HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-01-05, Page 8Dunlop [(lar," ► o ' T Ch1 tiupa ear-ols opsood t1i eruber -meth g > , eir''Pun L..p Institute in Car - AUX, The 'o '. call was an snebange 0 Christmas las. g'iits. Atm Lloyd Yotingra delegate the Y i dpn.. convention, spoke seed of e1othixtgforeign , for forei elkilarosi and 'hy designing 'patterns Vim member; were givers an idea thie articles needed. *Members were asked to contribute to a bale sestr to the Unitarian Service 1 uitry. ,president. Mrs,. Stanley Sn 4 4eI',' un4'prfidiited•'r,. Huron County ' 1ibrariian. as gaesrt speaker, who gave a ve3 interest. ing talk •on book% r'ef'erring to s4Reep Christmas" by Peter Mar- siiatl and' "'Wonderful •al World' edit- ed by Alfred Stelferud. Mrs, T. dark thanks the speak' er. Limeh and a social hail hour, concluded the meetitilg, kiv.ssia, we read, pions to offer trips behind the Iron Curtain' at reduced rates. Their tourist beisi- utess must be in the red, too. Tf v W 1, i r M u equ P.00; Sandy '„`o."" Mra " rig Co., , iUe- un of deposit (graved contract), .00; Signal -Stare Ltd., printing tint, $1.60; Huth., CountY areas, urer, indigeot p,stleitt,,$x.75; Hum County treasurer„ indigent patient, *11/.00;ar Hu.i ty tree, indigent patient, 2.25; Hun County treaurer, eolleetio�jn chage , taxarrears, ..pO; J, Fes, .balance salary, x.00, sel- e$cting jurors, $4.00, phone calls, $217.651.6.,0e .65; jI E,I.C., Clinton, Dungannon„ street lights aeeuunt, F011OWitig ape the highway ac- counts' Passed ern December 1 to December ' s ; me ''vers, salar:'yt' $88.25; Wm:, Hardy, jr., fencing, repair cu1v'erts andsnow fence, f19,60 Hilliard Jefferson, rni, snow eat, 10,60; 'Edward- Robinson, snow ce, 60; J�a?atr. L�edd ,, sncnw feance, .00; LeslieesS'fiultz, weed cutting, culvert and sidewalk repair, r $11.90; Donald .Martin,.: brusbg,' $6.30; Cairns Aitcheson, tr shxng, • .$29.40; Gordon.' Taylor,brushing, $4-00; Albert Phillips, ,brushing and snow fence, $21:70, Earl Ja;nmrieson; snow fence, $8.40; Russel Phillips, snow fence, $15.50; Lloyd P'h," ps, sn'aw fence, $8.50 Norman Ma1d, repair volvert and snow fence, $10.80; Wm. Webster, snow fence, $3.50; . Im- peri�a`t Gil:' Ltd., fuel, , 9.x:0; Trete- user of Onitraurio, 'f ue'tax, $22.0O; Robt. Stothers, ,grader repairs, 90; GorlerAch Rural Telephone o., ea'lls, $5.00; Norman McDon- a'ld, =haul ,gravel, ,.$2200; Norman McDonald, plowing. snow, ,$282.00; Miller & Co'., black wire, $1.95; Harm Adams, ditching Wvwi'tla :back-' hoe, $240.00; Bert (Moss, gravel, $2.50; Pedlar 1 eop�le Ltd., srtee�l culverts, $492.48; Gus ° Devereaux, wire posts, $26.80; Everett Errin nr,' `welding- grader, $15.50. Following higlrw.ay� counts,from November 1 to 30 Passe& Lorne Iveirs, dory, $1. 3.25; W M. Politer, snow fence, $16.50; Lorne Forster, snow fence, $14.70; Howard Sproul, snow fence, $3.50; Delmar Sproul, snow fence, $2.45; Rabt., L%yons', jr• sign; fence, $7.00; R�abt .Lyons, s -r., snow fence, $10.00; ,Webster & Mac- Kinnon, black wire, $3.15;Imperial 03 Ltd., Esso rad. antifreeze $24.00; Corrugated Pipe -Co., steel culvert, $164)16. On' a motion of Councillors Mc- Phee and ,Durnin, coiincil adjourn- ed until Jaanuary.. 9, 1956. J. F. FORAN, Town,hip /Clerk. 0 0 00 c; COMING FROM CHINA Let's Tell You about Our Hot Water Heaters EBRE(KEN R1DGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE 135 GODERICH Co-�perators Insurance Association ND THE HuronCou 'Federation 01 Agriculture ANNOUNCE , E APPOINTMENT OF WGeorge Burton R. R. 5, Goderich AS AGENT IN THIS DISTRICT . wq' For high coverage and low rates on your car insurance, contact .George at. Carlow 179, collect, or R.R. 5, Goderich,( 50-1 This is Heather Lodge in Mount Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia. (Photo from Canadian Goverrnnent Travel Bureau) - GIFT TIE! A..lot of men around Gode- rich are probably feeling pret- ty sorry fo'r themselves about now, when they step out with . their Christmas gift ties hang- ing around their necks. The majority of us, however, are able to stuff the worst -parts of the design beneath a scarf or a pullover. Anyone seeing "Bucky" Graham on --the street last Fri- day, however' would soon for- get about hisawn discomfort. It you didn't see .Bucky's tie, it is probable you felt it swat your ears as. you passed him, on the street. Or maybe if you , were driving, -, you -;had to swerve out to avoid hitting it. "Micky," who is personnel manager -at the Dominion Road Machines r Co., was,„ given a bow tae one and one-half f ire et wide, a flaming, red monstrog- ity, for Christmas and wore it for a day on ._a two dollar bet. ONLY ONE CASE Only one case_ cam• .