HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-01-12, Page 9tree andana as NE DO aal. em X ko t teen 2t1 AGN .\ Ata,p„ overy,thieg yOu fteed or are' likely to went in the food, line, Is4yours with * rninimorn Of *isle -enabling! And since Wee- all for halented budget*, •Adt.P k. fantod( fine vetoes! With "trim.* low prices en more items, moro days of every weak', plus special, Yea ean COUNT on lolmir Wet toott-biltel Maker AS,P'YOUR STORE for A410 Neotar TEA BAGS - _ valley 1.111 -N -LO CHEESE ,lhoice Halves UP PEACHES - .'„,iquid Detergent VEL quality grocery items! Save now! Puri Gold'Whole BLACK:PEPPER 1441k - 10ITTED DATES. Rome g.fYia 'SWEET PICKI,ES coffee. . tMESCAIFE- pkoof 6069c 2.1b 9c 28,d. tin 31c Skim 12 -oz tin 41c-- 21* pkgs 39c 4 -oz ceilo 3 7; -OPEN FRIDAY vATURD UNTIL 9-.00. P. 2.1b 25c 2 pkg.; 2 3 "Vise hoMoMakers maCerrali§at--wroblams easily with famous. A&P -low prices.*** Super -Right M!!_ats 1111 ISO AST S • Prices Effective Until Saturday, ' January 14th, 1956 NEWS OF DUNGAN r.e.DarirGewitsrANITO,N,a, jatalen. kolOow, op:nt last week -end at her home here ,js iSit)ending the' winter„ 'with her daughter, NU. QUO Popp Alta. Mr. Annual Week of Prayer...The auroral Week of PraYer services commenced St. raur$ „Miglica4 'Church Joni Monday night last with the.,eresbyterian,. United and An- tgolleantherr goer/tail:Or coralndiPuilletg. ed Rev., it L. Jennings, reetor of St.. Paid's Bev. George Watt. minister of 14e United Vitureli, and Rev. W. McClean; 'minister of Lbek- now and Dungannon, -Presbyterian chureihNew yeesae. sTmehessiZtere Lfrodutelivoereelitleca. old Epistle -of Paul, Dungannon Severna Doffs, — The fourth meeting of the Sewing DOM was held oo Ori410 at the home of Mrs, Everett Balm:top. After ening the meeting with, the 441 p edge, Btu. Filsinger, Home Econ- omist,- gave instructions on how to fudge at Achievplent Day. Euchre Party. -0* Women's In- stitute sponsored a euchre party in the Parish Hall on Friday evening. All weather conditions being 'faV- an• ee. The first prizes were WOn by win. BroWn: and Harvey Mole and second prizes by MiSs Popp and Chester 'Finnigan. .There win. be another party in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott and Mr. and tlYIrs..Harold Elliott attend- ed_ the wedding of Mrs. Harold Creiglit to William Arden Barker in Paknerston United Church on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee and children, of Goderich, were guests with_ the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp, on Sunday. Mr. and aVIrs Omar Brooks and Mr. and alm. Wilbur Brown left on Sunday for St Petersburg, Florida, for an e4endede visit. . Miss Edna, Stewart" has taken a position as clerk in ,the Cailow store. Mr. Percy Horne was taken to Ale-xandra Marine and General 'Hospital Goderich on Sunday for observation,,, We wish him a speedy recoir'ery. Ladies!-Guild.—The Ladies' Guild iliskt Sleeppawed *may in i made her boa* with her e1 Abe terUse east , they farmed in the Dont rte lived three years]dpt Dungannon and then bougbt air. 4 eltutlea 110,1, now owned by Arita i 1"etrie . and nine yrs Sgt, retired to the setith And o ° i + ur ge, - Mrs. Iib ,tom an active pant ,an work,. when able 'and 'in earliier days was a fz it itli Choir member. She is survived by Ave r ; !mss. Anne Brown, .p1ey; Mrs. John, t( :d ) ', Luh, Mrs, Mel M na Dungtouroti; _.fit Gordan t ), Ritchie, Zion, and : Tee: Rea,. G derieh. Two brothers are" Joh BOlih, 'fIfolyroOd, and Torn gbh, Amberiey and four grandchild, ren. Marks Robb, at fibro her, _. passed away about three. years ago, The funeral took plat Tuesday afternoon at the isoine a tier daughter, Officiating meter w s Riev. George D Watt, Interment ,. was in Lueknow 'cemetery. Meet.