HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-02, Page 8Mitt
OXT IM.W 100,4111)
.. _
MAXIM AT rt. ArartaT
Chub, Poet art, -14
thair vestry meeting on Wednes-
tirening or last wet*. k,
the u+rte4 a S0 I?ertr
%r the leadership: of Rev. II.
3i•► reel'.
Both. Aire Wardens and the Board
of %mora were r'e eleettt . t
VOW .decd to iuerease the ds -
• sion met kothe 7,44 Ala "kik
giv'e. Ar4Tat fOOL the , ttlgliean
extension; fund.
Cemetery mitewa4> �
ed to look after the ee*neter-y at
Port . Albert It isilove4 that
t ve er
raised a
furls Call
ip�i uaA upIre#'p , T- seeted to
e t
the committee Were: Walter'3 r ,
chairman; Roy Petrie, Harold
Adams, William Tigert, A. Woo -
neo. -.4e 1 ei L. 'ear '> .mrd► '''..1119,14 P-1r^'Ir n
r ► P.."w wr `� t1f I .1 ' Ammt 01 / 1
• car w sw0:-.. 11r- 1 ■ V 1. . A._
iA.1► I, MCA 4 W vir i "' A ILL
7,'a ,FRIGQ DA 1 R E.�-
-... e. V.
GODERICH vat, SQUARE +• '$441.46586
Excellent 'immediate cash income from installations we
Will make in Super Markets, Industrial establishments, Theatres,
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and will stand rigid- investigation. •
Exclusive territories still available in this area.
We require honest dependable men or women with a good
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We have set up an attractive finance plan to help you expand
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honesty and dependability is more important than experience.
This business will be operated from your home in spare
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have started-, others in a small way who have expanded into
a very large. lucrative business„ and the same success, can be
duplicated with sincere • effort and courtesy resulting in a
lifetime financial independence.
Applicants must have a, minimum of $1250 immediately
available which is secured in starting inventory. Applicants
selected are guaranteed under contract to repurchase by the
company of, ail existing stock and equipment if dissatisfied
in any Way after 12 months trial period.
• If you can meet above requirements, reply giving age,
references if car available, phone number and address for
local,interview to Box 53, Signal -Star.
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You owe it to your fancy to insist on Life insurance protection
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don't delay . ..see Trans Canada Credit now. Life insured
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So be stare, when you borrow. Arrange y Our Trans Lantnda
Credit life insured loan now.
1story Farms
iven At WI Meet, is the list Of
ittk1 aineetingsSo of the United
CIAO* W I'S. ler 19$9, naffing;
first the
o visited h, v iked .and the Pre:,
gram eouveiwn January, WS. M.
Shackleton, *rs. M. Retied; Febru•-
aay--Mrs. U. Finn&gan, Vis. C.
]slake; March, xs. Q:: -Popp, Mrs.
R. min; April -440. M, Reed•
Mts. C.Crozier; May — Mrs., G,
Hodges, Mrs. C. Anderson; June—
Mrs. J. Rirvett, s. cH. Finnigani
July -Mrs. Dere, Yom. C. Fowler;
Auguste -Mrs. R. Finnigan,, Mrs. 0.
Poppq., telnber Church, Mlis-
sioz ; October ---Mrs. C. A.n-
derson, . J, Rivett; November—
Mrs. C. Crozier, Mrs. R. Finnigan;
December—Mrs. R. Irvin, Mrs. M.
Shackleton; January, 1957 --- Mrs.
A: Elliott, Mrs. J. Finnigan.
United W.A.—The Woman's As-
sociation of the United Church met
recently at ' the home of
Mrs. Everett Errington. Mrs. Har-
vey Alton presided. The Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Mrs.
Chester Finnigan. The lesson
thought • was given by Mrs. Cecil
Blake. The roll cal was answered
by paying of,es by 20 members.
The minutes 'of, the December
meeting *ere read and approved.
The .financial report for 1955 show-
ed a very successful year. Mrs.
Lorne Ivers reported on Christmas'
gifts sent to shut-ins. Many
Thank you notes were received
and read. Itt was decided to have
a congregational supper in March.
