HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-01-12, Page 10PalGt C Ask, 2$e extra for OW.* bent rannborg - For Sale (General) 3-inehapete, 65c, larger pans postpaitt in plain, eealed .enVeloPe with price list, Six sam- les 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mai' lati.aer Dept. Te53, NOV-RUBBER BoX 8.1, aaraliton, Ont. • electric Vaehers, ranges and refrigerators. Bargain Wye. Mac- IXINALD ELECTRIC, Britannia Plianee dealer., Phone 235. eillICKENS-.PUIAMS, MIXED, Ceekerel.S. Mi breeds. Frain an approved betchery. Free de- livery of all ordees. Your agent Monkton Poultry Farms. Goderich. Phone 3008 Carlow. TWO LADY'S FORMAL "*".•• dressee, size 12-14, floor -length, in good condition. $15s'eaelee-MRSe ARrimun GREFFMES, 145 Eliza- beth etreet. -1-4 WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY - of Northern Spys, Kings, Baldwins. HARRY MITCH:FAL, phone 426Wa. Please being your coadainers. 1-2x until January .20, 1956, for the purchase of a. Victor Adding Ma- chine, adds to $99,999.99e a small safee size 9" x 14", inside measure- ment; a West Test sett and a set - of lineman's spurs and belt. Articles may be tendered for se ately. Address tenders to E. WISE, Secretary, Gode- phone System, Box 458, Clinton, model 35 Ferguson tractors in stock, with. or- without manure leader, slightly wed 20-85 Fergu- son tractor. Model B men tractor; New Idea manure spreaders and repairs; snoblo for your l -ane; Strunk chain, saws, sales„„ servi and parts. Letz grain grinder; , of sleighs, nearly new; Purina ch for ell your livestock. Gaxe e. • la phone shop 1285, 160 BALES OP MAW; A. QUAN- TITY of hay; also 75 pullets, started to lay. VERD1UN VAN - STONE, phone Carlow 29(11. -2 RPIG4 CHICKS. ASK US FOR "" pekes ind information: Pullets brel for top egg production. Ian - mediate or later delivery. Pilch Neite Rocks for broller,s-top WO - fit makers. Ames In-Cpss. Stand- arY-releruary and on started chicks. Canadian Approfed, plus Hatch- ere's wide breeding experience.' A NriSQUE, SPOOL BED, WITH — spring and mattress; also man's brown overcoat, large, good as new. Phone 377W. 2x CeNTAIII0 POTATOES, /$1.40 FOR 75 lb. bag. Available at W. J. McDONALD 8z SON, Kintail. 2-3x DENTING ROOM SUITE, TABLE, four chairs, china cabinet, buf- fet, oak finish. Excellent condi- tion. Apply -160 Trafalgar street. Phone 854w. 2x CHESISRFIELD AND CHAIR, rded new; walnut gateleg table; straight haek arm ehene single bed, spring and mattress. For ap- pointment phone 735J after 6 p.m. SifitRE breeding stock and weanling pigs. A. E. JENNINGS. 2x electric range with , drawer, $40.00; steel bed and apartment over Wood's Newstand -MY SERVICES FOR ANY JOB around the house, sanding, cleaning; polishing flOors, etc. 20% lower wages winter months. ' JAC -ON HOME & GARDEN SER - chain heist; 1 hydraulic pump, 'Used for eiroa9PIdees .etc.,,Jaas many the combinatien tool of- a Clammed eteee, 'never been med. Any, reason - THE GOD C iTIDY'S SICAWS, SIZE 5, IN MAL foe size 7. ROY taaeia, .road. /B. ltea,1 Estate HAROLD, W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER Properties For Sale Winter Specials Five Rooms --$1,000 Down Payment In a southwest leeation this cozy honee has laege living room, 'kit- chen and three bedrooms. Full ,Price $3,000. Immediate possession. Five Room BulegalOw--$1250 Down Payment , Very oentrally.. located this home hes three good•siee ibedrooms, large living room, kitchee, and three- piece bethreona. Reduced to $4250. Immediate posseesion. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN- VITED Phone 766 Goderich .COMPLEITELY FURNISHED SIX ROOM HOUSE ON -PIOTON SWIM', INCLUDING GOOD PIANO AND FRIG. THREE BED- ROOMS, BATHROOM, BASEMENT, OIL FURNACE' AND GARAGE. EX'rRA LOT. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $4700.00. Med.ern frame bungalow with four-peece bath, basement, oil fur- nace. Can be bought wath extra let, choice location, on Britannia road. Terms. Near the Square, six -room solid brick bungalow with all naodern conveniences, oil heating. A real buy. Modern two -apartment -heuse with double gatage on Britannia Read. Excellent bacome property. Realanably priced. Tourist Business, Grocery Stores. Income proaaerties for sale. ads net paid by SATURDAY NpoN of Weak ef publication STORY AND A -HALF PRICK holm, almoet completed. Con- tact W. J. MLLE% RR, 4, Goderiele Phone 1929 Carlow. 514-2a N ACRES Li TOWN OF GODE- ;gravel, house, barn, chicken house, hog pen,. Must lee sold: Phone FULLY MODERN HOUSE, BUILT " 1953, for large family, 4 bed - ivories, 3 baths, 2 emplaces, full basement, extra building lot. By closing off steirwey it becomes two eeparate family units. Phone 1386. REY SOLID RED BRICK house with ,garage, 43 St Pat- rick street; new oil furnace, builte le cupboards, , newly decorated. 2-3x ESQUIRE GRIM, GOD-ERICH "a° Ontario. Located . the Square, seats 48, doing. good busi- ness. Must be sold quickly. Any reasonable offeo4eaeacepted. For further particMark -contact oCa. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W, Goeleriela 100 'acre choice clay loam farna on Highway 21, near Bayfield with about 400 foot lake frontage, ten *room solid black home, bathroom*, pteesere system, 2 barns, garage, drive -an shed, lots of fruit. A real buy. On Highway near tOarlow, 100 acre cilioice clay loam farm, nice seven/poem house, bath, basement, driereein s d, pressure System, can furnate, ti;xvbvde garage, good' barn, be bought ith stock and ments and another 100 acres if 'desired, 'Mortgage can be ar- ranged. Buying or selling cootact Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Streete Goderich Phone 1108. SUNSET HOPI‘EL CrODERIOH, ONTARIO 80 rooms - Fully equipped Newly redecorated and rewired. 'White briek construction. •Beautifully located on bazik of Lake Huron. Shaded la.ndscaped Ma• ins have private or eefinecting baths." Running watet in every room.. Dining" rooms seats - /25 Modern kitchen, propane gas ranges, automatic dishwaSher an walk-in refrigerator. Limn, cut- lery and dishes. -Spacious lounge, verandah and sun porch. Private *tennis courts. Swimming pool and golf eourse within five minutes. Safe sandy beaches nearby. Excel- lent fishing in Lake, Huron and, Maitland River. One of Great Lakes' finest harbours affords safe onchorage for seaplanes, yachts and sailing craft. Airport for light planes close by. • AAA approved and recommended by Duncan Hines. Could be winterized for year-remed vacationing,. (150 miles north of Detroit on the ferried Blue Water 'Highway.) For further in- formation, contact C. F. CHAP - MAN, Realtor, 30 Colborne street, Gederich, Ontario, Canada. Phone MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE . Several excellent baildieg • Wartime house, early possession, cash required $2200., balance by small ,monthly payments. ALSO SEVERAL FINE 1,11:11GER PROPERTI.E8 AND MANY 46 West St. Phone 11SW Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker Niommeormorommispro 2. Real Estate Wanted WANTED. -LISTINGS -OF PRO- - PERTIES for sale. No charge to 'you until property ie sold. Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 1:15W. -MU WANTED. -LISTINGS OF PRO- CHAPMAN, Realtor. " Phone 18W. 3, Agents Wanted apartment, upstairs, lieated iurnislied. Phone 8361t. . braiv,IVeSqijilatiriZelf-letntir' he every Tespeet, This is ont- standing lament._ Write BOX "1" with threoplece bath, ever- Apply,JAM4S A. 0,41111131,L. BEDROOM FR.A.ME houSe in good locality; furillehe ed or unfurnished, MALCOLM' MATUERS, Real .Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 1I5W. Cagey Carla Conklin Finds shopping le fa slop ay using classified As a Bargain -finding map MAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK — easier by renting a floor .POle isher and vacuum -cleaner from SHORE APPLIANCES, on the START 1956 .wrIIH PERMAN- ' ENT year,. round business Dealers needed in ,Goderich, Kip - pen, Kirkton, Seaforthl You can earn $50 to $100 weekly. Full de - toils and free catalo,gue on request. FAMMEX, Box F, Station C, -2 EARN $54.00 OR MORE A WEEK Part or ful1R-time opportunity in Huron County for a farmer or ambitious man with agricultural background. Age 20-50 preferred., Car essential. Take orders in ex - night. No 'investment. We pro- vide complete training at home offiee plus field assistance. Reply givinicr, age and exrperiente in (first letter tb NIA-CIRJRS PLANT FOOD CO., 2 Langarth street W. ,SALESIVEAN. - TO CALL ON Schools and School Boards ith complete range of supplies. have late model car: Excellent • not essential. Apply in writing, 4. Help Wanted SERIOUS MAN TO TAKE OVER ''-' Nationally Advertieed Watkins business. Established customers. Must be over 21 and satisfied with income--eaf $60 a,. week to start. Apply in writingetoeMet: Fa _RANG- ER, 350 St. Rocb' street, Montreal, -A-4 machinist and one yauth to learn furniture manufacturing. We are expanding. _ Pleasant working conditions, very steady employ- ment, .1 group insurance, eto. JAMES COLE FURNITURE C 5. Employment Wanted ITOUSEWORK BY — or two days a """ Squaee. Immediate posses- sion. Telephone 282. „ ,-33tf VOW VACANT, ROOlVIY A.PARIT- ' MENT, almost new, heated, hot water, lots of storage room, separe ate entrance, private drive. One of the best. Ph ne 1386. 49tf ROOMS TO ',e,NT. SPECIAL Bayfield road. Phone 980. -11--` bed sitting room, hot and cold water, grill 'privileges., suitable for couple or two ,girls. 'KEN ALLEN, Victoria. street. EOUR-ROOM, SELF-CONTAINED - apartment to rent, upstairs, heated, unfurnished.. Phone 453R. APARTIVIENT TO RENT ON Wellington street; two Moms downstairs and three bedrooms up- stairs; share bath. Phone 9§2J. prvE-ROolvi AP OD , HOT • • water, "heated, upstairs, full bath, available imme'diately. GFX). . Skates aliarafelied While you wait Beecere' Ante and Bicycle Supply, 'West .$treet. Phone 2(1$. January Bonus EXTRA PANTS EWE 'With every *tailored meaStire $38.10, $48-75, $59.75. Tailored by `Bond. See McLean Boos., 'oriole -3 competeat work at reasonable prices. Phone 'rnenae- Wise woe Finnigan, 93' Picton street east. 4,311A1MeNEY.----la memory of June Glenn Ohenmey, who passed awayjanuary 9, 1952. We imaist remealher and b'e t ado For all the previous Yeare we art And earry on through shine and Anti lionor the one that onge was Fleer remembered by Dad, Mom and family. 22e RODGES.---Iit loving amine** of, David aodges, who passed away Janguery 12,„ 1953, Missed by ,eveife and 15. Cards' of thanks . Ti%Ifs.41V1311AnolYe'Co°1704111Meld wa,s/rto express their appreciation for the ,messages synipatlw, the loan, of ears end the many kindnesses shOwn them in their bereavement. 18. Births -ATIVELD.---At Alexandra Hosed Goderlela, on January, 5, 1956, to Mr: endllbes. Lloyd =Atria& erode. CHISHOL1V1,--At Alexandra Hospit- al, IGoderieh, on lanuarY 8; 18$8, to Mr. and WS. Kenneth Chis- holm, Goderiele a 'eon, Ronald Kenneth. r- GLOINT.-;-,At General Hospital, PIM Kerry Lynn Ann, HARDING.-At Alexandra, to Mr. „and Mrs. Geo. Herding, HOLLAND. -To' Ur. and labs. George Holland, Port gope, Onte January 4, 1956, a eon, Robert George. KOLOIION.-At .Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on January 7, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Wmealrolohonae Goderieh, a son, William Marla Parker. .-At Victoeia Hospital, ondon, January 6, 1066, to, Mr. and Mrs. -Stan Prevett, of Gode- rich, a son. tGoderich, on January Ile 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Prouse, Goderich, ,a daughter. urdaya nights, Paul 'Cross and orch- estra. 