HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-26, Page 5•
I1.6.112DWARE 1
\my Dmla
"common Sense, Red Star, Blinatibbon
-sFlax, Binding twines.
!Having secured apractioal tinsmith we
are new prepared to take work
'eavetroughing; furnace,
ir 'rooting or repairs..
. , • •
Milk Cans, and Tinware of
every desoript/on,
Daisy - Churns,.
Barbed Wire, Ribbon and Annealed
Wires, liatts,.Locke, It inges, Paints and
Oils. Ordersnow taken "fer Chestnut
ealaeltereith•end stove -mile, far ear/y
hlercier government of Quebec, the other
ddy, and Mr , Mowat is welcome to his
'victory far -WW1) be will hasie paY the
price he bought for at nO. distant day.
R B.
Exeter, jusiera, '90.
ik s
VOonnOr Defeated.
Sydney, N. S, W., dime 23. -The scull-
ing race •between William J. O'Counor, the
Canedian oarsman, and Stansbury, took
place today Ori the Paremette, River, arid
was won by Stansbury.
Frank Leslie's Popular 'Monthly'
Wirrenra. Holmes and Tennyson, the
three illustrious "OctogenarSau Poets," are
disegssed by Geoige Makepeace "'Towle in a
°homing literary paper. which lesds off
Frank Leelie'a Popuiar Monthly for July.
Some admirable portraits and views illus-
trate it. Mrs. Isabella Hinton's artiele on
"Oleo Barton and the Red Cross Assoola-
tiest at the United Statea" is made timely
by the aecouot given of the Associatiorila
work at Johnstown. ra.. the first Annivers.
ary of the memorable disaster at that place
havine just passed. 'Quebec, one of the
_most picturesque fortreas.cities its the world,
de described. with .copioua illustrations. by
Elizabeth Taylor. Prof. Tallettee KItotnan
OamPagne." ArtlaurV. Abbott's RAoserciati
Observatories;" and W. I. Linear% Adams's
•description, of the uew Daguerra Memorial,
.embracing ,ant amen:4.°f the discovety and
development of photography,dire ail riett in
entertammext aamametrotion. ',Pliers are
=sketehea conrance, travel and adventure,
abort stories hy"Lisuteriant 'R. H. d'aYue.
Lucy Hooper, Rile. WheelerVilcox, Swum
.a. T. Weise, and others. The customary
departments are7knusually foil and varied,.
A notable improvement in the typographical
and pietorial meke.un is MVO tO be observed
in this number, which begins 'Vol. XXX, of
the tangerine.
GROOBRIES Stock oom- f 41iTcoAtrzIal
xteetwearr,to,o6fte60.1110.04 inet,, the
piste. Produce taken In
W. Maur, jos. IL Howard,
Ileneger. Proprietor.
The Present and the Future.
To the It'ititer of the Exeter Times.
Dun Strs-Thefith of June was looked.
forward to by the people of Ontario with.
considerable anxiety and iuterest, as a day
that would ietlicate in seine degree, the
deetinio of Catuttla, and it did not peel
without leavieg seine evidence that the
'minds of the people of Oatario were moved
and quite a minim who ara intereated in
the welfare of:the country nre grasping at.:
the situation. Of course there are quite 4
number of tire obi party men, that party
is so engrafted into their very being, and
become so prejudiced to Reform anti Con-
servative, tbat it would almost take some
supernatural •pewer to change their opinion
-especially tome of them, But tbe agita.
tion that this election has produced lute
* put the people .to thinking and the stir ie
not going to tieliside just now, for the
time has cora° 'rime att mtelltgent people ,
• will not to:crate nth principles as exist '1 That atoo vivid in/sic:illation sometimes
. among our peliecians We don't want our • las waa exemplified in the case of a
legis f ..e halls -occupied by leen whose Cincinuati.telephene operator who was
chief ject is to scheme and legislate to bitten in; April by a dog, and began to
:Imp Itemselvee in power =la not for the- read hooks on hydrophobia. A short
P . Uuuutry's beneat ; and men cf this stamp time ago be told the family they had
2, *allowed to remain in lace, Who will
better strap him in bed. Half an hour
_ . the rmuntrysto rack and ruin for the -
later he went into convulsions and died.
