HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-09, Page 8PAGI JCIGHT Carbon Monoxide Threatened Three Thiele 00dieriele Men fell victim to who* monoxide poisoeing Sat- ee_tirditY Morning When the dome of the !AMP n which they were Wereeng blew e,lrat. The three, Leonard Rivett, Be MIILaud-Walter Rathbun, were e„ 'Airing and "warming up" tnteks Mk a, garege owned by The Gode- ride Cement Block Company, on ,Thlron, road, when the mishap occurred. _Million, who was working the fender of one of the trucks was tbe first to be overeo e and tumbled from the truck to the floor. Before Rivett could come to his aid, he was overcome. Rath- bunfl managed to get to the office door and attract the attention of the eitce Workers, before he was overcome. 'Me Goderich Volunteer Fire Department was called to the scene sued, with the inhalator, revived the trio. The men were removed to Alexandra Hospital where they were given oxygen. Hospital of - a heavy amount of the gas, but all were be to yet= home, late Saterday night. Mgliou also r,e- caved eilght heed enjurea which resulted twee his fall from the teuck, K1NTAIL KINTAIL, Feb. 1. --The Kintail W.I. held their February !meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Mc- Gregor with a good' attendance. The roll call was a suggestion for the home talent pecogram. The representative to the •Cancer So. deity is Mrs. Bob Spate Mrs. Hugh McKenzie, in repeating for cur- rent events, 'read an article on Helen MeKerrcher, at farmer's daughter ,fivar# ubli,u, who is our, new director of the Women's Insti- tute in Toronto. Mrs.Jack, Mc- Kenzie read "The .1Iomemaker's recipe for acquiring the new/look." Mrs. Dave McKenzie read the poem "The Bridge Builder." Mrs. 'Bele Johnstone played a piano solo. The Queen and Institute grace closed the meeting, after which lunch was served. ficials say the men received quite Exclusiveness: A. characteristic of both high society and the skunk. ? ? THREE QUESTIONS ? ? ARE YOU: 1, A good salesman? 2. Between ages 25 and 35? 3. Desirous of increasing your income? If SO: Here is a sales opportunity, in Goderich and surrounding area, that offers challenge, immediate income and exceptional future prospects. IF INTERESTED: Give full details, experience and references, addressing your reply to: MR. JACK VANCE, Box 69, Guelph, Ontario. YOU CAN PROVIDE YOUR OWN RETIREMENT PENSION THROUGH A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY FOR FULL INFORMATION THE DIRECTOR. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR. OTTAWA,(POSTAGE FREE) 'mast SEND ME INFORMATION SHOWING HOW iceetrAbliN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY CAN BRING ME RETIREMENT INCOME AT LOW COST. MY NAME IS PAr./Mrs./Missl PLEASE PRIW I LIVE AT DATE OF BIRTH AGE WHEN ANNUITY TO START TELEPHONE I understand that iiiiormation citv•zi ahoy* will bo hold conlidsntial. WIMIWN • a itour TRANS CANADA CREDIT LIFE -INSURED LOAN protects our fatally security° "niVe switched to Trans Canada Credit the minute we discovered we could get life insurance on our loin at no extra coat. It's such a relief to know that no Mater what happens, our family security is protected," says a typical Canadian mother. Check now to see whether your present loan has this Important family protection feature. If not, call your nearby Trans Canada Credit manager right away. At Trans Cattada Credit, you can easily borrow the cash yon need, at reasonable rates, and on repayment plans arranged to suit your budget. Service is rourteous and private, fastand dependable. And loans are life -insured to $2500. at no extra cost. So when you need a loan, for any worthy pnrpose, think firot of the all -Canadian company that thinks of your family'o security. Sec your nearby Trans Canada Credit manager. THE ALL -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY THE GODERICif SIGNAL.STAR Si466 Jury Eifiployet For Firet WXZ Time In ilurog County For Civil Case - _ PrOvinelal Coneteble a.„ Vranie as arrived in Goderich to Five QAWS were finalized When The siXinee lury found n fin tee poet len eeeeee eoneeelio the Ontario Seprente Con, pre- uteeligertee OR the part of Robert ecieteelerient here When Conetable sided or by Honorable %fr. Jus - dee Smily met here last week. One civil case was dismissed, min- utes of settlement were filed Oil another; a criminal 'ease was dis- missed; two civil cases adjourned until September; a civil ease, with- out jury, was settled, and one divorce granted. The hearings began Monday at 2 p.m. 