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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-02-02, Page 6
PAGE. SIX Qui, K CAMADIAN QUIZ 1, What is 'the, largest denoxnina con Qf utak note iSstk''d".y lir Canada?, 3. What ptoportion of Candia lieuseYio ii*v ut©mp'biles: 1 out of 1% � Q7tt of fro X. Qat of 4, 1 Vat et 2 what isrule Caves a annual wage. of a far p' efl Without t .beaxde,in Canada? 4. What is the total Strength of the lk ght:P.? 5. The ,Pmvinelal governments last year d, itatal revenuer o susittormeo from (line Sale of llgttti , ,that total hOW xnua;h Was pyodt? ANSWEiR,St 5. -(Of total liquor revenues, o $lbwraiftion, $123 mil- nr was 'profit. ` 3.At naid-Mxay SARI faririeviag'e without beard av- eraged $1,400,about $15 less than ►. $err preVlo tsly. 1. $1,004. _ 4. Aunt 4,500 officers and. Men. 2. Better than' 1 out of 2; S., of 100 Wave _automobiles. NEWS DF AUBURN AUBURN, N, Jan, •S0.' — Mr, and Mrs. Harry Anderson, Of Luekt/m, visited last Thursday with ler aunt, aliss Margaret King. Mr. and ,Mrs, Russ. Nicholson, Paul and..Louise, ,,. Seaforth, and I. Howard, Tait, of Camp Borden, visited with Mrs. Charles Nevins and Margaret over the \ week -end. Miss Harriet 'Murray, of Sea - forth, visited last week with Mr. and firs. Edgar Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of 'London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 11141er and' Gail. United W. A. ' — The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association of Knox United Church was .held last Tuesday evening with the Sunny Circle group in charge of the program. The de - REAL VALUE: STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE CHOICE — UNGRADED OR 4-5's /12, 15 OZ. TINS AYLMER PEAS DELICIOUS FRUITI SERVE OFTEN CHOICE —HALVES IN SYRUP 370AYL �PEACH S 21TINS5 OZ. TINS 310 TINS 250 GREEN GIANT — FANCY NX LETS CORN 2 MISS CANADA CHOICE LIBBY'S FANCY 28 •St>ravthenvies -1°'" 270 f. Sauerkraut Tin Oa. 210 AYLMER ® FANCY ! Cuiveshcause�+—�pChoice Iced Pitted ARY,°-�.a 2141:-.210' C EBIES 15 Os.260 .:41 OA V`rf.* Tin CLARK'S T- INS CHILI SAUCE ‘i,- s� d"f 15 OZ. #S -"PauTINS 24 FANCY QUAL-TTY — CREA S S'ICX^ir�. SNS 290S VTs c15 OZ SERVES 4 IN A Itt Knzarr DZIMB 2 71 CZ. TINTS 290 1vlcCORiVMICK's—PLAIE7 OR N'ix 5` �,, ' PURPOSE FLOUR SALTED .IZ iSE'Y i�g 2� mosES I.?. 374 SODAS D. S. L. BLACK E QUICK COOKING CLARKS ASSORTED MEAT , , ' CLARK'S Toasa10 or Vegetable sPL;Ilt ��,, �ns7 2 30 , sl°Jvs7 2 Tin 220 MARGARINE — REGULAR CROWN BRAND CORN ALIAVIEET :- 320 S P Tine 34 0 votioxnal period was led by Mrs (Maurice r eau : with. Mrs. Relph D Munro presid ig at the piano Scripture reading was by firs Herbert Mogrid,ge. Misys Mergare R. Jackson led in prayer a ad a reading was given 'bye Mrs. Ken neth ,McDougall. A lovelypiano solo was played by +Miss Margaret A. Jackson. The guest speaker of the evening, Mrs. Franklin Bainton, of !:,lyth, was introduced by Mrs. Maurice Bean. Mrs. ,ain- ton gave a wonderful description of a trip taken by her and Iiir. ainton last year to South. Am erica. She alsobrought ,along with her many souvenirs and pic- tures and told of the dress customs and scenery found in this .south.- ern south-ern country. A vote of thanks was voiced by Miss Elma Match.' The offering was received by Mrs. Wil- liam L. Craig and Mrs. Elliott Lapp. Mrs. John Durnin, the presi- dent, took charge of the business period. The benediction was pro- nounced .by Mrs. John Durgin. The ladies of the Sunny Circle served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Congregational Meeting, Knox United. -Under the leadership of the minister, Rev. C. C. Washing- ton, the congregation of Knox Un- ited Church enjoyed a successful year. The present church mem- bership is 277 with 112 families and 412 persons under pastoral care. The stewards' report was presented by Miss Elma Mutch with iotas receipts of $3,681.45 and the report for the Missionary and Maintenance showed that $1,043.54 had been sent to the treasurer. The Sunday School closed the year with an average attendance of 99 and-" a substantial .balance The A O ODE I Q '. A afternoon, King had been(.( (.