HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-09, Page 50 .- Peleo 12-Qu1`n,ua jNima S.30 a:tn. :HOLY- -COMMUNION: 110 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. .:11 r,rn.=,100101IN-P*tAYEA `AND `SDMON. (Jrijnier • Congrega.i•n ' and Nursery). 7 p.m. EVENSONCVAND SERMON:. ' =-'REV., W. S. M�OpRRI*, •S.A., Ph.D. • in..chargof all srbvicos. • Feb. 15th. Ash Wednesday. Holy Communion in the Chapel at 10 a.m. Feb. 16. Thursday in Lent. Lenten Service and Address- at • REV.- KENNETH L TAYLOR, M:Ay` D.D., Racier- MR. J. P. STEPHENS; N.A.. Organist; and .Ch•Irrnister =- North Street United Church SUNDAY, ' FEB: 12, 1956 -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. 'THE HALL OF MIRRORS." Music by -.TM-Harboraires: Nursery and _,Junior . Congregation. 7 p.m. "JESUS IN THE GOSPEL." REV , _H. -A. 'DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MRS. J. SNLDER, Organist and Choirleader. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery and -Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. (Junior Choir). Rev. R. G. MacMillan Mr. W. H. Bishop, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister Director of Praise GODERICH BAPTIST .CHURCH SUNDAY, FEB. 12 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. - Junior Congregation for younger children. 7 p.m. SERVICE OF PRAISE: - Monday 7.30 p.m. Choir and B.Y.P.U. Tuesday 8.9 p.m. Bible Study ,and Prayer Hour. Thursday and Friday 7 p.m. Explorers: Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Minister. Organist. ' V On a per capita basis. only the sume more petroleum and steel people of the United Statek con -1 than do Canadians. I• Competitive Prices Plus -Personal- Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders for •••o . - - - - Shop at YOUR DRUG STORE the safe, logical and depend- able place .to buy drugs, medicines and other products for health and beauty care. I.D.A. Brand Special! AROMATIC CASCARA A pleasant, gentle tonic and laxative., 3 oz. reg. 35c 29c 6 reg 49C 65c lAdmimsamirl.D.A. Brand Special! PAPER NAPKINS 70 white, embossed, large size napkins in dispenser typo box. - Reg.15c- 2 for 29c I I.D.A. Brand Special! CASCARA TABLETS Digestive Tonic and Mild Laxative. 5 grain 100's e c 00 99c • I.D.A. Brand Special! •STOMACH POWDER • Quickly relieves gastric • distress. 4 oz. reg. 7Sc 16 oz. reg. 1.95 59c 1.49 SPECIALS! POWDER PUFFS Soft Velour 3 inch diameter. 3 in cello pkg. on VACUUM BOTTLES 15 oz. Vacmaster with red plastic_cup_ cap. _. 79c WASH CLOTHS 12 inch size in variety of colours. 2 far 5c - • I.D.A. Brand • SHAVING CREAM Softens the beard, makes - shaving easy, comfortable. 2% oz. tube 49c • ' STOPETTE Special ! - Buy the combination of regular $1.25 size of Stop- ette or Stopette for, Men with ' a FREE `47 day Trial -Size. Both sizes only 1.25 VALENTINE GIFTS We have listed below - only 'a few of the many delightful Valentine gifts that your I.D.A. Druggist suggests. „FOR HER Compacts by Stratton of England 2.50, 3.25 Devilbiss Perfume Atomizers 1.00, 1.50, '2.25 Gemeyli oz. Perfume 1.75 Gemey Eau de Cologne 1.75 Gemey 2 oz. Toilet Water. 1.75 Shulton "Friendship Garden" Charmer Set LSO Toilet Water. 1.25, 1.75 Stationery (Boxed) 50c, 7Sc, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Taylor Soaps 3's 1.00 FOR HiM Gillette Blades in Dispensers . . 5Qc, 1.00 Gillette Super -Speed Razor Kit ...... .. 1.29 Shaving Brush 4.00 value for . 2.96 Others 1.00, 3.50, 5.00 up Shulton Old Spice , After Shave Lotion 1.35, 2.00 Shaving Mug 1.50 Sets .... 