HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-26, Page 1VOL. XVII. NO, 38. AND rfiTRON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TQ THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." .EXETER, ONTARIO, TUURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1,890 sruPeor1.ubllh badop tr LEGAL- EAT EmERGENcy 0 H. DICKSON, Hamster, Soli - 3 -4• eitotaf a ereete Court,NotayvPultlicc ;veva-met l edetaiseloner.ate. M. Rent s t fao.n. 0dleei t F:'susen'aI:1`scl;.11: fitter IL H. GtJbI l tS„ 13 3.'_'£later, uan'w°i yneer, Ito., 1} TP?:.. ONT. 0eleedaiareslreift9.:1r Ret"1'sa)4 aitace.a Ei4r.lor tC EL LOT, Barristers, So'aoiters, Notaries P true, , •' sia''?frac+v to Lunn at Lowest Dates x f ?•utereat. OPFIG E. MAI:; - STREET, EXETER. Conveyancers G, G. P. T. r:t .I_?T, - • ea tauter. £llTala'NG% 3ndalaaldDXST, OF 'IGE; ore: O',1i EIVIsli'a sir Nitrous Oxide Gas for Unitas Eztrartion. KLNSSIAN,DES IS .L.1.p • Stlntt+ell'a Block, ;Marla-st.Exeter, Extract. Teeth without pains by givleg Veletabi. Vapor. bold Filings and all 'ratan r dental eel: the best possible, Goes i edusitcur On iastTlitirtlsyiu radii/IA/2W. 31EDIO L r-a=:s-. a. W. jlitO\VNING 1,11.. D., )i. G • p', Iradant.4''ictoriaU7nirersit7. trice an.f rueideuce,l)au:,rforlethoratoay.li ter A. U N,• coroner ftrr'slie Comity of Rurou. orrice, oiVerrits wir, i. stem luster. R. -T. A.ROLTAIN3535, 111. O. J. 0eira,Alain S..t:xeter,tantte oessrsceatly occupied b7 P, mal'h% R• ti. cUT'UEN, M. D., c. M., • ti;aduate Trinity Unirerartr. Tor. Fel. '1'rira Mee. a• 1.001.'reronte t brad, netts Vrtttiola;y ; Member N. Y. dead, i toot sc; number Cal. P. S.. Out. -- ti AUCTIONEERS.f L+'NIIY I';ILI31!R, Licensed Amo- k tar iiay,Btephen, and !Sett rro. Tovettoaaipa. Salceoonanotcdatutedorate saute. rMee -At Peg t-o111ae.OrotlitonMut, TAI{;7 GILL, Auctioneer for the P./ Townships of Stephen, flay awl Debora. an4the Village of Exeter. AU sales promptly 4ttonded,audaettstaetiou guaranteed. Sales. c,r ran god at Mite adieu. VETERINARY. •Q1IELLINGLA.W & CURRIE lead Veterinary Surgeons can bo consulted at +Clark's Hotel. Crediton, or at Stairs. A full :stock of Veterinary medicines kept constantly .an hand. Veterinary Dentistry and Surgery a 9paeialty. R. CARR, VETERINARY • Surgeon, honorary Graduate of Ont. Veterinary College, Toronto, wishes to inform the pnblio that be ie now prepared to do alt work in Veterinary line, Calls answered at all btu . Office, Iiirkton, mo TTC. DOAN, VETERINARY • Surgeon, graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College, Toronto, honorary member of the Medical Society. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. Veterinary medicines lcopt constantly on hand. Office, opposite E. Bossonberry's hotel, Hensel'. N.B.-Vet- erinary dentistry and surgery a speoialty. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, '')1111 raduatesofthe outset) Veterinary College Orpece : One door.South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN.. l MONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6,1 percent, 825,000 Private Funds. Beet Loaning Companies repre sented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, SA LE ! AT 'THE - SIG li:#'�NI�[!P7 oiunis, EXETER. Having bought over le taus of sugar jus prior to the re- cent sharp advancer and pant of the 'Wholesale Bankrupt Stock of Skirting Embroideries, Lativlrs and silk Gloves, be- longing to the Estate of White at scatter, Wellington St., Toronto, also a large portion of a 'wholesale stock of Ready -Made Clothing. We are compelled to raise a large amount of money quick. In order to do this we are going to sacrifice our whole stook. We will give SUCIU BARGAIN as Exeter never before beard of. Test the veracity of our statements?by cArnpa ing the prices we quote with what you have bent' ftying for similar goods. Remember we ut we always go belo 'regular dealers try i t : ..