- dor . sake of support at election time. The -
,situation has become a serious one for die- 1 The doctorc say death was caused by
. ..order, tool bankeep4.xy will he the inevit , mania on the subject, as there were no
able rertult if them is not a change for the indications.of rabies.
better. 1 lint Mr. Editor, I think this.
election has caused. conathereble awaken-
ing. Although the change has not been a
. groat one yet there is unmistakable evi-
dence thait the country is wakening up to
the .situation, and I 'believe that the wave
• of agitation already started will roll on
.untilit rolls such hypoeritical statesmen
, beneath its swelling tide.
And above all, the Globe has been
- .wonderfully excited, even for a long time
before:the election wane off. You would
.almostsbelieve that.its whole existence de
pendedamon Mowat's Government ; the
anaisethat it so laseehly and continually
amazed nut on the government. „and with
what indefatigable zeal it used ev.ery subtle
.art that all its capabilities possessed: to
ehield and cover from public view those
Mae intrieacies -we won't say they ace
.anything xery big-nc, but just .0. little
handle todupply leverage- power nt eleo-
two times. }tut the !Globe's excitement
grew as election day drew nearer, and it
became so .urgent in ptessing the claims of
the Mowat.Goverameut on the grounds of
its long terra of office, .and unprecedented
honeaty ; and boastingly.asserting that the
eaid governinent would he sustained by a
larger majority than ever, and. yet at the
same time youcould notice a little nernous-
nese mixed with doubt and fear, and the
anxiety seemed to be two -fold. It weuld
notonly have te mourn over the political
death of the hlowat Government. If this
was all, the Globe would notfeel so feveriah
" but its own interest is au stake ; the fear
of lasing those luxuriant pasture fields of
Onterio seems to be the terror of the ,
moment. Thursday morning dawns ! I I
fancy this must haste been one of the I
- Globe's most Bolen:in days of its life, for so ,
much •depended upon the issues of that day '
election. Vise o'cloek carne, the poles
closed and the reports from the different
counties come pouring in and for a while
the Globe listens almost breathless.
Eagerly drinking in the dispatches, es -
.pee ally the ones that were favorable to
th Mowat Government. This news was
ste ood that it could not he retained long
,an l the first outburst of joy was that
4 q1014n4t is stronger than ever.'' The POETIC SENTIMENT.
Globe continaed to take such heavy
draughts of this imaginary victory that it
soon began to be somewhat intoxicated,
and when the climax' of its unbounded joy
was reached it was so oierwhelmning that
the Mob° became overpowered with in-
toxication, and we may infer frcrn its
doings. and sayings that it even became
delirioue and unable to keep its.- feet, for
it looks as if it had been rolling round un,
til it got on its back, then catching a
glimpse of the stars which no doubt ap-
peared to be moving and in its blind
imagination thought it was Mowat and his
army of followers., and as it caught a
glimpse of the seven stars it cries out again
" 27 majority for Mowat" -"the grand
old man and Ontario is safe .for another
, four years." But I am glad to find that
after three days repose the Globe has par-*
tially recovered from its excited delirium,
and that the imaginary majority of -271s
down in the teens. • But even this major-
ity has been secured by Mr. Mowat by the
same influence which has sustained the
, .
Hatnrcau--11,a Exeter, en the sua
Bachael,dieloved wife of Imo Handford,
aged= peen,. IS months.
elSilbyFician retired from, nreeticestav
ing hailiphieglin his hands br an East India,
missionary the forraula et a simple vegetable
reinedy.for the speedy audperreauelateure far
coneureption.Bronebitle. Catarrh.Astinait and
all throat airdluug affect:0u% also,' positive
and radical cure for nersons debility and all
nervous ecutplaints, after having tested .its
wonderlel mnative powers in thousands or
cases.has for3 it his duty to make is known to
eafferingIellows- Mg -sated by Oda xtetiye
one a emirate relieve human sulferingsf svill
send free of charge, to all wbo desire tit the
realpeoin Gorman, French or Engliehi with
fell directions fer pre; %ring and using. Sent
by mail by addreseintraith statue. naming this
paper. A. -Ilexes, 820 Powers' Block, Iteoh-
Gas tias'aen streak near the
of Ilumberstone.