( 1 t e eu librarian dor t>l, list 1 ME SVM OF DUNG I V OI �i 2• °ears+ . t x+eSyped on Member • DIlii G NI ON, (Jan. 1. r,;,s. Mrs. They are: President, Fralak Alton; ist on wceeunt of tfailir g health . They paid high 'tribute to . her • faithful service in her work and the keen interest she showed to help everyone from the tiniest $ juvenile to the eldestadult. Presbyterians' Annual, The annual meeting of Knox Presby- terian Church was field last Thurs- day afternoon in (the basement of the church tivvii a good attendance. The meeting ,commenced with a pot luck dinner which was enjoyed by all. Rev. D. J. Lane presided for the " meeting and ,took' as his Scripture lesson John 15:1.14 Which `was followed by prayer. The Minutes of the previous year's , an - nasal meeting were read by the secretary, Mr. Danald (Haines, and epproved as read. The following reports were given: fir. Milian Watson reported for the Session and stated that one member had been received by certificate into the church and they had three baptisms and two deaths in the congregation. The manager's re- port was submitted by Mrs. Well- ington Good. The Women's Mis- siotary Saeiety report was given by Mrs. Fred Ross. She stated they had reached their allocation and had sent a large bail to head- quarters. The budget report was sgiven by Mrs. Wes. Bradnock. The Ladies' Aid report was submitted by Mrs. Lawson. The Sunday School report was given by Mrs. W. Bradnock, in the absence of Miss Ruth Daer, which showed both an increase in attendance and givings. The Ida White Mis- sion *Band report was given by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland. The Ses- sion comprises Rev. D. J. Lane, moderator; Mr. John Houston, MT. J. C. Stoltz, Mr. A. Rollinson and Mr. William Watson, clerk. The following are the new officers and some of the others re-elected: Managers for 1956, Donald Haines, Arthur Yottngblut, Major Young- ,blut, Algin Leatherland, Edgar Lawson, Kenneth Scott and Roy Daer; trustees, J. C. Stoltz, John Doerr and Arthur Youngblut; auditors, Arthur' Youngblut and (Mrs. W. Bradnock; treasurer, Mrs. Wellington Good; ushers, D. Haines, G. Dobie, K. Scott, W. Bradnock and C. G-ovier; organist, Mr. Arthur Youngblut; Daily Vo- cational Bible School committee, (Mrs, ` - Bradnock, Mrs. D. Mac- Kay, Mrs. D. Haines and Mrs. Ed. Davies. The former secretary - treasurer, :Miss Ruth Daer, resign- ed, so the assistant, Miss Margaret Nevins, was installed with Miss Ruth Andrews as assistant. The . ngregation decoded to carry on the 7Every-Home Plan for the Pres- byterian Record.' Rev. D. J. Lane thanked all who had helped so faithfully: and the meeting was clo;_2d with prayer. SH• EPPARDTON SHEPPARDTON, Jan. 31.—Mr. Arthur Barnsley, of Abernathy, A. Foster, Ralph Foster and family, and attended the Dairy Farmers' As_ociation in Si. Johns, N.B. Mr. Bai nsley is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foster, who are fre- quent visitors with the Foster fam- ily here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lir.coln Mohr (nee Betty Foster), of Gadshill, on the arrival of their daughter, June Louise. Mr. Hein Hendriks leaves today for Montreal where he will leave on February 1st by plane and ar- rive in Amsterdam the following day to visit with his parents and brothers and sisters in Rykwoort N. Br. Holland. Messrs. Ralph Foster; James Hawkins, Bert Dougherty and Jim Graham were in Toronto Thurs- day, January 26th, and attended the annual crop and soil conven- tion in Toronto. Philip Foster also went to Toronto and spent the day with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritchard. Several. in the community are sick with colds and flu. GODERICH TOWNSHIP' Women's Missionary Society sent $360 to the branch treasurer, a valuable bale of 168 pounds to Church Relief Abroad and Christ- mas ,baskets to sick and shut-ins. The Mission Band sent four par- I eels direct to Miss Rose in Korea. Mrs. Washington reported an en- rollment of 93 in the three junior congregation groups. The Wo- man's Association reported a bal- ance of $644.18, after financing various repairs to the manse and church property. The reports from the