HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-02, Page 7TIVIIWAY, a 2,411, pF • 'UM& WATER BANTO D ". ONOW. Aral. A concert -140r the Blue Water Band under ttrae dirton Dand- 'master ?uralSeiaubert. was pI - ned £or the .w ler bh, District -Col- legiate Institute tanditorin rid i1, when the baud.: inet ednesday ening uE ,last'week. Both junior and, senior baud : 111' tare part. The Junior band . !now '?Jas tt Ineraberaltip of 33 boys, who Ar ae- Use ev y �Wedne �y cveni Melly of theta are learning to play instruments not now Jin'4,se in the At. riBIRBERT B. SUDS, D.C. Docctor of Chiroparatie. Office Hours: — Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., rri:--9a.m. to 8 p.m. 7a.to8 Wed. & Sat. -9 pto 11.34 a.M. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St: and Britannia Road. Phone 341. NMI" ALBERT SHORE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 797, Goderich, Ont. OFFICE RESt:DENCg ,.38. Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St., PHONE 975 South 47-13xtf PHONE 444 nm Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere Anytime PHONE 899 77 Montreal St„ Goderich G. B. MANGY Optometrist--Optictan (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD ,JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474.., SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 SM. FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, businass in. surance. Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. 10.....11_ A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: ' House 343J 343W 39 West St. Goderkh, 0. P. CHAPMAIN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate • 80 Colborne St., Goderleh ° Phone 18w EDWARD W: ELLIOTT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements tan be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 466.1., Cliinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. .444.44444.4444 F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH senor group. "''. Schubert 4 1'es to provide •reinforcements for °'the senior band *rt. the training given the boys. _,Thea band pli. .to eoM.peke in the, waiterloo land restival again this year.° e The `orgat tion placed seeond is their dela at that ,event .1055. Illaperta teethed an all—tire monthly' high in .October, 15550 with 'a value of 57 'million.n the Janua'r'y-Otytotber period im- ports totalled $3,8803,600 0000, , a ten - mouth record iha, and $305 mill - lion more than exports.. mil- lion n, Mentrit Jacques Cartier In the APPalachianl°s,. 4;160 feet, is the ,'highest mountain in Quebec: tBigin-, est peak in, Ontario as part o( . the (Niagara escarpment, at Caledonia. 1,550 feet. mimassmamasammeara DAVE MAN S 91a KIDS WI -MN WE SELL. OIL., WE'RE SEI -LNG NEAT AND ITIS 714E KIND THAT CANS' EE. BEAT Dependable fuel oil from D. J. Allan gives you the upper hand in your battle with winter's chill. Heating is no problem when you use our automotive delivery sys. tem. D. J. ALLAN SAULTS COAL CO. COAL amd. FUEL OIL O. egaoaa 75 IV et 190 DON'T WORRY ABOUT ' TV SERVICE THIS IS OUR ROSIN A, RADIO, TV SOUND SE CE. S. R. Munday Phone 598 127 Widder St. 22tf EMETER MEMORIALS T. Pryde & Son EXETER Local Representative— ALEX SMITH GODtERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone 158 TELEVISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. Complete work bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE-- , ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric Goderich Phone 235 38tf 411111111 Co -Op. Insurance Car--Accident—Liability Geo. Turton R.R. 5, Goderich Phone collect 179 Carlow Get InsuredStay Insured Rost Assured Sankt of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE 288 Roy N. Bentley Publ1QL,...Accountant 4' Britannia Road (Corner South Street) Phan -4 T01T Godnkh, - Ont. 4413 a P LOAN ended nary worries THE O I H ' ALr "A ^' 1010 --1010... _ ,.._....._ r—•- �.,. .. ._..>,---_.,-1010 - 1010,-„--1010-.- .......... ..._1010.. ...,... 