Toucan r.ever know till you Vy, how
quickly a doee of Ayer's Pills will tura your
sulk hesilsethe. rear etereach and bowels
need eteansing, and theee Pills will aceem-
plish it snore effectually and comfortably
than arty otaer medicine you can Rua.
SAV.614-A. fine reality of children were all
afflicted with =elute. Two died early ;
'the rest would soon have followed, bnt for
',the timely and persevering use of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. which built them up into a
chealthy and vigorous manhood.
Sir Joseph Hickson, of tho Grand
Trunk Railway, and staff, spent a few
days in Port Huron incpecting the tun-
nel which is now nearly completed.
Before leaving an official order was
eieen ordering the ,00nstruction of an-
other Simnel alongside the present one.
The cost Neill be between $2,000,000 and
The policemen of London, Eng., are
prohibited holding meetings to air their
that people cause to their senses and stopp-
ed using the cheap, trashy, injurious, health
destroying Baking Powders. Imperial
Cream Tartar Baking Powder is pure, reli-
able and the beat article.
The recent ,eensus show that Chicago
has a million population, double what it
was a decade ago.
The Political Situation
Has not materially changed within the last
year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry is becoming
better known every's:reek as a cure for Coughs,
Colds, Whooping Cough. Croup, Loss of Voice
and other affections of the throat, Ches. end
Lungs, For twenty years this reliable medicine
has been used in mores of families with the
greatest suocess. Sold by all druggists. Got
tho genuine ia white wrappers only,
There has been a split in the National
Order of Railway Conductors on the
-question of strikes.
W. A Doyle, manager and secretary of
the Miniota Fanners' Mutual Iasnrance Co.,
Banish, Man, sayse--My wife and myself
have commenced the use of Nasal Balm and
the benefit and comfort derived from it
warrants a continuance of its nee.
ciry Pitct er's Castorl;!
To apply the poetic words "a medicine
that's able to breathe life into a stone" to
B. B. B. savors of exaugeration, but con-
sidering its countless cures and wonderful
work even exaggeration seems justifiable if
it convinces those who hesitate to try B. B.
B. and be cured.
Why allow your life to be made miserable bY
buzzing insects, when Wilson's Fly Pads will
annihilate them and give you peace 7•Try them
sold by all druggists
The onuses of summer complaint, dia.
rrhoea; dysentery, ohelera morbue, etc., e
the excessive heat, eating green fruit, over
exertion, impure waterand sudden chill 1
Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is an infalli-
ble and prompt care for all bowel complaints
from whatever cause.
If you will tend ut your address , wif 'mall
you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all
about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaio
Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they will quickly restore vou to vigor and man-
hood health. Pamphlet free. If you arethuS
afflicted, wewill send you a Belt and appliances
on trial. VoUrAralinur Co.. MershaiI.Mich
Minartl's Liniment for sale everywhere.
The bigligate mastodon is beingexhib-
'tea at Guelph,
By the death of her aunt, Miss Bell
E. Scott, East Wawanosh„ is heiress to
a handsome fortune.
When Baby wee sick, we gave her Cestoria.
When the was a Child, Abe cried for Castoris.
When, abe became she clung to (1asterio,
When the hada:Wren. ehe gave them Coterie,
The Caledonian Railway station at Edin-
burg war burned Monday,
0, 0. 11/011enne it Go.
GentS,-I sprained my leg so badly that
I had to be driven home iu a carriage. I int -
mediately applied hfINA.BD'S LINIMENT
freely end in 4B hours could use my leg
again as well as ever.
Bridgewater, N. S. Iontea WrgAvegT.