other organizations show- ed encouraging progress during the year, Miss Elma Mutch was re-elected church treasurer, Miss. Margaret R. Jackson, church' secre- tary, and .Mr. Everett Taylor, Mis- sionary .4 -id Maintenance treas- urer. The election of other of- ficers resulted as follows: Board of Stewards re-elected — Jahn Durnin, Elliott Lapp( Harold Web- ster and Ted Mills; ushers—Har- old -Webster, Harry Sturdy, Keith Arthur, Stanley •Ball, Ralph D. Munro, Charles Scott, Jlarold Mc- Clinchey and Roy' Finnigan; new trustee, Sidney Lansing; auditors— Henry Brindley and Roy Finnigan. Mr. Harold Webster proposed a vote of appreciation for the work -et, ministry. -The'"'TIietting"°fvn closed. with the benediction by the Rev. C. C. Washington. Mr. William Gibson, of Wrox- eter, is the new teller in the Canadian Bank of Commerce here. He had been in the Wingham branch before being transferred here. Mr. Ronald Rathwell, who has been teller at this bank, left ort Monday for Dresden where he will be employed at the Canadian Bank of Commerce there. Mrs. Rathwell will join him the end of the week to take up residence in that village. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weir, Joan and Bobby, visited over the week- end with- his father, Dr. B.,� C. Weir, and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Barbara and John. Mr. and (Mrs. Ernest Patterson, of GodericFi visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: George Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardin and family, of Wingham, visited onnday with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. William Straughan. Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, of Winghaln, visited on Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Miss Isabel Baer was,a patient in Clinton hospital last week -end when she had her tonsils removed. .Mr. James Aitchesbn, of Sea - forth, visited last week with his wife who is convalescing atthe home of their daughter, .Mrs. Ken- neth Scott, Mr. Scott and family. Honor Miss M. King.—The mem- bers of the 'Library Board met at the home of Miss Margaret King for afternoon tea last Tuesday FREE CANNON FACE CLOTH IN EVERY PACKAGE WHITE OR BLUE _ GENT PKRGE s90 G. M DZWEE MAKES A LUSCIOUS WHITE CAKE—OGILVIE WHITE C N I - . ,4-250 ,, CUT BREAD COSTS! CARRY HOME IND SAVE WHITE OR BROWN `'— SLICED I 1UC + �' ,! : 3d5 1,60 BRE .II 29 OZ LOAF IR 50 DESSERT SERVE OFTEN! ECONOMICAL RICHMELLO — G FLAVOURS • _C CREAM - 31,111K 250 FRESET Y GROUND IIICI MIET1O COFFEE BAG- 46AZ 950 PICNIC BRANS -SWEET MISLED Serve Hot or Cold with MilkNABISCO 10 oz- SHIIEirIES Z Pkgs 35P 2 TINS 1 TIN 48 Z. 290 PICKLES far 25 CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE 'WELCH'S GRAPE ALLEN'S -- CHOICE APPLE b JUICE1a Oa. 230 I JUICE TinOz. 270 Hottlo 3. WM. HORSEY BRAND ORANGE. JUICE tukticIST — CONCENTRATE LEMON JUICE 300'a OR 400 n KLEENEX - Is 2 2 2 20 OZ. TINS 33g s INS oz. .270 T PIKS. -10 California Sweet Navel • '.Sunkist Oranges Size 288 s imported Florida Oren Pascal Celery Stalk@ doz. 390 35c Size 48's 2 terve stalks 196-b VISIT YOUR DOMIRLON FOR FULL DETAILS ABOUT ""FAMOUS BRANDS FORTUNE HUNT" ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE IN ` GOt5ERtCH Unit* eluding Tena Sat., Fob. 4 DOMINION ill GUARANTEE 1 An Mort andleo eold at yone Dominion Stoect is u5conelation- any girarnntooil to "vivo you 160°o hrttleitSetlY r'•'' STORES LIMITED GODER-ICH TOWNSHIP, Jan. 30.—A fair representation of the congregation met at the -home of Mr. and Mrs: Reg" Fuller for the annual meeting. Reports from the various organizations were read, showing a successful year in the church. Rev. Mr. Monte led in a sirl.gsong'and lunch was served by Mrs. Fuller. The C.G.I.T. and (Mission Band met for their bi-monthly, meetings in the school. NORWEGIAN MEDICINE AIDS STOMAC = SUFFERERS Vancouver, B.C. (Special) The Norwegian medicine RECLUE has proved during the past five years to be very beneficial to people suffering with stomach distress due to _hyperacidity and acid indiges- tion. Due to the increased demand, the Recltt Drug Co. Ltd. has ex- panded distribution of I ,ECLUE from coast to coast and has opened up distribution facilities in' the United States. 