HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-01-05, Page 6GODER !3aller chatter IICL BURGERS FOR "ICE BEROV 'ie the tkn1e of, ywc r e d- 1 .ekatang_(partie9, . Th..xe S hn* 'gayer thate lbr-gl t 'dares attd, tai5se'1led eaps flyleg against, ,fl wy lands -cape, . '(lashing s^ nd sk4ter i''_ waltzes. And mil .: An . l g akee'ra `keener Oppp'etites to teeii agt giro p.lthatt, e whirl ivaaaaaa.tip clothes, calendar A Your calendar of enjoyment fr©m your clothes length- . eu when you treat them to regular dry cleaning. Our ethod is modern. efficient satisfactory. Stop in to- •errs the No Matter 'what time of day they lreep back hen► t -wh .ther the stuff r still µhove the edge of the teeeteirs avhether the evening star L eh -Wing — 'therr su c to 1;c r.'avenoue. Renee ak.- way to \keep ev:ene laA'gtpy .wirath secotnd. and thirds at moment's notice. We suggest Bean Burgers and a ta�a tureen tilled with ;s,&vi»y, steana aa'# soup for the (buffet -'able. These Beam eregers aro tasty eatIngeewhether served at all after-akating party or to the family for luncheon supper. BAN BURS 6 Hamburger burrs 1 20 -ounce can baked beans 12 2" pieces /of side bacon ICetehup or chilli sauce Pre-he/at 'broiler. Cut hamburger buns in half. Place cut side down on a baking sheet and toast out- side surface. Spoon baked beans on u.ntoas'ted side of each bun over with bacon pikes. Broil four inches 'room source of heat five to eight minutes until bacon is crisp. Tap each burger with one .teaspoon ketchup or chili sauce. Serve hot. Makes 12. da 0 0 HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SIGNAL -STAR. SUBSCRIPTION rimommuir imiffsamitawassamismarffir DON'T WORRY ABOUT TV SERVICE THIS IS OUR BUSINESS • RADIO, TV & SOUND SERVICE. B. R. Munday Phone 598 127 Widder St. 22tf .-S,^ cGr;�r_-:'s-tts-r,x.?fz3v,•,si>rsc�.pa :,.:-s+. • �v • /t7 Zilli#FER thiefitai. New fast train to Malar Western Points 4 ee ""- • 4 oirnetifs coiun BY MARY GUIEST In thisealu hast week, aLace rZ neutAQia �f aleoholle; drinksat parties, and this week, While it is ail( fresh in nay Mind,. l would like to clabor4te on. rtit3rs. The New Year's‘siaSne of the S' , t r -ie ra n. � �t�nai� ar earrr� d. cartoon on its frouat page—Death waitin int' ' the revellers. Nowadays;: the safety .people scans tQ. 4-ega 'ct drink as a fairly recent innovation, but aspoint of fuer hurean beings have dulged and over -indulged In intoxicatieg arinks ;ince he- fore recorded history. It is not drink alone that kills, so many of ei> at Christmas, New Year, Easter, and all those pther holiday week -ends, but drink, al , ost the oldest human endeavour, combined with the automobile, almost the newest human endeavour. • Oyer three thousand years ago, an unLkn Wn. artist on the Nile painted a picture of .a group of people at a party. Down at the end -,of: the room, one of the guests, a f'ashionablie lady, was being very sick. Presumably, after the witty she stag- gered out to her waiting fitter chair and wwas carried home safely by four sober slaves. Alas, today, the 8an1i e lady..would probably stagger out to her waiting ear which. she would proceed to drive with fantastic and recidese abandon, perhaps reaching home safely, perhaps }; ever reaar reg home at all, anis most- likely causing the deaths of sin or seveniaaeocent travellers in her vicious journey. - --Why do people 't1i too much? /recause they are un- civilized? Immature? There are people who NEVER get drunk although they frequently partake of intoxicating bever- ages. There is no magic secret—these are , the meture people who drink because they