HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-01-05, Page 9Per �.w any �y Y", JANUARY fit, 190 STNS litIGUSTINE St AUGUJ, JAIL 2, - -Those who • spent VInistmas weekend here were Ur. and 'Mrs. L. Mule rSi and daughter,. of .' ..'•hi thane Miss Ada Brophy, Toronto; Miss 1erhadette fnd'otx. . Miss firer O'Connor", Loridoni-fs ,vi. itiing, her aster, °Mi` s Rose MSS Agnes lirophy, ,tan,„ mss:;PaIWard Brophy, Guelph, ,t file week With Ambrose and ary A Brophy, Mr. and Mrs. «us Redmond ssrpent Obristinals lay with Mr.:and Mrs. Joe Hastings, of Seat h. Mr. and Mrs.JOSeph Bole h 1 returned how after wil g. r. } and (rs. G. Mur!hern, a Chatham. i. {Mr. and Mrs.'Theodore nedln0,114 and faanil spent Christmas night With'tha dise Hogan family . avit tand Ms. Janes &nit and (i Orta and Aril eth bora 1arehes'te ,. visited Mir. and. Mrs. John Noble family ding the ht lidayys. Mr. and Mrs. Gus 1-B.oyle, Wing - hath, spent ing--jatn,t 'New Year's day with other rei. tivYes at the home tot Mr: and Ts. Gus►eve aux. Nir. and Mrs. Courtney. and arn. alb' ant.,Niew Year's 'night with the Bax LeW faint/Y. Sisr mazy William (Grace MOW, Sister Viricentia.., (aileen •Fo n),rof London, and Sister. Cor. nelius (Wary • Foran), ►Gvderirh, vli' e(t at the home of Ambrose" mandur- ing' and Mrs. Ataxy Pa du ing the Or, and Mrs. Joe Brophy and atxui y,10 Toronto, visited their- atives 'h re recently before he was rtransf ed t4 is new posi- -bion at Hati x, Nva Scotia. Miss Mae Redmond spent the Christmas 114 days at 'her home here. Mr. and Mr Wm. Kinahan -and Bobbie spent hristmas day with 41k. and Mrs. Gus Kimball and Michael in Lo don. They . ailso visited Mr...and Mrs. Maurice Ed- wards. and, family, of .Arnprior. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Edwards, of Amprier, : also ee lebrabed-° -ehrist-. ma's withthe family at London. Wedding YOUNG An impressive double ring etre- 111011Y took l qday. when Bev. R. G. M d/441sta of Knox ~Pres- byterian Vl ,, un,1,t .in Ma *. { r1e are4.;etta Young a` '!U Reginald Leklie Good at •the home ASI,E011,1PARDIIION, Jim 2. Mr. and Mrs. Handel Nixdorf and Mr. and' Mrs. Don Haggitt, of Detroit, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Illaggitt. lift and Mrs. flaggitt -returned to Detroit with khean to stpend the New Year's holiday. Mfr. GeO. Dougherty- W-ent New Year's with. his-brother-in-klavv and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sowerby, Visitors for Cluistanas /with .Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dougherty were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dougherty, Mr. arid Mrs. Bert 'Dougherty and Geo. Dougherty, Mildred, G,or- Mr. and 1VIrs. Jim Harwkins spent New Year's in Goderich With Jim's Apatents, •anef-Mrs. Prank Haw- (Mr- and 1Vhs. Norman Hoy and family New Yeaes with. Mrs: Hoy's r Mrs. Victor Mack, maxi Pollock and by son, who with wit* kAr Win WO11111 mei aapoompo The - of haler, t c Taman, of Goderich, was int ,Wu taffeta and setwith ea i- lteaddcess -awl pied r► aeee- kW'.veli Mimicamaid. sister of the bride, Joie "fes. woe a Ott o shrimp taffeta .44 net with matching hearddreSS> law nosegay WAS Owilite nom, View- er girl, Patricia Healy, cousin of the 000111 wore a dress of yellow 'taffeta and ()tarried anoseAgaY of inuiris, M 'Mllxik Ntithihy, Q4 GoderiOha 'ppresided at the piano. The g i s brother, Kew Good, Of Guderieh, was groan. The bride's Wither ree.ived` the guests at the ham and V43 dre+a ed in a hyacinth blue velveteen dress with white accessories and * cor age of pink emotion& The groom's mother war a dress of navy ,` blue' taffeta white ac- cents and* sate 4g >d ams. The X onole,atraveR` to the 'Unit - 'ed States ,for their i:10,rockling trip windwall ; , take up residence on, Kitt skon treet on their return. Guests from a 415f/once were from h, Hanover 'and Willowdale. __These_phntoLpnrtray_something-of-the:.Royal -Canadian Nayy'sP-progress, travels and,,developments in 1955. Reading clockwise from