HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-02, Page 9muswor,: vo3,211d, IWO • E' oBMW Si N A 1 Tura A&P is recognized as a savings -leader in the food field' A&P's famous who make A&P their first and only stop for fine foods at prices that mean low -price policy is the,firm foundation. Step along with the thousands real savings! Look to the leader . A&P to cut YOUR food bilis morel Open Friday and" Saturday nights until 9 p.m. DEEP - CUT SPECIALS KETCHUP CORN RELISH M==r.n. PRUNE PLUMS ^d> ^°1w Aflu Page—=---_ RASPBERRIES SWIFT'S PREM .Dci"_ M.p—SAVE �t,11135c JANE PARKER BAKERY SPECIALS SAVE 2c — SAVE 2c 8 -oz jar 21C 2,15 -0.h -21c A&P Choice Red — SAVE 5c 2.15 -oz tins 49c APPLE RIE. - ANGEL CAKE PECAN ROLL DONUTS FRUIT CAKE. ENGLISH Jane Jane Parker — SAVE 1Oc Jane Parker Large SAVE 1 -6.0 . - Jane Parker _Caramel — SAVE 4c Parker Jelly — SAVE 2e JANE PARKER — DAILY DATED WHITE B RE.A-D 24 -oz loaf Jane Parker — SAVE 6c each 49c each 49t pkg 3 5, pkg of 617c each 33C„ THEY'RE DATED' YOUR GUARANTEE OF FRESHNESS SUNNYFIELD GRADE "A" RG SAVE with A&P's NEW LOW PRICI.S! MILD AND MELLOW 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE ro85c 3 -Ib bag 2.49 CUSTOM GROUND MW/FAO:J IT'S ALL PURE COFFEE -Right You're Sure of Top Value when you Buy `SMEpn;"' `SUPER -RIGHT' QUALITY MEATS ROWID STEAK orRO4ST ib RUMP or POINT SIRLOIN ctn doz 'FOR BOILING, POACHING OR FRYING CHICKENS Grade "A" Oven Ready, 21/2 to 3 -Ib. Average iDE BACON— All Good, Smoked Kindless MINCED Weinetes Column MARY, GUEST Thimost surely bo the very first time that'tile world Of fashion ha5 fallen into disagreernent.b .And what a ?tr'o'ke of good fortune it is for usi Usually, when the new faShi011.% are unveiled, We 101,0W that however bideons they ,May ,be,. we are • .dooine l to be wearing .thein before the year, ins :out, Dress manufacturers. .facturers. all over the country will reproduce thein. faitlifu11y.. ATO eat#t only buy what is offered to Its, and if'eVerebing offered to us is equally. bad, we have no ehaiee but to be walking item strosities 'in our clothing. This. year, however, Lyndon, Rome and New Fork have each produced a distinctive style. Paris, which- has ,long since lost the world fashion leadership, has produed nothing really new at all. In London, the, new fashions lay stress " on color rather than line. One coinnmentator "referred to the new Lot'idon colors as being "eminently eatable' and suekabf e," : and '"de- liciously de-liciously like confectionerYy" YOU want to look "like a walking birthday ~eako r a- ,box -'.o£ . .tom- LOndori ;fashions are for you, In New York, the designers, apparently unable to produce anything new and original, have reverted to the styles of 1911). To be fashionable in the AMerican a .tanner,, you trust be about fifty pounds underweight. You must wear dresses, suits'"and coats that are straight up and dorm like `'beanpoles and above it all yoil i ust wear a lampshade hat that comes down over the eyes in a manner reminiscent of a Guard's Bearskin The more,skeletal you look, the more grotesquely painted your face, the more fashionable you will .be. Ugh! The Italian fashion designers, on the other hand, have rebelled against this corpse -like thinness, and with visions of their buxom film ;stars before them, have produced dresses to enhance ` the �. beauty of`' tfie ""woman—tlz' nii%p e i tures; -' graceful dresses with decollete necklines and bouffant skirts. It remains to be seen, which of these fashion trends ivfll be followed by the dress manufaettikers.. Probably we will have all three pushed at us befnre-'the year is out. Thus, the girl who lives on black coffee anddry toast will be able to wear the American fashions and consider herself fashionably dressed, while the girl who eats heartily of everything that is put before her may dress to suit her figure in the Italian style, and also be fashionably dressed. Wonder what the menfolk. will think of it? And which of the styles they will prefer? I would hazard a guess that most men will choose the Italian styles with their frills and flounces, but just in case the women let them down and choose the Plain Jane American styles the men can take to wearing the frills theniseIves. Some of the, new evening shirts would. put a woman to shame, with their ruffles and lace and dainty hand -embroidery. Perhaps, after all, we had better stick to our black coffee and dry toast and give the men a c ante to shine. It is the peacock which has the glorious louring—the peahen is quite a dowdy little bird. Hmmcm! See u next week! lb3. IiINGSBRIDGE K1iNGSBRIDGE, Jan. 31.