Mr. K. Dawson, Mr. George
odges, 1idfi. irnerrri,ngtoi ,
Rev. George, Watt and Mr. Harvey
Alton were named on the program
oomanittee. The W,A. accepted as
invitation from the Hereford As-
sociation to cater for their banquet
in November. Mrs. Clifford Croz-
ier gave a very interesting topic
on "Finger Prints." Mrs. K. Daw-
son gave a geography quiz which
was enjoyed. Mrs. Alton thanked
Mrs. Errington for her home and
all who had helped in any way.
No Hprses Now.—It was decided
to start proceedings to sell the
church sheds to be removed from
property, and money realized to
be turned iso a heating system.
The amnio nary committee are
Arthu Elliott, Mrs. Melvin
Reed, mini ter and organist.
Miss Clara Sproul, of Stratford,
recently visited at cher hbrrie
here and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. }lesson
also of Stratford were also visitors.
As a friend was minding her
granddaughter, four, a "trouble-
some" neighbor walked in. The..
child.: looked . her over - and said:
"All right, Grandma, why don't
you tell her off like you said you"
were going to?"
"History of your farm" gave an
interesting roll call for the r
Dunlop Institute meeting iva Car-
low Hail. au the absenee of the
president, Mrs. T. Lamb took the
AB invitation from the Goderieh
W:L to their meeting on Mardi ist
Tun MaoKay Hall was aeeepted. Mrs.
T. Lamb read a letter from the
Cancer Society, asking all people
interested • titLs society's work
to attend a meeting in MacKay
Hall on February 6. It was an-
nouneed ` that Aehieveme t Day
would be held March 10th in' Sen -
forth. A pot luck supper for mem-
bers a their fani:ilies was plan-
ned for early in February.
An extension service course on
slip cowering will be held in :Car-
low Hall en February 13-17. Mrs,
T. -Clark read a letter from Mrs.
McPhatter saying that soliciting of
new members was the project for
the new year. In the absence of
Mrs. Straughan, Mrs. E. Montgom-
ery took the topic on Ceylon and
read an interesting article written
by Queen Solna. Articles were
brought in to be sent to the Uni-
tarian Service for .distribution.
These were held over until next
month, owing to illness some were
unable to get their articles ready.
Mrs. R. Bean took charge of the
library book exchange:
Lunch, served by Mrs. T. Hunter,
Mrs. J. Horton, Mrs. B. Chisholm,
Mr's .634 Smith and Mrs.-_.HOnnt.er,
ended the pleasant afternoon.
Funeral service for Robert Dun-
can Anderson, Hawkestone, father
of Sergeant Charles Anderson,
Goderieh, was held from St.
Aidan's. Church, Hawkestorie, Sat-
urday. Mr. Anderson died in Tor-
onto, Wednesday of last week.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Laura Moore; four daugh-
ters, Mrs. W. (May) Sedore; Mrs.
R. T. (Grace) Mawhinney; Mrs. A.
(Lilian) Cardella; Helen, of Tor-
onto; three salt, John, of Toronto;'
George, of Regina; Charles,
Funeral service with Canadian
Legion honors' for James 'Boyes,
61, who died in Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital, Thursday,
were held frqm the Stiles funeral
home, Saturday at 3 p.m. Rev.
S. A. Moote, of Victoria -Street
United Church, officiated. Burial
Was in Maitland cemetery.
Born in Stanley Township; he
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Boyes. ..A,f•t_his marriage to the
former A1nia Mildred Boyce, he
moved to Goderieh, where he was
an empolyee of the Sifto Salt
Company. He was a faithful mem-
ber of Victoria Street- United
Church and of the Goderich Branch;
109 Canadian Legion. In World
ari ai`"e served overseas wi
the 243rd Battalion, of London,
and was wounded in France.
Surviving besides his wife, are
five sons! Robert, of Winnipeg;
Kenneth, Edward, Dalton, Norman,
all of Goderich; four - daughters,
Mrs. J. K. Wilson, Sarnia; Mrs.