centre left:' An outstanding - event was HMCS Labrador's 9vernorth voyage in the Eastern Arctic. AidiRg , -considerably in the ship's operations were her three helicopters. The training i;'cruiser, HMOS Quebec, became the first -Canadian warship to circle the continent of Africa. Near Durban, South Africa, a sailor from the Quebec makes friends with a native child. The Nayy got its first jet aircraft -T-33 trainers and, later in the year, all-weather Banshee fighters. Three submarines, now based at 44 Halifaic, were loaned by the Royal 1,1a-vy to provide iprac ical training for Cara adian ships and aircraft. -Naval career opportunities for men were broaften4 with the establishment of a Wren component of the regulir fol -Ce. The submarine destroyer escort, HIVICS St. Laurent, was completed anecommissioned pi" '55. .A:11 -Canadian designed and built, she is the most modern ShiP of, her type in ,the _world. The custom of holding "open house" enabled thousands of persons in many parts of the world to visit Canadian warships, and thereby get to know More pf Canada. With Table Mountain in the background, a Canadian sailor shows two Cape Twn. girls around Quebec. was born Goderich- hospital, December 28. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Anderson, Shirley- and Jerry, of Toronto, Misses' Lynda, Barbara and Philip Poster returned to Toronto withytheir uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr4s: N. Anderson, to spend the New Year holiday With their uncla,, and -aUpt, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritch- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Husky and John spent New Year's in Luck 'TesYer 'AV 14s. Ross MeNee and Mr. MeNee. Smith's WMS Mrs. Percy McBride had her home beautifully decorated for the Christmas meeting af the ,Smith's Hill W.IVI.S. IVfrs. L. Young was leader for -the day and the theme was "What Child Is This " The Christmas story was unfolded 'in readings and carols, the readings Fordyce Clark and Mrs, Dave Bean toOk the part or the' readers. The minutes Were adopted as read and, the roll call, verse on Ohristmas,„ was answered by .12 members, and two visitors. The beantifull' story of the Christmas 13iide. After the benediction, Mrs. The mominating committee brought *-the-rfollowing-slatirof afficeAs: Past president( Mrs. Gor- don MePhee; president,C.Mrs. Lloyd Young; ,1st vice-president, Mrs. reat Januar _al .stoc . re ute LAL,igs, STORE , „ i Housecoats and Dusters,- WO ls . and ,Nylons, quilted, ALL REDUCED 25%\_AND 20% . TO tOLEAR AT $5. In wine; green and grey. --ALL COATS IN STORE REDUCED 25*. BLACK CREPE, SWPS, SIZES FROM 32-412. Reg.'2498 and 3.98 :WHITE CREPE Ittr4s, BROKEN ,SIZits AND STYLES TO CLEAR AT $1129 ALL LINGERIE -20% OFF NUBBY Worm inerno SUITS AiSorted colas -Beg. 17.95 TO. OLEAR AT $12.05 ALL ;ACCESSORIES, smut xneranurs, SOARVES, ET0.--Itzmum 20% .ORINOLINES,'VVEM ONLY AERAS,- POPULAR 'Brazttilio mioicEN stirs AND STY4ES-Iteg. to 215 • TO omit AT.99t rom 20% -to 30To MEN'S and BOYS' STORE BOY'S wiNDnRgrAgEgs-avfouTom ,COLLARS Reg. 12.95 -TO CLEAR $7.95 .BOY'S STATION WAGON COATS Reg. 12.95 -TO CLEAR AT $8.95 BOY'S TWEED SUITS -2 PAIR PAN'Iwg Sizes 26-32 TO /CLEAR AT $5.00 MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS Reg. 17.95 -TO CLEAR $12.95 MEN'S SUEDE JACHETi MEN 'S SUITS -MELBOURNE FLANNEL 2 Pair Pants Free Alterations and Cuffs MEN'S RAYON GABARDINE SUITSL4 ONLY ALL WEN'S DRUB- AND SPORT SHIRTS ItEDOCED 20% ALL SWEATERS,c'CRLONS, 'WOOLS, PULLOVERS, ALL FOOTWEAR, SHOZ0, RUBBERS, GOLOSHES, LL MERCHANDISE IN 00111 STORES GREATLY cREDMIED NOW'and SAVE at AJOR syoRE e regret ;kre cannot extend privilege of exchanges refur;ds for ale Merchandise. secretary, Ars. Wm. Treble; treasurer, MTS. Earl Sherwcod; ex- pense treaStrrer, Mts. ATI:aan_atall; ;secretary. of OhristiarLstewardship, -rIVIrs, Wm. Clark; secietary of Chris- tian citizenship, Mrs. Gordon Mc- Phee; secri'et of' community