HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-26, Page 4Established 877 S, O'ZTEXI, RANK, EXETER, ONT, :insects a geueralbauking bust nes s - Receives the accounts of merchants and hers on favorable terms. Offers every accommodation consistent with afeandeonservativebankinsprinciples. Fiveper cont interestellowed ou deposits, thaftsissued payable at any of leo of the of grabants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, 4:1tIO1`EY `]:O LOAN ON2'.10TES AND MORTGAGES. eNtttr TRi RSDA7i , JrNF. 'r6th, 1890. :KR.. ikIERtK ER'S St"V(1113S% MI'. Mercier's victory in Quebec need =prise roo ore. Among his k countrymen he is looked it on as a r} Tt' leading champion of French in- terest$, if not. a Stench natiouality, nz}d as the author and successful supporter (A the Jesuits Estates bill he won the entire support of u most powerful organization. Not- withstanding that it was shown a shoat time agothat the most in- blus1nable bribery played a promi- nentart nn the history of the Gov- ernment, the revelations made have had no effect other than to increase Mr. Mercier's majority. Probably opinion prevails that there is more tO gain out Of supporting such a clever fellow as he has shown him- self to be than can be gained out of travelling with an Opposition which has no contractors l e lhi i .l h to help when needed. The Quebec victory was but a eepetitiert of fir. Mowat's vzctery m Ontario, only :t was in vre pronounced. Every constitueucy where the English predominated wept against Mr. Mercier, but they are few, and the English form a very small rtion of the po Hula• tion. Still their vote shows that English opinion is not in accord with Mr. Mercier. fuel that it wt uld overturn his Guv'erprnent if it ceitlel, which is an index showing that they regard hien as opposed interestp. This has ben plainly perceptible to outsiders, although it has been denied by the supporters of Mr. Mercier, who profess to have many friends among the English. The premiers of the two provinces owe h Church a much to the C u ] vote, and will have to pay it to the best of their ability. They certainly form a strong combination, and it will have to be .a strong combination which will turn them out. point the county treasurer in every county, so that all Conservatives be disqualified in the future from fulling the ofnee of Co. Treasurer. EDITOR AL NOTES. I111t, MowAr has not yet found time to telegraph his cougratulatious to Mr. Mercier. Does he judge that to do so would be less discreet than it was atfer the last general election credit, or any money raised by taxation or otherwise either to be used for the purpose of founding maintaining or aiding by appropria- tion,payments far services, expenses or othe,awise, any church, religious denomination, or religious society,. or any institution, society ornnder• taking which is wholly or in part under sectarian or ecclesiastical control or conference," Conference of other ogrganization are tQ be called throughout the country with a viewto arousing public sentiment in favor of this amendment, THOSE who profess to have studied the action on the human #rattle of different triads of liquors claim that, while whiskey inflames the passions, beer has a soporific deadening effect. but Smith, who was hanged at London for the mur- der of his wife while drunk, corn - milted his cringe while under the inftuence of beer. The probabili- ties are that no two men are con- stituted so exactly alike that a glass of auy given kind of liquor will have precisely the same effect in all cases. SCRUITATOIt,'S GRIEVANCE THE Huron Expositor of the x3tll inst. contains a communication signed "Scruitator", finding fault with the present County Treasurer, Mr. Holmes, for taking part in the recent elections. Scruitator must either be a stranger in the county, or his memory is very defective, as Mr. A. M. Ross while Treasurer of this county took a prominent part in politics. He, as treasurer of Huron county, represented the West riding for a number of years previous to his entering the Mowat Cabinet in x883, and after he had became a Cabinet Minister held on to the treasurership, lP and nothing g fear of bei but the uput out g of office induced him to resign his position as treasurer of the county. What appears to be an unpardon- able offence in the eyes of Scruitator. on Mr, Holmes' part was a virtue in Mr. Ross. He, a party poli- ticians could take part in election campaigns and become a member of a party government, while just as much a servant of the people as Mr. Holmes. During the time Mr. Ross as a party politician repre- sented West Huron no Scruitator ever condemned him for taking part in pcihtical elections, neither would there be any fault found with the present treasurer providing he be- longed to the same political party as