2.00, 210, 2.8S CANDIES Cadbury's Chocolates 34 lb. 80c---• . 1 lb. 1.50 Other delkious fresh as- sortments by such famed candy makers as Neilson's, Willard's, Smiles M Chuck- les, Rowntree's, Lowney's, Moirs', etc. - Campbell's DrugStor ..R • 1' .� • KINGSBRIDGFi :" I KINGISBBR•IDGE;Week'. 6.-=4V 7:7L 1r, and Mrs. Bert -ldartin*Shd'ozikiren, of Hantllton, " Miss ' Mart • Therese Martin, oi-..milton;:.p[r. artd; Aflca: A'ivin`�ltforau>, .:of . St:;:ttlarys," and Deuglas Frayne,::of TiVonto :spent ,the week -end with relatives bare. ., Miss Margaret ' Kraemer. of Elmira, and two brothers,. Neil and Hugh, of !Hessen, spent Sun- day at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene' Frayne. ' Mrs. Cyril Austin is attending a hairdressers' convention. in De- troit, and was accompanied to De- troit ' by her mother, Mrs. M. O'Neil; and Michael. Mr. Hein Ilendriks left via plane last week to visit his relatives in Rykwoort, Holland. Solemn Requiem mass was cele brated by Rev. E. C. Garvey, C.S.B., of Windsor, for his brother,' the, late Thomas Garvey, on Tuesda? morning at 10 a.m. with Rev. H. Van Vynckt as deacon, and Rev., Father Faught, C.S.B., of Windsor, as sub -deacon. Interment was in St. Joseph's cemetery here. The pallbearers were: Joseph O'Keefe, Matthew Foley, Gene Frayne, Jos. Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, FEB. 12 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship Service. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting._ Pastor, T. J. McMichael _DUNGANNON. Feb. 7.-Mr.,And Mrs. George 'Irwin; newlyweds, of •Lueknow, were honored . at Dun- gannon :Agri iilturiil Hall•on'Frlday night with a reception and dance. Mikey Sanderson _ introduced '•them; and on behalf of the friends pre-,. sent, extended,' best wishes to them. Bill' ¶Hunter presented them with a purse of money. Hank 'Morris' dr61t stra supplied music for danc- ing• The couple were .married In Kemptville, Nova Scotia,, on Janu- ary 14. The bride was the former Ann. White, - .of Magnetawan; tario, a daughter.'of Mr. and Mrs; Ardwell White, who with 'their son, Carl, attended the reception. George ins. -,been` training .nt Kemptville. They left by motor•' last Wednesday , nlorning. and arrived here .on Friday, having travelled 1,470 miles in 48 bout's, 'They lost six hours in the state of Maine, while their- . car was repaired. George.who is serving in:the, army, having spent 14 nwnths in Korea, is now on his - way to Chilliwaek B.C., where he will be stationed for six months taking an engineers' course. They left Monday ,to spend a few days at Magnetawan before S_ 9i NG' AN Martin, Harold Donnelly, and Nor- man O'Connor. Among those at- tending the funeral from a dis- tance were Miss N. • .Meagher, Arthur Donnelly and Harold Don nelly, of Walkerton; Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, -Miss Margaret Garvey and Michael, from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dalton, of Detroit. Mrs. Walter Clare visited with relatives in Toronto for the past week. The C.W.L. are sponsoring a Pre -Lenten Valentine Dance in the Parish Hall. Victoria Street United Church "Fellowship Awaits You." 10 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m. "TRESPASSES and TEMPTAT'IONS." 1.30 p.m. lienmiller Church Worship after; Bible School. 