friendship, Mrs. Wm. Clark; earn- mittea;',IVIrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs. Dave Bean;' flower .committee, Mrs. Gor- don 'McPhee, iMrs. F. McIlwain, Mrs. Allan Stoll; social committee; Mrs. Arnold Young, Mrs. Roy Allin, Mrs. V. Young; work com- mittee, Mrs. E. IVIitchell,,Mrs. Robt. Bean, 'Mrs. Wm. Clark; associate literature secretary, Mrs. -Frank Mellwain; organist, Mrs. Robt. Beam -assistant organist, Mrs. Wm. Treble. BUSIEST WATERWAY IN . °WORLD IS REAL RUSY The- Lower Detroit River tived up to its reputation - of being the -busiest waterway in the world dur- lug 1955 season of navigation ac - -cording to vessel passage .figures comrplied by the Arnherstburg office. of the J. W. Wescott Marine Re.' porting Agency, says an Amherst - burg Echo news story. From the opening ,of ,navigaEon on April 1 until its close on December 15- 24;575 vessel passages Were report- ed. 01 these 12,300 were upbound and '12,275 dorwnbound,. i- ' 1,nereased, aetivity on the river is Shown by the fact there were 5,114 more passages in 1955 than ,duririg the 1954 season when the total was 19,461 made up of 9,768 upbound and 9,693 downbound. However the 1955 season was some- what lower than the alltime record of passages which was made in 1 53 vlehen the total of 27,409 was 'Sorted. 'Ibis was made up of 13,784- upbound and 13,625 down - bound. WILL MEET IN THE -COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ON 'burg were more tt4n 4,000 higher than thoae reported in Detroit when the.,1955, season total was' 20,511. Increased use of the Great Lakes by foreign, ships is shown in- the figures,which revealed that 314 foreign:Ships (other than Canadian' and American) were reported with a total of 628 nassages. All accounts, notices of deputations, 'etc., should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Jan. 14, 1956. awry 115 INUS RELIEF OR MONEY BACK Medical tests hay/ shown that NEVO relieves the °pain and discomfort of sinus infection in almost all.:\_cases, irrespective of geverity or dura - Lib Neva is a for the symptoms of sinus infections, not just a pain killer. Com - he used by children. , for prompt coonee re relief' from the pain discomfam YOur Newspaper This -question has many answers. Here are a few: It's a public service EMERSON Drug Store Passages reported at Amherst- .41111.11011M11211E11=11 IN 'LEGION HALL GODERICH It serves this community with news, advertising, editorial coniment, and entertainment. It promotes projeets which it believes will make this a better place in which to live. It's a manufacturing pla'.6, It, converts Ink, ,Papet=. metal, and power into a finished_produk. It gives employment, year round, to heads of families, It's a business It enjoys full status as both a wholesaler (of news- papers) and a retailer. It plays. its full part in the commercial life of the community. - It 's a service establish ent Sattirday Jan. 7 A0ICI:OT of $40.00 for full house 50 calls. If not wo Sat,yrday, vkluNof jackpot and also number of calls will be raised ea'ch wetr-Amtil it is won. 15 GAMES $1.00 $10 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS -Share the Wealth J'AOHPOT WILT. BE PLAYED FOR ettlItIES Regular extra cards 25c Dkpriopen at 7.45 p.m. 1.0 game starts at 8.30 p m. It tries to give information and guidance both through _ its columns and pfq.sonally through its staff. Its elassified section is the focal .market place. • It is the 20th century town erier and community 'It's a 100% home inatitution It serves this district last%'-arui always. Its weekly payroll remains almost entirely in the area. Its taxes help support local schools and local gov- ernment. It buys all possible supplies and serviees It's the voice of,the people. Its printed ,reports, eminent and pietures mirror this el:Immunity in such a way tkat we may under- vtand both its problems and its opportunities. It is a vital factor in the operation both of free, re- sponsible govePnmant and in the life of free, dem- ocratie The Goderich Signal Star