'and didn't finish up until 4 p.m., Thursday. This was the first time in Huron County that a six - man juryewes employed in a civil ease. The ruling, changing the number of reen or. Women in a civil case jury from 12 to six, was passed in January of this year. A charge of criminal negligence laid by the Cmwn against Wilmer Smith was dismissed on the grouilds that there was not enough evidence to convict the amused. The charge arose out of an auto- mobile accident involving a Car driven by Smith and another driven .by Wilfred Elliott, Listowel, in McKillop Township, June, 1955. Mrs. Elliott died of. iniuriee receiv- ed in the accident. The case went before the Grand Jury after pre- liminary hearings in August. The Grand Jury had returned a true bill. This was the only criminal case dealt with at the recent hear- ings. Solicitor for the accused was the firm of Donnelly and Don- nelly. H: Glenn Hays, Q.C.,` acted on behalf of the Crown. Minuteof settlement were filed inthe civil case of Steartover ,Raithby, arising out of a motor vehicle accident at Auburn, Octo- ber, 1954. The amount settled for was $1,325 and $200 costs. H. B. Edwards, Stratford, represented Stuart, the plaintiff, and Donnelly and Donnelly appeared on ,behalf of Raithby, the defendant. Two Bottle Club Proprietors Fined Two district bottle club pro- prietors were fined a total of $125 for keeping for sale, contrary to the Canada. Temperance Act, in Magistrate's Court here, Thursday. Mrs. Grace Simmons, who oper- ates "Club 21" on the Bayfield road, south of here, was 'fined $50 under the Act. A charge of bring- ing into Huron County for other than personal or family use, was dropped. Charges of bringing in and keeping for sale, against 'ler. Clarence Simmons were also drop- ped. George Campbell, proprietor of the Crystal Club at Dunlop, plead- ed guilty to charges of .keeping for sale and was fined $75 and costs by Magistrate D. E. Holmes-. Both proprietors were given 'an option of the fine or 20 days in jail • • Raymond N. Miller was fined $15 and eosts on charges of disorderl con uet and o c ing • e po ce. Two Brantford - "youths ,Frank Papp, 19 and John William Brown, 18, were 'given two years probation and required to raise their own bond of $200 on two charges of tar theft and a charge of breaking, entering - and theft. Brown was ,also sentenced to 30 days • en jail. Both youths have already been in- carcerated for about a month. Evidence revealed that the youths, on January 4, 'stole a car in Brantford and proceeded to London. When the car broke down near London they stole an- other in that city and then pro- ceeded north to Clinton. They, scaled the ,wire fence at the Clin- ton RCAF Radar School, pried open a window, and broke into a steel cabinet and stole 15 revolvers and two pistols. Magistrate Holmes said,, in pess- ing sentence, "This is no-oramary theft. Jif they had radios or TV sets it would have been entirely different, but there is a certain type of individual who buys fire- arms and they are the -types who hayno legal right to have them." At an earlier hearing, the Magis- trate advised the court that he was considering probation,. for the pair. 'Ptobation is something new and I think we should use it as miter as we can. if it works in cases of this kind, it will be a good thing and will save the Pro- vince a lot of money as well as help rehabilitate the convicted. If it is not going to work, now is the time to find ,out," he said. DMAY, 148,11 THERE 15 NO BETTER BALANCED FOOD THAN THE GOOD MILKOF ANDREW DAIRY L. Milford who was 'availed in a motor accident' with Marino Mai- bani. near Auburn during the cen- tennial in that Ixtinanunity. Pollee evidence revealed that the left front wheel 0 the Fulford vehicle was four feet across the centre line of the road when the accident occurred. lilvidenee of the de- fence showed that the left front tire o the ..balford 'vehicle "14d blown, as the two cars met, causing the Fultoa-d vehicle to swerve to the left, striking the Flaihrani vehicle. The jury found there was no negligence on the Part of Fn! - Lord which caused or contributed to the accident. The Arm of Don- nelly and Donnelly represented Fulford. W. M. Prest was solicitor for Elaibani. A settkment was reached in a case arming out of six-yearld Jayne Ann Baker, of ''Wingham being struck bty a truck driven by John Parrish, of Gerrie, on Deeem- leer ia The litue girl, had run out from 'behind a parked car when she wE4.5 struck. She sustain- ed a fractured 1pg, fractured skull, fractured collar bone and bruises and abrasions in the aceident. The settlement resulted in $1,200 being credited to the infant and $680.93, plus costs to the 'father, Kenneth Baker. The firm of Donnelly and Donnelly appeared on behalf of the girl and her father. Lerner, Lerner, 'Jefferson and Bitz, of Lon- don, appeared on behalf of Parrish. Two other civil eases, Scurrah et al vs. Plaibani et al and Hoy et al vs. Eramian et al were ad- journed until September. In the divorce case, the divorce was granted. , goore was transferred toOuellt. itt er. Constable_ Vranie spent Olive years in ?the Renora and Port Arthur distriet, near ,the Steep Rock iron ere development, be. fort) coming' to Goderich. Ilis home is at Stoney Creek. Constable Vranie Is married end will toe up residence in Goderich. Sgt. Obarles Anders9n, of the local detachment was, presented with a 29 -year service niedA1,_by Inspector Orank Scott, when Dis- trict Number 6 of the OPI' heM their annual meeting in Listowel, recently. 