enjoy t;. subtly' distinctive flavor that aieohol imparts to a drink, but who feel that even the slightest intoxication jades the palate; the people whose par- ents taught them to drink, not "in rnoderetnoh,°'°but in a civilized manner. As women, we all have an equal cbannce'iaf loecoaning wives and mothers, and as mothers we have a duty to our children to educate them in the arts of living, in which intox- icating drinks play their part. If we rue away from this problem and bury our heads in the sand, there will cane a,a time when we will ire sorry. I knew a man once whose parents thought that drink was a problem one could safely ignore. Although they served wines and spirits to their friends at Reties, they forbade their teenage son, to touch any of it. Time enough, they -said, when he was grown up. When • he was eighteen, the young man left home to go to University, and there he nixed with young' people to whom social drinking was an accepted ac- complishment. The young man felt that'hee-ixad to compete, but in his utter ignorance he over -indulged habitually. Oh yes—he got through University all right, but his life was finished right there, for he had become an alcoholic. Perhaps if his parents had taught him to enjoy drink for its taste and to be very wary of its hidden dangerseelie might today be a useful citizen. Forbidding a, a• -child to drink is not the answer—of this, I am sure. If youe forbid him he will break his neck to drink and possibly Break his -fleck, literally ontheway home afterwards. - In the 1ong run, it rests with us, the par�thhnts, whether our children will some day be killed because ey were too drunk to drive—or live because they had the good sense to refuse that extra drink. See you next week. Double Weddiiig At Blake's Church i1ta'ke's •United Church, Ashfield, was the setting on Saturday after- noon- for a ,dotibl.e wedding of the daughters of /Mrs •and Mrs. J. H. Ctr/rra2 ,"R.R: r, iihngannon. Re -v J. R. Rrckinson, of Luckncw, un and Kenrietth Irvine O.ke, son od Mr. and. :Mrs. Irvine Oke, R.R. 1, Go,dericli, and Sylvia Annebelle Curran -and James Edward John- ston, son of J. M. Johnston, R.R. 1, Goderich, - and the late Mrs. John ston. . Given in marriage by - their father; /the brides w -ore identical wedding dreeree's of powder. .;Iv brocaded satin, street lengthrVrei.e low neckline, cape .top over -the s-houlders,' white fur felt hat, thine - ,present. - Mrs. H, Curran wore a dress of blue mottled taffeta with a whi++te and silver stole, corsage of pin t cal-natl.-ens and a Niue velvet Fpilawing the reception, -the honey,na,cal trip to Niagara Fait,. T'oro•nt,p and Winds e. Mrs.! Oke travelled in a suit of charcoal grey with pink fleck with white khat a-nd gloves andgunmetal accessories. 'On -their return they will •nielce their home in Go'derich. Mrs. Johnston travelled in a knitted suit of -moss green wool with white accessories. On their .return they will make .their home in London. Guests were present from Wind- sor, jewellery and' carried coy s0r, Zurrich, Goderich, Lueknaw and 5915 es of regi k'oses, Montreal.. - - - he: eeremtitiy Was performed be. fore a setting of white mums and lighted tapered candles and -an open Bible. The br:des entered the church ,on the aims of their father to the strains of Lohengrin's, wedding march, played by Howard Blake, organist of the chureh. During the ,s:gning pi the regis- ter, weddeng muss c was played and ea -ah couple were, witnesses for the other. The ushers were Donald Curran, brother of the brides, and Jim - Fol -Ing the cel emony a 're- ception for 40 guests