3 p.m. Union Church after Bible School. MINISTER -REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B,A., B.D. MUSIC DIRECTOR -MR. BERT KEMPSTER. PENTECOSTAL BETHEL TABERNA NLE Waterloo St. and Elgin Ave. SUNDAY -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. TUESDAY and FRIDAY Services at 8 p.m. A Hearty Welcome Awaits You. Pastor R. J. Green' AFTER -INVENTORY 'journeying to .Ch3111waci. ; -3[r. and Mrs.. Ardwell White and Carl spent' -tbe� week -end. with the ''• groom's parents, Mr. - and; Mrs. Spence ..Irwin, Lucknow.• .... :. Mrs. Minnie Jones visited a day recently with her friends at. the 'home of Miss May Davies; Code - rich. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClure and son, -of Elmira visited Mi. and Mrs. W. If.. endure. ' United . Church • W.M.S. -+ The United Chi}rch Women's Mission- ary Society •meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Herb Finnigan with 15 members and one visitor ;present. Mrs. George 'T odgea-pre- sided and opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. , RaymondFinnigan read the aim and ' object and all repeated the Lord/dr-Prayer. Mrs. Arthur Elliott led the worship ser- vice with Mrs. G. Watt reading some of the Scripture: The roll call was answered by reporting the _number of homes and hospital calls Fade. • A hank you letter was read by_Mrs. G. Hodges from Mrs. George Harris. Mrs. J. Ryan was leader in the_ Home„ and Mis-. anon Study Digest with Mrs. Herb Finnigan and Mrs. Otto Popp tak- ing part. After the offering was received a reading entitled `"Any- body might have done it" was read by Mrs. E. Rivett. Mrs. G. Watt passed out the literature books. • - Mr. and Mrs. T. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake and Bert Maize attended the-:--- Stratford Teachers' College "At Home" on Friday night. Attending the col- lege at the present time are Lois Webster and Delmer Maize. Mrs. Cecil Blake, a teacher, is a gradu- ate of the college which was then known . as the Stratford Normal School. Y.P.U. Church Service. -Nation- al Youth Week was observed at the Dungannon United Church on Sun- day with the Young People's Un- ion holding a service in the even- ing at 8 p.m. Leading the service were Wayne Brown and Elizabeth Pentland. Marylin Anderson pre- sided at the organ for hymns and accompaniments. J. C. Durnin gave the address, "Seek Ye First." Rev. Watt conducted the installa- tion of officers. The choir sang an anthem and a duet was sung by Carl Seivert and Wilmer Erring- ton. The collection was received by Lynn Finnigan and. Wayne Brooks. ' At the morning service Rev. G. Watt, who is spe4king on a series of sermons on the twelve disciples, spoke on "James.',: -..In accordance with National Youtheek, Scrip- tural readings were giv by David Dawson and Sandra Fi nigan. 45th Wedding Anniversary. - Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. W. Arthur Culb rt, 4th concession of Ashfield, who last Wednesday nlversafy at • their home '• r'l ap1e _Emblenr Firms" where • they' Mire resided since^their marriagge;The as bride, w • the_fet ex, Nettk .Tyn. dell, daughter. of - •the .Late Mr„ -and Mrs: William Tyndall;'of Carlow. .The late Rev. A.,J. -,Mann, aECar- low. .Presbyterian Church perform- ed the ceremony at . their home. Witnesses were Hugh hill and the late Lily Ferguson. Gertrude Pat- rick,. the bride's niece, was flower girl. The •groom was the elder son of the late Mr. and. Mrs_.Abe..:.Cul- ,bert. Mr. 