'RECLUE, a cine in liquid form developed in ay through the skill of modern pharmaceutic_ al research, has brought prolonged relief from excessive• gastric acid- ity and acidindigestion to ,thous- ands of Canadians. Letters on file( ST. ANDREW'S STREET prove the success of this medicine for Stomach sufferers. RECLUE is now available, without prescrip- tion, at 211 leading drug stores across Canada. Vernon Hunter and son, Pxegg, 1st vice-president, J'.D. Dwain; and Mrs, Harry Webster, of Luck- 2nd vice-president, (eor a Ribey; now, visited on Moday last wb+;1, seeretaryi Lorne Hackett; treas. Mrs. Durxdiai Phillips and Mrs. Herb urer, (Bob Lyons; directors for Col- Stothers. borne, Ivan Watson and Melvin air. 'Ross Murray is a patient Boge; for Ashfield, Douglas -Hack- in Wingbaln hospital. His many ett ' and Douglas Raymond; or friends h e for much improve.a f anent in � P West Wawanosh, Ross 'Dwain and. e his health. „A , ,Ron Pentland; for West Wawanosh, At . the Huloa aunty .Muncil June Nevins; for Ashfield, Ruby session, Reeve Ceeil Blake was Finnigan and Lois Haekett; audi- eleeted .for a three --year term to tors, Sheila ►'eagan and Lis the 'Good Road committee. ,Ile iiaekett. At the meeting, Mr. won on .the ('i,rstballot over Reeve Leuty spoke on soil and crop im- W. ,Jewitt, of inlet(, and Reeve provement, Artificial (breeding J. Doig, of Tuekersmith. was also diseussed. At the joint Executive Meeting.--The'exeeu- meeting the election for a joint tive of the WJM.S. of Erskine Pres- secretary and press reporter was ,byteriair Church met In the home held: 'Plans were diseussed' for a of (Mrs. Jessie Olver on Monday drama play -and for a hard time night last and made out the pro- dance. Everyone is to (bring a gams for 1556. They also discuss- new member to the next meeting, ed plans for bettering the society,. Junior institute.—The Junior In - The hostess served a dainty lunch. stitute met in the Dungannon Pub - Officers Named, — The vestry sic School and held their election meeting of St. Paul's Anglican of officers. Those elected were: Church was held in the Parish Hall President, Joyce Little; vicepresi- with a good attendance. Rev. H. J. dent, Lois Hackett; se etary-treas- Jennings presided over the elec- urer, Helen Little; dis ict director, tion of officers which resulted as Mrs. Arnold Alton; wnship direc- follows:Rector's warden, Paul tors for Colborne, Sheila Feagan Caesar;le'' warden, Thomas and Dorothy 'McCabe. Young; vegiy clerk, Ben Mole; Institute Meeting. --.The January sidemen, Robert Mole and Mel meeting of the Women's Institute Stewart; delegate to synod, R. was held in the home of Mrs. Durnin; alternative, Elmer Black; Durnin 'Phillips, with the presi- board of management, the ward- dent, (Mrs. RichardKilpatrick, in ens, the lay delegate, Mrs. Ben. charge. The meeting opened with Mole, Mrs. Gladys Rivett and Mrs. the singing of the . Institute Ode Victor Blaok; S.S. superintendent, with Mrs. Phillips at the piano. Rev. H. J. Jennings. The roll call was answered by each The World Day of Prayer service member suggesting how she would will be observed in the Anglican like to be remembered ifshe were Church on February 17 at 2.30 p.m. a shut-in. The minutes of the Officers Elected For 1956.—The last meeting were read by the regular meeting of the 'Colwanash secretary, Mrs. Otto Popp, who Junior Farmers was held in Dun- also 'read thank you notes from gannon Parish Hall last Tuesday the shut-ins and from those who evening and the new officers for received Christmas boxes. The the coming year were elected. motto, "An apple a day keeps the Doctor *way" was ziven by Mrs. L. ]iiia^ty; WS: Durnin Phillips Played a pia;+o solo. The topic on '�1Ieal " was 'fiakken by Mrs. X. K, Dawson ,,who demonstratedartific- ial t i,x.e • � Mrs. ar i6c- aR spir on on Mrs. Zinn, one sof the gnembe'rs. She stressed •the iraportariee of applying .art( cial respiration . immediately when needed at a steady (uniform rate. The hostesses, Mrs. R. Irvin, Miss Rath • McOonnell, Mrs. T. Erring- ton rringtern and Mrs, Otto Popp served lunch. Euchre Party. — The teachers and pupils of Dungannon Public School 'held a successful euchre party in the school last Friday night. The' high prizes were won by Mrs. Robert Bere , and Mrs. .Heb Finnigan. There are to be two more games played in the next two months and the one hold- ing the highest score cared" of the three games will be given a special prize. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd, Ryan and Sheila, of Toronto, spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. • Miss -Barbara Wihso+n, nurse -in - training at Victoria (los pita', Lon- don, spent the week -end veitly ° her parents. . , .' 2u4 1055 PORTER'S FULL � pro PO1tTJ d S I I L, Jan. 31,—The annual cmc ting of the Sunday School was held at the home Of Mrs. Austin Harris last friday - evening with a good attendance. The superintendent, Mrs. Willner Harrison, took charge of themeet- ing which Cpelled with prayer by Rev. P. Renner. The . minutes of the last meeting and the treas- urer's report were read by Jim Harrison. A -§ulnmary►. of the past year's work was given by the sup- erintendent. Mr. Renner .was then asked to take char of bhe elec- tion of teachers which resulted as follows: beginners, !Mrs.- P. Harri- son; assistant, Mrs. ID. Harris; primary girls, Mrs. G. IM.alniirig; assistant, Mrs. H. Torrance; prhn- ary boys, Mrs. R. Cox; assistant, Mrs. B. Cbx; junior girls, Mrs. T. Sowerby; assistant, Mfrs. B. Town- shend; junior boys, Mrs. A. Look - hart; assistant, Mrs. George Math- ers; intermediate, Mrs. J. Me - Cowan; assistant, Mrs. A. Harris; seniors, Mrs. E. Cox; assistant, Mrs. Alvin Betties; Bible class, Mrs. R. Torrance. THANK YOU I wish to thank the people of Goderich and district for their 'Patronage during the years I operated The Esquire Grill, and I would like, too, ,to solicit a con- tinuance of this patronage for my successor, Mr. Frank Brown, of Listowel. ik- a -'- Ken Pennington r • �thing near it in price can- match it for • • Compare Meteor with any other car in its field! There's nothing to match it for pride of ownership. No value to equal it! Meteor's V- sweep grille, star -keyed styling, low roof -line and distinctive Rideau tri -tone beauty add up to the foremost styling. And interiors are just as dramatically foremost in distinction. Meteor's brilliant V-8 responsiveness matches your reflexes instantly—with smoothness and quietness born of 24 years of V-8 experience. You "go" automatically with the unmatched versatility of Merc-O-Matic Drive*; enjoy the extra comfort and honvenience of the finest power,steering4, - - ~po for i9 k ng ,power win ows an -way po er sea : --'°'"""" —' -'—" And a new kind of safety—exclusive Safeguard Design! Add it up, compare prices, you'll find Meteor spells Canada's greatest value! See Meteor—Go Meteor ... miles ahead! *Optional at worthwhile extra cost. z1�111i111)►�, � • r r ~•,°~- Foremost star in its fields _�/v�;�x,�•,:{;:.r ••:. f:r �:�i BSc:;'•:`::;{ Four fine series. Four great V -8's lilustrated above: Rideau Four -door Town Sedan Eklow: Rideau Victoria Foremost in safety with Safeg2cts Design:..._ Meteor gives you and your family the extra protection of all the newest safety advances. Standard on Meteor—New'Safeguard steering wheel of deep -centre design: New Safeguard double -grip door 1oelcs that keep doors safety shut. Optional—New Safeguard cushioning' for instrument panel and sun visors, r and Safeguard seat belts*. ''Package of 3 options available at aur$risingly low extra cost. Be mi/es ahead... be safely ahead 4) every C"+ ti Watch THE ED SIILLNAN SHOW On TV Eivery Sunday ny IT'LL PAY VOU TO SEE YOUR �Vt'r DEALER BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR! B RHART'S ‘GARAGE ME°i'EOE, MERCURY AND LINCOLN PRONE 626W A FINER V-8 VALUE-FR,IDM FORD OF CANADA SAFE it Don'tfai! to 0 A i - , R .- .. oda eQteee3ee+0ceea.ee•t.rrrreeserrwre�lrrs....0.•es�•••••eels•• er+r•�•••••e•••••e•s••••••i vee��i-� dreomesaaoroite•: t msseseeempoommatiomi fesemm .osi sit 4016ofi(so ire foss a ciese••w Smart New Model Of Philco TV On Display TV Aerial Installation and Service...Any', Make. 133 Britannia Road. W odericii 001, 'Phone 2 3 5