The Exeter Times, 1890-6-19, Page 4Estab ished (877 BANKER, EXETER, ONT rsnsects az eneral bank in g business. Receives the accounts of merchants and hers on favorable t ern*. Offers every accommodation consistent with afaandeouservativebankinsprineiples, Five p er emit interestallowed on deposits. T[ Deroht issue,nk yable at any office of the NOTES DISCOUNTED, k MONET TO MOAN ON NOTES AiD ,MORTGAGES, loyal Opposition, as we think Mr. Mowat would avow, were a fitting opportunity presented. At this dis. tance Mr. Meredith appears to be head and shoulders over all his Conservative followers, and no other head can be distinguished as prominent, Mr, Meredith as able and dignified, and when the time comes, as in the course of nature it must come,swhen Mr. Mowat lays down the reins of power his hands will be generally regarded as quite as safe to thrust them to as those of any other man on either side. THURSDAY.JUNE 19th, 1890.. A POPULAR ERROR. t sal: the late Local Electiosa CR113ai •n the stump orators on the l? � I? Reform side argued that if the Roman Catholic separate schools' were to be abolished that the t ho Protestant separate schools in the a s province et Quebec would also be abolished, and made very fervent appeals to the Protestant electors 01 Ontario Qrt behalf of their fellow Protestant countrymen in Quebec not to support the Meredith candi- dates, The Huntington °leaner of a recent date says that the Mowat party l.iixed things up badly on the school question, an that they (displayed some confusion of mind in putting the Separate or non- Catholic schools in Quebec on a par with the er,,Catinelic schools of Ontario. The Quebec Legisla- ture, it says, "has fastened upon "the aiisscmtinent scheols of Quebec "the name Protestant, but they are "no more Protestant than the Pub- lic schools of Ontario." The Public schools in Quebec are Catholic and the Separate schools non-sectarian; whereas in this province the Public schools are non-sectarian and the Separate Schools Catholic schools. The Gleaner begs us in Ontario not to believe the story that the majority in Quebec is opposed for selfish reasons to the abolition of Separate schools here. 'The "Protestants of (Quebec say to the "people of Ontario, Hew to the "line. They will risk what may be "dome to themselves in the way of "retaliation. All they ask, mean- while, is that their free, non -sec. "tarian schools be not classed along "with the schools favored ny Arch "bishops Walsh and Cleary." The theory that the Seperate school system in Ontario is the correlative of the Separate school system of Quebec, and that the existence of one depends on the existence of the other. There is no similitude what- ever between the two. The State in Quebec grants money to the Separate or dissentient schools sim- ply to enable them to teach the `Three R's, in the English language, to the English-speaking people. Those schools do not teach any particular form of religion. A Catho- lic child would not suffer in its faith by attending them. On the other hand, the Separate schools here are institutions which receive State aid for the express purpose of promulgating the Roman Catho- lic religior., and are as much a part of the machinery of that Church as the pulpit or the confessional. EDITORAL NOTES. AN Order -in -Council has been passed by the Dominion Govern- ment abolishing the use ofthe grain -tester as an arbiter between buyer and seller. Thenceforward no speciat law will be applicable to the estimation of the weight ot grain, and it will be for the buyer and seller to determine, by any method they may agree npnn, the weight value of the product. At filen same time prohibition will be operative against the use of the grain tester. For the private in. lormatien 4f any individual, he may use it to check other estimators, best the showing of the testor will be no longer final in buying and selling grain. Other means of tivelghing must be adopted. AN exchange says : The follow- ing statement of farm mortgages is taken from the Rankers" Monthly, which ought to be good authority on this subject : The interest was computed at the rate of six per cent., which is perhaps lower than the average Farm Mortgage. Interest. Kansas, - $ 235,000,000 $14,1100,000 Indiana, - 640,000,000 38,700,000 Tows, 577.000,000 34,020,000 Michigan, - 590,000,000 30,000,000 Wisconsin, - 307,000,000 22,020,000 Ohio, - . 