.Red Wheet ... -,,,, .e - 85 to 00 05
Spring Wheat... ... - 00 85 to 00 95
lierley ... ,.., - ... 40 to 00 II
Oats ... - - 37 to 46
Clover Ssed .., ... ... 3 00 10 3 25
Timothy " ... ... ... 1 50 50 2 00
E'eas ... - -, 50 G0 so
Corn ... ... ... 0 AO to IA
1300 ... ... .... 12 to 13
Butter - ... ... 12 to 0 :3
Plourperbbl ..., ... ... Op to s 16
Potatomsper bushel ... ... 40 to 0 4.
A.pples,per nag ... - 1 CO to 1 50
nth:rd./G.1)131014pr b
Wilson's Fly Pads
Slaughter House Plies in millions. They are
safe. cleanly:Jul (Act:teat.
Of the Delhi Reporter -a well-kaowe
journalist says : consider Burdock Blood
Bitters the beat medicine made, and would.
not be without it on any account. It should
be kept in every house in the land,"
At tke meeting of the menagera of
Knorr Chun%) Mitchell, Mrs. W. Stuart
reoeived the appointment asorgauistand
cnoir leader at a salary of $101) per
After a lively contest of ten condidatee
Mr, David Robb, of Clinton, was ap-
pointed Publio School Inspector of East
Huron at the adjourned Coenty Council
fleeting in (Wench.
The trouble with redline driSiog le that
very often it ia not wreekless,
,,Ofters and effect" sea the fanner, wlioae
coruliele was domed out by crows.
ainard'oliniment cures dandruff.
Miss Piaingirl—I gm:tedium fear that he
doeen't love me ; yet lie kissed me laat
Prettyperte–Then you may rest
assured that he loves you,—New "York
Bessie -are you sure We literary 2
Jesile-Yes. Mermen he wishes to see
nythiug he rakee oil his glasses.
A. child may be suffocated by a bad attack
of Croup. ilson'e Wild Cherry gives
imulediate rt lief and quickly °urea croup,
Whooping Cough, Cold m the Head, Bron-
chitis. and similar dieeases. Get a bottle
arid keep it in the how.. it may save your
eliihre life as it has done in many cam.
It Is so pleasant dud children take h like
syrup, For Coughs and colas ia adults i
has no equal. Get the genuiee in white
I take pleasure in certifying that I have
used Dr. Fowler's Extraet of Wild Straw-
berry in my family. for years and dud it a
sure cure for diarrhoea and mummer eons-
pleints both for children and adults.
ldna. Zone Mellsu Michbarne,'Ont.
While swinging in a hammock the
other evening Hattie Weight, daughter
of Geo. Weight, of Mitchell, fell out. and
broke her colle,r bone.
The county L. O. L. of South Perth
has decided to celebrate the 12th July
hi Clinton.
Minty of tho worst attacks of cholera
=thus, arataps, dysentery, colic, eta., come
suddenly in the night anti mieedly and
prompt means must be need against them.
Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
the remedy. Keep it at hand for emergen-
cies. It never fails to cure or relieve.
As "violets plucked will never grow again"
so a good name once lost we never ean re-
gain. An artieal which after extended Vial
won great fame and as thne rolls on by good
deeds still increases. it is Burdock Bleed
Bitters the best eure for dyspepsia and all
blood diseases.
The King of Denmark has knighted
Asger Hamerik, director of the Peabody
Conservatory, of Baltimore, Md.
Provincial Land Surveyorand Civil En-
G-I2NTMMirt, MSC..
Moo. Upstairs. Samwelrs Block, Exeter, Out.
Good Salary end Expenses. or Commission
paid to the right men. I want :men 25 to 50,
years of ego to sell a full line of srst class
1.2ursory Stock. All stook guaranteed. ApnlY
onee, stating age and references.
