HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-12-22, Page 9from tilt 144*!v'e1r, ,Salvage C9411.7 pant and had' e§Igne a iltio i . ;.. name under the Company's, +dent - Mas `�. Wed', . 'Y'•,• M swell„ eelan Is;„ them for amou'n s from $15 to $1 19;' • ;5towe!1 to eno itres.- in He 'was "also o'rclered to pat 1,1)? his ja°I, .to be f�cV by 18 months oh to m,0 ibonrd before\ "be.ginnin,4' barn ' ;tlhree •sep;�rate j 'Carl ' n 1?�• � 'Bender, � ALO, of` Glinto , r~har►' a -o+f . theft, •In „Magistrate's i • h*e, Phursd'ay. LiMdence reeivealed that McNee- laalds had stolen several cheques OTORY I ,IC ERBERT B. 'SUCH, D.C.• Doctor of 'Chiropratic. Office Hours: Mon., Thur. -9 a.m. to 5 p.nn Tues., Fri. --9 a.m. to 8 pen. i Pm to8p.n Wed. & Sat. ----9 to - 11,30 •:a.uz: Vitamin Therapy Officei—Corner of 'Sou* St. and Britannia Road, Phone 341. ALBERT SHORE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 797, Goderich,`. Ont. OFFICE RESIDENCE 38• Hamilton St. 39 Victoria St, PHONE 975 South 47-13xtf PHONE 444 pleaded. ,guilty to driving rentille Jeis. ability was impaired: and ,was sent, enced to seven days in "jail and oasts. Magistrate • Balmres -told Benderthat if he failed to. pay the costs he would spend an additional five days .in jail and poi's out that this' would mean . + irdg cor fined over Chri ,tangs. Several ehats,;,wvere slated to came before the court involving .faulty • 'brakes, but the ,defendants did mit appear. In reviewing the -cases, Magistrate Holmes reminded rovinci•al • and Municipal Police ley had the right to impound any chicles • with faulty brakes. He eta `'police that once they had learned the ' driver about faulty bi'•ak'es, the police should also warn the drive- tohave the brakes at- 'tende.d-to. iminedlately• ..• Magistrate Holmes said he thought it would be a good idea for trucks to carry an -auxiliary tank of compressed air, similar to those on trains, to take care of the air brakes when a truck was park- ed on e grade Without the motor running. Stiles Ambulance (formerly Cranston's) Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich - G. B. CLANCY. Optometrist -Optician (successorthe late A. L. Cole, optometrist) t For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD . JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH • P.O. Box 461 (By Dr. A. J. Wasson) • Christmas is essentially a ,home day,. ',Childeen' troop home from ,school 'wildly excited • about • the sday , of all daps.. Young people -from college or 'business shave been. looking forward to this for. weeks. Those flora a distance strive to make home at all costs. .If they fait they 'phone and if they cannot get 'through on the 'phone they wire. The one -thought which more than any, • other gripped the boys and girls in'the forces was `home. Home at .Chrrirnes—giving and re- eeiving gifts; °` jeying a Crhristmas dinner, just sitting around relaxed chatting about this and that play- ing •'with the children,`-•tg to crake their mechan'ieal toys ork. It is a wonderf u1. day, or most people spent in the 'home. It may be a little cottage, perhaps a larger house or even a more perfemtious 'building, but it is not the building that makes the home. It +i� the spirit of those who live inside its walls. The parents, brothers, sisters who are bound together in a common concern for each others. It is hard for us who live in the twentieth century to think of a time when• the 'home did, not.. hold the affections and the interest of the family that it does today. But the family as we know it is a 'Christian institution. Before the Christian era .children were all but ignored. They had to be fed and clothed, .oif course, but that was about all. Women too were but. the slaves of •men. They had a very .inferior place in the family. Christianity changed all that. Jesus set a child in the midst of a crowd and gave him the• position of prominence" Women too were given new status in the society that He established'. The home is a Christian institution. What- ever good ,there is in it stemmed from the teaching of the -founder of our faith. 0 • It is 'a good thing once in a while to remind ourselves off, that, espec- ially at Christmas• whe�ia 'all the. family will be, together. We quite often forget the debt we owe to our religion". 