1,127,0"0,000 67,620,000 THE Advocate of unrestricted re- ciprocity with the United States to catch the ear of the Canadian farmer and to gest them to fall in with their fad, assert that such an arrangement would then open to them a market ofsixty-two millions of people, and by having free ac- cess to the United States market they would receive a higher price for their different kinds of farm products; but the following, which is taken from the Chicago News. is not very encouraging to the farmers of Canaua in getting those high prices promised by the Advocate of this fad: Look how these prices affect thefarm- er : It now takes a load of potatoes to buy a pair of bouts, a big steer buys a plain suit or clothes for every day wear; it takes a good cow to buy a plain over- coat ; a load of corn supplies caps and mittens ; a load of oats will furnish a corresponding suit of underclothing. So that, when the farmer returns home from the country store, he carries on his person the value of a big steer, a good cow, and thirty bushels or more of corn, of oats and of potatoes. A VERY vexatitgus feature of the Ontario franchise law, remarks the Week, is the provision which causes electors who remove from the con- stituency for which they "are enroll- ed on the voters' list, before the day of polling, to forfeit their votes. Why. should a man who has lived in Ontario all his life be deprived of his vote because six mouths or six days before the elections he moves from Etobicoke to Scarboro', or from Toronto to Deer Park ? The Manhood Suffrage Act is greatly marred by a provision which, itis safe to say, disfranchised hundreds of electors in the recent r,> contest. The Official Returns. nes Polling Subdivision No 1. , .. 50 „ r, 44 2.... 75.. " t, ., 3.. . 79 ", 4,.,. 86 " 5,Q... 83 r, 6,,. 45 " 7...., 29 397 Majority for Bishop.. , . 150 STANLEY. Polling Subdivision No.1, . , . 61 ,. ., ., 2.. • 60 ., ,. „ 3.... 29 rf M 44 4.... 15 „ u 5.... 77 28 65 46 9 16 59 24 247 29 39 112 56 37 242 273 Majority for Holmes, . , , 31 GODEI{IQl3 "TOwwsnw,. Polling Subdivision No, 1. 36 ., 41 i. 2, • 15 u. « " 3..., 14 65 Majority for Holmes, , usTrInt,n. Polling Subdivision No.1, ... 20 Majority for Ptclmes... RECAPITULATION. Bishop. nobles. Seaforth, 249 144 118 323 359 247 273 172 83 1986 '73 54 45 172 107 83 63 The following is a statement of the votes polled for the respective candidates in the three ridings below mentioned, on the 5th inst., as shown by the official returns of the Returning Officers: SOUTH HURON. Bishop. Holmes, THAT old :Reform journal. the Montreal Witness, has this to say for Mr. Meredith. The Pro'vinee of Ontario owes a good deal to the honorable leader of. Her Majesty's SEAFOBTH. Polling Subdivison No. 1.... 99 " " 2.... 50 .. r. It .r ., " 3.... 47 •' 4.... 23 " 5.... 30 249 Majority for Bishop.... 105 TUCRERe1tIT1#, r, Polling Subdivision No. 1.... 75 11 " " 2.... 87 " 3....107 " 4....107 Tu okersnutb.,,.,.,,,.,. 4, 4 376 >yaborile. ....,......, 243 Exeter.... ... 119 Stephen., .,.,., 433 Staflay. 1e. . ....,.,42 Township— Godou. ah , , . 65 Rayfield ............... 20 2144 Majorty for Bishop. ., 1 58 The total number of votes polled at this election wan 4,130, as compared with 4,119 at the last election, and 3,729 at the previoua ene. The following is a statetnent of the votes cast at the last election : Bishop. Swenertan Tnekersmttb, 381 90 'Osborne, ........ 280 307 Stephen.,,....,....,,477 322 ..... • • 40767 186 Stanley.. ...... 252 255 Goderietl Township. , , 64 168 Seafortlt. 244 120 Exeter....... 113 291 Hayfield 35 67 2313 2313 1806 NOBT11 MIDDLESEX. The corrected majorities in the North Riding of Middlesex are as Wawa ; 1890. Waters.. Adelaide 100 Riddulpb Lobo ' 247 illcGillirray.,. E. Williams. 