-- ore Mag- istrate D. . Holmes when Magis- trate's Court convened here last Thursday. William M. Purdon was fined $15 'and costs" or in default five days in jail for driving on the l'io. . e' the'l'rgrk.''"441124411e4171° centre of the highway, causing�,an- acoident November 27 at Saltford. Council Of est Wawanosh Township Passe ,ani- Balk At End Of Year Mr. R. D. Munro, on a motion by councillors Culbert and McPhee at West Wawanosh Township Coun- cil, was reappointed the Township representative on the Goderich District 'Collegiate Institute 'board for a two year period. All nian- bers were presentat the Decem er meeting. The minutes of the o- vemrber meeting, and also of the special meeting 'on Decentber 8 were read and adopted. On a motion by councillors Durnin and (Miller the following bills,' and accounts were ordered paid W. A..,'vftiller, grant to St. Helens kbrary, $15.00; Mrs. Fred Ross, granto Auburn library, $10.00; Mrs. K. K. Dawson, grant to Dun- gannon library, $10.00; T. M. Duni': 'in grantDungannon ger n to fair, $35.00; Alex McNay, grant to Lueknow fair, $25.00A.' E. Cardiff, grant to N. Muton Ploughmen' Assoofatioti, $25:00. 1; • . •,rt aiiamstey, salary -as e, Inspector, $],0.00; (Huron County T.B. Association, ,grant, :$5.00; Isobel Miller, -caretaking St. Helens Memorial Plot, $15.00; Robt. E. Irwin, caretaking Dungannon street lights, $49.93; Eldon Miller, salary as Councillor, $90.00; Lorne Durndn, salary as ' Councillor, $'90.00; Harvey Culbert, salaryas , • salary as. Councillor, $90.00;, -John S. S. Durnin, Reeve's salary, $120.00, selecting jurors, $4.00, phone calls, $5.00, $129.00; John Cameron, care- taking Township Hall, $35.00; John McQuilltin, salary, 'school attend- ance officer, $10.00; County of Huron, levy for 1055, $19,716.66; Goderich H. S. Board, levy for 1055, $7,601.00; Lucknow H. S. Board, 4955_ maintenance levy, $3,94325;;" Blyth Telephone. Co., 1955 rental and toll collections, $510.20; Chas. R. Jefferson, dog tax refund, $2.00; Edward; Robinson, dog tax refund, $4.00; W Ruther- ford, dog tax refund; $2.00; Wm. J. Robb, tax .refwnd, building razed, $7.92; The 'Lucknow r Sentinel, print- ing rinting account for 1955,..6$151.85; May Smith, reliefl owanee, $22.21; Gordon Elliott, tax ' ( fund, barn collapsed, $,3.21; R. C. Hays( 1955 solicitor's fees, etc., $34.00; Thos Wrhi11!'.�in " &, Son, office supplies, $27.36; Township of Ashfield, in- digent patient, $30.63; Lucknow Fire Department,. auxi1 jaly,, _pump; account, $219.24; The Blyth Stand- ard, printing aceount, $20.50; Judge F. Finglanci,. ,courrt of revis- ion, voters' lists, $10.00; J. F. For- an, compiling and revising 1955 voters' 'list, $$16.45; A. Rollinson, envelopes, stamps, $4.45; .W. S. Eadie, bile account, $18.48; G. C. $3.00, miscellaneous, $6.00,,$309.00; A -21-year-old son whom he has not. seen for 18 . years will be wel- camed to (Goderich next Tuesday. by Willie Den, operator of a laurid-; ry on Hamilton street. The son, Soo Hoo Gin, has arrived at Van- couver enroute from Hong Kong. Another son, aged 18, is expected to come to . Goderich from\ Hoag Kong in (March. This leaves Willie Den's Wife and one daughter in China. The leaning toer'"oi Pisa is collapse before the world. does. 141DO* G u 100“ Ur GA= WITH =Eros Anyone walking into the area here, Thureday night, toward: the end of the Midget .fie between Goderich and Clinton, would hove guessed by the scoreboa* rd. that Guderaielt was leading the visiterre 4-0".' Such was not the ease, how ewer, because the numbers on the board only go as high. as 19 and after that, they'Must start all over again. The aetuel wore Was 24-0, and it was- one bf those •games, that makes officials and score. keepers wish 410 had, stayed at home. .Unfortunately there can be no excuses for the (Clinton, boys as the Oederich lads out skated, out ppa'ssed, -out eheeked and oiltscored Mem from the's'tartingwhistle to the final bell. The first Vaal carne at 0.44of the -first period and they final. pal came with only a little aver a minute 'logit in'the gaine.