Scruitator. But Mr. Holmes being a Conservative, he has given. offence to 'Scruitator, and he now caI:ls on the county council to en- qnire into their servant's conduct. Would it not be bete er for Scruitator to have Mr. Mowat make some reform in the law byway of amend- ments so that Mr. Mowat may P• Till. United States Protestants will not allow their public schools yea be interfered with. They have their school difficulty in the United States as well as Canada. An at- tempt is being made in Illinois to engraft into the school system of that state, as well as several others, a separate school system. this mQvereiit is met with a solid Oppo- sition by the America Protestant ,A,ssociation, several hundred dele- gates from which have been in secret session for the past fere days. The Association has a membership of over soo,000 and is in affiliation with other organizations which rep- resent a membership of over half a million. A national agitation is to be inaugurated to have the consti- tution of the United States amend- ed in somethuig of the following : "No State shall pass pas aD y law re- specting the establishment of re- ligion or prohibiting the free exer- cise thereof, or use its property on COUNTY COUNUIL. The council met pursuant to adjournment from last meeting, the warden in the chair. Members all preseut except D. D. Wilson, Seaforth. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Applications from Messrs Parke, Murray, Turnbull, Burgess. Robb, Bruce and Wilson were received for the P. S. Inspectorship of North Huron and referred to the school committee. Petition of the trustees of S. S. No, 11, Hay, against the decision of the township council of Hay, refusing to enlarge the boundaries of the section, was read and re- ferred to the school committee. Petition from Mr. Wray and others of S. S. No. 1, Hay and Stanley, to make al- terations, was read and referred to the school cummittee . A. petition from the trustees and others of S. S. No. 5, Hay, praying that an alter- ation be made in that section, was read and referred to the school committee Moved by Mr. Hess, seconded by Mr. .Heyrock, that the usual grant of $200 be given to the erection of a lockup in the village of Zurich, in Hay. Referred to the finance committee. e The following report of the e county audi- tors was read and referred to the finance committee : REPORT Oa COUNTY AUDITORS. We, the undersigned, auditors for your county, respectfully beg leave to report that we : ave carefully examined the books and vonohers of your treasurer, and after com- paring the various entries therein with the proper vouchers, we have much pleasure in reporting the same correct, showing a bal- ance of cash on hand on the 31st of Decem- ber 1889, of 1)1,269,68, which balance we found at the credit of your treasurer at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Goderich. We have also audited the Public and High 'School accounts, and find them oorreot, and herewith attached yen will find a. statement showing the balances in, the hands of the township treasurers on the 1st of March, 1890- In conclusion, we again have much pleasure in testifying tothe veey, satisfactory manner in which your treasurer's books have been kept. All of which is ,respect. fully sabmitted, RICH. RADCLIFFIZ} Auditors. ' JAZZES PATTON' f Goderioh, March 81st, 1890.. . Statement of the balance of school monies in the hands of township treasurers from. 1889. Township of Ashfield .$ 104 24 Hullatt.., 354 90 " McSillop 89100 a Stanley 46 ."• Stephen ..... 116 70 " East Wawanosh,.,169 31 " West Wawanoah 22 93 " Howick....,-. 54 23 Morris. - .. 84 08 eeneetURERS STATEMENT rt .,{: , Gienr,nerox : - I submit herewith the usual statement of collections from non- resident lands for the portion of the year ending April 30th, and of cash on hand and available to meet current expenditure I have to report that since the first of the year. have loaned on first mortgagee at 6 per cent, $$15,250.00 Of this amount near- ly $1,000 was taken ironx funds for current expenditure, the sinking fund account being exhausted' This money was lying in the bank at 3 per cent. and will in all probabil. ity be restored before needed. I have also to request that you grant to your warden and myself the usual power to borrow 325,- 000 to meet expenditure until the taxes are paid in, I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant. War, HOLMES, Co, Treas.. Statement of collections from non-resident lauds between Jan. lst and April 30th, 1890 t--- A.slihel4,.. ...,, ......,.$ 25 49 Goderieh Tp .. , .., ... , 24 11. Grey 58 15 Hay 512 31 Roma. ,,.,,,.,.,. 15 46 Hullett. , a .. 88 Morris..... 