�.. .,f r copy, we never follow, the lowest. '3o use in to tour V.4110Z$ They can't do it for we are the leaders. Now listen to what we are doing in CLOTHING! We have just opened up IN beautiful lot of Snits bought for 50o. on the $. In men's .14.1*4.1.41,7404.4444.14.4444. se qd. '' tese 1y. :2w CO :2.t� 7y o-' K =. Pe a A •,y tT o3 ern You will be surprised what ,You can, get from us for $1 ; !,13ds. good washing Print. •2G t , t Shirting. 123 t, Grey Cotton. to 1Vhito " 1'10 " all -wool Dress Goods. :l Undershirts. I 4 pr. Drawers. 113 lbs. Currants. 1.1 Cans Tomatoes, 30 bars good Laundry Soap, 'Tweeds 'Tweeds We have a large stook of Tweeds that belonged to the Pickard Stools which were his direct importation and bought cheaper than any local dealer oau buy them for. We purpose clearing, them out at fi price. If you want a good cheap suit come and see them. BRUMPTON BROS. JO pm' aua L'Aug Stava Suits we have a good Suit for $3.75 and for $4.99 we give you a good pure wool Tweed Suit worth 89.00. This is a great snap. We have a tremendous lot of them and that's why the price is so low. Then for $7.00 we give you a pure Wool Suit, regular price $11.00, and for $9.50 we give you the best Suit in the shop and better no man can get in Ready-mades. Boys suits from $1.75 up. We have a very heavy stock of Boys Clothing and prices will be out close during this great sale. Men's odd Vests for 75c AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND .SHOES all at clearing prices. A case of odd lines going at 1Oc. per pair. Now for A 1 goods at the closest prices ever quoted in Exeter. Ladies Oil Goat Lace Boots for $1. 17 " Finest Polish Calf Lace Boots for 1 27 1 15 90o. 85o. 50c 87c • Men's Tan Oxfords for $1 27 and hundreds of other lines equally cheap. Don't buy a Boot or Shoe till you see what we are doing or you will regret it, rt Lt Kid Buttoned Boots foi Calf Oxford Ties for - Tan Oxfords for Misses' Fine Fancy Oxfords for Boys TanOxfords for INsv1tANCE. I are away down with us. We ing but the best fHE LONDON .MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of CANr1De.. eadOB'iee, London, Ont. After 31 .years of successful business, still continues to offer the, owners. of farm proporty. and private rosidenoes, eithea eon buildings or oontents,tho most favorable'Ooteetion in case of loss or damage by fire or lig nine, at rates upon snail 'liberal terms. thee other res pe ct ; xb1o ;sompriny uan afford to r' 4L,175Pori• cies in force1stJan 1890.'Ail is �S'R,LS.D0 in Dash in bank. Government depost, 'Doben- turos and Premium Notes. JAatss GRANT, President ; D. O. MO)ONAun, Manager• DAVID Exeter and tnit JAQOtss, Axone for la a a via i v, lip; WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUBANOECO. Es tablIshe d in 1.86x. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This com]anT has been over Eighteen ears in 4aooessta). operation in Weetexn.On- ario,andaontinuee to insure againstloss or amage by g'ire tiui1t13ngs,tlerenandise,Man- faotorieg,aud til otherlescrlptionsoflinsur- teleproperty. fntendinneurers'have the ptioaofinsuringonthe Premium Note or paah System . During the pastten years this Company has issued 37,098' Polioies. coverin t property o the temente/ 310,872,088 ;audtiaid inloss- os a lonea409,752,00 Asset$, .$110,100.000ousiating o i' 0&'2'h n dank, Gov ornment.Deresittan d the unaes- esedoreniiutri Noteeon taandeudin toroe. 3 W- 'niton tI D. Presider i C'. hI . TAvr,on Secretary: .3.R, flaoIIas,inspector, CHAS: NELL &emitter t;eetertndpicinity, Best Salmon packed, only I2hc Best Mixed Pickles, only 19c. Bost Matches' only 9c. Everything in Groceries guiirantee to give you noth- 3 Pounds Baking Soda for 50. Essences for 6 cts."per bottle. n at prices that can't be beat. We have the finest assortment of Skirting ... rnbi oider es you ever saw. Part of a Wholesale Bankrupt Stock at a little less than 60 ceuts on te S. We don't stop with a few odd Nieces but case upon ease of all choice fiue goods We can save you 50 per cent