173 W. Williams 84. Ailsa Craig.... . , . 18 Lunn. ......, 1 arkbill '"ARIME R . RO .' STAR GROCERY Just Received a di- Hennesey'sBrandyin Casks Also other grades Brandy WHOLESALE Lake Huron, Lebra,orWhite dust received a consign Our Grocery Department is Complete I. Every Branch.' rest Importation of and Cases. Corby Whtske, French & Domestic Wines. AND RETAIL, Fish & Trout in Bbls.1-Z Ebis. ment of This Season's Teas THE KEY TO HEALTH, Vnlooks all the clogged avenues ot tho Bowels, Kidneys ansa Liver, car lug off gradually without weakening t r o aystem, all, the impurities and foul humors the secrettons• at the saute time Correcting Acidity of the Stoma, curing L13o uslesszD Ye - Pepsia, Headaeleets, Iiainese, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, D1XU?uess of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gene eral Debility. all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of :BU.RDOCIc BI:4001I BITTERS. T. 111LBUDIST C@., 1'xoprletots, Tomato, Great Bargaius AT THE Cheap CASH Store, Crediton. Ilatcbins, The undersigned will sell Dry Goods, Groceries,Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, etc., 204 at a great reduction, for (lash, or 'Butter and Eggs. .As he expects there will be a 50 change in the business on. September 1st, all accounts must be settled before that date. 154 Also a ftrst.elass farm for sale, contain - 75 ing 00 acres, with n first -elms brick -yard thereon. 022 539 Majority for waters, 83, 1886. "Waters, Morgan. Adelaide. .. ,. - .. 75 Biddnlph Lobo 106 MoGiItivraq.... 38 E. Williams, 139 W. Williams.....,91 Ailaa Craig 18 Lunn 130 Parkhill36 '_ 522 451 Majority for Waters, 71. 8013TH PERTH. Tho following are the official returns for South Perth for the 1886 and 1890 elec- tions ; TEICJI EASY. For further particulars apply to JOHN MITCHELL, June 10-3m. Cstl:nluo::. 252 GENTLEMEN'S Gold Watebes. 44 25 26 25 24 144 40 25 29 24 376 118 ' Majority for Bishop.... 258 1890 0 w 0 77.1 Pa St. Marys 3g6 Maj. 137 Blanshard.... 234 Maj Downie 413 Maj200 Fullarton 254 Maj24 Hibbert363 Maj217 Mitchell 156 Maj Logan 227 Maj S. Easthope238 Maj184 Totals 2241 BallantyneMaj. 631 usnoRNE. Polliog Subdivision No. 1.... 37 r, .. ., 2.... 88. ,, .� 3.... 45 54 '• 4.... 73 243 Majority for Holmes.... incETER. Polling Subdivision No. 1.... 26 ,, ., 2.... 20 .. ., 3.... 24 ., 4.... 49 119 Majority for Holmes....' .i. STEPREN. Polling Subdivision No. 1.... 43 ., 2.... 60 3.... 80 s, " 4.... ,92 .,. i. 5..., 74 ., ",';6....33 7.... 51 -- 433 Majority for Bishop.... 74 " 107 45 116. 55 323. 80 78 62 61 66 267 148 ce P4 1886 O 4 • 4 p ]r re a 219 345 299 Maj. 46 297 276 369 63 Maj. 93 213' 428 222 Maj, 206 230 263 262 Maj. 1 146 344 195 Maj.149 167 196 232 11 Maj. 36 2S4 268 306 57 Maj. 38 54 265 46 Maj. 219 1610 2385 1931 Maj. 454 NEWS NOTES. A newly wedded Pennsylvania couple have gone on a bycicle tour for their wedding trip. They took each other for weal or woe and they seem to be starting off on the wheel. The Thoroughbred Running Stallion,. I"EDINBUR G." Will stand for mares this season as follows : Monday, April26th. leave his own stable, Here- sell. and north to Dixon's hotel, B,ucefield. fer noon ; thence to Carl's hotel, Seafortb. for night, 1'uesdaY,Commeroiat hotel, Clinton. for noon; thence to Swartza hotel, Bayfield,� fQrndgbt, Wednesday, south on Rransan Lino to 131ako. for noon ; thence to Dasbweed, for night. Thursday south to 14hiva, thence east to Hill's hotel,t;rediton, for noon • thence via Loudon Road to Exeter, to Iawkshaw's hotel, for night, lrriday, via London Read to his own stable for noon and remain until the following Monday morning, JAUEs Balmy,. l'rdp. EMOVED DAVIDSON BROS.,. Builders and °entree-. orshave removed toSwallow's old stand, cor- ner Alain and Gidloy,treetsand are prepared to sell Doors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding *beeper than any other firm in town, Build- ingaoontracted for, Plans, Specifteetionsand Estimates furnished If required, All work done with neatness and despatch and sattsfae- ion given. Seasoned Lumber alwayson hand Pa' ?i4$oxs, Eros., Wd1. DAVIDSON. JUIN DAVIDSON NOTICE. 