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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1955-12-15, Page 4
The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada wishes to rtterview alert young men of 22 to 38 from the Goderich area vlvho are interested in bettering • their present positions. We p.rolrido full sides training, usual . group benefits and better-' than-average.,,salary. This is just- the ticket for a man who 'lies courage, ambition and -determination to set his own in - ;come figura,. Write J. D. Vance, Sun Life, Box 69,° Guelph, for your interview, giving full details. A11 information strict- ly confidential. Territory. consists of Goderich and district. 47-52(toompeoempeeesiwo were 1ftomm loflP®••N••a•• Bert Dunn, ,of the Bay+fiel lis - trier has been named the new president •of. the Huron County Hol- stein Club. Ed. Bell, Myth, will •be. first vriieepresident, and William Heeghnd ce nt. residewill serve es sec- ond Hume Clutton, R.1 , 5, Gode ieh, is the appointed semeetary-tfeas- urer. Directors 'will include: Geo.rge Terbil t, Wine:lam; George Hayden, 'Gerrie; Glen Weide% Lueknow; Dick Proctor, Belgrave; Alvin Bet- ties, R;R. 2, Bayfield; Howard Fea- gan, Goderich; Peter Simpson, Sea - forth, . and' Carl Decker, Zurich. Audiitors will be Simon Hallahan, $X'Y+trh auf .'1?yill"ka a. ars, Ba ' the new president uiueeeede Simon Hallalian, . well-known Blyth area farmer, who held the positipn: of presidentefor the past two years:. G.' W. Medtgottierye agricultural representative for Huron County who presided for the - election of officers, presented honor lists cer tifitates to.Alvin Betties and Allen B'ettles, both of R.R. ,Bayfield; James Bradley, R.R. 3, Goderich; G. R. MoKiel, • Ciin•ton; • George Ray - den, .R.R. 1, Gorrie; Baxter and Turton,"",;,Oodericb; Sandy Elliott, Exeter, and Ross 'Marshall;' Kirkton. Jake' Terry, Lambeth, 'Western Ontario 'fieldman for the 'Canadian Holstein Friesian Association,' cors piimetnted the club on its splendid. progress. The over-all increase of membership, (15 per cent in. the national association), `iepresents six per cent in Huron County where there are •116 members. The club's interest in .4.J Club work is markable said: the fleldiman. He asked each pieinber's support in the county show this camping year. STEADY CONTROLLED HEAT FROM YOUR LIVING ROOM ® The 'blue coal' TEMP- f • MASTER changes furnace centrals automati- cally. Saves , time— saves steps—soon pays .•-0` for itself. Phone today for a free demonstration. SHONE 98 Don't just order coal—insist on 'blue coal'. - 'blue coal' is colour -marked for your Guarantee of heating satisfaction. It gives you the clear full flame that means better heat -•-thrifty heat—safe heat. Thousands of Canadian- families rely on 'blue coal' for steady, healthful heat, So don't be colour- blind when' you buy coal. It pays to order -blue coal'. c CO. " THE HEAT FOLKS4kL " Let us assume part of the care 9E your clothes. You'll . save • yourself time, money and' anergy the French dry cleaner way, and you'll be pleased with our fine - quality service and reasonable prices. GODER,ICH Allan Petrie, Dutigannent,• named President -+cit" the Huron. Hereford Association at their an- nual meeting and banquet in Wal- ton 'UniteePhurah Tuesday night of last 'we, Other o tiers named Were: past president, Stan Jackson, " Kippen; viceepresielhges, Bert Mason, of. Rip- ley, Ralph'Foster, of (Godeniche secretary -treasurer, Arti4u9'. Bolton, assisban+t agricultural representa- give fir Huroi ; • one-year direct -ors, Drpest Brown, Clinton, James R. •Cotfl,'tes, Belgrave; two-year direc- tors, Sam McClure, Seafttle Whit- ney' Coates, R.R. 1, •Centr Y, ree- year directors, Percy Wri 'Cromarty, Frank Pentland; Lu 4 now. J. W. Brown, of the ,ardinai `, us- band.ry department, •Ontario /Agri- cul;tu're ()allege, Guelph, t'r guest speaker, :brought the mem '+ens up to date on aspects of pr' • il1Lg the testing ibeeif cattlie. Guests of the association were .thee, .59 - _4 `C1U-15". mmenibers who showed Hereford calves in 1955, with particular mention. • being given ite David Kirkland of the Lucknow 4-H Beef .Calf Club, co - winner of the 441 'provincial inter - beef competition, and to Keith Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia, winner of 'the Huron Hereford Associa- tion's past president's trophy for his thamipion Hereford calf. Reports en the two -herd sales held within the last year were given by the sales manager, James Coulees, who as a director of the Ontario Hereford Association, re- ported in that capacity as •well. 0 O • - Two workmen *ere having lunch one day. One opened his lunch box and opening up a sandwich saw that it was peanut butter and toss- ed it away. The next was meat which he ate. Then another pea- nut ,butter which he tossed, away. As he started another meat sand- wieh his pal said, "Sam, how long have you been married?" "Fifteen years," was the reply. "Well," said the pal; "I certainly would expect that in fifteen years your wife would have discovered that you don't like peanut butter." "You leave thy wife out of this," replied Sam. "I made those sand- wiches myself." Smart people stick' their arms out when making a turn in an auto. Others just stick their neck •out. 6440.410W41-4100,41* ' HIgitE ORDS•(Piir _D140WE The fourth annual fall sale spon- sored by the ' IIfuron ' Hereford As- soaiation in. Clinton, veceentiy, Shows a heady decrease in the average pr ' paid for registered des d Hl r f d cattleince the bead . ex ar. since first sale was heli in 1,9512. Average price paid, at the fair grounds was $253 i tjhis -Sae, for 35 heart. Last years eavera a for. 31 'head eras $2?3; 1953, .26 shad at $325, and, . in 1952, 31 head sold at $337. w... oop 'gaijin ;paid for a 'buil at Theis Lay's sale was $455 paid to Hirtzel Brothers of Crediton .by ,George Hawtin. Top iprice for a female, $340, als6 went to Hirtzel Brothers, with V. R. Bird, R.R. 2, 'Clinton, the buyer. Ten bulls' sold at an average of $339 while 12 ibaed;;female.s brought an average of $250. Seven cows with calves averaged $211, -while six open heifers averaged; $166. James.