'Christmras is a Chris- tier:. festival. More ,pe'ople are thinking about this aspect of it than [for many years. Make Christ- mas 'Christian is a good motto.. IIVEPERIAL OIL TANKER IS LAST BOAT TO CLEAR Navigation at Goderich ,Harbor officially .closed for the season Fri- day morning when the i'mpeelal Oil tanker, Imperial Hamilton, under the command of Captain Bert Knight, eleared for Sarnia after unloading 17,000 barrels of gaso- line and fuel oil. The Imperial Hamilton arrived here 1.30 p.m., Thursday. It was also •an Imperial Oi1.'boat, the Imperial Kingston, wh.ich:•<open- ed the season here April 5: The boom has been placed across the iers and 12 Great Lakes ves- sels are tied' up inside the harbor for the' winter. Nine ;af th'e 12 contain winter storage grain. o— o -o A Michigan apiarist reports 60 of his bees have - been stolen. It'll take. a courageous cop to track down that ;loot. Sefine4t. -o a be ''have e Y � � y -s new regis :. tiered .initis -the r h.'+LionsFee • �I Wee Crpltey +Crab. :1ie�creaional Di+reetgr Ted "Wrill'ia ns has drafted the tea ' end "sett. up a schedule" w.hijh berms 'Saterda>y morning; Any players not:.regletered with a team and wishing to do so should report to the arena Saturday morn- ing at 9 a.m. This 'Saturday's schedule is: 8 a:m., Apple Kliegs vs. Chem; 9 e.m., Dodges vs. Mills; 1Q a.m., house vs. Situdelbekens:. AP'FLEIKEIVGS — John Black, Barry Seiiimgeou+r, Tom Boyes, George Hudson, John Ross, Ron Daer, Bon Honeuth, George Laith- •waite, Frank Gardiner, Brian Bate- man, Marty Bae•chler, Garth Picot. CIIEVS — 'Herbert Harris,' Bill Bettger, .lkay Baster, Gerald „Hutch= dins,: Lloyd S1i;eocyh, Ron Goddard, Ron 141acDonald, David Smith, Wayne Rumig, Bob Norman, Wayne Neil, John Schnedker. a • DODG ichard Magie; John 'Kolkman, Pik Jeffery, Ray Miriade, Wayne Jessop, eMike Vrooman, Terry Griffith, Mike O'Neil,' Dennis - Williamson, Lloyd •Kalbfieisch, Jim Stephens, Ron McCartney. • MULS — Bill Mathieson, Bill Kolk+mmn, Ross Crawford, Paul Ottdmere, Jim rMoCullough, Mike Cai'ecejl; 'Bob Scott, Don Teeple, 'dy •Robinson, Norman Redford, Bo •Crawiford, .•Allan Clayton. ROU&'E--Vern-Srkeoch, Gary Fee- , Paul 'Gardiner, Bill Moore, FRANK LIFE UNDER''' ITER Life, annuities, business in- sutance. -Mutual Life Of Canada Phone 346 Church St. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office: House 343J 343W 39 West St. Goderich General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate SO Colborne 8t., Goderiob Phone 18w First naval vessel to circle North America is HMCS Labrador, which recently made its way through polar seas from Atlantic to Pacific. We're proud that the three specially built landing craft .she carried to ferry men 'and supplies to Arctic shore bases were made of welded aluminum —and that they did the : ob. Aluminum is active in the patrol and defence of our coasts, skies and northern wastes. So it is good to know that Canada is the world's second largest alu- minum supplier with five . pro- ' _ ducing plants in Quebec and British Columbia. r sincerest wishes that you may enjoy a truly Merry Christmas with all its joysand pleasures. EDWARD W ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER , Correspondence promptly n - silvered, Immedie to arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phori'e 466J, Clinton: Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road (Corner South Street) Phone 1011 Goderich, Ont. 44-13 WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE SEE A. J. Alexander Get Insured—Stay Insured Rest Assured Bank of Com. Bldg. TELEPHONE 268 g Ddt ig :Harrison, Terry Yaung, Jahn McOabe, Gary Robinson, Tom Yea, Jeff Reid, Allan Durnin, Wayne Cook. neyDEBAKERS —Jim McWhin- Bruce MacDonald, Mike Hele- sic, Garnet Picot, Ed. Harrison, Don Yeo, Pat McCormick, Ernie Pinder, Paul Taylor, B0.1 Harman, John Everett. ANOTHER ADDITION TO HURON '0011'NTY MUSEUM A year long search ended for Curator J. H. Neil .of the Huron County Museum .,,when he found one of the 'first three types of steam engines used for threshing grain which he will .place, in the Museum. It is a 22 rh..p., steam tractor.,used for threshing and also for several years at a sawmill. It was purchased from Roy Law- rence of Durham, Ontario. 