4 -rest, and New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY feat arrived at the family Grocery, Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one lb. Mayell's Baking Powder, Dashwood, Boller] Lour for sale. Call and examine our goods beforo pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYNDMAN. STANLEY. Stanley has aeeomplishcd more than any We have urit completed other discoverer before him and has made for himself a name that will go rolling the purchase of a large Whole- down for corning ages. People will hear of his achievements with wonder and amazement, and on all sides decorations and honors will overwhelm him, During his late expedition much labor and inconvenience would have been obviat- ed by a liberal use of OOTTg11Q'S sale Bankrupt Stock of Gen- tlemen's gold Watches, and are now offering our custom- ers these, goods at prices never again to be equalled. With those of our Exeter customers who cannot con- veniently visit the city at present, we will be pleased to open correspondence and forward goods on approbation to .reliable parties. Our ex- tensive business, wholesale and retail, enables us to sell goods on easy terms of pay- ment. It will pay you to write or call on us. Here since '55. N. B.—Masonic aprons, best quality, $2. 50 each. A. MORPHY & CO., Cor. Richmond and Dundas Sts., London, Ont - The Department of Indian Affairs is receiving private official information from Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, which contain most favor- able prognostications for the harvest. From these reports the harvest will be one of the finest in the annals of these distticta. A man named Erbb. residing at Gag town, New Brunswick, has placed in the possession of a Mr. Best for exam- ination some rock which he thought bore evidence of containing gold. Mr. Best has just reported that there is gold in it and of good quality. . Erbb claims there is lots of the same kind of rock on his farm. Frank Warren, living in Elmira, N. Y., while quarrelling with his wife a few days ago, was shot and instantly killed by his sixteen -year-old son. Warren was a fine-looking, robust man, and his wife is grief-stricken over the tragedy. Young Warren, who is a'school boy, has been arrested. He is very cool and collected, but says nothing.. News from Halifax a few days ago report eight men belonging to the Anted. - can fishing schooner Fannie ,A Spurt- ing missing. The . 'vessel arrived at 62 67 North Sidney on Friday last, and Capt. 67 Vale reports that they were out in 40 four dories on Wednesday, previous. off Cape North, when a atrone southeast 51 tide was running, anti the boats could. 48 not' reach the schooner. Nothing has, since been heart of the men, though the 859 schooner called at Aspey Bay and Anti gonish, C&$}1 M&RK ! FOR POULTRY, BUTTER., WASHING COMPOUND by the means of which all dirt and infec- tions of disease can beremoved and utterly destroyed. IT IS THE SAFEST, MOST EFFECTUAL AND ECONOMICAL washing compound that has ever been dis- covered, and the people of Canada use and appreciate it more every day. Be sure and ask your grocer for C. W. C. and let no amount of plausible excess induce you to take a substitute. BERT COTTOM, London, Ont , Wholesale Agont EGGS, Vegetables, —and all— Farm Produce. EXCEPT Crain., Wool, and Your chance in Life INTERCOLON IAI.I '`" RAILWAY OFt CANADA., The direct route between the and all paints on the Lower St, i.nwrepoa and hale don Citalonr,Province of @aebeo; also £or New Brunawiok,Nova 9cQtia,Prtnee tidward Cepallretoulaleues, andNowfoundtandend St. Pierre, r xproas trains leave gent real and Halifax darty (Sundays excepted) and ran through without change betv,een these noir&in 30 how, throegb express train cars of iho In* toroolonial hallway are brilliantly 1.Chtod by electricity andlteated by steam from the locomotive, thea greatly inoreneing the cern- fort and safety of travollers. New and elegant buI oteleoping and day care run outhrauch expresstrafns. Canadian -European Mail