HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-6-19, Page 717,4,,RZ)V iilRS Atra.'i'ttomas' olultnsoq,oftheNorttl Line, Kincardine township. met with a i p mishap on the Saugeen road, near Sir. ifiii i il Wm. Taylors the other afternoon. Driving in a buggi<, she attempted to raise a parasol, the horse became fright- ' ened, the result being that one of her shoulders was injured and a leg frac- tured. 1 1 'Che Lucknow Sentinel says :- 111/ y iioim rri.aA large black bear fohrxsthbeeenppasrtoweienk or so, and although several attempts to secure him have been male by our local sports, old bruin is still at liberty. It was first seen in the bush at the back of the Presbyterian church on the 2nd con. of Kinloss about a week ago, and •on Sunday lasts soot;ple ofparties saw it in the neighborhood of Purvis lake Common Sense, Red Star, Blue Ribbon Flax•Bitxd'ing twines. ORDERT4KEN NOW gaging •secured apraotleal twanauith are now prepared to take Work m eavetrougbingifurnace, rooting or repairs„ wimataia 14.ilk Cans, and Tinware of every description.. Daisy - Churns, 4 !Barbed, Wire, Ribbon and Annealed Wires, Naito, Looks, titnges,faintsaud 'Oils. Orders now taken for 'Gheatnut blacksmith and stove coals, Tor early •delivery.. ,GROCERIES—Stook com- plete. Produce taken iu exchange, W. H, donor, :has. loo Reward, Manages. Proprietor DISTRICT DOINGS. The rosiestCurr nt!ct Throughout the Tilbury Weat council the other slay pail out $274 tor sheep «killed by doge. It is tune some action was taken to either destroy all dogs or have them muzzled. The apple crop is likely to be a failure in 'Elgin County; POETIC SENTIMENT, To apply the poetic words "ta medicine that's able to breathe life into a stone" to 13. B. B. savors of exaggeration, but con - Meting it3 conntlesa cures 'and wonderful word even exaggeration setas justifiable if it convinces those who hesitate to try B, B. B. and be cured. The county judges •of Ontario met in Toronto ester day, 3 est dY. Why allow your life to be made miserable br buzzing trisects whenWilson's Fly Pads will annihilate them and give you peace? Try them Sold ball druggists The Presbyterian General Assembly hie decided to meet nest year in 1Gingstore WHAT'S THE REASON The causes of summer complaint, dia. rrhoea; dysentery, cholera morons, etc,, are Last'1"hnnrsday a noon by the name of the excessive heat, eating green fruit, over XcCabe, hailingfrom. Providence, R.I., ezertiou, impure waterand sudden chill• applied for work at the tunnel atSarnia Dr.. Foi+ler'a1Vild Strawberry is an infalli- and was assigned to duty anthe shield, We and promptcare for all bowel complaints When coming Out of the tunnel, after from whatever cause. working; eight hours, he was suddenly Seized with'convulsions,, said to have been caused by the action of the, com- pressed air on hien, and died a few hours afterwarda, He was hurried friday, 1'.ucknsaw Sentinel; -t'Dr, 1). lll,'Gor- den, assisted by Dr. Elliott, lately per- formed a very enc •eaaful operation by cutting'alt a portion of thio eyelids of Ur.. W. Atchison, a finisher at the furniture works in this villtage, Some A plot to barn down a New York teneuaent years ago .'lir, Atchison took .cold from house was disoovered and frustrated on. "e ends Sunda night. bathing,and the nerves of kris y t; y became paralyzed, and he conld aoarce- ly open thele. A Idle agh.the operation was a very difficult one, the ttaotor has by great care and ability, succeeded to bringing his patieat around very rapid. ly*„ St Thomas, dune It -Ur. Willlarn A Anderson, a carpenter. who resided on +Q,neen street, this city, was killed about 11.30 this afternoon. He was engagedinconatrtxcting a barn on the faritm, of :11r, W. Hili, near•tt.e city, and was at work on the roof, when