Michael Murray; Lorna Jean, both
of Goderieh-; a sister, Mrs. Dorothy
Hohner, of Varna; two brothers,
Frank, of Varna, and Victor, of
CARLOW, Jan. 30. — Margaret
Clark, daughter of Mr! and Mrs.
Fordyce Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich,
wastaken to Goderich hospital on
Sunday of last .week with pneu-
Miss Rosemary Clark, presently
at MacDonald College, Guelph,
recently visited with her
ents, Mr. an Mrs. Bill Clark, of
Mr. and , s '.Mark Berger, Mr.
and. Mrs. Fisher and their
two children Gail and Douglas,
and Mr. lures, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Stan McGratten recently.
..and Mrs. Lloyd Young have
left fir their usual trip to Florida,
where • they spend some time each
Mr. Vere Cunningham is reopen-
ing and digging more deeply a
well in his stable. The farm where
Mr. Cunningham now resides was
once owned by Mr. Ed. Lawson,
who had dug the original well.
Q O o
Friend: One who has the saine
enemies you have.
Behind Recent
Holmes, of Goderich, has warned
bootleggers. Their penalty will be
stiffer than usual if -caught • selling
beer to minors. "I will take,it into
consideration when imposing pen-
ED—George Campbell, proprietor
of the Crystal. Club, was charged
with keeping liquor for sale. A
quantity of beer- and ale was seiz-
ed. Only one of many such charg-
es during the past year under the
YEAR'S RITES --An H.Q. West-
ern Ontario Area directive has
ordered all military messes closed
in view of the extensive safety
campaign. .
FORE—Most lines in police charge
books in Ontario centres during
the Christmas week -end were taken
up with liquor charges. Three out
of four charges of the more than
400 reported were breaches of the
L.C.A. In Toronto more than 300
persons were arrested 'between 6
p.m. Friday and. midnight Mon,
This advertisement sponsored by
Huron - County Temperance
• - Federation.
No __
d Progress Ry
Figure Skaters
wits. •. preadea
the GodP.er$ek Pigetre Skating Club,
reports there arc sense very p
nnlsipgyoung c katers this )t'ear's
classes and the gLls ate slievOg a
tgieat deal of enthwasm and wvil
li in. guess. under their instruetor.
Mr, Dennis Si1veithorne.
Inhere are about X70 girls par•
atiei ating° in the elms, which are
.bron down into two get,. The
junior /class -LS . comprised of pupils
Froin the age of .5 to 11. The
seniors are froom 32 to le,
At present, the girls are prac-
tising for two ice carnivals, one to
be ,held in. Clinton, on Febru
24 and 25 -and the other which wall
be held in Goderieh, March: 3. The
classes are held from 5 p.m. on on
Fridays and, from 12 p.m. to •; ,-45
p.m. and again from 5 p.m. on, on
Mrs. Duckworth explains that
the first step • in the figure skating
program are the preliminaries.
Under this, the girls learn. such
fundamentals as figures and edges,
which, she says, compare to learn-
ing mu1tiplicatiOn in the study of
arithmetic. Also included in the
preliminaries are tliree dances, The
Dutch Waltz, Swing Dance and Col-
lege Tango.
After the .preliminaries have
been mastered, the girls advance
to the bronze verse. The ctu3li.»RICON'MattU 4 Alf
eluded the _ divine ;domes, the
Fourteen. $tom, the Fiesta Tinge,
�t{��hype t5Willow Waltz and the Ten
Mrs. ljuekwerth s Ys' the dub
hes they can retain the services
of Mr. Sxverthoriie for the next
few years as they feel that some
of the skin pre eapable of going
on to the salve groa ., whikitis
.eludes ,six advanced dances and
then to the gohl, ineiudixg eight
advanced dances.