'Wednesday nights, Clarence 11. Auction Sales OLEARING AUCTION SALE Of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, store equipment in:eluding some stock, two computing scales, two adding machiees, end nurnereus other items will be held 'at 20 SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 HAROLD JACKSON, 51-1- Auctioneer. SVC -ROOM HOME WITH BATH stteet. Available January 15, for rent or sale. Phone 151 or 730W. ROOMY TWO-BEDROOM „PRIV- *ATE 'apartment, on the SqUare, nicely decorated, reasepable. Phone 1358J. 2e-tof APARTMENT, HOT WA — heated, conveniently located, two bed:rooms, large living room, built-in bath and kitchen. Phone 5,4 UC,TION SALE TO BE HELD Berrie, -on „FRIDAY, JANUARY a3tli - Approximately 35 'fresh , and olds from one bane,„ 6 . Durham cows, epringing from two barns; 2 cows, Jersey and Holstein ctoss; .t• 10egood eteafOrd yearling heifers; • Usual buyer and door prizes. during alter*ti01114 *KU*. aro looking forward to serving you in our "new" ,storeowith' it* added coi)vonionelf, and attractive' display& FOR OUR GRAND OPEN.114 DATE. Gharanteed mato service. street, phone 466. -12 I - REPAIR, RE- -RE -UPHOLSTERING ANCY CABINET WORK. PITO '892W M .13leaK, 174 Huron, road. WATERLOO CATTLE BREED " ASSOCIATION, "Where Better Bulle-are Used." Artifici Inseminationeeeryjce for all bree of 'cattle. Fore service or inforha atioe phone -Clinton g42 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m on Sundays. -6t1 -CARRY A- COIVIPLETE stock or parts for all Sparton ITV sets. For 'instant ice and ail tube and most parts other Radio, Sound, phone , or ealleat Biwa uctrc seen around Carlow,. Pander phone cal - MOVER, WinglaeM, RA. 1, Hole,' near Saltfere, gaturci44, 'Answers to the eame, of "Sailor. °wiled JACK Alitl!IUR, 'Plume r6,8 Carlow. 2x e Owner may have some by Wen ' "rig and paying for this ad. 23. Used Cars 1947 CIDWROLET SEDAN' .DE- LIVERY, panel. No reaSolv able offet refused; ItAYLOCK, 273 Huron road, Phone 1682. a -2 0. Notice to Creditors ° against the estate of Matilda Win Sehaefer, late of the Town of Godeeich, in' the County of Huron, widow, who died on or ebout the 12th day of Deceinber, 1955; are required to' file the Seine with full Raetietilars with_ the undersigned by the 14th, day of January, 1958a as after that date the assets of the edistektaxtedaeeeee Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the tCountar,of Huron, this 28th elay'of December, 1955. . Goderich, Ontario, 51-1-2- Solicitor for the Estete. -water heated) furnished if dee sired. 59 North- street. 33x contained', separate enteance, ene Iblock from Square-, $30 menthe ly. Phone 645 or 1301. 2x, APARTIVIENT ON HAMILTON' street. Contact BRADLEY k SON. 9. comini Events The Women's Hospital Auxiliary meeting will be held in the Board Room Monday, January 16, at 8 p.m. • Dance Friday) January 13, at Blyth Memorial Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Goad (7,1ewlyvveds),-Lunch counter. Admission 50c,' Ever3u one Velcome. Bake sale, Saturday, January 21, WOL , ONE at 2 p.m., at Rivett's Music Shop week. -Phone on the Square, sponsored by the 2e Margaret Seageeeplub. -2-3 6. Wanted (General) fiLD HORSES WANTED AT 3aec, lb., end dead 'cattle at value: If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK. RANCH, phone tol- 1 Net 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. ta 7. -To Rent 11' IPPER THREE-ROOM, MENT, furnished and heated at 49 North street; also three- room unfurnished apartment with storeroom and private ,bathroona over Major Ladiee' Wear Store, Call W. HERN, Mill road. Phone 482J. 49tf "SPEEDY" OA SORRY YOU DOM" SEEM '051.ARE VW YOUR IMPTHDki PatseNT, SPEEDY. I ASKED' '401./IF'YoU PREFERRED WILE CHECK. will be held on Friday, Januery 27, in the 'collegiate auditorium. Dane' Ing 9. to 1. Esquires' Orchestra. TENDERS WANTED FOR CARE- -5* TARIERS in each sehool of the West Wawanosh Township School 'Area. Tenders to 'be in Secretary's hands not later • than January 15, W. STEWART, Secretary, 1:2• Dungennon. for caretaking of echools and Colborne Toweeship School Area. Tenders. to close on Sanitary 16th, duties to start on 1February 1st. -4.Anyfa, tender not necessarily ac- cepted. WM. WATSON, WOOD WANTED - THE FOLLOWING QUANTFTIES of wood wanted bk West Wawanosh Township School Area. This woad to be green hard maple . and beesh, -le long, not less than 6" ar ofer 10" tin diam.eter, to be delivered,,W.eackschool not 