he lost Ina balance and tell to the ground, a distance of thirty,otght feet. ;Dr, Charles 13. Duncombe was summoned, but cquld do nothing for the unfottun• ate man 1,110 died a short tune after A London painter named E. Fildon was run over by a street car and killed on ;«fon- day.. TO xsavoUS.ustm.ITATED MEN, frame will send us year address.wttlmail Foe our Illustrated, pamphlet explain 3nQ ail about ur. Dye's Celebrated lectrii'Vo ttatc Belt end Appliances. and theirO aha ns afoots aeon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will Quieklyreatoreyen to vigor and Mono hood health. Pamphlet free. It you atethns aftlieted, wewill send you a Belt and Apphanoes on trial., VOT.TAIO DEW Co.. Marsbstl4ll1olt When Baby was. sick, ere gee* her ceetorie W1:en the Brei a Child. elm cried for Veatosii. Wen she became ansa, she ming to Castoria, \ has elle had Children. Due ,^,ave thein Cstitoria. lata, tKET REPORTS. Red Wheat », - Spring Wheat,,.. earioy ,,, Oats Glover S sed ,,,. Timothy " -, rens , Corn , KIWI Butter k' eurperb.bl •,,, •, t'otat0es,per busizel AFples.per nag The Caledonian Hallway station at Edixi. Barg was burned Manley. C. 0. Ilicuaaos & Co. Geniis, ---I sprained txiy leaf so badly that 7. bad to be driven home in a Carriage. 1 itu. ,mediately applied 311S4.11D'8 I;:ItNI1lENT freely and in 48 hours would use my leg the accident. fda leaves a wife and 'rains children, Ela eat+ about fifty I3ndgewater, N, 8• 40141101, WINAtaoltr, yesra of eige. An earthquake 811o0k was lett at CusI iug, One of the humorous 'results or the Quebec', 'Monday morning. 'election was noticed its Stratford on Wilson's Fly Dards 'Saturday. Before the election D. ll. Slaughter lloussFlies inmil'e:yea They aro Ray, jr., and 1: B. Mothersilt made a” aafo, etealeesed o otual. wager the loser of whish was to wheel' EDITOR PSUBERTON Of the Delhi Reporter --a well known journalist says "1 consider Burdock Blood !littera tho boat -medicine mode, and would not be without it on any account. It should be kept iu every house in the Iaud," s The 0, P. 11, Branch to Detroit was open.. ed for passenger truffle Monday. DredF1' l s r b' „ A e F 4xeeeeerlb, Turkey Per lb Mucks per Ib Ohickensperpr itemdkessedpeTICO Seel ilidesroubh. dressed „, Sheepskins each Calfskin* Woolporlb !'a7Ferton Onionanerbusft Woodeeroord the other on a harrow from the Strat•' The Dc>JninJon Button factory, B. ford. Livery Exchange Co.'a stables lin, is in difficulty from which the pre- i sent proprfetore, owing to numerous losses by lire, bad debts, etc., are un- able to extricate it. The farmers of Motcalte Township will meet in the town hall, Napier, on 'Monday, June 23, at•i U p. m., to take Irate consideration the formation of a rmera' institute forth° township. Mr. Richardson, dot 10, con. d .Plympton, recently killedon his farm a large snapping turtle, which measur- ed one foot across and three in ,length. These animale are becoming scarce in this section of the country. 4 During the recent heavy thunder- storm St. Paul's Anglican Church •nt Shipley was struck by lightning, and considerable damage was done to the root and front part .of the building. It did not, however, take hre: Dir. George Patterson, the Egmond- ville butcher, bas been sent up to Godericb for trial •beiug accused fer stealing a cow from John Aikens, near ,Dahlin. Samuel Hillman, a young man Hying •on the 8th con. df Tilbury West, was ' ;kicked in the head do -day by a vicious horse. The cork•ef the horse's shoe penetrated the brain. A doctor was .summoned and dressed the wound. Re may recover. The other day as Archie Brown was working at Bell's Point, near Leaming- ton, he came upon an immense blue: racer snake, Atter an exciting race and a desperate fight he succeeded in killing the bruteil ft measured 6 feet: 5 inches. 