0 Labor income of Canadians wee .$9,463,900,000 in the first nine ninths of 1955, a record high and 8.5 per cent more than An the same period of 1954. Per Capita Bill For Liquor, $U While liquor .spending Per cap - is *52.73 a year, pet' Capita givings for ebureli work itt. the four leading Protestant' emu. mimions are 'only $34.23, according to, a report issued by the Board of Evangelism .and Social Service of The United ,Clurch of Canada. The report in leaflet ftin, dis- tributed. to every United Church minister, says that for every three dollars Canadians spend on feed, mew than one dollar is Vent on liquor and tobaceo. Further statements contained in the publication say: Indirect cost of the liquor tr_affip to Canada is more than 23filimes the amount colleted in taxes., . $500,0001000 was spent on edu- eatidn in Canada in JON. $809.0(10,00Q was ?pent on alcoholic beverages ut 1953. Ab§enteeisni, poor workman - NORWEGIAN MEDICINE AIDS STOMACH SUFFERERS Vancouver, B.C. (Sp al) The Norwegian medicine REOLUE has Proved during the past five- years to be very beneficial to people suffering with stomach distress due to hyperacidity' and acid indiges- tion. Due to the increased demand, the Iteclu. Drug Co. Led. has ex- panded distributionThM RECLUE from coast to coast and has opened up distribution facilities in the United States. 1111111MINIIMISSIMMUnin...., RECLUE, a medicine in liquid form developed in Norway through the sal of modern pharmaceutic- al research, has brought prolonged relief from excessive gastric acid- ity and acid indigestion to thous- ands of Canadians. Letters on file 'hove the success of this medicine for Stomach sufferers. RECLUE is now available; without prescrip- tion, at all leading drug stores across Canada. 4.1111111111111.11.11=1111111ftm. short production, aeei- dents, claulputent daMage etc caused byt- drinking, cost 'Cap, ada over $80 . 7,000000 *halt iCanadialia dnink; 420 000 of, these are problem_ drinkers; one in every 17 of those Who drink TfOIRVIV:t4 Vtle, 1.00 beeome alcoho40. "Lictiw et factor In 4 vercentr—ina conservative estin att—et Canadian highwa aeeldents". .."Accidelits *r -,1111t4:11111artartleil*rdain. 5.0.41;41::*Strleal4idlieet rbee.:41 • WE ARE NOW TAKING BOOKINGS YOU SILOS FOR 1956. WITH A 'SHORTAGE OF STEEL AND 'CEMENT IN VIEW THE WISE FARO= MIL GET HIS ORDER IN AT ONCE AND AVOID THE DIFFI- CULTY IN OBTAINING MATER/AL, CONTACT US AT ONCE AND WE WILL BE GLAD TO GIVEYOU FULL -INFORMATION. -5-6. ugi 1 Bros. Cement Silo Contractors, 92 Cambria Road, Goderich TELEPHONE 387M • CORPORATION LIMITED 48 THE 194)1LIARE .Teleplionet Gotterich is 797 inee,<, 104 DAP Rif jj * FOR 'roil; rourilain Fayourdar" *VISIT Our Ice Cream E4c2r- Cireifitladv,(9,0442&------ 50 YEARS OF PR A • THE H Y' I), R. 0 ( The fifty years since Ontario Hydro wt j created in 1906 constitute one of the most important eras in the history of 'our pro- vince. The Hydro family has played a major ' role in the progress of that half century; ' energetically developing Onlario's water resourcexto make available to farms, homes and industry, dependable dectric power at rates among the lowel3t in the world. In the process, the Hydro family has grown from the original 14 partner municipalities !to 348. The number of customers ser,ved through these, plus rural, local systems and industrial customers now exceeds one and o one half million. The combined assets of the FAMILY ASSURES YOU TURE 1956 GRESS Commission and the' municipal systems is almost two billion dollars. In this, our Golden Jubilee Year, Ontario Hydro and all the Hydro municipalities salute thd men whose foresight and,,t r - prise founded, the Hydro family . We salute also labour, industry and agriculture, all of which may be proud of thej part in helping to bring about the present high standard of living in -Ontario - — What of the next 50 years? The future holds great promise in electrical living_ Hydro will continue to provide'an adequate supply.of electricity to meetthe power requirements of the province . . . paver for greater,/ prosperity for all Ontario. lk 0