was held at the home of the brides' parents. The brides' mother received in a two-piece dress of delphinium blue silk faille, White and silver trim, with a corsage of pink ,cattnations and American Beauty roses, satin turban with nose veil with acees- sorie•s. to match. She was asFi/Led by the. groom's mother, Mrs. Irvine' (Nee, wearing a grey suit and rose hat and corsage of pink carnations .with ,black accescrories. The couples' , only grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran, were also DAVE ALLAN'S 914 KIDS larnomtNrf- a r ys WITH 002. GOOD. OI. POP WINTER'' TOLD • snIii/s�a Convenient train to Major and intermediate Western Poi' is e• Wide range of modern accommodations to shit eery midget ea ]taco econ naicall meals or snacks on both trains ie. the Coffee Shop. Dieing Car service is also provided e Inquire about the money. saving Family Fare Plan e Ticket agcots can have a drivel/atearself car. waiting for y-ou cin arrival if you ,vest • tor risen staons and infarsnatimccere, write ar phone yooe fecal arnadiae Nacionai Patreiteer Agent.' 1a Tweak Old Mart, Winters nuie yourself by ordering quality Fuel (VI from De ' J. Allan. "i" eve's wonderful warmth in every( drop and prompt delivery is assured.. D. Ja, ALLAN oAULTS COAL CO. coAt. 4, -"qt of FUEL, OIL 5Wo /P GODERiCH ,1 190 _. INGSBRIDGE KINGSBR1DGE, Jan. 3. — Rev. Kevin Sheridan rtettirned to his home iilton on Friday after :gentling Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. M. Sheridan, here. Mr. -and Mrs. John Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Jose'pleCaurtn'ey, Mr. and: !Mrs. Con. Hogan attended the wed- diflg of their niece, R`Loa Judge, in Jackson, Michigan, last week.' ;Mr. and ` firs. Norman O'Connor and Patricia and John O'Connor :gene Christmas :' week with rela- tives in Detroit. Mies Marr Sheridan, John O'Nfe/:cl, and Maurice Bowler, of Toronto, Miss F'lore'nce Lambert -us and Miss- Mary Theresa Martin, -of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, of Ann Arbor, tMiehigan, M/r. and Mrs- Lalande,: of Sarniaa, , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moran, {Mroend Mrs. Alvin Moran., Mr. - and MmS, Ken Ray arid children, of Chatham, were visitors here over the New Year -week -end. Mrs. M. Liermair and Peter and Diane visited with relatives in Langton during the past week. • For /the first time, Rev, leather Van Vynclit celebrated /Midnight New Year (Mass in t'h-is-partstrwi•th a large nttenJatice. On January. 6th, 'the Feast at the Epiphany, also the first Friday it the monde there will be one ma at 9 am. and an evening ,mass 'at 1 pen. Mr. -and Mrs. N. Perry ' and daughter - -tere e,.ef Detroit, spent the New Year helidays with Mr. and °Mr' Karl Drettnan, and with the T. T..t. Drennan faro ly, of Gode- rich. - The 'Christmas dance held in the parish hall -last 'Wednesday evening - was well atronized, and a pleas- ant evening_ enji yed by all. The floor lamp, donated by the Lodge funeral home, of Goderich, ttYas won by Yr. John S:- Dalf.on, in the draw which took_ lace at midnight. Yr, Thos. W/a ace returned,,to, 11 5 /homhere ,after .:' f.a n.tlfs PIsit itt rant, M-lehrgsn. ' *;f.- •, Mr, and Mrs. Garvey and farn:y, of Toronto ,, were recent visitehere, and a1so visited with Thos. Garvey who is ac'iourly ill in ,GOtttzrioh hoLpit•*:1: end Mrs. Walter \ iave spent Mow' Yen'' ,, ry It ,11* R.yann .family iii C'l�, ,. fr. e'cand tM1s. Prank McKenzie (Pint New iteau a ttitlt rcclaii'wes;:tt Win;slcan. ridelityrewara and its; stt'en ;tit in a itc=ted u p la y Bake? Eddy.' SIG NTATAR • i • 1111.41011‘Y, AANUNitri eh, tie QuICK CANAL AN QUIZ .Of:,the tour .AtI tie provinces, which lias 3211.6 3Mrg+etrt Via? 2,1+a1 merr;►,of /whiff+e+ have' made the large etit invest- ment hze - p arae t ilands, implements and live stock? S.11ow many persons leave Canada annually to take A3. the -ori in 9f the nante 5. (an ii s a what in --- direct - -- ?