0 The Sarnia Observer says :-.On Thursday of last week while boating on the bay Mr. A.')4, Henderson captured •a 32 pound turtle, the shell of which measures 121 inches by 154 inches. This is one of the largest specimens' that bas been seen here. Jacob Wilkey, who resided in South Easthope ashortdistancefromTavistock was found dead Thursday morning lasts o in a lane leading to his residence. Heart disease is aupposed to have been. the cause of his death. He was a well known and highly respected citizen. While at work in his garden the' other day, B. Kerr, sr., 10th con., Plympton, picked up what he thought was'a cent, but on being cleaned it preyed to be an English shilling of 1817. Mr, Kerr values it chiefly be- ; ( causehe is just the same tge. fi Mr. A. Ferguson, a farmer of the 'I"p of Mose, who lived three miles salt of here, was run over and killed by a St. (flair branch (M. C. R.) train this even- ing. The unfortunate man was stand- ing on the track, watching the tlan approach, and made no eff,rt to evade it. It is thought that be was insane. - On Monday evens ng'of last week a large number of ladies and gentlemen, beaded by a band, waited on Mr, John George, the newly elected M. P. P. for North Bruce, at his home in Port Elgin' and songratulaied him on his victory. Mr. George replied happily and enter tinned those present wi th refreshmcn ts. The Dutton Advance says Friday evening a young son of Charles Garlick, who lived about three miles north of West Lorne, left his father's house for the purpose of driving home the cows, " Nothing has been seen of him since, and whether he has wander- ed to other parts or hos met with some tnish p can only be conjectured. de is 16 ears old and has been suffering from .he grippe, winch is ; supposed to hav caused him to become insane. '.Ch, parents are almost distracted at his. are along Ontario -street to Market and down Market to the Commercial hotel,` T. B. Mothersill lbst the bet and about; 12.30 Saturday tho pr000sston started, The wheeler bad t>fl' his coat; the rider wore besides his ordinary cloth. ingan election silk hat and n broad smile. The jolty ride'was given before hundreds of -spectators, who, having heard of the affair, were fined upon both sides of the street, Mr, Dougald Buchanan, lately ores. borne, Sarnia Township, but now of Brogden, received intelligence a abort, time ago of the death of a man named Dan Buchanan, in Montana, answering the description of a brother of his who left here about 20 years ago, and who was never heard rfrom since, ifs Buchanan at once went io work to as- certain whether or not it was the miss- ing brother. The other day he receiv- ed a letter from a friend who went to unravel the mystery,•stating that it wan his brother, who died and left a legacy' in the shape of a lead mine worth $100,000. He being a single man and, dying without a will, this neat little' Sum will fall to the family, who mostly1 live in Lxmbton. Mitchell Advertiser. -"Mr. T. Race bas caused writs for slander to be` served upon .lir. W.E. Davis and Mr., Fred Davis, for accusing him of bigamy} upon the public platforms during the'' the election campaign. The accusation., arose from a mock .marriage which, took place several years ago In the'; Trafalgar Street Methodist Church at a: Concert or lecture explaining the, manners and customs, marriage sere• monies, religious ceremonies, modes of worship, sacrifices, etc-, of the Jews, by aJewish Rabi, or a dew claiming to be a Rabi, and asnoung other features of the evening's entertainment, a marriage ceremony was gone through, in order to show the custom of the country at such a ceremony. On Sunday morning Track Foreman, Wm. Proctor was walking along near the