and. Passenger Route.. P.,esengorsforGroat Britain or the conti- nent by leaving Montt eel on a'riday tnoruing will join outward nail steamer at Halifax on Saturday. The attention of sbippers is directed toth* amp erior facilities offered by this routelor the transport of flour and general merchan- dise Intended for the Raetern Prevince>; and Newfoundland • also for sllipmente of grain andproduce inteudod for tae Enropean mar- ket Ttoketa may be obtained and Intone tion about tberoute: also freight and passenger ratea on art plication to N.WEATHBRSTON, western'reigbtrdPassengcr Agent 931tos.tnUousol3look,York tst.roronto D POTTINGEB. chief superintendent. Railway omce,bfonoton.N.f„Nov, 14, '49. 0 6i 014 One Door South of Post Office --IIIE IIAS---. A NEW AND COMPLETE ----STOCK OP-- k Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciit ity. Repairing promptly attendea to. ARE YOU A FARMER ? Go to the NEAR NORTH-WEST and secure land in the most fertile region iu the world, close to the g+oat markets of St. Paul. Minne- apolis and Duluth, where there is a ready mar- ket for all the products of the farm, '1n. one year von can save enough in railway freights alone to pay for a farm in a thickly settled district where exist all the advantages of schools, churches, and general civilization, You can procure for sixty cents an acre, as a first instalment—b+olance on long time at low interest --a faro, in the most flourishing State on the continent, described by the celebrated English ofioer, Col.Butler,as'TERTILE BSYOND nrscnnTroy.” Remembortbat 400miles from a shipping port means 15 cents a bushel for freight and elevator ehargcs,011of which you can save by settling on the lands here offered. ARE YOU A MECHANIC ? GEO. MANSON, Spring Goods In order to make space for Spring Goons We will close the • Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRICE FOR CASH ONLY INCLUDING : Overcoats for Men and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, ' Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and Astrachen Caps,l A nice stock of Fur Trimmings, heavy wool -lined .Kid Mitts and Gloves, for 75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes $2 We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash J MATHESON You are certain of employment at high wages in Minnesota, Factory hands and skilled laborers of every kind who want to better their fortunes should go to the progressive State of Minnesota. Rrt,Ennou that less:than twenty Gents' Dominion Labaty HEALQUATERS —FOR lel Pure Drugs; s Patent 3GIe'di cines Dye -stuffs, Perfumery and Toilet rising towns of Minnesota which ere growingdollarswill carry you to the great *ales and Articles. faster than any others in the world; St. Pout and Minneapolis are practically one great city with a combined population of half a million. l t THE GREAT LAND GRANT Z?reSSed liege, of the St.Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- way—much of it withheld from settlement for years—is now thrown wide open andpopula ion is flowing in amain. but there is room for all. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS At Rates which are Practically ONE FARE FOR, THE ROUND TRIP 000D FOR RETURN WITHIN 30 DAYS From date of sale, will leave all Canadian points for MINNESOTA will be opened on the Town Hall Grounds in Exeter, on M.A.-1,- 10, 1$e0, to be cuatinued weekly. MARKET HOURS : 7 a. m, to 1 o'clock p. n. This market is established by Village by-law. ' By order, B. of T. Or : pitcher's Castot'i= ' April 22nd and May 20th, 1890 Special inducements to Homeseekers a000m- panying May excursion. Further Particulars on application to J. B00gWALTER, Land Commissioner Great Northern Railway, St. Pail. Minnesota, or to the Travelling Land Agent4of the Company, GEORGE PURVIS. Masonic Temple, LONDON, Ontario, Canada. Minard's Liniment Lumbermen's friend. School Books and S'tationary,, Photo Frames, Albums, Purses, eta. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefully pre- pared from the purest Drugs. Remember the place, Sign,~` GOLDEN MORTAR, Main St Bron'e sn. i::