400bie ag _(8 ' nitt $m y) See by the. `lo is where. ,the federal eabiuet •wall bringin bfl1 4t. � to Provide .that ' wpnUen get. equal pay sit ,,tin$ she work as meth, rbdustry.. This is certainly '4.0„.. step i81 Se right direetit . e a40 But only a gip. T;he R? . geld g the idea,.,; but it 'hasn't pernmeated their Julia ministerial skulls thoroughly. gniy when they. start payring -ivomen double what 'men get Will f be Satisfied. Only alien will, work become at- tractive enough $o that women by the miiliona willrck. to„ it, giving up their presentsoft touch and handing the men a ehanee for free- dom from the 'lifelong slavery_ working to support a family. * * And I know whereof I speak. To hear the old lady hell it, when you get. ► 66# a from work, she's about ready ► collapse from sheer exihaustien. She tells you all the things she did that day, and it makes an a •sing list. Did the washing, scru' bed the floor, wash- ed stacks of dishes, mended children's clothes, made the bet s, dusted the whole house and so on. * * * * This recital is enough to create a certain unease within the average man, even though he .has spent anywhere (from eight to .10 hours working hard himself. lie feels a bi"a"lieasf acivalty'�"`�o ttiou�g he's tired out and would like noth- ing better than to fall asleep over his paper, he suggests they go to 0 I / rrx ii'i►lt,� . ,1010 , 'u�t 0** 0 tiabotat Don't be surprised if one of these days you see a coal truck go by loaded with shining stuff that certainly doesn't looklike coal. tone big coal company now sprays its 'anthracite with ” +ms's I111) Ceatelldttlienr 8ervlse--xhowerd me how to dean isp bills end (educe month( . pagr(ont, that were tob high. And then -4n a singly► visit ee Aeolali lent lite the dash to get est Fresh Stettin You, tad, can get a cash loan art just 1 visit to the Wk. if you phone 1404,04 if mot* convenient, write or come in. Limit $50' to SINOO.t 01440 Ilii sli00 wi, totMhore « Aute SS ONTARIO S MET, STRATFORD *own 4, Ali Motrepolition Stare • N'ttfedes Stratford 2836 00E14 BVENINt rit'AP?OINTM11 •I11fONE Mit tYWtNG HOURS tea's rinds to aenteletst at 2111 ter*** ha* Peke thieve &moody of toiustit Nut'fy... makes It cleaner to handle; it burns better,'too. We note, too, that aluminum is involved in another fuel opera- tion—this time in capturing heat from the sun. An aircraft com- pany operates a solar furnace that focuses the sun's rays by means of a 120 -inch aluminum reflector to create temperatures up to 8,500 F. It is used to test materials under extreme heat. ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) movie, "Y;4 :In; one of .ilds more oroafoments, 4 dance. TIwtl ble sugge tion , 'ias,_,il1e. same effect art his spouse as, tr. fairy o ti notthe 's r 'a 4 „had tb__ Cinderella. erella. One ininutshe's so weary she tan hacdiy:down and .throw a it ,of Boal on the furnace. 'ins .next, she's upstairs, pawing, ,throughher clothes ''1 and yelling Instructions at all ;and • y,..fmi of beensn bright as a ,be. * * . What f w mea ever s W'whstop to do is ftgliie out just ,how long it takes to do the washing, scrub the fools,, aa'nd so err. Most of these chores ''sound pity . forzuidai?ler. T isere's . no use fixing a cold eye on the little woman,_ asking her how long each . chore takes, and trring to add them up. She'll only get you all confused. * * * She'll say something like: "Well, If you want to ,getnasty about it, it took inc about an hour to do, the kitchen floor, and then those brats of kids walked right over it with their muddy feet, and it's (boat time you' did something .about them and took over your Xespoz - abilities as a father, I taintrdia"'a thing with them, they're driving me crazy and don't just sit there, say * mething." * * g, * Noir will she mention the fact that she sat down with a cup of coffee, . ut :hex feet up, and listen- ,. r a, while., atm she got you all off in the morning. And it just slips her mind that she had a little one-hour na in the afternoon, spent threequar ers of an