G. T. R. track, near Waubuno sid- ing, about 5 miles east of London, when he suddenly came ,upon a head- less and armless body, with tee abdo- men cut to a horrible manner, one foot partly cut off and the toes missing. As soon as he recovered himself' he made all haste back to Waubuno Station, and telephoned to London for assistance. A special train, with G.'1'. TtConstable Logan and. Detective' Graham on board, at once left for the scene. On their arrival a search was made for the missing parts. They were foujd, with the exception of the toes, about a half mile further east. The body is that of a boy not more than nineteen years of gee, and possib- ly as young as sixteen. BORN. Canis. --At Bay City, Mich; 1890, the wife of Wm. A. daughter. AI A13RIE tJ. on June 7, Clarke; of a LAMroRT--Di or• -On Thuisdav, June 12th, 1890, at the residence of 'Alexander Dow. Ihq., Exeter, by Rev. Jasper Wilson B. A., Mr. Barrel George Lamport, Crediton,' to Miss'JAary Dick of Exeter. DIED. SAN»Ea6.-lu Stephen, on the 12th inst., Emma, third daughter of Mr: Samuel Sanders, aged 22 years, it) mouths. MOIrsTrart.-In Exeter, on the l6th inst., Catherine McInt re aged 67 Years. Y g Y • A new and very rich vein of silver has been struck close 'beside the celebrated Badger mine, near Wort Arthur; ontinued absence. Large parties. searching the woods for him." ruhildrt?at; t' ' for MO er'f5 rs1StLrfi TIT OffiR 94 so 00 94- ,. 00 94 :0 00 96 4030004. • 35 to 3. • 300to32; • 150co2t, • S5 to td i U▪ llto 12 • i3to0„3 • 00105le • 40 to 0v0 ,,, I CO to l 40 ▪ 050 4tQ 0 , 06 too too07 Q • 008 to 10 006 to 007 025 to 0 50 Stotos00 4`00 to 5 25 200 to 250 3 50 to 3.90 060 to 20 05oto050 118 t0 019 ;; 050to005 2000300 sx;tsaaTe Fall Wheat ,,, 045 098 Spring Wheat ,. , , ., ,..,. 0 9a 0 iia Sar.eg : 0 SI 033 Oats 0 2G 2i Clover Seed ... ............... ..... 3 Cot 3 ,54i Tizn0lhy „ ,..,,,.' Peas Eggser . .......... ...... Pottatoes per bag Apple* per bush •1 •11 •,•,• wool per lb . .. ............... ...... ....... - 20 0 20 250400 0 53 0.54 J2016 75 93 0 55 Bran per teal 14 00 14, 00 Shorts " " ..20 00 90 tit! Oatmaalperbbi..,, .1,1,11•04190.11, d CO 7 90 LONDON; Wheat. 950 to 950 ries bus, 11nr s, age to 390 per bus. Peas, 6040 to Ole par bus. liar. ler.at•ziting,43 to43cper bus. Barley Feed. 3510 tette Per bus Corn, 41e 50 Vie per bushel. TORONTO. Torouto. June18--Wheat Spring- tio. 2,'9'10 to No per bus • red winter.No.2 1•r0 tot 01 per bus, ASsaitoba No.1 hard, 110 to 1 20 No. 2.1 17 to 1 10 ; PEAS Ole to sic per bus. t1AT$ alto to 42ic per bus, FLOUR. extra. $4,15 to gesso par ng bakbl; ers,'4 00 troller. . DABBLEY. r Stier; PO to me; No 3 extra. 00 to 490 ; No 3, 40c to 40e. A child may b.* auffocatod by a bad attack of Croup. \Fiison'a Wild Cherry gives immediate relief and quickly cures croup, 'Whooping Gough. Cold m the Head. Brea - (dais, aud ailuilar diseases., Get a bottle at,d keep it in tate house. it may save your child's life ash, has dons in many cases. It Is so pleasant that children take it Iike syrup. For Coughs and Colds in adults i has no equal. Get the gonuiue in whits wrappers. A heavy rainfall on. Sunday, caused great damage in Oinefnuati and viainitp. 1'ICIIBOIINE, K ;1;2. R.11. CO. I take pleasure in cortifyin-• that I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry in my family for years and find it a sere cure for diarrb<e) and summer nom - plaints both for ehildrou and adults. Mils. Jona MohlAi:oat. Miohborne, Ont. Two cases of yellow fever have been found on a British vessel at Chandeleur,La. The benefits of vacation season may be greatly enhanced, if, at.the same time, the blood is being cleansed and vitalized by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A good appetite, fresh vigor, and buoyant spirits attend the use of this wonderful medicine, Thirteen thousand doclrlaborers at Swan. sea have struck for higher wages. FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED. Many of the worst attacks of cholera, morbus, cramps, dysentery, colic, etc., come suddenly iu the night and speedly and prompt means must be wed against them. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is' are remedy. Keep it at hand for emergen- cies. It never fails to euro or relieve. The first through trains passed over the new Canadian Pacific route between Mont- real and 0 ieago Monday. PLUCKING VIOLETS. As "violets plucked will never grow again" sea good name once lost we mover can re- gain. An artical which after extended trial won great fame and as time rolls on by good deeds still increases, it is Burdock Blood Bitters the best cure for dyspepsia and all blood diseases. "My father, at about the age sof fifty, lost all the hair from the top of his head. After one month's trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor, the hair began coming, and in three mouths, he had a fine growth of hair of the natural colo..." -P. J. Callen, Saratoga Spriugs, N. Y. . WE ARE PREPARED TO PROVE that Imperial Oregon Tartar Baking Powder contains no alum, ammonia, phosphate or any impurity or adulterate, but is made of v:rybest Crystal Cream Tartar, and Eng.. ish Bi•Carb Soda.-LEd,] THE OPINION OF AN INSURANCE MAN. W. A Doyle, manager and secretary or the Miniota Farriers' Mutual Inauranoe Co., Benlab, Man.,' says: -My wife and myself have commenced the use of Nasal Balm and the benefit and comfort derived from it warrants a continuance of its use. The Political Situation Has not materially changed within the last year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry is becoming better known every week as a sure for Oeughs,: Colds. Whooping Cough. Croup. Loss of Voice and other affections of the throat, Ches. and Lungs, For twenty years this reliable medicine. has been used in scores of families with the greatest success. Sold by all druggists. Get the genuine in white wrappers only. A few clays ago Arthur Gunn, tinsmith, of St. Catharines, while putting a tier gutter in a cornice in the rear of the Welland House, three storeys from the ground, felt the scaffolding giving away beneath him. As he felt his feet sink- ing he made a spring for the cornice, just when the scaffold crashed below him, 50 or 60 feet to the ground, and although the sharp edge of the unfinish- ed troughing was cutting through.•his fingers, he gathered himself together and succeeded in pulling himself safely. up on the roof. Minard's Liniment cures dandruff. A Trana•4Qutinental IIIAQV?,tl Sleeping oar passeugers for Pacific coast pontos via the Chiceso, Milwaukee & St. Pfeil and Cuban badge Overland Fast Mail Tine no !auger have to wait iu line at Coiiu- ell 131u& Trauafer Station to obtain sleep- ing oar berth reservations west of the Ilia, trouri River. Thema arrangements made by the Chi. cage, Mewaukee & St, Rant Railway obnate all tusk delay and annoyance. For further particulars enquiire of nearest C.upan Ticket Agent or address A.E.11. Carpenter, General Paseecger Agent, alit. waukee, Wis. AnvrvS Toa1QTumne.-Areyou dtstnroodat nigKhtautl broken of your rest by a trek ettild sueering and prying with pain of Cuttiun Tooth? If so send at once and got a bottle of" Vra.Winalow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Toathiag. Its value is luoalculable. It willrelieve the poor little sufferer Int auedlatel« 'apondup1ion it, mothers ; there is avmisfaire about it. It cures Dysoutory and Diarrhea regulates the Stomach and Bowoiv,euros Wind (lotto, cottons tae Quina" reduces teammate Won, and gives tone and energy totltowhole aystem , Atra.