C. L. BOOTHBY. Rochester. N.'Y
Situated in the Township of HAY, being
Lot 2, Concession 2, oontaining100 acres. There
11 on the premises a good frame house. two
freine barns, one 36x56, the other being a bank
barn 36x30; a good driving house ; one barn
and stables 24x60; tvvo good welis of water ; a
good young orehard, and about 90 mores cleared
end under a good state of cultivation and well
fenced and about ten acres of good hardwood
The above fnem will be sold on reasonable
terms, and is bit tutted about one mile and a half
from the thriving village of Exeter, convenient
to churches and salmis, For terms apply to
HENRY COLLINS, on the premises or
by letter to Exeter Post Odoe.
.Tune 23 '90 -lin
Wra. Mori:son,
lVferohant Tailor and Practical Cutter is onen
to receive orders or measures. &good range of
now on hand and first-elass work guaranteed
at lowest rates. Coin° with your own cloth.
Wherever you buy, it is no object. When cloth
is bought on the premises it will be out free
of oha
Great bargains in lllen's woollen
3 harts and illeady Made
Clothing. Eggs taken
as cash.
A visit solicited.
"Wm Morison,
Tailor and C itter. Centralia:
0 4to 050
(*ease per lb, ... ea to ri
Turkey per lb ... 0 08 50 10
Ducks per lb ... 0 06 to 0 07
Obickensperpr 0 25 to 0 80
liogasiressedperle0 - 4 50 50 5. 00
-, .. .,,, 4 eo ) 5 V
gideerough, . .... .. 2 01) 50 2 50
" dressed ..,„ .., ... 3 50 50 3 90
$heepslins °mob ... ..„ 0 60 50 20
palfskins ... ... 0 50 to 0 5G
Wool perth .,,, 1 18 to 0 20
Et ayperton ... ' 05 507 en
onionanerbzi en o 5ote0C5
Woodperoord 9SO to 3 00
tIT211*11Ts 5
Wall Wheat 0 95 0 99
spring Wheat.. ..... - ......... ...... 0 95 0 sti
Barmy - 1 0 35 0 38
0 t
Clover Seed
... 0 26 :1 27
.. CO 5e
*14 2 50 4 00
0 53 54
gs 8 0 R
Butfier 12 0 16
Pouatoes per bag ...... .....„...... 70 91
A,opiee per bosh es 0 54
20 0 20
Ray porton 5 50 6 50
Bran per ton 14 00 14 00
Short*" . ...„20 00 29 00
Oatineat per bb7.. 6 50 7 00
Wheat, 05e to 97O Per bus. Oats. 43e to
89e p_e_r hue. Peas, fitdo to 610 per bus. Bars
leY,Atalting.48 to 4fie per bus. Barter Feed,
33Io to Sle per bus Corn, 47e 50 47Ie per
'198 Kirig Street West
Toronto, Ont..
attention to SKIN DISEASES, ss Pimples. time, eta.
PRIVATE DISEASES -and Diseases of a Private
Nature, as Impoten07, Sterility, V440000)0, ervous
etc., (the result of youthful folly and exeess,} Glee,
and Stricture of long standing.
s DISEASES OF WOMEN -Painful, Profuse
pressed Menet:nation. Ulceration, Leueorrhoea,
OffieeIlours-9 4.114. to 8 p.m. Displacements of the Womb.
Sundays.1 p.m, to 3p.m,
or Snp
an d
Somebody Must
TorouteS'June25.-Wheat Spriug- No. 2.'98o
to 62e Tog bus red wintor,No, 2.1.00 to. 01 per
bus. Ithtuitobe No.1 hard, 1 1950 1 26 No.2,1 27
tO1 18; REAS 03o to 610 Per bus. OATS 41Io
to Ole per bus. FLOUR. extra. 3445 to 84,20
strong bakere.E4,4,00. to NA, BARTABY, No 2,
50e tO Olo No 3 extra, 4Po to 49e; No 3, 40o
ptioiroob.bl; atraight roller, .7,4.50 to 84.0fr;
A. Trans -Continental Innovation
Sleeping oar passengers for PAOlue coast
points via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
paul and Patine °verified, Emit Mail
lane no longer have to wait in line at Conn -
oil Bluff's Trensfer Station to obtalti sleep-
ing ear berth reeervations west of the ma.