�' The locals'ttalliee nine times in the gest sta. za,eight times in the ot and 'seven tines in, . e ;third. Bud Williamson came wf one gt al or perferming a triple hat triek, coining up with eight goals and two mists. Art Peac+hey and ;Dave Leeson each counted for four goalq; .Miller and Jeffre'y`J'each got a pair; 'Thur ow, Pennington, Fritz- Eley and Gallow' drew singiles. The only time Clinton managed. to get mention -on, the official's re- port was when Martin was penal. 'zed fer ^rough'ing at0.30 of- the third :period. Ooderieli penalties went to- 'Williamson, 2; Leeson;, '$ Thurlow, 2t The (Midgets pay .a, return visit to Clinton January 9.Next home game for thein: is January 12.`,"-',IlK^12. team hos not had a single loss in the five starts this season, u 0 Q QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ . 1,0f the . four . Atlantic provinces, which has the largest area? 2. In 1901 there was $80.92 of life insurance inforce for every, man, woman and child in ' Can- ada ...Whatis.today': gure? -- 3. The combined spending of_the provincial governments this year on health and social welfare is. estimated at $364 million. Is this more or less than estimated federal spending on like ser vis? 4. Nam CMa ► 5.1nthe employed, 46. What is therproot ANS ' ' I . Fedsrs1 vice payroll s sow le$ ditian, Crown Corporations 138,004. 3. Federal social we s zWing will he about $1,200 inn - hon Otte year. 1. Newfoundland,. nd,. 4. Ban Island, 2. Canadian* now own $1,500,,of life insurance per capita, KEY CHRY$L.ER POST WIIH, ONT., Jan».. -x motion of C. O. "Syd" I1urly to the position od Vice-president a n. e of 'sales is announced 'by El i Row, president and general man- ager , Chrysler 'C r !ra'ion Of OW ado, Limited... Mr. 1I r1y's oleo. ton as a director of the neo any is also (announced., ; • FOALYa.ir Fvua/a/a 1-0YOw- t " • VISIT Our ke (Yearn age. •„ A'N'TE: 14N •ALESMEN The Sun Life Assurance .-Company of Canada wishes 'to interview alert young men of 22 to 38 from the 'Goderich area who are interested in Bettering their present Positions:, We provide full sales training, usual group benefits and .better' than averi9e salary. This is just the : ticket for a man who has courage, ambition and determination to set his own in- come figure. Write J. D. Vance, . Sun Life, , Box_69, Guelph,, for your interview, giving full details. All information strict- ly confidential. Territory consists of Goderich and district. ••.NN.•••O...M a COCA COLA 2 PA1Rs BOBBY SOX SALTS-PEPPERS ..:. ADHESIVE T ' GAUZE-BAAGE BAND Aims:. TOOT; BRUSHES 9c eacibt •...... .M►..i ASSORTED, . HEAD ARE 09C SALL NOS QUITS RE LIVED TO CLEAR wr WfflIK SOX 49c and, 3 c pr.. SKI CAPS to dear c NE•4eS, OYp t Underwear AT flPI' 1AL PRICES x r� NYLONS SHIRTS ° AT SPECIAL PRICES ASSORTED JEWELLERY i.•.w••s•404.. Ladies' SLIPS 6`.•.........•.•....s 'YARD GOODS PRINTS FLETTES BROADCLOTHS S A.L 790 FXELD OLASSE LARGE LENS S .I'E'!"Y PINS.��Y DRESSING COMES BOBBY COMBS CARDED 'BUTTONS MENU/NG WOOL pkgs. rfor lIouresses ' REG. 2.98 REAL- VAL'C' ,4.. mtiTis Dress/ Shirts 110SE- RrEG.. 47c pr. '69c ......•seitr . r.. mi, MEN'S SP'RET Obit AND. WOOL IIOSE pr. 1.09 39c pr. L THO-G AI. WARE. OAnnorgR ' .._ .. 99e Pet BREAD ,*BGX......1.19 WASTE BASEE•T ....590 . R. RECEIVER 139'. DOT PAN... 2 for 69c RUBE J OQl.MAT-- Real value .....,....... 990 r(Ooinbi action Cooker'. 19$. ,sauce Pan. ....... 390 London K"etesr x. A (Percolator PLASTIC 79c imigoilmoileiiHNNmemookoir mi fa ts.' N1on Dresses, REG. 1.9$ • • MEAN ASSORTMENT C'EtLDREN'E DRESSY 1.19 SPECIAL PUROIHASE C'hadivp G%kk /Stripe_ BLOOMERS Bowl Deoidorizer 2 lor f/******/. Alarm` Clocks Guaranteed 1.9