on your white dresses. SES '7113E3 M SOo- while the assortment is good- Remember we need money and in order to get it geicl: we are bolding, this GREAT EMERGL+'NOY SALT, No doubt this will be the greatest sale we have ever held since we came to. Exeter. Come and see for yourself early in the day if possible and avoid the tremendous rush in the afternoons. }Behest pries paid for all kinds of farm produce, t S`='H1W.TR,T, DEALER IN BANKRUPT STOCI4 $eusa1D .1111110100101005 Robert drorrt.on in returningthanks to his numerous customers and the public in general for *hellbent; patronage ho has reeeivent in the past, begs to announce that Mistook afaenerat goalie for the spring and summer smelts trade wilt he fecund complete, well assorted and At prices to meet the p.eveiting hard times. flaring added Largely to his stock of wail and ceiling papers he cordially invites art inspeetion of the same feeling confident that for variety, quality anal i'rice it will cam pare vary favorably with any iu the niori:ot. (rive hen a call for anything sett want. No trouble to show goads. lighest price tor butter and eggs. Remember the place -double stores -Marshall's Block, opposite iturdoek's es Co., Mansion shouse.. Granton. Been Beat. -Tho Grautou Victors are earryiasr the sweepstakes in dein, place.. They played an interesting game with the Bryanstau i:•I_tb, where the score stood 1r, to 2 in favor of the Victors. Also the Kirk - ton Club on Saturday, Juno 14th, where the soore stood 11 to 27 in favor of the Victors. The Lark of this place is rising to fame by the defeating of .the Crook Shank Club, on June lith, where the score standard was 17 to 1 in savor of the Larks. Blears --Miss Bella Weidman, who was recently so low, hat recovered, and again able to be out.- 'lhe Granton Brass Band is kept busy dutiug picnic times. Luoan. For some days past Mr. Wen. T. Costigan, of Montreal, has been in town making ar- rangement for the formation of a joint stook company to carry on business under the name of the '•Lucan Steam Engine and Meohino Works." The object is to engage in the manufacture of steam engines and agricultural implements, such as ploughs, mowers, hay forks, straw cutters, corn cul- tivators, powers, hay presses, etc., etc., with a complete outfit for prompt attention to repairs and jobbing. Letters of inoor. poration will be obtained from the 0 atario Government under a capital of $20,000, fifty per Dent. of wbioh will pe subscribed at the outset. The board of directors will be elected from among our best local business men, who will supervise the work regularly and advise with the manager, who will be an active, responsible man, with knowledge of the wants of our farmers. A thorough machinist will be employed to snperintend the staff of workmen in each department. About two-thirds of the necessary capital has been taken up to startwith, and the Council will be asked to grant a bonus of only one tnoasand dollars, with exemption frou taxes for ten or fifteen years. It is safe to say that not a single taxpayer will object to this, as theie.wili be employed in the establishment from ten to twenty heads of families, which will make an important addition to the population of the town, and from wbioh every one will derive more or leis be Milt. Greenway. Crowded out last week for want of space. The following clipping from the waits - burg Washington Enterprise will be interest o the many readers of the TI1l2ES. Wilson,-Mulltuix.