�, y a � of 9n dict taxartion? ANSWERS: 5, Eoteise and Sales tas .. a, excise and eustoms dutx, to a tota). of about $1.5 billion . a year. Only the federal govern- ment may collect indirect taxes. NearlY : 400000. .1. Newfound, and; Including Labrador it is swag,,: lye (three times the area of other; three combined, ,4,=, It''ls an Indian ward, weaning °river." 2, Ontario. d ------,o ; . .-,-0 Theconsciousness cif having done a ;splendid action is itself a tt 4W U i1 T, Jan., 2.----atr. and Mrs. ��. O. Mi �£'� have al'ifi�re.d. fit ��Mrrs. W. T. Robison, 'and Mr.1tobi- tt 'sr. Mb rt am+pbe1- was utile to voile ho from C1 itton `hots, last iweek, Her meters,' lip's. *txgerald and Ws, Gardiner,, of Dungannon, h ved � fdb heo have moo r to with her. -. and s 'al: Phillips visaed one day last .wee with kis.. 9 1 .� �'.�,te2', Ms, �nl;%d Te'b ail:. Visitors nv tilt Mr. "and M •a.. George Lawlor on the holidays were: ,Mr. and Mrs. J. 'rie.Kay and Sandra; N. and Mrs. /Charles Waterman ;and Kathy, !of 'Galt; •�4ir, Wilbert Lawlor, of London. �M / and Mrs. = Rom J. Phillips visited -over the week -end with 1'frs. life(. Jewel, of G�odenieh. - Many friends in Auburnof Miss Ida IleGowari were leased to /hear that •sit, , was able to be with r sister, - Q1are McGowwa/n, for the Miami son, ,, • Mrs. Da , e!Phee /has arrived honte with b c . baby •boy. She has been with er parents, Mr. and Mrs, MI/When, 'of God�erioh. Prize winners in the Christmas draw held /at the store of Mr. Gordon R. Taylor were: 1st, M;r. William Walden; 2nd, 'Mr. ,John Bucchanan; 3rd, Mrs. Nelson Pat- tersori. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott on the birth of an- other, son. Mrs. C:''Seers and -Mr. Fre-d Seers spent the New Year holiday with 'Mr, and Mrs. Russel Keyes and (family, (of Mitcahel/l. Mr. and Mrs. William &tt aughan visited with Mr. did -Mrs. - Thomas Jard'in and /family, of 'Win'gham, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross, - ,of Oakville, spent the holiday with his _mother, /1VIrs. Fred- Ross. Mrs. John Graham was a /recent visitor with relatives in Wingharie. Mrs. Warner Andrews visited 1+a�s/t week -end with -her sister, Mrs. Margaret Russel, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel King and Mr. John Youngblutt spent Neal Years with her brother, Mr. Percy Youngblutt, and !Mr,`s Youngblutt 'and family. Miss - Jean Houston /and: Miss Jamieson, of Toronto, and Miss Frances Houston, London, and Miss Mary, ;f iou�ston, of Hamilton, spent_ New Years with IMr. and Mrs. John Houscton. Miss Judy Arthur spent the holi- days with her 'grandparents, ,JVIr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Ke'_i'er, of Blyth. iMr- ,�an•d MTS. John- (R. Weir' and family, of London, ,M, spent- ,New Yetars with Dr. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan (MacKay nd Family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ,Beowe and their home in Florida. and Airs. curry, orearlisle, visited last. week with her >. other 41tl1 r. _% . t(t1 iciud y at Monk. Mrs. coir. and Mas. ,Gordon R. i'r.•}lor left rust Saturday ,for a holiday, in 'Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Strau han g. agent NOW Years. with; Mr. and "ars. l algin: Josling ani: yam► yr of ',,olndesl oro. Orval Mr. and �''s. fJaryal �'� Ae> of Guelph, h <visited with lh.er mother, Mrs. 1Yn S' lir '�S � and Mr.