HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-01-12, Page 3it the. wet sin. ea o wane t acs nettle to the 1t mere. Mier.. thebook Thu eer a the i.-; ,0r Nass and •a's ease lent . and° elete are. rune rout. lag F'erson.a Mention Mr, and Mrs heek ,Soloakeinik and eisiiekett, of Gee r, bate re$' tettnedk Itee Coteeliele After apeaa ins g New Yea with Mrs. $ 0nee' r perenty, o end Meta Thos. Cook, w roaeL MeWe. Jae' Finnigan; return . to Guelph Oft Saturdaee efter Via' fang New Year's with .her parents, Mr. and Mr, . Thos.. 0001c. Cc i stabler i? err) formerly of irttelph,' now of Preseotte, having near there r on Det'e leer Xr1cw e for We >. and t tts Ross 004 and f, Sara, ntt New Year's w ar s parents, Mr. and Huron X r: and nes. Geo. IV, Baeehler on . t� the *atter anon* Phi Arizona, Mikref-00rdole , of ,. a ►.. are- dele to, leer b atm** a totat,4 at St. Vital,agistfeteltw t ' o ee • Smith returned to eyelid' log ieS •tx.t her ,p Ws. Jae. Steyeneoa end son, Qrahom, have returned from Ailing the holiday season with former'e **Tr at A etreit. i%BN LEE/AIM% Jan. 9.. -Mr. and Alia. . M.Edwardi and Donald Chiholr, of "Toronto, enjoys the holiday seasonwith their, peeente. Mr. and Mrs. Ecu Solna, and family. M"rs. rtrey Fisher ze tur w thie. week from a two-week vacation, St. 'Petersburg, Florida, with her mother, WitsJas, Sehultz, and Mr. Schultz Mr. Keller •incLIrs. Fisher -in Detroit where they spent the week -end with relatives. 'Mr. end °s.. Elmer Uunter, Linda and Sandra vent the week- end with the latter s parents, Rev. and Mrs; W. Newman, et Lakeside. tr..and Mrs. John Quaid,Betty, Robbie and Donna spent the ho day • theiren with ��` te, &Ir. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie, and Mr. and Mrs.• W. •Quaid, Saltfor'd. ' Tele TOP SCREEN PARE , .IN AIR-00NDITIO t' Fri, THE 8 ` CHASE" ED COMPORT �--- to 'Seeps. eanit Color — LTerxl9e Its action-paeked 'drama, a. - high -. seas tale about a determined skipper who drives his_erew close to znutiriy^ John Wayne, -Lorna Turner. arta k Lyle Better Af on r Tom. - "NAVY AIR PATROL" Technicolor A. rig ,tor rio f intrepid fliers in. hazardous calling with John ; . Diana ..y ne es Thurs., Fr.L and Sat. -r AdMIS,ion-pritts on this Paramount Pictures Super -Attraction -are unavoidably advanced to Adults' 60 cents and Children "THE COIINTRY GIRL" Three great Academy A.wyard performers_ in tlie" picture set all the critics raving. A new Bing in a great for nan e. Bing Crosby, -Grace Kelly and William Heiden onirtg-p-Ml*. 'LIVER CH • IC Virginill Mayo, ; pe .and Co or -- hat • er- • • • mos Install oeaw North Nowt Vat January roes of the WslMLS. of North Street Jrnted Muth mNle held in thewdmy Se.h a e r r;. `l r� .uf ealit. week.- c►ut•,going president, Mrs. Irax'old Turner, espied the chair and opened the meeting by the ,°wiry o( a New 'Wee poem. The Serieeture' lessen, read :°liy Mars.. A. R. 'S+Gott, was taken from the 2flt1 chapter of Luke, Prayer wee >'off'eredl by Mrs. Ilowerd -Robertson. The annul reports, were then _given by to differento secretaries. he Misses F. and (. Sturdy were appointed as auditors. There .were over 200 calls on siek and shutns during the. year and n for the month of December. Before metalling ill, rtfrors» for. 'the New Year,: v. Ur. Damson spoke en the newproposition of amaIgamnating..'the W.A. and V.M.S.. auxiliaries `� am the "teen's 'Feder - alert which means one organize - lion for the 'Women United of the Church. Ire aid .that stieh a ,edea'- a', 10 - t a s tr working ar . rI � � rix ri y eburehtes where. many win have regain' employment- -, away from home and ,iso in ehurches fan ren mote areas, where members aro few and meetings often difficult to attend. However, it would 41?