-Wednesday evening, May 8th at 74 at the M. E. Church ecnarred the wedding of Mr. 3. A. Wilson an& Mies Florence ii. Mulliuix, both of this ''bity.. This event bas been long looked for, and the church was filled to overflowing. After a short but impressive ceremony the wed- ding party was followed by about 100 iuvit- ,,ed guests to the 'residence of J. P. Mnliinix. where a very pleasant reception' was held. ilelreshments were eervec1 at a ]ate hour a 'd all departed with best wishes for •. long li e'and happiness, The bride was liantl- r white e in t Gown of o cam hi o sa5ii ] attired hely Edi; n end cashmere, with long white veil ane wreath, The biidosmaid's dress; was cream white mull and lace and • pink trim- miugs. , The groom ..as clad m the con- vintional black. During the evening Rev. W. T, noblemen the officiating, pastor in behalf of Inc members of the band. present- ed bft. • ilson tbeii' leader a handsomely engraved'ailver cornet with mountings, and a neat baton, and to Mra. Wilson in behalf of the ladies of ,band a nighty engraved silver crtit holder and a silver napkin ring reeny oIhcr fine p.iesents ware received. After the reception Mr.' and Mrs. Wilson departed for a short wedding trip. They ate universally beloved by our citizens and nil feeds deep interestin their 'nhr•n ••t, 1- jy ti• 1 his field of labor. After this at byma was sung, :sir. (less presiding at the organ. Bnsers.--- itss E. G. Young left on Tues.. Econ sue now began 50 enjoy tier n1selvc+_ jliy day tuoxning for a thres•rpoutli� flair to sing-ing chatting etc. The evening tieing rile Oh1ILan,l. She will tie aecampauiel calm. anti waren the tables were graved out by her male, r. Win. Grey. and Aliso into the lawn where a supper was provided. Grey, of Seaferth.-Mies Floedy left on After doing jaetfu i tc the good things on Fr°clay Morning to visit her brother, Bev. the tails the party agelu began to enjoy le, 3. Flaudy, of Albion, lfieb,-Miss Herd, themselves by singing etc. Saab a father. of Exeter, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. in„ and melt a present ,show the + %teeut 5, Berrington. -•-Rev. A. W. Toole will with which the eongregation regard taeiw preach his farewell sermon in the Methodist ' able, earuost aad'painaiskiog pastor. ohurelt here on Sunday evening next.-- AIrs. Gibson, wife of Mr. Gibson, X P. P., of Wroxeter, is the guest of leer uncle, air. Dashwood. Myren Young. r`.dT&r. Accw r. --On Taesday evening of la9t Reek, huaald,Calder. cf ttife place, , ample m -S, S. ;Cu, 11, Stephen, The met eek:accident which reealted to ,n names are arranged sysseu ctiealiy accord. instant death. About eight o'clock he wets ig to their merit ; taking hie team out o:IwanOde ntral lintel ' 1'uaflicass-.•.tag;ioS.accy,S�'.Eatnp•sltcdj and itt so doingither !ul1 or wallaaknduerhowagoi+t eappoacd J 'third S+•tuior�Jolru Ilroa'n, Siruon tireb, tho wheel pasted over Itis head, or that ho' Richaid Beaker, Albert Sheller, Christian was trampled an by the horses, Ar. llilna t llictrird Mary Z. tiler, was immediately communed nut the vital crib i ,era. r ter: mma Grob, John '.tiler, spark had fled. Deceased was fu his 07th Jao,b lahlera, Hannah Beaker, Clara Beale,. year and bad been a resident of theca parts K Living Vs 'inhenseder. S wand Class Maggie Dietrich Tau for over 31) years. , Dearing, Carrie Shetler. May Yaxeter, fly Stephen, Elsie Wild, Will Timm, John Whalen. Willett, Selma Soldan, Alen. Wild, Wesley Willert William Hell, Bermes. -This place being situated on Seoauil fart Sr.-Georgo Drown. WiLiarn the bouudariea of three counties itis ditli- . �: tart uw. der. mars,Stade Rata ::iter, unit to get the different municipalities in. :trartLa Ehlers- Ernst Hayden. Christian tended to keep the roads in gnodcondition; Burgermaster, Bate Elsie, i Eerily Vernon, they bane however, lately, let the contracts Annie ]3axet4r. for scale much needed repair.: Farmera Second Part Jtan-:Minnie Fiukbeiuer, are getting things iu shave fir commencing ; Liviva Elewe, tutu qulnther, AIhert Reyes. itayiug.