0 OBITUARY -- WILLIAM J. BRODIE Funeral service for'William John Brodie, 67, of R.R. 1; Port Albert, who -•died -at his home Tuesday- of last week, was held from the Lodge •funeral home at 2.30 p.m. Friday. '1farold Bower, (5f Bornholm, offici- ated. • Burial took place in Mait- land cemetery. Mr. Brodie had been ill for sorme time, Born in Scotland, Mr. Brodie was the son •of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander Brodie. He served in World War One, with the 119th Battalion -and was wounded at Vimy Ridge. He was:a member of the Jehovah's Witness sect. Surviving' besides his wife, the farmer Myrtle Graham, of Ash- field, are two sons, Ralph and Don- ald, of Ashfield Township; four brothers, +George, of Bar River, Omteripe Davits,. of Flint Michigan; Th Joseph and onvas, of O rillia one sister, Mrs. Everetton Lawrence, New Lowell; 'and four grandchild, ren. Long underwear is becoming popular with an increasing num- ber of, men, we read. Scratch us —off that list? Ai to ltceiewent back do uonial following the school examinations, F/Sgt. Clearles Townsend has completed final paper§ of his exam- ination, for promotion to Warrant OiReer seeond elass and has been :premated to •Acting Warrant Of- ficer IT, With .the substantive rank to be ,confirmed by 'RCAF Train- ing Gotnrnand Headquarters . at Trenton. F/Sgt. J. 14. Cutt an- nounced the Squadron would hold an Essay Contest .on, "Why I Am,'. °,An Air 'Cadet," which is open. to ,alrl 'Cadets wishing to• enter. Tho Junior ,NOO's course, and also acing .cerpora'ls, Grantafiwns- end and Rey. Straughan, took their writtten and oral drill ,test's: On Tuesday, December 6, a ground defence scheme, •oitganized by instrhetors Bill Payne,and Ray Nelson, was carried out with :ap- proximately 65 Cadets taking part. For the first time in three years the defending force defeated •the attackers. AirCadet trErtin.g quarters was defended by 'four groups of Cadets, , with one of the following NOO's assign- ed to each group; as the Com. minder. F/Sgt's Feeocl. Buchanan, Bob Wood and Sgt'•sTUlaurice Lois - elle and bon Stewart. NCQ's in charge of the attacking force were W/O II Charles Townsend, Sgt's Roy Reinhart and Laird Fulford, and Cpl. Grant Townsend. • F/Lt. J. M. Cutt received a letter from a former Air Cadet, Bob Bax - wick, 'last week. Bob, who spent threee� years with our Squadron, has ente-ed •;the ROAF, as, a Flight Cadet, and is at present taking a course at No. 1 RCAF Officers Training School, in London. Of- flcers, instructors and Cadets join in. wishing him every success on the course while training for a pilot. First parade of the new year '.will be on Tuesday, January 3. o— o .o There were only 65 grand pianos manufactured in Canada in 19454. Loyal '02'4 e re nitly, : RN .13 master of� Ontar o, . H id, . Ora ago Insura'me+ resentaliitve, !were present M.; ritual. -. - I ter,1 (Gaiters elected' were:Thomla • M • : e a elntnes, +orate, p county mals au toi e hope you have lots of fun, and joy, and laughter, this Christmas. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE Everyone needs protection. tnsurarice . offers. --you 24 hours a day protection against financial loss. See us about' fire insurance, automobile insurance, liability in- surance. ' ay the season bring life's brightest ornaments—the Joy Of.. '.Loving, the Fun of Giving. Goderich . Manufacturing Company . Limited CEMETERY MEIYIORIALS 5 PRYDE & e, EXETER We join jolly >?§ Santa in' extending our hearty greetings to everybbd'y: May your holiday be full= of joy and goad fellowship. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE— ALEX •SMITH 146 ELGIN AVE. PHONE 158 WORSELL BROS, ssssesmmooseiisltimosemmommoom soomm l4sisAls® R 'A 9 9 9 0 0 0 4 4 4 9 ti •�i 9'�a a -b i's,2 2 2 4 2 'n r. x Yc x 4. 4 4 4 4 4 9 d b Y• $ Cash It MO. 24 Ma. 24 MO, You 1554.19 815 tJ 1515.00 > aei? y $12 442 . $77 Above p00•0$ CoV,bF lvelrylNi8g1 Even $ paymer}rt 10 {,in•bel *ln arnounf: ore ia�:prdPQrTit?i. 1CS�yK1 i .Get $50 to•. $ 1500 or more • I. Phone for 1 trip loan. Upon approval, pickup cash. Loan custom:tailored to your needs,, income. Reduce payments, cohsolidate bills with our Bill Coil - Set -vice. Phone, or come in. Loans $SO to Si 500 or more _X he season's' • here with soy and cheer...to last througout toil. coming yearl • Best wishes to alll 59 flat rio ° r OPEN 00E41 loam rinds I4 Ptt etraoolitali Store), STItAtiV6RD s Atic for the 'YElF NIAN7ager ,$�'BY INTMCNT » PHONE FOR EVENING HOOP'S' PPQ dt O ail ierrdgndii►Q owns i Naomi Finance Company at Canada ' NCR HOURS: 9 to 6 Mew ursday. I a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday Evenings. 12 .Noon Saturday: EA. 4laa Christmas spirit of F`aea• and Good Fallowslaip slaino in now and always. Henderson's Iluron . Rod • Space conte eted itt the servIt e of the 'Continuants, ,hy , John Labatt Limit a ,N