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is ploasautto the taste and Is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female pbysiolaua and uursoa in the United Statoe, and Is for sato by all druggists throughout the world, Pilot, twonty-five -cents a bottle, Bb sure and ask .for" :Mas WtssLow'a Wnosniz;o s'enw' "slid no actor ind. Ogees Hours -9 a.m to S pan. Sundays.l p,m.. tot p.m. Graf -IAM, 198 Kin12,, treet West Toronto, Ont,. TREATS CHRONIC DISEASES-aud gives Sfecial atteution to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimples, Ulcers, etc. PRIVATE DISEASES -and Diseases of a Ptivate Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele, Nervous De- bility. ete., .(the result of youthful telly and Excess,) aleet and Stricture of long standing. DISEASES OF WOMEN -Painful, Profuse or S:ap pressed Menstruation. Ulceration, Legcorrhslra, and. Displacements of the Womb, Somebody Must ,. ICAIFE. THE QUESTION IS who bought that bankrupt stook ? Several have advertis- es belling cheap- 1 want it distinctly understood Choice Seeds T3D X Mangel Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Turnip Seed, etc.. O UPE & CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. ZOTTSE FOR BALE Cl/HEAP. B'LTTTER Sc EQ -Ci -S W -A -STIED. DOTJPE & CO, - Kirkton, 0 0 0 THE BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Overooatings at any price Suit- ings at any price Pantings at any price. did not get it and do not want it. 1 manufacture all nay own Tinware and handle no Bankrupt stocks, a+ d am m a position avail sties to offer r' 1other • i as any house can stall good Well -mads tinware at ltaW4 r prices thanc their two years and a hail shop worn goo'ls tor. 1 ask volt to come and inspect my stock scut you will bo convinced that 1 em speahiug the truth. My steels is all triads of the beat tin that eau las had in the market and ani selling away COAL/ 011.5 Always on 11auti. Don't forget the stand,, est Ordered Clothing pi educed in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders easy, for with the best'sisif of'`Tailors ; the best s ook of;kine Trimmings,Cand the best. Ousting to Town. yea ,aresure of satiates. than >s?1 ELL, Will SIGN OF BIG amain Via''!* FUiiand, THE iiepxa One door north Dr. Lutz. EI1O1I\ ITTEITI MAI x1.11' 11 11'11 11-11 11'11`.11"11.11 11 11 11 It t will be to your interest to call on us before buying youriuilding Hardware. Shell hardware, ail, end annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire. f S`TOCIC First•class tinware. No two and a half years shelf wort] goods to od-er. ARTISTS 14,111:11ftWE S Baby Carriages and Wagons. Eavetroughing a speciality. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. A call solicited. BISSETT BROS. CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- era the best in the mark- et and always tresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ. OUR Spring :; Stock —1S—! COMPLETE. Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Skirtings, Cottenad es and Tweeds, all marked down in price to meet the hard times. WE OFFER THE est Value in fleas' in the country. Pure Spices,' Fresh Groceries and Cheap Sugars Call and see, The prices will astonish you. P. ROSS W.ktTROTT Boot! Shoo Maker Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones Market Store, FXEITER. Nov: 13,1889, Sewed WorkaS,eecialty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT, DO YOU WANT TO BITY FIRST-C11,JSS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAM SHA Ile GOOD —ARE USUALLY SOLD -- -THEN CALL AT- GiID L E Y' S -ONLY FIRST-OLASS- Reliable Good A.t Prices Lower that so -pal- led Cheap Houses can give 17ride rtaklri in all - gits Branches. a Ss S.. GFIpLEY (Successor to C: & Fi, G1dley) 9 ODDFELLQYP 9' 13LQQ$