•-lite rant on Friday ,night beat d Erue>:t Reps. Unseal Warner Goa Brunner, downa great deal of rho 1.141'314fall wheat. ,George Scblunt, Martha web. Tenth Larnt.ut, fart X, Class III-Julina Zilnr, Teo Dietrich, Lizzie Fink, Luis A'irilirrt, Jensiu Beaker. Mialiuda Rapier, Emmanuel Wild, Daniel Ziler, 'W. Elsie, Alfred Tiderman. May Vincent. Part I, Cbiss II --Clara Brawn. Willie Die trioO. Willie Stade. Edmund Wtnken- weiler, Tillie Schrader, Jacob Wert, Ames Soldau. Tun Ziler, Lazzre Ziler. Part I, Class 1 -James Banter, Jacob :Sheller, Edmund Welton, Silas Atlanta, Annie Gable, Jacob Wineburg, Willie Wineburg. Hum A. Boss, Teacher. Bntzrs, Ane night last week a number of degs went into Mr. Voelker's nal and killed three Ines and threw sheep besidea wouudiug several others. One of the wound- ed sheep died since, -Mrs. Freid. lett for Dakota on Tnesday.-On Sundaymoruinga heavy thunder storm posed aver our village. Mr. Ball's barn was considerably damaged by lightnrug,-On ueaday evening is musi- cal entertaiumeut was given in Mr. Willetts Hall by a blind maw We here that thorn is going to bo another this week. &boon Prem. -Last Tuesday tho pnplls of the Dashwood Public echoer held their plank at the Bend. About 8.30 a. in. the pocession started from Dashwood. As it was not quite dinner time when they arrived at the Bend, some enjoyed themselves by swinging At abont 12 o'clock a largo table was spread ont at which old and young heeled. In the afternoon a foot ball match Ras played with a team from West Williams. At first our boys were a little frightened as those from West Williams were all pretty well grown up young men while the Dash, wood team was a mixed team of meu and. boys. Several of the latter being between the ages of 10 and 14. When time was almost uu Dashwood boys scored the first goal. After this the game broke up as some of the opposite side left the field in despair. Poor Bear,. -On Saturday afternoon last the Dashwood foot ball club played a friend- ly match with the Grand Bend eleven. The game resulted in 0 to 0. --Sourer ate replanting their potatoes, the first prautiuy; bavlug rutted, with the excess of motsturo.-Mira. ,Jabez dilsou, who has been seriously 111, is at present improving. and Arra. Benj. Morley, sr., are away visiting their daughter in London township. -Air. G. W. ILingerd, of Sarnia, paid as a flying visit last ween. -.Bev, Mr, l'eultall of 111imvillo, paesed through here on Monday evening ou his way to lug now field of labor. -Mrs. P. Morley is visiting her parents and friends in Milverton. Crediton. I3lttsrs.-Mr. F. S. hubs of Morristown, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. 21. Winer. Mr. Jacob Schultz, is saiTociug from an attack of Plumy. We are glad to here he is improving. -Urs. Munro of bonpon, is home on a short visit. -Mies Litt ut Sebring - villa, is spending her holidays among her many friends iu Orediton.-Mrs. Suhr and family. and Airs. Dicker and tinnily of London, are ruaticrting anioung us they with som6 of their friends, Recut a pleasant day at the lake .last weak. -Mr. Barry Clark, while in Purlthill one day last week was suddenly talion alt and the doctor pro- nounced it a bursted artery. Harry is oue of the most unfortunate luau that we know of. He is hardly recovezed from one spell of sickness ore he is attaoked by another. - ale. George Wunder, of this place, left for Saginaw, Mich. about two mouths bgo and as cured employment there. lie seemed to prosper and have good health and indeed it was agreat surprise to his relattves to receive a telegram, stating that hehad died sudden- ly. According to word received since it. must have been a Revere attack of !eves which carried him off. The deceased emigrated to Canada in 1835 and was em- ployed as a farm hand, he was well liked by all with whom he had any dealings, and his many friends will be sorry to hear of his sad and rather sadden departure. -A few from Crediton, attended the it. 0. Picnic at Limerick on Wednesday. -Toa Bethesda Sunday School, ou the 8112 own. had a pic- nic, in Mr Chris bilber's orchard .on Wed- nesday afternoon, Music was furnished by the Brinsley string baud. -Our base ball club has purchased a pair of catchers mitts which resemble pillowsmore than anything else. However tuey are just the thing and Wenzel says he eau atup aoythiug with them on, Zurich. SCitooL PIONic.