Olvertherite, who is a Bit
tish and (\ nadian championship
holder, also holds eJasses in Strat-
ford, Seatorth, Clinton, and /Waver -
ton. . Mrs. Duckworth said he is
well liked by. the young skiers
who are learning quickly under his
Four meetings were held during
the month of Jamrary at the home
of Mrs, 1. Jewell. Greater effort
was put into visiting the sick and
shut-ins and 85 visits were report-
ed. Two letters were received
from overseas and one food,/ box
sent to England. -
The Scriipturewas given by Mrs.
F. Lynch, readings by the score-
tary, Mrs. E. Bagehler. Mrs. V.
I neeshaw read-410dr the Manual
for, Roane Nursing. Mrs. Lynch
won the two oontestt prizes for
the month. Gifts to the value of
three dollars were given to the
as near as your telephone
cat/ -
�y RAYE B. PATERSON, ?rust Officer
Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51
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among *Ale.
children are changing, observed
Ofrs. Albert Taylor ldhriiig a panel
diiseuission Eat a recent nmeettinng, Of
the I%m,e and School As ciation
She • recalld the days itt dle-
rieh when iaothers didn't want
their ehildren out at night. When
there,was a Ineethig of th.e
the mothers insisted that `it .be
held 'between 5 and 1 g. :. so that
the children might ht be home early.
"They don't do that now," said
Mrs. Taylor. 'On top ef this there
ere : so • rtmny di taetions" ,suelr as•
hockey 'games, shows and many
other things. "There's lie stuty-
ing done at home and yet the
parents get .mad when the child
brings home a poor report card,"
she commented.
,Constable J'aek Parikinoon of the
derieh detatehment of the
t$rio•���►vittctal Police was el. �edQ
treasurer tif, Mitriet . Number 6,
Ontario o I'r'ovineaal Page Assoei-
attom at. Vie annnal Meeting of
the AssOciation Meld in Listowel,
Thursday.astable John Barker,
Listowel, is the new 'chairman for
this year...
The distriet givers an area of
over 200 Wiles and includes the
six counties of Ham, Perth, Wel-
lingtiirn, :Waterloo, Grimy and Brueee.
At the meeting, the Association
aged, to operate with service
clubs in the distriet m staging
hoekey 'benefits is for charitable pur-
ugproses. Arrangements were ap-
provedfora game against Gode-
rich Lions. It is expeeted this
game will +be played. -March 19.
For quick res dt -tz ' a 'classified ad in The Signal -Star
Saturday, Feb. 4
JACKPOT of $60.00 for full house in 54 calls.
If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also
number of calls will be raised each week until it
is won.
15 GAMES $1.00
4 SPECIALS -i -Share the.. Wealth
Jackpot —_ • 5c Or 5r: 41.00 '
Regular extra card 25c _
DOOR PRIZE — ,$3, $2
Doors open at 7.45 fan. - I
1.0 game starts at 8.30 p.m.
new glamour
with V-8 GO!
This dazzling new Dodge ,with the Forward Look - brings
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'There's a grand new 'way to travel. It's the
'56 Dodge!
In skyward -soaring lines that set the trend for
tomorrow's cars -•--in every beautiful inch of this, ,
the longest car in the lowest -price field ---
Dodge Flight -Sweep styling provides you and
your family with a, glamourous setting for
motorcar travel.
d everyone will love the roominess of Dodge
irate '•ors -•-the wide, wide seats that let you ride
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Once behind the wheel, a put3h of a button, a
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push-button PoVUerFlite* sets in motion the
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with up to 200 h.p. You discover new zest in
motoring as you thread your way smoothly
through crowded city streets, glide safely over
the open road. And the whole family will appre-
ciate the wide rarige of new Dodge safety fea-
tures that bring new confidence to your driving.
Yes, here's glamour and go, '56 Dodge Erle.
Visit your Dodge dealer soon and learn firsthand
how easily this great new car can fit into your
family budget.
*Push-button PowerFlite optional at extra cost. ,
Dodge Mayfair V-8 4 -Door Sedan.
Watch Climax --Shower Of Stars weekly on TV. Check your newspaper for date and time.
tele hone, Goderich • 797
My, how they've (,`rROWN!
Yes, your homefurnishings
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have enough fire insurance
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not check with ur
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for winter clothes that are worn
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