'and Mie. Culbert .are ardent workers .for farm stock And. stook ..'improvement, . having . fine records in Shorthorn cattle. They are active members of the Dun-. gailnon . United Church. For the familygathering the living rooms were attractive with flowers. The families are (Mr. and Mrs. Leonard (Evelyn) Crawford, and- family, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Cors) Sherwood;, and _family., Car- low; Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Culbert, and family, Vr. and Mrs. Howard Culbert and -family, and their son, Bill, 4th concession of Ashfield. A social evening was spent during which the family presented them with -electrical = gifts- - Harold' (Bud) Glenn and two companions from Forest, left last week -end on a motor trip to Florida. Little David. Pocock, Holmes- ville, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn last week. The Sixth Concession euohrce party was held Wednesday. night of last week at the -home of Mr. and. Mrs. Victor Errington. Win- ners were: high, Mrs. John Finni- gan and Lynn Finnigan; low, Eleanor Alton and Harold. Erring- ton. Mrs. Harvey Alton visited her mother, Mrs. Robert McCabe, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas !Mitchell, Saltford, on Monday. - Mrs. Frank Glenn has been con- fined to bed with the "flu." Thomas . Elliott Passes. - Mrs. Lorne Ivers received word Iast week of the death of her brother, Thomas Elliott,. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Orville Probst, of Lougheed, Alberta, The son of the late Mr. and !Mrs. James Elliott, of Dungannon, he was in his 80th year.. He left these parts when puito a young man and followed 'the 'blacksmithing trade. He was honored -with a Jubilee Scroll by the Alberta Government during their Golden Jubilee celebration as he had been a resident of Al- berta -for over fifty years. He had - spent last winter with his sister, Mrs. Ivers Particulars have not yet been received. He is survived by a son and three daughters; a brother, John Elliott, of !Maidstone, Sask.; .three sisters, Mrs. Ed; (Lily) Plunkett, Sask- atoon, Sask.; Mrs:"' Annie- Larsen, Lulcknow, and Mrs. Lorne (Elossie) Seasay:;t& Gcs en treatmettt.pt estbets -424; ,. 1�e-C .LT held-ti�ebr. sseetii on Monday. evening ., in the' ebur4 basement with'Sandia Fimligaa the chair. =, �Jewel� o 'Reed • d -Eleanor Alton`led-in wonahip`witb Lynda slake reading the ''Scrip- ture. . MTrs. G.' Watt give ..the -M dress "Seek Ye ret t Christianity." The Dungannon. Women'vs . Insti- tute had a successful euehreperty on Monday night. , H were Mrs. Clifford rosier-aild Harvey Sproul; .low winners , were Mrs. Arthur. Elliott' and Mr. ;Har- •vey;Alton. • Fifteen tables wereen- gaged with 'players: Lunch'' served at the close of the evening. o- -- 0 - PORT ALBERT PORI. ALBERT, -Feb. 7. Mr: and Mrs. Fred Crawford and baby son, Charles, visited over the week or he st two In -.a icer w l..CQ dit • 'of .,write ..ls••;r'hnprov k= aisr 1t - of 'Toronto j�,�u,,. Os ;hint thin week ' : °lr,r ' ` -Mrs; Bert ... Crawfgrd li; .home'last Thursday ai'te patiesit..10 �6da :,111 <, ClaresSii: ,. ,home last ' week ' f Goderick'_ ta1,. ; itiso ,trot; , -beet a patient ctheelorxal<•giesk;►. ( A' abower was Olt, iiC tbs eiiseI house hire - on • Tueedayi''evi ' is;- bonoar of M1a4 ',Akin* of the • ,tidont ' .' e .,y,',. '25! great:•- were enjoyed' dunIog tk.. evenhi . after which glints ;there given Anne, who re .lit a...::11 -1 manner. *Lunch ,was 'AN'S FRI MARKET 4 location DEFINITELY SkVES YOU MONEY. Come see for yourself. Our Market is at, rear 'of Worsell's Hardware Store. Entrance via St. David's - Street beside former Erskine Supply Store. Look at these prices. CELLO TOMATOES - - . pkg. 29c PpTATOES " 10 lbs. 30c POTATOES (New Brunswick 75 lbs. 1.95 POTATOES (Ontario) 75 lbs. 1.69 LOOSE BANANAS 3 lbs. 25c., HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 29c MUSHROOMS lb. 59c CELERY HEARTS - • each 206 GRAPES 2 lbs. 29c Sunkist ORANGES 288's doz. 35c Large size GRAPEFRUIT '10 for 49c Cello CARROTS ' • 2 pkg.!, 25c GOLDEN BANANAS lb." 17c COOKING ONIONS.. * ....:.. ::1. 