--Sym- pathy-is extended to the Garvey family upon the death of Thomas Garvey, jr., who died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sat- ur4ay,,January Zath. The funeral look place at St. Jtoseph's Church here this morning at 10 a.m. Rev. E. C. Garvey, of Windsor, and `M'ri. and Mrs. Eugene Dalton, of Detroit, spent the week -end with relatives here. Mary Louise, the infantdaughteh baptized Sunday afternoon. The sponsors were Mr. and tars. Robt. Haddon, of Flint, Mich. Miss Maureen Vassel-la has taken a position in Windsor, and motor- ed to Windsor and Detroit : with her parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1Jassella, during the past week. The first prize for ladies. was 1 -Ib pkg 29° Picked for _ er cliori — Priced. to -Save ! FRESH FltUITS and YEGETABLES Fancy Grade Navel, Size 220 doz t Florida Marsh Seedless ORANGES POTATOES TOMATOES CELERY STALKS ABBAGE SWIFT'S eeouaLis California No, 1 Grade, Size 96 Florida No. 1 Grade Temple, Size 120 Kiln Dried No. 1./Grade Sweet _ Florida Texas No. 1 Grade, Hand Selected ' No. 1 Florida Fancy Pascal Grade, Fresh Green JEWEL SHORTENING PARD DOG FOOD pILSWEET MARGARINE. ro3h SWIFT'S. CLEANSER 2tns2lc Clover Valley H -N -LO CHEESE SPECIAL Ib C 7 ,1,�lblink for 29c i ., 1 -lb aoll C Clovele Valley a. , LOAI CHEESE , 2.lb roof , 9c °lover Wiay , CREAM CHEESE 8-0zct,i; 33c CIOVt1° �Cllliey° CHEEZ PLEEZ 9 116ozjay 59. 10for c doz 35c 4bs29c cello tube 29c 2fonl9C ib7c BLUE -PREMIUM uz SMELT; COD FILLETS Fresh Caught, 'Headless and Dressed Choice Quality Ib25c 1625, • won by Mrs. Con O'Keefe and gents' pnize by Mr. Jos. O'Keefe. at the card party held in the Parish Hall on Friday evening. Mrs. M. tMeLennan, of Gerrie, visited with the O'Neil and Him- , and families during the past week." Congratulations to Mr :and Mrs, -Vincent Austin upon the birth` of a daughter in Goderich hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne and Peter, Dr. and (Mrs. Gilbert Frayne spent Sunday, _ with tars. Jerry O'Connor and the John McKinnon famil at Wingham. o a o Of the Canadian tax dollar about eight, cents is spent on education, between 25 and 30 cents on social security and welfare: o a- fl Champagne: A beverage that makes you see double but feel single. LOOK TO THE LEADER A&P TO CUT YOUR FOOD BILLS MORE A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON Jane Parker POTATO CHIPS Quaker INSTANT OATS Powdered Skim Milk MIL—KO A&P EVAP. MILK All Varieties PABLUM Heinz BABY FOODS Sultana , PEANUT BUTTER LARGE with 11" Face Clot,, GtANT V2's tin 43c 12 -oz pkg 59c large pkg 39c 1 -lb pkg 3 7c 2 16 -oz tins 25c 8 -oz pkg 19c XYDOL Makes Washes Sparkling White Ne Rinsing - No Wiping SPIC&1 SPAN with 30" Tea Towel Large Giant • Regular Giant, 31, 75, TOILET SOAP Regular Rath size l for 5 2025r t .CAM ,3 Medium IvorySoap_.11cr CRISCO 31b 3 5 FLUFF t:, Largo for 33c 3 -lb tin 99c 25 -oz tins 19c 16 -oz far 31. at Solex,25-40-60 Watt LIGHT BULBS Aylmer Choice Halves APRICOTS Stafford's Blueberry PIE FILLER Aylmer Choice STRAWBERRIES Bulldog STEEL WOOL Brillo SOAP PADS Detergent ALL Giant QUIX SAVE 31c POPULAR BRANDS SAVE 3c 2for35t 10 -oz tin 19c _ 20 -oz tin 3 5 c 10 -oz tin 22c pkgof611c pkg of1227, 24 -oz pkg 5 5 c box 73c CIGARETTES Ctn of 10 pkgs of 20 2, 99 FROZEN FOOD FEATUIES LIBBY'S PEAS o.�e.39< dQutel, French Fried POTATOES VOLOANIZE REPAIRS for car, truck, tractor ed grader tires and tubes. Valve stems replaced. • Fluid inflation service on tractor tires. Wheel balancing. - SPECIAL CLEARING SALE ON ALL SIZES OF PASSENGER TIRES, • Batteries repaired—car, truck or tractor. • Used batteries for sale. • New batteries—$7.45 _plus your old battery, and up. # 1Vic ulloeb chain saws. ,Johnson outboard motors. , 9-o2 pkgs 29c Prices Effective ,Until 6aturday, February 4th, 1456. GODERI&H COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION. LTD. NEW OrFICE CORNER OF HAMILTON AND NEWGATE STREETS. HOURS 7.30 P.M. to 9 P.M. TUESDAY and T dt' UP,SDA.V. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. New Mei'; : berships Free Including Free Life Insurance DURING T E iVIONTH SIT FE 1,RtYAEYa': HIGH RATES PAI 0, ON SAVINGS—LOW RATES ;.OHARGED ON LOANS. For furthet information call at the o "ice or phone 9.2513. .THE ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE H LD IN THE BRITISH EXQHA'14E UOTfL Thursday, Feb. 9, a TIM MAU rF i.rIY 1 I;r ■I.hZ1 .