0 stores in Canada and the United - - States. 1..MICIno.. - - _ - - -- a = - held in the morning at 9.45 or a 000000000041100000i)00•006.......e........0.0890000 continue in the afternoon. It Was • .- •• obvious people would prefer the •• i .IVA' ' • • , • • 0 sir S • 0 • , f • ,,,, • „ • ,, ,1 .,, • • ) . -10 • 0 • • • • MARKET • • • e• 0 • sr • • • • C. : location DEFINITELf SAVES YOU MONEY. • • • I SUDDENLY - - - e• earlier 1.imeN.,,s, ,o Church wille. b t 415- 9A5ras:m • M Spragge has been moved to a London hospital. Both John McWhinney and Mrs. wen Moore are improving, though stilt in Goderich hospital. W.A. Meet, -The W.A. meeting was held in the basement of the church, Tuesday of last week with 0' Mrs. Matthews in charge. The Scripture was taken by Mrs. I). • McNeil. The topic, "Our Hope," • was by Mrs. Bogie. An invitation • • was received from the W.M.S. for • the World Day of Prayer, Friday, it February 17. 'Mrs. Harvey Fisher gave an interesting account of her • trip to Florida. It was decided to go ahead with the plans for the • /congregational supper on Febru- • ary 14. Mrs. J. McIntyre and Mrs. Reg. Ryan were hostesses. • • • Come see for yourself. Our Market is at rear of • • Worsell's Hardware Store. Entrance via • St.- Davids • • Stte5t beside former Erskine Supply Store. Look at • • 'these prices. • CELLO TOMATOES pkg. 29c •• POTATOES , 10 lbs. 30c 41 POTATOES (New Brunswick 75 lbs. 1.95 • POTA'IOES (Ontario) 75 lbs. 1.69 : LOOSE 'BANANAS 3 lb 25c HEAD LETTUCE. 2 for 29c • MUSHROOMS lb. 590 I CELERY HEARTS each 25o • GRAPES , 2 lbs. 29c Sunkist ORANGES 288's don, 35o to Lair size GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 490 • Cel o CARROTS 2 pkgs. 25c • GOLDEN BANANAS lb. 17c‘ COOKING ONIONS 10-1b. bag 39c Watch for our opening in new location on Kingston St. • " next to Rouse Auto Electric. • • 0 1 FRESH Limes, Avocado Pears, Leaf Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Chinese Lettuce, Tangerines, Cucumbers, Fresh Corn, Bunch Carrots. . ......, ,. IVAN'S 'FRUIT MARKET • • • 0• Phoile 171. 'Free delivery on orders of over $2.0%, I **********************************************4 The C.G.I.T. met lifo,recePlf.7-{ week in the Nile' Churgi li'aSemeni with 12 girls present. Mrs. Jack Clements read the study book. Marie Knight and Dorothy Rut- ledge conducted the worship period. Betty Clements a n d Dorothy Wolff were in charge of games. Carol Pettman and Bar- bara Taylor will conduct the wor- ship period at the next meeting and Dianne and Karen '.T.Ohnston, the games. Nile YJP.U. met in the church basement on Monday of last week with the president in charge. Donna iMeNee' read the Scripture. Gall',Oodfrey was in charge of the topic. Gefrge Ribey led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Watt led in the Bible study. Mrs. Garth Hamilton and daugh- ter, Cherefreieited !ast week with Mr. and (Mrs. Dan Simpson and Peggie, at Port Credit and with Mr. and Mrs. errs Taylor, at Toronto. • • RANGE OF NEW 1956 FA .RICS NOW ON DISPLAY AT F• E. Hibbert awd Son's keee -0', a • , A \\(,' n'N t.--4 NEW CURTAINS AND ATTRACTIVE 'DRAPER/ES CHOSEN • • when flowers bloom -and HOMES ARE MADE MORE EAUTIPUL. FROM 111E LARGE $ We can greatly assist you with your home decorations. You can saf?ly leave your araperp,pzoblems in"biir care. We nieasure, make and install, and our prices are most reastinable, our service prompt and courteous. , eeeeeeeeesseeeeeeeeeeesseeeifeeeees VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW RODS of all kinds. Plastfc blinds and cloth blinds, and for the ▪ kitchen and bath room, plaatic curtains and it5lohing shower curtains. Also 6 and 54 inch plo.stio by tlic yard. Drop in and choose your 1,vindow curtains and draperies s00111. E. Hibbert Goderich Piscine