10-1b. bag .39c-- MARMALADE ORANGES JUST ARRIVED CHOICE MacINTUSH APPLES ' bu. 1.99 FRESH Limes, Avocado Pears, Leaf. Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Chinese Lettuce, Tangerines, Cucumbers, Fresh Corn, Bunch • Carrots. , , .S FRUIT -MARKET • IAN'S Phone 1571. Free delivery on orders of ,over $2.O0. • • Bargains in odd lots -End of lines Soiled samples Ladies' Snuggle Panties, 15% wool, Piiik shade 6499CC \,'ests to instep Cotton Snuggie Panties -Cotton Bloomers, small size 25c •NN• •N White flannelette, 27 White Flannelette, 36 inch. bleb Standard Standard weight. 10 yards .' - •NN•••••NNNN•N••••N••N••N•••N•N••••• Ladies' Kayou Slip;, :;2 and :31 only.. - R gins. $1.!) i. / �c Clearing- at Boys' Combination t'li(ierwear.. .Bit1I loin ' 75c Winter weight., Regular $1.15 Wool and Potton Alrtklets----Misses' Sizes. 1':Ias; is • 29c top Turned 'dove![ top $3.00 1 3 yards 39c $1.10 39c, ,_ N•N•••••••N••NN••NN ••NNNNO• Al lune ('loth Slacks -mostly brown anti navy its . $1 sizes 1.1-1S-20. Originally up to $5.95 .59 ••••••••••••••••••••€K.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I;:ltttlket lieninants at a low price .according, to \veight: (;irIS, Cool Cardigan SWt'aterS, 12 and 1-1. $ 1 900 • Children's Snow Suits. Size 2' and 3. . Values to et at ., $11.95, at Je NNN•N• N••NN••NrN<"♦ Printed 1"!ennefefte for gowns, py,jatnas:ete... iters►- nants,. yard -Regular stock reduced to , C1 yard 48c Large, thirsty Terry To\vels-natural shade with colored stripes. Pair e , Small size, size, 16 x :to -extra special. -Pair Extra large size, cotton Tea Towels. A fall range of Print. for.Spring ••• $1.19 49c 39c, 39c, 49c and "" 19c. 4 for 69c 79c Children's Training Panties, 42 x 36 Pillow Slips. One seek only. Pair -MORE FOR YOUR MONEY V.'es.t Street (i DERTCH_ 1 • igne BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL 'Mercury promises, you the proudest driving. Its new - look is wide and low; a dramatic'581i ins. in Montclair, Monterey and Custom hardtop models. Luxurious interiors feature rich, colourful nylon and vinyls. ACTS BIG FROM THE WORD "GO" Mercury's new 225 -hp. SAFETY•SUHGE V-8 gives you- faster -than -ever acceleration where you need it most -for more safety in passing and hill -climbing. And Mercury rides BIG, yet is so easy to handle:- - SAFETY -ENGINEERED FOR NEW SECURITY For added driver and passenger safety, Mercury's standard features include new impact -absorbing steer- ing wheel,!" afety door locks, safety -beam headlights. Scat belts, and cushioning for instrument panel and sun visors are gptional. - THE 8IG VALUE IN EVERY WAY See all of the new extra big Mercury offers this year -in bea , performance, safety. And be sure to check Mercury prices. You'll find there's a big, beautiful '56 Mercury to • art.) budget. r features that the - MONTCLAIR COUPE N,scof 10 beautiful models in 3 superb series A FI41[R V•e VALUE FROM FORD OF CANADA • The BIG buy is THE BIG EHCURY Watch THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW .w• on TV every Sunioy �7 -; looks BIG.:: fees BIG ,-R\cts BIG..'. is BIG ' • YOU'LL 11F. SURPRISED HOW EASY IT II TO OWN A NEW MERCURY -SEE YOUR DEAI,,ER. ABERHAAT'S ST. ANDREW'S- STREET . METNOR, MEROURY AND LINCOLN411 b FOR A SAFE BUY USED CAR . . . SEE YOUR MERCURY DESA' t F t°al { • 4