The WV arrangements made by the Chi -
cage, Milwetikee it St. Paul Railway obviate
all suck delay and annoyance,
For further particulers enquire of ;merest
Cmpon Ticket Agent or address A.E.H.
Careeider. Cleueral Paesenger Agent, Mil.
wankee, Wis.
AntO019 rosioeuens.--Areyou diethroodat
niglitancl broken of yourrest by a sick child
sugaring and crying with pain of Cuttine
Teeth? If so send at ono* and get a bottle
or'llre.Wintiow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Ite value is incalculable.
willrelleve the poor little sufferer lin
mediatela Oationdupon 15, mothers tbere
la uninistalte about it. Itauros Dysentery
sad Diarrheas., reaultatea the &Mitch and
Bowels.oures Wind Oolio, Rogues the Gums.
reducee Inflammation, and gives tone ana
energy to the whole oyster() . e. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
plemsaut to the taste and Is tho prescription
of one of the °Meet and boat female
physioians and nurses in the United
States, said is for sale by all druggIsta
throughout the world, Price twenty-five
aenta n. bottle. Be sure end ask for"lIns
wrz,„r,ow,a anoTinna tvauP "end
other ind.
— •
1VIusl has,
P/ and
Dress Goods
all marked down to meet the hard times
We Lead in Teas
Pure Spices and.Fresh
Cheap Sugars &c.
DOUTE - Kirkton.
ailionalgo Stylo:
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pantings
at any price.
Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen I leave your orders °ally, for
with the beet etsff of Tailors ; the best
mock of Fine 'Vrinimings, and the beet
Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfao-
onwpapos... }op. ....mow
who bought that bankrupt stook ? Several have advertis-
ed as +wiling ebeap. I want it distinctly understood
did not get it and do not want it.
manufacture ail my own Tinware and
handle no Bankrupt stocks, ai.d am in a position at all tunes to offer
good well -made tinware at lower prices than any other house can sell
their two years and a half shop worn goepts tor. ask you to come
and inspect my stock and you will be convinced that I am speaking the truth, My
stock is ell made of the beat tin that can be had in the market and ant selling
dowu. COAL OIL sktiVttyn Ost Italt(l. Don't forget the stand.
-sioN at?
J3IG ZcZirdigiavddszkwairia„-,
One door north Dr. Lutz.
AMOamparmexamteioniimlwitawaisp lasommumon,
nit if '11 11 11 11 1111.11711 Iry 11111 11 11 11' 11
it will be to your interest to call en us before Inging liaratt4re.
Shelt hardware, oit, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire. „
KVA. ,T.,4`TarltZ=
.A.1..sW.A.-5E'S SrrOCIC.
First.class tinware. No two and a hell years shelf.wore goods to offer.
It) A.)., -1\i' AND BRIT_S;94_,§
Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing
a speciality. Agents for the :Raymond
Sewing Machines. A call solicited.
"19 MAL
t, r eNV. H TROTT
A full stock of all kinds oi
'Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan.'s
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exetei.
!; Stock
— I S--'
Dress Goods,
Prints, Ginghams,
Mnslins, Shirtings,
all marked down in priee to meet the
hard times.
Sest 'Value in. Teas
in the country.
Pure Spices, Fresh Groceries and
Cheap Sugars Call and see. The
prices will astonish you.
Boot Shoo Maim
Has opened business in the
premises of R. SPICER, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared to meet
his old. customers and as
many new ones
Sewed Wo rkaSpecialty •
[Repairing promptly adad sat- -
isfactorily done.
W. H. TR,
DO Y0,07
,Lase-ol „Liss
-THE2,7' °Alp AT-
Reliable Goo&
eit Prices Lower that so -cal-,
led Cheap Houses -can give
Underta,king in all its
J. P. ROSS, Branches.
Market Store, E:X:ETER. GIDLEY,
Nov. 13;1889. (Successor to C. & Sidle )