- pear to be a nistakke for the old established churches, with a ' large membership. In such. ell orches one of • the great needs is the : op- portunity" for feploweetip—to...get acquainted. (Anylarge. organize - teen. has to be broken down., into small groups to meet this `need and to -create a real opportunity for service. There is also the lesson ef-experience which has shown the wisdom of separate appeals and leadership for separate interests and projects. It would seem a grievous error, a retrenchment -of our work, to take this step that some are proposing. After the officers had been in, stalled the new president, Mrs. E. Pridham, took over for the (closing exercises, dismissing the meeting by repeating of the Mizpah bene- diction in unison. When you go back to your old home town, you find half the people don't remember you, and the other half don't know you've been away 0— —o A celebrity is one who works hard all his life to +became well-. :known., then, wears dark glasses to avdid. being recognized. • Y�xe. 2 ONTA: l 10, Tf IA`Y, -JANUARY 126;1956- Poor 26,95Poor Ilouse Wiring is Just Like Poor Circulation In Lluman y, Todd >ti There's plenty of bright suunshine, sparkling snow and hospitality to spare on a snowtinie holiday in the mountain .national parks of Wes- tern Canada 4 (Photo from Canadian Governmept Travel Bureau.) POLI;OE RAID, with keeping Liquor for sale and withbringing liquor into Huron THIRD, "CLUB" Members of the 'Goderich de- tatchment acif.'tihe Ontario Provin cial Police carried out their third "bottle club" raid •in two weeks when they cracked down on the Home S=hoe Bottle Olub, east . of Lucknow, in' 'West Wawanosb Township, Saturday nigh':' Facing two ,clran•ges resulting Brom the raid, is 'the proprietor, Alvin Smith, who ihasbeenucharged County. Both charges inrere laid under the.Canada Temperance Act: Previous. raids were made' on the Crystal club at Dunlop and the Commercial Hotel at Bl nth. George Ganvpbeil, proprietor •of the Dunlop club appeared .before Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Thursday, to answer charges ]laid against him under the Temperance Act and asked for 'an adjournnent until later in the month to await legal consultation. `fie Mag nk' w°a& the -sub- et of a film sewn. to n;e ,I,t s the Wu to e' inettitute- ur day ci by Mr. Norman PM* e the ecttie Service League ol Ontario,•Mra Purdy was acorn. peened b Mr. Wood sof the t rtie- 1 r 1 r 1 ci t 1 t n atm R. ��� And �� Venus." Mr. Purdy reniphaelzedthe int- portance of proper wiring. in hbesw pointea out that eocicwiring mal en not enough elec- trical energy when:: it is required which- can be asharmful to the ear� �p.. tnon of, the ' Ik' ,t)tt s e as, poor ,tire ttlat on a can }t - hermfuketo- an boo. The speaker said poor wiring can, amen;. "toasters take longer t'n toast, kettles take. longer to boil, fans and motors dot operate at full •speed. If further appliapces; are added, there will be a ibrealk- dowan, in the electrical system. Fuses will burn oust. Fires will' be - started started owing to overheated wires in cases where 15 antp fuses„ have been incorrectly replaced with Loses of a greater rapacity." He warned that far too many homes are still wired to meet only minimum requirements. He urged his listeners to look upon adequate wiring as a form o insurance for the home. Present at the meeting at Mac- Kay Hal were 31 members and three visitors. The ,president, Mrs. D. Riehl, was in the chair while Mals. J. Snider was at the piano. Mrs. Graham Inglis presented the flags and Mrs. W. Doak read the Scripture. af .4 The secretary, Mrs: H. Tich- borne, read a message of .greeting from the sister Institute in Eng- land. The roll call was answered by naming- an event of interest in the W.I. during the past year. A domatio "of 425 'was voted to the Girls Trumpet Band. Members were reminded, about the bazaar in March. Arrange- ments were made to quilt two quilts, the tops - of which had been ju • W VRM,.64, 1 it •WJ.M•Yw,w•Hj�•w(erV.C. Y»),ga.Yad4 •4,14-.•M.•.{.