'later than June 30th, 1956i No. 2 school, 20 eordse Noe -12; 20 cords; No. 17, 15 cords. Tenders to be in Secre- t 's hands not later (than January W. A. STEWART, Secretary, 1-2- Dungannon, Cant ,The annuarnieetuag' 'of the Gode- riche Horticultural Soeiety will be held a' MacKay Hall on Wednes. day, January 18, at 8 p.m. The office -3 for the year will be elected by the paid members for 19564 MIPS may be paid at any time te any member 'of the executive be- fore the meeting or to the treks- urer, Miss L. A. Robinson, et th beginning of the meeting. One society, with a membershipQof,165, as now the seeond largest soeiety of the Geee, Huron and Bruce district. JOna up and, make it the biggest and beet. Tea will lea served. -2 The anuual meeting el the Fed- aeretion of Agriculture, Colborne Township Unit, will be held on Thursday, January 10, at' 8.80"Pan. at, Township Hall, Carlow. Special. feature will be e film. -23 The North Meet Evening Aux- iliary will hold their annual lea luck fee slipper in .theechtlear ore Tuesdase January 17, at 6.30. New members, welcome. , by SAMIS MOTORS efFeRRitict TO TIES? CHECK TO PAY P012 tvi WORK ON MYCAR INEED-403' • s*Amig noroRs 114gY VO MARVELOUS , WORK /00 . 1O MY PLEASURE 'ta PAY FOR THIKT, SPEeDY A SAFE ,CAR IS ON THAT IS KEPI" IN THE MAI:Teat OP Tdaa - winding up of The Goderiek. Township Municipal Telephone System. All pereons having =3:7 claims against the above-named System are lequired to file the same with the undersign,ed 'Secretary of the Syetem on or before the 21st y of Janaary, A.D. 1956, after whielciate the assets will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled, of which 'notice shall nave been Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 30th day of Deeember, A.D, 1955. CHARLES E.. WISE, 1-3- Clinton, Ontario. It can save you money to have your car checked over., ea You'll find charges are Teasonable at 0.6LC. Truck* Pelek S MaTORS Kingaton St. Phone 344 Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil freer) EdWard Fuels,. tank truck dealeiefor all Shell Oil Co. preductee Phone 98. -39tf Picture franiltig. We aee now equipped to. do picture framing. Geod selection of mouldings. Mac- Laren's Studio (at Clinton Tuesday Gederieh and Clinton. e46 14. In Memoriam remembrance of a deer wife, mother :anal grandmother, Mae. Jenuaey 13,-1949. There is ail' an ache in our hearts' That couneleee years won't take, away; We 5-rdile -With the world but never In our garden of. memOriee • die livea with us yet. To be With US in the taatile old way, Would be our dearest (wilt today. --.-Sadly °missed, putt always re- aughter, Ruby, eon -in-law, IIarry„ tgrandehildren, Art and Dianne. 2x William M. Joheiwn who pa.,:sed away January 10, 19:33. on- ALL PERSONS HAVING cielPitt4S — against 'the estate of Eva avlairtle Livingaton,elate of. the vil- lage of Blibh, in. thee 'County of Huton, epanster, who died on or about the 13th day of Nevember, 1055, are required to file the smile with !full (particulaxs with the' undersigned by the 21st day of Jamiary, 1956, as after that date the assets_ of the estate will be Dabed'at Goderich, in the County of 'Huron, this 28th day of Decem- Goderich, Ontario, 1-3- • Solicitor for the Estate. IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES TUDOR MARKS late of the Township 01 Stanley, in the County af =Huron, deceased. Ail persons claiming against the above estate are required to -for - 'ward Particukirs to the under- signed by February 9th, 1956, after which date the assets 'Will be distributed. = WILLIAM M. PREST, Solicitor for the Estate. 