-The pieuio under the auspices of the Yublio School Dame off ou Friday, The weather was everything that ooula be wished for, thus affording an opportunity tor every one who could possi- bly leave their business to get away for a day's sport. About 7 o'clock wagons and buggiesbegau to move about the village and none iu !rota the ooun.ry. • lu another hour they were well filled with jolly children and happy lateen, and =tams, who were deteruttued m epite of all to nave a lolly good time. They • wet e not disappointed. This day ,turned tat to be everytliine that could be expected and on the arrival at Taylor's Drove a splendid little vessel await- ed them. A oollectsou was taken up and a row boat hued tar the .children. After atnusiug themselves about the beach and Losing at the ash iu the pond-uet the crowd began to move towards that part et the glove where the ladies had been getting ready something .50 satisfy the cravings ut the inner -luau, A splendid table was set and every ono enjoyed a good solid meal, after which they again commenced the sports, keeping it up until about 6 o'oloak, when all started for twine feeling somewhat tired, but ueverthelessj illy still. Upwards of 200 people and 175 euildion attendedthe picuie. Mach pupil wore a red badge upon wince was pi'Intsu the school motto "the ward and iJpward " 1'nLsseeas ION. -On Tuesday a"ening :a large Lumbar of wembies of Lutheran Church congregation mei at the residence of Mr. 1+'. Hess and preceded iu a body tri that of awl -toy. Jona Stre;upher, teeing with them 'baskets of provisiune. fir; Streuipber seemed quiet surprised to see such a number of visitors coming in all at once, but nevertheless iu his jotial manlier, began to make everybody cumfor'ttabie. by L .sting a place auti seat for each, when Le was suddcul, iuterrupred by 111r. ileee who in a few iewai•kd mane knuwu to hint the object 01 the visit ansi in behalf of tuts cuts• gr•egatrou pressd+ed Gun with two lir;, seat- ed chairs. Mr, Strove ^". . surprised but muca he thanked they dna ),xpres..,it! The fullowing is the standing of rho Grand Bend. Babes. -The recent rains has improved everything wonderfully, never saw things. looking better. -The public and Sabbath schools are having their annual picnics now, hardly a day without one or two picnic bare. A more beautiful place for picnieing you can not find, -The ladies of the Methodist Church here are having a dinner and ',tea on Dominion day to be served on the picnic grounds, admisston, adelts25 ets., children: 15 all are cordially invited to attend. -Mr - Jelin Mallad has retareted home from Mich. --J H. Fallis has also=returned 'home and is looking fairly well. -Dona fail to come to the Bend on Dominion Day and have s good time accommodation for boating this year than ever, as there are some large sail boats here now and to tee the method they have of oatehing the fish that swarmthe beantie ful waters of lake Huron. -Mrs. • Monroe of London, is viaitmg her mother,lllrs' George Tapson. --'.rhe potato bilge are in abundauoe this year. Get your Paris Green and give them a shower bath. Railway Disaster. A fatal and terrible railway accident Occurred abonnt 1.30 o'clock on Monday afternoon a short distance east of Copetown. The train was the .Atlantic Express and consisted of a baggage and express car,: five passenger coaches, two Wagner. sleep- ers, New Mexico and Einderhood, and a dinning car. Engine 752 was drawing the train with engineer or Phipps and fireman Smith in charge. Conductor Stewart was in charge of the train acid Conductor. Lar - more attended the sleeper cars. The train was speeding along at 'about 35 or 40 miles an hour and had just passed' the Water' tank within a quarter of a mile front Copetown Station, when the first sleeper jumped the track, and was followed by the. second 'sleeper;^ I. the couplings bet wee dinning car sn bankment, ail sleepers anti The dinnir across tl follow what mar k'