—A ,Young ipteopiwg executive meetiiig.was held. at the parsonage at 7 p.m., Monday'even- ing. w -Ret. G, Watt supervised, and opened with; sprayer. Evebrn 602:033, read_ the Mast report the cue*, tive meeting. Programs Xantuiryy- June ewer planneed with conv0nens and committees.‘ The .w 41aett closed with pr r. afti ?Vilmer.Ruttled a met with a serious accident while working'. with tiniUrr 7n tbarii, A beam' fell on him, and he is in Wine hospital , wi h.Iii _ ne k. and ,T . Mr. Tom, Hallain, ,waio has taken a *position "'in Tor(Mto since 'the New Year, was home with his par- ents, Mr. and -Mrs: Charles Hallam, Pr the week -end.' Rev. 'Glenn Ball and Mrs. Dail, of Delman, near Barrie; caane on Sun- day to visit the tEbrmer's sister, MS. Charle-s Fowler, Mr. 'Fowler arlildra 1\5s. makathew. -Shackleton was hostess at :her home for the Janu-' ary meeting of the United Church WaLS. Mrs. Geo. flikidges ed. Mrs. Arthur Rlliott led in de- votions assisted by 'Mrs.. Shackk- tOn -and ,Mrs., R. Irvin and 'Mrs.. X. 'Reed. Encouraging rePerts were closed with a hymn and prayer. The C.G.LT. met Monday night in the -church basement. Elev,en memberS were present. Sandra Finnigan presided and Kathleen Smyth *as secretary. The C.G.I.T. hyann was' practised arid Sandra Finnigan gave the call to worship. - The members purpose wo-repeat- ed. The worship th,ought was given by Lynda Blake. Eleanor of 'business took place. 1VIrs. Herb . yoTan 'ideal Member"? The mem- bers enjoyed a Cluistanas party in December at the ahotne of Sandira Finnigan. The meeting -,..dosed with taps. , OBIL_UARY JACOB °maws Funeral service for Jacob Cous- ins, 82, Who, died =in Alexandra Ma,rine and_ General Hospital, Fri- day, fcrllowing a lengthy illness, was held from the Stiles funeral home at 2 p.m. Monday'. Rev. R. G. Maalillan officiated. Burial -was- made. in:Maitland cemetery. Born in 'Colborne Township, he was a son of the late Mr. land Mrs. James 'Cousins and lived in Col, borne Township until 1913 when he married the former Mary -Ann Drennan. The couple then moved Goderich. Mr. Cousins was a faithful mem---, ber of Knox Presbyterian Church, .and of the Octogenarian Club. Sur- .viving his wife. Tablbearers were: keg McGee, John illicCree, George Feagan; Adam MarAdam, Reg. Burrows, Russell at the home of Mrs. G. Rivett for their January meeting under the leadership of iMrs. E. Black.. Mrs. Thomas Park gave the Scripture thought' and H. L. Jennings read the 88th •Psalan. Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer which is being theld in .the 'An- glican 'Church. MTS. H. L. Je nings closed the, meeting with p ayer. & VEGETABLES assisted the hostess in serving 1VIrs. Will Caesar and (Mrs. E. Black Pick preferred produce items‘lrom A&P's fresh frtuits anciI,Ogetablesi They're.all in "tmatzthe-crc. =-------oeett-r.astrv'vraan-itr*xinysFirifrvirr:‘'EriiVriirbTfd:'allflrirn. el.y, were -Sunday visitors 1F Grade.,"A"21/2 to 3-1b.*Ave., Giblets Removed, Per Broiling, 1CKE OVEN-READY mall Link or Country Style Florida Fresh No. 1 Grade, Best for Juice, Size 175 'APPLES ‘..„ excellent for eating, cold storage stock Ontario Grown Fancy McIntosh Red SPINACH Fresh Green No. 1 Grade C-urly Leaf Washed, ready to cook 2.cdop!cgs 2.9 . ,,,-: , CAULIPLOWER doz 39, . 6 -qt 4ask 5 5 Fresh No. 1 Grade Tixars Now Crop Snowball variety CELERY STALKS ORANGES Florida No. 1 Grade Pascal large size each 25 2.for19, 5 California Fancy Navel finest for eating or slicing, size 176 SPECIAL! NUCOA MARGARINE 2 laPkgs 55c SAVE 3o SPECIAL! • FROZEN FOOD FEATURK NIFTY - WAFFLES ipkgs of 6 23, SAVE 60 with Mr. and Mrs, Herb Siothers. Sillib.