20: Pdblic Notice [1111E- CliANGE OF NAME ACT. Take (notice that the applicatioti of Pearl Augusta 711tenterton, to Augu.stus and' his _surname, to Mar- land will be heard by- the judge of the County court of the County of Huron in his chambers at the Court' House, fOoderigh, Ontario, 'on Mon- dajy, eae '20th day ,Of February, 1056, at 2 o'clock in the efternooe, Dated et London, Ontario, thie' eleverith day of Jai-m=10858- BYER, GRANT, MfftelIELL AND Dundas street, London, Oritario, 'Solicitors for the Applieant, -.DISPLACEOH:PERSP: • five years, largely by displaced 'through The missienairy societies. persons from Eastern Europe. At Gandhi_ and Nehru. himbelf were lunch receetly I noticed that the the amoduct of British -rule, they. young waitress spoke with. a were educated at 'Oxford Univeresa• foreign accent, and I aeked her Rae_ and wheat Premier Netrieu where she came from.- She eald Sllealts ahead deMseeratie atiarlite and ehe wae born in Latvia, but had freedemlee is merely repo, ' mar when, she slid-, the family -with 'It itetrateathitaUath Gandhi anal theusanda ,othets were "chased" Me Were imprisoned for ereate beitelomtlandeeeellitathsea dlatlaeloireemeeiregh‘areeattozasee eel) sa , ehe . said, "All Ruselans net .used, sent to, Jen. coupe ° in Latina now." asked her hotw liquidated as tlae.'Y'rwortild,_ 1101 Aseoen: they Were treated. by the Germans. under Russian. aenperametree beanunl "Nob too bad, end not too, good," was.pennitted to carry on _his pro - she replied, Her fether was put paganda (from his confinement" and • to work and- she- attended sehooL Nehru so-ealied,impOson- As lor the Russians, she shrugged ,inent Irad leisure and freedom* to. as If the English language was toe write a fine 'autobiography, which Mad-- to express ,how she felt to- was publashed ne Bataan: it: is ard them. Lithuania eed Estonia, were, inde- thgepolitical statements made bY pendent Baltic states. TodaY they .both thisZaviet, gueets," and by the are not even satellites of Russia. POPUlar reception _they received, They have lost their national ideint- eluting their tour. Re already had ity, having be& fereibly absocebed more than. enoUgh erouble trying „ by the Soviet] Union. The people to sappress Conimunist "agitators. (who objected were shipped to India jails are Iva of thetie. St-eatiet labor camps or driven out In a recent statement Ur, Nehru of their lames bar an •organizeil in- said the Indiatiegoveriement ".toler- When Nikita Klume,heltev, durimg does the feelble-minded:' lie said vfkit. tei India, was railing theqt "shut their Minds, -Vend all against -"British tokenialism," an their ertergy learning a feW elogans ed "Whfat About Latvia, and what was happening in'Inelker That the other Baltic 'eountries?"'• At statement would seem to indleate that the-aConinaunist Partys chief that the Priine Minister is not burst into rage and evaded the very happy oboutethe effect of the question, He accused the Ane Russian propaganda raid onelndia.- erican press of ppreading lies about It was a sortie peelitiatoary-to a the Soviet Union, and then pro- elestigned invasion lay• Solviet 'treble ceeded himself to tell Her about lag "eXperts" end other 'economie the British tolonies), saying that' "adviserr -whose sole object ,,tis to, Britain. had tre,ateit the people of 'communize the eeuntry And annex India as barbariaree. it to the Russian .Empire. That When Britain Went intik India was the proceas by which Stalin 'more than a hurialred.years ego the encircled China with the iron cur-, entire country was in a state of ta,in. I:Teenier Nehru- MU well be` chaes, PeIriodieally invaded frome doing some fearful thinking' aimed without mid disrupted Within by the- future of his boastedindepend- not only protected the kountry himself among the divined per-, 'front invadere, but elso set up a sone, .4,0414610.011404.4,1404;4004ramegaeueeeraTee;•••••*, 21. 13usiness Notice plumbing; agent -for Eppg pumps; eavestroughing„ steel reefing. phone Carlew 1108. 2e.5x 'FINANCING AN1) LOANS AT lower eost neve and late model used ears and trucks and new farm machinery. - HAROLD SIIORN, 38 Hamilton street, - SKILLED TV AERIAL bERVICt. Aerials inStaIled as law AX $49. Aerials moved - rentals. Work fully guaranteed- for one- year. South. street,e, riederleh, Phone 1344M. 44If Pt SING HEATING WIRING PHONE SO VICTOOt101 ST. Ii2;VS.111110- Vie 1011 -11111e'lle?.1181#*