hour on' the phone, and another hour enjoying a le. urely shopping trip. * * a * Nope, the only way you can find out the score is to take a whirl at 1t yourself. Tha•t's what I've done, and I've discovered that the wo- men have been taking us for a great big ride for years. Last Sunday, the Old Girl being laid up, I undertook to scrub the kitchen floor. Shouldn't have done it on S day, I guess, but she's been on t1 sick list for a couple of weeks, I've been doing some freehand cooking, and the result was that the 'kitchen floor was so mucky with jam, ,bacon gds,, tea deaves and other spilled stuff that whi you walked .across it, P3eud squshiog sounds were heard, like those you get when you're walking through a swamp. . .- * * * * B ut there's nothing to this floor - scrubbing. I tails,the light stuff off with the broom, took the heav- ier stuff off with the egg flipper and went to work. I scrubbed, waxed and polished the thing, with time out for smokes and refresh- ment between each stage, and ,did the whole thing in 45 minutes. If 1 hadn't stopped to wet any whistle, I could have one it in half an hour. * * * * Bourse, i't (took me three tries to get out of bed on Monday morn- ing, and I couldn't bend over and pick up the eoal shovel for two. days, but it 'was worth it 7 found out that all this pitiful litany we hear at .the, end of each day is merely \i nation-wide conspiracy among women to convince their men that a housewife's lot is a sorry one. * * * * So that's why I want to see equal pay, preferably 'double pay, ,for women in industry. •If there's one thing a wnin'an likes, its money, and only the hope of get- ting large gobs of it will entice women away from the oriental luxury in which they live at home, out into the cold, cruel world of ? ? THREE QUESTIONS ? ? . ARE YOU: 1. A good salesman? 2. Between ages 25 and35? 3. Desirous of increasing your income? If SO: Here is a sales opportunity, in Goderich and surrounding area, that offers challenge, immediate income and exceptional future prospects. IF INTERESTED: Give full details, experience and references, addressing your reply to: MR. JACK VANCE, Box 69, Guelph, ()Mario. 1-6 ilrovsick Story - ti • A gra- I 11:10614 lilt".: ` ”et q ...i. n note befier fhdn p- sif "t p ju, .1. Temales ou't&urc mates ' . 310,2 'in 190 Scholastic Writing Award . biggest high school c,ry' ComhoopetifiQpiiterQ.. 47 Of 78 first prizes were won by girls in big, Cones' sponsored by 5heaffer leen Company(. Despite adults° Warr that movies, radio, tv.. dull teense . interes in good writing, oo- of the entered 1956ric? sfiY60„0 exieec te d ► rhes yecir ` i.l�—.�r.�v aY• 1 I-A'VN _ f • real work. * a * * Only then will- men coma._ into their own, when they can sit around reading half the day, with their feet up, drinking beer, do a few chores, `then, half an hour be - Tore the old .battleaxe coshes home from work, start scrubbing the floor or doing the washing, so they can meet her at the door, with° hair dishevelled, a haggard Look,. and "What a day I've (had,! You'll never know. You're certainly• lucky 10 get off to work and get away from all this. +My back's kill- ing me. And those children are driving ane nuts." o --o 0 oaIar 14U rrr's- GOOD -SENSE TO SPEND A FEW CENTS ,;POR HEALTH BUILDING ANDREW . DAIRY MILK EVERY DAY. iaucanrgo= 1, If you feel, " LL -IN These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose --harder to regain. Today's tense.living, lowered resistance, overwork, wrry--any of these may affect - normal kidn ; action. When kidneys get out of order, 'cess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better --sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 10.10...• 0 r A great soul prefers moderation 5'E'I1!'ECd4 I. 1 B.C.b.1.D.65 ) the J-touse of Seadrarn O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O . 0 . 