�la�'t� d , over weekend. Y v the 14,1?c, .George Wright has resumed h'ist ,diCS t t114, %niversiiy We ern' +ntarlo after peudin'g the holidays with his mother, • • Mrs. •,+�t ..t r b hur ' 'Mr. . Arthur, 2 t and J•ck.' fi 'Mr. and MSS. Gordon Miller', of London, Mrs, .C,1ieetter 'Taylor, "t, Wiens and � Ir. (Murray Taylor,' of ''Wingh , visited Mrs. Maud Freon lin on Sunda'. The A,: �'.P,A. of St. Mark's Church held a sles�idinl party rat the _n me of Lawrence Nesbitt last week. When the party re, turned to the house Mas. t red Nesbitt served: �a deliciouslu�neh. Guests over the holiday , wall Mrs. Charles Nevins and /iVla�rg`aret were; Mr. and }Mrs. Ross Nitiholson, Paul and, Louise, of Seafar�t/h, Mrd.. and Mrs. Bell Cowan, Dwight, George and Gregory, Mr. Howard Tait, of , London, and Mr.-O,aranan Shultz. Viis�itors wi tt Mr. and. Mrs '''A.n- drew Kirkeoh�neal and Mary and Dian on the holiday were Mr. and Cocktail Parties .. (as mirrored_ in the press) "Make you ill—iriduce trashy and 'truncated conversation—are ex iensive- do not promote peace but foment war" (The Manches- ter Guardian). - "A social evil, reducing the human - personality to a noisy ` and•' disagreeable caricature." (Bruce Hutchison.) - "Loosen 'things up, but often -in the way you loosen 3" a- ear by running 11 ,, into a- hydrant." (Robert --Thomas Alien). - - -"Historians of the future May well decid that one of the most usefullr w a,pons of the Russians in ;the p iod• -of the cold war was vodka : . - dunking their guests in a sea -of vodka. Yalta . papers relate ' that on, one occasion ,45 toasts were drunk." (Toronto Saturday Night). This advertisement sponsgred by Huron County Tempe nce - • Federation :r4lhr<-. : ii 'pia e, I'aye, and 4tary, aline,- of 13russels and Mr. and Mrs. .1 (.,i'd Kirkeoznnrell, of Goderich. Mrs,.- Herb Govier . is -*ending the week with her faalatly a Tor- punto. -Mr. and . f > s Rla a 1;t and IP/Laryanne visited on Suniday with. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradnoek. Mr.. Maurice ban reliOrtAirkett Hilus nX United 'Church- Mnsszon klmit last week tn. t little ,p/arty. ♦2lsiVl{{itistors withMrs..George Ywg- andoL. Arthur', Y1wdart on the holiday :were Mr. and Ms. (lareneo Walden andlarjo e of Seaforth', . and Mrs. Vietor tl. aden, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yun'gbluitt, of Bel,:ve, and Miss Lila Yungblutit, 1.Gede- rich, " Signal -Star classified ads .bring results. - r sitif,eient reward Cicero. RATEX, F ($R c usgo GIVE`YOU LOVELIER ANDS IN ONLY -S AYI •onI.!!f41!P-!*PAN PP atm 1,07rt irrique 4•84/4.••4400 ••••••• ..(4(0'00 me fila otf New way to hand beiutY works bet a it's W . Lotions and cream 1p attempt it9 r pl&ce natural ns st from'putfinSs ands in stron�g s ps, bleaches tin detergents. But it'la ex Living Gloves preserve tlo precious nattnral oils And a you 100% auric protection against his drying action. ;Fabric -Rood iin.d for comfort • Ma . of non-aif•rps:ntc latex • waiK,protf • Non-sli�p surfoc. • ixtra Sn• turn -back cuffs proven* drip and splatter. • rosy-oe.and-off. Npvr sticky. SIZES: SmatCpnd Medium Chole• of: 6 peach maize -- blue EMERSON DRUG STOKE The Square Phone 45 I rr- • Y.4 BAND had your style s. in your 'site e jinn your fabric an your colour at your pi iqe r.i MEN, get to l+now BOND! i 'because • Bondii$tuerantees sats$taction of money refw<tis► d • Bernd always leads in vallums • Bond belietni's our e>,retomerS are always rig*. • The Square Goderjtich Phone 77