—ThiS Com- munity was saddened on hearing of .the passing Of a dearly beloved - person, 'Mrs WU:Hain who -had been a -lifetim,e resident in this district. She was a Member of the 'United church and made,' her home, with her s,on-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pentland. The community extends sincere sympathy to them in their sudden, bereavement. Mrs. Peter Hamlin.—tMrs. Peter Hamlin, formerly • Barbara: Ann Willis, of the 4th concession of ,Ashfield, died in Lindsay Januafy 2 and was buried in KAncardine cemetery on Wednesday by Rev. W: R. Lake, of the United Church. Left to mourn her are her two daughters, Mrs. Harold Swann, Port of -Spain, Trinidad, and Mrs. G. C. Graham, Fenelon Falls; 'a son, Dr. Lloyd Hamlin, Chicago. Young People.—The yoting peo- ple of the United Church held their meeting on January 4 in the base- ment of the church. Lorne Alton Was in charge of the meeting. Keith Finnigan read the Scripture lesson. The topic, "God'"e care ,of His Own" was taken by Lorne Alton, follow- ed by the poem, "Look To This Day." ,,Bonald Alton led,in prayer Marilyn Anderstin co ucted singsong, Ronald Alton the chair for the business. pla4ins were ,made to go skating. aihle study was taken by Mr. Watt who reviewed some a the books of the New. Testament. For recreation a geography 'match was enjoyed by Elizabeth Sillib. — Msg.- Elizabeth 4inib, who had been in poor health for some time, entered into resCon Sunday -at the home of her daugh- ter, Ws. Frank (Myrtle) Pentland, \ after all that medical and nursing \ care eould do. She underWent an, operation a few months previous, that 'had improved her condition ' for awhile. She was formerly Elizabeth Robb, a daughter of the late John Robb and \Elizabeth Fowler and was married in 1900 tu her late husband, William Sillib, ar NOli-IING ELSE , WILL WASH AS CLEAN AS MI - L001 6.• .the: .k.EADOR.! EDUCES ICES! Goocl Luck MARGARINE: Ann Page KETCHUP ,SODAS -Switch To The Coffee That's Alive - With Flavour o ar Coffee BUTTER LARGE EGGS lb 3 5c 2 11:01;p: 23 99c: 6162; chl.de:z 154e BLUE- MAGIC 3 Large Gi., YET COSTS SO LIITLE TO USE Large 3 C Giant 7 sc .79 and MollOw (Cu QM Ground) O'CLOCK 143 Sc 3.1b ba 249 Ptiii,ROdied (Custom Ground) R D CIRCI4 lb QVALITY FOODS Margarine ALLSWEET " PREM Shortening JEWE .060 Fool PARD NEW BLUE DREFT FOR DISHES Face Ciotti enclosed wittf,30" Tea Towel Large C Giant "MRS. ANNE COCKFIELD 4--,...Funetal service for Mrs. Anne, George Cockfield, was Held from the Lodge funeral home, 2 p.m., Monday, with Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor offieiating. aurial took place in Maitland cemetery. Mrs. Cookfield died in a London hospital, Thurs- day, following a ,lengthy illness. Born -in Yorkshire, England, she was the daughter of Mr. and John C. Chapm,an, and liverl in. Goderich since' 1904. • She was' a menaber of St. George's Anglican , Ohuneh, Gorlerich. Her 'husband died in 1939. Surviving are one son, Albert, of Detrok two daughters, Mrs. Ra. (Alice) Bethame, Detroit; Mrs. 'William (Ann), Scott, London; nine grandchildren and 33 great -grand-- '- Pallbearers were: Walter Cock. field, Albert Coclefield, Elmer Cock- field, Calvin Bethame, Elmer Gil& CHARTERED ACCOUNTANIS :DREFT 3 Largo 9c Giant 7 5 SPIC & SPAN Largi3 31c Giant 7 5c MORE DOC1(518 ADVISE IVORY IVORY SOAP !Argo 26, 33c VALU IN TOILS SOAP LIONONAL 1Volty IVORY FLMCES IVORY' SNOW Modium 11( f0,19_!, WILLIAM L. BUTLER. and Announce the 'opening f an c ce for the practice of weir profeasion under BUTLER, DOOLEY & GO, 1.83 King West ION/toner Dial Sitt-n222