0 O 0 Men wh© thunk of tomorrow practice moderation Way 4 Poli Br. ?M rAC° ¢� ,e 1010 Us Gln_., �ttc.t i � g {�� ���t�►. STA t, � --`� ,be was Ise to near oL the • Inr 'skiee n to pint at aunty X pelts. Or. Aloha; said that in` seine eases, foxes: have been r%wss Cary, rabies. to does, who turn tic the disease on humans. , Ie said that if the dis- ease was, not detected in, time it could be fatal.. 1)r. Veils said there was no need for albnee tying an epidemic of ' rabiin this part of ' fie r vi>cn. Se sad that it had vocentiycebees a 4erious problem, in the linited States, with .mow pn ,ty He ion of pets result, • g e said Oat ras far as Canada was .concerned, lie thought ,it was mainly a ease of wild .animals from the north =grating "south into the provinces in quest of food and ging the odd ease • rabies With them. Vie urged all humor who are 'taking dv north to hunt to have, ftlieh, :dogs tpvaccinreventa 'vated e beforeasurcthey' leave, as a . Dr. Aldir'' report •s sowed there were _a totalof about IA00 births in Huron County in 1955 ---an in,' crease of about 150 over 1954.. This figure does not include babies stir statiow vox r test. ' ice, a 'per cent ' in 1054, said -this was, to a lae 1010" ; due ,to the hot, dry saintlier year,(Incof the big j n. the , , "� +pr�� for Owe coming year wid bc the . tet X-ray survey, beginning In May... ':Dr. lilts d tit lent year only about 84 per cent nt ell mise eligible ., for - the r turned - out to .fie. Clinics. mid the Association' tllr double a that Uwe, lh:s year sal asked the 'Courted 1'' ' their 'port. ' , The report ,stewed lhat 7,000 is. 'jeetions Of Sam polio vine ware, administered 00 children in the tuniy, last Tetra Dr. • Mils said the aith IA* hoped that enough voodut wou&8 be ataitable to Q,dutinister to ail ' elem n tary school children aM children from one year to age, lin-1056. - ,; . Be said that Only threes las of polio ,Were reported , in the– County trots 'Fear but it has not - yet been determined how amu the --Salk Ivaecine has been sponsible for the decrease, singes the fuency of the disease w,wst lower all across Canada. _.44_.44. FARME. : WE ARE NOW TAKING B0O_KNGS FOR SILOS FOR 1956. WITH A SHORTAGE ✓ OF STEEL AND _ICENLF,NT IN VIEW THE WISE FARMER- WILL GET HIS'ORDER IN AT ONCE AND AVOID THE DIwF`FI-, tOULT5/ IN OBTAINING MATERIAL. -CONTACT IIS AT ONCE AND WE WILL .BE GLAD TO GIVE YOU FULL INFORBIATTON. ugi11; Bios.. Cemet Silo -'actors 92 Cambria Road, Goderich TELEPHONE 387M -5-6. •- a. .....�._..�°.�..�. -1010 How will we stack up 444, TEN YEARS FROM NOW?. <.�.- -.A:,-:•1; 4 • .,'.4.6 What will be the value of Canada's production of goods and services? How large will our populatign be? How will the -nation's economy stack up in,thr years ahead? These questions interest every Canadian. This month's B of M Business Review attempts to answer them for you by analyzing Canada's development in the first ten �. postwar years and by outlining the maid features of further growth in the decade ahead. The B of M Business Review is an authoritative monthly publication... each issue contains a detailed survey of some aspect of the Canadian economy, or an over-all analysis of national business trends, together with reports on each regionof the .country. usiness people at home and abroad read the 111 of M (business Review, and if;you would like to have your name added to our list to receive it regularly. simply send your name and address to: Public Relations Department, Bank of Montreal, P.O. Box 6002, Montreal, P.Q. There is no obligation. 0 &&&&&& s..a.„.,_. .r..s. t .b..b. r•. r.r. ..a 7..... ,, 4.... *6. ,..r,. 1010`` lvs „R .,,„:..Y r w..,d .b. '°�--...r.„.-.-......j 'ti �y °. �,�y n..u^+a'v..m° ^+1010„ 0..yy -CiS �a:',... "rr•.�rm"▪ `-gym n� :Z., .,....... ~ ww. 1, - 1010- y �"'°KAi .w. :i...,...7 _10. '� � • a"' ▪ .+.r �1244:70.7":..,:";f...▪ a ▪ � • .,. -.:�... � ..q '°m 1010. a g :: - .7.„7:-;47--W,-�„•g' m.� , ., .+�, „,,,„......,7r, 4:-, ---,-• .7: MANIC OF MONTREAL e,M+.r.: 7iur 8od ' YBANK' N t MN�lIw UNMAN Goderieh Branch: BRUCE ARMSTRONG, Manager WOr4Kt.140 tyi-Vti CANADIANS IN 'tLV!a1t,y WAL'It Or HIRE tt ,:. (