43 26 Stephen...., 18 11 Turnberry 22 25 West Wawanosh,.,.. Bayfield Brussels 52 25 11 25 30 93 44444,44.4144 $813 93 SEC01D DAT-wEDNESDAY The council mete h c n_ ei f pursuant to adjourn. trent, the warden in the chair. AU the councillors were present except Messrs, D. D. Wilson end 1'. Belly, The minutes of the previews day were read and approved. SCHOO& AND riumwo Coarltrrr5n. We have examined the certificates of each of the applicants for the poaitiou of Inspee. for of I'ub'ie Sohcole for East Huron.. All the applicants except H. H, Burgess and J. W. Morgnu produce certificates froth the Educational Department showing that they are duly qualified for the position of Inspec- tor, and your connuitteo from tiro evidence before them believe that the two named are also qualified though their certificates aro not produced. We submit all the names to the full council, and recommend that the council ballot for a choice from amongst these applieante for the recent position, and that the balloting be continued until one of the applicants has a majority of the whole number of ballots cast, and that the first applicant to receive swat majority be declared by the warden appointed. The rep'*rt of the clerk on tiie goal delta - was read and referred to the finance ennmittee, 00.12i 8TAT16i;.CS.. The report shows that in 1897 81 persona were committed for 3.991 days in the aggro - Sato; 22 of these were vagrants committed for 1,431 days, and 13 were insane persons. The average daily cast of food per bend was 103 cents, and the total coat per head includ- ing otSnial salaries, was 50 ceuta> per day. In 1898 138 persons were committed for 5,074 days ; of thele 50 were vagrants cm" witted for 2,768 days, and 13 were insane persons. The average cost of food per day was 103 cents per bend, and the total daily coat was 40 cents per head. In the sear 1883 60 pgraone wore committed for a totttl of 3,174 days; 27 of these were val:raitta committed for 1,1:3 days; and 10 wore in. sane persons. The average daily coat of food per head was 10a, eta., and the total daily cost was 08 eta. per head. Moved'by Mr. 'Torrance, seconded by Mt. Cook, that bylaw No 3 of 1889, requiring sleigh rannera to bo three feat apace, be re- pealed. Referred to the road and bridge committee Moved by Ur, Either, seconed by Mr. Manning, that. having Iearned that our former colleague, -lir. Fred W. Johnston, baa been appointed junior judge for the District of Algoma, this council pay him a tribute of respect by giving him an address from this councilduringt its presou session, and that Messrs- Beck, Prondfoot, the mover eeeonder and the clerk be a 'commit- tee to draft the address. Carried. Moved by Mr, Dulmage, seconded by Mr. Cook, that in the event of any municipality's appealing from the equalization of the asseasmonta for the current year, the final equalization of the assessment rolls be left to the decision of the county judge. Car- ried. Moved by Ur. Kay, seconded by Mr. Kydd, that this council do now adjourn unti11.30 o'clock p. m., and that the ballot be then taken for the appointment of .a Public School Inspector. Carried. 1.30 o'clock p. m. The council resumed, the warden in the chair. A ballot was taken for the appointment of an Inspector of Pnblio Schools for North Huron, which resulted in Mr. Robb's being declared elected upon the fifth ballot by a majority of two. Moved by Mr. Kay, seconded by Mr. Kydd, that James Edgar Skinner, of the township of Usborne, became a ward of the county, he being an endigent, insane person, and his parents not being able to provide for themselves. Referred to the finance committee. On motion of Messrs Beacom and Bissett the council adjourned until Thursday at 10 o'clock a. in. TIMED DAY—TRURSDAY. The council met pursuantt o adjournm eat the warden � de in the chair. 11 the A council- lors 1 lors were present except Masers Wilson and Kelly. The previous day's minutes were read and approved. An application from Mr. D. McDonald, Deputy Crown Clerk, for more office and vault room, was react and referred to the gaol and court house committee. A number of a000nnts were referred to the finance committee. On motion of Messrs Cook and Mooney the council adjourned until 4 o'clock p. m., to allow the different committees to get to work. Gg-O TO— Goldsmith 4, Hall! WATCHES,— CLOCKS,— JEWELRY, ATCHES,-CLOCKS,—JEWELRY, - SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. ttarPersonalattention given to repairing of watches,olocks andiewelry'r C. REICHENBACH, Opposite Poet Office, PARKHILL Agents Wanted. .If you want to make MONEY, take hold andsell our choice' Nursery Stook. Now is the ti me uric us at once for terms. M 3 Y $ROT lemrt$ Nurserymen, ltoo'hester, N: Y. rArtraimit BROS.' ST GROCERY Just Received a di- Herrrnesey'sBraadyln Casks Also other grades Braudy " WHOLES.A.1,,E Lake Huron, EabradorWh to rept Importation of and Cases. Corby Wlriske, French &„Domestic Wines. ANDS RET.AIL Fish Trout n Bbis.1-2 Bbls Just received a const n.. ` ment of This Season's Teas Ceps Grocery Department is Complete X. Every 13ranokt.. Eyes Tesiedl A. * NiT.URBA.Y, P'raetieal Opticia>a, Graduate Optic School LT.T. Eyee tested ; defective sight reatoredby the alder Aug glasses. Large assortment of the t}neetglassesonhand. Aoallso!