- R. Coates, of Belgrave, was sales manager, and -' W. S. O'Neil, of :Denfield, auctioneer. "Stanley Jackson, of Kippen, is pre- --sidient of the association. .wl. Aviejern-This 1s the besOing have. tit's pretty expeveh blit I.R give "you a good race. ,1 xbp lk your girl will be very pleased with. it. - Young Man–All right. I'll take it. And will you have "From 00. t0 Jessie 1 i . inside t, ,please? u� 4.Jeweler-#Now waA"mnu.► 4,c,a, Don't go over°! °I31444 thing... As; •I said �b+ , this 2,, an expensive ring. , Why d0,1erl$'0U be satisfied" wsth just "Fro Frankv' 4n int? Shoes worn off un- evenly show wrongly shaped, narrow in- nersoles, ill fitted o © weight bearing points. RESULTS: Wrong Body Balance, Wrong Posture, Pains o in Arches. • Leo. Back Ache s, Arthritic*, Neuritic Pains. SHOES which do not fit the 3 natural weight carrying points . Wrong Archsupports stop the action oftoes and cause shrinking of tendons and muscles. Results: BUNIONS HAMMERED TOES CALLUSES STOP TORTURING YOUR- SELF. STOP PILING UP WRONG SHOES. Have Any Style of Shoes Made After The Mould.. , of;,Your Own Feet. CaII for appointment or ask for pamphlet COURTIER CUSTOM BUILT SHOES 424 Waterloo St., Phone 2-9639 London, Ont. Consultation Without.. • •-ewligatidn. Orthopaedic 'Work Alterations Repairs f Seagram Men 'who think of tomorrow practice moderation today •fir fy..frfk�'f:+I�''E +; ;�`'y{` 'r.'.i•. •.'::'v '•.:� •riY Dodge MayfairV,$ Sedan You don't argue with a loco- motive. So a manufacturer of rail equipment has developed a lightweight rail inspection car that carries four people yet can be taken off the track by one man. Since men who design rail cars, aircraft and other trans- portation equipment regularly use aluminum to cut down dead •weight and iicrease pay load, it is no surprise that aluminum was used to replace heavier materials in many parts of this inspection car. The person, who will be surprised is the loco- motive engineer who first sees a rail inspector nonchalantly— and single-handedly — hoisting his scooter from the track. '*I' ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD. (ALCAN) "TRANS CANADA CREDIT LIFE -INSURED LOANS pay your piled -up bills, protect family security" DAVE ALLAN'S KIDS Sammy styled pus selector panel of Dodge E werFlite* is on your ' left, sagely out of passenger's way. Just four buttons to push-::- each buttcin lighted for fast, corner -of -your -eye selection at night. And there's no sleeve - catching' 1ever'anyw *Optional at rtira cart New Flight -Sweep styling... V8 power... PUSH BUTTON convenience... in the all new Dodge! BEAUTIFUL?—why, it's a one -car . beauty parade, demanding de- lighted second glances and rewarding every glance. Be ready to be admired when you're at the wheel of this fabulou,'56 Dodge. • ADVANCED,$—so far advanc&d that stepping into a new Dodge V-11 or 6 is like stepping right into the push-button age. What a thrilling -way to control up to 187 hOrsepower with your finger tip, smoothly, safely. ,Just touch a button to operate the world's finVest automatic transmission, PowerFIite! * In a '56 Dodge—on the high- way or in snail -paced traffic— you're "on vacation;' -every minute. No" i'or ides- jy-tiat .- the rising tide of Dodge popularity has put a glamourous new Deklge into the hands 'of enthusiastic owners in almost every block, neighbourhood, .and hamlet! See your Dodge dealer -see the new Dodge for '56 today! i MANUFACTURED IN f NAbA•'SY Cl fltVStER'CdltiPRATION OF CANADA, LIM,iTED • : tI> is drive this evai 'fle ir7var with tite'"For'ward 'Look THRIFTY POLE FOLM BURN OUR GOOD COAL -IT HELPS. THEM REACH THEIR SAVING GOAL Here's a wise couple that paid off piled -up bills with a Trans Canada Credit loan. He's a considerate husband because he protects his family's security with thelife insurance Trans Canada Credit- provides to its customers at no extra cost ... on loans up to $2,5001 No more scattered bills to pay ... no more irate 'creditors ... just one easy instalment each month, and the secure, comfortable knowledge.that-fife.:-insurance-protects's the -- whole amount. If,eraur present loan lacks this vital protection, call Trans Canada Credit right away. Thousands agree, from coast-to-coast that Trans Canada Credit is the place to go-, when you need' a cash lean in a hurry. Service is private, prompt and courteous. Rates are reasonable_,.. . . and there's a repayment plan to suit everyone. So when you need to borrow, see the all - Canadian company that thinks of your family's security. Phone or see you nearbyq 3'rai�s='G"aiiliilir"r'' mar►agee, tp :runts yeur life insured loan. - YOU'LL. REACH YOUR SAVINGS GOAL, WITH PLENTY TO SPARE 'WHEN YOU CALL ON OUR COAL TO HEAT YOUR ..HOME.