°..rM9. ...1/aMnRv! -.w. ...../14,411.4...2rwY°`°,°P.A.PI •N•10..Vt,.ik1R. le Pieced by patient,. in. the County Hume at Clinton, the batteethd lin pug -ted -he o-Y Mrs„ and g-� the n4i, ng and 4/Aventineentreat eventsThe e1d with ice Qingo; lifter whccch;..,:luneh was 'served be" Me + rah'aut Inglis and hex e,orntriitteeA Which eluded Mrs. IL Bradley. Mrs. W. l ooek, "Mars. C. rollund, C.Irs. Sunnis, sr'., and Mrs. illioni a •o ago Startling,Thought Whenou� Y t down to deer to= night, there will be about 35000 aruore ,_.Vers.rnse an, the world . man,.:: When You had yoitr breakfast. The biggest single which g »t#anase; the etc let t. e younger generation ill d1044 it w stay youog, Nursin lolostreaAt aurr, r*t+ by Rem go Properly bai Trey service.rasha ft T 1 51... • • 1r %`b' r,1 i■t 1N lows tyl! "-. 1y1�1�. r wy6 Ild� " rwtiki 711! - 1 4 .M"1,..p ► I�/.:d, it _ �i 1111 ai �4 % •'�A,. o� ° -. `•. _. r-.e°I,. � 6 .,, a iii L M 7l , ii T �' t qty/lige .co -e rete S. el4)8: PAY$7015 11/g�tCAPPLIANCES ?tout..FRIGI DAIRE „2ea�.. FOR sacs d 'SERVICE o+i.t/wSQUAR� -.1,4(14,4586 t I{INYVN. Q! • _finished taking stock and are offering the balance of our winter stock plus broken lines o and merchandise on which we are overstocked. J h ••••et►o••••••••••• •...•N••• • - _ 0••0440Ne� I•••••'•••••••NNM•• ••• *•!►*1 - nuggledo .n . G►owns = 1 NYLONHOSEFur-back Mitts- _ Broken Lines. I Navy,: black or- brown, •: Brown or black,.. y•an aln s O Size S. AIl. �. First Quality. Reg. $3.95. SPECIAL per pair— • sAL PRS' E j•and ®s. vanes up t;®$6.96,_ 60 PER PAIR � �.. 4 � M � -� - dee: ��i �� - -- - � � � . __ S3.49Sale $2.84 b � • w Sale Every Coat sharply reduced. • ••••M ••••NM••• • •••••••••••••4000•404 : •O••.NN• ••••••••••0•00000 Bates, Some 21,t ��2 -PRICE AND LESS.: Spreads Blinds I 'c e'er I ora �uitin sald� hili s ° �,�EE .OUR SPECIAL AT— Good 'styles' and shades. , .rt • 'Sizes S -M - i L. Printed Crepes I 54 inches wide. SALE— EXTRA SPECIAL—• Reg. $3,95 » yah. Plain •Crepes • es- sse Fancy Taffetas - Crep ,__ .Corduroys Also .Jumpers. Reg, Value up to $19.50. $5.00 $7.84 $9.$4 BLOUSES Nylon•--Orio, and cottons. • • _[1f! • _ • . Choice of colors and patterns. Double bed size. White steel slate. Plastic tapes. • Sizes 25 to 36 inches wide - 64. inches ide64..incheslong. Blinds in- stock. 15.0 Each $4.95. M•N••••••.•••N••N•NN•ro••••r•� Seamless Wool Puliovers . NyloH 1Slips , „.. , Nylons whits with -goo t«m,_ .s Short sleeves. Reg. to $4,95ries popular hose in good . liee�GYtT .l![rst .84 shaelee. Y.a 1{' ; SALE LEADER Size.9, to 11.. _ , SPEl7IAT,-�- ��e $5.00 d N'ECN or WOOL HOUSECOATS _ -, ALL WEATHER • COATS CO1UUO5 JACKETS �• :DRESS and $40'10E110 $5,OOE $z.s4 { each Turnbull's Winter ---�- n d•� erw•. ea few odd piec es, inches 'Neg. Ainsespec k . -buni--_-� ear ing Kayser -rnug les ��� they: >� at- omr.Ditrs STOCKINGS off'TKERYegC. 0$?A1T5- Vests ,and Panties LADIES'''. Host agar a 89t.' each rd •••••• . 0.-, SHOT EARLY **On BESTSE ►ECTION ' . •••••• t --•wr••.•• •••••• •*••••ar 'DRAPERY 1 Sale $1.94 yard • ••••i••••0••••••i•••••••••OO•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• oeo et eeespee smememisse••••• WabassoSheelsiPlaid1 Extra Special quality Large36 inches. wide. Choice of col- • A NEW DEAL ON GIDE S. Good` unlit muslin. • size. 81- x 100. ors. '1 ` ' Reg. value 80c ' i Goa shades. SPECIAL per pair— P Rei. T6c. • Reg. $1.75 to $3•,95 SPECIAL i ° SALE per yaard�-•59c BRECIAL— $5.955 c 49c and 98c SAVE 21c on two boxes. •••••r•••••• N•••••••••NI••••!•A••••••me••••••••••••••••••••••NN•••m••e•••M Boit olve GR, 'MERE • Skirts SALE OF Smoothie Cardi�ans s 1. Si/ to .0.Girdles arll',, ize 14 €ted 16 only. Good styles -and shades. ` Brassiers Reg. $5.95 and $7.95. woken lines and sivm at Berets AN; 0 ,". A BERETS °useDresse Broken sizes and odd line. Rcg, up to_' $3.95. d._ ,P OXAL .. PILLOW- SLIPS' Pine quality cotton. 42 ins., §1:713BB, VAMP. P. e each Phone 5 The Square ria. •� • aefer R Y Go a ich SALE` LEADER PRICE $3.95. 1/2 0.•.•••N••••ell•••••••••••••••••rNNNi•••Mi• r•••l4rl • u - INLAID TILES J EXTRA SPECIAL Jaspe, grey, red, green or blue. 9„ inch 'square SAt L, 'RICE—EAOII ilc - - oats •