}cited. ,,a. s- a47a•T.a?..4,'W, 3.09?"CTIN7'T?.A $-$ P London. -, W,A.NTED REMMen to take ordersfor Nursery er Stock on Sal- Jf nt F . o aka a c a tu. o a n XCOMm a es 1 a orCmrwat uc ry Tho Thorooughbbr�e"d Bunnntn�g Stallio(n,, iE D 1 ,j1,.`I �.J `1fl B if INTEROOLONIAL RAILWAY Will stand for mares this season as follows: OF CANADA. Monday. April 2811i, leave bus own stable, Hets- satl, and north to Dixon's hotel. litucefield•rj � for noon ; thence to Cart's hotel, Seaforth, for night. Tnesday,Contmercial hotel, Clinton for noon; thence toSwartzs betel, Dayftold fornight, 1%eduesdav, south un 13rooson Line tolilake,fornooa; thence toDasbwood for night. Tbureday. south to henva. thence oRill's c eaet to l s h tel C ed'tou f noon c >, [ A OQ thence . ox e e via London Road to lyseter. ro llawksbaw's. betel, for night- Priday,via Loudon Road to his coat stable for noon and remain until the following 4oaday morning. dAurs Better. Prop STESMA A N of anyone who will wort; and fellow my tee structious. Will furnish handsome outfit free and pay your salary or eorumisatou every week. Write for terms at once. E. v. uiiAliAht,l`ursert'man, Mch1513e Toronto, Ont. 5 Packs of Cards FREE One Peek, May I.0- B U ;llone: One Pack sa rt, uaolack, ItYta tion ' One aak,]fold to the light ; One Pack. OurSoft just holds two. One sample book. full of Novelties. all. FREE, if you send Se. silver. for postage. aCmz•TX,T3irx-. "Yarmouth w CELEBRATED TROTPwI�nI�,tM STALLION, 4. -'7o.,,.,Y,.. Will stand for the improvement Of stock this season at iliasett-s Livery : tnble,Exeter. W. G. BISSETT. DR. FOWLERS The direct route between the West and at, paints ou the Lower St. Gawronee and Baio des Chalenr. Province of Quebec; also for New iiruuswiok..Nova Seotia,Prince Edirnrd Capet3i etonIslands, andNowfoundlan IT:and St.1'ierre, Express trains leave Montreal and Halifax d ung s excepted) and through are • (S a F ) run J y ween e o' without _ 2; n ' an between t es i s eu change o t u t h t #t se _ t_ 84 v hours. Tie throe h ezpresa train cars of the fn- terootonlal Railway are brtiltantisl•gleted by electricity antlboated by stem from the locomotive, thug greatly tnoreasing the Ola- f andelegant sleeping and day a d e! av nem fa rt n safat tx o t s 1 t N � I 1 sxtnenthroughex xo ��� � a oar ►n astraina, l DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and Contrac-' orsbave removed toSweltow's old stand, oar.' ner3iginandtiidloystreetsand are mile rea to sell Poore, flash and Ilttnde and Monlding cheaper than any other Arm in town. Iluild- ingscontracted for. Plana. 5ueoitertione and Retlwatesfurniehed If required. Alt work done' with neatnees and desatch and satisfac- ion given. Seasoned Luueberntwayson hand Davidson Bros., WAI, DAVIDSON. JOIlN DAVIDSON N ()TICE. .1 Fresh liui Noe STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at tba family Grocery. Also Puree Extracts Add SpiVBA •EXT: OF • A beautiful piece of glass -- ware given away with cue lb. lIayell'r Baking Powder, Dashwood liollerFlour L.T Call and examine our goads Ltfore per: abasing elsewhere. Co G. _i.. I,IY'3 DMA '. TRAVIBERRY CUR,ErSD t� HOliERA hoicra Morbus O Lc I C. - BR, -F3 A NiPS Canadian -European Mail anti a ?assenger Route. ?.ssongersfor Greet Britainor the Conti. rent by leaving Montt eat on 4 riday mornipg will tnfu outward mail at Halifax ou Saturday. The attention of shippers fa directed to the sup prior facilities a ored by this out or the trauaport of dour and general merchan- dise intended forth* Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland: also for shipments of grain •tudproduce intended for the Furopeanmar, kot 1 Zicketsmay be obtained and information rettreberou e; aisofreigltt aril pessenger rhos on ap plleaCon to N. WEa TRRASTON. WeaternFreight,4Pasaeager Agent 98Ros.fnUooentllaok:rarer ltt,Torontc. D PQTTIneGER, Ohio' euperfntendent. PailwayofUco.Monotou.N,ft„Noss 34, '39. One Door South of Post Office --11E HAS A NEW AND COMPLETE --STOCK QF-- . Boots & commShoesifr • IARR KA WASHING COMPOUND ("� (fir (�' Sewed work a speciality. YSE 1 E Y Loosens and +luiokls' removes all stains of Repairing promptlyattended to: 1rP9.r11 �++.��r1y.�/a GEO. MA.NSON, greeacand dirt without iniuring tbebands trr the finest materinis. It keeps down d}sense by thoroughly disinfecting and. purtfying every- thing. ;'eves soap, elothes, .time and labor, For all domestics purposes it is the best article over placed before the public. Eur the toi('t and the sof beat itcis just splendid, making the Only So. for u grocers can supply it. pkta, All AND AI -L SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS ITIS FEAND RELIABLE FOR SA R� lA E CHILDREN OR ADULTS,. Great Bargains COTAM'S BIRD SEED, Cotam's Choice Imported and Re -cleaned AT THE Bird Seed is the fin est quality grown, thoroughly Cheap CASH Store, Crediton. The undersigned will sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, eto., at a great reduction, for Oash, or Butter and Eggs. As he expects there will be a change in the business on September fat, all accounts must be settled before that date. Also a first•class farm for sale, contain- ing 90 acres, with a first, clue brickyard thereon. TE1{J►1 C EASY'. For further particulars apply to JOHN MITCHELL, June 19-3m. CREDITOii. G-ENTLEMEN'S Gold Watches, We have just completed the purchase of a large Whole- sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these goods at prices never again to be equalled. With those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail,” enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It ,will pay you to write or call o1 us. Here since '55. N. B.—Masonic aprons, best quality, $2. 50 each. A. MORPHY & CO., Cor. Richmond and Dundas Ste., London, Ont re -cleaned and mixed according to the various seasoua in proportions advised by Ornitholo- gists and Bird Fanciers, livery ono pound package contains a piece of cuttlefish hone and full directions "how to keep a laird in health and song. Cotam's has been awarded lar prise and diplomas and is very highly recommended, If YOU really want healthy Birds with ehoieo song and beautiful plumage bo sure and use CotamBird Seed. All grocers and druggists can :supply it. BBRT COTTON, London, Ont. , Wholesale Agent Your chanoo in Lift ARE YOU A FARMER ? Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST • and scour, land in the most fertile region it. the world, close to the geetit markets of St. Paul. ltiinno- apolis and Duluth, where there is a ready mar- ket for all the products of the farm, In ono year you can save enough in railway freights alone to pay for a farm in a thickly settled district whore exist all the advantages of schools, churches, and general civilization, You can procure for sixtycents an acre, as a firtinstalment—balance s o n longtime moat low interest—a farm in the most flourishing State on the continent, described by the celebrated English officer, Col. Butler, as"Fxarme slvosn DEsompriov." Remember that 400milos from a shipping port means 15 cents a bushel for freight and elevator charges, alt of which you can save by settling on the lands here offered. ARE YOU A MECHANIC You are certain of employment at high wages in Minnesota, Factory bands and skilled laborers of every kind who want to better their. fortunes should go to the progressive State of Minnesota. REMEMBER that less than twenty dollarswill carry you to the great cities and rising towns of Minnesota which are growing faster than any others in tbo world; St. Paul and Minneapolis are practically one great pity with combined population f half '11' Sprinq Goods' r In order to make apace for Spring Goods We will close the Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRICE 'OB. C.A.SII ONLY INCLUDING Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs,, Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,I A nice stock of Fur .L'rimmings, Gents' heavy wool -lined hid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes $2 We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash minnJ MATHESO Labrtry HEADQUARTERS FOR --- - Pure Drugs, Patent Medi- cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. School Books and Stationary neo ire popu a ion o a amt ton. P'. t F THE GREAT LAND GRANT PUT ;est -etc. 0 o ramex, A bums, .i of the St. RIO. Minneapolis ,a Manitoba Rail- way—much of it, withheld from settlement for years ie now thrown wide open and opula' ion is flowing in amain. but there i oom for all. SPECIAL EXCISION S At Rates which are'Practiomlly ONE PARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP GOOD FOR .RETURlei WITHIN 30 DAYS points for From date of sale, wi�lti leave ai Canadian nadian MINNESOTA April 22nd and May 20th, 1890 Special inducements to Homeseekers a000m- 'ponying May excursion.' Further Particulars on applioation to J. B00KWALTER,`i Land Commissioner. Great Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minnesota, or to the Travelling Land Agent of the Company, GEORGE PURVIS, Masonic Temple, LONDON. Ontario, Canada. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori: Minard'sLiniment Lumbernaan'sfriend. Cigars Pipes., and Tobacco, Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the place, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St., J. Erining